4-Aminobutanoic acid (4-aminobutyric acid; GABA)

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Reactions (1167)

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Structure/Compound Data Chemical Name: 4-amino-n-butyric acid Reaxys Registry Number: 906818

CAS Registry Number: 56-12-2 Type of Substance: acyclic Molecular Formula: C4H9NO2

Linear Structure Formula: H2N(CH2)3CO2H Molecular Weight: 103.121 InChI Key: BTCSSZJGUNDROE-UHFFFAOYSA-N


N° of preparations All Preps | All Reactions 102 prep out of 1167 reactions.

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Gros, Ludovic; Lorente, Silvia Orenes; Jimenez, Carmen; Yardley, Vanessa; Rattray, Lauren; Wharton, Hayley; Little, Susan; Croft, Simon L.; Ruiz-Perez, Luis M.; Gonzalez-Pacanowska, Dolores; Gilbert, Ian H.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 49, # 20 p. 6094 - 6103 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2005 , vol. 15, # 8 p. 1969 - 1972 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 13, # 2 p. 301 - 312 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2005 , vol. 54, # 10 p. 2452 - 2455 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Yang, Ting; Lin, Changxue; Fu, Hua; Jiang, Yuyang; Zhao, Yufen

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NuH, Nu for comp. 35

Wipf, Peter; Minion, Daniel J.; Halter, Robert J.; Berggren, Margareta I.; Ho, Caroline B.; Chiang, Gary G.; Kirkpatrick, Lynn; Abraham, Robert; Powis, Garth

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 2, # 13 p. 1911 - 1920 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Scheme 1, H2N(CH2)2CO2H

Suresh, Surisetti; Periasamy, Mariappan

Tetrahedron Letters, 2004 , vol. 45, # 33 p. 6291 - 6293 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

educt to 5

Shi, Yun; Kuzuya, Akinori; Machida, Kenzo; Komiyama, Makoto

Tetrahedron Letters, 2004 , vol. 45, # 19 p. 3703 - 3706 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Ikemoto, Tomomi; Ito, Tatsuya; Nishiguchi, Atsuko; Tomimatsu, Kiminori

Tetrahedron Letters, 2004 , vol. 45, # 51 p. 9335 - 9339 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

4c; GABA

Tsubaki, Kazunori; Tanaka, Hiroyuki; Morikawa, Hiroshi; Fuji, Kaoru

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Laval, Gilles; Golding, Bernard T.

Synlett, 2003 , # 4 p. 542 - 546 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Golovko; Solov'eva; Anisimova; Granik

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Petrenko; Petukhova; Shakirov; Shul'ts; Tolstikov

Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 36, # 7 p. 982 - 995 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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A-NH2 (c)

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Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 2002 , vol. 36, # 2 p. 72 - 76 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Lee, Jae Koo; Ahn, Ki Chang; Park, Oee Sook; Ko, Yong Kwan; Kim, Dae-Whang

Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2002 , vol. 50, # 7 p. 1791 - 1803 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Choi, Jin Seok; Lee, Hwa-Sun; Lee, Younjoo; Jeong, Nakcheol; Kim, Hack-Joo; Kim, Young-Deug; Han, Hogyu

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Zav'yalov; Dorofeeva; Rumyantseva; Kulikova; Ezhova; Kravchenko; Zavozin

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 2002 , vol. 36, # 8 p. 440 - 442 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2002 , vol. 124, # 10 p. 2177 - 2182 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Kurchan, Alexei N.; Kutateladze, Andrei G.

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Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1999 , vol. 77, # 7 p. 1288 - 1294 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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n=2, R1=H, R2=H

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84, n=2, X=CH2, R=H

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Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 44, # 8 p. 1231 - 1248 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Royer; Felpin; Doris

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 66, # 19 p. 6487 - 6489 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Salmon-Chemin; Buisine; Yardley; Kohler; Debreu; Landry; Sergheraert; Croft; Krauth-Siegel; Davioud-Charvet

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 548 - 565 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

7, n=3

Barczynski; Dega-Szafran; Dulewicz; Petryna; Szafran

Polish Journal of Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 74, # 8 p. 1149 - 1161 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

1, n=3

Leone-Bay; Freeman; O'Toole; Rosario-Gray; Salo-Kostmayer; Tai; Mercogliano; Baughman

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 43, # 19 p. 3573 - 3576 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Guenther, Robert; Stein, Anja; Bordusa, Frank

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 65, # 6 p. 1672 - 1679 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Conrad II, Peter G.; Givens, Richard S.; Weber, Joerg F. W.; Kandler, Karl

Organic Letters, 2000 , vol. 2, # 11 p. 1545 - 1547 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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GABA, Merck-450

Rothlin; Katz; Verbitsky; Elgoyhen

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Nair, M. Sivasankaran; Arasu, P. Thillai; Neelakantan; Pillai, M. Sankaranarayana

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section A Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 37, # 6 p. 512 - 516 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

2. educt to MS210

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Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1997 , vol. 20, # 2 p. 138 - 141 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

RBI cat./ G-012

Yoshimura; Yoshida; Taniyama

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Merck:450 (Tab.2,run 1)

Noyer, Michel; Gillard, Michel; Matagne, Alain; Henichart, Jean-Pierre; Wuelfert, Ernst

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Yu; Ticku

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Patent-Specific Data (22) Prophetic Compound

Related Markush Structure (RN)

Location in Patent


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prophetic product


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prophetic product


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prophetic product


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Hoechst Aktiengesellschaft

Patent: US5622934 A1, 1997 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hide facts Prophetic Compound

Related Markush Structure (RN)


prophetic product


Emisiphere Technologies, Inc.

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Aventis Pharma Limited

Patent: US6352977 B1, 2002 ;


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Derivative (18) Comment (Derivative)


Hydrochlorid: pK; Stabilitaetskonstante des Komplexes mit Cu(II)

Latosh et al.

J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1978 , vol. 48, p. 2287,2076 Full Text Show Details

NH4+-Salz: ΔF(cp)

Cabani et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases, 1977 , vol. 73, p. 476,478 Full Text Show Details

Hydrochlorid: ΔF(cp)

Cabani et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases, 1977 , vol. 73, p. 476,478 Full Text Show Details

protonierte Form: Rk. mit Propanal (K)

Bordat,C. et al.

Comptes Rendus des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie C: Sciences Chimiques, 1975 , vol. 281, p. 579 - 582 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hydrochlorid: aus 4-Phthalimidobuttersaeure u. verd. Salzsaeure, F:132grad

Kukalenko et al.

Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimii, 1973 , vol. 9, p. 1401,1430 Full Text Show Details

Hydrochlorid: C4H9NO2*HCl; Roe.-Krist.-Strukt. (Verfeiner.); Elementarzelle, Bindungslaengen, winkel

Steward et al.

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, 1973 , vol. 29, p. 2825,2826 Full Text Show Details

Hydrochlorid: F: 130-131.5grad (aus A.+Ae.) S.201,202

Woronkina et al.

Biol. Akt. Soedin., 1965 , p. 199,202 Full Text Show Details

Pikranolat: F:218-219grad

Schuette et al.

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1964 , vol. 680, p. 93,102 Full Text Show Details

CaCl2-Addukt: F: 217-220grad


Seikagaku, 1964 , vol. 36, p. 756 Chem.Abstr., 1965 , vol. 62, # 11680d Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lactam: Rk. mit COF2 (75grad und 125grad je 1h) -> N-Fluorformyl-α,α-difluortetramethylenimin, N-Fluorformyl-butyrolactam

Fawcett,F.S. et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1962 , vol. 84, p. 4275 - 4285 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lactam: siehe System-Nr. 3179/C4/(5/0)

Kolasow et al.

Zhurnal Fizicheskoi Khimii, 1962 , vol. 36, p. 770,775 p. 400 Full Text Show Details

Polyamid: B:Pyrrolidon-(2), Katalysatoren bei 20grad


Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1960 , p. 1838 Full Text Show Details

Polyamid: physikalische und mechanische Eigenschaften


Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1960 , p. 1838 Full Text Show Details

Iodid: Trennung durch Hochspannungs-Papierelektrophorese

Heilbronn; Carlsson

Journal of Chromatography, 1960 , vol. 4, p. 257,258, 259 Chem.Abstr., 1961 , # 5634 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ammoniumsalz: papierchromatogr. Isol. und Identifizierung


Journal of Chromatography, 1960 , vol. 3, p. 389,390-405 Chem.Abstr., 1961 , vol. 55, # 7267 Full Text Show Details

Polyamid: Kinetik der Bildung durch katalytische Polymersation von Pyrrolidon-(2)


Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1960 , p. 1838 Full Text Show Details

Polyamid: Rk.-mech. der Bildung durch katalytische Polymerisation von Pyrrolidon-(2)


Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1960 , p. 1838 Full Text Show Details

platinum (II)-salt Further Data see Handbook (Solubility)

Wolschtein; Mogilewkina

Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1956 , vol. 110, p. 83,84 Pr.Acad.Sci.U.S.S.R., 106-111<1956>531 Full Text Show Details

Purification (1) Reference Zamorani et al.

Gazzetta Chimica Italiana, 1968 , vol. 98, p. 468 Full Text Show Details

Parmentier; Vanderhaeghe

Journal of Chromatography, 1960 , vol. 4, p. 228,229-232 Chem.Abstr., 1961 , vol. 55, # 3305 Full Text Show Details

Biserte et al.

Journal of Chromatography, 1960 , vol. 3, p. 25,26-47 Chem.Abstr., 1960 , vol. 54, # 18651 Full Text Show Details

Physical Data Melting Point (24) Melting Point

Solvent (Melting Point)

Comment (Melting Point)


203 °C

Goud, N. Rajesh; Suresh, Kuthuru; Nangia, Ashwini

Crystal Growth and Design, 2013 , vol. 13, # 4 p. 1590 - 1601 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

201.3 - 204.2 °C

Dichi, Emma; Sghaier, Mehrez; Fraisse, Bernard; Bonhomme, Francois

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2011 , vol. 59, # 6 p. 703 - 709 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

192 °C

aq. ethanol

Mulla; Gurubasavaraj; Nandibewoor

Polish Journal of Chemistry, 2003 , vol. 77, # 12 p. 1833 - 1840 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Seregar; Hiremath; Nandibewoor

Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie, 2006 , vol. 220, # 5 p. 615 - 629 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

202 °C



Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research, 1994 , vol. 44, # 3 p. 261 - 266 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

202 °C

Sasaki; Mori; Nakamura; Shibasaki

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1991 , vol. 34, # 2 p. 628 - 633 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

203 - 205 °C

H2O ethanol

Kohama; Matsumoto; Mimura; Tanabe; Inada; Nakanishi

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1987 , vol. 35, # 6 p. 2484 - 2489 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

205 - 208 °C

H2O ethanol


Haeusler, Johannes

Monatshefte fuer Chemie, 1987 , vol. 118, p. 865 - 870 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

203 °C

ethanol H2O


Daigo; Inamori; Takemoto

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1986 , vol. 34, # 5 p. 2243 - 2246 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

200 - 201 °C

Yanushyavichyute, R. P.; Paulyukonis, A. B.; Kazlauskas, D. A.

Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 1983 , vol. 19, # 3 p. 246 Khimiya Prirodnykh Soedinenii, 1983 , # 2 p. 246 - 247 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

200 - 201 °C

H2O ethanol diethyl ether

Takemoto; Takagi; Nakajima; Koike

Yakugaku zasshi : Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, 1975 , vol. 95, # 2 p. 176 - 179 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

203 °C

Steward et al.

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, 1973 , vol. 29, p. 2038 Full Text Show Details

193 °C


Chemische Berichte, 1909 , vol. 42, p. 367 Full Text Show Details

Meiya et al.

J. Appl. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1972 , vol. 45, p. 692,707 Full Text Show Details

134 - 136 °C


Kojima et al.

Yakugaku Zasshi, 1972 , vol. 92, p. 465,469 Chem.Abstr., 1972 , vol. 77, # 34230 Full Text Show Details

216 °C

Grobbelaar; Steward

Phytochemistry (Elsevier), 1969 , vol. 8, p. 553,557 Full Text Show Details

193 - 194 °C

aq. ethanol


Nippon Kagaku Zasshi, 1969 , vol. 90, p. 404,405,408 Full Text Show Details

183 - 185 °C


Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica, 1966 , vol. 23, p. 114,118, 119 Full Text Show Details

194 - 195 °C

Ito; Hashimoto

Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 1965 , vol. 29, p. 832,835 Full Text Show Details

193 - 194 °C

Arendaruk et al.

Meditsinskaya Promyshlennost SSSR, 1963 , vol. 17, p. 6 Chem.Abstr., 1963 , vol. 59, # 11234d Full Text View citing articles Show Details

192 - 197 °C

Durand et al.

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1962 , vol. 14, p. 562,564 Full Text Show Details

200 - 202 °C

Colonge,J.; Pouchol,J.-M.

Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1962 , p. 598 - 603 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hide facts Melting Point

Solvent (Melting Point)

Comment (Melting Point)


196 °C

bei langsamem Erhitzen.

Karrer; Widmer

Helvetica Chimica Acta, 1926 , vol. 9, p. 890 Full Text Show Details

200 °C

bei raschem Erhitzen.

Karrer; Widmer

Helvetica Chimica Acta, 1926 , vol. 9, p. 890 Full Text Show Details

203 °C

aq. ethanol


Abderhalden; Kautzsch

Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fuer Physiologische Chemie, 1912 , vol. 81, p. 297 Full Text Show Details

202 °C


Tafel; Stern

Chemische Berichte, 1900 , vol. 33, p. 2235 Full Text Show Details

Density (2) Density

Type (Density)


1.253 g·cm-3


Dobson; Gerkin

Acta Crystallographica, Section C: Crystal Structure Communications, 1996 , vol. 52, # pt 12 p. [d]3075-3078 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

1.21 g·cm-3

Steward et al.

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, 1973 , vol. 29, p. 2038 Full Text Show Details

Adsorption (MCS) (2) Partner (Adsorption (MCS))

Solvent (Adsorption (MCS))

Temperature (Adsorption (MCS))

Further physical properties of the adsorbed molecule

silica gel


19 °C

Basiuk, V. A.; Gromovoy, T. Yu.; Khil'chevskaya, E. G.

Polish Journal of Chemistry, 1994 , vol. 68, # 4 p. 777 782 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Adsorption isotherm

KU-2 resin, KB-4P-2 resin


Murav'ev, D. H.; Obrezkov, O. N.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1986 , vol. 60, # 2 p. 232 - 235 Zhurnal Fizicheskoi Khimii, 1986 , vol. 60, p. 396 - 401 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Description (Adsorption (MCS))


Association (MCS) (24) Description (Association (MCS))

Partner (Association (MCS))

Solvent (Association (MCS))

Temperature (Association (MCS))


Comment (Association (MCS))

Association with compound


aq. buffer

37 °C

Oukhatar, Fatima; Mme, Sandra; Mme, William; Szeremeta, Frdric; Logothetis, Nikos K.; Angelovski, Goran; Tth, va

ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2015 , vol. 6, # 2 p. 219 - 225 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Association with compound

C25H22N2O7S; C25H21N2O7S(1); C25H20N2O7S(2-)

dimethyl sulfoxide

supporting information

Mart, Almudena; Costero, Ana M.; Gavia, Pablo; Parra, Margarita

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 2015, # 30 p. 6597 - 6601 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

NMR spectrum of the complex



22 °C

Tsubaki, Kazunori; Tanaka, Hiroyuki; Morikawa, Hiroshi; Fuji, Kaoru

Tetrahedron, 2003 , vol. 59, # 18 p. 3195 3199 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

UV/VIS spectrum of the complex



20 °C

Tsubaki, Kazunori; Tanaka, Hiroyuki; Morikawa, Hiroshi; Fuji, Kaoru

Tetrahedron, 2003 , vol. 59, # 18 p. 3195 3199 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stability constant of the complex with ...



37 °C

Nair, M. Sivasankaran; Arasu, P. Thillai; Neelakantan; Pillai, M. Sankaranarayana

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section A Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical


Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 37, # 6 p. 512 - 516 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stability constant of the complex with ...



37 °C

Nair, M. Sivasankaran; Arasu, P. Thillai; Neelakantan; Pillai, M. Sankaranarayana

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section A Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 37, # 6 p. 512 - 516 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stability constant of the complex with ...



25 °C

Buschmann, Hans-Juergen; Cleve, Ernst; Mutihac, Lucia; Schollmeyer, Eckhard

Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 1998 , vol. 43, # 10 p. 941 - 944 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stability constant of the complex with ...


H2O acetonitrile

Ratio of solvents: 50percent

Dos Santos, Osvaldo; Lajmi, Ajay R.; Canary, James W.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1997 , vol. 38, # 25 p. 4383 - 4386 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Spectrum of the complex

N-[10-(1,4,7,10,13-Pentaoxa-16-aza-cyclooctadec16-ylmethyl)-anthracen-9-ylmethyl]-guanidine; compound with nitric acid

CDCl3 tetradeuteriomethanol

NMR spectrum Ratio of solvents: 3:2, v/v

De Silva, A. Prasanna; Gunaratne, H. Q. Nimal; McVeigh, Catherine; Maguire, Glenn E. M.; Maxwell, Pamela R. S.; O'Hanlon, Emma

Chemical Communications, 1996 , # 18 p. 2191 - 2192 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stability constant of the complex with ...

N-[10-(1,4,7,10,13-Pentaoxa-16-aza-cyclooctadec16-ylmethyl)-anthracen-9-ylmethyl]-guanidine; compound with nitric acid

methanol H2O

Ratio of solvents: 3:2, v/v

De Silva, A. Prasanna; Gunaratne, H. Q. Nimal; McVeigh, Catherine; Maguire, Glenn E. M.; Maxwell, Pamela R. S.; O'Hanlon, Emma

Chemical Communications, 1996 , # 18 p. 2191 - 2192 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further physical properties of the complex



25 °C

Gallardo, Maria A.; Lilley, Terence H.; Linsdell, Helen; Lu, Yan; Otin, Santos; Ward, Allison J.

Journal of the Chemical Society - Faraday Transactions, 1996 , vol. 92, # 24 p. 4983 4986 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stability constant of the complex with ...


Askew, Benny C.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1990 , vol. 31, # 30 p. 4245 - 4248 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further physical properties of the complex

o-phthalic dicarboxaldehyde; Fluorescence: 360 nm (exitation), 440 nm (emision);

acetonitrile H2O

Ratio of solvents: KH2PO4 buffer,pH=2.8

Sunol, Cristina; Artigas, Francesc; Tusell, Josep M.; Gelpi, Emilio

Analytical Chemistry, 1988 , vol. 60, p. 649 - 651 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stability constant of the complex with ...


methanol H2O

25 °C

Ratio of solvents: 90percentv/v

Schmidtchen, F. P.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1986 , vol. 51, # 26 p. 5161 - 5168 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stability constant of the complex with ...


methanol H2O

25 °C

Ratio of solvents: 90percentv/v

Schmidtchen, F. P.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1986 , vol. 51, # 26 p. 5161 - 5168 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Association with compound


25 °C

Kimura, Eiichi; Fujioka, Haruto; Kodama, Mutsuo

Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical

cyclooctadecane; H2O, NaClO4

Communications, 1986 , # 15 p. 1158 - 1159 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further physical properties of the complex


-213.1 26.9 °C

Emori, Shuji; Noguchi, Toshihiko; Muto, Yoneichiro

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1985 , vol. 58, # 9 p. 2733 - 2734 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

IR spectrum of the complex


Emori, Shuji; Noguchi, Toshihiko; Muto, Yoneichiro

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1985 , vol. 58, # 9 p. 2733 - 2734 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

IR spectrum of the complex


Emori, Shuji; Noguchi, Toshihiko; Muto, Yoneichiro

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1985 , vol. 58, # 9 p. 2733 - 2734 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Further physical properties of the complex


20 °C

Emori, Shuji; Noguchi, Toshihiko; Muto, Yoneichiro

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1985 , vol. 58, # 9 p. 2733 - 2734 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hide facts Description (Association (MCS))

Partner (Association (MCS))

Solvent (Association (MCS))

Temperature (Association (MCS))

NMR spectrum of the complex

cadmium perchlorate


26 - 29 °C

Wang; Gilpin

Analytical Chemistry, 1983 , vol. 55, # 3 p. 493 - 497 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further physical properties of the complex



Srivastava, R. C.; Bhise, S. B.

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 1983 , vol. 60, p. 1135 - 1141 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Further physical properties of the complex

chlorpromazine hydrochloride


Srivastava, R. C.; Bhise, S. B.

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 1983 , vol. 60, p. 1135 - 1141 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Stability constant of the complex with ...

Alner et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society [Section] A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical, 1968 , p. 417,420 Full Text Show Details


Chromatographic Data (8) Chromatographic data

Original string



GC (Gas chromatography)

Man, Shuli; Li, Yuanyuan; Fan, Wei; Gao, Wenyuan; Liu, Zhen; Li, Nan; Zhang, Yao; Liu, ChangXiao

International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2013 , vol. 454, # 1 p. 296 - 301 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yu, Xinyu; Luo, Jia; Chen, Lijun; Zhang, Chengxiang; Zhang, Rutan; Hu, Qi; Qiao, Shanlei; Li, Lei

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 85 p. 69800 69812 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wu, Yu; Fu, Yuying; Rao, Chenglong; Li, Wenwen; Liang, Zihong; Zhou, Chanjuan; Shen, Peng; Cheng, Pengfei; Zeng, Li; Zhu, Dan; Zhao, Libo; Xie, Peng

Behavioural Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 308, p. 115 - 127 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

HPLC (High

Al-Sammak, Maitham Ahmed; Hoagland,

Kyle D.; Snow, Daniel D.; Cassada, David

Toxicon, 2013 , vol. 76, p. 316 - 325 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ordez; Sainz; Callejn; Troncoso; Torija; Garca-Parrilla

Food Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 178, p. 221 - 228 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Song, Qingqing; Song, Yuelin; Zhang, Na; Li, Jun; Jiang, Yong; Zhang, Kerong; Zhang, Qian; Tu, Pengfei

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 71 p. 57372 57382 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Servillo, Luigi; Giovane, Alfonso; Casale, Rosario; Balestrieri, Maria Luisa; Cautela, Domenico; Paolucci, Marina; Siano, Francesco; Volpe, Maria Grazia; Castaldo, Domenico

Food Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 196, p. 1301 - 1309 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Li, Lei; Yu, Xinyu; Qiao, Shanlei; Wang, Di; Dai, Jiayong; Wang, Jun; Zhang, Rutan; Wang, Li

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 31 p. 25751 25765 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bergh, Marianne Skov-Skov; Bogen, Inger Lise; Lundanes, Elsa; Øiestad, Åse Marit Leere

Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2016 , vol. 1028, p. 120 - 129 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Herrera, Andrea; Muñoz, Patricia; Paris, Irmgard; Díaz-Veliz, Gabriela; Mora, Sergio; Inzunza, Jose; Hultenby, Kjell; Cardenas, Cesar; Jaña, Fabián; Raisman-Vozari, Rita; Gysling, Katia; Abarca, Jorge; Steinbusch, Harry W. M.; Segura-Aguilar, Juan

Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 2016 , vol. 73, # 18 p. 3583 - 3597 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wojnicz, Aneta; Avendaño-Ortiz, José; de Pascual, Ricardo; Ruiz-Pascual, Lucía; García, Antonio G.; Ruiz-Nuño, Ana

Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2016 , vol. 51, # 8 p. 651 - 664 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

performance liquid chromatography)

GC (Gas chromatography)

R.T. 24.104

Page/Page column 27; 28

The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.; Li, Wensheng; Uppalapati, Srinivasa Rao; Mysore, Kirankumar S.; Dixon, Richard A.; Sumner, Lloyd W.

Patent: US9238821 B2, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

HPLC (High performance liquid chromatography)

Paragraph 0032

Shanghai Pharmaceutical on the first biochemical Pharmaceutical Co; Yuan, Yonglei; Ding, Jinguo; Huang, Zhenghui; Li, Yingfei

Patent: CN105669480 A, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

GC (Gas chromatography)

supporting information

Lee, Gyu Min; Suh, Dong Ho; Jung, Eun Sung; Lee, Choong Hwan

Molecules, 2016 , vol. 21, # 7 art. no. 921 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

HPLC (High performance liquid chromatography)

As the HPLC column, a XTerra column (Waters: RP 18 5 m, 4.6 mm×150 mm) was used. As mobile phases, 0.05M sodium acetate (pH 7.2) was used as a solvent A, and a mixture (pH 7.2) in which 0.1M sodium acetate, acetonitrile (HPLC grade) and methanol (HPLC grade) were mixed in a ratio of 46:44:10 (v/v/v) was used as a solvent B. Concentration gradients of the mobile phases were as follows: starting the analysis with the solvent A being 100percent, the solvent B was made to be 100percent after 30 minutes, the solvent B was made to be 100percent until after 40 minutes, the solvent A was made to be 100percent again until

Paragraph 0101; 0102

PARK, Chang-Seo; NAM, Sang-June; CHOI, Wang-Keun; PYUN, Yu-Ryang; CHO, HyungYong; CHO, Seok-Cheol; KOOK, Moo-Chang; LEE, Chang-Woo; CHUNG, So-Young

Patent: US2015/44313 A1, 2015 ;

after 45 minutes and the solvent A was made to be 100percent until after 60 minutes. The flow rate of the mobile phase was fixed to be 1 ml/min. and the GABA was detected with a U.V. detector. Under these conditions, the holding time of GABA and glutamate were 21.01 and 9.89 minutes, respectively and a limit concentration of the detection was 0.1 mM. In addition, if the concentration of the GABA exceeds 10 mM, since it exceeds the upper limit of the detector, it was diluted to correspond to it and then measured. At this time, 99percent GABA from Sigma which was commercialized for reagent was used as a standard material.

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

HPLC (High performance liquid chromatography) UPLC (Ultra performance liquid chromatography)

Wagner, Michel; Ohlund, Leanne B.; Shiao, Tze Chieh; Vzina, Amlie; Annabi, Borhane; Roy, Ren; Sleno, Lekha

Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2015 , vol. 29, # 18 p. 1632 1640 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

UPLC (Ultra performance liquid chromatography)

He, Bosai; Bi, Kaishun; Jia, Ying; Wang, Jiahong; Lv, Chunxiao; Liu, Ran; Zhao, Longshan; Xu, Huarong; Chen, Xiaohui; Li, Qing

Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2013 , vol. 48, # 8 p. 969 - 978 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rangiah, Kannan; Palakodeti, Dasaradhi

Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2013 , vol. 27, # 21 p. 2439 2452 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pan, Yilin; Li, Jin; Li, Xiang; Chen, Jianwei; Bai, Ganggang

Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2014 , vol. 35, # 1 p. 197 - 203 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Compressibility (1) Description (Compressibility)

Comment (Compressibility)


Adiabatic compressibility

temperature dependence

Likhodi, Olga; Chalikian, Tigran V.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2000 , vol. 122, # 33 p. 7860 - 7868 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Conformation (1) Object of Investigation



Dobson; Gerkin

Acta Crystallographica, Section C: Crystal Structure Communications, 1996 , vol. 52, # pt 12 p. [d]3075-3078 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

De Vries, Elise J. C.; Levendis, Demetrius C.; Reece, Hayley A.

CrystEngComm, 2011 , vol. 13, # 10 p. 3334 - 3337 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Crystal Phase (8) Description (Crystal Phase)

Comment (Crystal Phase)


Crystal structure determination

a=11.96 Angstroem, c=15.28 Angstroem, n=16. Temperature: 296 K. Method of determination: Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction

Dobson; Gerkin

Acta Crystallographica, Section C: Crystal Structure Communications, 1996 , vol. 52, # pt 12 p. [d]3075-3078 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Crystal structure determination

β=110.6 grad, a=8.21 Angstroem, b=10 Angstroem, c=7.21 Angstroem. Temperature: 122 K. Method of determination: Neutron Diffraction

Weber, Hans-Peter; Craven, B. M.; McMullan, R. K.; Nowell, I. W.

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Science, 1983 , vol. 39, p. 360 - 366 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Crystal structure determination

β=110.6 grad, a=8.22 Angstroem, b=10.01 Angstroem, c=7.21 Angstroem, n=4. Temperature: 122 C. Method of determination: X-ray Diffraction

Craven, B.M.; Weber, H.-P.

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Science, 1983 , vol. 39, p. 743 - 748 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Interplanar spacing

Weber, Hans-Peter; Craven, B. M.; McMullan, R. K.; Nowell, I. W.

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Science, 1983 , vol. 39, p. 360 - 366 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Solid state structure properties

Warner; Steward

Journal of Molecular Structure, 1975 , vol. 25, p. 403,407 Full Text Show Details

Crystal structure determination


Crowfoot-Hodkin;Cowan; zit. bei Synge

Biochemical Journal, 1951 , vol. 48, p. 429,432 Full Text Show Details

Steward et al.

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, 1973 , vol. 29, p. 2038 Full Text Show Details

Crystal structure determination

Steward et al.

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, 1973 , vol. 29, p. 2038 Full Text Show Details

Tomita et al.

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1973 , vol. 46, p. 2199,2203 Full Text Show Details

Crystal structure determination


Crowfoot-Hodkin;Cowan; zit. bei Synge

Biochemical Journal, 1951 , vol. 48, p. 429,432 Full Text Show Details

Crystal Property Description (2) Colour & Other Properties



Cook, Matthew C.; Witherell, Ross D.; White, Robert L.

Letters in Drug Design and Discovery, 2010 , vol. 7, # 1 p. 9 - 13 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ma, Shutao; Jiao, Bo; Ju, Yongjing; Zheng, Manjie; Ma, Ruixin; Liu, Lin; Zhang, Ling; Shen, Xuecui; Ma, Chenchen; Meng, Ya; Wang, Hui; Qi, Yunkun; Ma, Xiaodong; Cui, Wenping

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 46, # 2 p. 556 - 566 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Abderhalden; Kautzsch

Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fuer Physiologische Chemie, 1912 , vol. 81, p. 297 Full Text Show Details

Crystal System (2) Crystal System



Crowfoot-Hodkin;Cowan; zit. bei Synge

Biochemical Journal, 1951 , vol. 48, p. 429,432 Full Text Show Details

Dobson; Gerkin

Acta Crystallographica, Section C: Crystal Structure Communications, 1996 , vol. 52, # pt 12 p. [d]3075-3078 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Crowfoot-Hodkin;Cowan; zit. bei Synge

Biochemical Journal, 1951 , vol. 48, p. 429,432 Full Text Show Details

Weber, Hans-Peter; Craven, B. M.; McMullan, R. K.; Nowell, I. W.

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Science, 1983 , vol. 39, p. 360 - 366 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Craven, B.M.; Weber, H.-P.

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Science, 1983 , vol. 39, p. 743 - 748 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Decomposition (1) Reference Takeuchi,S.; Yonehara,H.

Journal of Antibiotics, Series A, 1961 , vol. XIV, # 1 p. 44 - 53 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dielectric Constant (1) Reference Pottel et al.

Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft, 1975 , vol. 79, p. 278,279,281,282,284 Full Text Show Details

Edward; Farrell; Job

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1974 , vol. 96, # 3 p. 902 - 906 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Edward et al.

Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1973 , vol. 77, p. 2191,2194 Full Text Show Details

Dissociation Exponent (50) Dissociation Exponent (pK)

Dissociation Group

Temperature (Dissociation Exponent)

Solvent (Dissociation Exponent)

Method (Dissociation Exponent)

Type (Dissociation Exponent)


Comment (Dissociation Exponent)



25.04 °C

water methanol



supporting information


Bernier, Nicolas; Esteves, Catarina V.; Delgado, Rita

Tetrahedron, 2012 , vol. 68, # 24 p. 4860 4868 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


25.04 °C

water methanol



supporting information


Bernier, Nicolas; Esteves, Catarina V.; Delgado, Rita

Tetrahedron, 2012 , vol. 68, # 24 p. 4860 4868 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details





Garcia-Acosta, Beatriz; Martinez-Manez, Ramon; Ros-Lis, Jose V.; Sancenon, Felix; Soto, Juan

Tetrahedron Letters, 2008 , vol. 49, # 12 p. 1997 - 2001 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

-1.02776 -1.00647


10 - 37 °C



Gorostidi, Gerardo R. Echevarria; Castellanos, M. Gabriela; Perez, Piedad Martin; Santos, Jose G.; Blanco, Francisco Garcia

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2003 , vol. 76, # 3 p. 523 - 528 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


35 °C



Jelinska, Anna; Zaja, Marianna

Pharmazie, 1996 , vol. 51, # 3 p. 162 - 164 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

-0.61 - -0.62


50 - 125 °C



Wang, Peiming; Oscarson, John L.; Gillespie, Sue E.; Izatt, Reed M.; Cao, Hongjie

Journal of Solution Chemistry, 1996 , vol. 25, # 3 p. 243 - 266 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



24.9 °C




Mossine; Glinsky; Feather

Carbohydrate Research, 1994 , vol. 262, # 2 p. 257 - 270 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



24.9 °C




Mossine; Glinsky; Feather

Carbohydrate Research, 1994 , vol. 262, # 2 p. 257 - 270 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

4.09 - 4.24

25 °C

H2O various solvent(s)



Brandariz, I.; Fiol, S.; Herrero, R.; Vilarino, T.; Vicente, M. Sastre de

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 1993 , vol. 38, # 4 p. 531 - 533 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

10.36 - 10.38

25 °C

H2O various solvent(s)



Brandariz, I.; Fiol, S.; Herrero, R.; Vilarino, T.; Vicente, M. Sastre de

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 1993 , vol. 38, # 4 p. 531 - 533 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles

Show Details



25 °C




Fini; De Maria; Guarnieri; Varoli

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1987 , vol. 76, # 1 p. 48 - 52 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



25 °C

dimethylsulfoxide H2O



Ratio of solvents: 80percent w/w

Fini; De Maria; Guarnieri; Varoli

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1987 , vol. 76, # 1 p. 48 - 52 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



25 °C


Bismondo, Arturo; Rizzo, Luigi; Di Bernardo, Plinio; Zanonato, Pier Luigi

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (19721999), 1987 , p. 695 - 698 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



25 °C




Hughes, David L.; Bergan, James J.; Grabowski, Edward J. J.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1986 , vol. 51, # 13 p. 2579 - 2585 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



25 °C




Hughes, David L.; Bergan, James J.; Grabowski, Edward J. J.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1986 , vol. 51, # 13 p. 2579 - 2585 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


25 °C

methanol H2O


Ratio of solvents: 90percent

Schmidtchen, F. P.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1986 , vol. 51, # 26 p. 5161 - 5168 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Jacobsen; Labouta; Schaumburg; Falch; Krogsgaard-Larsen

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1982 , vol. 25, # 10 p. 1157 - 1162 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Jacobsen; Labouta; Schaumburg; Falch; Krogsgaard-Larsen

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1982 , vol. 25, # 10 p. 1157 - 1162 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



37 °C




Nair, M. Sivasankaran; Santappa, M.

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1981 , vol. 20, # 10 p. 990 - 993 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



37 °C




Nair, M. Sivasankaran; Santappa, M.

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1981 , vol. 20, # 10 p. 990 - 993 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Show next 20

Hide facts

Dissociation Exponent (pK)

Dissociation Group

Temperature (Dissociation Exponent)

Solvent (Dissociation Exponent)

Method (Dissociation Exponent)

Type (Dissociation Exponent)



30 °C




Comment (Dissociation Exponent)

Reference Ramanujam, V. V.; Rengaraj, K.

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1980 , vol. 19, # 4 p. 382 - 384 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



30 °C




Ramanujam, V. V.; Rengaraj, K.

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1980 , vol. 19, # 4 p. 382 - 384 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

(pk')p(K1),p(K2) in Wasser und DMSO (Tab.I); Δp(K) : Substitutionseffekt auf pK (Tab.II); p(K)(COOH) bei versch. Wasser/DMSO Mischungen (Fig.1)

Edward et al.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1979 , vol. 44, p. 615 Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1979 , vol. 13, # 11 p. 1112,1114,1117 Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal, 1979 , vol. 13, # 11 p. 10 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


20 °C




Edward,J.T. et al.

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1978 , vol. 56, p. 1122 - 1129 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


30 °C




Edward,J.T. et al.

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1978 , vol. 56, p. 1122 - 1129 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


40 °C




Edward,J.T. et al.

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1978 , vol. 56, p. 1122 - 1129 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


10 °C




Edward,J.T. et al.

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1978 , vol. 56, p. 1122 - 1129 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


25 °C




Edward,J.T. et al.

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1978 , vol. 56, p. 1122 - 1129 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


40 °C




Edward,J.T. et al.

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1978 , vol. 56, p. 1122 - 1129 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


30 °C




Edward,J.T. et al.

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1978 , vol. 56, p. 1122 - 1129 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


25 °C




Edward,J.T. et al.

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1978 , vol. 56, p. 1122 - 1129 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


20 °C




Edward,J.T. et al.

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1978 , vol. 56, p. 1122 - 1129 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


10 °C




Edward,J.T. et al.

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1978 , vol. 56, p. 1122 - 1129 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

(k')in Methanol, Wasser

Chattopadhyay; Lahiri

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical, 1977 , vol. 15, p. 930 Full Text Show Details

(k')in Ethanol, Wasser

Chattopadhyay; Lahiri

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical, 1977 ,

vol. 15, p. 930 Full Text Show Details

(pk')pK(1), pK(2) berechnet aus NMR

Kostromina et al.

Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry, 1975 , vol. 11, p. 469,471 Full Text Show Details


Means et al.

Biochemistry, 1972 , vol. 11, p. 3564,3566 Full Text Show Details


Yalkowsky; Zografi

Journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 1970 , vol. 59, # 6 p. 798 - 802 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fujiwara et al.

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1971 , vol. 44, p. 1984 Full Text Show Details


Alner et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society [Section] A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical, 1968 , p. 417,420 Full Text Show Details

(pk')pK(A') 4.14

Smirnova,A.A. et al.

Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimii, 1968 , vol. 4, p. 2245 - 2255,2166 - 2174 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

(pk')pK(A'') 10.55

Smirnova,A.A. et al.

Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimii, 1968 , vol. 4, p. 2245 - 2255,2166 - 2174 Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Biochemistry, 1965 , vol. 4, p. 1030 Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1960 , vol. 250, p. 2228,2230 Full Text Show Details


10 °C





Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1954 , vol. 76, p. 1006 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


10 °C





Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1954 , vol. 76, p. 1006 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


50 °C





Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1954 , vol. 76, p. 1006 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


50 °C





Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1954 , vol. 76, p. 1006 Full Text View citing articles Show Details



25 °C





Biochemical Journal, 1936 , vol. 30, p. 2091 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol. 158, p. 93 Full Text Show Details



25 °C





Biochemical Journal, 1936 , vol. 30, p. 2091 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering

Sciences, vol. 158, p. 93 Full Text Show Details

Electrical Data (2) Description (Electrical Data)


Dielectric anisotropy

Lertes et al.

Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Teil A: Astrophysik, Physik und Physikalische Chemie, 1966 , vol. 21, p. 1315 Full Text Show Details

Electrical conductivity


Chemische Berichte, 1909 , vol. 42, p. 367 Full Text Show Details

Electrical Moment (4) Description (Electrical Moment)

Moment (Electrical Moment)

Dipole moment

Method (Electrical Moment)

Solvent (Electrical Moment)

Comment (Electrical Moment)

13 D

Craven, B.M.; Weber, H.-P.

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Science, 1983 , vol. 39, p. 743 - 748 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dipole moment

Warner; Steward

Journal of Molecular Structure, 1975 , vol. 25, p. 403,407 Full Text Show Details

Hartmann et al.

Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Teil A: Astrophysik, Physik und Physikalische Chemie, 1967 , vol. 22, p. 2118 Full Text Show Details

Dipole moment

in H2O/ NaCl (Loesung) (Tab. IV)

Schrier; Robinson

The Journal of biological chemistry, 1971 , vol. 246, # 9 p. 2870 - 2874 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dipole moment

17.6 D

Dielectric constant (ε)


Jatkar; Iyengar

Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, Section A, 1949 , vol. 31, p. 15,21 Full Text Show Details


Electrochemical Behaviour (8) Description (Electrochemical Behaviour) Electrolytic dissociation / protonation equilibrium

Comment (Electrochemical Behaviour)

Reference Katz; Miller

Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1972 , vol. 76, p. 2778 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Schmidtchen, F. P.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1986 , vol. 51, # 26 p. 5161 - 5168 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bismondo, Arturo; Rizzo, Luigi; Di Bernardo, Plinio; Zanonato, Pier Luigi

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1987 , p. 695 - 698 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jacobsen; Labouta; Schaumburg; Falch; Krogsgaard-Larsen

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1982 , vol. 25, # 10 p. 1157 - 1162 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nair, M. Sivasankaran; Santappa, M.

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1981 , vol. 20, # 10 p. 990 - 993 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kimura, Eiichi; Fujioka, Haruto; Kodama, Mutsuo

Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1986 , # 15 p. 1158 - 1159 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research, 1994 , vol. 44, # 3 p. 261 - 266 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ramanujam, V. V.; Rengaraj, K.

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1980 , vol. 19, # 4 p. 382 - 384 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jelinska, Anna; Zaja, Marianna

Pharmazie, 1996 , vol. 51, # 3 p. 162 - 164 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Barczynski; Dega-Szafran; Dulewicz; Petryna; Szafran

Polish Journal of Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 74, # 8 p. 1149 - 1161

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Enthalpy of dissociation (electrolytic) / protonation

Wang, Peiming; Oscarson, John L.; Gillespie, Sue E.; Izatt, Reed M.; Cao, Hongjie

Journal of Solution Chemistry, 1996 , vol. 25, # 3 p. 243 - 266 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Volume change on dissociation

Lepori, Luciano; Mollica, Vincenzo

Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (Muenchen, Germany), 1980 , vol. 123, p. 51 - 66 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Electrochemical properties

Kelley; Lilley

Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases, 1978 , vol. 74, p. 2771,2773-2775 Full Text Show Details


Fujiwara et al.

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1971 , vol. 44, p. 1984 Full Text Show Details

Thermodynamic parameters for dissociation / protonation

Christensen et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1968 , vol. 90, p. 5949 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Electrolytic dissociation / protonation equilibrium


O'Brien; Niemann

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1951 , vol. 73, p. 4264,4266 Full Text Show Details

Enthalpy of neutralization


Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Rendiconti, 1934 , vol. <6> 19, p. 50 Full Text Show Details

Energy Data (MCS) (4) Description (Energy Data (MCS))

Partner (Energy Data (MCS))

Temperature (Energy Data (MCS))

Enthalpy of dilution


25 °C

Castronuovo, Giuseppina; Elia, Vittorio; Velleca, Filomena

Journal of the Chemical Society - Faraday Transactions, 1996 , vol. 92, # 17 p. 3093 - 3096 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Thermodynamic properties of system with

Larson et al.

Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1977 , vol. 81, p. 2074 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Enthalpy of solution

Prasad; Ahluwalia

Journal of Solution Chemistry, 1976 , vol. 5, p. 491,494, 496 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Heat capacity of mixtures

Prasad; Ahluwalia

Journal of Solution Chemistry, 1976 , vol. 5, p. 491,494, 496 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Enthalpy of Combustion (1) Enthalpy of Combustion

Temperature (Enthalpy of Combustion)


-2.28181E+06 Jmol-1

25 °C

Contineanu, Iulia; Marchidan, Dumitru I.

Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 1994 , vol. 39, # 12 p. 1391 - 1395 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Enthalpy of Formation (2) Enthalpy of Formation

Temperature (Enthalpy of Formation)

Comment (Enthalpy of Formation)


Enthalpy of formation given

Lytkin; Chernikov; Krutova; Skvortsov; Korchagina

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2016 , vol. 90, # 9 p. 1782 - 1784 Zh. Fiz. Khim., 2016 , vol. 90, # 9 p. 1350 - 1353,4 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

134000 Jmol-1

25 °C

Contineanu, Iulia; Marchidan, Dumitru I.

Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 1994 , vol. 39, # 12 p. 1391 - 1395 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Enthalpy of Fusion (1) Comment (Enthalpy of Fusion)


Enthalpy of melting given

Dichi, Emma; Sghaier, Mehrez; Fraisse, Bernard; Bonhomme, Francois

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2011 , vol. 59, # 6 p. 703 - 709 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further Information (25) Description (Further Information)


Further information

Honore; Hjeds

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1979 , vol. 14, # 3 p. 285 - 287 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further information


Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1978 , vol. 43, p. 2581 - 2586 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further information

Latosh et al.

J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1978 , vol. 48, p. 2287,2076 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Ahluwalia et al.

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1977 , vol. 55, p. 3364 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Peters et al.

Phytochemistry (Elsevier), 1974 , vol. 13, p. 2383,2385 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Kukalenko et al.

Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimii, 1973 , vol. 9, p. 1401,1430 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Steward et al.

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, 1973 , vol. 29, p. 2825,2826 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Kitaoka; Nakano

Journal of Biochemistry (Tokyo, Japan), 1969 , vol. 66, p. 87,91 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Muenze et al.

Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (Leipzig), 1969 , vol. 241, p. 240 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Kozak et al.

Journal of Chemical Physics, 1968 , vol. 48, p. 675,686 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Kornhauser; Keglevic

Croatica Chemica Acta, 1967 , vol. 39, p. 285,287 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Hartmann et al.

Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Teil A: Astrophysik, Physik und Physikalische Chemie, 1967 , vol. 22, p. 2118 Full Text Show Details

Further information


Seikagaku, 1964 , vol. 36, p. 756 Chem.Abstr., 1965 , vol. 62, # 11680d Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further information

Zacharius; Talley

Analytical Chemistry, 1962 , vol. 34, p. 1551 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further information

Kolasow et al.

Zhurnal Fizicheskoi Khimii, 1962 , vol. 36, p. 770,775 p. 400 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Kirchenmayer; Kuffner

Monatshefte fuer Chemie, 1962 , vol. 93, p. 1237,1241 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Wright et al.

Chemistry and Industry (London, United Kingdom), 1961 , p. 1491 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Weiss et al.

Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1960 , vol. 250, p. 1322 Full Text Show Details

Further information


Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1960 , p. 1838 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Werum et al.

Journal of Chromatography, 1960 , vol. 3, p. 125,139 Chem.Abstr., 1960 , # 19089 Full Text Show Details

Hide facts Description (Further Information)


Further information

Heilbronn; Carlsson

Journal of Chromatography, 1960 , vol. 4, p. 257,258, 259 Chem.Abstr., 1961 , # 5634 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further information

Bergner; Petri

Zeitschrift fuer Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung, 1960 , vol. 111, p. 319 Chem.Abstr., 1960 , vol. 54, # 13534 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Bergner; Petri

Zeitschrift fuer Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung, 1960 , vol. 111, p. 494 Chem.Abstr., 1960 , vol. 54, # 13534 Full Text Show Details

Further information


Suomen Kemistilehti B, 1960 , vol. 33, p. 145 Full Text Show Details

Further information


Journal of Chromatography, 1960 , vol. 3, p. 389,390-405 Chem.Abstr., 1961 , vol. 55, # 7267 Full Text Show Details

Heat Capacity Cp (3) Heat Capacity Cp

Temperature (Heat Capacity Cp)


1.93043 Jmol-1K-1

99.84 °C

Dichi, Emma; Sghaier, Mehrez; Fraisse, Bernard; Bonhomme, Francois

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2011 , vol. 59, # 6 p. 703 - 709 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

193.1 Jmol-1K-1

99.84 °C

Dichi, Emma; Sghaier, Mehrez; Fraisse, Bernard; Bonhomme, Francois

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2011 , vol. 59, # 6 p. 703 - 709 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ahluwalia et al.

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1977 , vol. 55, p. 3364 Full Text Show Details

Interatomic Distances and Angles (1) Description


Interatomic distances and angles

Steward et al.

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, 1973 , vol. 29, p. 2038 Full Text Show Details

Steward et al.

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, 1973 , vol. 29, p. 2825,2826 Full Text Show Details

Weber, Hans-Peter; Craven, B. M.; McMullan, R. K.; Nowell, I. W.

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Science, 1983 , vol. 39, p. 360 - 366

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dobson; Gerkin

Acta Crystallographica, Section C: Crystal Structure Communications, 1996 , vol. 52, # pt 12 p. [d]3075-3078 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Isoelectric Point pH (1) Isoelectric Point pH



Tsai, Ruey-Shiuan; Testa, Bernard; Tayar, Nabil El; Carrupt, Pierre-Alain

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1991 , # 11 p. 1797 - 1802 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Liquid Phase (1) Description (Liquid Phase)


Self-association in solution


Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1979 , vol. 13, # 11 p. 1112,1114,1117 Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal, 1979 , vol. 13, # 11 p. 10 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Liquid/Liquid Systems (MCS) (3) Description (Liquid/Liquid Systems (MCS))

Partner (Liquid/Liquid Systems (MCS))

Solvent (Liquid/Liquid Systems (MCS))

Temperature (Liquid/Liquid Systems (MCS))

Solution equilibrium

aq. Na2SO4

concentration dependence. Object(s) of Study: temperature dependence


Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2002 , vol. 47, # 5 p. 1164 - 1166 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Distribution between solvent 1 + 2


various solvent(s)

25 °C

Tsai, Ruey-Shiuan; Testa, Bernard; Tayar, Nabil El; Carrupt, Pierre-Alain

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1991 , # 11 p. 1797 - 1802 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Distribution between solvent 1 + 2


Jacob; Shashoua; Campbell; Baldessarini

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1985 , vol. 28, # 1 p. 106 110 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Liquid/Liquid Systems (MCS))


Liquid/Vapour Systems (MCS) (2) Description (Liquid/Vapour Systems (MCS))

Solvent (Liquid/Vapour Systems (MCS))

Temperature (Liquid/Vapour Systems (MCS))

Comment (Liquid/Vapour Systems (MCS))


Activity coefficients of the components in the mixture

Schrier; Robinson

The Journal of biological chemistry, 1971 , vol. 246, # 9 p. 2870 - 2874 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Activity coefficients of the components in the mixture


25 °C

Aus Dampfdruckmessungen berechnete osmotische Koeffizienten und Aktivitaetskoeffizienten.

Smith; Smith

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1940 , vol. 132, p. 52 Full Text Show Details

Magnetic Susceptibility (1) Magnetic Susceptibility


-58.3 10-6cm3mol-1

Takahashi; Sakai; Tsuchida

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1993 , vol. 66, # 12 p. 3589 - 3592 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mechanical & Physical Properties (MCS) (21)

Description (Mechanical & Physical Properties (MCS))

Partner (Mechanical & Physical Properties (MCS))

Solvent (Mechanical & Physical Properties (MCS))

Temperature (Mechanical & Physical Properties (MCS))

Comment (Mechanical & Physical Properties (MCS))

Partial molal volume


14.99 °C

temperature dependence

Ramasami, Ponnadurai; Kakkar, Rita

Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2006 , vol. 38, # 11 p. 1385 - 1395 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Partial molal volume


24.99 °C

Ramasami, Ponnadurai; Kakkar, Rita

Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2006 , vol. 38, # 11 p. 1385 - 1395 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Partial molal volume


34.99 °C

Ramasami, Ponnadurai; Kakkar, Rita

Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2006 , vol. 38, # 11 p. 1385 - 1395 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Partial molal volume

aq. Na2SO4

14.99 °C

temperature dependence

Ramasami, Ponnadurai; Kakkar, Rita

Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2006 , vol. 38, # 11 p. 1385 - 1395 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Partial molal volume

aq. Na2SO4

24.99 °C

Ramasami, Ponnadurai; Kakkar, Rita

Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2006 , vol. 38, # 11 p. 1385 - 1395 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Partial molal volume

aq. Na2SO4

34.99 °C

Ramasami, Ponnadurai; Kakkar, Rita

Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2006 , vol. 38, # 11 p. 1385 - 1395 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Adiabatic compressibility


14.99 °C

temperature dependence

Ramasami, Ponnadurai; Kakkar, Rita

Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2006 , vol. 38, # 11 p. 1385 - 1395 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Adiabatic compressibility


24.99 °C

Ramasami, Ponnadurai; Kakkar, Rita

Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2006 , vol. 38, # 11 p. 1385 - 1395 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Adiabatic compressibility


34.99 °C

Ramasami, Ponnadurai; Kakkar, Rita

Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2006 , vol. 38, # 11 p. 1385 - 1395 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Adiabatic compressibility

aq. Na2SO4

14.99 °C

temperature dependence

Ramasami, Ponnadurai; Kakkar, Rita

Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2006 , vol. 38, # 11 p. 1385 - 1395 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Adiabatic compressibility

aq. Na2SO4

24.99 °C

Ramasami, Ponnadurai; Kakkar, Rita

Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2006 , vol. 38, # 11 p. 1385 - 1395 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Adiabatic compressibility

aq. Na2SO4

34.99 °C

Ramasami, Ponnadurai; Kakkar, Rita

Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2006 , vol. 38, # 11 p. 1385 - 1395 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Partial molal volume

guanidine hydrochloride


15 - 25 °C


Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 1997 , vol. 74, # 8 p. 610 - 612


Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Partial molal volume


25 °C

Chalikian, Tigran V.; Sarvazyan, Armen P.; Breslauer, Kenneth J.

Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1993 , vol. 97, # 49 p. 13017 - 13026 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Adiabatic compressibility


25 °C

Chalikian, Tigran V.; Sarvazyan, Armen P.; Breslauer, Kenneth J.

Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1993 , vol. 97, # 49 p. 13017 - 13026 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Partial molal volume

water; ammonium chloride

25 °C

Natarajan; Wadi; Gaur

Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 1990 , vol. 35, # 1 p. 87 - 93 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Partial molal volume


30 - 40 °C

Bhattacharya, M. M.; Sengupta, M.

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 1985 , vol. 62, p. 959 - 964 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Partial molal volume


30 - 40 °C

Bhattacharya, M. M.; Sengupta, M.

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 1985 , vol. 62, p. 959 - 964 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Partial molal volume

H2O, HCl

30 - 40 °C

Bhattacharya, M. M.; Sengupta, M.

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 1985 , vol. 62, p. 959 - 964 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Virial coefficients

water, or NaOH, or HCl

30 - 40 °C

Bhattacharyya, M. M.; Sengupta, M.

Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (Muenchen, Germany), 1982 , vol. 133, p. 79 - 92 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hide facts Description (Mechanical & Physical Properties (MCS))


Partial molal volume

Shahidi; Farrell

Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases, 1978 , vol. 74, p. 858,860 Full Text Show Details

Mechanical Properties (4) Description (Mechanical Properties)

Comment (Mechanical Properties)


Molar volume

temperature dependence

Likhodi, Olga; Chalikian, Tigran V.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2000 , vol. 122, # 33 p. 7860 - 7868 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Molar volume

solvent dependence. Object(s) of Study: temperature dependence. Object(s) of Study: concentration dependence


Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1999 , vol. 77, # 7 p. 1288 - 1294 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Devine; Lowe

Journal of the Chemical Society [Section] A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical, 1971 , p. 2113 Full Text Show Details

Molar volume

Hargreaves; Kresheck

Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1969 , vol. 73, p. 3249 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Optics (1)

Description (Optics)

Comment (Optics)



X-ray diffraction

Wenger, Mazal; Bernstein, Joel

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2006 , vol. 45, # 47 p. 7966 - 7969 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Other Thermochemical Data (4) Description (Other Thermochemical Data)

Comment (Other Thermochemical Data)

Heat capacity

Cabani et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases, 1977 , vol. 73, p. 476,478 Full Text Show Details

Thermodynamic properties

Abraham; Grellier

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1975 , p. 1856 Full Text Show Details



Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1954 , vol. 76, p. 1006 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


der Dissoziation bei 25grad.


Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1954 , vol. 76, p. 1006 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Solubility (MCS) (4) Temperature (Solubility (MCS))

Solvent (Solubility (MCS))

Comment (Solubility (MCS))


in pure solvent

15 °C


Solubility: 91.29 p(g/100g solution)


Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2002 , vol. 47, # 5 p. 1164 1166 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

in pure solvent

25 °C


Solubility: 97.08 p(g/100g solution)


Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2002 , vol. 47, # 5 p. 1164 1166 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

in pure solvent

35 °C


Solubility: 106.19 p(g/100g solution)


Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2002 , vol. 47, # 5 p. 1164 1166 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

25 °C


1 g solvent dissolves. 1.3 g Substance.


Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1947 , vol. 69, p. 3001 Full Text Show Details


Sound Properties (1) Description (Sound Properties)


Ultrasonic properties

Applegate; Slutsky; Parker

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1968 , vol. 90, # 25 p. 6909 - 6913 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Space Group (2) Space Group



Dobson; Gerkin

Acta Crystallographica, Section C: Crystal Structure Communications, 1996 , vol. 52, # pt 12 p. [d]3075-3078 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Craven, B.M.; Weber, H.-P.

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Science, 1983 , vol. 39, p. 743 - 748 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Transport Phenomena (MCS) (6)

Description (Transport Phenomena (MCS))

Partner (Transport Phenomena (MCS))

Solvent (Transport Phenomena (MCS))

Temperature (Transport Phenomena (MCS))



35 °C

Wadi, Ramesh K.; Goyal, Rma Kant

Journal of Solution Chemistry, 1992 , vol. 21, # 2 p. 163 170 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


potassium thiocyanate


15 - 35 °C

Wadi, Ramesh K.; Goyal, Rma Kant

Journal of Solution Chemistry, 1992 , vol. 21, # 2 p. 163 170 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


water; ammonium chloride

25 °C

Natarajan; Wadi; Gaur

Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 1990 , vol. 35, # 1 p. 87 - 93 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


water, or NaOH, or HCl

30 - 40 °C

Bhattacharyya, M. M.; Sengupta, M.

Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (Muenchen, Germany), 1982 , vol. 133, p. 79 - 92 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


H2O ethanol

21 °C


Publ.tech.Univ.Tallinn<A>Chem.Abstr., 1939 , # 8 p. 9 Publ.tech.Univ.Tallinn<A>Chem.Abstr., 1940 , p. 4952 Full Text Show Details



21 °C

Fricke; Parts

Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1938 , vol. 42, p. 1180 Full Text Show Details


Spectra NMR Spectroscopy (82) Description (NMR Spectroscopy)

Temperature (NMR Spectroscopy)

Frequency (NMR Spectroscopy)

dimethylsulfoxided6 water-d2




Chemical shifts


Chemical shifts

HSQC (Heteronuclear Single Quantum Coherence) Spectrum

Nucleus (NMR Spectroscopy)

Coupling Nuclei

Solvents (NMR Spectroscopy)

Chemical shifts Spectrum


Chemical shifts


Chemical shifts



supporting information

Skowron, Pierre-Thomas; Dumartin, Melissa; Jeamet, Emeric; Perret, Florent; Gourlaouen, Christophe; Baudouin, Anne; Fenet, Bernard; Naubron, Jean-Valère; Fotiadu, Frédéric; Vial, Laurent; Leclaire, Julien

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 81, # 2 p. 654 - 661 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

20 °C

Ryu, Shoraku; Furihata, Kazuo; Koda, Masanori; Wei, Feifei; Miyakawa, Takuya; Tanokura, Masaru

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 54, # 3 p. 213 - 221 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


20 °C

Ryu, Shoraku; Furihata, Kazuo; Koda, Masanori; Wei, Feifei; Miyakawa, Takuya; Tanokura, Masaru

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 54, # 3 p. 213 - 221 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


600 MHz

Maraschin, Marcelo; Somensi-Zeggio, Amlia; Oliveira, Simone K.; Kuhnen, Shirley; Tomazzoli, Mara M.; Raguzzoni, Josiane C.; Zeri, Ana C. M.; Carreira, Rafael; Correia, Sara; Costa, Christopher; Rocha, Miguel

Journal of Natural Products, 2016 , vol. 79, # 1 p. 13 - 23 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



150.8 MHz

Maraschin, Marcelo; Somensi-Zeggio, Amlia; Oliveira, Simone K.; Kuhnen, Shirley; Tomazzoli, Mara M.; Raguzzoni, Josiane C.; Zeri, Ana C. M.; Carreira, Rafael; Correia, Sara; Costa, Christopher; Rocha, Miguel

Journal of Natural Products, 2016 , vol. 79, # 1 p. 13 - 23 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

13C 1H

supporting information

Komatsu, Takanori; Ohishi, Risa; Shino, Amiu; Kikuchi, Jun

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2016 , vol. 55, # 20 p. 6000 - 6003 Angew. Chem., 2016 , vol. 128, p. 6104 - 6107,4 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

HSQC (Heteronuclear Single Quantum Coherence) Spectrum

13C 1H


supporting information

Komatsu, Takanori; Ohishi, Risa; Shino, Amiu; Kikuchi, Jun

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2016 , vol. 55, # 20 p. 6000 - 6003 Angew. Chem., 2016 , vol. 128, p. 6104 - 6107,4 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts Spectrum


Paragraph 0033

Shanghai Pharmaceutical on the first biochemical Pharmaceutical Co; Yuan, Yonglei; Ding, Jinguo; Huang, Zhenghui; Li, Yingfei

Patent: CN105669480 A, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chemical shifts Spectrum


Paragraph 0034

Shanghai Pharmaceutical on the first biochemical Pharmaceutical Co; Yuan, Yonglei; Ding, Jinguo; Huang, Zhenghui; Li, Yingfei

Patent: CN105669480 A, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



water-d2 dimethylsulfoxided6

20 °C

600 MHz

Liang, Tingfu; Wei, Feifei; Lu, Yi; Kodani, Yoshinori; Nakada, Mitsuhiko; Miyakawa, Takuya; Tanokura, Masaru

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 63, # 2 p. 683 - 691 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



d(4)-methanol water-d2

25 °C

600.1 MHz

Zahmanov, Georgi; Alipieva, Kalina; Simova, Svetlana; Georgiev, Milen I.

Phytochemistry Letters, 2015 , vol. 11, p. 404 - 409 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts


298 °C

Shumilina, Elena; Ciampa, Alessandra; Capozzi, Francesco; Rustad, Turid; Dikiy, Alexander

Food Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 184, p. 12 - 22 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

TOCSY (Total Correlation Spectroscopy)

1H 1H

298 °C

Shumilina, Elena; Ciampa, Alessandra; Capozzi, Francesco; Rustad, Turid; Dikiy, Alexander

Food Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 184, p. 12 - 22 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

HSQC (Heteronuclear Single Quantum Coherence)

1H 13C


Alves Filho, Elenilson G.; Sartori, Luci; Silva, Lorena M. A.; Silva, Bianca F.; Fadini, Pedro S.; Soong, Ronald; Simpson, Andre; Ferreira, Antonio G.

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 53, # 9 p. 704 - 710 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts


25 °C

Chauhan, Anjali; Sharma, Uma; Jagannathan, Naranamangalam R.; Gupta, Yogendra Kumar

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2015 , vol. 757, p. 28 - 33 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

MAS (Magic-Angle Spinning) Spectrum


700 MHz

Cicero, Nicola; Corsaro, Carmelo; Salvo, Andrea; Vasi, Sebastiano; Giofr, Salvatore V.; Ferrantelli, Vincenzo; Di Stefano, Vita; Mallamace, Domenico; Dugo, Giacomo

Natural Product Research, 2015 , vol. 29, # 20 p. 1894 - 1902 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



25 °C

300 MHz

Scognamiglio, Monica; Fiumano, Vittorio; D'Abrosca, Brigida; Esposito, Assunta; Fiorentino, Antonio; Choi, Young Hae; Verpoorte, Robert

Phytochemistry (Elsevier), 2014 , vol. 106, p. 69 - 85,17 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



Rizzuti, Antonino; Aguilera-Sez, Luis Manuel; Gallo, Vito; Cafagna, Isabella; Mastrorilli, Piero; Latronico, Mario; Pacifico, Andrea; Matarrese, Angela Maria Stella; Ferrara, Giuseppe

Food Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 171, p. 341 - 350 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts


25 °C

300 MHz

D'Abrosca, Brigida; Scognamiglio, Monica; Fiumano, Vittorio; Esposito, Assunta; Choi, Young Hae; Verpoorte, Robert; Fiorentino, Antonio

Phytochemistry, 2013 , vol. 93, p. 27 - 40 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



25 °C

D'Abrosca, Brigida; Scognamiglio, Monica; Fiumano, Vittorio;

(Heteronuclear Multiple Bond Coherence) Spectrum Show next 20


Esposito, Assunta; Choi, Young Hae; Verpoorte, Robert; Fiorentino, Antonio

Phytochemistry, 2013 , vol. 93, p. 27 - 40 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hide facts

Description (NMR Spectroscopy)

Nucleus (NMR Spectroscopy)

Coupling Nuclei

Solvents (NMR Spectroscopy)

Chemical shifts


Chemical shifts Spectrum


Chemical shifts

Temperature (NMR Spectroscopy)

Frequency (NMR Spectroscopy)


Comment (NMR Spectroscopy)

25 °C

75.5 MHz

D'Abrosca, Brigida; Scognamiglio, Monica; Fiumano, Vittorio; Esposito, Assunta; Choi, Young Hae; Verpoorte, Robert; Fiorentino, Antonio

Phytochemistry, 2013 , vol. 93, p. 27 - 40 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

26.84 °C

Bhatia, Anil; Bharti, Santosh K.; Tewari, Shri K.; Sidhu, Om P.; Roy, Raja

Phytochemistry, 2013 , vol. 93, p. 105 - 115 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


24.84 °C

600.1 MHz

Lopez-Rituerto, Eva; Savorani, Francesco; Avenoza, Alberto; Busto, Jesus H.; Peregrina, Jesus M.; Engelsen, Soren Balling

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 60, # 13 p. 3452 - 3461 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



25 °C

Srivastava, Shatakshi; Bisht, Hema; Sidhu; Srivastava, Ashish; Singh; Pandey; Raj; Roy, Raja; Nautiyal

Phytochemistry, 2012 , vol. 80, p. 8 - 16 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




20.34 °C

400 MHz

supporting information

Norcliffe, Jennifer L.; Conway, Louis P.; Hodgson, David R.W.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2011 , vol. 52, # 21 p. 2730 - 2732 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts Spectrum



21.44 °C

100.6 MHz

supporting information

Norcliffe, Jennifer L.; Conway, Louis P.; Hodgson, David R.W.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2011 , vol. 52, # 21 p. 2730 - 2732 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

MAS (MagicAngle Spinning) Chemical shifts Spectrum



19.84 °C

Bharti; Bhatia, Anil; Tewari; Sidhu; Roy, Raja

Chemical shifts



25 °C

500 MHz

Ali, Kashif; Maltese, Federica; Toepfer, Reinhard; Choi, Young Hae; Verpoorte, Robert

Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 2011 , vol. 49, # 3-4 p. 255 - 266 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts


25 °C

600.1 MHz

Namdeo, Ajay G.; Sharma, Ajay; Yadav, Kavita N.; Gawande, Rupali; Mahadik, Kakasaheb R.; Lopez-Gresa, Maria Pilar; Kim, Hye Kyong; Choi, Young Hae; Verpoorte, Robert

Planta Medica, 2011 , vol. 77, # 17 p. 1958 1964 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



300 MHz

Malode, Shweta J.; Abbar, Jyothi C.;


Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 49, # 10 p. 659 - 667 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nandibewoor, Sharanappa T.

Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, MetalOrganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 40, # 4 p. 246 - 256 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



400.5 MHz

Van Eijsden, Pieter; Behar, Kevin L.; Mason, Graeme F.; Braun, Kees P. J.; De Graaf, Robin A.

Journal of Neurochemistry, 2010 , vol. 112, # 1 p. 24 - 33 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



250.1 MHz

Cook, Matthew C.; Witherell, Ross D.; White, Robert L.

Letters in Drug Design and Discovery, 2010 , vol. 7, # 1 p. 9 - 13 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



62.9 MHz

Cook, Matthew C.; Witherell, Ross D.; White, Robert L.

Letters in Drug Design and Discovery, 2010 , vol. 7, # 1 p. 9 - 13 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



Malode, Shweta J.; Abbar, Jyothi C.; Nandibewoor, Sharanappa T.

Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2010 , vol. 363, # 11 p. 2430 - 2442 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts Spectrum


400 MHz

Chatterjee, Sandipan; Srivastava, Shatakshi; Khalid, Asna; Singh, Niharika; Sangwan, Rajender Singh; Sidhu, Om Prakash; Roy, Raja; Khetrapal; Tuli, Rakesh

Phytochemistry, 2010 , vol. 71, # 10 p. 1085 1094 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts


Yang, Jehoon; Shen, Jun

Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2007 , vol. 184, # 2 p. 344 - 349 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chatterjee, Sandipan; Srivastava, Shatakshi; Khalid, Asna; Singh, Niharika; Sangwan, Rajender Singh; Sidhu, Om Prakash; Roy, Raja; Khetrapal; Tuli, Rakesh

Phytochemistry, 2010 , vol. 71, # 10 p. 1085 1094 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts


20 °C

500 MHz

Wei, Feifei; Furihata, Kazuo; Hu, Fangyu; Miyakawa, Takuya; Tanokura, Masaru

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 48, # 11 p. 857 - 865 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts


20 °C

125.7 MHz

Wei, Feifei; Furihata, Kazuo; Hu, Fangyu; Miyakawa, Takuya; Tanokura, Masaru

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 48, # 11 p. 857 - 865 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

HSQC (Heteronuclear Single Quantum Coherence) Chemical shifts

1H 13C

20 °C

Wei, Feifei; Furihata, Kazuo; Hu, Fangyu; Miyakawa, Takuya; Tanokura, Masaru

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 48, # 11 p. 857 - 865 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts


aq. buffer water-d2 d(4)-methanol

25 °C

600.1 MHz

Lopez-Gresa, M. Pilar; Maltese, Federica; Belles, Jose Maria; Conejero, Vicente; Kim, Hye Kyong; Choi, Young Hae; Verpoorte, Robert

Phytochemical Analysis, 2010 , vol. 21, # 1 p. 89 - 94 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts


aq. buffer d(4)-methanol water-d2

26.84 °C

500.1 MHz

Broyart, Caroline; Fontaine, Jean-Xavier; Molinie, Roland; Cailleu, Dominique; TerceLaforgue, Therese; Dubois, Frederic; Hirel, Bertrand; Mesnard, Francois

Phytochemical Analysis, 2010 , vol. 21, # 1 p. 102 - 109 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

MAS (MagicAngle Spinning) Chemical shifts



500 MHz

Perez, Estela Maria Sanchez; Iglesias, Maria Jose; Ortiz, Fernando Lopez; Perez, Isidro Sanchez; Galera, Maria Martinez

Food Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 122, # 3 p. 877 887 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

MAS (MagicAngle Spinning) Chemical shifts



125.8 MHz

Perez, Estela Maria Sanchez; Iglesias, Maria Jose; Ortiz, Fernando Lopez; Perez, Isidro Sanchez; Galera, Maria Martinez

Food Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 122, # 3 p. 877 887 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




24.04 °C

400.1 MHz

supporting information

Stensrud, Kenneth; Noh, Jihyun; Kandler, Karl; Wirz, Jakob; Heger, Dominik; Givens, Richard S.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 74, # 15 p. 5219 - 5227 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




24.84 °C

400 MHz

Haldar, Debasish

Tetrahedron, 2008 , vol. 64, # 1 p. 186 - 190 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



26.84 °C

600.13 MHz

Lamanna, Raffaele; Piscioneri, Ilario; Romanelli, Valeria; Sharma, Neeta

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 46, # 9 p. 828 - 831 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



400 MHz

Dekebo, Aman; Kashiwagi, Takehiro; Tebayashi, Shin-Ich; Kim, Chul-Sa

Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2007 , vol. 71, # 2 p. 421 - 426 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



Dekebo, Aman; Kashiwagi, Takehiro; Tebayashi, Shin-Ich; Kim, Chul-Sa

Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2007 , vol. 71, # 2 p. 421 - 426 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts


D2O tetradeuteriomethanol

25 °C

500.13 MHz

in the presence of inorganic compounds

Abdel-Farid, Ibrahim Bayoumi; Hye, Kyong Kim; Young, Hae Choi; Verpoorte, Robert

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2007 , vol. 55, # 19 p. 7936 - 7943 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



27 °C

500 MHz

acidic solution

Cazor, Anne; Deborde, Catherine; Moing, Annick; Rolin, Dominique; This, Herve

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 54, # 13 p. 4681 - 4686 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles

Show Details

Chemical shifts



Seregar; Hiremath; Nandibewoor

Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie, 2006 , vol. 220, # 5 p. 615 - 629 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts


1 °C

75.38 MHz

in the presence of organic compounds

Yang, YongXia; Chen, Lei; Gao, HongChang; Zeng, DanLin; Yue, Yong; Liu, MaiLi; Lei, Hao; Deng, Feng; Ye, ChaoHui

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 44, # 3 SPEC. ISS. p. 263 - 268 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



26.85 °C

600.13 MHz

in the presence of organic compounds

Sobolev, Anatoli P.; Brosio, Elvino; Gianferri, Raffaella; Segre, Anna L.

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 43, # 8 p. 625 - 638 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




26.85 °C

600.13 MHz

in the presence of organic compounds

Sobolev, Anatoli P.; Brosio, Elvino; Gianferri, Raffaella; Segre, Anna L.

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 43, # 8 p. 625 - 638 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



26.85 °C

in the presence of organic compounds

Sobolev, Anatoli P.; Brosio, Elvino; Gianferri, Raffaella; Segre, Anna L.

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 43, # 8 p. 625 - 638 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



De Graaf, Robin A.; Rothman, Douglas L.

Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2001 , vol. 152, # 1 p. 124 - 131 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Choi, In-Young; Lee, Sang-Pil; Shen, Jun

Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2005 , vol. 172, # 1 p. 9 - 16 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts


Boberg; Kurz; Ploschke; Schmitt; Scholl; Schuller; Wunsche

Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research, 1990 , vol. 40, # 5 p. 555 - 563 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Belton; Delgadillo; Gil; Roma; Casuscelli; Colquhoun; Dennis; Spraul

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 1997 , vol. 35, # SPEC. ISS. p. S52-S60 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Delmas, Florence; Beloeil, Jean-Claude; Van der Sanden, Boudewijn P. J.; Nicolay, Klaas; Gillet, Brigitte

Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2001 , vol. 149, # 1 p. 119 - 125 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

De Graaf, Robin A.; Rothman, Douglas L.

Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2001 , vol. 152, # 1 p. 124 - 131 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Choi, In-Young; Lee, Sang-Pil; Shen, Jun

Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2005 , vol. 172, # 1 p. 9 - 16 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts


D2O various solvent(s)

30 °C

500 MHz

Nilsson, Mathias; Duarte, Iola F.; Almeida, Claudia; Delgadillo, Ivonne; Goodfellow, Brian J.; Gil, Ana M.; Morris, Gareth A.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 52, # 12 p. 3736 - 3743 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Spin-lattice relaxation time (T1)


in the presence of electrolytes. Object(s) of Study: pH dependence. Object(s) of Study: in the presence of organic compounds

Tian, Jinping; Yin, Yingwu

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 42, # 7 p. 641 - 647 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Second Nucleus: 1H

Delmas, Florence; Beloeil, Jean-Claude; Van der Sanden, Boudewijn P. J.; Nicolay, Klaas; Gillet, Brigitte

Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2001 , vol. 149, # 1 p. 119 - 125 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Faber, Cornelius; Pracht, Eberhard; Haase, Axel

Journal of magnetic resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997), 2003 , vol. 161, # 2 p. 265 - 274 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




22 °C

Tsubaki, Kazunori; Tanaka, Hiroyuki; Morikawa, Hiroshi; Fuji, Kaoru

Tetrahedron, 2003 , vol. 59, # 18 p. 3195 3199 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



De Graaf, Robin A.; Rothman, Douglas L.

Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2001 , vol. 152, # 1 p. 124 - 131 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




23.84 °C

300.137 MHz

Royer; Felpin; Doris

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 66, # 19 p. 6487 - 6489 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Royer; Felpin; Doris

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 66, # 19 p. 6487 - 6489 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



300 MHz

Royer; Felpin; Doris

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 66, # 19 p. 6487 - 6489 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




300 MHz

Royer; Felpin; Doris

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 66, # 19 p. 6487 - 6489 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



75 MHz

Royer; Felpin; Doris

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 66, # 19 p. 6487 - 6489 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts


H2O various solvent(s)

37 °C

400 MHz

Pfeuffer; Tkac; Provencher; Gruetter

Journal of magnetic resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997), 1999 , vol. 141, # 1 p. 104 - 120 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



37 °C

400 MHz

Pfeuffer; Tkac; Provencher; Gruetter

Spin-spin coupling constants

Chemical shifts



Journal of magnetic resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997), 1999 , vol. 141, # 1 p. 104 - 120 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Belton; Delgadillo; Gil; Roma; Casuscelli; Colquhoun; Dennis; Spraul

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 1997 , vol. 35, # SPEC. ISS. p. S52-S60 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

CDCl3 tetradeuteriomethanol

De Silva, A. Prasanna; Gunaratne, H. Q. Nimal; McVeigh, Catherine; Maguire, Glenn E. M.; Maxwell, Pamela R. S.; O'Hanlon, Emma

Chemical Communications, 1996 , # 18 p. 2191 - 2192 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Kienlin, Markus von; Moonen, Chrit T. W.; Toorn, Annette van der; Zul, Peter C. M. van

Journal of Magnetic Resonance (19691992), 1991 , vol. 93, # 2 p. 423 - 429 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Kienlin, Markus von; Moonen, Chrit T. W.; Toorn, Annette van der; Zul, Peter C. M. van

Journal of Magnetic Resonance (19691992), 1991 , vol. 93, # 2 p. 423 - 429 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



Kohama; Matsumoto; Mimura; Tanabe; Inada; Nakanishi

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1987 , vol. 35, # 6 p. 2484 - 2489 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts


various solvent(s)

Ienaga; Higashiura; Kimura

Chemical and pharmaceutical bulletin, 1987 , vol. 35, # 3 p. 1249 - 1254 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Spin-spin coupling constants



Kohama; Matsumoto; Mimura; Tanabe; Inada; Nakanishi

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1987 , vol. 35, # 6 p. 2484 - 2489 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Spin-spin coupling constants

1H-1H. Solvent(s): further solvent(s)

Ienaga; Higashiura; Kimura

Chemical and pharmaceutical bulletin, 1987 , vol. 35, # 3 p. 1249 - 1254 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



Balaban, Alexandru T.; Dinculescu, Antonie; Elguero, Jose; Faure, Robert

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 1985 , vol. 23, # 7 p. 553 - 558 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chemical shifts



26 - 29 °C

Wang; Gilpin

Analytical Chemistry, 1983 , vol. 55, # 3 p. 493 - 497 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Organic Magnetic Resonance, 1979 , vol. 12, p. 414,415 Full Text Show Details

Taddei; Pratt

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1964 , p. 1553,1554, 1556, 1558

Full Text Show Details

Eley et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases, 1973 , vol. 69, p. 399,401, 402, 409, 410 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Armitage et al.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1974 , vol. 71, p. 2096,2097 Full Text Show Details

Jones et al.

Molecular Physics, 1971 , vol. 22, p. 547 Full Text Show Details

Tanaka et al.

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1978 , vol. 51, p. 2654,2656, 2657 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Schilling; Kricheldorf

Makromolekulare Chemie, 1975 , vol. 176, p. 3341,3345 Full Text Show Details

Hart et al.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1971 , p. 3389 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kostromina et al.

Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry, 1975 , vol. 11, p. 469,471 Full Text Show Details

London et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1978 , vol. 100, p. 3723,3724,3725 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hikino et al.

Planta Medica, 1976 , vol. 30, p. 297,301 Full Text Show Details

NMR with shift reagents

Pennington; Cavanaugh

Organic Magnetic Resonance, 1978 , vol. 29, p. 483,489 Full Text Show Details

Chemical shifts

13C chemical shifts (Table 5)

Rabenstein; Sayer

Journal of Magnetic Resonance (19691992), 1976 , vol. 24, p. 27 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

IR Spectroscopy (8) Description (IR Spectroscopy)

Solvent (IR Spectroscopy)

Temperature (IR Spectroscopy)

Comment (IR Spectroscopy)



Spectrochimica Acta, 1960 , vol. 16, p. 1322,1323 Full Text Show Details

Hikino et al.

Planta Medica, 1976 , vol. 30, p. 297,301 Full Text Show Details

Mulla; Gurubasavaraj; Nandibewoor

Polish Journal of Chemistry, 2003 , vol. 77, # 12 p. 1833 - 1840 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Seregar; Hiremath; Nandibewoor

Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie, 2006 , vol. 220, # 5 p. 615 - 629 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Malode, Shweta J.; Abbar, Jyothi C.; Nandibewoor, Sharanappa T.

Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 40, # 4 p. 246 - 256 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Malode, Shweta J.; Abbar, Jyothi C.; Nandibewoor, Sharanappa T.

Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2010 , vol. 363, # 11 p. 2430 - 2442 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



24.84 °C

Haldar, Debasish

Tetrahedron, 2008 , vol. 64, # 1 p. 186 - 190 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Reflection spectrum

Haldar, Debasish

Tetrahedron, 2008 , vol. 64, # 1 p. 186 - 190 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



3040 - 1410 cm**(-1)

Fridman, Ya. D.; Kebets, N. M.; Nanaeva, M. T.; Zurdinov, A. Z.; Sabirova, T. S.; Atarskaya, L. I.


Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1989 , vol. 23, # 11 p. 879 - 883 Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal, 1989 , vol. 23, # 11 p. 1310 - 1313 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



1660 - 1380 cm**(-1)

Kohama; Matsumoto; Mimura; Tanabe; Inada; Nakanishi

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1987 , vol. 35, # 6 p. 2484 - 2489 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Pearson,J.F.; Slifkin,M.A.

Spectrochimica Acta, Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 1972 , vol. 28, p. 2403 - 2417 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Parker; Kirschenbaum

Spectrochimica Acta, 1960 , vol. 16, p. 910,912 Full Text Show Details

Muecke et al.

Journal fuer Praktische Chemie (Leipzig), 1961 , vol. 12, p. 161,162,167 Full Text Show Details

Huong; Cornut

Journal of Chemical Physics, 1976 , vol. 65, p. 4748 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Mikhailov et al.

Doklady Physical Chemistry, 1966 , vol. 166-171, p. 689 vol. 170, p. 1364 Full Text Show Details

Moiseev et al.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1963 , vol. 37, p. 293,294 p. 570 Full Text Show Details

Takeuchi; Yonehara

Journal of Antibiotics, Series A, 1961 , vol. 14, p. 44,46,51 Full Text Show Details


Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-Chimie Biologique, 1975 , vol. 72, p. 415 Full Text Show Details

Groenewegen; Sachtler

Journal of Catalysis, 1974 , vol. 33, p. 176,178 Full Text Show Details



3333 - 667 cm**(-1)

Leifer; Lippincott

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1957 , vol. 79, p. 5098 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mass Spectrometry (30) Description (Mass Spectrometry)



liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMS) spectrum

Cadaha, Estrella; De Simn, Brgida Fernndez; Aranda, Ismael; Sanz, Miriam; Snchez-Gmez, David; Pinto, Ernani

Phytochemical Analysis, 2015 , vol. 26, # 2 p. 171 - 182 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Li, Lei; Yu, Xinyu; Qiao, Shanlei; Wang, Di; Dai, Jiayong; Wang, Jun; Zhang, Rutan; Wang, Li

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 31 p. 25751 - 25765 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

electrospray ionisation (ESI) tandem mass spectrometry liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMS) spectrum

Servillo, Luigi; Giovane, Alfonso; Casale, Rosario; Balestrieri, Maria Luisa; Cautela, Domenico; Paolucci, Marina; Siano, Francesco; Volpe, Maria Grazia; Castaldo, Domenico

Food Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 196, p. 1301 - 1309 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

electron impact (EI) spectrum

Page/Page column 27; 28

The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.; Li, Wensheng; Uppalapati, Srinivasa Rao; Mysore, Kirankumar S.; Dixon, Richard A.; Sumner, Lloyd W.

Patent: US9238821 B2, 2016 ;

liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMS) tandem mass spectrometry spectrum

Bergh, Marianne Skov-Skov; Bogen, Inger Lise; Lundanes, Elsa; Øiestad, Åse Marit Leere

Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2016 , vol. 1028, p. 120 - 129 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

gas chromatography mass spectrometry

supporting information

Lee, Gyu Min; Suh, Dong Ho; Jung, Eun Sung; Lee, Choong Hwan

Molecules, 2016 , vol. 21, # 7 art. no. 921

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

(GCMS) time-of-flight mass spectra (TOFMS) spectrum

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

electrospray ionisation (ESI) liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMS) tandem mass spectrometry spectrum

Wojnicz, Aneta; Avendaño-Ortiz, José; de Pascual, Ricardo; Ruiz-Pascual, Lucía; García, Antonio G.; Ruiz-Nuño, Ana

Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2016 , vol. 51, # 8 p. 651 - 664 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

electrospray ionisation (ESI) spectrum

Pan, Yilin; Li, Jin; Li, Xiang; Chen, Jianwei; Bai, Ganggang

Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2014 , vol. 35, # 1 p. 197 - 203 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

He, Jingjing; Luo, Zhigang; Huang, Lan; He, Jiuming; Chen, Yi; Rong, Xianfang; Jia, Shaobo; Tang, Fei; Wang, Xiaohao; Zhang, Ruiping; Zhang, Jianjun; Shi, Jiangong; Abliz, Zeper

Analytical Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 87, # 10 p. 5372 - 5379 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

electrospray ionisation (ESI) time-of-flight mass spectra (TOFMS) spectrum

Bingol, Kerem; Bruschweiler-Li, Lei; Yu, Cao; Somogyi, Arpad; Zhang, Fengli; Brüschweiler, Rafael

Analytical Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 87, # 7 p. 3864 - 3870 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMS) electrospray ionisation (ESI) spectrum

Song, Qingqing; Song, Yuelin; Zhang, Na; Li, Jun; Jiang, Yong; Zhang, Kerong; Zhang, Qian; Tu, Pengfei

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 71 p. 57372 - 57382 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

tandem mass spectrometry spectrum

Yu, Xinyu; Luo, Jia; Chen, Lijun; Zhang, Chengxiang; Zhang, Rutan; Hu, Qi; Qiao, Shanlei; Li, Lei

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 85 p. 69800 - 69812 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

CID (collision-induced dissociation) time-of-flight mass spectra (TOFMS) electrospray ionisation (ESI) tandem mass spectrometry spectrum

Naresh Chary; Sudarshana Reddy; Kumar, Ch. Dinesh; Srinivas; Prabhakar

Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2015 , vol. 50, # 5 p. 771 - 781 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMS) tandem mass spectrometry time-of-flight mass spectra (TOFMS) high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) electrospray ionisation (ESI) spectrum

Wagner, Michel; Ohlund, Leanne B.; Shiao, Tze Chieh; Vzina, Amlie; Annabi, Borhane; Roy, Ren; Sleno, Lekha

Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2015 , vol. 29, # 18 p. 1632 - 1640 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

MALDI (Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization) spectrum

Manier, M. Lisa; Spraggins, Jeffrey M.; Reyzer, Michelle L.; Norris, Jeremy L.; Caprioli, Richard M.

Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2014 , vol. 49, # 8 p. 665 - 673 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS) spectrum

Ali, Hatem Salama Mohamed; Alhaj, Omar Amin; Al-Khalifa, Abdulrahman Saleh; Brueckner, Hans

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liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMS) APCI (atmospheric pressure chemical ionization) spectrum

supporting information

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Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 9, p. 406 - 410 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMS) electrospray ionisation (ESI) fragmentation pattern spectrum

He, Bosai; Bi, Kaishun; Jia, Ying; Wang, Jiahong; Lv, Chunxiao; Liu, Ran; Zhao, Longshan; Xu, Huarong; Chen, Xiaohui; Li, Qing

Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2013 , vol. 48, # 8 p. 969 - 978 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

tandem mass spectrometry CID (collision-induced dissociation) electrospray ionisation (ESI) liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMS) spectrum

Rangiah, Kannan; Palakodeti, Dasaradhi

Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2013 , vol. 27, # 21 p. 2439 - 2452 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

TOFMS (Time of flight mass spectrum) Spectrum

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ESI (Electrospray ionisation) Spectrum

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CID (collision-induced dissociation) Spectrum

Cook, Matthew C.; Witherell, Ross D.; White, Robert L.

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Hide facts Description (Mass Spectrometry)

Comment (Mass Spectrometry)


LCMS (Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry) ESI (Electrospray ionisation) Negative ion spectroscopy TOFMS (Time of flight mass spectrum) Spectrum

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GCMS (Gas chromatography mass spectrometry) Spectrum

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spectrum fragmentation pattern photoionization

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chemical ionization (CI)

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fragmentation pattern electron impact (EI) spectrum

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laser desorption

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fragmentation pattern spectrum

laser desorption

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negative ion spectroscopy

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UV/VIS Spectroscopy (2) Description (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)

Solvent (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)

Absorption Maxima (UV/VIS)


aq. buffer

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220 nm 264 nm

Gomez-Romero, Maria; Segura-Carretero, Antonio; Fernandez-Gutierrez, Alberto

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NQR Spectroscopy (1) Description (NQR Spectroscopy)


Nuclear quadrupole coupling constants

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Raman Spectroscopy (2) Description (Raman Spectroscopy)



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Photoelectron spectrum

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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present



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Bioactivities present


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Bioactivities present


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16 of 992

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


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18 of 992

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present



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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


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19 of 992

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


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Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1980 , vol. 14, # 9 p. 612 - 617 Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal, 1980 , vol. 14, # 9 p. 49 - 55 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


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Heterocycles, 1986 , vol. 24, # 10 p. 2887 - 2900 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1985 , vol. 19, # 4 p. 261 - 264 Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal, 1985 , vol. 19, # 4 p. 427 - 429 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1985 , vol. 19, # 7 p. 459 - 462 Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal, 1985 , vol. 19, # 7 p. 810 - 814 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kozlov, E. I.; L'vova, M. Sh.; Garber, N. I.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1988 , vol. 22, # 4 p. 328 - 333 Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal, 1988 , vol. 22, # 4 p. 463 - 468 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 1992 , vol. 56, # 5 p. 806 - 807 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kinney; Lee; Garrison; Podlesny Jr.; Simmonds; Bramlett; Notvest; Kowal; Tasse

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1992 , vol. 35, # 25 p. 4720 - 4726 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1992 , vol. 26, # 1 p. 53 - 57 Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal, 1992 , vol. 26, # 1 p. 41 - 44 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Bystryakova, I. D.; Losev, G. A.; Safonova, T. S.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1992 , vol. 26, # 1 p. 63 - 67 Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal, 1992 , vol. 26, # 1 p. 48 - 51 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


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Comment (Pharmacological

Bioactivities present


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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


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Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1995 , vol. 38, # 17 p. 3287 - 3296 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 1995 , vol. 21, # 8 p. 540 - 546 Bioorganicheskaya Khimiya, 1995 , vol. 21, # 8 p. 625 - 631 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1996 , vol. 39, # 1 p. 135 - 142 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1995 , vol. 84, # 7 p. 824 - 828 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Solution Chemistry, 1995 , vol. 24, # 12 p. 1219 - 1248 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1996 , vol. 39, # 5 p. 1069 - 1083 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1996 , vol. 31, # 6 p. 449 - 460 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section B Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, 1996 , vol. 35, # 5 p. 510 - 511 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1997 , vol. 40, # 1 p. 44 - 49 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Phytochemistry, 1997 , vol. 45, # 3 p. 517 - 519 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Dos Santos, Osvaldo; Lajmi, Ajay R.; Canary, James W.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1997 , vol. 38, # 25 p. 4383 - 4386 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1997 , vol. 40, # 24 p. 3915 - 3925 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1996 , vol. 31, # 10 p. 761 - 765 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 1997 , vol. 35, # SPEC. ISS. p. S52-S60 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nudelman, Ayelet; Bechor, Yosi; Falb, Eliezer; Fischer, Bilha; Wexler, Barry A.; Nudelman, Abraham

Synthetic Communications, 1998 , vol. 28, # 3 p. 471 - 474 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Miranda, Les P.; Jones, Alun; Meutermans, Wim D. F.; Alewood, Paul F.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1998 , vol. 120, # 7 p. 1410 - 1420 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Leone-Bay, Andrea; Paton, Duncan R.; Freeman, John; Lercara, Christine; O'Toole, Doris; Gschneidner, David; Wang, Eric; Harris, Elizabeth; Rosado, Connie; Rivera, Theresa; DeVincent, Aldonna; Tai, Monica; Mercogliano, Frank; Agarwal, Rajesh; Leipold, Harry; Baughman, Robert A.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 41, # 7 p. 1163 - 1171 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Contino, Christiane; Maurizis, Jean-Claude; Ollier, Monique; Rapp, Maryse; Lacombe, Jean-Michel; Pucci, Bernard

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 33, # 10 p. 809 - 816 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Nilsson, Kent R.; Zorumski, Charles F.; Covey, Douglas F.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 41, # 14 p. 2604 - 2613 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Meza-Toledo, Sergio E.; Martinez-Munoz, Dalila; Carvajal-Sandoval, Guillermo

Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research, 1998 , vol. 48, # 11 p. 1051 - 1057 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Langhals, Heinz; Jona, Wolfgang

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1998 , # 5 p. 847 - 851 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Karigiannis, George; Mamos, Petros; Balayiannis, George; Katsoulis, Ioannis; Papaioannou, Dionissios

Tetrahedron Letters, 1998 , vol. 39, # 28 p. 5117 - 5120 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ballesteros, Berta; Barcelo, Damia; Sanchez-Baeza, Francisco; Camps, Francisco; Marco, Maria-Pilar

Analytical Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 70, # 19 p. 4004 - 4014 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Abad, Antonio; Moreno, Maria Jose; Montoya, Angel

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 46, # 6 p. 2417 - 2426 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rai, Bijaya L.; Dekhordi, Lotfollah S.; Khodr, Hicham; Jin, Yi; Liu, Zudong; Hider, Robert C.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 41, # 18 p. 3347 - 3359 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Shuto, Satoshi; Ono, Shizuka; Imoto, Hiroaki; Yoshii, Kiyonori; Matsuda, Akira

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 41, # 18 p. 3507 - 3514 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Badiger; Lele; Bhalerao; Varghese; Mashelkar

Journal of Chemical Physics, 1998 , vol. 109, # 3 p. 1175 - 1184 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Beasley, Helen L.; Phongkham, Thipsavanh; Daunt, Margaret H.; Guihot, Simone L.; Skerritt, John H.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 46, # 8 p. 3339 - 3352 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hadingham, Karen L.; Garrett, Elizabeth M.; Wafford, Keith A.; Bain, Corinna; Heavens, Robert P.; Sirinathsinghji, Dalip J. S.; Whiting, Paul J.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 49, # 2 p. 253 - 259 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sanna, Enrico; Garau, Franca; Harris, R. Adron

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 47, # 2 p. 213 - 217 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Korpi, Esa R.; Kuner, Thomas; Seeburg, Peter H.; Lueddens, Hartmut

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 47, # 2 p. 283 - 289 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zhang, Hai-Guang; Lee, Hwa-Jung; Rocheleau, Thomas; Ffrench-Constant, Richard H.; Jackson, Meyer B.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 48, # 5 p. 835 - 840 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Maksay, Gabor; Molnar, Peter; Gruber, Lajos

European Journal of Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology Section, 1995 , vol. 288, # 1 p. 61 - 68 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Feigenspan, Andreas; Bormann, Joachim

European Journal of Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology Section, 1995 , vol. 288, # 1 p. 97 - 104 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Granger, Patrick; Biton, Bruno; Faure, Cecile; Vige, Xavier; Depoortere, Henri; Graham, David; Langer, Salomon Z.; Scatton, Bernard; Avenet, Patrick

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 47, # 6 p. 1189 - 1196 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Holland, Katherine D.; Mathews, Gregory C.; Bolos-Sy, Annabel M.; Tucker, Joseph B.; Reddy, P. Amruta; Covey, Douglas F.; Ferrendelli, James A.; Rothman, Steven M.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 47, # 6 p. 1217 - 1223 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stevenson; Wingrove; Whiting; Wafford

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 48, # 6 p. 965 - 969 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nakazawa; Inoue; Ito; Koizumi

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 351, # 2 p. 202 - 208 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Huh, Kyung-Hye; Delorey, Timothy M.; Endo, Shuichi; Olsen, Richard W.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 48, # 4 p. 666 - 675 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Valenzuela; Kazlauskas; Brozowski; Weiner; Demali; McDonald; Moss; Dunwiddie; Harris

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 48, # 6 p. 1099 - 1107 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sigel, Erwin; Schaerer, Martin T.; Buhr, Andreas; Baur, Roland

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 54, # 6 p. 1097 - 1105 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Priller, Josef; Briley, Eileen M.; Mansouri, Jaleh; Devane, William A.; Mackie, Ken; Felder, Christian C.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 48, # 2 p. 288 - 292 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kristiansen; Barker; Serafini

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 48, # 2 p. 268 - 279 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Slany; Zezula; Tretter; Sieghart

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 48, # 3 p. 385 - 391 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Thompson; Whiting; Wafford

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 117, # 3 p. 521 - 527 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Li; Guyenet

American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 1995 , vol. 268, # 2 37-2 p. R428-R437 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Cheng, Li-Ling; Wang, Su-Jane; Tsai, Jing-Jane; Gean, Po-Wu

Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 55, # 5 p. 228 - 234 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Carnovale; Monti; Favre; Scapini; Carrillo

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 57, # 9 p. 903 - 910 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Avetisyan; Kocharov; Azaryan; Dzhagatspanyan; Melikyan

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1998 , vol. 32, # 2 p. 55 - 58 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kaspar; Mountfort

FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 1995 , vol. 17, # 3 p. 205 - 212 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wood, Nicholas J.; Sorensen, Jan

FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 1998 , vol. 27, # 2 p. 175 - 183 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Poras, Herve; Kunesch, Gerhard; Barriere, Jean-Claude; Berthaud, Nadine; Andremont, Antoine

Journal of Antibiotics, 1998 , vol. 51, # 8 p. 786 - 794 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ivanyuk; Kadushkin; Solov'eva; Granik

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1996 , vol. 30, # 6 p. 404 - 408 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gracheva; Orekhova; Kopelevich; Tyurenkov; Kleshchitskii; Shvets

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1996 , vol. 30, # 7 p. 453 - 457 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ozoe; Niina; Matsumoto; Ikeda; Mochida; Ogawa; Matsuno; Miki; Yanagi

Bioorganic and medicinal chemistry, 1998 , vol. 6, # 1 p. 73 - 83 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kim, Jae Hak; Mullin, Christopher A.

Journal of Chemical Ecology, 1998 , vol. 24, # 9 p. 1499 - 1511 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Heitsch, Holger; Wagner, Adalbert; Schoelkens, Bernward A.; Wirth, Klaus

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 1999 , vol. 9, # 3 p. 327 - 332 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Cox, Robin A.

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 76, # 6 p. 649 - 656 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Auberson, Yves P.; Acklin, Pierre; Bischoff, Serge; Moretti, Robert; Ofner, Silvio; Schmutz, Markus; Veenstra, Siem J.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 1999 , vol. 9, # 2 p. 249 - 254 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Popova; Studentsov

Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 34, # 5 p. 699 - 706 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Malawska, Barbara; Kulig, Katarzyna; Antkiewicz-Michaluk, Lucyna; Porter, Richard; Misra, Ani; Cliffe, Ian A.

Archiv der Pharmazie, 1999 , vol. 332, # 5 p. 167 - 174 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ostrowska, Katarzyna; Ciechanowicz-Rutkowska, Maryla; Pilati, Tulio; Zuchowski, Grzegorz

Monatshefte fur Chemie, 1999 , vol. 130, # 4 p. 555 - 562 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Qiu, Jian; Stevenson, Scott H.; O'Beirne, Michael J.; Silverman, Richard B.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1999 , vol. 42, # 2 p. 329 - 332 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nair, M. Sivasankaran; Arasu, P. Thillai; Neelakantan; Pillai, M. Sankaranarayana

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section A Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 37, # 6 p. 512 - 516 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mercader, Josep V.; Montoya, Angel

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 1999 , vol. 47, # 3 p. 1276 - 1284 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sliedregt, Leo A. J. M.; Rensen, Patrick C. N.; Rump, Erik T.; Van Santbrink, Peter J.; Bijsterbosch, Martin K.; Valentijn, A. Rob P. M.; Van Der Marel, Gijs A.; Van Boom, Jacques H.; Van Berkel, Theo J. C.; Biessen, Erik A. L.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1999 , vol. 42, # 4 p. 609 - 618 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 1997 , vol. 74, # 8 p. 610 - 612 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Buschmann, Hans-Juergen; Cleve, Ernst; Mutihac, Lucia; Schollmeyer, Eckhard

Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 1998 , vol. 43, # 10 p. 941 - 944 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Barker, C. Vivienne; Korn, Stewart R.; Monteith, Michael; Page, Michael I.

Chemical Communications, 1999 , # 8 p. 721 - 722 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gentilini; Franchi-Micheli; Mugnai; Bindi; Zilletti

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 115, # 3 p. 389 - 394 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Buhr; Baur; Malherbe; Sigel

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 49, # 6 p. 1080 - 1084 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mergl, Zsuzsanna; Acs, Zsuzsanna; Makara, G. B.

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 56, # 8 p. 579 - 586 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hauser, Charlotte A. E.; Chesnoy-Marchais, Dominique; Robel, Paul; Baulieu, Etienne E.

European Journal of Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology Section, 1995 , vol. 289, # 2 p. 249 - 258 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hawkinson; Drewe; Kimbrough; Chen; Hogenkamp; Lan; Gee; Shen; Whittemore; Woodward

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 49, # 5 p. 897 - 906 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Cole, Loretta M.; Roush, Richard T.; Casida, John E.

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 56, # 10 p. 757 - 766 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Krishek; Moss; Smart

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 49, # 3 p. 494 - 504 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Saxena, Nina C.; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 49, # 3 p. 567 - 579 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fleischmann; Makman; Etgen

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 56, # 20 p. 1665 - 1678 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Kabuto; Yokoi; Iwaya; Mori

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 56, # 20 p. 1741 - 1748 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Korpi; Herb; Luddens

Pharmacology and Toxicology, 1995 , vol. 77, # 2 p. 87 - 90 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Klunk, William E.; Debnath, Manik L.; McClure, Richard J.; Pettegrew, Jay W.

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 56, # 26 p. 2377 - 2384 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Quirk; Whiting; Ragan; McKernan

European Journal of Pharmacology - Molecular Pharmacology Section, 1995 , vol. 290, # 3 p. 175 - 181 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yoshimura; Yoshida; Taniyama

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 57, # 26 p. 2397 - 2401 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pierobon, Paola; Concas, Alessandra; Santoro, Giovanna; Marino, Giuseppe; Minei, Rosario; et al.

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 56, # 18 p. 1485 - 1498 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fuchs; Zezula; Slany; Sieghart

European Journal of Pharmacology - Molecular Pharmacology Section, 1995 , vol. 289, # 1 p. 87 - 95 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nielsen; Witt; Ebert; Krogsgaard-Larsen

European Journal of Pharmacology - Molecular Pharmacology Section, 1995 , vol. 289, # 1 p. 109 - 112 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Barasch, Dinorah; Zipori, Omer; Ringel, Israel; Ginsburg, Isaac; Samuni, Amram; Katzhendler, Jehoshua

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1999 , vol. 34, # 7-8 p. 597 - 615 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zhao, Tai-Jun; Ming; Chiu, Ted H.; Rosenberg, Howard C.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1998 , vol. 287, # 2 p. 752 - 759 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Banerjee, Pradeep K.; Olsen, Richard W.; Tillakaratne, Niranjala J. K.; Brailowsky, Simon; Tobin, Allan J.; Snead III, O. Carter

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1998 , vol. 287, # 2 p. 766 - 772

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wu; Mercuri; Johnson

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 273, # 2 p. 576 - 581 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bruno, Olga; Schenone, Silvia; Ranise, Angelo; Bondavalli, Francesco; Filippelli, Walter; Falcone, Giuseppe; Motola, Giulia; Mazzeo, Filomena

Farmaco, 1999 , vol. 54, # 1-2 p. 95 - 100 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chandrasekhar; Padmaja; Raza

Synlett, 1999 , # 10 p. 1597 - 1599 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chyb, Sylwester; Eichenseer, Herbert; Hollister, Benedict; Mullin, Christopher A.; Frazier, James L.

Journal of Chemical Ecology, 1995 , vol. 21, # 3 p. 313 - 330 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wu, Guang

Journal of Applied Toxicology, 1996 , vol. 16, # 2 p. 95 - 102 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Supuran, Claudiu T.; Dinculescu, Antonie; Manole, Gheorghe; Savan, Florina; Puscas, Ioan; Balaban, Alexandru T.

Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 1991 , vol. 36, # 8 p. 937 - 946 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Odagaki; Dasgupta; Fuxe

European Journal of Pharmacology - Molecular Pharmacology Section, 1995 , vol. 291, # 3 p. 245 - 253 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Noyer, Michel; Gillard, Michel; Matagne, Alain; Henichart, Jean-Pierre; Wuelfert, Ernst

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 286, # 2 p. 137 - 146 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jones; Harrison; Pritchett; Hales

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 274, # 2 p. 962 - 968 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Slany; Zezula; Fuchs; Sieghart

European Journal of Pharmacology - Molecular Pharmacology Section, 1995 , vol. 291, # 2 p. 99 - 105 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rothlin; Katz; Verbitsky; Elgoyhen

Molecular pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 55, # 2 p. 248 - 254 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Perusquia, Mercedes; Villalon, Carlos M.

Life Sciences, 1996 , vol. 58, # 11 p. 913 - 926 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Klein; Mascia; Harkness; Hadingham; Whiting; Harris

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 274, # 3 p. 1484 - 1492 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ichida, Tatsuya; Takeda, Kazuo; Sasaki, Susumu; Nakagawa, Masao; Hashimoto, Tsuneichi; Kuriyama, Kinya

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 58, # 3 p. 209 - 215 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Neelands, Torben R.; Fisher, Janet L.; Bianchi, Matt; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 55, # 1 p. 168 - 178 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Garazd; Ogorodniichuk; Shilin; Zhivolup; Turov; Khilya

Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 1998 , vol. 34, # 5 p. 577 - 581 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Johnson, Theodore R.; Silverman, Richard B.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 1999 , vol. 7, # 8 p. 1625 - 1636 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kochergin; Reznichenko; Gireva; Aleksandrova

Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, 1999 , vol. 35, # 1 p. 45 - 50 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yokogawa, Koichi; Miya, Kazuhiro; Tamai, Ikumi; Higashi, Yasuhiko; Nomura, Masaaki; Miyamoto, Ken-Ichi; Tsuji, Akira

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 51, # 8 p. 935 - 940 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Thurlow, Richard J.; Hill, David R.; Woodruff

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 118, # 3 p. 449 - 456 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Belelli, Delia; Callachan, Helen; Hill-Venning, Claire; Peters, John A.; Lambert, Jeremy J.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 118, # 3 p. 563 - 576 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Del Castillo, M. Dolores; Corzo, Nieves; Gonzalez, Leandro; Olano, Agustin

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 1999 , vol. 47, # 10 p. 4137 - 4139 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Petegnief, Valerie; Lleu, Pierre-Louis; Gupta, Ramesh C.; Bourguignon, Jean-Jacques; Rebel, Gerard

Biochemical Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 49, # 3 p. 399 - 410 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hosie, Alastair M.; Sattelle, David B.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 117, # 6 p. 1229 - 1237 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chowdhury; Kawashima; Konishi; Niwa; Matsunami

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 285, # 1 p. 99 - 102 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Marszalec, William; Song, Jin-Ho; Narahashi, Toshio

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 119, # 1 p. 126 - 132 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Shafer, Timothy J.; Ward, Thomas R.; Meacham, Connie A.; Cooper, Ralph L.

Toxicology, 1999 , vol. 142, # 1 p. 57 - 68 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Silvestroni, Leopoldo; Rossi, Fabio; Magnanti, Massimo; Lubrano, Carla; Santiemma, Vittorio; Palleschi, Simonetta

Reproductive Toxicology, 1999 , vol. 13, # 6 p. 431 - 441 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Belley, Michel; Sullivan, Richard; Reeves, Austin; Evans, Jilly; O'Neill, Gary; Ng, Gordon Y.K.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 1999 , vol. 7, # 12 p. 2697 - 2704 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Guenther, Robert; Stein, Anja; Bordusa, Frank

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 65, # 6 p. 1672 - 1679 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stuhr-Hansen, Nicolai; Ebert, Bjarke; Krogsgaard-Larsen, Povl; Kehler, Jan

Organic Letters, 2000 , vol. 2, # 1 p. 6 - 10 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Likhosherstov, L. M.; Novikova, O. S.; Shibaev, V. N.

Russian Chemical Bulletin, 1999 , vol. 48, # 7 p. 1365 - 1368 Izvestiya Akademi Nauk, Seriya Khimicheskaya, 1999 , # 7 p. 1377 - 1380 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Le Corronc; Hue

Pesticide Science, 1999 , vol. 55, # 10 p. 1007 - 1011 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Baldocchi Pizzo, Andrea; Karklin Fontana, Andreia Cristina; Coutinho-Netto, Joaquim; Ferreira dos Santos, Wagner

Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology, 2000 , vol. 14, # 2 p. 88 - 94 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kwan, Yiu Wa; Ngan, Man-Piu; Tsang, Kay-Yan; Lee, Ha-Man; Chu, Lai-Ah

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 118, # 3 p. 755 - 761 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1999 , vol. 77, # 7 p. 1288 - 1294 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chebib, Mary; Johnston, Graham A.R.; Mattsson, Jan P.; Rydstroem, Karin; Nilsson, Karolina; Qiu, Jian; Stevenson, Scott H.; Silverman, Richard B.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 1999 , vol. 9, # 21 p. 3093 - 3098 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chen; Lee

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 273, # 2 p. 895 - 901 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hadad; Bialer

Pharmaceutical Research, 1995 , vol. 12, # 6 p. 905 - 910 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Takebayashi; Kagaya; Hayashi; Motohashi; Yamawaki

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 297, # 1-2 p. 137 - 143 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hossain; Weiner

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 275, # 1 p. 237 - 244 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Burgard, Edward C.; Tietz, Elizabeth I.; Neelands, Torben R.; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 1 p. 119 - 127 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lin, Yu-Fung; Angelotti, Timothy P.; Dudek, Ellen M.; Browning, Michael D.; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 1 p. 185 - 195 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zhou Shi-Yi; Gilbey

The American journal of physiology, 1995 , vol. 268, # 52 p. R1230-R1235 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Coleman; Dampney

American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 1995 , vol. 268, # 5 37-5 p. R1295-R1302 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Smith; Sibbald; Khanna; Day

The American journal of physiology, 1995 , vol. 268, # 52 p. R1336-R1342 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Guizzetti, Marina; Costa, Paola; Peters, Janet; Costa, Lucio G.

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 297, # 3 p. 265 - 273 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Vincens; Dartois; Moyse; Haour; Fillion

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 351, # 4 p. 356 - 362 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Brown; Wood; Coldwell; Bristow

British journal of pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 121, # 1 p. 71 - 76 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

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Conrad II, Peter G.; Givens, Richard S.; Weber, Joerg F. W.; Kandler, Karl

Organic Letters, 2000 , vol. 2, # 11 p. 1545 - 1547 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Qiu, Jian; Pingsterhaus, Joyce M.; Silverman, Richard B.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1999 , vol. 42, # 22 p. 4725 - 4728

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pfeuffer; Tkac; Provencher; Gruetter

Journal of magnetic resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997), 1999 , vol. 141, # 1 p. 104 - 120 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Riga, Ekaterini; Perry, Roland N.; Barrett, John; Johnston, Mike R. L.

Journal of Chemical Ecology, 1997 , vol. 23, # 2 p. 417 - 428 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Said, Mourad; Battaglia, Eric; Elass, Abdelaziz; Cano, Virginie; Ziegler, Jean-Claude; Cartier, Alain; Livertoux, Marie-Helene; Vergoten, Gerard; Fournel-Gigleux, Sylvie; Magdalou, Jacques

Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology, 1998 , vol. 12, # 1 p. 19 - 27 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Im; Wha Bin Im; Pregenzer; Carter; Hamilton

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 275, # 3 p. 1390 - 1395 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yu; Ticku

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 275, # 3 p. 1442 - 1446 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Graefe, Kerstin A.; Hoffmann

Pharmazie, 2000 , vol. 55, # 4 p. 286 - 292 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bousquet, Ennio; Spadaro, Angelo; Pappalardo, Maria S.; Bernardini, Renato; Romeo, Rosalba; Panza, Luigi; Ronsisvalle, Giuseppe

Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 19, # 4-5 p. 527 - 541 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Barczynski; Dega-Szafran; Dulewicz; Petryna; Szafran

Polish Journal of Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 74, # 8 p. 1149 - 1161 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chebib, Mary; Johnston, Graham A. R.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 43, # 8 p. 1427 - 1447 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Knudsen, Lotte B.; Nielsen, Per F.; Huusfeldt, Per O.; Johansen, Nils L.; Madsen, Kjeld; Pedersen, Freddy Z.; Thogersen, Henning; Wilken, Michael; Agerso, Henrik

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 43, # 9 p. 1664 - 1669 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zezula, Juergen; Slany, Astrid; Sieghart, Werner

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 301, # 1-3 p. 207 - 214 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Koyama, Yutaka; Awaya, Akira; Ishikawa, Nobue; Fujita, Shigeki; Tomino, Ikuo; Yokoyama, Keiichi; Araki, Shintaro; Takesue, Mitsuyuki; Kato, Koji; Ishiguro, Masaharu; Kitahara, Takumi; Kihara, Noriaki; Baba, Akemichi

Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1997 , vol. 20, # 2 p. 138 - 141 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yiu, Man-Kit; Kwan, Yiu Wa; Ngan, Man-Piu

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 302, # 1-3 p. 99 - 108 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Blanche, Francis; Cameron, Beatrice; Bernard, Francois-Xavier; Maton, Laurent; Manse, Benedicte; Ferrero, Lucy; Ratet, Nathalie; Lecoq, Claudine; Goniot, Anne; Bisch, Didier; Crouzet, Joel

Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 1996 , vol. 40, # 12 p. 2714 - 2720 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kume; Greenfield L.J.; Macdonald; Albin

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1996 , vol. 277, # 3 p. 1784 - 1792 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sanna; Mascia; Klein; Whiting; Biggio; Harris

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 274, # 1 p. 353 - 360 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wafford; Thompson; Thomas; Sikela; Wilcox; Whiting

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 3 p. 670 - 678 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Varro; Athanassopolous; Dockray

Experimental Physiology, 1996 , vol. 81, # 1 p. 151 - 154 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Griesbeck, Axel G.; Gudipati, Murthy S.; Hirt, Joachim; Lex, Johann; Oelgemoeller, Michael; Schmickler, Hans; Schouren, Frank

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 65, # 21 p. 7151 - 7157 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Morozov; Val'dman; Voronina; Nerobkova; Klimova; Lavrova; Avdyunina; Pyatin

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 2000 , vol. 34, # 4 p. 189 - 192 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Leone-Bay; Freeman; O'Toole; Rosario-Gray; Salo-Kostmayer; Tai; Mercogliano; Baughman

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 43, # 19 p. 3573 - 3576 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Orzeszko, Andrzej; Kaminska, Beata; Orzeszko, Grayna; Starociak, Bohdan J.

Farmaco, 2000 , vol. 55, # 9-10 p. 619 - 623 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Vassis, Stratos; Karigiannis, George; Balayiannis, George; Militsopoulou, Maria; Mamos, Petros; Francis, George W.; Papaioannou, Dionissios

Tetrahedron Letters, 2001 , vol. 42, # 8 p. 1579 - 1582 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Noel; Mendonca-Silva; Quintas

Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research, 2001 , vol. 51, # 2 p. 169 - 173 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nadeson; Guo; Porter; Gent; Goodchild

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1996 , vol. 278, # 2 p. 620 - 626 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Matthes, Hans; Seward, Elizabeth P.; Kieffer, Brigitte; North, R. Alan

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 3 p. 447 - 450 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kapur, Jaideep; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 3 p. 458 - 466 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mihic; Harris

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1996 , vol. 277, # 1 p. 411 - 416 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zheng; Caruncho; Wei Jian Zhu; Vicini; Ikonomovic; Grayson; Costa

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1996 , vol. 277, # 1 p. 525 - 533 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ueno, Shinya; Zorumski, Chuck; Bracamontes, John; Steinbach, Joe Henry

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 4 p. 931 - 938 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Olianas, Maria C.; Onali, Pierluigi

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 126, # 3 p. 657 - 664 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tietze, Lutz F.

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2001 , vol. 40, # 5 p. 903 - 905 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mariussen, Espen; Fonnum, Frode

Toxicology, 2001 , vol. 159, # 1-2 p. 11 - 21 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gederaas, Odrun A.; Holroyd, Andrew; Brown, Stanley B.; Vernon, David; Moan, Johan; Berg, Kristian

Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2001 , vol. 73, # 2 p. 164 - 169 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Brown, Maria J.; Bristow, David R.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 118, # 5 p. 1103 - 1110 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Teoh, Hwee; Malcangio, Marzia; Bowery, Norman G.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 118, # 5 p. 1153 - 1160 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ghiani, Cristina A.; Tuligi, Graziella; Maciocco, Elisabetta; Serra, Mariangela; Sanna, Enrico; Biggio, Giovanni

Biochemical Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 51, # 11 p. 1527 - 1534 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Casini; Scozzafava; Mincione; Menabuoni; Ilies; Supuran

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 43, # 25 p. 4884 - 4892 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Likhodi, Olga; Chalikian, Tigran V.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2000 , vol. 122, # 33 p. 7860 - 7868 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Moon, Sung-Ju; Jeon, Joong Won; Kim, Heesuk; Suh, Myunghyun Paik; Sun, Junghun

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2000 , vol. 122, # 32 p. 7742 - 7749 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Petrenko; Petukhova; Shakirov; Shul'ts; Tolstikov

Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 36, # 7 p. 982 - 995 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Varghese, Shyni; Lele, Ashish K.; Srinivas; Mashelkar, Raghunath A.

Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2001 , vol. 105, # 23 p. 5368 - 5373 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Scozzafava, Andrea; Supuran, Claudiu T.

European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2000 , vol. 10, # 1 p. 29 - 41 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Uchida, Ichiro; Cestari, Ismar N.; Yang, Jay

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 307, # 1 p. 89 - 96 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gorshkov, N. I.; Katzenellenbogen, J. A.; Luyt, L. G.; Lumpov, A. A.; Miroslavov, A. E.; Suglobov, D. N.

Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, 2001 , vol. 44, p. S486 - S488 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Delmas, Florence; Beloeil, Jean-Claude; Van der Sanden, Boudewijn P. J.; Nicolay, Klaas; Gillet, Brigitte

Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2001 , vol. 149, # 1 p. 119 - 125 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part A, 2001 , vol. 62, # 8 p. 643 - 653 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wildman; King; Burnstock

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 120, # 2 p. 221 - 224 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Peng; Xie; Otterness; Cogswell; McConnell; Carter; Powis; Abraham; Zalkow

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 44, # 5 p. 834 - 848 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Salmon-Chemin; Buisine; Yardley; Kohler; Debreu; Landry; Sergheraert; Croft; Krauth-Siegel; Davioud-Charvet

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 548 - 565 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Vaillancourt; Larsen; Tanis; Burr; Connell; Cudahy; Evans; Fisher; May; Meglasson; Robinson; Stevens; Tucker; Vidmar; Yu

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 44, # 8 p. 1231 - 1248 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tamai; Senmaru; Terasaki; Tsuji

Biochemical Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 50, # 11 p. 1783 - 1793 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ducic; Caruncho; Zhu Wei Jian; Vicini; Costa

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 272, # 1 p. 438 - 445 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Vale, Carmen; Pomes, Anna; Rodriguez-Farre, Eduard; Sunol, Cristina

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 319, # 2-3 p. 343 - 353 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dillon; Wha Bin Im; Pregenzer; Carter; Hamilton

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 272, # 2 p. 597 - 603 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hawkinson, Jon E.; Acosta-Burruel, Manuel; Kimbrough, Catherine L.; Goodnough, Dayan B.; Wood, Paul L.

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 304, # 1-3 p. 141 - 146 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kiec-Kononowicz, Katarzyna; Karolak-Wojciechowska, Janina; Mueller, Christa E.; Schumacher, Britta; Pekala, Elzbieta; Szymanska, Ewa

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 36, # 5 p. 407 - 419 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tang, Yi-Jin; Liu, Hong-Yan; An, Jing-Yi; Han, Rei

Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2001 , vol. 74, # 2 p. 201 - 205 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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De Graaf, Robin A.; Rothman, Douglas L.

Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2001 , vol. 152, # 1 p. 124 - 131 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Holden-Dye; Brownlee; Walker

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 120, # 3 p. 379 - 386 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Covey; Han; Sampath Kumar; De la Cruz; Meadows; Hu; Tonnies; Nathan; Coleman; Benz; Evers; Zorumski; Mennerick

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 43, # 17 p. 3201 - 3204 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zheng, Xiang-jun; Zhuang, Jin-you; Jin, Lin-pei; Wang, Zhe-ming; Yan, Chun-hua; Zhu, Long-gen; Mei, Yu-hua

Journal of Molecular Structure, 2001 , vol. 1-3595, p. 201 - 208 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jursic, Branko S; Neumann, Donna M

Tetrahedron Letters, 2001 , vol. 42, # 48 p. 8435 - 8439 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Davies, Paul A.; Kirkness, Ewen F.; Hales, Tim G.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 120, # 5 p. 899 - 909 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Im, Wha Bin; Pregenzer, Jeffrey F.; Binder, Jay A.; Alberts, Glen L.; Im, Haesook K.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 120, # 4 p. 559 - 564 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Grobaski, Kenneth C.; Ping, Hanxian; DaSilva, Helena M.A.; Bowery, Norman G.; Connelly, Stephen T.; Shepard, Paul D.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 120, # 4 p. 575 - 580 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Usifoh, Cyril O.; Lambert, Didier M.; Wouters, Johan; Scriba, Gerhard K.E.

Archiv der Pharmazie, 2001 , vol. 334, # 10 p. 323 - 331 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Royer; Felpin; Doris

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 66, # 19 p. 6487 - 6489 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Martin; Grimley; Lewis; Heath III; Bailey; Kendrick; Yardley; Caldera; Lira; Urbina; Moreno; Docampo; Croft; Oldfield

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 44, # 6 p. 909 - 916 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ebert, Bjarke; Mortensen, Martin; Thompson, Sally A.; Kehler, Jan; Wafford, Keith A.; Krogsgaard-Larsen, Povl

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2001 , vol. 11, # 12 p. 1573 - 1577 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Garcia-Santos; Calle; Casado

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2001 , vol. 123, # 31 p. 7506 - 7510 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dijols; Perollier; Lefevre-Groboillot; Pethe; Attias; Boucher; Stuehr; Mansuy

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 44, # 20 p. 3199 - 3202 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Clark; Hodgson; Goldsmith; Street

Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 1, 2001 , # 24 p. 3312 - 3324 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kovacs, Ildiko; Yamamura, Henry I.; Waite, Sue L.; Varga, Eva V.; Roeske, William R.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1998 , vol. 284, # 2 p. 500 - 507 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Xu, Guozhang; Liu, Yahua; Kansal, Mayank M.; Sayre, Lawrence M.

Chemical Research in Toxicology, 1999 , vol. 12, # 9 p. 855 - 861 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Thwaites, David T.; Basterfield, Laura; McCleave, Peter M.J.; Carter, Simon M.; Simmons, Nicholas L.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2000 , vol. 129, # 3 p. 457 - 464 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Behrends, Jan C.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2000 , vol. 129, # 2 p. 402 - 408 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Frolovskii; Garibova; Voronina; Studnev; Rozantsev

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 2001 , vol. 35, # 5 p. 239 - 242 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Kumar Maji, Samir; Banerjee, Rahul; Velmurugan; Razak; Fun; Banerjee, Arindam

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 67, # 3 p. 633 - 639 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Porter, David J. T.; Harrington, Joan A.; Almond, Merrick R.; Chestnut, William G.; Tanoury, Gerald; Spector, Thomas

Biochemical Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 50, # 9 p. 1475 - 1484 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Thwaites, David T.; Stevens, Beverley C.

Experimental Physiology, 1999 , vol. 84, # 2 p. 275 - 284 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Krasowski, Matthew D.; Finn, Suzanne E.; Ye, Qing; Harrison, Neil L.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1998 , vol. 284, # 3 p. 934 - 942 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Baron, Bruce M.; Siegel, Barry W.; Harrison, Boyd L.; Gross, Raymond S.; Hawes, Calvin; Towers, Pat

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1996 , vol. 279, # 1 p. 62 - 68 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Monasterolo, Liliana A.; Trumper, Laura; Elias, M. Monica

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1996 , vol. 279, # 2 p. 602 - 607 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Masonis, A. E. Tory; McCarthy, Michael P.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1996 , vol. 279, # 1 p. 186 - 193 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Shin, Jong-Shik; Kim, Byung-Gee

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 67, # 9 p. 2848 - 2853 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Horoszok, Lucy; Raymond, Valerie; Sattelle, David B; Wolstenholme, Adrian J

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 132, # 6 p. 1247 - 1254 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stolze, Karen; Holmes, Stephen C.; Earnshaw, David J.; Singh, Mohinder; Stetsenko, Dmitry; Williams, Donna; Gait, Michael J.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2001 , vol. 11, # 23 p. 3007 - 3010 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Del Pilar Garcia-Santos; Gonzalez-Mancebo, Samuel; Hernandez-Benito, Jesus; Calle, Emilio; Casado, Julio

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2002 , vol. 124, # 10 p. 2177 - 2182 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Carlier, Paul R; Chow, Ella S-H; Barlow, Rebecca L; Bloomquist, Jeffrey R

Bioorganic and medicinal chemistry letters, 2002 , vol. 12, # 15 p. 1985 - 1988 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Billinton, Andrew; Baird, Virginia H.; Thom, Maria; Duncan, John S.; Upton, Neil; Bowery, Norman G.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 132, # 2 p. 475 - 480 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Martinez; Gervasini; Agundez; Carrillo; Ramos; Garcia-Gamito; Gallardo; Benitez

European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2000 , vol. 56, # 2 p. 145 - 151 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chang, Yongchang; Weiss, David S.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 3 p. 511 - 523 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hansen, Suzanne L.; Fjalland, Bjarne; Jackson, Meyer B.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 55, # 3 p. 489 - 496 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Anikinal; Vikharev; Safinl; Gorbunov; Shklyaev; Karmanov

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 2002 , vol. 36, # 2 p. 72 - 76 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pitts, William J; Guo, Junqing; Dhar, T G Murali; Shen, Zhongqi; Gu, Henry H; Watterson, Scott H; Bednarz, Mark S; Chen, Bang Chi; Barrish, Joel C; Bassolino, Donna; Cheney, Daniel; Fleener, Catherine A; Rouleau, Katherine A; Hollenbaugh, Diane L; Iwanowicz, Edwin J

Bioorganic and medicinal chemistry letters, 2002 , vol. 12, # 16 p. 2137 - 2140 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Widler, Leo; Jaeggi, Knut A.; Glatt, Markus; Mueller, Klaus; Bachmann, Rolf; Bisping, Michael; Born, Anne-Ruth; Cortesi, Reto; Guiglia, Gabriela; Jeker, Heidi; Klein, Remy; Ramseier, Ueli; Schmid, Johann; Schreiber, Gerard; Seltenmeyer, Yves; Green, Jonathan R.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 45, # 17 p. 3721 - 3738 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Orzeszko, Andrzej; Kaminska, Beata; Starociak, Bohdan J.

Farmaco, 2002 , vol. 57, # 8 p. 619 - 624 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

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Kazaryan; Grigoryan; Paronikyan; Agaronyan; Gevondyan; Samvelyan

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 2001 , vol. 35, # 9 p. 485 - 487 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nadtochii; Melent'eva

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 2001 , vol. 35, # 9 p. 518 - 519 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kapur, Jaideep; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 55, # 3 p. 444 - 452 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kilbinger; Ginap; Erbelding

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 359, # 6 p. 500 - 504 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

An, Lin-Kun; Bu, Xian-Zhang; Wu, Hai-Qiang; Guo, Xin-Dong; Ma, Lin; Gu, Lian-Quan

Tetrahedron, 2002 , vol. 58, # 52 p. 10315 - 10321 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Perron-Sierra, Francoise; Saint Dizier, Dominique; Bertrand, Marc; Genton, Annie; Tucker, Gordon C; Casara, Patrick

Bioorganic and medicinal chemistry letters, 2002 , vol. 12, # 22 p. 3291 - 3296 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lee, Jae Koo; Ahn, Ki Chang; Park, Oee Sook; Ko, Yong Kwan; Kim, Dae-Whang

Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2002 , vol. 50, # 7 p. 1791 - 1803 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2002 , vol. 47, # 5 p. 1164 - 1166 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Thomas, James B.; Atkinson, Robert N.; Namdev, Nivedita; Rothman, Richard B.; Gigstad, Kenneth M.; Fix, Scott E.; Mascarella, S. Wayne; Burgess, Jason P.; Vinson, N. Ariane; Xu, Heng; Dersch, Christina M.; Cantrell, Buddy E.; Zimmerman, Dennis M.; Carroll, F. Ivy

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 45, # 16 p. 3524 - 3530 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Szczecinski, Przemyslaw; Bartusik, Dorota

Journal of Chemical Research - Part S, 2002 , # 2 p. 84 - 85 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Onali, Pierluigi; Olianas, Maria C

Biochemical Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 62, # 2 p. 183 - 190 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Krasowski, Matthew D.; Koltchine, Vladimir V.; Rick, Caroline E.; Ye, Qing; Finn, Suzanne E.; Harrison, Neil L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 3 p. 530 - 538 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Konishi, Yutaka; Hagiwara, Keiko; Shimizu, Makoto

Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry, 2002 , vol. 66, # 11 p. 2449 - 2457 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Brinner, Kristin M; Mi Kim, Jin; Habashita, Hiromu; Gluzman, Ilya Y; Goldberg, Daniel E; Ellman, Jonathan A

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 10, # 11 p. 3649 - 3661 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kurchan, Alexei N.; Kutateladze, Andrei G.

Organic Letters, 2002 , vol. 4, # 23 p. 4129 - 4131 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Castonguay, Roselyne; Lherbet, Christian; Keillor, Jeffrey W.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 10, # 12 p. 4185 - 4191 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Shaukat Husain; Ziebell, Michael R.; Ruesch, Dirk; Hong, Filbert; Arevalo, Enrique; Kosterlitz, Jonathan A.; Olsen, Richard W.; Forman, Stuart A.; Cohen, Jonathan B.; Miller, Keith W.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2003 , vol. 46, # 7 p. 1257 - 1265 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Park, Soobong; Hayes, Brittany L.; Marankan, Fatima; Mulhearn, Debbie C.; Wanna, Linda; Mesecar, Andrew D.; Santarsiero, Bernard D.; Johnson, Michael E.; Venton, Duane L.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2003 , vol. 46, # 6 p. 936 - 953 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Vrudhula, Vivekananda M.; Kerr, David E.; Siemers, Nathan O.; Dubowchik, Gene M.; Senter, Peter D.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2003 , vol. 13, # 3 p. 539 - 542 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Li, Liantao; Kracht, Julia; Peng, Shiqi; Bernhardt, Guenther; Buschauer, Armin

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2003 , vol. 13, # 7 p. 1245 - 1248 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Rao, T.Sudhakar; Nampalli, Satyam; Sekher, Padmanabhan; Kumar, Shiv

Tetrahedron Letters, 2002 , vol. 43, # 43 p. 7793 - 7795 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Choi, Jin Seok; Lee, Hwa-Sun; Lee, Younjoo; Jeong, Nakcheol; Kim, Hack-Joo; Kim, Young-Deug; Han, Hogyu

Tetrahedron Letters, 2002 , vol. 43, # 24 p. 4295 - 4300 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Szczecinski; Bartusik

Polish Journal of Chemistry, 2003 , vol. 77, # 3 p. 321 - 328 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kravchenko; Maksareva; Belyakov; Sigachev; Chegaev; Lyssenko; Lebedev; Makhova

Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2003 , vol. 52, # 1 p. 192 - 197 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tsubaki, Kazunori; Tanaka, Hiroyuki; Morikawa, Hiroshi; Fuji, Kaoru

Tetrahedron, 2003 , vol. 59, # 18 p. 3195 - 3199 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Faber, Cornelius; Pracht, Eberhard; Haase, Axel

Journal of magnetic resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997), 2003 , vol. 161, # 2 p. 265 - 274 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gorostidi, Gerardo R. Echevarria; Castellanos, M. Gabriela; Perez, Piedad Martin; Santos, Jose G.; Blanco, Francisco Garcia

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2003 , vol. 76, # 3 p. 523 - 528 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Nam, Nguyen-Hai; Kim, Yong; You, Young-Jae; Hong, Dong-Ho; Kim, Hwan-Mook; Ahn, Byung-Zun

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2003 , vol. 11, # 6 p. 1021 - 1029 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kim, Kwang-Ok; Kim, Yoo Jung; Lee, Yong Tae; Hammock, Bruce D.; Lee, Hye-Sung

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 50, # 23 p. 6675 - 6682 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Experimental Physiology, 2000 , vol. 85, # 5 p. 479 - 485 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Weingarten, Saskia; Thiem, Joachim

Synlett, 2003 , # 7 p. 1052 - 1054 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Laval, Gilles; Golding, Bernard T.

Synlett, 2003 , # 4 p. 542 - 546 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zheng, Xiang-Jun; Jin, Lin-Pei

Journal of Molecular Structure, 2003 , vol. 655, # 1 p. 7 - 15 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Garazd; Shilin; Khilya

Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2002 , vol. 38, # 5 p. 416 - 423 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Orain, David; Koch, Guido; Giger, Rudolf

Chimia, 2003 , vol. 57, # 5 p. 255 - 261 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Aoki, Katsumasa; Ishikawa, Yoshinobu; Oyama, Miyuki; Tomisugi, Yoshikazu; Uno, Tadayuki

Chemical and pharmaceutical bulletin, 2003 , vol. 51, # 8 p. 899 - 903 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sanvicens, Nuria; Pichon, Valerie; Hennion, Marie-Claire; Marco, M.-Pilar

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2003 , vol. 51, # 1 p. 156 - 164 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Carelli, Vincenzo; Liberatore, Felice; Scipione, Luigi; Giorgioni, Gianfabio; Di Stefano, Antonio; Impicciatore, Mariannina; Ballabeni, Vigilio; Calcina, Francesco; Magnanini, Francesca; Barocelli, Elisabetta

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2003 , vol. 13, # 21 p. 3765 - 3769 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ghosh, Subhash; Chan, Julian M. W.; Lea, Christopher R.; Meints, Gary A.; Lewis, Jared C.; Tovian, Zev S.; Flessner, Ryan M.; Loftus, Timothy C.; Bruchhaus, Iris; Kendrick, Howard; Croft, Simon L.; Kemp, Robert G.; Kobayashi, Seike; Nozaki, Tomoyoshi; Oldfield, Eric

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 47, # 1 p. 175 - 187 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nieuwenhuizen, Willem F.; Dekker, Henk L.; De Koning, Leo J.; Groeneveld, Toos; De Koster, Chris G.; De Jong, Govardus A. H.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2003 , vol. 51, # 24 p. 7132 - 7139 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Bioactivities present


Zav'yalov; Dorofeeva; Rumyantseva; Kulikova; Ezhova; Kravchenko; Zavozin

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 2002 , vol. 36, # 8 p. 440 - 442 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rigo, J-M; Hans; Nguyen; Rocher; Belachew; Malgrange; Leprince; Moonen; Selak; Matagne; Klitgaard

British journal of pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 136, # 5 p. 659 - 672 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Shi, Qi; Savage, Jason E.; Hufeisen, Sandra J.; Rauser, Laura; Grajkowska, Ewa; Ernsberger, Paul; Wroblewski, Jarda T.; Nadeau, Joseph H.; Roth, Bryan L.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2003 , vol. 305, # 1 p. 131 - 142 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Veselovskaya; Shilin; Garazd; Khilya

Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2003 , vol. 39, # 2 p. 177 - 181 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Katiyar; Tiwari; Tripathi; Srivastava; Chaturvedi

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2003 , vol. 11, # 20 p. 4369 - 4375 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kato, Yuki; Kato, Yoko; Furukawa, Keiji; Hara, Shodo

Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2002 , vol. 66, # 12 p. 2600 - 2605 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hom, Roy K.; Gailunas, Andrea F.; Mamo, Shumeye; Fang, Larry Y.; Tung, Jay S.; Walker, Donald E.; Davis, David; Thorsett, Eugene D.; Jewett, Nancy E.; Moon, Joseph B.; John, Varghese

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 47, # 1 p. 158 - 164 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kim, In-Hae; Morisseau, Christophe; Watanabe, Takaho; Hammock, Bruce D.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 47, # 8 p. 2110 - 2122 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Vianello, Paola; Cozzi, Paolo; Galvani, Arturo; Meroni, Maurizio; Varasi, Mario; Volpi, Daniele; Bandiera, Tiziano

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2004 , vol. 14, # 3 p. 657 - 661 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tan, Christopher; Wei, Lianhu; Ottensmeyer, F. Peter; Goldfine, Ira; Maddux, Betty A.; Yip, Cecil C.; Batey, Robert A.; Kotra, Lakshmi P.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2004 , vol. 14, # 6 p. 1407 - 1410 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Shi, Yun; Kuzuya, Akinori; Machida, Kenzo; Komiyama, Makoto

Tetrahedron Letters, 2004 , vol. 45, # 19 p. 3703 - 3706 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mulla; Gurubasavaraj; Nandibewoor

Polish Journal of Chemistry, 2003 , vol. 77, # 12 p. 1833 - 1840 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kokotos, George; Six, David A.; Loukas, Vassilios; Smith, Timothy; Constantinou-Kokotou, Violetta; Hadjipavlou-Litina, Dimitra; Kotsovolou, Stavroula; Chiou, Antonia; Beltzner, Christopher C.; Dennis, Edward A.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 47, # 14 p. 3615 - 3628 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Golovko; Solov'eva; Anisimova; Granik

Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, 2003 , vol. 39, # 3 p. 344 - 353 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Suresh, Surisetti; Periasamy, Mariappan

Tetrahedron Letters, 2004 , vol. 45, # 33 p. 6291 - 6293 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Buhr, Andreas; Schaerer, Martin T.; Baur, Roland; Sigel, Erwin

Molecular Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 52, # 4 p. 676 - 682 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fisher, Janet L.; Zhang, Jie; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 52, # 4 p. 714 - 724

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Urwyler, Stephan; Pozza, Mario F; Lingenhoehl, Kurt; Mosbacher, Johannes; Lampert, Christina; Froestl, Wolfgang; Koller, Manuel; Kaupmann, Klemens

The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, 2003 , vol. 307, # 1 p. 322 - 330 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

McCormick; Tunnicliff

Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 57, # 3 p. 124 - 131 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Van Rijn, Clementina M.; Willems-van Bree, Elly

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2003 , vol. 464, # 2-3 p. 95 - 100 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Hale, Jeffrey J.; Doherty, George; Toth, Leslie; Li, Zhen; Mills, Sander G.; Hajdu, Richard; Keohane, Carol Ann; Rosenbach, Mark; Milligan, James; Shei, Gan-Ju; Chrebet, Gary; Bergstrom, James; Card, Deborah; Rosen, Hugh; Mandala, Suzanne

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2004 , vol. 14, # 13 p. 3495 - 3499 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nilsson, Mathias; Duarte, Iola F.; Almeida, Claudia; Delgadillo, Ivonne; Goodfellow, Brian J.; Gil, Ana M.; Morris, Gareth A.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 52, # 12 p. 3736 - 3743 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zhao, Long-Xuan; Park, Jae Gyu; Moon, Yoon-Soo; Basnet, Arjun; Choi, Jongwon; Kim, Eun-Kyung; Jeong, Tae Cheon; Jahng, Yurngdong; Lee, Eung-Seok

Farmaco, 2004 , vol. 59, # 5 p. 381 - 388 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mercier, Nicolas; Riou, Amedee

Chemical Communications, 2004 , # 7 p. 844 - 845 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Schousboe, Arne; Sarup, Alan; Larsson, Orla M.; White, H. Steve

Biochemical Pharmacology, 2004 , vol. 68, # 8 p. 1557 - 1563 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Van Rijn, Clementina M.; Willems-Van Bree, Elly

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2004 , vol. 485, # 1-3 p. 43 - 51 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Skander, Myriem; Humbert, Nicolas; Collot, Jerome; Gradinaru, Julieta; Klein, Gerard; Loosli, Andreas; Sauser, Jerome; Zocchi, Andrea; Gilardoni, Francois; Ward, Thomas R.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2004 , vol. 126, # 44 p. 14411 - 14418 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kraemer, Petra M.; Goodrow, Marvin H.; Kremmer, Elisabeth

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 52, # 9 p. 2462 - 2471 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

De Luca, Lidia; Giacomelli, Giampaolo

Synlett, 2004 , # 12 p. 2180 - 2184 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ikemoto, Tomomi; Ito, Tatsuya; Nishiguchi, Atsuko; Tomimatsu, Kiminori

Tetrahedron Letters, 2004 , vol. 45, # 51 p. 9335 - 9339 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ichida, Tatsuya; Kuriyama, Kinya

Life Sciences, 1996 , vol. 59, # 25-26 p. 2173 - 2179 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Apelt; Grassmann; Ligneau; Pertz; Ganellin; Arrang; Schwartz; Schunack; Stark, Holger

Pharmazie, 2005 , vol. 60, # 2 p. 97 - 106 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zhang, Zhongsheng; Liu, Jiyun; Verlinde, Christophe L. M. J.; Hol, Wim G. J.; Fan, Erkang

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 69, # 22 p. 7737 - 7740 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zhou, Cong-Ying; Yu, Wing-Yiu; Chan, Philip Wai Hong; Che, Chi-Ming

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 69, # 21 p. 7072 - 7082 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tian, Jinping; Yin, Yingwu

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 42, # 7 p. 641 - 647 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rueckle, Thomas; Biamonte, Marco; Grippi-Vallotton, Tania; Arkinstall, Steve; Cambet, Yves; Camps, Montserrat; Chabert, Christian; Church, Dennis J.; Halazy, Serge; Jiang, Xuliang; Martinou, Isabelle; Nichols, Anthony; Sauer, Wolfgang; Gotteland, Jean-Pierre

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 47, # 27 p. 6921 - 6934 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Howard, Michael H.; Cenizal, Teodorica; Gutteridge, Steven; Hanna, Wayne S.; Tao, Yong; Totrov, Maxim; Wittenbach, Vernon A.; Zheng, Ya-Jun

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 47, # 27 p. 6669 - 6672 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Enander, Karin; Dolphin, Gunnar T.; Liedberg, Bo; Lundstroem, Ingemar; Baltzer, Lars

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2004 , vol. 10, # 10 p. 2375 - 2385 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wipf, Peter; Minion, Daniel J.; Halter, Robert J.; Berggren, Margareta I.; Ho, Caroline B.; Chiang, Gary G.; Kirkpatrick, Lynn; Abraham, Robert; Powis, Garth

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 2, # 13 p. 1911 - 1920 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Begg, Malcolm; Molleman, Areles; Parsons, Mike

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 434, # 1-2 p. 87 - 94 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological

Bioactivities present


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Aspinwall; Bermudez; King; Wafford

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1997 , vol. 282, # 3 p. 1557 - 1564 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ejim, Linda; Mirza, I. Ahmad; Capone, Christina; Nazi, Ishac; Jenkins, Steve; Chee, Gaik-Lean; Berghuis, Albert M.; Wright, Gerard D.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 12, # 14 p. 3825 - 3830 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gschneidner, David; Corvino, JoAnne; Freeman, John; O'Toole, Doris; Shields, Lynn; Wang, Eric

Synthetic Communications, 2005 , vol. 35, # 12 p. 1567 - 1575 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Anandan, Sampath-Kumar; Ward, John S.; Brokx, Richard D.; Bray, Mark R.; Patel, Dinesh V.; Xiao, Xiao-Xi

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2005 , vol. 15, # 8 p. 1969 - 1972 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rossello, Armando; Nuti, Elisa; Catalani, Maria Pia; Carelli, Paolo; Orlandini, Elisabetta; Rapposelli, Simona; Tuccinardi, Tiziano; Atkinson, Susan J.; Murphy, Gillian; Balsamo, Aldo

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2005 , vol. 15, # 9 p. 2311 - 2314 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pontillo, Joseph; Tran, Joseph A.; Markison, Stacy; Joppa, Margaret; Fleck, Beth A.; Marinkovic, Dragan; Arellano, Melissa; Tucci, Fabio C.; Lanier, Marion; Nelson, Jodie; Saunders, John; Hoare, Sam R.J.; Foster, Alan C.; Chen, Chen

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2005 , vol. 15, # 10 p. 2541 - 2546 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ebert, Bjarke; Thompson, Sally A.; Saounatsou, Koralia; Mckernan, Ruth; Krogsgaard-Larsen, Povl; Wafford, Keith A.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 52, # 6 p. 1150 - 1156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Carbone, Vincenzo; Ishikura, Syuhei; Hara, Akira; El-Kabbani, Ossama

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 13, # 2 p. 301 - 312 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Trotter, Nicholas S.; Brimble, Margaret A.; Harris, Paul W.R.; Callis, David J.; Sieg, Frank

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 13, # 2 p. 501 - 517 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Clausen, Rasmus P.; Moltzen, Ejner K.; Perregaard, Jens; Lenz, Sibylle M.; Sanchez, Connie; Falch, Erik; Frolund, Bente; Bolvig, Tina; Sarup, Alan; Larsson, Orla M.; Schousboe, Arne; Krogsgaard-Larsen, Povl

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 13, # 3 p. 895 - 908 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Allegretti, Marcello; Bertini, Riccardo; Cesta, Maria Candida; Bizzarri, Cinzia; Di Bitondo, Rosa; Di Cioccio, Vito; Galliera, Emanuela; Berdini, Valerio; Topai, Alessandra; Zampella, Giuseppe; Russo, Vincenzo; Di Bello, Nicoletta; Nano, Giuseppe; Nicolini, Luca; Locati, Massimo; Fantucci, Piercarlo; Florio, Saverio; Colotta, Francesco

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 48, # 13 p. 4312 - 4331 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Xie, Yuli; Ding, Huasheng; Qian, Lihui; Yan, Xueming; Yang, Chunhao; Xie, Yuyuan

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2005 , vol. 15, # 13 p. 3267 - 3270 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chebib, Mary; Vandenberg, Robert J.; Johnston, Graham A. R.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 122, # 8 p. 1551 - 1560 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lilley, Elliot; Gibson, Alan

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 122, # 8 p. 1746 - 1752 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wellendorph, Petrine; Hog, Signe; Greenwood, Jeremy R.; De Lichtenberg, Anne; Nielsen, Birgitte; Frolund, Bente; Brehm, Lotte; Clausen, Rasmus P.; Braeuner-Osborne, Hans

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2005 , vol. 315, # 1 p. 346 - 351 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chebib; Vandenberg; Froestl; Johnston

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 329, # 2-3 p. 223 - 229 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Westh-Hansen; Rasmussen; Hastrup; Nabekura; Noguchi; Akaike; Witt; Nielsen

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 329, # 2-3 p. 253 - 257 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Piqueras, Laura; Martinez, Vicente

British journal of pharmacology, 2004 , vol. 142, # 6 p. 1038 - 1048 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Takahashi, Kanji; Ikura, Masahiro; Habashita, Hiromu; Nishizaki, Minoru; Sugiura, Tsuneyuki; Yamamoto, Shingo; Nakatani, Shingo; Ogawa, Koji; Ohno, Hiroyuki; Nakai, Hisao; Toda, Masaaki

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 13, # 14 p. 4527 - 4543 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Aoki, Hideyuki; Furuya, Yuji; Endo, Yasushi; Fujimoto, Kenshiro

Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2003 , vol. 67, # 8 p. 1806 - 1808 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Leung-Toung, Regis; Tam, Tim F.; Zhao, Yanqing; Simpson, Craig D.; Li, Wanren; Desilets, Denis; Karimian, Khashayar

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 70, # 16 p. 6230 - 6241 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sondhi, Sham M.; Goyal, Rajendra N.; Lahoti, Anand M.; Singh, Nirupma; Shukla, Rakesh; Raghubir, Ram

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 13, # 9 p. 3185 - 3195 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ukhin; Kuz'mina

Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2004 , vol. 53, # 10 p. 2262 - 2268 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Voronkov; Belousova; Trukhina; Vlasova

Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 42, # 2 p. 172 - 174 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fakova, Helena; Pour, Milan; Kunes, Jiri; Senel, Petr

Tetrahedron Letters, 2005 , vol. 46, # 47 p. 8137 - 8140 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Horenstein, Jeffrey; Akabas, Myles H.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 5 p. 870 - 877 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Goutman, Juan D.; Escobar, Ariel L.; Calvo, Daniel J.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2005 , vol. 146, # 7 p. 1000 - 1009 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hayakawa, Kazuhito; Kimura, Masayuki; Yamori, Yukio

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2005 , vol. 524, # 1-3 p. 120 - 125 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Crittenden, Deborah L.; Park, Anna; Qiu, Jian; Silverman, Richard B.; Duke, Rujee K.; Johnston, Graham A.R.; Jordan, Meredith J.T.; Chebib, Mary

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 14, # 2 p. 447 - 455 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Coro, Julieta; Perez, Rolando; Rodriguez, Hortensia; Suarez, Margarita; Vega, Celeste; Rolon, Miriam; Montero, David; Nogal, Juan Jose; Gomez-Barrio, Alicia

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 13, # 10 p. 3413 - 3421 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Soldo, Tomislav; Hofmann, Thomas

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 53, # 23 p. 9165 - 9171 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jorgensen, Malene R.; Jaroszewski, Jerzy W.; Witt, Matthias; Franzyk, Henrik

Synthesis, 2005 , # 16 art. no. P05305SS, p. 2687 - 2694 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ray, Sudipta; Drew, Michael G.B.; Das, Apurba K.; Haldar, Debasish; Banerjee, Arindam

Tetrahedron Letters, 2006 , vol. 47, # 16 p. 2771 - 2774 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Abuhamdah; Fuerstner; Lees; Chazot

Biochemical Pharmacology, 2005 , vol. 70, # 9 p. 1382 - 1388 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kawamura, Akane; Graham, James; Mushtaq, Adeel; Tsiftsoglou, Stefanos A.; Vath, Gregory M.; Hanna, Patrick E.; Wagner, Carston R.; Sim, Edith

Biochemical Pharmacology, 2005 , vol. 69, # 2 p. 347 - 359 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pericic, Danka; Strac, Dubravka Svob; Jembrek, Maja Jazvinscak; Rajcan, Ivana

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2003 , vol. 482, # 1-3 p. 117 - 125 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kaminski, Rafal M.; Marini, Herbert; Ortinski, Pavel I.; Vicini, Stefano; Rogawski, Michael A.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2006 , vol. 317, # 2 p. 694 - 703 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Melamed, Nir; Kanner, Baruch I.

Molecular Pharmacology, 2004 , vol. 65, # 6 p. 1452 - 1461 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Morris, Kendall D.W.; Moorefield, Charles N.; Amin, Jahanshah

Molecular Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 56, # 4 p. 752 - 759 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Malitschek, Barbara; Schweizer, Claude; Keir, Miranda; Heid, Jakob; Froestl, Wolfgang; Mosbacher, Johannes; Kuhn, Rainer; Henley, Jeremy; Joly, Cecile; Pin, Jean-Phillippe; Kaupmann, Klemens; Bettler, Bernhard

Molecular Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 56, # 2 p. 448 - 454 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Bioactivities present


Ramesh, Ramapanicker; Rajasekaran, Sakthidevi; Gupta, Rohit; Chandrasekaran, Srinivasan

Organic Letters, 2006 , vol. 8, # 9 p. 1933 - 1936 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Virga, Kristopher G.; Zhang, Yong-Mei; Leonardi, Roberta; Ivey, Robert A.; Hevener, Kirk; Park, Hee-Won; Jackowski, Suzanne; Rock, Charles O.; Lee, Richard E.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 14, # 4 p. 1007 - 1020 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Klimova; Babushkina; Khvostova

Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2005 , vol. 54, # 10 p. 2452 - 2455 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yuan, Hai; Silverman, Richard B.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 14, # 5 p. 1331 - 1338 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yang, Ting; Lin, Changxue; Fu, Hua; Jiang, Yuyang; Zhao, Yufen

Organic Letters, 2005 , vol. 7, # 21 p. 4781 - 4784 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Li, Heting; Jiang, Zhiqin; Wang, Xin; Zheng, Chao

Synthetic Communications, 2006 , vol. 36, # 14 p. 1933 - 1940 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kauppila; Nikkola; Ketola; Kostiainen

Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2006 , vol. 41, # 6 p. 781 - 789 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fort, Sebastien; Birikaki, Lemonia; Dubois, Marie-Pierre; Antoine, Tatiana; Samain, Eric; Driguez, Hugues

Chemical Communications, 2005 , # 20 p. 2558 - 2560 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kharitonov; Shul'ts; Shakirov; Tolstikov

Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 42, # 5 p. 707 - 718 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fujimori, Sayumi; Osawa, Masato; Iemata, Mika; Hinoi, Eiichi; Yoneda, Yukio

Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2006 , vol. 29, # 2 p. 297 - 301 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Huang, Ren-Qi; Bell-Horner, Cathy L.; Dibas, Mohammed I.; Covey, Douglas F.; Drewe, John A.; Dillon, Glenn H.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2001 , vol. 298, # 3 p. 986 - 995 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nelson, Rachael M; Green; Hainsworth, Atticus H

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 452, # 3 p. 255 - 262 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lambert; Belelli

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 136, # 7 p. 957 - 959 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Koltchine, Vladimir V.; Finn, Suzanne E.; Jenkins, Andrew; Nikolaeva, Natalia; Lin, Audrey; Harrison, Neil L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 56, # 5 p. 1087 - 1093 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Saito, Hikaru; Hirano, Hiroyuki; Nakagawa, Hiroshi; Fukami, Takeaki; Oosumi, Keisuke; Murakami, Kaori; Kimura, Hiroko; Kouchi, Takayuki; Konomi, Mami; Tao, Eriko; Tsujikawa, Noboru; Tarui, Shigeki; Nagakura, Makoto; Osumi, Masako; Ishikawa, Toshihisa

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2006 , vol. 317, # 3 p. 1114 - 1124 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Shafir, Alexandr; Buchwald, Stephen L.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2006 , vol. 128, # 27 p. 8742 - 8743 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kubicek, Vojtech; Kotek, Jan; Hermann, Petr; Lukes, Ivan

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2007 , # 2 p. 333 - 344 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Huen, Michael S.Y.; Hui, Kwok-Min; Leung, Justin W.C.; Sigel, Erwin; Baur, Roland; Wong, J. Tze-Fei; Xue, Hong

Biochemical Pharmacology, 2003 , vol. 66, # 12 p. 2397 - 2407 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mehta, Ashok K.; Muschaweck, Nicole M.; Maeda, Dean Y.; Coop, Andrew; Ticku, Maharaj K.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2001 , vol. 299, # 3 p. 1148 - 1153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Piyapolrungroj; Li; Bockbrader; Liu; Fleisher

Pharmaceutical Research, 2001 , vol. 18, # 8 p. 1126 - 1130 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Yamashita, Megumi; Marszalec, William; Yeh, Jay Z.; Narahashi, Toshio

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2006 , vol. 319, # 1 p. 431 - 438 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chang, Yong; Covey, Douglas F.; Weiss, David S.

Molecular Pharmacology, 2000 , vol. 58, # 6 p. 1375 - 1380 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Burghardt, Stephan; Hirsch, Andreas; Schade, Boris; Ludwig, Kai; Boettcher, Christoph

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2005 , vol. 44, # 19 p. 2976 - 2979 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sharma, Gangavaram V. M.; Jayaprakash, Pagadala; Narsimulu, Kongari; Ravi Sankar, Ampapathi; Ravinder Reddy, Kondreddy; Radha Krishna, Palakodety; Kunwar, Ajit C.

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2006 , vol. 45, # 18 p. 2944 - 2947 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ikura, Masahiro; Nakatani, Shingo; Yamamoto, Shingo; Habashita, Hiromu; Sugiura, Tsuneyuki; Takahashi, Kanji; Ogawa, Koji; Ohno, Hiroyuki; Nakai, Hisao; Toda, Masaaki

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 14, # 12 p. 4241 - 4252 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nakatani, Shingo; Ikura, Masahiro; Yamamoto, Shingo; Nishita, Yoshitaka; Itadani, Satoshi; Habashita, Hiromu; Sugiura, Tsuneyuki; Ogawa, Koji; Ohno, Hiroyuki; Takahashi, Kanji; Nakai, Hisao; Toda, Masaaki

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 14, # 15 p. 5402 - 5422 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gelmi, Maria Luisa; Pocar, Donato; Pontremoli, Guido; Pellegrino, Sara; Bombardelli, Ezio; Fontana, Gabriele; Riva, Antonella; Balduini, Walter; Carloni, Silvia; Cimino, Mauro; Johnson, Francis

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 49, # 18 p. 5571 - 5577 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lolli, Marco L.; Hansen, Suzanne L.; Rolando, Barbara; Nielsen, Birgitte; Wellendorph, Petrine; Madsen, Karsten; Larsen, Orla Miller; Kristiansen, Uffe; Fruttero, Roberta; Gasco, Alberto; Johansen, Tommy N.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 49, # 14 p. 4442 - 4446 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Husain, S. Shaukat; Nirthanan, Selvanayagam; Ruesch, Dirk; Solt, Ken; Cheng, Qi; Li, Guo-Dong; Arevalo, Enrique; Olsen, Richard W.; Raines, Douglas E.; Forman, Stuart A.; Cohen, Jonathan B.; Miller, Keith W.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 49, # 16 p. 4818 - 4825 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 54, # 13 p. 4499 - 4505 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung - Section B Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2004 , vol. 59, # 8 p. 930 - 933 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Synthetic Communications, 2006 , vol. 36, # 23 p. 3525 - 3535 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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British Journal of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 134, # 8 p. 1767 - 1777 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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British Journal of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 134, # 1 p. 98 - 107 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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British Journal of Pharmacology, 2006 , vol. 147, # 3 p. 298 - 306 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1999 , vol. 291, # 3 p. 1250 - 1256 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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European Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 438, # 1-2 p. 107 - 113 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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European Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 451, # 2 p. 125 - 132 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Hossain, Sheikh Julfikar; Aoshima, Hitoshi; Koda, Hirofumi; Kiso, Yoshinobu

Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2004 , vol. 68, # 9 p. 1842 - 1848 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 43, # 8 p. 625 - 638 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Chemical Communications, 2007 , # 4 p. 398 - 400 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fattori, Daniela; Rossi, Cristina; Fincham, Christopher I.; Caciagli, Valerio; Catrambone, Fernando; D'Andrea, Piero; Felicetti, Patrizia; Gensini, Martina; Marastoni, Elena; Nannicini, Rossano; Paris, Marielle; Terracciano, Rosa; Bressan, Alessandro; Giuliani, Sandro; Maggi, Carlo A.; Meini, Stefania; Valenti, Claudio; Quartara, Laura

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2007 , vol. 50, # 3 p. 550 - 565 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gros, Ludovic; Lorente, Silvia Orenes; Jimenez, Carmen; Yardley, Vanessa; Rattray, Lauren; Wharton, Hayley; Little, Susan; Croft, Simon L.; Ruiz-Perez, Luis M.; Gonzalez-Pacanowska, Dolores; Gilbert, Ian H.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 49, # 20 p. 6094 - 6103 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zareef, Muhammad; Iqbal, Rashid; Al-Masoudi, Najim A.; Zaidi, Javid H.; Arfan, Muhammad; Shahzad, Sohail A.

Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements, 2007 , vol. 182, # 2 p. 281 - 298 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Cazor, Anne; Deborde, Catherine; Moing, Annick; Rolin, Dominique; This, Herve

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 54, # 13 p. 4681 - 4686 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dinsmore, Andrew; Mandy, Karen; Michael, Joseph P.

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 4, # 6 p. 1032 - 1037 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tegoni, Matteo; Ferretti, Luca; Sansone, Francesco; Remelli, Maurizio; Bertolasi, Valerio; Dallavalle, Francesco

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British Journal of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 134, # 4 p. 896 - 904 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2007 , vol. 30, # 4 p. 687 - 691 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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British Journal of Pharmacology, 2006 , vol. 148, # 2 p. 162 - 172 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Al-Awadi; Pavlik; Al-Sarraf

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Galvez, Thierry; Urwyler, Stephan; Prezeau, Laurent; Mosbacher, Johannes; Joly, Cecile; Malitschek, Barbara; Heid, Jakob; Brabet, Isabelle; Froestl, Wolfgang; Bettler, Bernhard; Kaupmann, Klemens; Pin, Jean-Philippe

Molecular Pharmacology, 2000 , vol. 57, # 3 p. 419 - 426 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 71, # 19 p. 7205 - 7213 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2005 , vol. 172, # 1 p. 9 - 16 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gelmi, Maria Luisa; Fontana, Gabriele; Pocar, Donato; Pontremoli, Guido; Pellegrino, Sara; Bombardelli, Ezio; Riva, Antonella; Balduini, Walter; Carloni, Silvia; Cimino, Mauro

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2007 , vol. 50, # 9 p. 2245 - 2248 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kim, Jong-Man; Lee, Ji-Seok; Choi, Hyun; Sohn, Daewon; Ahn, Dong June

Macromolecules, 2005 , vol. 38, # 22 p. 9366 - 9376 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2005 , vol. 41, # 5 p. 516 - 522 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Shokol; Semenyuchenko; Shilin; Turov; Ogorodniichuk; Khilya

Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2005 , vol. 41, # 5 p. 533 - 538 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yogeeswari, Perumal; Ragavendran, Jegadeesan Vaigunda; Sriram, Dharmarajan; Nageswari, Yarravarapu; Kavya, Ramkumar; Sreevatsan, Narayanan; Vanitha, Kaliappan; Stables, James

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2007 , vol. 50, # 10 p. 2459 - 2467 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2005 , vol. 81, # 3 p. 641 - 648 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Herrick, Richard S.; Dupont, Julie; Wrona, Iwona; Pilloni, Julia; Beaver, Matthew; Benotti, Mark; Powers, Frank; Ziegler, Christopher J.

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2007 , vol. 692, # 6 SPEC. ISS. p. 1226 - 1233 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kottani, Rudresha; Majjigapu, Janaki R. R.; Kurchan, Alexei; Majjigapu, Kavitha; Gustafson, Tiffany P.; Kutateladze, Andrei G.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2006 , vol. 128, # 46 p. 14794 - 14795 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2006 , vol. 70, # 3 p. 718 - 721 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung - Section B Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2005 , vol. 60, # 10 p. 1077 - 1082 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Guetzoyan, Lucie; Ramiandrasoa, Florence; Dorizon, Helene; Desprez, Christine; Bridoux, Alexandre; Rogier, Christophe; Pradines, Bruno; Perree-Fauvet, Martine

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2007 , vol. 15, # 9 p. 3278 - 3289 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Liberatore, Anne-Marie; Schulz, Jocelyne; Favre-Guilmard, Christine; Pommier, Jacques; Lannoy, Jacques; Pawlowski, Emilia; Barthelemy, Marie-Anne; Huchet, Marion; Auguet, Michel; Chabrier, Pierre-Etienne; Bigg, Dennis

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2007 , vol. 17, # 6 p. 1746 - 1749 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Seregar; Hiremath; Nandibewoor

Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie, 2006 , vol. 220, # 5 p. 615 - 629 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mirzaei, Hamid; Regnier, Fred

Analytical Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 78, # 12 p. 4175 - 4183 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Karimipour, Gholam Reza; Shadegan, Hamid Asadpour; Ahmadpour, Roxana

Journal of Chemical Research, 2007 , # 4 p. 252 - 256 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yogeeswari, Perumal; Sriram, Dharmarajan; Sahitya, Puppala; Ragavendran, Jegadeesan Vaigunda; Ranganadh, Velagaleti

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2007 , vol. 17, # 13 p. 3712 - 3715 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Maksay; Fodor; Biro; Avlonitis; Calogeropoulou

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2007 , vol. 151, # 7 p. 1078 - 1086 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Guenin, Erwann; Monteil, Maelle; Bouchemal, Nadia; Prange, Thierry; Lecouvey, Marc

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2007 , # 20 p. 3380 - 3391 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ramasami, Ponnadurai; Kakkar, Rita

Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2006 , vol. 38, # 11 p. 1385 - 1395 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Schmuck, Carsten; Rehm, Thomas; Geiger, Lars; Schaefer, Mathias

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2007 , vol. 72, # 16 p. 6162 - 6170 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 32, # 3 p. 231 - 239 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 44, # 3 SPEC. ISS. p. 263 - 268 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2006 , vol. 70, # 10 p. 2501 - 2507 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2007 , vol. 46, # 16 p. 2883 - 2886 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Organic Letters, 2007 , vol. 9, # 19 p. 3797 - 3800 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2007 , vol. 50, # 17 p. 4147 - 4161 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jensen, Anders A.; Zlotos, Darius P.; Liljefors, Tommy

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2007 , vol. 50, # 19 p. 4616 - 4629 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Synthesis, 2007 , # 17 p. 2641 - 2646 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2007 , vol. 50, # 20 p. 4793 - 4807 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2007 , vol. 322, # 2 p. 686 - 694 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2007 , vol. 71, # 1 p. 165 - 173 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2012 , vol. 22, # 4 p. 1779 - 1783 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 55, # 4 p. 1731 - 1750 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 2011 , vol. 49, # 3-4 p. 255 - 266 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Naresh Chary; Dinesh Kumar, Ch.; Vairamani; Prabhakar

Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2012 , vol. 47, # 1 p. 79 - 88 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tan, Yue-He; Li, Jian-Xiao; Xue, Fu-Ling; Qi, Ji; Wang, Zhao-Yang

Tetrahedron, 2012 , vol. 68, # 13 p. 2827 - 2843 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kreye, Oliver; Tueruenc, Oguz; Sehlinger, Ansgar; Rackwitz, Jenny; Meier, Michael A. R.

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2012 , vol. 18, # 18 p. 5767 - 5776 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sasmal, Sanjita; Balasubrahmanyam; Kanna Reddy, Hariprasada R.; Balaji, Gade; Srinivas, Gujjary; Cheera, Srisailam; Abbineni, Chandrasekhar; Sasmal, Pradip K.; Khanna, Ish; Sebastian; Jadhav, Vikram P.; Singh, Manvendra P.; Talwar, Rashmi; Suresh; Shashikumar, Dhanya; Harinder Reddy; Sihorkar; Frimurer, Thomas M.; Rist, ystein; Elster, Lisbeth; Hoegberg, Thomas

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2012 , vol. 22, # 9 p. 3163 - 3167 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ha, Khanh; Chahar, Mamta; Monbaliu, Jean-Christophe M.; Todadze, Ekaterina; Hansen, Finn K.; Oliferenko, Alexander A.; Ocampo, Charles E.; Leino, David; Lillicotch, Aaron; Stevens, Christian V.; Katritzky, Alan R.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 77, # 6 p. 2637 - 2648 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Namdeo, Ajay G.; Sharma, Ajay; Yadav, Kavita N.; Gawande, Rupali; Mahadik, Kakasaheb R.; Lopez-Gresa, Maria Pilar; Kim, Hye Kyong; Choi, Young Hae; Verpoorte, Robert

Planta Medica, 2011 , vol. 77, # 17 p. 1958 - 1964 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, 2012 , vol. 11, # 3 p. 578 - 586 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Diao, Lei; Polli, James E.

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2011 , vol. 100, # 9 p. 3802 - 3816 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Minyan, Song; Ramsh; Fundamensky; Solov'eva; Zakharov

Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 82, # 2 p. 236 - 246 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Archives of Pharmacal Research, 2012 , vol. 35, # 1 p. 35 - 49 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Chemical Biology and Drug Design, 2011 , vol. 78, # 5 p. 787 - 799 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lopez-Rituerto, Eva; Savorani, Francesco; Avenoza, Alberto; Busto, Jesus H.; Peregrina, Jesus M.; Engelsen, Soren Balling

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 60, # 13 p. 3452 - 3461 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rajak, Harish; Kumar, Pramod; Parmar, Poonam; Thakur, Bhupendra Singh; Veerasamy, Ravichandran; Sharma, Prabodh Chander; Sharma, Ajay Kumar; Gupta, Arun Kumar; Dangi, Jawahar Singh

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 53, p. 390 - 397 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2012 , vol. 38, # 3-5 p. 925 - 936 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Karuehanon, Weeranuch; Fanfuenha, Watcharee; Rujiwatra, Apinpus; Pattarawarapan, Mookda

Tetrahedron Letters, 2012 , vol. 53, # 27 p. 3486 - 3489 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yanvarev; Korovina; Usanov; Kochetkov

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 38, # 2 p. 224 - 229 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Phytochemistry, 2012 , vol. 80, p. 8 - 16 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Blair, Adele; Stevenson, Louise; Sutherland, Andrew

Tetrahedron Letters, 2012 , vol. 53, # 32 p. 4084 - 4086 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Magoulas, George E.; Garnelis, Thomas; Athanassopoulos, Constantinos M.; Papaioannou, Dionissios; Mattheolabakis, George; Avgoustakis, Konstantinos; Hadjipavlou-Litina, Dimitra

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Capron, Michael; Diaz-Tendero, Sergio; MacLot, Sylvain; Domaracka, Alicja; Lattouf, Elie; Lawicki, Arkadiusz; Maisonny, Remi; Chesnel, Jean-Yves; Mery, Alain; Poully, Jean-Christophe; Rangama, Jimmy; Adoui, Lamri; Martin, Fernando; Alcami, Manuel; Rousseau, Patrick; Huber, Bernd A.

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2012 , vol. 18, # 30 p. 9321 - 9332 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Savechenkov, Pavel Y.; Zhang, Xi; Chiara, David C.; Stewart, Deirdre S.; Ge, Rile; Zhou, Xiaojuan; Raines, Douglas E.; Cohen, Jonathan B.; Forman, Stuart A.; Miller, Keith W.; Bruzik, Karol S.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 55, # 14 p. 6554 - 6565 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Husain, Asif; Rashid, Mohd; Mishra, Ravinesh; Parveen, Shama; Shin, Dong-Soo; Kumar, Deepak

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2012 , vol. 22, # 17 p. 5438 - 5444 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Neuropharmacology, 2012 , vol. 63, # 4 p. 761 - 767 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Rahman, Mohammad Mostafizur; Akiyoshi, Yuki; Furutani, Shogo; Matsuda, Kazuhiko; Furuta, Kenjiro; Ikeda, Izumi; Ozoe, Yoshihisa

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 20, # 19 p. 5957 - 5964 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yadav, Naveen; Malhotra, Manav; Monga, Vikramdeep; Sharma, Sagun; Jain, Jainendra; Samad, Abdul; Deep, Aakash

Medicinal Chemistry Research, 2012 , vol. 21, # 9 p. 2208 - 2216 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 20, # 19 p. 5763 - 5773 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 10, # 40 p. 8055 - 8058 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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ChemMedChem, 2012 , vol. 7, # 9 p. 1678 - 1690 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2012 , # 29 p. 5774 - 5788,15 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2012 , vol. 22, # 18 p. 5889 - 5892,4 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bol'shakov, Oleg; Kovacs, Judit; Chahar, Mamta; Ha, Khanh; Khelashvili, Levan; Katritzky, Alan R.

Journal of Peptide Science, 2012 , vol. 18, # 11 p. 704 - 709,6 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 55, # 21 p. 9270 - 9282,13 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Garcia, Daniel A.; Bujons, Jordi; Vale, Carmen; Sunol, Cristina

Neuropharmacology, 2006 , vol. 50, # 1 p. 25 - 35 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zepperitz, Christine; Hoefner, Georg; Wanner, Klaus T.

ChemMedChem, 2006 , vol. 1, # 2 p. 208 - 217 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Neuropharmacology, 2006 , vol. 50, # 8 p. 1016 - 1029 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2006 , vol. 3, # 3 p. 252 - 265 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hog, Signe; Greenwood, Jeremy R.; Madsen, Karsten B.; Larsson, Orla M.; Frolund, Bente; Schousboe, Arne; Krogsgaard-Larsen, Povl; Clausen, Rasmus P.

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Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 12, # 5 p. 551 - 571 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Foltz, Martin; Mertl, Manuela; Dietz, Veronika; Boll, Michael; Kottra, Gabor; Daniel, Hannelore

Biochemical Journal, 2005 , vol. 386, # 3 p. 607 - 616 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Neuropharmacology, 2007 , vol. 52, # 3 p. 779 - 787 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Murray; FitzGerald

Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2007 , vol. 13, # 8 p. 773 - 791 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 2007 , vol. 7, # 10 p. 1009 - 1018 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2007 , vol. 13, # 31 p. 3169 - 3177 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2008 , vol. 88, # 4 p. 497 - 510 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fischer, Wiebke; Praetor, Katrin; Metzner, Linda; Neubert, Reinhard H.H.; Brandsch, Matthias

European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 2008 , vol. 70, # 2 p. 486 - 492 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Organic Process Research and Development, 2007 , vol. 11, # 3 p. 482 - 486 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chang, Shuang; Bray, Steven M.; Li, Zigang; Zarnescu, Daniela C.; He, Chuan; Jin, Peng; Warren, Stephen T.

Nature Chemical Biology, 2008 , vol. 4, # 4 p. 256 - 263 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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British journal of pharmacology, 2008 , vol. 153, # 5 p. 1062 - 1071 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jansen, Michaela; Rabe, Holger; Strehle, Axelle; Dieler, Sandra; Debus, Fabian; Dannhardt, Gerd; Akabas, Myles H; Lueddens, Hartmut

Journal of medicinal chemistry, 2008 , vol. 51, # 15 p. 4430 - 4448 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 2008 , vol. 375, # 1 p. 38 - 43 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Deniau, Gildas; Slawin, Alexandra M.Z.; Lebl, Tomas; Chorki, Fatima; Issberner, Jon P.; van Mourik, Tanja; Heygate, Judith M.; Lambert, Jeremy J.; Etherington, Lori-An; Sillar, Keith T.; O'Hagan, David

ChemBioChem, 2007 , vol. 8, # 18 p. 2265 - 2274 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kulig, Katarzyna; Szwaczkiewicz, Marta

Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 8, # 12 p. 1214 - 1223 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Gastroenterology, 2009 , vol. 44, # 6 p. 535 - 543 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Crawford, Jason B.; Chen, Gang; Gauthier, David; Wilson, Trevor; Carpenter, Bryon; Baird, Ian R.; McEachern, Ernie; Kaller, Alan; Harwig, Curtis; Atsma, Bem; Skerlj, Renato T.; Bridger, Gary J.

Organic Process Research and Development, 2008 , vol. 12, # 5 p. 823 - 830 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fischer, Wiebke; Neubert, Reinhard H.H.; Brandsch, Matthias

European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 2010 , vol. 74, # 2 p. 281 - 289 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ueda, Kyoko; Tsuji, Fumio; Hirata, Tomoko; Ueda, Kenji; Murai, Masaaki; Aono, Hiroyuki; Takaoka, Masanori; Matsumura, Yasuo

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2009 , vol. 329, # 1 p. 202 - 209 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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ChemMedChem, 2009 , vol. 4, # 9 p. 1523 - 1528 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Lehmann, Anders; Antonsson, Madeleine; Holmberg, Ann Aurell; Blackshaw, L. Ashley; Braenden, Lena; Braeuner-Osborne, Hans; Christiansen, Bolette; Dent, John; Elebring, Thomas; Jacobson, Britt-Marie; Jensen, Joergen; Mattsson, Jan P.; Nilsson, Karolina; Oja, Simo S.; Page, Amanda J.; Saransaari, Pirjo; Von Unge, Sverker

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2009 , vol. 331, # 2 p. 504 - 512 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2009 , vol. 331, # 2 p. 470 - 484 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Maksay, Gabor; Fodor, Laszlo

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2011 , vol. 650, # 1 p. 94 - 101 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 17, # 20 p. 2203 - 2213 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Reddy, Doodipala Samba; Jian, Kuihuan

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2010 , vol. 334, # 3 p. 1031 - 1041 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica, 2010 , vol. 48, # 2 p. 173 - 177 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hodgetts, Kevin J.; Combs, Kerry J.; Elder, Amy M.; Harriman, Geraldine C.

Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 45, # C p. 429 - 448 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Toxicological Sciences, 2010 , vol. 118, # 2 art. no. KFQ284, p. 635 - 642 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

McCracken, Mandy L.; Borghese, Cecilia M.; Trudell, James R.; Harris, R. Adron

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2010 , vol. 335, # 3 p. 600 - 606 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yan, Ren-Yi; Wang, Hong-Qing; Liu, Chao; Chen, Ruo-Yun; Yu, De-Quan

Fitoterapia, 2011 , vol. 82, # 2 p. 247 - 250 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Werner; Swihart; Rau; Jia; Borghese; McCracken; Iyer; Fanselow; Oh; Sonner; Eger II; Harrison; Harris; Homanics

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2011 , vol. 336, # 1 p. 134 - 144 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dinklo, Theo; Shaban, Hamdy; Thuring, Jan Willem; Lavreysen, Hilde; Stevens, Karen E.; Zheng, Lijun; Mackie, Claire; Grantham, Christopher; Vandenberk, Ine; Meulders, Greet; Peeters, Luc; Verachtert, Hanne; De Prins, Erik; Lesage, Anne S. J.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2011 , vol. 336, # 2 p. 560 - 574 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, 2011 , vol. 9, # 3 p. 161 - 166 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Takeuchi, Kazuya; Sugiura, Tomoko; Umeda, Saki; Matsubara, Kazuki; Horikawa, Masato; Nakamichi, Noritaka; Silver, David L.; Ishiwata, Norihisa; Kato, Yukio

Drug Metabolism and Disposition, 2011 , vol. 39, # 6 p. 1088 - 1096 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Morlock, Elaine V.; Czajkowski, Cynthia

Molecular Pharmacology, 2011 , vol. 80, # 1 p. 14 - 22 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Watt, Marla L.; Schober, Douglas A.; Hitchcock, Stephen; Liu, Bin; Chesterfield, Amy K.; McKinzie, David; Felder, Christian C.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2011 , vol. 338, # 2 p. 622 - 632 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

O'Toole, Kate K.; Jenkins, Andrew

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 286, # 44 p. 37990 - 37999 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Xie, An; Yan, Jun; Yue, Lan; Feng, Feng; Mir, Fozia; Abdel-Halim, Heba; Chebib, Mary; Le Breton, Guy C.; Standaert, Robert F.; Qian, Haohua; Pepperberg, David R.

Molecular Pharmacology, 2011 , vol. 80, # 6 p. 965 - 978 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yamamoto, Izumi; Carland, Jane E.; Locock, Katherine; Gavande, Navnath; Absalom, Nathan; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Allan, Robin D.; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Chebib, Mary

ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2012 , vol. 3, # 4 p. 293 - 301 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Billen, Bert; Spurny, Radovan; Brams, Marijke; Van Elk, Rene; Valera-Kummer, Soledad; Yakel, Jerrel L.; Voets, Thomas; Bertrand, Daniel; Smit, August B.; Ulens, Chris

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2012 , vol. 109, # 23 p. 9173 - 9178 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Knutson, Sarah K.; Wigle, Tim J.; Warholic, Natalie M.; Sneeringer, Christopher J.; Allain, Christina J.; Klaus, Christine R.; Sacks, Joelle D.; Raimondi, Alejandra; Majer, Christina R.; Song, Jeffrey; Scott, Margaret Porter; Jin, Lei; Smith, Jesse J.; Olhava, Edward J.; Chesworth, Richard; Moyer, Mikel P.; Richon, Victoria M.; Copeland, Robert A.; Keilhack, Heike; Pollock, Roy M.; Kuntz, Kevin W.

Nature Chemical Biology, 2012 , vol. 8, # 11 p. 890 - 896 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Naturale, Guillaume; Lamblin, Marc; Commandeur, Claude; Felpin, Francois-Xavier; Dessolin, Jean

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2012 , # 29 p. 5774 - 5788 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rasia-Filho; Haas; de Oliveira; de Castilhos; Frey; Stein; Lazzari; Back; Pires; Pavesi; Winkelmann-Duarte; Giovenardi

Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 12, # 11 p. 1090 - 1106 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fernandez, Sebastian P.; Karim, Nasiara; Mewett, Kenneth N.; Chebib, Mary; Johnston, Graham A.R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2012 , vol. 165, # 4 p. 965 - 977 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ochoa-De La Paz, Lenin D.; Estrada-Mondragon, Argel; Limon, Agenor; Miledi, Ricardo; Martinez-Torres, Ataulfo

ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2012 , vol. 3, # 2 p. 96 - 104 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bol'shakov, Oleg; Kovacs, Judit; Chahar, Mamta; Ha, Khanh; Khelashvili, Levan; Katritzky, Alan R.

Journal of Peptide Science, 2012 , vol. 18, # 11 p. 704 - 709

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Shen, Sida; Xu, Xingyu; Lei, Min; Hu, Lihong

Synthesis (Germany), 2012 , vol. 44, # 22 art. no. SS-2012-F0613-OP, p. 3543 - 3549 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Cardenal, Carmen; Vollrath, Sidonie B. L.; Schepers, Ute; Bräse, Stefan

Helvetica Chimica Acta, 2012 , vol. 95, # 11 p. 2237 - 2248 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hibi, Shigeki; Ueno, Koshi; Nagato, Satoshi; Kawano, Koki; Ito, Koichi; Norimine, Yoshihiko; Takenaka, Osamu; Hanada, Takahisa; Yonaga, Masahiro

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 55, # 23 p. 10584 - 10600 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sashidhara, Koneni V.; Palnati, Gopala Reddy; Dodda, Ranga Prasad; Avula, Srinivasa Rao; Swami, Priyanka

Synlett, 2013 , vol. 24, # 1 p. 105 - 113 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Falvo, Francesco; Fiebig, Lukas; Dreiocker, Frank; Wang, Ran; Armentrout; Schaefer, Mathias

International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2012 , vol. 330-332, p. 124 - 133 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stavila; Loos

Tetrahedron Letters, 2013 , vol. 54, # 5 p. 370 - 372 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gehrke, Sebastian S.; Pinto, Erika G.; Steverding, Dietmar; Pleban, Karin; Tempone, Andre G.; Hider, Robert C.; Wagner, Gerd K.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 21, # 3 p. 805 - 813 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Steffen-Munsberg, Fabian; Vickers, Clare; Thontowi, Ahmad; Schaetzle, Sebastian; Tumlirsch, Tony; SvedendahlHumble, Maria; Land, Henrik; Berglund, Per; Bornscheuer, Uwe T.; Hoehne, Matthias

ChemCatChem, 2013 , vol. 5, # 1 p. 150 - 153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bansal; Sinha; Khosa

Medicinal Chemistry Research, 2013 , vol. 22, # 1 p. 134 - 146 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 3 p. 993 - 1006 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2013 , # 7 p. 1149 - 1156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 3 p. 1323 - 1340 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2013 , vol. 23, # 6 p. 1834 - 1838 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 21, # 7 p. 1834 - 1843 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 21, # 10 p. 2764 - 2771 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 9 p. 3620 - 3635 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Pal, Amrita; Dey, Joykrishna

Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2014 , vol. 118, # 42 p. 12112 - 12120 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Kang, Hye Jin; Menlove, Kit; Ma, Jianpeng; Wilkins, Angela; Lichtarge, Olivier; Wensel, Theodore G.

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 289, # 43 p. 29961 - 29974 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rasmussen, Allan D.; Truchot, Nathalie; Pickersgill, Nigel; Thale, Zia Irene; Rosolen, Serge G.; Botteron, Catherine

Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology, 2015 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 13 - 20 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Maggio, Marcello; De Vita, Francesca; Fisichella, Alberto; Colizzi, Elena; Provenzano, Sandra; Lauretani, Fulvio; Luci, Michele; Ceresini, Graziano; Dall'Aglio, Elisabetta; Caffarra, Paolo; Valenti, Giorgio; Ceda, Gian Paolo

Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015 , vol. 145, p. 281 - 292 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hill; Dušková; Stárka

Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015 , vol. 145, p. 293 - 314 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yamamoto, Rie; Okada, Youhei; Hirose, Jun; Koshika, Tadatsura; Kawato, Yuka; Maeda, Masashi; Saito, Rika; Hattori, Kazuyuki; Harada, Hironori; Nagasaka, Yasuhisa; Morokata, Tatsuaki

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Potter, David E.; Choudhury, Mahua

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New Journal of Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 39, # 1 p. 403 - 419 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lima, Viner Sousa; Lemos, Sebastio S.; Casagrande, Gleison Antnio

Polyhedron, 2015 , vol. 89, p. 85 - 90 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ordez; Sainz; Callejn; Troncoso; Torija; Garca-Parrilla

Food Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 178, p. 221 - 228 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

McShane, Adam J.; Shen, Yuanyuan; Castillo, Mary Joan; Yao, Xudong

Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 2014 , vol. 25, # 10 p. 1694 - 1704 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

PARK, Chang-Seo; NAM, Sang-June; CHOI, Wang-Keun; PYUN, Yu-Ryang; CHO, Hyung-Yong; CHO, Seok-Cheol; KOOK, Moo-Chang; LEE, Chang-Woo; CHUNG, So-Young

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Rizzuti, Antonino; Aguilera-Sez, Luis Manuel; Gallo, Vito; Cafagna, Isabella; Mastrorilli, Piero; Latronico, Mario; Pacifico, Andrea; Matarrese, Angela Maria Stella; Ferrara, Giuseppe

Food Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 171, p. 341 - 350 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Phytochemistry Letters, 2015 , vol. 11, p. 404 - 409 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Oukhatar, Fatima; Mme, Sandra; Mme, William; Szeremeta, Frdric; Logothetis, Nikos K.; Angelovski, Goran; Tth, va

ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2015 , vol. 6, # 2 p. 219 - 225 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Phytochemical Analysis, 2015 , vol. 26, # 2 p. 171 - 182 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Cicero, Nicola; Corsaro, Carmelo; Salvo, Andrea; Vasi, Sebastiano; Giofr, Salvatore V.; Ferrantelli, Vincenzo; Di Stefano, Vita; Mallamace, Domenico; Dugo, Giacomo

Natural Product Research, 2015 , vol. 29, # 20 p. 1894 - 1902 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Babateen, Omar; Jin, Zhe; Bhandage, Amolk.; Korol, Sergiy V.; Westermark, Bengt; Forsberg Nilsson, Karin; Uhrbom, Lene; Smits, Anja; Birnir, Bryndis

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2015 , vol. 748, p. 101 - 107 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Molecular Pharmacology, 2015 , vol. 87, # 3 p. 391 - 400 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Huynh, Thuan G.; Cuny, Hartmut; Slesinger, Paul A.; Adams, David J.

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Journigan, V. Blair; Msangeau, Christophe; Vyas, Neha; Eans, Shainnel O.; Cutler, Stephen J.; McLaughlin, Jay P.; Mollereau, Catherine; McCurdy, Christopher R.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 57, # 21 p. 8903 - 8927 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 94, art. no. 7725, p. 211 - 217 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Korzycka, Karolina A.; Bennett, Philip M.; Cueto-Diaz, Eduardo Jose; Wicks, Geoffrey; Drobizhev, Mikhail; Blanchard-Desce, Mireille; Rebane, Aleksander; Anderson, Harry L.

Chemical Science, 2015 , vol. 6, # 4 p. 2419 - 2426 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Singh, Lav Kumar; Priyanka; Singh, Vineeta; Katiyar, Diksha

Medicinal Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 11, # 2 p. 128 - 134 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Li; Bracamontes; Manion; Mennerick; Steinbach; Evers; Akk

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2014 , vol. 171, # 23 p. 5446 - 5457 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Babol University of Medical Sciences, 2014 , vol. 16, # 8 p. 46 - 56 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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CrystEngComm, 2015 , vol. 17, # 15 p. 2974 - 2988 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Letters in Drug Design and Discovery, 2015 , vol. 12, # 4 p. 253 - 258 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ma, Chunying; Chen, Huan; Li, Chao; Zhang, Jin; Qiao, Renzhong

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Chauhan, Anjali; Sharma, Uma; Jagannathan, Naranamangalam R.; Gupta, Yogendra Kumar

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2015 , vol. 757, p. 28 - 33 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Burton, Aaron S.; Glavin, Daniel P.; Elsila, Jamie E.; Dworkin, Jason P.; Jenniskens, Peter; Yin, Qing-Zhu

Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 2014 , vol. 49, # 11 p. 2074 - 2086 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Analytical Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 87, # 7 p. 3864 - 3870 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dockendorff, Chris; Faloon, Patrick W.; Yu, Miao; Youngsaye, Willmen; Penman, Marsha; Nieland, Thomas J. F.; Nag, Partha P.; Lewis, Timothy A.; Pu, Jun; Bennion, Melissa; Negri, Joseph; Paterson, Conor; Lam, Garrett; Dandapani, Sivaraman; Perez, Jos R.; Munoz, Benito; Palmer, Michelle A.; Schreiber, Stuart L.; Krieger, Monty

ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2015 , vol. 6, # 4 p. 375 - 380 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sharma, Krishna K.; Sharma, Swagat; Kudwal, Anurag; Jain, Rahul

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Fekete, Christopher D.; Chiou, Tzu-Ting; Miralles, Celia P.; Harris, Rachel S.; Fiondella, Christopher G.; Loturco, Joseph J.; De Blas, Angel L. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2015 , vol. 523, # 9 p. 1359 - 1378 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zhang, Rui; Liu, Kechang; Cui, Yongliang; Zhang, Wei; He, Lishan; Guo, Suoqin; Chen, Yuanyuan; Li, Qing X.; Liu, Shangzhong; Wang, Baomin

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 45 p. 35874 - 35881 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Miao, Wangen; Yang, Dong; Liu, Minghua

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2015 , vol. 21, # 20 p. 7562 - 7570 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

He, Jingjing; Luo, Zhigang; Huang, Lan; He, Jiuming; Chen, Yi; Rong, Xianfang; Jia, Shaobo; Tang, Fei; Wang, Xiaohao; Zhang, Ruiping; Zhang, Jianjun; Shi, Jiangong; Abliz, Zeper

Analytical Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 87, # 10 p. 5372 - 5379 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Chemical Communications, 2015 , vol. 51, # 55 p. 11130 - 11133 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2014 , vol. 78, # 1 p. 167 - 174 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Oda, Kohei; Imanishi, Takanori; Yamane, Yoshito; Ueno, Yoshie; Mori, Yoshiharu

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Borisova; Pozdnyakova; Shaitanova; Gerus; Dudarenko; Mironets; Haufe; Kukhar

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 23, # 15 p. 4316 - 4323 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Waszkielewicz, Anna M.; Cegla, Marek; Zeslawska, Ewa; Nitek, Wojciech; Sloczyska, Karolina; Marona, Henryk

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 23, # 15 p. 4197 - 4217 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kaji, Mark D; Kwaka, Ariel; Callanan, Micah K; Nusrat, Humza; Desaulniers, Jean-Paul; Forrester, Sean G

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2015 , vol. 172, # 15 p. 3737 - 3747 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Patent: WO2015/110848 A1, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Adhikary, Nirmal Das; Kwon, Sunjeong; Chung, Wook-Jin; Koo, Sangho

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 80, # 15 p. 7693 - 7701 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Haldar, Saubhik; Karmakar, Koninika

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 81 p. 66339 - 66354 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Naresh Chary; Sudarshana Reddy; Kumar, Ch. Dinesh; Srinivas; Prabhakar

Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2015 , vol. 50, # 5 p. 771 - 781 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 53, # 9 p. 704 - 710 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Yu, Xinyu; Luo, Jia; Chen, Lijun; Zhang, Chengxiang; Zhang, Rutan; Hu, Qi; Qiao, Shanlei; Li, Lei

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 85 p. 69800 - 69812 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hammer, Harriet; Bader, Benjamin M.; Ehnert, Corina; Bundgaard, Christoffer; Bunch, Lennart; Hoestgaard-Jensen, Kirsten; Schroeder, Olaf H.-U.; Bastlund, Jesper F.; Gramowski-Voss, Alexandra; Jensen, Anders A.

Molecular Pharmacology, 2015 , vol. 88, # 2 p. 401 - 420 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Li, Ping; Akk, Gustav

Molecular Pharmacology, 2015 , vol. 87, # 5 p. 776 - 781 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Schmitt, Sebastian; Höfner, Georg; Wanner, Klaus T.

ChemMedChem, 2015 , vol. 10, # 9 p. 1498 - 1510 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Benyettou; Rezgui; Ravaux; Jaber; Blumer; Jouiad; Motte; Olsen; Platas-Iglesias; Magzoub; Trabolsi

Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2015 , vol. 3, # 36 p. 7237 - 7245 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 290, # 37 p. 22747 - 22758 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

KOREA INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY; Lee, Changjoon Justin; Lee, Soo-Jung; Yoon, Bo-Eun

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European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 2015, # 28 p. 6153 - 6159 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 23, # 20 p. 6757 - 6762 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Han, Jin; Wan, Hai-Tong; Yang, Jie-Hong; Zhang, Yu-Yan; Ge, Li-Jun; Bie, Xiao-Dong

Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2014 , vol. 16, # 11 p. 1060 - 1067 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Radley, Jason J.; Sawchenko, Paul E.

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Choy Buentello, David; Bishop, Deborah C.; Oliver, Douglas L.

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Mart, Almudena; Costero, Ana M.; Gavia, Pablo; Parra, Margarita

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 2015, # 30 p. 6597 - 6601 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Brel; Lisina; Budaeva, Yu. N.; Popov

Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 85, # 9 p. 2200 - 2202 Zh. Obshch. Khim., 2015 , vol. 85, # 9 p. 1561 - 1563 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE INC.; Guo, Lei; Hu, Taishan; Kou, Buyu; Lin, Xianfeng; Shen, Hong; Shi, Houguang; Yan, Shixiang; Zhang, Weixing; Zhang, Zhisen; Zhou, Mingwei; Zhu, Wei

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ACS Chemical Biology, 2015 , vol. 10, # 10 p. 2227 - 2236 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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The Trustees of Princeton University; Shi, Diana; Wang, Samuel; Semmelhack, Martin

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Food Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 196, p. 1301 - 1309 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Oukhatar, Fatima; Meudal, Herv; Landon, Cline; Logothetis, Nikos K.; Platas-Iglesias, Carlos; Angelovski, Goran; Tth, va

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2015 , vol. 21, # 31 p. 11226 - 11237 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2016 , vol. 125, p. 52 - 66 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gaspard, Nicolas

CONTINUUM Lifelong Learning in Neurology, 2016 , vol. 22, p. 227 - 245 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hulka, Lea M.; Scheidegger, Milan; Vonmoos, Matthias; Preller, Katrin H.; Baumgartner, Markus R.; Herdener, Marcus; Seifritz, Erich; Henning, Anke; Quednow, Boris B.

Addiction Biology, 2016 , vol. 21, # 1 p. 205 - 217 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 2016 , vol. 1, # 1 p. 5 - 13 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 2016 , vol. 1, # 1 p. 39 - 48 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2016 , vol. 21, # 1 p. 50 - 55 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 389, # 3 p. 279 - 288 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jin, Xin; Li, Shanshan; Bondy, Brian; Zhong, Weiwei; Oginsky, Max F.; Wu, Yang; Johnson, Christopher M.; Zhang, Shuang; Cui, Ningren; Jiang, Chun

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CONTINUUM Lifelong Learning in Neurology, 2016 , vol. 22, # 1 Epilepsy p. 227 - 245 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Otter, Silke; Lammert, Eckhard

Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2016 , vol. 27, # 3 p. 177 - 188 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Schizophrenia Research, 2016 , vol. 171, # 1-3 p. 195 - 199 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bridgman, Alanna C.; Barr, Mera S.; Goodman, Michelle S.; Chen, Robert; Rajji, Tarek K.; Daskalakis, Zafiris J.; George, Tony P.

Schizophrenia Research, 2016 , vol. 171, # 1-3 p. 125 - 130 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Arellano, Rogelio O.; Sánchez-Gómez, María Victoria; Alberdi, Elena; Canedo-Antelo, Manuel; Chara, Juan Carlos; Palomino, Aitor; PérezSamartín, Alberto; Matute, Carlos

Molecular Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 89, # 1 p. 63 - 74 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Molecular Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 89, # 2 p. 273 - 286 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 56, # 3 p. 365 - 374 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Alpuerto, Jasper Benedict; Hussain, Rana Muhammad Fraz; Fukao, Takeshi

Plant Cell and Environment, 2016 , vol. 39, # 3 p. 672 - 684 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Field Crops Research, 2016 , vol. 188, p. 121 - 132 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ding, Junzhou; Yang, Tewu; Feng, Hao; Dong, Mengyi; Slavin, Margaret; Xiong, Shanbai; Zhao, Siming

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 64, # 5 p. 1094 - 1102 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Environmental Science and Technology, 2016 , vol. 50, # 4 p. 2000 - 2010 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Food Science and Technology Research, 2015 , vol. 21, # 6 p. 787 - 791 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Physiology and Behavior, 2016 , vol. 157, p. 225 - 230 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tian, Yuting; Huang, Jiamei; Xie, Tingting; Huang, Luqiang; Zhuang, Weijin; Zheng, Yafeng; Zheng, Baodong

Food Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 203, p. 456 - 464 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zhang, Jing-Xian; Li, Shang-Rong; Yao, Shuai; Bi, Qi-Rui; Hou, Jin-Jun; Cai, Lu-Ying; Han, Su-Mei; Wu, Wan-Ying; Guo, De-An

Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 181, p. 229 - 235 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Khakpoor, Mitra; Nasehi, Mohammad; Vahdati, Akbar; Hoseyni, Seyed-Ebrahim; Zarrindast, Mohammad-Reza

Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2016 , vol. 143, p. 57 - 64 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 54, # 3 p. 213 - 221 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part - C: Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 183-184, p. 46 - 52 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Amino Acids, 2016 , vol. 48, # 2 p. 427 - 436 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Internal Medicine Journal, 2016 , vol. 46, # 2 p. 148 - 157 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2016 , vol. 29, # 2 p. 219 - 229 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine, 2016 , vol. 6, # 2 p. 198 - 204 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Anaeigoudari, Akbar; Hosseini, Mahmoud; Karami, Reza; Vafaee, Farzaneh; Mohammadpour, Toktam; Ghorbani, Ahmad; Sadeghnia, Hamid Reza

Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine, 2016 , vol. 6, # 2 p. 223 - 235 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Molecular Medicine Reports, 2016 , vol. 13, # 3 p. 2060 - 2070 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Food Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 204, p. 102 - 107 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tapal, Arun; Vegarud, Gerd E.; Sreedhara, Ashoka; Hegde, Prajna; Inamdar, Shashikala; Tiku, Purnima Kaul

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 24 p. 20219 - 20229 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Soleimani Aghdam, Morteza; Jannatizadeh, Abbasali; Sheikh-Assadi, Morteza; Malekzadeh, Parviz

Scientia Horticulturae, 2016 , vol. 202, p. 70 - 76 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Shergis, Johannah Linda; Ni, Xiaojia; Jackson, Melinda L.; Zhang, Anthony Lin; Guo, Xinfeng; Li, Yan; Lu, Chuanjian; Xue, Charlie Changli

Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 2016 , vol. 26, p. 11 - 20 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Biomolecules and Therapeutics, 2016 , vol. 24, # 2 p. 115 - 122 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nishimura, Mie; Yoshida, Shin-Ichi; Haramoto, Masafumi; Mizuno, Hidenori; Fukuda, Tomohiko; Kagami-Katsuyama, Hiroyo; Tanaka, Aiko; Ohkawara, Tatsuya; Sato, Yuji; Nishihira, Jun

Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, 2016 , vol. 6, # 1 p. 66 - 71 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Allitt, Benjamin J.; Johnstone, Victoria P.A.; Richards, Katrina; Yan, Edwin B.; Rajan, Ramesh

Journal of Neurotrauma, 2016 , vol. 33, # 4 p. 375 - 389 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Adamu, Hadiza Altine; Imam, Mustapha Umar; Ooi, Der-Jiun; Esa, Norhaizan Mohd; Rosli, Rozita; Ismail, Maznah

Food and Nutrition Research, 2016 , vol. 60, art. no. 30209 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Hearing Research, 2016 , vol. 332, p. 160 - 169 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Epilepsy Research, 2016 , vol. 121, p. 33 - 38 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Srivastava, Shruti; Ghorpade, Ramrao; Sathe, Manisha

Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry, 2016 , vol. 37, # 2 p. 167 - 188 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 26, # 1 p. 78 - 91 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Chemistry - A European Journal, 2016 , vol. 22, # 10 p. 3282 - 3286 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Juan De Solis, Alain; Baquero, Arian F.; Bennett, Camdin M.; Grove, Kevin L.; Zeltser, Lori M.

Molecular Metabolism, 2016 , vol. 5, # 3 p. 198 - 209 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ahn, James; Ahn, Hyung Seok; Cheong, Jae Hoon; Dela Peña, Ike

Neural Plasticity, 2016 , vol. 2016, art. no. 1320423 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nichols, David E.

Pharmacological Reviews, 2016 , vol. 68, # 2 p. 264 - 355 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ochoa, Juan G.; Kilgo, William A.

Current Treatment Options in Neurology, 2016 , vol. 18, # 4 art. no. 18, p. 1 - 11 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Enrico; Migliore; Spiga; Mulas; Caboni; Diana

Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 322, p. 195 - 207 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology, 2016 , vol. 42, # 2 p. 180 - 193 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Plant Genome, 2016 , vol. 9, # 1 p. 15 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, 2016 , vol. 17, # 1 p. 27 - 30 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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PLoS ONE, 2016 , vol. 11, # 2 art. no. E0148653 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, 2016 , vol. 17, # 1 p. 17 - 23 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2016 , vol. 159, p. 1 - 22 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 2016 , vol. 40, # 3 p. 491 - 496 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 1637, p. 14 - 21 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Farsi, Zohreh; Preobraschenski, Julia; Van Den Bogaart, Geert; Riedel, Dietmar; Jahn, Reinhard; Woehler, Andrew

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Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 1631, p. 80 - 91 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Oncology, 2016 , vol. 2016, art. no. 9650481 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wu, Fengfeng; Yang, Na; Touré, Alhassane; Jin, Zhengyu; Xu, Xueming

Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2013 , vol. 53, # 5 p. 451 - 463 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology, 2016 , vol. 227, p. 34 - 40 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Merner, Nancy D.; Mercado, Adriana; Khanna, Arjun R.; Hodgkinson, Alan; Bruat, Vanessa; Awadalla, Philip; Gamba, Gerardo; Rouleau, Guy A.; Kahle, Kristopher T.

Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2016 , vol. 77, p. 22 - 26 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Brennan, Brian P.; Jensen, J. Eric; Perriello, Christine; Pope Jr., Harrison G.; Jenike, Michael A.; Hudson, James I.; Rauch, Scott L.; Kaufman, Marc J.

Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 2016 , vol. 1, # 2 p. 116 - 124 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Datusalia, Ashok Kumar; Sharma, Shyam Sunder

Current Neurovascular Research, 2016 , vol. 13, # 1 p. 22 - 32 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mayengbam, Shyamchand; Raposo, Sara; Aliani, Michel; House, James D.

Journal of Nutrition, 2016 , vol. 146, # 1 p. 14 - 20 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Liu, Meng; Blanco-Centurion, Carlos; Konadhode, Roda Rani; Luan, Liju; Shiromani, Priyattam J.

European Journal of Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 43, # 5 p. 681 - 688 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Garde-Cerdán, Teresa; Portu, Javier; López, Rosa; Santamaría, Pilar

Food Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 203, p. 536 - 539 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hashimoto; Bruno; Nierenberg; Marmar; Zetterberg; Blennow; Pomara

Translational Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 6, art. no. E744 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Trebichalskỳ, Pavol; Tóth, Tomáš; Bajcan, Daniel; Vollmannová, Alena; Kavalcová, Petra

Potravinarstvo, 2016 , vol. 10, # 1 p. 114 - 119 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Robertson, Caroline E.; Ratai, Eva-Maria; Kanwisher, Nancy

Current Biology, 2016 , vol. 26, # 1 p. 80 - 85 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jom, Kriskamol Na; Lorjaroenphon, Yaowapa; Udompijitkul, Pathima

Food Science and Technology Research, 2016 , vol. 22, # 1 p. 65 - 73 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Aggarwal, Amitesh; Bansal, Nitin; Aggarwal, Raghav

Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2016 , vol. 50, # 3 p. e133 - e134 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hill, Simon L.; Thomas, Simon H.L.

Medicine (United Kingdom), 2016 , vol. 44, # 3 p. 160 - 169 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pidatala, Venkataramana R.; Li, Kefeng; Sarkar, Dibyendu; Ramakrishna, Wusirika; Datta, Rupali

Environmental Science and Technology, 2016 , vol. 50, # 5 p. 2530 - 2537 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chowński, Szymon; Adamski, Zbigniew; Marciniak, Paweł; Rosiński, Grzegorz; Büyükgüzel, Ender; Büyükgüzel, Kemal; Falabella, Patrizia; Scrano, Laura; Ventrella, Emanuela; Lelario, Filomena; Bufo, Sabino A.

Toxins, 2016 , vol. 8, # 3 art. no. 60 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tsukaya, Hirokazu; Sawada, Yuji; Oikawa, Akira; Shiratake, Katsuhiro; Isuzugawa, Kanji; Saito, Kazuki; Hirai, Masami Yokota

New Negatives in Plant Science, 2015 , vol. 1-2, p. 53 - 61 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Caputo, Fabio; Vignoli, Teo; Tarli, Claudia; Domenicali, Marco; Zoli, Giorgio; Bernardi, Mauro; Addolorato, Giovanni

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2016 , vol. 13, # 3 art. no. 290 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bojanowska, Ewa; Ciosek, Joanna

Current Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 14, # 2 p. 118 - 142 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Taylor, George T.; Taylor, George T; Manzella, Francesca

Current Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 14, # 2 p. 165 - 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nahar, Limon Khatun; Cordero, Rosa Elena; Nutt, David; Lingford-Hughes, Anne; Turton, Samuel; Durant, Claire; Wilson, Sue; Paterson, Sue

Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 40, # 2 art. no. BKV125, p. 117 - 123 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Liu, Lanxiang; Zhou, Xinyu; Zhang, Yuqing; Liu, Yiyun; Yang, Lining; Pu, Juncai; Zhu, Dan; Zhou, Chanjuan; Xie, Peng

Behavioural Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 305, p. 148 - 156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pallin, Anton; Agback, Peter; Jonsson, Hans; Roos, Stefan

Food Microbiology, 2016 , vol. 57, p. 159 - 171 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Johanningsmeier, Suzanne D.; Harris, G. Keith; Klevorn, Claire M.

Annual Review of Food Science and Technology, 2016 , vol. 7, p. 413 - 438 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Cacabelos, Ramón; Torrellas, Clara; Carrera, Iván; Cacabelos, Pablo; Corzo, Lola; Fernández-Novoa, Lucía; Tellado, Iván; Carril, Juan Carlos; Aliev, Gjumrakch

CNS and Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 2016 , vol. 15, # 2 p. 141 - 241 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Horňák, Karel; Schmidheiny, Helen; Pernthaler, Jakob

Journal of Chromatography A, 2016 , vol. 1440, p. 85 - 93 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Myrgorodska, Iuliia; Meinert, Cornelia; Martins, Zita; Le Sergeant d'Hendecourt, Louis; Meierhenrich, Uwe J.

Journal of Chromatography A, 2016 , vol. 1433, p. 131 - 136 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Liu, Renshuai; Wang, Junhua; Tang, Weiping; Fang, Hao

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 24, # 7 p. 1446 - 1454 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Williams, Kevin Jon; Wu, Xiangdong

Atherosclerosis, 2016 , vol. 247, p. 225 - 282 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Meeploy, Maneerat; Deewatthanawong, Rujira

Journal of Chromatographic Science, 2016 , vol. 54, # 3 p. 445 - 452 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fei, Fan; Lee, Keith M.; McCarry, Brian E.; Bowdish, Dawn M. E.

Scientific Reports, 2016 , vol. 6, art. no. 22637 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lenardão, Eder J.; Savegnago, Lucielli; Jacob, Raquel G.; Victoria, Francine N.; Martinez, Débora M.

Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 2016 , vol. 27, # 3 p. 435 - 474 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Michalak, Agnieszka; BiaŁa, Grazyna

Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica - Drug Research, 2016 , vol. 73, # 1 p. 3 - 12 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chen, Zhong; Zhou, Yong-Wei; Liang, Chen; Jiang, Ying-Ya; Xie, Li-Jin

Archives Animal Breeding, 2016 , vol. 59, # 1 p. 97 - 105 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zhao, Panfeng; Pan, Qifang; Yu, Wengjuan; Zhao, Lingxia

Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2016 , vol. 1017-1018, p. 153 - 162 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Włodarczyk, Agnieszka; Szymańska, Agata; Skłodowska, Aleksandra; Matlakowska, Renata

Chemosphere, 2016 , vol. 148, p. 416 - 425 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pennucci, Roberta; Talpo, Francesca; Astro, Veronica; Montinaro, Valentina; Morè, Lorenzo; Cursi, Marco; Castoldi, Valerio; Chiaretti, Sara; Bianchi, Veronica; Marenna, Silvia; Cambiaghi, Marco; Tonoli, DIletta; Leocani, Letizia; Biella, Gerardo; D'Adamo, Patrizia; De Curtis, Ivan

Cerebral Cortex, 2016 , vol. 26, # 2 p. 873 - 890 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Anstötz, Max; Huang, Hao; Marchionni, Ivan; Haumann, Iris; MacCaferri, Gianmaria; Lübke, Joachim H.R.

Cerebral Cortex, 2016 , vol. 26, # 2 p. 855 - 872 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Trinka, Eugen; Brigo, Francesco; Shorvon, Simon

Current Opinion in Neurology, 2016 , vol. 29, # 2 p. 189 - 198 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kantachote, Duangporn; Ratanaburee, Anussara; Sukhoom, Ampaitip; Sumpradit, Tawatchai; Asavaroungpipop, Narongrid

LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2016 , vol. 70, p. 171 - 177 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Huang, Youyi; Liu, Cong; Xiao, Xiudan

International Journal of Food Properties, 2016 , vol. 19, # 6 p. 1194 - 1206 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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International Journal of Food Properties, 2016 , vol. 19, # 6 p. 1207 - 1216 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mocking, Roel J. T.; Figueroa, Caroline A.; Rive, Maria M.; Geugies, Hanneke; Servaas, Michelle N.; Assies, Johanna; Koeter, Maarten W. J.; Vaz, Frédéric M.; Wichers, Marieke; Van Straalen, Jan P.; De Raedt, Rudi; Bockting, Claudi L. H.; Harmer, Catherine J.; Schene, Aart H.; Ruhé, Henricus G.

BMJ Open, 2016 , vol. 6, # 3 art. no. E009510 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

López-Granero, Caridad; Ruiz-Muñoz, Ana M.; Nieto-Escámez, Francisco A.; Colomina, María T.; Aschner, Michael; Sánchez-Santed, Fernando

NeuroToxicology, 2016 , vol. 53, p. 85 - 92 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wojnicz, Aneta; Avendaño Ortiz, José; Casas, Ana I.; Freitas, Andiara E.; G. López, Manuela; Ruiz-Nuño, Ana

Clinica Chimica Acta, 2016 , vol. 453, p. 174 - 181 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Konadhode, Roda Rani; Pelluru, Dheeraj; Shiromani, Priyattam J.

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Sleep Medicine Reviews, 2016 , vol. 29, p. 108 - 118 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yang, Phillip; Leu, David; Ye, Keqiang; Srinivasan, Chandra; Fike, John R.; Huang, Ting-Ting

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Shaikh, Aasef G.; Wilmot, George

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American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 2016 , vol. 171, # 3 p. 414 - 426 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Devor, Marshall; Zalkind, Vladimir; Fishman, Yelena; Minert, Anne

European Journal of Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 43, # 6 p. 846 - 858 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Environmental Microbiology Reports, 2016 , vol. 8, # 2 p. 168 - 178 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 1637, p. 71 - 80 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lile, Joshua A.; Wesley, Michael J.; Kelly, Thomas H.; Hays, Lon R.

Behavioural Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 27, # 2-3 p. 215 - 224 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jayarajan, Pradeep; Nirogi, Ramakrishna; Shinde, Anil; Benade, Vijay; Muddana, Nageswara Rao

Behavioural Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 27, # 2-3 p. 225 - 235 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Davenport, Matthew H.; Schaefer, Tori L.; Friedmann, Katherine J.; Fitzpatrick, Sarah E.; Erickson, Craig A.

Drugs, 2016 , vol. 76, # 4 p. 431 - 445 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Winkler, David A.; Thornton, Aaron; Farjot, Géraldine; Katz, Ira

Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2016 , vol. 160, p. 44 - 64 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Behavioural Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 308, p. 115 - 127 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction, 2016 , vol. 36, # 4 p. 327 - 388 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rydholm, Hans; Von Corswant, Christian; Denison, Hans; Jensen, Jörgen M.; Lehmann, Anders; Ruth, Magnus; Söderlind, Erik; AurellHolmberg, Ann

Clinical Therapeutics, 2016 , vol. 38, # 4 p. 946 - 960 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tarozzi, Andrea; Marchetti, Chiara; Nicolini, Benedetta; D'Amico, Massimo; Ticchi, Nicole; Pruccoli, Letizia; Tumiatti, Vincenzo; Simoni, Elena; Lodola, Alessio; Mor, Marco; Milelli, Andrea; Minarini, Anna

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 117, p. 283 - 291 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Colino-Oliveira, Mariana; Rombo, Diogo M.; Dias, Raquel B.; Ribeiro, Joaquim A.; Sebastião, Ana M.

Purinergic Signalling, 2016 , vol. 12, # 2 p. 283 - 294 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dell, Leigh-Anne; Patzke, Nina; Spocter, Muhammad A.; Bertelsen, Mads F.; Siegel, Jerome M.; Manger, Paul R.

Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2016 , vol. 524, # 10 p. 2036 - 2058 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dell, Leigh-Anne; Patzke, Nina; Spocter, Muhammad A.; Siegel, Jerome M.; Manger, Paul R.

Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2016 , vol. 524, # 10 p. 1999 - 2017 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fajemiroye, James O.; da Silva, Dayane M.; de Oliveira, Danillo R.; Costa, Elson A.

Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 30, # 3 p. 198 - 215 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Komatsu, Takanori; Ohishi, Risa; Shino, Amiu; Kikuchi, Jun

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2016 , vol. 55, # 20 p. 6000 - 6003 Angew. Chem., 2016 , vol. 128, p. 6104 - 6107,4 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hondebrink; Verboven; Drega; Schmeink; de Groot; van Kleef; Wijnolts; Meulenbelt; Westerink

NeuroToxicology, 2016 , vol. 55, p. 1 - 9 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hasunuma, Tomohisa; Matsuda, Mami; Kondo, Akihiko

Metabolic Engineering Communications, 2016 , vol. 3, p. 130 - 141 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 190, p. 116 - 141 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Progress in Neurobiology, 2016 , vol. 142, p. 68 - 103 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nakamura, Yasuko; Morrow, Danielle H.; Modgil, Amit; Huyghe, Deborah; Deeb, Tarek Z.; Lumb, Michael J.; Davies, Paul A.; Moss, Stephen J.

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 291, # 23 p. 12394 - 12407 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Reznik, Michael E.; Berger, Karen; Claassen, Jan

Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2016 , vol. 5, # 5 art. no. 54 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Potter, Liam E.; Paylor, John W.; Suh, Jee Su; Tenorio, Gustavo; Caliaperumal, Jayalakshmi; Colbourne, Fred; Baker, Glen; Winship, Ian; Kerr, Bradley J.

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Hwang; Lee; Oh; Kang; Um; Park; Kim; Shin; Darnell; Chung

Cell Death and Disease, 2016 , vol. 7, # 6 art. no. E2240 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tavakoli, Yasaman; Esmaeili, Abolghasem; Saber, Hossein

Computational Biology and Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 64, p. 74 - 81 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Arjmand, Shokouh; Vaziri, Zohreh; Behzadi, Mina; Abbassian, Hassan; Stephens, Gary J.; Shabani, Mohammad

Neurotherapeutics, 2015 , vol. 12, # 4 p. 778 - 787 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jawale, Akshay; Datusalia, Ashok Kumar; Bishnoi, Mahendra; Sharma, Shyam S.

Phytomedicine, 2016 , vol. 23, # 9 p. 923 - 930 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rosenberg, Evan C.; Tsien, Richard W.; Whalley, Benjamin J.; Devinsky, Orrin

Neurotherapeutics, 2015 , vol. 12, # 4 p. 747 - 768 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hughes, Steven; Rodgers, Jessica; Hickey, Doron; Foster, Russell G.; Peirson, Stuart N.; Hankins, Mark W.

Scientific Reports, 2016 , vol. 6, art. no. 28086 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 7, # 6 p. 757 - 766 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gonçalves; Abreu; Coqueiro; Gaspar; Borges; Choi; Pires; Simões

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 61 p. 56091 - 56100 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pitman, Kimberley A.; Young, Kaylene M.

International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 2016 , vol. 77, p. 30 - 34 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hung, Hsin-Yi; Wu, Tian-Shung

Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 2016 , vol. 24, # 2 p. 221 - 238 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kohtala, Samuel; Theilmann, Wiebke; Suomi, Tomi; Wigren, Henna-Kaisa; Porkka-Heiskanen, Tarja; Elo, Laura L.; Rokka, Anne; Rantamäki, Tomi

ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 7, # 6 p. 749 - 756 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nyporko, A. Yu.; Naumenko; Golius; Tsymbaliuk; Shapoval; Davidovska

Neurophysiology, 2015 , vol. 47, # 5 p. 364 - 375 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zikopoulos, Basilis; John, Yohan J.; García-Cabezas, Miguel Ángel; Bunce, Jamie G.; Barbas, Helen

Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 330, p. 267 - 290 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mostaid, Md Shaki; Lloyd, David; Liberg, Benny; Sundram, Suresh; Pereira, Avril; Pantelis, Christos; Karl, Tim; Weickert, Cynthia Shannon; Everall, Ian P.; Bousman, Chad A.

Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 2016 , vol. 68, p. 387 - 409 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Li, Meijia; Wang, Lingling; Qiu, Limei; Wang, Weilin; Xin, Lusheng; Xu, Jiachao; Wang, Hao; Song, Linsheng

Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2016 , vol. 63, p. 56 - 65 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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NeuroImage, 2016 , vol. 139, p. 1 - 7 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Forouzanfar, Fatemeh; Ghorbani, Ahmad; Hosseini, Mahmoud; Rakhshandeh, Hassan

Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine, 2016 , vol. 6, # 4 p. 449 - 457 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Nesterkina, Mariia; Kravchenko, Iryna

Pharmaceuticals, 2016 , vol. 9, # 2 art. no. 32 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Watanabe, Kazuki; Fujii, Katsuhiko

Algal Research, 2016 , vol. 18, p. 135 - 143 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kubyshkin, Vladimir; Durkin, Patrick; Budisa, Nediljko

New Journal of Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 40, # 6 p. 5209 - 5220 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 71, p. 27 - 38 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Cho, Young-Ah; Kim, Duck-Su; Song, Miyeoun; Bae, Won-Jung; Lee, Soojung; Kim, Eun-Cheol

Journal of Endodontics, 2016 , vol. 42, # 7 p. 1055 - 1061 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Liu, Liping; Yang, Chenglin; Shen, Jianfei; Huang, Liyan; Lin, Weixuan; Tang, Hailing; Liang, Wenhua; Shao, Wenlong; Zhang, Haibo; He, Jianxing

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Palotai, Miklos; Telegdy, Gyula

Peptides, 2016 , vol. 82, p. 20 - 25 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lindsley, Craig W.; Emmitte, Kyle A.; Hopkins, Corey R.; Bridges, Thomas M.; Gregory, Karen J.; Niswender, Colleen M.; Conn, P. Jeffrey

Chemical Reviews, 2016 , vol. 116, # 11 p. 6707 - 6741 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mao, Xiao-Yuan; Tokay, Tursonjan; Zhou, Hong-Hao; Jin, Wei-Lin

Oncotarget, 2016 , vol. 7, # 22 p. 33451 - 33460 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Supasuteekul, Chonlakan; Nonthitipong, Wanroong; Tadtong, Sarin; Likhitwitayawuid, Kittisak; Tengamnuay, Parkpoom; Sritularak, Boonchoo

Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy, 2016 , vol. 26, # 3 p. 312 - 320 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Palleja, Albert; Kashani, Alireza; Allin, Kristine H.; Nielsen, Trine; Zhang, Chenchen; Li, Yin; Brach, Thorsten; Liang, Suisha; Feng, Qiang; Jørgensen, Nils Bruun; Bojsen-Møller, Kirstine N.; Dirksen, Carsten; Burgdorf, Kristoffer S.; Holst, Jens J.; Madsbad, Sten; Wang, Jun; Pedersen, Oluf; Hansen, Torben; Arumugam, Manimozhiyan

Genome Medicine, 2016 , vol. 8, # 1 art. no. 67 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Farzaei, Mohammad Hosein; Bahramsoltani, Roodabeh; Rahimi, Roja; Abbasabadi, Faezeh; Abdollahi, Mohammad

Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 16, # 17 p. 1924 - 1942 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zhang, Qiansen; Gao, Zhaobing; Yang, Huaiyu

Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 16, # 16 p. 1819 - 1829 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pathak, Ashish; Srivastava, Amit K.; Singour, Pradeep K.; Gouda, Panchanan

Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 16, # 2 p. 81 - 97 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Patil, Vaishali M.; Gupta, Satya P.

Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 16, # 16 p. 1862 - 1876 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bao, Lidao; Si, Lengge; Wang, Yuehong; Wuyun, Gerile; Bo, Agula

Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 2016 , vol. 12, # 2 p. 1075 - 1084 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jiménez-Sánchez, Laura; Castañé, Anna; Pérez-Caballero, Laura; Grifoll-Escoda, Marc; López-Gil, Xavier; Campa, Leticia; Galofré, Mireia; Berrocoso, Esther; Adell, Albert

Cerebral Cortex, 2016 , vol. 26, # 6 p. 2778 - 2789 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Vanderperre, Benoît; Herzig, Sébastien; Krznar, Petra; Hörl, Manuel; Ammar, Zeinab; Montessuit, Sylvie; Pierredon, Sandra; Zamboni, Nicola; Martinou, Jean-Claude

PLoS Genetics, 2016 , vol. 12, # 5 art. no. E1006056, p. 20 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2016 , vol. 126, # 6 p. 2221 - 2235 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Martinez-Hernandez, Eugenia; Ariño, Helena; McKeon, Andrew; Iizuka, Takahiro; Titulaer, Maarten J.; Simabukuro, Mateus M.; Lancaster, Eric; Petit-Pedrol, Mar; Planagumà, Jesú; Blanco, Yolanda; Harvey, Robert J.; Saiz, Albert; Graus, Francesc; Dalmau, Josep

JAMA Neurology, 2016 , vol. 73, # 6 p. 714 - 720 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Iizuka, Takahiro; Kaneko, Juntaro; Tominaga, Naomi; Someko, Hidehiro; Nakamura, Masaaki; Ishima, Daisuke; Kitamura, Eiji; Masuda, Ray; Oguni, Eiichi; Yanagisawa, Toshiyuki; Kanazawa, Naomi; Dalmau, Josep; Nishiyama, Kazutoshi

JAMA Neurology, 2016 , vol. 73, # 6 p. 706 - 713 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hamed, Sherifa A.

Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 9, # 6 p. 807 - 819 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Peng, Liang; Li, Baoman; Verkhratsky, Alexei

Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 2016 , vol. 16, # 6 p. 649 - 657 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tavakol, Shima; Saber, Reza; Hoveizi, Elham; Aligholi, Hadi; Ai, Jafar; Rezayat, Seyed Mahdi

Molecular Neurobiology, 2016 , vol. 53, # 5 p. 3298 - 3308 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Taskin, Belgin Gocmen; Dogaroglu, Taylan; Kilic, Sercan; Dogac, Ersin; Taskin, Vatan

Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2016 , vol. 129, p. 14 - 27 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Li, Yan; Jakary, Angela; Gillung, Erin; Eisendrath, Stuart; Nelson, Sarah J.; Mukherjee, Pratik; Luks, Tracy

Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 2016 , vol. 29, # 3 p. 523 - 533 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Canetta; Bolkan; Padilla-Coreano; Song; Sahn; Harrison; Gordon; Brown; Kellendonk

Molecular Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 21, # 7 p. 956 - 968 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Liu, Xinmin; Hernandez, Nora; Kisselev, Sergey; Floratos, Aris; Sawle, Ashley; Ionita-Laza, Iuliana; Ottman, Ruth; Louis, Elan D.; Clark, Lorraine N.

European Journal of Human Genetics, 2016 , vol. 24, # 7 p. 1009 - 1015 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kwon, Oh-Ju; Lee, Jun-Seok; Kim, Hang-Gu; Jeon, Chang-Jin

Current Eye Research, 2016 , vol. 41, # 6 p. 832 - 843 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zhong, Min; Yuan, Yinghui; Shu, Sheng; Sun, Jin; Guo, Shirong; Yuan, Ruonan; Tang, Yuanyuan

Plant Growth Regulation, 2016 , vol. 79, # 3 p. 319 - 330 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Khom, Sophia; Hintersteiner; Luger; Haider; Pototschnig; Mihovilovic; Schwarzer, Christoph; Hering

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2016 , vol. 357, # 3 p. 580 - 590 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Cohn, Joshua A.; Brown, Elizabeth T.; Reynolds, W. Stuart; Kaufman, Melissa R.; Dmochowski, Roger R.

Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism and Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 12, # 6 p. 657 - 667 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Liu, Qingdai; Cheng, Haijiao; Ma, Xiaoqian; Xu, Ning; Liu, Jun; Ma, Yanhe

Biotechnology Letters, 2016 , vol. 38, # 7 p. 1107 - 1113 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Spiegelhalder, Kai; Regen, Wolfram; Nissen, Christoph; Feige, Bernd; Baglioni, Chiara; Riemann, Dieter; Hennig, Jürgen; Lange, Thomas

PLoS ONE, 2016 , vol. 11, # 6 art. no. E0156771. Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Malaspina; Roullet; Pearl; Ainslie; Vogel; Gibson

Neurochemistry International, 2016 , vol. 99, p. 72 - 84 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kim, So-Hyun; Lim, Sa Rang; Hong, Seong-Joo; Cho, Byung-Kwan; Lee, Hookeun; Lee, Choul-Gyun; Choi, Hyung-Kyoon

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 64, # 23 p. 4807 - 4816 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Safavynia, Seyed A.; Keating, Glenda; Speigel, Iris; Fidler, Jonathan A.; Kreuzer, Matthias; Rye, David B.; Jenkins, Andrew; García, Paul S.

Anesthesiology, 2016 , vol. 125, # 1 p. 147 - 158 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Altarche-Xifro, Wassim; di Vicino, Umberto; Muñoz-Martin, Maria Isabel; Bortolozzi, Analía; Bové, Jordi; Vila, Miquel; Cosma, Maria Pia

EBioMedicine, 2016 , vol. 8, p. 83 - 95 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology, 2016 , vol. 468, # 6 p. 1061 - 1069 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wang, Jin-Gang; Cai, Qing; Zheng, Jun; Dong, Yu-Shu; Li, Jin-Jiang; Li, Jing-Chen; Hao, Guang-Zhi; Wang, Chao; Wang, Ju-Lei

Neurochemical Research, 2016 , vol. 41, # 7 p. 1751 - 1760 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Voytenko; Lushnikova; Savotchenko; Isaeva; Skok; Lykhmus, O.Yu.; Patseva; Skibo

Brain Research, 2015 , vol. 1616, p. 134 - 145 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Krajnc, Natalija; Zidar, Janez

European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 2016 , vol. 20, # 4 p. 597 - 603 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wu, Jie; Gao, Ming; Rice, Stephen G.; Tsang, Candy; Beggs, John; Turner, Dharshaun; Li, Guohui; Yang, Bo; Xia, Kunkun; Gao, Fenfei; Qiu, Shenfeng; Liu, Qiang; Kerrigan, John F.

EBioMedicine, 2016 , vol. 8, p. 96 - 102 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zhang, Xuan; Liu, Shuliang; Newport, Glenn D.; Paule, Merle G.; Callicott, Ralph; Thompson, James; Liu, Fang; Patterson, Tucker A.; Berridge, Marc S.; Apana, Scott M.; Brown, Christina C.; Maisha, Mackean P.; Hanig, Joseph P.; Slikker, William; Wang, Cheng

Anesthesiology, 2016 , vol. 125, # 1 p. 133 - 146 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lee, Da Eun; Shin, Gi Ru; Lee, Sunmin; Jang, Eun Seok; Shin, Hye Won; Moon, Byoung Seok; Lee, Choong Hwan

Food Research International, 2016 , vol. 87, p. 10 - 17 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bergh, Marianne Skov-Skov; Bogen, Inger Lise; Lundanes, Elsa; Øiestad, Åse Marit Leere

Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2016 , vol. 1028, p. 120 - 129 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sun, Bing; Chen, Linhai; Liu, Lei; Xia, Zhixiong; Pin, Jean-Philippe; Nan, Fajun; Liu, Jianfeng

Biochemical Journal, 2016 , vol. 473, # 6 p. 779 - 787 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wang; Song; Huang; Gao

Genetics and Molecular Research, 2016 , vol. 15, # 2 art. no. GMR.15027340 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Min, Chang Ho; Min, Young Sil; Lee, Sang Joon; Sohn, Uy Dong

Archives of Pharmacal Research, 2016 , vol. 39, # 6 p. 863 - 870 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Shevelev; Seryapina; Markel; Moshkin

Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research, 2016 , vol. 6, # 4 p. 424 - 429 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gulevich; Akulov; Shikhevich; Kozhemyakina

Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research, 2016 , vol. 6, # 4 p. 430 - 436 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Torres-Hernández, Bianca A.; Colón, Luis R.; Rosa-Falero, Coral; Torrado, Aranza; Miscalichi, Nahira; Ortíz, José G.; González-Sepúlveda, Lorena; Pérez-Ríos, Naydi; Suárez-Pérez, Erick; Bradsher, John N.; Behra, Martine

Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 233, # 13 p. 2533 - 2547 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

van Brederode, Johannes; Atak, Sinem; Kessler, Artur; Pischetsrieder, Monika; Villmann, Carmen; Alzheimer, Christian

Neuroscience Letters, 2016 , vol. 628, p. 91 - 97 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dalton, Neal; Gordon, Christopher P.; Boyle, Timothy P.; Vandegraaf, Nicholas; Deadman, John; Rhodes, David I.; Coates, Jonathan A.; Pyne, Stephen G.; Keller, Paul A.; Bremner, John B.

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 14, # 25 p. 6010 - 6023 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Katow, Hideki; Katow, Tomoko; Yoshida, Hiromi; Kiyomoto, Masato; Uemura, Isao

Frontiers in Zoology, 2016 , vol. 13, # 1 art. no. 27 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wang, Wen-Tung; Lee, Phil; Dong, Yafeng; Yeh, Hung-Wen; Kim, Jieun; Weiner, Carl P.; Brooks, William M.; Choi, In-Young

Neurochemical Research, 2016 , vol. 41, # 7 p. 1831 - 1843 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Amirmohseni, Saeedeh; Wachsmuth, Lydia; Just, Nathalie; Faber, Cornelius

Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2016 , vol. 34, # 8 p. 1155 - 1160 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Danilov, Andrei; Kurganova, Julia

Pain and Therapy, 2016 , vol. 5, # 1 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Thiyajai, Parunya; Saetang, Preecha; Kettawan, Aikkarach; Charoenkiatkul, Somsri; Srichamnong, Warangkana

LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2016 , vol. 73, p. 406 - 411 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bhandari, Apoorva; Radhu, Natasha; Farzan, Faranak; Mulsant, Benoit H.; Rajji, Tarek K.; Daskalakis, Zafiris J.; Blumberger, Daniel M.

Clinical Neurophysiology, 2016 , vol. 127, # 8 p. 2834 - 2845 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Colavita, Michelangelo; Terral, Geoffrey; Lemercier, Clement E.; Drago, Filippo; Marsicano, Giovanni; Massa, Federico

Scientific Reports, 2016 , vol. 6, art. no. 28454 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Aroeira, Rita I.; Vaz, Sandra H.; Sebastião, Ana M.; Valente, Cláudia A.

Neurochemistry International, 2016 , vol. 99, p. 94 - 102 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Li, Qi; Gu, Wenbo; Ma, Xuan; Liu, Yuxin; Jiang, Lidan; Feng, Rennan; Liu, Liyan

Nutrients, 2016 , vol. 8, # 6 art. no. 379 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gorkhali, Rakshya; Huang, Kenneth; Kirberger, Michael; Yang, Jenny J.

Metallomics, 2016 , vol. 8, # 6 p. 563 - 578 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tajti, János; Szok, Délia; Majláth, Zsófia; Csáti, Anett; Petrovics-Balog, Anna; Vécsei, László

Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism and Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 12, # 7 p. 753 - 764 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Armstrong, Terri S.; Grant, Robin; Gilbert, Mark R.; Lee, Jong Woo; Norden, Andrew D.

Neuro-Oncology, 2016 , vol. 18, # 6 p. 779 - 789 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mariani, John J.; Malcolm, Robert J.; Mamczur, Agnieszka K.; Choi, Jean C.; Brady, Ronald; Nunes, Edward; Levin, Frances R.

American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 2016 , vol. 42, # 3 p. 333 - 340 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dahlberg, Daniel; Ivanovic, Jugoslav; Hassel, Bjørnar

Journal of Neurosurgery, 2016 , vol. 124, # 3 p. 854 - 860 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kim, Jinhyung; Ryu, Sang Baek; Lee, Sung Eun; Shin, Jaewoo; Jung, Hyun Ho; Kim, Sung June; Kim, Kyung Hwan; Chang, Jin Woo

Journal of Neurosurgery, 2016 , vol. 124, # 3 p. 866 - 876 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Alqarawi, Abdulaziz Abdullah; Hashem, Abeer; Abd Allah, Elsayed Fathi; Al-Huqail, Asma A.; Alshahrani, Thobayet Safr; Alshalawi, Sa’ad Rukban; Egamberdieva, Dilfuza

Legume Research, 2016 , vol. 39, # 3 art. no. LR-254, p. 396 - 404 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ullah, Mohammad F.; Bhat, Showket H.; Husain, Eram; Abu-Duhier, Faisel; Hadi; Sarkar, Fazlul H.; Ahmad, Aamir

Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2016 , vol. 56, # 9 p. 1501 - 1518 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tarnal, Vijay; Vlisides, Phillip E.; Mashour, George A.

Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, 2016 , vol. 28, # 3 p. 250 - 255 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lang, Julien; Faure, Denis

Plant Signaling and Behavior, 2016 , vol. 11, # 5 art. no. E1178440, p. 3 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pendharkar, Arjun V.; Levy, Sabrina L.; Ho, Allen L.; Sussman, Eric S.; Cheng, Michelle Y.; Steinberg, Gary K.

Neurosurgical Focus, 2016 , vol. 40, # 5 art. no. E6 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Scaplen, Kristin M.; Kaun, Karla R.

Journal of Neurogenetics, 2016 , vol. 30, # 2 p. 133 - 148 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sayar, Gokben Hizli; Cetin, Mesut

Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bulteni, 2016 , vol. 26, # 2 p. 93 - 102 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dzamba, David; Harantova, Lenka; Butenko, Olena; Anderova, Miroslava

Current Alzheimer Research, 2016 , vol. 13, # 8 p. 894 - 911 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Peterlik, Daniel; Flor, Peter J.; Uschold-Schmidt, Nicole

Current Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 14, # 5 p. 514 - 539 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Hu, Sheng; Huang, Jun; Ke, Pi-Yu; Zhao, Wei-Rui; Lü, Chang-Jiang; Wang, Jin-Bo; Shang, Long-An; Mei, Le-He

Gao Xiao Hua Xue Gong Cheng Xue Bao/Journal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities, 2016 , vol. 30, # 3 p. 648 - 654 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bao, Weichen; Mi, Zhihui; Xu, Haiyan; Zheng, Yi; Kwok, Lai Yu; Zhang, Heping; Zhang, Wenyi

Scientific Reports, 2016 , vol. 6, art. no. 28358 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Li, Ming-Hui; Xu, Hua-Dong; Liu, Yan; Chen, Ting; Jiang, Lei; Fu, Yong-Hong; Wang, Jun-Song

Toxicology Research, 2016 , vol. 5, # 4 p. 1039 - 1052 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Plested, Andrew J.R.

Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, 2016 , vol. 23, # 6 p. 494 - 502 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tohid, Hassaan

Neurosciences, 2016 , vol. 21, # 3 p. 215 - 222 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Alvarez Lemus, Mayra A; Monroy, Hugo; López, Tessy; De la Cruz Hernández, Erick N; López-González, Rosendo

Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2016 , vol. 91, # 8 p. 2148 - 2155 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Low, Evonne; Stevenson, Nathan J.; Mathieson, Sean R.; Livingstone, Vicki; Ryan, Anthony C.; Rennie, Janet M.; Boylan, Geraldine B.

Neonatology, 2016 , vol. 110, # 1 p. 40 - 46 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bao, Zhijie; Chi, Yujie

Current Microbiology, 2016 , vol. 73, # 2 p. 214 - 219 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Belkić, Dževad; Belkić, Karen

Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 54, # 7 p. 1461 - 1513 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Travagli, R. Alberto; Anselmi, Laura

Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2016 , vol. 13, # 7 p. 389 - 401

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

de Bruin; van Loevezijn; Wicke; de Haan; Venhorst; Lange; de Groote; van der Neut; Prickaerts; Andriambeloson; Foley; van Drimmelen; van der Wetering; Kruse

Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 2016 , vol. 133, p. 100 - 117 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Cheng, Jianbo; Zheng, Nan; Sun, Xianzhi; Li, Songli; Wang, Jiaqi; Zhang, Yangdong

Journal of Thermal Biology, 2016 , vol. 60, p. 103 - 108 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wang, Bo; Jeon, Young Sil; Park, Ho Seok; Kim, Ji-Heung

Materials Science and Engineering C, 2016 , vol. 69, p. 160 - 170 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Osanai, Hisayuki; Tateno, Takashi

Hearing Research, 2016 , vol. 339, p. 69 - 79 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Haroon, Saima; Vinthan, Anu; Negron, Leonardo; Das, Shantanu; Berenjian, Aydin

American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2016 , vol. 12, # 2 p. 102 - 109 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Cao, Shifeng; Song, Chunbo; Shao, Jiarong; Bian, Kun; Chen, Wei; Yang, Zhenfeng

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 64, # 25 p. 5215 - 5222 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bao, Haibo; Shao, Xusheng; Zhang, Yixi; Deng, Yayun; Xu, Xiaoyong; Liu, Zewen; Li, Zhong

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 64, # 25 p. 5148 - 5155 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Spiegel, David R.; McCroskey, Aidan L.; Deyerle, Branden A.

Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 13, # 3-4 p. 32 - 41 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Li, Zhi-Xin; Yang, Wei-Jun; Ahammed, Golam Jalal; Shen, Chen; Yan, Peng; Li, Xin; Han, Wen-Yan

Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2016 , vol. 106, p. 327 - 335 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Brown, Laura E.; Nicholson, Martin W.; Arama, Jessica E.; Mercer, Audrey; Thomson, Alex M.; Jovanovic, Jasmina N.

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 291, # 27 p. 13926 - 13942 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Balint, Bettina; Bhatia, Kailash P.

Current Opinion in Neurology, 2016 , vol. 29, # 4 p. 496 - 506 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Che Has, Ahmad Tarmizi; Absalom, Nathan; Van Nieuwenhuijzen, Petra S.; Clarkson, Andrew N.; Ahring, Philip K.; Chebib, Mary

Scientific Reports, 2016 , vol. 6, art. no. 28674 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Quan, Fu-Shi; Liu, Dian-Feng; Chen, Jian; Zhang, Jin-Yu; Ren, Wen-Zhi

International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 2016 , vol. 9, # 6 p. 9073 - 9079 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wang, Cheng; Zhu, Cheng-Lin; Huang, Zhao-Jun; Wang, Gang; Huang, Qiang; Liu, Chen-Hai; Xie, Fang; Wang, Wei

International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 2016 , vol. 9, # 6 p. 9992 - 9998 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lee, HeeSeung; Wang, Grace Y.; Curley, Louise E.; Kydd, Rob R.; Kirk, Ian J.; Russell, Bruce R.

Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 233, # 15-16 p. 2869 - 2877 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bagherian, Seyed Ali Akbar; Hamzehzarghani, Habiballah; Izadpanah, Keramatollah; Djavaheri, Mohammad

Journal of Plant Physiology, 2016 , vol. 201, p. 42 - 53 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Shen, Kuo-Ping; Hao, Chi-Long; Yen, Hsueh-Wei; Chen, Chun-Yen; Chen, Jia-Hao; Chen, Fu-Chih; Lin, Hui-Li

Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 2016 , vol. 59, # 1 p. 39 - 44 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Weidle, Ulrich H.; Birzele, Fabian; Kollmorgen, Gwendlyn; Rüger, Rüdiger

Cancer Genomics and Proteomics, 2016 , vol. 13, # 4 p. 245 - 258 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kim, Min-Ju; Lim, Jong-Soon; Yang, Seun-Ah

Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition, 2016 , vol. 45, # 6 p. 828 - 834 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Seong, Gi-Un; Hwang, In-Wook; Chung, Shin-Kyo

Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition, 2016 , vol. 45, # 6 p. 923 - 928 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tanaka, Takeshi; Abe, Hajime; Kimura, Masayuki; Onda, Nobuhiko; Mizukami, Sayaka; Yoshida, Toshinori; Shibutani, Makoto

Archives of Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 90, # 8 p. 2009 - 2024 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Antkowiak, Bernd; Rudolph, Uwe

Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology, 2016 , vol. 29, # 4 p. 447 - 453 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pérez-Isidoro, Rosendo; Ruiz-Suárez

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes, 2016 , vol. 1858, # 9 p. 2215 - 2222 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Louis, Elan D.; Hernandez, Nora; Dyke, Jonathan P.; Ma, Ruoyun; Dydak, Ulrike

Clinical Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 39, # 1 p. 24 - 28 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

McGinn, Kaitlin Ann; Bishop, Laura; Sarwal, Aarti

Clinical Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 39, # 1 p. 62 - 65 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Barron; Vogels; Emir; Makin; O'Shea; Clare; Jbabdi; Dolan; Behrens

Neuron, 2016 , vol. 90, # 1 p. 191 - 203 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Liu, Xiangqian; Connaghan, Kaitlyn P.; Wei, Yufeng; Yang, Zhongli; Li, Ming D.; Chang, Sulie L.

Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 2016 , vol. 40, # 7 p. 1489 - 1500 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hwang, Insik; Hahm, Suk-Chan; Choi, Kyung-Ah; Park, Sung-Ho; Jeong, Hyesun; Yea, Ji-Hye; Kim, Junesun; Hong, Sunghoi

Cell Transplantation, 2016 , vol. 25, # 3 p. 593 - 607 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wong, Shi-Bing; Hung, Wei-Chen; Min, Ming-Yuan

Chinese Journal of Physiology, 2016 , vol. 59, # 3 p. 156 - 164 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Westberry, Jenne M.; Meredith, Michael

Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 331, p. 186 - 196 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Li, Meijia; Qiu, Limei; Wang, Lingling; Wang, Weilin; Xin, Lusheng; Li, Yiqun; Liu, Zhaoqun; Song, Linsheng

Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2016 , vol. 52, p. 16 - 22 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

De Iuliis, Vincenzo; Gelormini, Raimondo; Flacco, Mariarosaria; Moriello, Giuseppe; Caruso, Marika; Barone, Eugenia; Golato, Maria; Toniato, Elena; Conti, Pio; Martinotti, Stefano

Drugs - Real World Outcomes, 2016 , vol. 3, # 1 p. 7 - 12 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Olusina, Oyedeji K.; Aderibigbe

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, 2016 , vol. 38, # 2 art. no. 03, p. 9 - 14 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Choi, Wook-chul; Reid, Storm N. S.; Ryu, Je-kwang; Kim, Yunsook; Jo, Young-Hong; Jeon, Byeong Hwan

Algae, 2016 , vol. 31, # 2 p. 175 - 187 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Xin, Hua; Wang, Wei-Qun; Yang, Zhi-Wei; Liu, Jun-Xing; Li, Sheng; Wang, Lin; Jiang, Qing-Lin; Jia, Lin-Lin

Translational Cancer Research, 2016 , vol. 5, # 3 p. 302 - 314 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Liu, Hu-Hu; Ji, Xiao-Jun; Huang, He

Biotechnology Advances, 2015 , vol. 33, # 8 p. 1522 - 1546 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mo, Zhaowen; Huang, Jinxia; Xiao, Di; Ashraf, Umair; Duan, Meiyang; Pan, Shenggang; Tian, Hua; Xiao, Lizhong; Zhong, Keyou; Tang, Xiangru

PLoS ONE, 2016 , vol. 11, # 2 art. no. E0149523 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Olsén, K.Håkan; Lundh, Torbjörn

Aquaculture Reports, 2016 , vol. 4, p. 66 - 73 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yu, Jun; Unc, Adrian; Zhang, Xiaoke; Steinberger, Yosef

Applied Soil Ecology, 2016 , vol. 101, p. 124 - 131 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wang, Yaoming; Zhang, Zenghui; Jiang, Chenxiao; Xu, Tongwen

Separation and Purification Technology, 2016 , vol. 170, p. 353 - 359 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Park, Seong-Eun; Yoo, Seon-A; Seo, Seung-Ho; Lee, Kyoung-In; Na, Chang-Su; Son, Hong-Seok

LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2016 , vol. 68, p. 313 - 321 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zeiger, William A.; Sun, Lisa R.; Bosemani, Thangamadhan; Pearl, Phillip L.; Stafstrom, Carl E.

Pediatric Neurology, 2016 , vol. 58, p. 113 - 115 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gilliham, Matthew; Tyerman, Stephen D.

Trends in Plant Science, 2016 , vol. 21, # 4 p. 295 - 301 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Roces Dorronsoro, Elena; Lemus Vidal, Mónica; Montero Cruz, Sergio Adrián

Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomedicas, 2016 , vol. 35, # 2 p. 195 - 213 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Luo, Qiong; Chen, Yinghui

Clinical Interventions in Aging, 2016 , vol. 11, p. 867 - 872 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tsuji, Masaharu

Royal Society Open Science, 2016 , vol. 3, # 7 art. no. 160106, p. 13 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Griffin, Emily; Brown, Jamie N.

Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 2016 , vol. 50, # 7 p. 586 - 591 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jawaro, Tara; Yang, Anna; Dixit, Deepali; Bridgeman, Mary Barna

Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 2016 , vol. 50, # 7 p. 569 - 577 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Costa, João T.; Mele, Miranda; Baptista, Márcio S.; Gomes, João R.; Ruscher, Karsten; Nobre, Rui J.; de Almeida, Luís Pereira; Wieloch, Tadeusz; Duarte, Carlos B.

Molecular Neurobiology, 2016 , vol. 53, # 6 p. 3513 - 3527 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Peña-Contreras, Zulma; Miranda-Contreras, Leticia; Morales-Ovalles, Yasmin; Colmenares-Sulbarán, Melisa; Dávila-Vera, Delsy; BalzaQuintero, Alirio; Salmen, Siham; Mendoza-Briceño, Rosa Virginia

Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 98, # 8 p. 959 - 976 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Ermine, Charlotte M.; Wright, Jordan L.; Parish, Clare L.; Stanic, Davor; Thompson, Lachlan H.

Frontiers in Biology, 2016 , vol. 11, # 3 p. 246 - 255 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ohashi, Masayuki; Hirano, Toru; Watanabe, Kei; Shoji, Hirokazu; Ohashi, Nobuko; Baba, Hiroshi; Endo, Naoto; Kohno, Tatsuro

Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 331, p. 206 - 220 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Patel, Ryan; Dickenson, Anthony H.

Pharmacology Research and Perspectives, 2016 , vol. 4, # 2 art. no. E00205 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Olexová, Lucia; Štefánik, Peter; Kršková, Lucia

Neuroscience Letters, 2016 , vol. 629, p. 9 - 14 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Aponte, José C.; McLain, Hannah L.; Dworkin, Jason P.; Elsila, Jamie E.

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2016 , vol. 189, p. 296 - 311 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Veryser, Lieselotte; Taevernier, Lien; Joshi, Tanmayee; Tatke, Pratima; Wynendaele, Evelien; Bracke, Nathalie; Stalmans, Sofie; Peremans, Kathelijne; Burvenich, Christian; Risseeuw, Martijn; De Spiegeleer, Bart

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2016 , vol. 16, # 1 art. no. 177 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Singh, Tanveer; Goel, Rajesh Kumar

Epilepsy and Behavior, 2016 , vol. 61, p. 248 - 257 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Girish; Vikram Reddy; Pandit, Lakshmi V.; Pundarikaksha; Vijendra; Vasundara; Manjunatha; Nagraj, Moulya; Shruthi

Biomedical Journal, 2016 , vol. 39, # 1 p. 72 - 80 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tiansawang, Kasarin; Luangpituksa, Pairoj; Varanyanond, Warunee; Hansawasdi, Chanida

Food Science and Technology, 2016 , vol. 36, # 2 p. 313 - 321 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gkioka, Eleana; Korou, Laskarina Maria; Daskalopoulou, Afrodite; Misitzi, Angelica; Batsidis, Eleni; Bakoyiannis, Ioannis; Pergialiotis, Vasilios

Reviews in the Neurosciences, 2016 , vol. 27, # 5 p. 523 - 534 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zekeridou, Anastasia; McKeon, Andrew; Lennon, Vanda A.

JAMA Neurology, 2016 , vol. 73, # 7 p. 853 - 859 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kozioł, Ewelina; Skalicka-Woźniak, Krystyna

Phytochemistry Reviews, 2016 , vol. 15, # 4 p. 627 - 649 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Elsheikha, Hany M.; Büsselberg, Dietrich; Zhu, Xing-Quan

Metabolic Brain Disease, 2016 , vol. 31, # 4 p. 749 - 759 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bassi, Gabriel S.; do C. Malvar, David; Cunha, Thiago M.; Cunha, Fernando Q.; Kanashiro, Alexandre

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 389, # 8 p. 851 - 861 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Deletre, Emilie; Schatz, Bertrand; Bourguet, Denis; Chandre, Fabrice; Williams, Livy; Ratnadass, Alain; Martin, Thibaud

Chemoecology, 2016 , vol. 26, # 4 p. 127 - 142 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Li, Hua; Li, Renhui; Rossi, Federico; Li, Dunhai; De Philippis, Roberto; Hu, Chunxiang; Liu, Yongding

Catena, 2016 , vol. 147, p. 138 - 145 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Moe, Aung Aung Kywe; Scott, James G.; Burne, Thomas H.J.; Eyles, Darryl W.

Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 30, # 8 p. 771 - 794 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kim, Jae Kwang; Bong, Sun Ju; Park, Sang Un

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 28, # 10 p. 2322 - 2324 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bhatnagar, Saurabha; Iaccarino, Mary Alexis; Zafonte, Ross

Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 1640, p. 164 - 179 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yalçınkaya, Nazlı; Akcan, Uğur; Örçen, Arda; Küçükali, Cemİsmail; Türkoğlu, Recai; Kürtüncü, Murat; Tüzün, Erdem

Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 2016 , vol. 9, p. 60 - 61 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Comitani, Federico; Limongelli, Vittorio; Molteni, Carla

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2016 , vol. 12, # 7 p. 3398 - 3406 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rosa, Priscila B.; Neis, Vivian B.; Ribeiro, Camille M.; Moretti, Morgana; Rodrigues, Ana Lúcia S.

Pharmacological Reports, 2016 , vol. 68, # 5 p. 996 - 1001 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Audusseau, Hélène; De La Paz Celorio-Mancera, Maria; Janz, Niklas; Nylin, Sören

BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2016 , vol. 16, # 1 art. no. 144 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Arabpour; Esmaeili; Rabbani

Journal of Babol University of Medical Sciences, 2016 , vol. 18, # 6 p. 66 - 72 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Herbison, Allan E.

Nature Reviews Endocrinology, 2016 , vol. 12, # 8 p. 452 - 466 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Naffaa, Moawiah M.; Samad, Abdul

Computational Biology and Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 64, p. 202 - 209 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kim, Hye Ihn; Baek, Min Ryul; Cho, Kyoo Ho; Cho, Yang-Je; Heo, Kyoung

Seizure, 2016 , vol. 41, p. 6 - 8 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jinnarak, Amornrassamee; Anantavichian, Pattarapon; Intanin, Apichai; Fungladda, Suchada; Choengchan, Nathawut; Wilairat, Prapin; Nacapricha, Duangjai; Teerasong, Saowapak

Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2016 , vol. 51, p. 69 - 75 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Guo, Ling-Xia; Shi, Cai-Yun; Liu, Xiao; Ning, Dong-Yuan; Jing, Long-Fei; Yang, Huan; Liu, Yong-Zhong

Scientific Reports, 2016 , vol. 6, art. no. 29343 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Huckvale, Rosemary; Mortensen, Martin; Pryde, David; Smart, Trevor G.; Baker, James R.

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 14, # 28 p. 6676 - 6678 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Shakya, Ashok K.; Kamal, Mehnaz; Balaramnavar, Vishal M.; Bardaweel, Sanna K.; Naik, Rajashri R.; Saxena, Anil K.; Siddiqui

Acta Pharmaceutica, 2016 , vol. 66, # 3 p. 353 - 372 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lang, Li; Jiang, Li-Hua; Qiu, Yong-Jun; Zhou, Jia-Chun; Zhao, Li-Ming

Guocheng Gongcheng Xuebao/The Chinese Journal of Process Engineering, 2016 , vol. 16, # 3 p. 418 - 423 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lett, Tristram A.; Kennedy, James L.; Radhu, Natasha; Dominguez, Luis G.; Chakravarty, M. Mallar; Nazeri, Arash; Farzan, Faranak; Walter, Henrik; Heinz, Andreas; Mulsant, Benoit H.; Daskalakis, Zafiris J.; Voineskos, Aristotle N.

Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 41, # 9 p. 2224 - 2231 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Godinho, Antonio Francisco; Chagas, Ana Carolina Souza; Carvalho, Caio Cristóvão; Horta, Daniel França; De Fraia, Daniel; Anselmo, Fabio; Chaguri, João Leandro; Faria, Caique Aparecido

Physiology and Behavior, 2016 , vol. 165, p. 28 - 34 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Vadakkan, Kunjumon I.

Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 2016 , vol. 83, p. 412 - 430 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kim, Jae Kwang; Bong, Sun J.U.; Park, Sang U.N.

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 28, # 10 p. 2228 - 2230 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chen, Licheng; Zheng, Hao; Zhang, Shimeng

Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 2016 , vol. 12, p. 1731 - 1737 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Suraweera, Duminda; Sundaram, Vinay; Saab, Sammy

Gut and Liver, 2016 , vol. 10, # 4 p. 509 - 519 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bakpa, Ochuko D.; Reuber, Markus; Irani, Sarosh R.

Seizure, 2016 , vol. 41, p. 26 - 41 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yang, Linjie; Xu, Ting; Zhang, Ke; Wei, Zhisheng; Li, Xuran; Huang, Mingfa; Rose, Gregory M.; Cai, Xiang

Behavioural Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 313, p. 135 - 143 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Poveda; Molina; Gómez-Alonso

Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2016 , vol. 51, p. 85 - 92 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dogra, Shalini; Sona, Chandan; Kumar, Ajeet; Yadav, Prem N.

International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 2016 , vol. 77, p. 226 - 239 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ruffolo, Gabriele; Iyer, Anand; Cifelli, Pierangelo; Roseti, Cristina; Mühlebner, Angelika; van Scheppingen, Jackelien; Scholl, Theresa; Hainfellner, Johannes A.; Feucht, Martha; Krsek, Pavel; Zamecnik, Josef; Jansen, Floor E.; Spliet, Wim G.M.; Limatola, Cristina; Aronica, Eleonora; Palma, Eleonora

Neurobiology of Disease, 2016 , vol. 95, p. 93 - 101 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sadowski, Renee N.; Stebbings, Kevin A.; Slater, Bernard J.; Bandara, Suren B.; Llano, Daniel A.; Schantz, Susan L.

NeuroToxicology, 2016 , vol. 56, p. 86 - 93 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Menschikov; Semenova; Ublinskiy; Akhadov; Keshishyan; Lebedeva; Omelchenko; Kaleda; Varfolomeev

Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2016 , vol. 468, # 1 p. 168 - 172 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Widyarani; Bowden, Nathan A.; Kolfschoten, Ruben C.; Sanders, Johan P. M.; Bruins, Marieke E.

Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016 , vol. 55, # 27 p. 7462 - 7472 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Monakhova; Mushtakova

Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 71, # 8 p. 759 - 767 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Livadas, Sarantis; Chrousos, George P.

Current Opinion in Pediatrics, 2016 , vol. 28, # 4 p. 551 - 558 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Banerjee, Jheelam; Papu John, Arokya M.S.; Al-Wadei, Mohammed H.; Schuller, Hildegard M.

Oncotarget, 2016 , vol. 7, # 28 p. 44430 - 44441 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wang, Kevin Y.; Barker, Peter B.; Lin, Doris D. M.

Child's Nervous System, 2016 , vol. 32, # 7 p. 1305 - 1309 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Szpetnar, Maria; Luchowska-Kocot, Dorota; Boguszewska-Czubara, Anna; Kurzepa, Jacek

Neurochemical Research, 2016 , vol. 41, # 8 p. 2129 - 2139 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Xia, Qiang; Wang, Liping; Xu, Congcong; Mei, Jun; Li, Yunfei

Food Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 214, p. 533 - 542

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zhao, Kaifei; Yang, Peng; Du, Shichao; Li, Kangli; Li, Xiaona; Li, Zhenfang; Liu, Yumin; Lin, Lanlan; Hou, Baohong; Gong, Junbo

Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2016 , vol. 102, p. 276 - 286 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhao, Kaifei; Yang, Peng; Du, Shichao; Li, Kangli; Li, Xiaona; Li, Zhenfang; Liu, Yumin; Lin, Lanlan; Hou, Baohong; Gong, Junbo

Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2016 , vol. 102, p. 276 - 286 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Huang, Xin; Sontag-Strohm, Tuula; Stoddard, Frederick L.; Kato, Yoji

Food Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 214, p. 597 - 605 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pal, Uttam; Pramanik, Sumit Kumar; Bhattacharya, Baisali; Banerji, Biswadip; C. Maiti, Nakul

SpringerPlus, 2016 , vol. 5, # 1 art. no. 1121 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Testino, Gianni; Leone, Silvia; Borro, Paolo

Minerva Medica, 2016 , vol. 107, # 4 p. 223 - 238 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lu, Junjie; Zhang, Qian; Tan, Dongmei; Luo, Wenping; Zhao, Hai; Ma, Jing; Liang, Hao; Tan, Yi

International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 2016 , vol. 38, # 1 p. 105 - 112 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ma, Jing; Zhang, Yan; Wang, Jun; Zhao, Tianyu; Ji, Ping; Song, Jinlin; Zhang, Hongmei; Luo, Wenping

International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 2016 , vol. 38, # 1 p. 305 - 311 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

University of South Florida; ZAWOROTKO, Michael J.; SHYTLE, Roland D.; ONG, Tien Teng; KAVURU, Padmini; CANTWELL, Ryan N.; NGUYEN, Tranhha; SMITH, Adam John

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Huang, Yan; Su, Lingqia; Wu, Jing

PLoS ONE, 2016 , vol. 11, # 7 art. no. E0157466 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lee, Gyu Min; Suh, Dong Ho; Jung, Eun Sung; Lee, Choong Hwan

Molecules, 2016 , vol. 21, # 7 art. no. 921 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bauquier, Sebastien H.; Jiang, Jonathan L.; Lai, Alan; Cook, Mark J.

Comparative Medicine, 2016 , vol. 66, # 3 p. 220 - 224 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kim, Hoon; Kim, Oui-Woung; Ha, Ae Wha; Park, Soojin

Preventive Nutrition and Food Science, 2016 , vol. 21, # 2 p. 97 - 103 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Atli; Demir-Ozkay; Ilgin; Aydin; Akbulut; Sener

Human and Experimental Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 35, # 8 p. 866 - 876 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Horvath, Gabriella-Ana; Hukin, Juliette; Stockler-Ipsiroglu, Sylvia G.; Aroichane, Maryam

Neuropediatrics, 2016 , vol. 47, # 4 p. 263 - 267 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bunzeck, Nico; Thiel, Christiane

Cortex, 2015 , vol. 80, p. 161 - 173 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jaggupilli, Appalaraju; Howard, Ryan; Upadhyaya, Jasbir D.; Bhullar, Rajinder P.; Chelikani, Prashen

International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 2016 , vol. 77, p. 184 - 196 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ippolito, Joseph E.; Brandenburg, Matthew W.; Ge, Xia; Crowley, Jan R.; Kirmess, Kristopher M.; Som, Avik; D'Avignon, D. Andre; Arbeit, Jeffrey M.; Achilefu, Samuel; Yarasheski, Kevin E.; Milbrandt, Jeffrey

PLoS ONE, 2016 , vol. 11, # 7 art. no. E0159675 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Caccamo; Pisani; Mazzocchetti; Ientile; Calabresi; Costa

Neurochemical Research, 2016 , vol. 41, # 1-2 p. 340 - 352 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kashem, Mohammed Abul; Ahmed, Selina; Sultana, Nilufa; Ahmed, Eakhlas U.; Pickford, Russell; Rae, Caroline; Šerý, Omar; McGregor, Iain S.; Balcar, Vladimir J.

Neurochemical Research, 2016 , vol. 41, # 1-2 p. 385 - 397 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Diaz-Gil, Daniel; Haerter, Friederike; Falcinelli, Shane; Ganapati, Shweta; Hettiarachchi, Gaya K.; Simons, Jeroen C. P.; Zhang, Ben; Grabitz, Stephanie D.; Duarte, Ingrid Moreno; Cotten, Joseph F.; Eikermann-Haerter, Katharina; Deng, Hao; Chamberlin, Nancy L.; Isaacs, Lyle; Briken, Volker; Eikermann, Matthias

Anesthesiology, 2016 , vol. 125, # 2 p. 333 - 345 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Benarroch, Eduardo E.

Neurology, 2016 , vol. 87, # 3 p. 324 - 330 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Padulo, Caterina; Delli Pizzi, Stefano; Bonanni, Laura; Edden, Richard A.E.; Ferretti, Antonio; Marzoli, Daniele; Franciotti, Raffaella; Manippa, Valerio; Onofrj, Marco; Sepede, Gianna; Tartaro, Armando; Tommasi, Luca; Puglisi-Allegra, Stefano; Brancucci, Alfredo

Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 333, p. 114 - 122 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

DiCenzo, George C.; Checcucci, Alice; Bazzicalupo, Marco; Mengoni, Alessio; Viti, Carlo; Dziewit, Lukasz; Finan, Turlough M.; Galardini,

Marco; Fondi, Marco

Nature Communications, 2016 , vol. 7, art. no. 12219 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Soyka, Michael; Mutschler, Jochen

Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 70, p. 148 - 161 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zhan, Hong-Dan; Zhou, Hai-Yu; Sui, Yun-Peng; Du, Xin-Liang; Wang, Wei-hao; Dai, Li; Sui, Feng; Huo, Hai-Ru; Jiang, Ting-Liang

Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 189, p. 361 - 385 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lee, Sueun; Yang, Miyoung; Kim, Jinwook; Kang, Sohi; Kim, Juhwan; Kim, Jong-Choon; Jung, Chaeyong; Shin, Taekyun; Kim, Sung-Ho; Moon, Changjong

Brain Research Bulletin, 2016 , vol. 125, p. 187 - 199 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Siriarchavatana, Parkpoom; Ayers, Jessica D; Kendall, Lon V

Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, 2016 , vol. 55, # 4 p. 426 - 430 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Mussap, Michele; Noto, Antonio; Fanos, Vassilios

Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics, 2016 , vol. 16, # 8 p. 869 - 881 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yuki, Koichi; Eckenhoff, Roderic G.

Anesthesia and Analgesia, 2016 , vol. 123, # 2 p. 326 - 335 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Almey, Anne; Milner, Teresa A; Brake, Wayne G

Neuroscience Letters, 2016 , vol. 622, p. 118 - 123 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dolma, Sonam; Selvadurai, Hayden J.; Lan, Xiaoyang; Lee, Lilian; Kushida, Michelle; Voisin, Veronique; Whetstone, Heather; So, Milly; Aviv, Tzvi; Park, Nicole; Zhu, Xueming; Xu, ChangJiang; Head, Renee; Rowland, Katherine J.; Bernstein, Mark; Clarke, Ian D.; Bader, Gary; Harrington, Lea; Brumell, John H.; Tyers, Mike; Dirks, Peter B.

Cancer Cell, 2016 , vol. 29, # 6 p. 859 - 873 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zhang, Jing; Yang, Dongshuang; Li, Mingxia; Shi, Lianxuan

PLoS ONE, 2016 , vol. 11, # 7 art. no. E0159622 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Aubrey, Karin R.

Neurochemistry International, 2016 , vol. 98, p. 94 - 102 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ahring, Philip K.; Bang, Line H.; Jensen, Marianne L.; Strøbæk, Dorte; Hartiadi, Leonny Y.; Chebib, Mary; Absalom, Nathan

Pharmacological Research, 2016 , vol. 111, p. 563 - 576 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Vandenberg, Robert J.; Mostyn, Shannon N.; Carland, Jane E.; Ryan, Renae M.

Neurochemistry International, 2016 , vol. 98, p. 89 - 93 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Koek, Ralph J.; Schwartz, Holly N.; Scully, Stephenie; Langevin, Jean-Philippe; Spangler, Shana; Korotinsky, Arkady; Jou, Kevin; Leuchter, Andrew

Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 70, p. 170 - 218 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Robinson, Michael B.; Jackson, Joshua G.

Neurochemistry International, 2016 , vol. 98, p. 56 - 71 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Flores-Méndez, Marco; Mendez-Flores, Orquidia G.; Ortega, Arturo

Neurochemistry International, 2016 , vol. 98, p. 46 - 55 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bjørn-Yoshimoto, Walden E.; Underhill, Suzanne M.

Neurochemistry International, 2016 , vol. 98, p. 4 - 18 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zhang, Juen; Tan, Lubin; Ren, Yuqi; Liang, Jingwen; Lin, Rui; Feng, Qiru; Zhou, Jingfeng; Hu, Fei; Ren, Jing; Wei, Chao; Yu, Tao; Zhuang, Yinghua; Bettler, Bernhard; Wang, Fengchao; Luo, Minmin

Cell, 2016 , vol. 166, # 3 p. 716 - 728 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

An; Han; Li; Ma; Shi; Xu; Yuan; Sun; Zhao; Sheng; Wang; Du

Genetics and Molecular Research, 2016 , vol. 15, # 3 art. no. GMR.15038804 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Li, Zhou; Yu, Jingjin; Peng, Yan; Huang, Bingru

Scientific Reports, 2016 , vol. 6, art. no. 30338 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gao, Hong-Li; Yu, Xiao-Jing; Qi, Jie; Yi, Qiu-Yue; Jing, Wang-Hui; Sun, Wen-Yan; Cui, Wei; Mu, Jian-Jun; Yuan, Zu-Yi; Zhao, Xiu-Fang; Liu, Kai-Li; Zhu, Guo-Qing; Shi, Xiao-Lian; Liu, Jin-Jun; Kang, Yu-Ming

Scientific Reports, 2016 , vol. 6, art. no. 30301 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Xu, Yaqian; Wu, Sixia; Di, Guoqing; Ling, Ping; Jiang, Jianhua; Bao, Hailong

Bioengineered, 2016 , vol. 7, # 4 p. 241 - 245 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jeong, Myeong-Kyo; Jeong, Ji-Hee; Kim, Kwang-Yup

Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2016 , vol. 48, # 3 p. 214 - 222 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kim, Eun Hee; Lee, Yoon Jeong; Jang, Gwi Yeong; Kim, Min Young; Yoon, Nara; Ji, Yeong Mi; Lee, Mi Ja; Lee, Junsoo; Jeong, Heon Sang

Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2016 , vol. 48, # 3 p. 256 - 261 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Misra, Usha Kant; Kalita, Jayantee

International Journal of Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 126, # 11 p. 1013 - 1019

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Fürer, Karin; Simões-Wüst, Ana Paula; Von Mandach, Ursula; Hamburger, Matthias; Potterat, Olivier

Planta Medica, 2016 , vol. 82, # 11-12 p. 930 - 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Manohar, Senthilvelan; Dahar, Kimberly; Adler, Henry J.; Dalian, Ding; Salvi, Richard

Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 75, p. 101 - 112 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yamashita, Haruhiro; Hoenerhoff, Mark J.; Peddada, Shyamal D.; Sills, Robert C.; Pandiri, Arun R.

Toxicologic Pathology, 2016 , vol. 44, # 6 p. 892 - 903 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Coelho; Sousa; Pires; Papke; Vieira; De Souza; Leal; Schunck; Picada; Pereira

Human and Experimental Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 35, # 9 p. 958 - 965 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Askari, Vahid Reza; Rahimi, Vafa Baradaran; Ghorbani, Ahmad; Rakhshandeh, Hassan

Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, 2016 , vol. 18, # 7 art. no. E24261, p. 6 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dubey, Divyanshu; Blackburn, Kyle; Greenberg, Benjamin; Stuve, Olaf; Vernino, Steven

Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 2016 , vol. 16, # 8 p. 937 - 949 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Supuran, Claudiu T.

Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 2016 , vol. 16, # 8 p. 961 - 968 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fung, Lawrence K.; Reiss, Allan L.

Biological Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 80, # 2 p. 100 - 111 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lange, Yvonne; Steck, Theodore L.

Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 2016 , vol. 199, p. 74 - 93 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Takahashi, Makoto; Nomura, Masahiko; Tanaka, Junichi

Neuroscience Letters, 2016 , vol. 630, p. 114 - 119 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kołosowska, Karolina; Maciejak, Piotr; Szyndler, Janusz; Turzyńska, Danuta; Sobolewska, Alicja; Płaźnik, Adam

Journal of Neuroimmunology, 2016 , vol. 298, p. 146 - 152 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Grone, Brian P.; Maruska, Karen P.

Scientific Reports, 2016 , vol. 6, art. no. 30507 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Veeraraghavan, Priyadharishini; Dekanic, Ana; Nistri, Andrea

Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 333, p. 214 - 228 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Berghuis, Kelly M.M.; De Rond, Veerle; Zijdewind, Inge; Koch, Giacomo; Veldman, Menno P.; Hortobágyi, Tibor

Neurobiology of Aging, 2016 , vol. 46, p. 149 - 159 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Duarte-Neves, Joana; Pereira de Almeida, Luís; Cavadas, Cláudia

Neurobiology of Disease, 2016 , vol. 95, p. 210 - 214 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ceylan, Mustafa; Yalcin, Ahmet; Bayraktutan, Omer Faruk; Karabulut, Ibrahim; Sonkaya, Ali Rıza

Seizure, 2016 , vol. 41, p. 70 - 74 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wilcox, Christie

Scientific American, 2016 , vol. 315, # 2 p. 70 - 73 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Somorin, Yinka; Abram, Florence; Brennan, Fiona; O'Byrne, Conor

Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2016 , vol. 82, # 15 p. 4628 - 4640 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rasmussen, Bastian Barker; Grotkjær, Torben; D'Alvise, Paul W.; Yin, Guangliang; Zhang, Faxing; Bunk, Boyke; Spröer, Cathrin; BentzonTilia, Mikkel; Gram, Lone

Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2016 , vol. 82, # 15 p. 4802 - 4810 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sakai, Kazuya; Crochet, Sylvain

Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 2003 , vol. 1, # 1 p. 29 - 42 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Qiang, Liyuan; Cheng, Jinping; Yi, Jun; Rotchell, Jeanette M.; Zhu, Xiaotong; Zhou, Junliang

Ecotoxicology, 2016 , vol. 25, # 7 p. 1426 - 1437 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yan; Tang; Wang; Hao; He; Sun; Ting; Deng

Oncogene, 2016 , vol. 35, # 30 p. 3995 - 4008 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Atif, Muhammad; Ali, Iftikhar; Hussain, Ajaz; Hyder, Syed Viqar; Khan, Farhan Ahmed; Maalik, Aneela; Farooq, Umar

Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica - Drug Research, 2016 , vol. 73, # 3 p. 565 - 578 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gross, Garrett G; Straub, Christoph; Perez-Sanchez, Jimena; Dempsey, William P; Junge, Jason A; Roberts, Richard W; Trinh, Le A; Fraser, Scott E; De Koninck, Yves; De Koninck, Paul; Sabatini, Bernardo L; Arnold, Don B.

Nature Methods, 2016 , vol. 13, # 8 p. 673 - 678 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yoon, Young-Eun; Kuppusamy, Saranya; Cho, Kye Man; Kim, Pil Joo; Kwack, Yong-Bum; Lee, Yong Bok

Food Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 215, p. 185 - 192 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kumar, Amit; Dixit, Garima; Singh, Amit Pal; Dwivedi, Sanjay; Srivastava, Sudhakar; Mishra, Kumkum; Tripathi, Rudra Deo

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2016 , vol. 133, p. 350 - 359 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Knoflach, Frédéric; Hernandez, Maria-Clemencia; Bertrand, Daniel

Biochemical Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 115, p. 10 - 17 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bobille, Hélène; Limami, Anis M.; Robins, Richard J.; Cukier, Caroline; Le Floch, Gaëtan; Fustec, Joëlle

Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2016 , vol. 101, p. 226 - 236 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Csuma, Ana; Cristina, Romeo T.; Dumitrescu, Eugenia; Muselin, Florin; Alexa, Ersilia C.; Butnariu, Monica; Gergen, Iosif

Open Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 13, # 1 p. 769 - 779 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Xu, Xiao-Jun; Roberts, Diane; Zhu, Guo-Nian; Chang, Yong-Chang

Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 2016 , vol. 37, # 8 p. 1020 - 1030 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kaur, Ravinder; Kaur, Sarabjit

Pharmacognosy Journal, 2015 , vol. 7, # 4 p. 236 - 241 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Supawat, Araya; Srisuwan, Supawadee; Sattayasai, Jintana

Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2016 , vol. 15, # 7 p. 1493 - 1498 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

He, Xin; Huang, Lu; Lu, Yang; Dou, Mengmeng; Zhang, Zhihao; Zhang, Jie; Zhao, Xiaoyan

Latin American Journal of Pharmacy, 2016 , vol. 35, p. 1241 - 1247 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Liang, Zihong; Bai, Shunjie; Shen, Peng; Hu, Qingchuan; Wang, Xingfa; Dong, Meixue; Wang, Wei; Li, Juan; Cheng, Ke; Zhang, Shuxiao; Zou, Dezhi; Han, Yu; Wang, Haiyang; Xie, Peng

Behavioural Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 314, p. 116 - 124 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rumondor, Alfred C.F.; Dhareshwar, Sundeep S.; Kesisoglou, Filippos

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2016 , vol. 105, # 9 p. 2498 - 2508 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jang, Hye-Lim; Yoo, Min; Nam, Jin-Sik

Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition, 2016 , vol. 45, # 7 p. 980 - 989 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bandelow, Borwin; Baldwin, David; Abelli, Marianna; Altamura, Carlo; Dell’Osso, Bernardo; Domschke, Katharina; Fineberg, Naomi A.; Grünblatt, Edna; Jarema, Marek; Maron, Eduard; Nutt, David; Pini, Stefano; Vaghi, Matilde M.; Wichniak, Adam; Zai, Gwyneth; Riederer, Peter

World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 17, # 5 p. 321 - 365 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Li, Meng; Shu, Xiangbing; Xu, Hanchen; Zhang, Chunlei; Yang, Lili; Zhang, Li; Ji, Guang

Journal of Translational Medicine, 2016 , vol. 14, # 1 art. no. 237 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ostojic, Sergej M.

Amino Acids, 2016 , vol. 48, # 8 p. 1867 - 1875 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Xie; Zhou; Liang; Jiang; Chen

Revista Brasileira de Ciencia Avicola, 2016 , vol. 18, # 2 p. 277 - 282 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Verimli, Ural; Sehirli, Umit S.

Anatomical Science International, 2016 , vol. 91, # 4 p. 398 - 406 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tang, Zhen-Bo; Chen, Yao-Zhang; Zhao, Jie; Guan, Xiao-Wen; Bo, Yong-Xin; Chen, Shi-Wu; Hui, Ling

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 123, p. 568 - 576 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lemos, Maria Augusta Travassos; Matos, Camila Alves; de Resende, Michele Fabri; Prado, Rachel Bardy; Donagemma, Raquel Andrade; Netto, Annibal Duarte Pereira

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2016 , vol. 133, p. 424 - 432 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sheikhi, Mehdi; Shirzadian, Armin; Dehdashtian, Amir; Amiri, Shayan; Ostadhadi, Sattar; Ghasemi, Mehdi; Dehpour, Ahmad Reza

Epilepsy and Behavior, 2016 , vol. 62, p. 291 - 296 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dickinson, Abigail; Jones, Myles; Milne, Elizabeth

Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 1648, p. 277 - 289 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fan, Hueng-Chuen; Lee, Herng-Shen; Chang, Kai-Ping; Lee, Yi-Yen; Lai, Hsin-Chuan; Hung, Pi-Lien; Lee, Hsiu-Fen; Chi, Ching-Shiang

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2016 , vol. 17, # 8 art. no. 1242 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Moela, Pontsho; Motadi, Lesetja Raymond

OncoTargets and Therapy, 2016 , vol. 9, p. 4721 - 4735 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Bravim, Fernanda; Mota, Mainã M.; Fernandes, A. Alberto R.; Fernandes, Patricia M. B.

FEMS Yeast Research, 2016 , vol. 16, # 5 art. no. FOW052

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Cheng, Meng-Chun; Leu, Yann-Lii; Tsai, Tsung-Yu; Pan, Tzu-Ming

Journal of Functional Foods, 2016 , vol. 26, p. 238 - 248 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Watanabe, Kazunori; Takahashi, Nobuto; Hozumi, Naohiro; Yoshida, Sachiko

Sensors and Materials, 2015 , vol. 27, # 10 p. 1035 - 1044 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kida, Hiroyuki; Tsuda, Yasumasa; Ito, Nana; Yamamoto, Yui; Owada, Yuji; Kamiya, Yoshinori; Mitsushima, Dai

Cerebral Cortex, 2016 , vol. 26, # 8 p. 3494 - 3507 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kang, Jing-Qiong; MacDonald, Robert L.

JAMA Neurology, 2016 , vol. 73, # 8 p. 1009 - 1016 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Luppi, Pierre-Hervé; Fort, Patrice

Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 2011 , vol. 9, # 1 p. 59 - 64 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhang, Jiaqiang; Xu, Changqing; Puentes, Dyanet L.; Seubert, Christoph N.; Gravenstein, Nikolaus; Martynyuk, Anatoly E.

Neuroendocrinology, 2016 , vol. 103, # 5 p. 440 - 451 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

de la Peña, June Bryan; Cheong, Jae Hoon

Drug Testing and Analysis, 2016 , vol. 8, # 8 p. 760 - 767 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wei, Ran; Li, Qi; Lam, Sylvia; Leung, Jana; Cheung, Charlton; Zhang, Xiaofan; Sham, Pak Chung; Chua, Siew Eng; McAlonan, Grainne Mary

Behavioural Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 314, p. 190 - 198 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Proteome Research, 2016 , vol. 15, # 8 p. 2643 - 2657 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Ho, Seok-Man; Topol, Aaron; Brennand, Kristen J.

Biomarker Insights, 2015 , vol. 2015, p. 31 - 41 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Herrera, Andrea; Muñoz, Patricia; Paris, Irmgard; Díaz-Veliz, Gabriela; Mora, Sergio; Inzunza, Jose; Hultenby, Kjell; Cardenas, Cesar; Jaña, Fabián; Raisman-Vozari, Rita; Gysling, Katia; Abarca, Jorge; Steinbusch, Harry W. M.; Segura-Aguilar, Juan

Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 2016 , vol. 73, # 18 p. 3583 - 3597 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Liebig; Grasshoff; Hentschke

Anaesthesist, 2016 , vol. 65, # 8 p. 609 - 614 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Suvorova, Inna A.; Rodionov, Dmitry A.

Microbial Genomics, 2016 , vol. 2, # 1 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sheng, Ling; Shen, Dandan; Luo, Yi; Sun, Xiaohua; Wang, Jinqiu; Luo, Tao; Zeng, Yunliu; Xu, Juan; Deng, Xiuxin; Cheng, Yunjiang

Food Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 216, p. 138 - 145 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nakamura, Tsutomu; Arima-Yoshida, Fumiko; Sakaue, Fumika; Nasu-Nishimura, Yukiko; Takeda, Yasuko; Matsuura, Ken; Akshoomoff, Natacha; Mattson, Sarah N.; Grossfeld, Paul D.; Manabe, Toshiya; Akiyama, Tetsu

Nature Communications, 2016 , vol. 7, art. no. 10861 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Salzer, Isabella; Gantumur, Enkhbileg; Yousuf, Arsalan; Boehm, Stefan

Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 110, p. 277 - 286 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Schiavone, Stefania; Neri, Margherita; Mhillaj, Emanuela; Pomara, Cristoforo; Trabace, Luigia; Turillazzi, Emanuela

Toxicology Letters, 2016 , vol. 258, p. 29 - 35 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Juarez, Barbara; Han, Ming-Hu

Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 41, # 10 p. 2424 - 2446 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Li, Zhong; Xu, Jing; Jiang, Tongtong; Ge, Yongsheng; Liu, Pan; Zhang, Manman; Su, Zhiguo; Gao, Chao; Ma, Cuiqing; Xu, Ping

Scientific Reports, 2016 , vol. 6, art. no. 30884 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Schrider, Daniel R.; Kern, Andrew D.

Genome Biology and Evolution, 2015 , vol. 7, # 12 p. 3511 - 3528 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dubey, Divyanshu; Farzal, Zehra; Hays, Ryan; Brown, L Steven; Vernino, Steven

Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders, 2016 , vol. 9, # 5 p. 369 - 377 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Vaz, Gisele C.; Sharma, Neeru M.; Zheng, Hong; Zimmerman, Matthew C.; Santos, Robson S.; Frezard, Frederic; Fontes, Marco A.P.; Patel, Kaushik P.

Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2016 , vol. 273, p. 55 - 63 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Wunjuntuk, Kansuda; Kettawan, Aikkarach; Rungruang, Thanaporn; Charoenkiatkul, Somsri

Journal of Functional Foods, 2016 , vol. 26, p. 363 - 372 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Heberling, Colin; Dhurjati, Prasad

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2015 , vol. 16, # 4 p. 8949 - 8967 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Taiwe; Moto; Pale; Kandeda; Dawe, Amadou; Kouemou; Ayissi; Ngoupaye; Njapdounke; Nkantchoua; Omam; Pahaye; Ngo Bum

Epilepsy Research, 2016 , vol. 127, p. 30 - 39 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lytkin; Chernikov; Krutova; Skvortsov; Korchagina

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2016 , vol. 90, # 9 p. 1782 - 1784 Zh. Fiz. Khim., 2016 , vol. 90, # 9 p. 1350 - 1353,4 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wang, Lu; Wang, Yan; Zhou, Shimeng; Yang, Liukun; Shi, Qixin; Li, Yujiao; Zhang, Kun; Yang, Le; Zhao, Minggao; Yang, Qi

Genes, 2016 , vol. 7, # 8 art. no. 45 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Creeley, Catherine E.

Brain Sciences, 2016 , vol. 6, # 3 art. no. 13 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Persson, Tomas; Van Nguyen, Thanh; Alloisio, Nicole; Pujic, Petar; Berry, Alison M.; Normand, Philippe; Pawlowski, Katharina

Symbiosis, 2016 , vol. 70, # 1-3 p. 149 - 157 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wu, Zi-Chen; Yang, Zhuan-Ying; Li, Jian-Guo; Chen, Hou-Bin; Huang, Xu-Ming; Wang, Hui-Cong

International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2016 , vol. 67, # 7 p. 762 - 772 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chompoopong, Supin; Jarungjitaree, Sunit; Punbanlaem, Tideeporn; Rungruang, Thanaporn; Chongthammakun, Sukumal; Kettawan, Aikkarach; Taechowisan, Thongchai

NeuroMolecular Medicine, 2016 , vol. 18, # 3 p. 334 - 346 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nakai, Tomoya; Okanoya, Kazuo

NeuroReport, 2016 , vol. 27, # 13 p. 987 - 991 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ferdousy, Sakia; Rahman, Md Atiar; Al-Amin, Md Mamun; Aklima, Jannatul; Chowdhury, J. M. Kamirul Hasan

Clinical Phytoscience, 2017 , vol. 2, # 1 art. no. 17 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kaufmann, Dan; Bates, Emily A.; Yagen, Boris; Bialer, Meir; Saunders, Gerald H.; Wilcox, Karen; White, H Steve; Brennan

Cephalalgia, 2016 , vol. 36, # 10 p. 924 - 935 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Benarroch, Eduardo E.

Neurology, 2016 , vol. 87, # 7 p. 726 - 735 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mossa, Abdel-Tawab H.

Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2016 , vol. 9, # 5 p. 354 - 378 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rodríguez-Traver, Eva; Solís, Oscar; Díaz-Guerra, Eva; Ortiz, Óscar; Vergaño-Vera, Eva; Méndez-Gómez, Héctor R.; García-Sanz, Patricia; Moratalla, Rosario; Vicario-Abejón, Carlos

Neurotoxicity Research, 2016 , vol. 30, # 1 p. 14 - 31 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wu, Chang-wen; Wu, Xiaojun; Wen, Chao; Peng, Bo; Peng, Xuan-xian; Chen, Xinhua; Li, Hui

Protein and Cell, 2016 , vol. 7, # 7 p. 527 - 532 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rafii, Michael S.

CNS Drugs, 2016 , vol. 30, # 7 p. 567 - 573 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kaushal; Taylor; Jamal; Zhang; Ma; Donahue; Westlund

Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 334, p. 148 - 159 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wilkening, Ina; Gazzola, Silvia; Riva, Elena; Parascandolo, James S.; Song, Lijiang; Tosin, Manuela

Chemical Communications, 2016 , vol. 52, # 68 p. 10392 - 10395 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jonsson, Amanda; Inal, Sahika; Uguz, Llke; Williamson, Adam J.; Kergoat, Loïg; Rivnay, Jonathan; Khodagholy, Dion; Berggren, Magnus; Bernard, Christophe; Malliaras, George G.; Simon, Daniel T.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2016 , vol. 113, # 34 p. 9440 - 9445

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Feng, Jinhui; He, Fuyan; Yang, Zhizhou; Yao, Jinshui

Green Processing and Synthesis, 2016 , vol. 5, # 4 p. 419 - 425 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Oda, Kohei; Nagai, Takeshi; Ueno, Yoshie; Mori, Yoshiharu

Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2015 , vol. 79, # 2 p. 307 - 313 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Golovko, Tatiana; Min, Rogier; Lozovaya, Natalia; Falconer, Caroline; Yatsenko, Natalia; Tsintsadze, Timur; Tsintsadze, Vera; Ledent, Catherine; Harvey, Robert J.; Belelli, Delia; Lambert, Jeremy J.; Rozov, Andrei; Burnashev, Nail

Cerebral Cortex, 2015 , vol. 25, # 9 p. 2440 - 2455 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hammad, Mohamed; Schmidt, Stephen L.; Zhang, Xuying; Bray, Ryan; Frohlich, Flavio; Ghashghaei, H. Troy

Cerebral Cortex, 2015 , vol. 25, # 9 p. 2970 - 2979 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gonzales-Arimborgo, Carla; Yupanqui, Irma; Montero, Elsa; Alarcón-Yaquetto, Dulce E.; Zevallos-Concha, Alisson; Caballero, Lidia; Gasco, Manuel; Zhao, Jianping; Khan, Ikhlas A.; Gonzales, Gustavo F.

Pharmaceuticals, 2016 , vol. 9, # 3 art. no. 49 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Brandes, Ralf P.

Circulation Research, 2016 , vol. 119, # 5 p. 577 - 579 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tsuruga, Kenkichi; Hashimoto, Toshikazu; Kato, Ryoko; Kato, Rui; Uchida, Yousuke; Hase, Tetsutaro; Morimoto, Yuji

Biomedical Research (Japan), 2016 , vol. 37, # 4 p. 243 - 249 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Washio, Jumpei; Ogawa, Tamaki; Suzuki, Keisuke; Tsukiboshi, Yosuke; Watanabe, Motohiro; Takahashi, Nobuhiro

Biomedical Research (Japan), 2016 , vol. 37, # 4 p. 251 - 257 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jacob, Merlin K.; Prabha, Sneha; Abraham, Liyamol B.; Hemalatha; Sivakumar

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, 2016 , vol. 39, # 2 art. no. 29, p. 157 - 158 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rubio-Casillas, Alberto; Fernández-Guasti, Alonso

Reviews in the Neurosciences, 2016 , vol. 27, # 6 p. 599 - 622 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sen, Suvajit; Roy, Sohini; Bandyopadhyay, Gautam; Scott, Bari; Xiao, Daliao; Ramadoss, Sivakumar; Mahata, Sushil K.; Chaudhuri, Gautam

Circulation Research, 2016 , vol. 119, # 5 p. 621 - 634 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2016 , vol. 77, p. 78 - 86 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Atherton, Laura A.; Burnell, Erica S.; Mellor, Jack R.

PLoS ONE, 2016 , vol. 11, # 8 art. no. E0160900 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Redruello, Begoña; Ladero, Victor; del Rio, Beatriz; Fernández, María; Martin; Alvarez, Miguel A.

Food Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 217, p. 117 - 124 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gökcan, Hatice; Monard, Gerald; Sungur Konuklar, F. Aylin

Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics, 2016 , vol. 84, # 7 p. 875 - 891 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sakhautdinov; Gumerov; Malikova; Fatykhov; Yunusov

Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2016 , vol. 52, # 4 p. 651 - 655 Khim. Prir. Soedin., 2016 , vol. 4, p. 562 - 565,4 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Al-Quraan, Nisreen A.; Al-Smadi, Mousa L.; Swaleh, Aaya F.

Journal of Plant Interactions, 2015 , vol. 10, # 1 p. 185 - 194 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zuluaga, Martha; Melchor, Jhon Jairo; Tabares-Villa, Fredy Alexander; Taborda, Gonzalo; Sepúlveda-Arias, Juan Carlos

Chromatographia, 2016 , vol. 79, # 17-18 p. 1061 - 1068 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Arens, Ann; Smollin, Craig

Journal of Medical Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 12, # 3 p. 309 - 314 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Peltoniemi, Marko A.; Hagelberg, Nora M.; Olkkola, Klaus T.; Saari, Teijo I.

Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 2016 , vol. 55, # 9 p. 1059 - 1077 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Sharma, Seema; Saxena, Dharmesh C.; Riar, Charanjit S.

Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2016 , vol. 71, # 3 p. 231 - 238 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Fang, Fang; Sun, Hongwei; Wang, Zuowei; Ren, Ming; Calabrese, Joseph R.; Gao, Keming

CNS Drugs, 2016 , vol. 30, # 9 p. 845 - 867 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Roshan, Mohsin H.K.; Tambo, Amos; Pace, Nikolai P.

Open Neurology Journal, 2016 , vol. 10, p. 42 - 58 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhang, Yixi; Meng, Xiangkun; Yang, Yuanxue; Li, Hong; Wang, Xin; Yang, Baojun; Zhang, Jianhua; Li, Chunrui; Millar, Neil S.; Liu, Zewen

Scientific Reports, 2016 , vol. 6, art. no. 32335 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chevalier, Marlene; Sakarovitch, Charlotte; Precheur, Isabelle; Lamure, Julie; Pouyssegur-Rougier, Valerie

Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 2015 , vol. 73, # 4 p. 267 - 273 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Andolina, Diego; Maran, Dario; Viscomi, Maria Teresa; Puglisi-Allegra, Stefano

International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2015 , vol. 18, # 3 art. no. 074 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhou, Molin; Ndeurumio, Kessy H.; Zhao, Lei; Hu, Zhuoyan

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 64, # 33 p. 6443 - 6450 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wei, Feifei; Furihata, Kazuo; Zhang, Mimin; Miyakawa, Takuya; Tanokura, Masaru

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 64, # 33 p. 6459 - 6465 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhao, Anqi; Hu, Xiaoqing; Li, Ye; Chen, Cheng; Wang, Xiaoyuan

AMB Express, 2016 , vol. 6, # 1 art. no. 55 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Carr; Mills; Mandernack

Marine Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 186, p. 72 - 82 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Simon-O'Brien, Emmanuelle; Gauthier, Delphine; Riban, Véronique; Verleye, Marc

Journal of Neuroinflammation, 2016 , vol. 13, # 1 art. no. 203 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Grolez; Moreau; Danel-Brunaud; Delmaire; Lopes; Pradat; El Mendili; Defebvre; Devos

BMC Neurology, 2016 , vol. 16, # 1 art. no. 155 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gentile, Antonietta; Musella, Alessandra; Bullitta, Silvia; Fresegna, Diego; De Vito, Francesca; Fantozzi, Roberta; Piras, Eleonora; Gargano, Francesca; Borsellino, Giovanna; Battistini, Luca; Schubart, Anna; Mandolesi, Georgia; Centonze, Diego

Journal of Neuroinflammation, 2016 , vol. 13, # 1 art. no. 207 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

de la Mora, Miguel Pérez; Pérez-Carrera, Diana; Crespo-Ramírez, Minerva; Tarakanov, Alexander; Fuxe, Kjell; Borroto-Escuela, Dasiel O.

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease, 2016 , vol. 1862, # 11 p. 2075 - 2085 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sadek, Bassem; Khan, Nadia; Darras, Fouad H.; Pockes, Steffen; Decker, Michael

Physiology and Behavior, 2016 , vol. 165, p. 383 - 391 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Khadrawy, Yasser A.; Noor, Neveen A.; Mourad, Iman M.; Ezz, Heba S. Aboul

Toxicology and Industrial Health, 2016 , vol. 32, # 9 p. 1711 - 1719 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cheng, Gui-Lin; Wang, Hui; Lin, Xian-Fu; Wu, Qi

Current Organic Synthesis, 2016 , vol. 13, # 4 p. 514 - 543 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Escribano, Begoña M.; Santamaría, Abel; de Lima, María E.; Medina-Fernández, Francisco J.; Bashir, Shahid; Túnez, Isaac

CNS and Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 2016 , vol. 15, # 7 p. 845 - 856 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sayyari, Mohammad; Aghdam, Morteza Soleimani; Salehi, Fakhreddin; Ghanbari, Fardin

Scientia Horticulturae, 2016 , vol. 211, p. 110 - 117 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Klüver, Nils; Vogs, Carolina; Altenburger, Rolf; Escher, Beate I.; Scholz, Stefan

Chemosphere, 2016 , vol. 164, p. 164 - 173 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Klüver, Nils; Vogs, Carolina; Altenburger, Rolf; Escher, Beate I.; Scholz, Stefan

Chemosphere, 2016 , vol. 164, p. 164 - 173 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kanost, Michael R.; Arrese, Estela L.; Cao, Xiaolong; Chen, Yun-Ru; Chellapilla, Sanjay; Goldsmith, Marian R.; Grosse-Wilde, Ewald; Heckel, David G.; Herndon, Nicolae; Jiang, Haobo; Papanicolaou, Alexie; Qu, Jiaxin; Soulages, Jose L.; Vogel, Heiko; Walters, James; Waterhouse, Robert M.; Ahn, Seung-Joon; Almeida, Francisca C.; An, Chunju; Aqrawi, Peshtewani; Bretschneider, Anne; Bryant, William B.; Bucks, Sascha; Chao, Hsu; Chevignon, Germain; Christen, Jayne M.; Clarke, David F.; Dittmer, Neal T.; Ferguson, Laura C.F.; Garavelou, Spyridoula; Gordon, Karl H.J.; Gunaratna, Ramesh T.; Han, Yi; Hauser, Frank; He, Yan; Heidel-Fischer, Hanna; Hirsh, Ariana; Hu, Yingxia; Jiang, Hongbo; Kalra, Divya; Klinner, Christian; König, Christopher; Kovar, Christie; Kroll, Ashley R.; Kuwar, Suyog S.; Lee, Sandy L.; Lehman, Rüdiger; Li, Kai; Li, Zhaofei; Liang, Hanquan; Lovelace, Shanna; Lu, Zhiqiang; Mansfield, Jennifer H.; McCulloch, Kyle J.; Mathew, Tittu; Morton, Brian; Muzny, Donna M.; Neunemann, David; Ongeri, Fiona; Pauchet, Yannick; Pu, Ling-Ling; Pyrousis, Ioannis; Rao, XiangJun; Redding, Amanda; Roesel, Charles; Sanchez-Gracia, Alejandro; Schaack, Sarah; Shukla, Aditi; Tetreau, Guillaume; Wang, Yang; Xiong, Guang-Hua; Traut, Walther; Walsh, Tom K.; Worley, Kim C.; Wu, Di; Wu, Wenbi; Wu, Yuan-Qing; Zhang, Xiufeng; Zou, Zhen; Zucker, Hannah; Briscoe, Adriana D.; Burmester, Thorsten; Clem, Rollie J.; Feyereisen, René; Grimmelikhuijzen, Cornelis J.P.; Hamodrakas, Stavros J.; Hansson, Bill S.; Huguet, Elisabeth; Jermiin, Lars S.; Lan, Que; Lehman, Herman K.; Lorenzen, Marce; Merzendorfer, Hans; Michalopoulos, Ioannis; Morton, David B.; Muthukrishnan, Subbaratnam; Oakeshott, John G.; Palmer, Will; Park, Yoonseong; Passarelli, A. Lorena; Rozas, Julio; Schwartz, Lawrence M.; Smith, Wendy; Southgate, Agnes; Vilcinskas, Andreas; Vogt, Richard; Wang, Ping; Werren, John; Yu, Xiao-Qiang; Zhou, Jing-Jiang; Brown, Susan J.; Scherer, Steven E.; Richards, Stephen; Blissard, Gary W.

Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2016 , vol. 76, p. 118 - 147 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Long, Ye; Bordt, Andrea S.; Liu, Weiley S.; Davis, Elizabeth P.; Lee, Stephen J.; Tseng, Luke; Chuang, Alice Z.; Whitaker, Christopher M.; Massey, Stephen C.; Sherman, Michael B.; Marshak, David W.

Peptides, 2016 , vol. 84, p. 22 - 35 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Li, Yangping; Zhang, Lingling; Sun, Yan; Ma, Xiaoli; Wang, Jing; Li, Ruojiao; Zhang, Meiwei; Wang, Shi; Hu, Xiaoli; Bao, Zhenmin

Marine Biotechnology, 2016 , vol. 18, # 4 p. 453 - 465 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cohen-Gilbert, Julia E.; Sneider, Jennifer T.; Crowley, David J.; Rosso, Isabelle M.; Jensen, J. Eric; Silveri, Marisa M.

Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2015 , vol. 16, p. 147 - 154

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Porcu, Alessandra; Lobina, Carla; Giunta, Daniela; Solinas, Maurizio; Mugnaini, Claudia; Castelli, M. Paola

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 791, p. 115 - 123 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Tremblay, Melanie; Winstanley, Catharine A.

Behavioural Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 314, p. 143 - 151 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Camargo, Gabriela; Elizalde, Alejandro; Trujillo, Xochitl; Montoya-Pérez, Rocío; Mendoza-Magaña, María Luisa; Hernandez-Chavez, Abel; Hernandez, Leonardo

Cell Stress and Chaperones, 2016 , vol. 21, # 5 p. 763 - 772 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sung, Jwakyung; Sonn, Yeonkyu; Lee, Yejin; Kang, Seongsoo; Ha, Sangkeun; Krishnan, Hari B.; Oh, Taek-Keun

Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2015 , vol. 178, # 5 p. 792 - 797 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Rochford, Kevin; Chen, Feng; Waguespack, Yan; Figliozzi, Robert W.; Kharel, Madan K.; Zhang, Qiaojuan; Martin-Caraballo, Miguel; Hsia, S. Victor

PLoS ONE, 2016 , vol. 11, # 8 art. no. E0161119 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Vijayakumari; Jisha; Puthur, Jos T.

Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2016 , vol. 38, # 9 art. no. 230 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kusminski, Christine M.; Bickel, Perry E.; Scherer, Philipp E.

Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 2016 , vol. 15, # 9 p. 639 - 660 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Martin, Cédric B.P.; Martin, Vincent S.; Trigo, José M.; Chevarin, Caroline; Maldonado, Rafael; Fink, Latham H.; Cunningham, Kathryn A.; Hamon, Michel; Lanfumey, Laurence; Mongeau, Raymond

International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2015 , vol. 18, # 3 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Defrancesco, Michaela; Marksteiner, Josef; Wolfgang Fleischhacker; Blasko, Imrich

International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2015 , vol. 18, # 10 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Magrinelli, Francesca; Picelli, Alessandro; Tocco, Pierluigi; Federico, Angela; Roncari, Laura; Smania, Nicola; Zanette, Giampietro; Tamburin, Stefano

Parkinson's Disease, 2016 , vol. 2016, art. no. 9832839 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Liao, Zhijun; Huang, Yong; Yue, Xiaodong; Lu, Huijuan; Xuan, Ping; Ju, Ying

BioMed Research International, 2016 , vol. 2016, art. no. 2375268 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wongsamitkul, Nisa; Baur, Roland; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 291, # 35 p. 18474 - 18483 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kumar, Vinay; Sharma, Sandeep Kumar; Nagarajan; Dixit, Praveen Kumar

Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2016 , vol. 41, # 5 p. 430 - 436 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kipanyula, Maulilio John; Kimaro, Wahabu Hamisi; Etet, Paul F. Seke

Journal of Aging Research, 2016 , vol. 2016, art. no. 5081021 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Eamarjharn, Apinya; Theerakulkait, Chockchai; Thanachasai, Saipin

Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2016 , vol. 50, # 1 p. 80 - 84 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Schneider, Brandy L.; Ghoddoussi, Farhad; Charlton, Jennifer L.; Kohler, Robert J.; Galloway, Matthew P.; Perrine, Shane A.; Conti, Alana C.

Journal of Neurotrauma, 2016 , vol. 33, # 17 p. 1614 - 1624 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lenk, Kerstin; Priwitzer, Barbara; Ylä-Outinen, Laura; Tietz, Lukas H.B.; Narkilahti, Susanna; Hyttinen, Jari A.K.

BioMedical Engineering Online, 2016 , vol. 15, # 1 art. no. 105 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lim, Miranda M.; Szymusiak, Ronald

Current Sleep Medicine Reports, 2015 , vol. 1, # 2 p. 91 - 100 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wuttke, Wolfgang; Seidlová-Wuttke, Dana

Clinical Phytoscience, 2015 , vol. 1, # 1 art. no. 12 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hokazono, Hideki; Uehara, Eriko

Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi, 2016 , vol. 63, # 7 p. 306 - 311 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jung, Bok-Mi; Shin, Tai-Sun

Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition, 2016 , vol. 45, # 8 p. 1114 - 1121 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Park, Ji-Young; Ham, Hyeonmi; Han, Sang-Ik; Oh, Sung-Hwan; Song, You Chun; Cho, Jun Hyeon; Hur, Yeon-Jae; Lee, Yu-Young; Lee, Byung-Won; Choi, Yong Hwan

Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition, 2016 , vol. 45, # 8 p. 1214 - 1220 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Violante, Inês R.; Patricio, Miguel; Bernardino, Inês; Rebola, José; Abrunhosa, Antero J.; Ferreira, Nuno; Castelo-Branco, Miguel

Neurology, 2016 , vol. 87, # 9 p. 897 - 904 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Oh, Won Chan; Lutzu, Stefano; Castillo, Pablo E.; Kwon, Hyung-Bae

Science, 2016 , vol. 353, # 6303 p. 1037 - 1040 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Balmus, Ioana Miruna; Ciobica, Alin; Antioch, Iulia; Dobrin, Romeo; Timofte, Daniel

Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2016 , vol. 2016, art. no. 3975101

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Kim, Hyeonjin; Kim, Sungjin; Lee, Hyeong Hun; Heo, Hwon

Korean Journal of Radiology, 2016 , vol. 17, # 5 p. 620 - 632 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lo, Yu-Chang; Chien, Shih-Chang; Mishchuk, Darya O.; Slupsky, Carolyn M.; Mau, Jeng-Leun

International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 2016 , vol. 18, # 5 p. 413 - 424 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Stead, David Francis; Mason, Carolyn Ruth

South African Medical Journal, 2016 , vol. 106, # 9 p. 891 - 892 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Paul, Melanie Verena; Iyer, Srignanakshi; Amerhauser, Carmen; Lehmann, Martin; van Dongen, Joost T.; Geigenberger, Peter

Plant Physiology, 2016 , vol. 172, # 1 p. 141 - 153 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Fedotova, Julia; Soultanov, Vagif; Nikitina, Tamara; Roschin, Victor; Ordyan, Natalia; Hritcu, Lucian

Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 2016 , vol. 83, p. 1444 - 1455 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Subaraja, Mamangam; Vanisree

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016 , vol. 23, # 17 p. 17123 - 17131 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Toyo'oka, Toshimasa

Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2016 , vol. 39, # 9 p. 1397 - 1411 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Blecharz-Klin, Kamilla; Joniec-Maciejak, Ilona; Jawna-Zboińska, Katarzyna; Pyrzanowska, Justyna; Piechal, Agnieszka; Wawer, Adriana; Widy-Tyszkiewicz, Ewa

Pharmacological Reports, 2016 , vol. 68, # 6 p. 1159 - 1164 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hansen, Susanne K.; Stummann, Tina C.; Borland, Helena; Hasholt, Lis F.; Tümer, Zeynep; Nielsen, Jørgen E.; Rasmussen, Mikkel A.; Nielsen, Troels T.; Daechsel, Justus C.A.; Fog, Karina; Hyttel, Poul

Stem Cell Research, 2016 , vol. 17, # 2 p. 306 - 317 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Qi, Zhen; Yu, Gina P.; Tretter, Felix; Pogarell, Oliver; Grace, Anthony A.; Voit, Eberhard O.

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects, 2016 , vol. 1860, # 11 p. 2696 - 2705 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Grasso; Li Volsi; Cataldo; Manzoni; Barresi

Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 335, p. 122 - 133 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Romei, Cristina; Bonifacino, Tiziana; Milanese, Marco; Usai, Cesare; Raiteri, Luca

Brain Research Bulletin, 2016 , vol. 127, p. 100 - 110 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hussner, Andreas; Mettler-Altmann, Tabea; Weber, Andreas P. M.; Sand-Jensen, Kaj

Freshwater Biology, 2016 , vol. 61, # 10 p. 1720 - 1732 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gibon, Julien; Kang, Min Su; Aliaga, Arturo; Sharif, Behrang; Rosa-Neto, Pedro; Séguéla, Philippe; Barker, Philip A.; Kostikov, Alexey

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 24, # 19 p. 4759 - 4765 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ferri, Sarah L.; Kreibich, Arati S.; Torre, Matthew; Piccoli, Cara T.; Dow, Holly; Pallathra, Ashley A.; Li, Hongzhe; Bilker, Warren B.; Gur, Ruben C.; Abel, Ted; Brodkin, Edward S.

Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 335, p. 184 - 194 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wearne, Travis A.; Parker, Lindsay M.; Franklin, Jane L.; Goodchild, Ann K.; Cornish, Jennifer L.

Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 111, p. 107 - 118 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lee, Kyung-Min; Oh, Taek-Joo; Kim, So-Hyun; Kim, Hye-Youn; Chung, Hyunmi; Min, Daniel Seungwook; Auh, Joong-Hyuck; Lee, Hong Jin; Lee, Jaehwi; Choi, Hyung-Kyoon

Food Science and Biotechnology, 2016 , vol. 25, # 4 p. 1035 - 1041 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Killiny, Nabil

Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2016 , vol. 109, p. 28 - 35 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Haerian, Batoul Sadat; Baum, Larry; Kwan, Patrick; Cherny, Stacey S.; Shin, Jae-Gook; Kim, Sung Eun; Han, Bok-Ghee; Tan, Hui Jan; Raymond, Azman Ali; Tan, Chong Tin; Mohamed, Zahurin

Molecular Neurobiology, 2016 , vol. 53, # 8 p. 5457 - 5467 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Schipper; Aalbers; Rijkers; Swijsen; Rigo; Hoogland; Vles

Molecular Neurobiology, 2016 , vol. 53, # 8 p. 5252 - 5265 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hiran, Pasjanant; Kerdchoechuen, Orapin; Laohakunjit, Natta

Journal of Cereal Science, 2016 , vol. 71, p. 207 - 216 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Iyer, Anand; Appleton, Richard

Pediatric Drugs, 2016 , vol. 18, # 5 p. 357 - 366 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Convertino, Irma; Sansone, Alice Capogrosso; Marino, Alessandra; Galiulo, Maria T.; Mantarro, Stefania; Antonioli, Luca; Fornai, Matteo; Blandizzi, Corrado; Tuccori, Marco

Drug Safety, 2016 , vol. 39, # 10 p. 903 - 924 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ncube, Somandla; Poliwoda, Anna; Tutu, Hlanganani; Wieczorek, Piotr; Chimuka, Luke

Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2016 , vol. 1033-1034, p. 372 - 381 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Safavi, Maliheh; Sabourian, Reyhaneh; Abdollahi, Mohammad

Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery, 2016 , vol. 11, # 10 p. 939 - 956

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Reyes-Parada, Miguel; Iturriaga-Vasquez, Patricio

Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery, 2016 , vol. 11, # 10 p. 969 - 981 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dai, Wen; Pi, Yan-Ling; Ni, Zhen; Tan, Xiao-Ying; Zhang, Jian; Wu, Yin

Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 336, p. 114 - 122 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kantachote, Duangporn; Nunkaew, Tomorn; Ratanaburee, Anussara; Klongdee, Nikkajit

Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2016 , vol. 40, # 4 p. 733 - 742 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ab Kadir, Safuan; Wan-Mohtar, Wan Abd Al Qadr Imad; Mohammad, Rosfarizan; Abdul Halim Lim, Sarina; Sabo Mohammed, Abdulkarim; Saari, Nazamid

Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2016 , vol. 43, # 10 p. 1387 - 1395 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

He, Xuanzi; Koo, Bang-Bon; Killiany, Ronald J.

BioMed Research International, 2016 , vol. 2016, art. no. 6523909 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Lagard, Camille; Chevillard, Lucie; Malissin, Isabelle; Risède, Patricia; Callebert, Jacques; Labat, Laurence; Launay, Jean-Marie; Laplanche, Jean-Louis; Mégarbane, Bruno

Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 310, p. 108 - 119 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Picone, Gianfranco; Savorani, Francesco; Trimigno, Alessia; Mezzetti, Bruno; Capozzi, Francesco; Engelsen, Søren Balling

Metabolomics, 2016 , vol. 12, # 10 art. no. 150 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chen, Ting; Liu, Yan; Li, Ming-Hui; Xu, Hua-Dong; Sheng, Ji-Yang; Zhang, Li; Wang, Jun-Song

Environmental Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 13, # 5 p. 792 - 803 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Huang, Yung-Jen; Lee, Kuan H.; Murphy, Lauren; Garraway, Sandra M.; Grau, James W.

Experimental Neurology, 2016 , vol. 285, p. 82 - 95 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Carmona-Aparicio, Liliana; Zavala-Tecuapetla, Cecilia; González-Trujano, María Eva; Sampieri, Aristides; Montesinos-Correa, Hortencia; Granados-Rojas, Leticia; Floriano-Sánchez, Esaú; Coballase-Urrutía, Elvia; Cárdenas-Rodríguez, Noemí

Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 2016 , vol. 12, # 4 p. 1957 - 1962 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Giachino, Claudio

Neurogenesis, 2014 , vol. 1, # 1 art. no. E29354, p. e29354-4 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sandberg, Kristian; Blicher, Jakob Udby; Del Pin, Simon Hviid; Andersen, Lau Møller; Rees, Geraint; Kanai, Ryota

Cortex, 2016 , vol. 83, p. 292 - 305 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhang, Yan; Pi, Zifeng; Song, Fengrui; Liu, Zhiqiang

Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 194, p. 188 - 195 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bradl, Monika; Kanamori, Yoko; Nakashima, Ichiro; Misu, Tatsuro; Fujihara, Kazuo; Lassmann, Hans; Sandkühler, Jürgen

Nature Reviews Neurology, 2014 , vol. 10, # 9 p. 529 - 536 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Puralewski, Rachel; Vasilakis, Georgia; Seney, Marianne L.

Biology of Sex Differences, 2016 , vol. 7, # 1 art. no. 50 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhang, Zhongyi; Tian, Jing; Xiao, Hongwei; Zheng, Nengjian; Gao, Xiaofei; Zhu, Renguo; Xiao, Huayun

Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2016 , vol. 1033-1034, p. 382 - 389 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Akamatsu, Fumikazu; Hashiguchi, Tomokazu; Hisatsune, Yuri; Oe, Takaaki; Kawao, Takafumi; Fujii, Tsutomu

Food Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 217, p. 112 - 116 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Naim-Feil, Jodie; Bradshaw, John L.; Rogasch, Nigel C.; Daskalakis, Zafiris J.; Sheppard, Dianne M.; Lubman, Dan I.; Fitzgerald, Paul B.

World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 17, # 7 p. 547 - 556 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Liu, Guanghai; Zhu, Tiangui; Zhang, Aihua; Li, Feng; Qian, Weidong; Qian, Bin

Journal of Anesthesia, 2016 , vol. 30, # 5 p. 834 - 841 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Drexler, Berthold; Balk, Monika; Antkowiak, Bernd

Anesthesia and Analgesia, 2016 , vol. 123, # 4 p. 877 - 883 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Nashawi, Houda; Masocha, Willias; Edafiogho, Ivan O.; Kombian, Samuel B.

Medical Principles and Practice, 2016 , vol. 25, # 5 p. 423 - 428 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Menezes, Charlene; Leitemperger, Jossiele; Murussi, Camila; de Souza Viera, Mariela; Adaime, Martha B.; Zanella, Renato; Loro, Vania Lucia

Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 2016 , vol. 42, # 5 p. 1357 - 1368 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chai, Tingting; Cui, Feng; Yin, Zhiqiang; Yang, Yang; Qiu, Jing; Wang, Chengju

Scientific Reports, 2016 , vol. 6, art. no. 33481 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Roshan, Mohsin H. K.; Tambo, Amos; Pace, Nikolai P.

Open Neurology Journal, 2016 , vol. 10, p. 42 - 58 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ku, Seockmo; Park, Myeong Soo; Ji, Geun Eog; You, Hyun Ju

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2016 , vol. 17, # 9 art. no. 1544 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Taiwe, Germain Sotoing; Dabole, Bernard; Tchoya, Thierry Bang; Menanga, Joseph Renaud; Dzeufiet, Paul Désiré Djomeni; De Waard, Michel

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2016 , vol. 16, # 1 art. no. 285 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

de Freitas, Renato Leonardo; Medeiros, Priscila; da Silva, Juliana Almeida; de Oliveira, Rithiele Cristina; de Oliveira, Ricardo; Ullah, Farhad; Khan, Asmat Ullah; Coimbra, Norberto Cysne

Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 336, p. 133 - 145 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Nazari, Seyedeh Khadijeh; Nikoui, Vahid; Ostadhadi, Sattar; Chegini, Zahra Hadi; Oryan, Shahrbanoo; Bakhtiarian, Azam

Pharmacological Reports, 2016 , vol. 68, # 6 p. 1214 - 1220 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cervenka, Mackenzie C.; Kaplan, Peter W.

Seminars in Neurology, 2016 , vol. 36, # 4 p. 342 - 349 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Davis, Daniel J.; Doerr, Holly M.; Grzelak, Agata K.; Busi, Susheel B.; Jasarevic, Eldin; Ericsson, Aaron C.; Bryda, Elizabeth C.

Scientific Reports, 2016 , vol. 6, art. no. 33726 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lai, Bi-Qin; Che, Ming-Tian; Du, Bao-Ling; Zeng, Xiang; Ma, Yuan-Huan; Feng, Bo; Qiu, Xue-Chen; Zhang, Ke; Liu, Shu; Shen, Hui-Yong; Wu, Jin-Lang; Ling, Eng-Ang; Zeng, Yuan-Shan

Biomaterials, 2016 , vol. 109, p. 40 - 54 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Xu, Ming; Huo, Fangjun; Yin, Caixia

Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 2017 , vol. 240, p. 1245 - 1250 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Stamenić, Tamara Timić; Poe, Michael M.; Rehman, Sabah; Santrač, Anja; Divović, Branka; Scholze, Petra; Ernst, Margot; Cook, James M.; Savić, Miroslav M.

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 791, p. 433 - 443 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Xu, Ming; Huo, Fangjun; Yin, Caixia

Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 2017 , vol. 240, p. 1245 - 1250 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Van Bussel, Frank C.G.; Backes, Walter H.; Hofman, Paul A.M.; Puts, Nicolaas A.J.; Edden, Richard A.E.; Van Boxtel, Martin P.J.; Schram, Miranda T.; Stehouwer, Coen D.A.; Wildberger, Joachim E.; Jansen, Jacobus F.A.

Medicine (United States), 2016 , vol. 95, # 36 art. no. E4803 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Benarroch, Eduardo E.

Neurology, 2016 , vol. 87, # 12 p. 1281 - 1288 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ryu, Yun Kyoung; Mathena, Reilley P.; Lim, Sanghee; Kwak, Minhye; Xu, Michael; Mintz, Cyrus D.

Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, 2016 , vol. 28, # 4 p. 405 - 412 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kirkpatrick, Daniel R.; McEntire, Dan M.; Smith, Tyler A.; Dueck, Nicholas P.; Kerfeld, Mitchell J.; Hambsch, Zakary J.; Nelson, Taylor J.; Reisbig, Mark D.; Agrawal, Devendra K.

Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 9, # 10 p. 1363 - 1387 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wojnicz, Aneta; Avendaño-Ortiz, José; de Pascual, Ricardo; Ruiz-Pascual, Lucía; García, Antonio G.; Ruiz-Nuño, Ana

Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2016 , vol. 51, # 8 p. 651 - 664 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Patil, Vaishali M.; Gupta, Satya P.

Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 16, # 16 p. 1862 - 1876 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Camargo, José Augusto; Bertolucci, Paulo Henrique Ferreira

Open Neurology Journal, 2015 , vol. 9, # 1 p. 15 - 20 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wu, Lin-Huan; Lu, Zhen-Ming; Zhang, Xiao-Juan; Wang, Zong-Min; Yu, Yong-Jian; Shi, Jin-Song; Xu, Zheng-Hong

Food Microbiology, 2017 , vol. 62, p. 23 - 31 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Rodrigo; Esteso; Barros; Verissimo; Romero; Suarez; Ramos; Valente; Burrows; Ribeiro

Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2017 , vol. 104, p. 110 - 117 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

El-Ansary, Afaf; Al-Ayadhi, Laila

Journal of Neuroinflammation, 2014 , vol. 11, # 1 art. no. 189 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Giroud, Fabien; Sawada, Koichi; Taya, Masahito; Cosnier, Serge

Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2017 , vol. 87, p. 957 - 963 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Yamaura, Kei; Kiyonaka, Shigeki; Numata, Tomohiro; Inoue, Ryuji; Hamachi, Itaru

Nature Chemical Biology, 2016 , vol. 12, # 10 p. 822 - 830 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cheng, Ling; Li, Peng; Tjen-A-Looi, Stephanie Cheeyee; Longhurst, John Charles

Chinese Medicine (United Kingdom), 2015 , vol. 10, # 1 art. no. 36 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Beard, Emma; Shahab, Lion; Cummings, Damian M.; Michie, Susan; West, Robert

CNS Drugs, 2016 , vol. 30, # 10 p. 951 - 983 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Malhi, Gin S.; Outhred, Tim

CNS Drugs, 2016 , vol. 30, # 10 p. 931 - 949 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Rodrigo; Esteso; Barros; Verissimo; Romero; Suarez; Ramos; Valente; Burrows; Ribeiro

Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2017 , vol. 104, p. 110 - 117 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Li, Yuwen; Wu, Yin; Li, Ruili; Wang, Chao; Jia, Na; Zhao, Chao; Wen, Aidong; Xiong, Lize

Anesthesia and Analgesia, 2015 , vol. 121, # 5 p. 1176 - 1183 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Concu, Riccardo; Ornelas, Mariana; Azenha, Manuel

Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 15, # 3 p. 199 - 222 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bustamante, Marta F.; Morcillo-Suárez, Carlos; Malhotra, Sunny; Rio, Jordi; Leyva, Laura; Fernández, Oscar; Zettl, Uwe K.; Killestein, Joep; Brassat, David; García-Merino, Juan Antonio; Sánchez, Antonio J.; Urcelay, Elena; Alvarez-Lafuente, Roberto; Villar, Lusia M.; AlvarezCermeño, Jose Carlos; Farré, Xavier; Lechner-Scott, Jeannette; Vandenbroeck, Koen; Rodríguez-Antigüedad, Alfredo; Drulovic, Jelena S.; Boneschi, Filippo Martinelli; Chan, Andrew; Oksenberg, Jorge; Navarro, Arcadi; Montalban, Xavier; Comabella, Manuel

Neurology: Neuroimmunology and NeuroInflammation, 2015 , vol. 2, # 5 p. e154 - e154 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ramos, Raddy L.; Toia, Alyssa R.; Pasternack, Daniel M.; Dotzler, Timothy P.; Cuoco, Joshua A.; Esposito, Anthony W.; Le, Megan M.; Parker, Alexander K.; Goodman, Jeffrey H.; Sarkisian, Matthew R.

Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 337, p. 48 - 65 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Liu, Xuejiao; Wu, Dousheng; Zhang, Yongqiang; Zhou, Hong; Lai, Ting; Ding, Wei

BioMed Research International, 2016 , vol. 2016, art. no. 2796260 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Drenthen, Gerhard S.; Barendse, Evelien M.; Aldenkamp, Albert P.; van Veenendaal, Tamar M.; Puts, Nicolaas A.J.; Edden, Richard A.E.; Zinger, Svitlana; Thoonen, Geert; Hendriks, Marc P.H.; Kessels, Roy P.C.; Jansen, Jacobus F.A.

Psychiatry Research - Neuroimaging, 2016 , vol. 256, p. 44 - 49 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Grant, Ryan; Gruenbaum, Shaun E.; Gerrard, Jason

Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology, 2015 , vol. 28, # 5 p. 505 - 510 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Im, Seon-Yeong; Jang, Ka-Hee; Farooq, Muhammad; Lee, Dong-Jin

Journal of Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants, 2016 , vol. 22, # 4 p. 327 - 336 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Joshi, Krutika; Shen, Lily; Michaeli, Avner; Salter, Michael; Thibault-Messier, Gabrielle; Hashmi, Sumaiya; Eubanks, James H.; Cortez, Miguel A.; Snead, O. Carter

Annals of Neurology, 2016 , vol. 80, # 4 p. 511 - 521 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Brosnan, Robert J.; Pham, Trung L.

BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology, 2014 , vol. 15, # 1 art. no. 62 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Salazar-González, Claudia; Díaz-Moreno, Consuelo

Journal of Apicultural Research, 2016 , vol. 55, # 2 p. 161 - 175 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Beleggia, Romina; Rau, Domenico; Laido, Giovanni; Platani, Cristiano; Nigro, Franca; Fragasso, Mariagiovanna; De Vita, Pasquale; Scossa, Federico; Fernie, Alisdair R.; Nikoloski, Zoran; Papa, Roberto

Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2016 , vol. 33, # 7 p. 1740 - 1753 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Li, Shao-Jun; Luo, Yi-Ni; Li, Yong; Chen, Jing-Wen; Mo, Yu-Huan; Yuan, Zong-Xiang; Ou, Shi-Yan; Ou, Chao-Yan; Jiang, Yue-Ming; Deng, Xiang-Fa

Journal of Toxicological Sciences, 2016 , vol. 41, # 5 p. 573 - 581 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Contreras-Rosales; Schefuß; Meyer; Palamenghi; Lückge; Jennerjahn

Global and Planetary Change, 2016 , vol. 146, p. 53 - 66 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Russo, Emilio; Citraro, Rita; Constanti, Andrew; Leo, Antonio; Lüttjohann, Annika; van Luijtelaar, Gilles; De Sarro, Giovambattista

Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 2016 , vol. 71, p. 388 - 408 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Buck, Leslie T.; Bond, Hilary C.; Malik, Aqsa

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology -Part A : Molecular and Integrative Physiology, 2017 , vol. 203, p. 193 - 200 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Biedermann, Sarah V.; Auer, Matthias K.; Bindila, Laura; Ende, Gabriele; Lutz, Beat; Weber-Fahr, Wolfgang; Gass, Peter; Fuss, Johannes

Hormones and Behavior, 2016 , vol. 86, p. 45 - 54 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kitagishi, Yasuko; Nakanishi, Atsuko; Minami, Akari; Asai, Yurina; Yasui, Mai; Iwaizako, Akiko; Suzuki, Miho; Ono, Yuna; Ogura, Yasunori; Matsuda, Satoru

Open Biochemistry Journal, 2014 , vol. 8, # 1 p. 74 - 82 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Shiraki, Ayako; Tanaka, Takeshi; Watanabe, Yousuke; Saito, Fumiyo; Akahori, Yumi; Imatanaka, Nobuya; Yoshida, Toshinori; Shibutani, Makoto

Toxicology Letters, 2016 , vol. 261, p. 59 - 71 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Pavela, Roman; Stepanycheva, Elena; Shchenikova, Anna; Chermenskaya, Taisiya; Petrova, Mariya

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Randox Laboratories Limited; Benchikh, Elouard; McConnell, Ivan; Fitzgerald, Peter; Lowry, Philip

Patent: US2016/266153 A1, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Płonka-Półtorak, Elżbieta; Zagrodzki, Paweł; Kryczyk-Kozioł, Jadwiga; Westermarck, Tuomas; Kaipainen, Pekka; Kaski, Markus; Atroshi, Faik

Pharmacological Reports, 2016 , vol. 68, # 6 p. 1339 - 1344 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Neurology, 2016 , vol. 87, # 11 p. 1140 - 1151 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Royal Society Open Science, 2016 , vol. 3, # 9 art. no. 160311 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Ciencia e Agrotecnologia, 2016 , vol. 40, # 5 p. 577 - 584 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hao, Ren; Ting, Zhang; Yuping, Qi; Donghua, Jiang

Research Journal of Biotechnology, 2016 , vol. 11, # 10 p. 1 - 8 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Pickrell, William Owen; Smith, Phil E.M.

Clinical Medicine, Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London, 2014 , vol. 14, p. S1 - S6 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sharma, Ashish; Soe, Myat Han; Singh, Jagdeep; Newsome, Scott D.

Journal of the National Medical Association, 2016 , vol. 108, # 3 p. 169 - 172 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Tcheremissine, Oleg V.; Bestha, Durga Prasad

Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 13, # 7-8 p. 13 - 14 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chien, Rao-Chi; Ulziijargal, Enkhjargal; Mau, Jeng-Leun

Food Technology and Biotechnology, 2016 , vol. 54, # 2 p. 180 - 188 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Huang, Guocheng; Cai, Weixi; Xu, Baojun

LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2017 , vol. 75, p. 488 - 496 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Saito, Ryota; Suzuki, Saori; Sasaki, Kaname

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2016 , vol. 26, # 20 p. 4870 - 4874 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Müller, Thomas

Neurodegenerative Disease Management, 2016 , vol. 6, # 5 p. 385 - 398 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kirschner, Gyöngyi; Balla, Bernadett; Horváth, Péter; Kövesdi, Andrea; Lakatos, Gergely; Takács, István; Nagy, Zsolt; Tóbiás, Bálint; Árvai, Kristóf; Pál Kósa, János; Lakatos, Péter

Molecular Medicine Reports, 2016 , vol. 14, # 3 p. 2025 - 2037 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhang, Guoping; Quan, Xiaoyan; Qian, Qiufeng; Ye, Zhilan; Zeng, Jianbin; Han, Zhigang

Journal of Plant Physiology, 2016 , vol. 206, p. 59 - 67 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Yang, Liuqing; Ge, Yali; Lin, Shunyan; Fang, Xiangzhi; Zhou, Loujing; Gao, Ju

Molecular Medicine Reports, 2016 , vol. 14, # 3 p. 2119 - 2126 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Pandhare, Akash; Pappu, Aneesh Satya; Wilms, Henrik; Blanton, Michael Paul; Jansen, Michaela

Neuropharmacology, 2017 , vol. 113, p. 89 - 99 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Auger, Meagan L; Floresco, Stan B

Neuropharmacology, 2017 , vol. 113, p. 10 - 20 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Liu, Yu; Lin, Deyong; Wu, Boliang; Zhou, Wenhua

Brain Research Bulletin, 2016 , vol. 126, p. 68 - 73 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Philippu, Athineos

Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 23, # 24 p. 2643 - 2652 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Pitsikas, Nikolaos

Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 23, # 24 p. 2692 - 2705

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Aissa, Manel Ben; Lee, Sue H.; Bennett, Brian M.; Thatcher, Gregory R.J.

Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 23, # 24 p. 2770 - 2783 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Guerra, Gustavo Petri; Rubin, Maribel Antonello; Mello, Carlos Fernando

Pharmacological Research, 2016 , vol. 112, p. 99 - 118 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Nelp, Taylor B.; McGovern, Robert A.; McKhann, Guy M.

Neurosurgery, 2014 , vol. 75, # 6 p. N10 - N11 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Root, David H.; Mejias-Aponte, Carlos A.; Zhang, Shiliang; Wang, Hui-Ling; Hoffman, Alexander F.; Lupica, Carl R.; Morales, Marisela

Nature neuroscience, 2014 , vol. 17, # 11 p. 1543 - 1551 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jiang, Yuqi; Li, Xiaoyang; Wang, Xue; Wang, Zhonglan; Wu, Jingde; Xu, Wenfang; Zhang, Jian

Chemical Biology and Drug Design, 2016 , p. 542 - 555 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gano, Lindsey B.; Patel, Manisha; Rho, Jong M.

Journal of Lipid Research, 2014 , vol. 55, # 11 p. 2211 - 2228 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Masters, Philip A.; Cotton, Deborah; Rao, Jaya K.; Taichman, Darren; Williams, Sankey

Annals of Internal Medicine, 2014 , vol. 161, # 7 p. ITC16 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Peterlik, Daniel; Flor, Peter J.; Uschold-Schmidt, Nicole

Current Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 14, # 5 p. 514 - 539 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Schneider, Bradley B.; Nazarov, Erkinjon G.; Londry, Frank; Vouros, Paul; Covey, Thomas R.

Mass Spectrometry Reviews, 2016 , vol. 35, # 6 p. 687 - 737 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Oh, Tae Seok; Jeon, Yoonjeong; Kim, Seolsong; Kim, Eun-Kyoung

CNS and Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 2016 , vol. 15, # 8 p. 896 - 909 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Liew, Hyunjeong; Kim, Yun-Mi; Choi, Hee Soon; Jang, Ah Ram; Churchill, David; Lee, Sang Hyung; Suh, Yoo-Hun

CNS and Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 2016 , vol. 15, # 8 p. 918 - 926 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mehrzadi, Saeed; Shojaii, Asie; Pur, Sogol Attari; Motevalian, Manijeh

Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2015 , vol. 21, # 4 p. NP35 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chen, Ken

Patent: CN105367433 A, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wuhan University; Wang, Wei; Lu, Yuzhi; Zhou, Haibing; Huang, Jian

Patent: CN105503627 A, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Pulike Biological Engineering, Inc.; Liu, Xingjin; Zhang, Xuke

Patent: CN105669798 A, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kosonsiriluk, Sunantha; Chaiworakul, Voravasa; Thayananuphat, Aree; Mauro, Laura J.; El Halawani, Mohamed E.

Neuroendocrinology, 2016 , vol. 103, # 6 p. 678 - 692 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Konermann, Anna; Kantarci, Alpdogan; Wilbert, Steven; Van Dyke, Thomas; Jäger, Andreas

Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 2016 , vol. 36, # 8 p. 1353 - 1363 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wingo, Taylor; Nesil, Tanseli; Chang, Sulie L.; Li, Ming D.

Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 2016 , vol. 40, # 10 p. 2102 - 2113 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Aird, Steven D.; Briones, Alejandro Villar; Roy, Michael C.; Mikheyev, Alexander S.

Toxins, 2016 , vol. 8, # 10 art. no. 279 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hu, Wenyi; Cheng, Xiaojie; Ye, Xinjian; Zhao, Liangcai; Huang, Yanan; Zhu, Huanle; Yan, Zhihan; Wang, Xuebao; Wang, Xiaojie; Bai, Guanghui; Gao, Hongchang

Molecular Brain, 2014 , vol. 7, # 1 art. no. 87 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Trifonov, Stefan; Yamashita, Yuji; Kase, Masahiko; Maruyama, Masato; Sugimoto, Tetsuo

BMC Neuroscience, 2014 , vol. 15, # 1 art. no. 114 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Pfeiffer, Rebecca L.; Marc, Robert E.; Kondo, Mineo; Terasaki, Hiroko; Jones, Bryan W.

Experimental Eye Research, 2016 , vol. 150, p. 62 - 70 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kaur, Jaspreet; Flores Gutiérrez, Javier; Nistri, Andrea

European Journal of Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 44, # 7 p. 2418 - 2430 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chowen, Julie A.; Argente-Arizón, Pilar; Freire-Regatillo, Alejandra; Frago, Laura M.; Horvath, Tamas L.; Argente, Jesús

Progress in Neurobiology, 2016 , vol. 144, p. 68 - 87 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Michalke, Bernhard

Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 2016 , vol. 37, p. 50 - 61 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Osborn, Lana M.; Kamphuis, Willem; Wadman, Wytse J.; Hol, Elly M.

Progress in Neurobiology, 2016 , vol. 144, p. 121 - 141 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Van Schoors, Jolien; Viaene, Johan; Van Wanseele, Yannick; Smolders, Ilse; Dejaegher, Bieke; Vander Heyden, Yvan; Van Eeckhaut, Ann

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2016 , vol. 127, p. 136 - 146 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jones; Pfeiffer; Ferrell; Watt; Marmor; Marc

Experimental Eye Research, 2016 , vol. 150, p. 149 - 165 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Selten, Martijn M.; Meyer, Francisca; Ba, Wei; Vallès, Astrid; Maas, Dorien A.; Negwer, Moritz; Eijsink, Vivian D.; Van Vugt, Ruben W.M.; Van Hulten, Josephus A.; Van Bakel, Nick H.M.; Roosen, Joey; Van Der Linden, Robert J.; Schubert, Dirk; Verheij, Michel M.M.; Kasri, Nael Nadif; Martens, Gerard J.M.

Scientific Reports, 2016 , vol. 6, art. no. 34240 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Stahl, Stephen M.

Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2016 , vol. 806, p. 355 - 359 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Groll, Nicola; Petrikat, Tamara; Vetter, Silvia; Wenz, Christine; Dengjel, Joern; Gretzmeier, Christine; Weiss, Frederik; Poetz, Oliver; Joos, Thomas O.; Schwarz, Michael; Braeuning, Albert

Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 370, p. 94 - 105 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Yuan, Nina Y.; Poe, Michael M.; Witzigmann, Christopher; Cook, James M.; Stafford, Douglas; Arnold, Leggy A.

Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods, 2016 , vol. 82, p. 109 - 114 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Li, Hongde; Tang, Huiru; Wang, Yulan

Current Metabolomics, 2013 , vol. 1, # 4 p. 318 - 334 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gandhi, Sonia; Khushu, Subash; Tripathi, Rajendra P.

Current Metabolomics, 2013 , vol. 1, # 4 p. 335 - 352 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chau, Davor Kin-Fan; Choi, Angus Yiu-Ting; Yang, Wen; Leung, Wing Nang; Chan, Chun Wai

Behavioural Brain Research, 2017 , vol. 316, p. 255 - 260 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Azilawati; Dzulkifly; Jamilah; Shuhaimi; Amin

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2016 , vol. 129, p. 389 - 397 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

McMahen, Rebecca L.; Strynar, Mark J.; McMillan, Larry; DeRose, Eugene; Lindstrom, Andrew B.

Science of the Total Environment, 2016 , vol. 569-570, p. 880 - 887 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Elmaci, Ilhan; Altinoz, Meric A.

Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 2016 , vol. 83, p. 635 - 640 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Stahl, Stephen M.

CNS Spectrums, 2016 , vol. 21, # 5 p. 355 - 359 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cocco, Mattia; Miglio, Gianluca; Giorgis, Marta; Garella, Davide; Marini, Elisabetta; Costale, Annalisa; Bertinaria, Massimo; Regazzoni, Luca; Vistoli, Giulio; Orioli, Marica; Massulaha-Ahmed, Raïhane; Détraz-Durieux, Isabelle; Groslambert, Marine; Py, Bénédicte F.

ChemMedChem, 2016 , p. 1790 - 1803 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ishaq, Sidra; Rasheed, Muhammad Adil; Ashraf, Muhammad; Altaf, Imran; Rehmat, Saima; Fatima, Ghulam

Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2016 , vol. 29, # 5 p. 1625 - 1632 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Choi, Kyuhyun; Lee, Youngin; Lee, Changwoo; Hong, Seokheon; Lee, Soonje; Kang, Shin Jung; Shin, Ki Soon

Scientific Reports, 2016 , vol. 6, art. no. 34800 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sukhbaatar, Unurjargal; Mijiddorj, Tselmeg; Oride, Aki; Kanasaki, Haruhiko

Endocrine, 2015 , vol. 49, # 1 p. 222 - 230 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wang, Xinkun; Yang, Runqiang; Zhou, Yulin; Gu, Zhenxin

Journal of Proteomics, 2016 , vol. 143, p. 161 - 172 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Schreiner, Simon J.; Kirchner, Thomas; Wyss, Michael; Van Bergen, Jiri M.G.; Quevenco, Frances C.; Steininger, Stefanie C.; Griffith, Erica Y.; Meier, Irene; Michels, Lars; Gietl, Anton F.; Leh, Sandra E.; Brickman, Adam M.; Hock, Christoph; Nitsch, Roger M.; Pruessmann, Klaas P.; Henning, Anke; Unschuld, Paul G.

Neurobiology of Aging, 2016 , vol. 48, p. 195 - 203 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Di Paolo, Matias; Bossi, Mariano L.; Baggio, Ricardo; Suarez, Sebastián A.

Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, 2016 , vol. 72, p. 684 - 692 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bündig, Christin; Jozefowicz, Anna Maria; Mock, Hans-Peter; Winkelmann, Traud

Journal of Proteomics, 2016 , vol. 143, p. 227 - 241 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Paredes, Mercedes F.; James, David; Gil-Perotin, Sara; Kim, Hosung; Cotter, Jennifer A.; Ng, Carissa; Sandoval, Kadellyn; Rowitch, David H.; Xu, Duan; McQuillen, Patrick S.; Garcia-Verdugo, Jose-Manuel; Huang, Eric J.; Alvarez-Buylla, Arturo

Science, 2016 , vol. 354, # 6308 art. no. AAF7073 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Saikusa, Takayo; Cai, Yimin; Higuchi, Kouji; Ishikawa, Tetsuya; Ishida, Motohiko

Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi, 2016 , vol. 63, # 8 p. 339 - 346 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


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Chaiworakul, Voravasa; Kosonsiriluk, Sunantha; Mauro, Laura J.; El Halawani, Mohamed E.

General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2017 , vol. 240, p. 84 - 90 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Murrough, James W.

Biological Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 80, # 6 p. 416 - 418 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Shin, Jae Ho; Park, Seok Hyun; Oh, Young Hoon; Choi, Jae Woong; Lee, Moon Hee; Cho, Jae Sung; Jeong, Ki Jun; Joo, Jeong Chan; Yu, James; Park, Si Jae; Lee, Sang Yup

Microbial Cell Factories, 2016 , vol. 15, # 1 art. no. 174 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Alegría, Ángel; González, Pablo; Delgado, Susana; Flórez, Ana Belén; Hernández-Barranco, Ana María; Rodríguez, Ana; Mayo, Baltasar

International Journal of Dairy Technology, 2016 , vol. 69, # 4 p. 507 - 519 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hone-Blanchet, Antoine; Edden, Richard A.; Fecteau, Shirley

Biological Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 80, # 6 p. 432 - 438 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Rubio-Aliaga, Isabel; Wagner, Carsten A.

Channels, 2016 , vol. 10, # 6 p. 440 - 452 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Snell, Heather D.; Gonzales, Eric B.

Channels, 2016 , vol. 10, # 6 p. 498 - 506 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ren, Zhen; Pribiag, Horia; Jefferson, Sarah J.; Shorey, Matthew; Fuchs, Thomas; Stellwagen, David; Luscher, Bernhard

Biological Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 80, # 6 p. 457 - 468 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wang, Wei; Guo, Hua; Zhang, Shu-Xiao; Li, Juan; Cheng, Ke; Bai, Shun-Jie; Yang, De-Yu; Wang, Hai-Yang; Liang, Zi-Hong; Liao, Li; Sun, Lin; Xie, Peng

Journal of Proteome Research, 2016 , vol. 15, # 10 p. 3784 - 3792 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Southeast University; Cai, Lin; Chen, Guoqing; Ji, Min; Li, Yong; Guo, Minliang; Xu, Hua; Liu, Wenjing

Patent: , 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Boettcher; Muravyea; Kuo; Drexler; Pagel

International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia, 2016 , vol. 27, p. 85 - 88 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zemoura, Khaled; Trümpler, Claudia; Benke, Dietmar

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 291, # 41 p. 21682 - 21693 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ando, Akira; Nakamura, Toshihide

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 2016 , vol. 122, # 4 p. 441 - 445 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Tuite, Paul

Translational Research, 2016 , vol. 175, p. 4 - 16 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Desalegn; Turetschek; Kaul; Wienkoop

Journal of Proteomics, 2016 , vol. 143, p. 173 - 187 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gao, Yanqiong; Yan, Hua; Jin, Ruirui; Lei, Peng

Pharmaceutical Biology, 2016 , vol. 54, # 11 p. 2528 - 2535 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Petropoulos, Ioannis N.; Javed, Saad; Azmi, Shazli; Khan, Adnan; Ponirakis, Georgios; Malik, Rayaz A.

Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 2016 , vol. 11, # 4 p. 284 - 294 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Shireen, Erum

Journal of Experimental Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 8, p. 1 - 10 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wang, Zhensong; Zhang, Aiying; Zhao, Bin; Gan, Jie; Wang, Guangbin; Gao, Fei; Liu, Bo; Gong, Tao; Liu, Wen; Edden, Richard A. E.

Medicine (United States), 2016 , vol. 95, # 39 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ligsay, Andrew; Hagerman, Randi J.

Intractable and Rare Diseases Research, 2016 , vol. 5, # 3 p. 158 - 167 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Hirata, Koichi

Journal of Pesticide Science, 2016 , vol. 41, # 3 p. 87 - 94 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhang, Xiaoyu; Shen, Fengyan; Xu, Daojie; Zhao, Xuan

International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 54, p. 62 - 69 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cani, Patrice D.; Knauf, Claude

Molecular Metabolism, 2016 , vol. 5, # 9 p. 743 - 752 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Varley, James A.; Irani, Sarosh R.

Medicine (United Kingdom), 2016 , vol. 44, # 9 p. 563 - 569 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Li, Wei; Zhou, Mengzhou; Xu, Ning; Hu, Yong; Wang, Chao; Li, Deyuan; Liu, Liegang; Li, Dongsheng

Bioengineered, 2016 , vol. 7, # 5 p. 334 - 341 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wang, Lingxia; Pan, Dezhuo; Lv, Xiaojie; Cheng, Chi-Lien; Li, Jian; Liang, Wenyu; Xing, Jianhong; Chen, Wei

Plant Cell and Environment, 2016 , vol. 39, # 11 p. 2486 - 2497 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ma, Huan; Li, Qingeng; Liu, Yan; Chen, Gang; Wang, Tao

Chemical Biology and Drug Design, 2016 , p. 363 - 369 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wodtke, Robert; Schramm, Georg; Pietzsch, Jens; Löser, Reik; Pietsch, Markus

ChemBioChem, 2016 , p. 1263 - 1281 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ocmen, Elvan; Erdost, Hale Aksu; Duru, Leyla S.; Akan, Pinar; Cimrin, Dilek; Gokmen, Ali N.

Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences, 2016 , vol. 32, # 6 p. 302 - 305 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Macegoniuk, Katarzyna; Grela, Ewa; Palus, Jerzy; Rudzińska, Ewa; Grabowiecka, Agnieszka; Biernat, Monika; Berlicki, Łukasz

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 59, # 17 p. 8125 - 8133 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ramírez-Bahena, Martha Helena; Flores-Félix, José David; Chahboune, Rajaa; Toro, Marcia; Velázquez, Encarna; Peix, Alvaro

Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 2016 , vol. 39, # 6 p. 378 - 383 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Guangzhou first feed additives limited; Peng, Xianfeng

Patent: CN105884637 A, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cathomas, Flurin; Sigrist, Hannes; Schmid, Luca; Seifritz, Erich; Gassmann, Martin; Bettler, Bernhard; Pryce, Christopher R.

Behavioural Brain Research, 2017 , vol. 317, p. 393 - 400 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Papadimitriou, Konstantinos; Alegría, Ángel; Bron, Peter A.; De Angelis, Maria; Gobbetti, Marco; Kleerebezem, Michiel; Lemos, José A.; Linares, Daniel M.; Ross, Paul; Stanton, Catherine; Turroni, Francesca; Van Sinderen, Douwe; Varmanen, Pekka; Ventura, Marco; Zúñiga, Manuel; Tsakalidou, Effie; Kok, Jan

Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 2016 , vol. 80, # 3 p. 837 - 890 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mysoet, Julien; Canu, Marie-Hélène; Gillet, Christophe; Fourneau, Julie; Garnier, Cyril; Bastide, Bruno; Dupont, Erwan

Behavioural Brain Research, 2017 , vol. 317, p. 434 - 443 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Terpolilli, Jason J.; Masakapalli, Shyam K.; Karunakaran, Ramakrishnan; Webb, Isabel U.C.; Green, Rob; Watmough, Nicholas J.; Kruger, Nicholas J.; Ratcliffe, R. George; Poole, Philip S.

Journal of Bacteriology, 2016 , vol. 198, # 20 p. 2864 - 2875 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Figueiredo, Ítalo Leite; Frota, Priscila B.; da Cunha, Davi G.; da Silva Raposo, Ramon; Canuto, Kildere M.; de Andrade, Geanne M.; Sousa, Nuno; Moore, Sean R.; Anstead, Gregory M.; Alvarez-Leite, Jacqueline I.; Guerrant, Richard L.; Oriá, Reinaldo B.

Nutrition, 2016 , vol. 32, # 9 p. 1019 - 1027 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Huang, Yuejun; Shen, Zhiwei; Hu, Liu; Xia, Fang; Li, Yuewa; Zhuang, Jingwen; Chen, Peishan; Huang, Qingjun

Psychiatry Research, 2016 , vol. 246, p. 236 - 245 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Boshta, Nader M.; El-Essawy, Farag A.; Ammar, Ramy M.; Ismail, Abd El-Hamid; Wahba, Nancy E.

Monatshefte fur Chemie, 2016 , vol. 147, # 11 p. 2031 - 2042 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Vogel, Kara R.; Ainslie, Garrett R.; Gibson, K. Michael

Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, 2016 , vol. 39, # 6 p. 877 - 886 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Jansen; Vogel; Salomons; Pearl; Roullet; Gibson

Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, 2016 , vol. 39, # 6 p. 795 - 800 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Tang, Xin; Liu, Huawei; Chen, Quanmei; Wang, Xin; Xiong, Ying; Zhao, Ping

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2016 , vol. 17, # 10 art. no. 1675 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Andrews, Stephen P.; Aves, Sarah J.; Christopher, John A.; Nonoo, Rebecca

Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 16 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Di Paolo, Matias; Bossi, Mariano L.; Baggio, Ricardo; Suarez, Sebastián A.

Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, 2016 , vol. 72, # 5 p. 684 - 692 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Phillips, Joseph R.; Eissa, Abeer M.; Hewedi, Doaa H.; Jahanshahi, Marjan; El-Gamal, Mohamed; Keri, Szabolcs; Moustafa, Ahmed A.

Reviews in the Neurosciences, 2016 , vol. 27, # 7 p. 729 - 738 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Yamano, Emi; Sugimoto, Masahiro; Hirayama, Akiyoshi; Kume, Satoshi; Yamato, Masanori; Jin, Guanghua; Tajima, Seiki; Goda, Nobuhito; Iwai, Kazuhiro; Fukuda, Sanae; Yamaguti, Kouzi; Kuratsune, Hirohiko; Soga, Tomoyoshi; Watanabe, Yasuyoshi; Kataoka, Yosky

Scientific Reports, 2016 , vol. 6, art. no. 34990 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ye, Guozhu; Chen, Yajie; Wang, Hong-Ou; Ye, Ting; Lin, Yi; Huang, Qiansheng; Chi, Yulang; Dong, Sijun

Scientific Reports, 2016 , vol. 6, art. no. 35257 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Martin, Vincent T.; Vij, Brinder

Headache, 2016 , vol. 56, # 9 p. 1553 - 1562 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jagmann, Nina; Bleicher, Vera; Busche, Tobias; Kalinowski, Jörn; Philipp, Bodo

Environmental Microbiology, 2016 , vol. 18, # 10 p. 3550 - 3564 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wolfand, Jordyn M.; Lefevre, Gregory H.; Luthy, Richard G.

Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, 2016 , vol. 18, # 10 p. 1256 - 1265

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Gromek, Samantha M.; deMayo, James A.; Maxwell, Andrew T.; West, Ashley M.; Pavlik, Christopher M.; Zhao, Ziyan; Li, Jin; Wiemer, Andrew J.; Zweifach, Adam; Balunas, Marcy J.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 24, # 21 p. 5183 - 5196 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Park, Jong Seok

Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, 2016 , vol. 13, # 3 p. 1285 - 1289 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Fijałkowski, Łukasz; Sałat, Kinga; Podkowa, Adrian; Zaręba, Paula; Nowaczyk, Alicja

European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2017 , vol. 96, p. 362 - 372 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 2016 , vol. 12, # 10 p. 1321 - 1322 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Trotti, Lynn Marie; Saini, Prabhjyot; Koola, Catherine; LaBarbera, Vincent; Bliwise, Donald L.; Rye, David B.

Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 2016 , vol. 12, # 10 p. 1389 - 1394 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bown, Alan W.; Shelp, Barry J.

Trends in Plant Science, 2016 , vol. 21, # 10 p. 811 - 813 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Selvaraj, Gurudeeban; Kaliamurthi, Satyavani; Cakmak, Zeynep E.; Cakmak, Turgay

Phycological Research, 2016 , vol. 64, # 4 p. 291 - 299 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Liao, Chenghong; Han, Qian; Ma, Yuanye; Su, Bing

Gene, 2016 , vol. 590, # 2 p. 227 - 233 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Robaa, Dina; Wagner, Tobias; Luise, Chiara; Carlino, Luca; McMillan, Joel; Flaig, Ralf; Schüle, Roland; Jung, Manfred; Sippl, Wolfgang

ChemMedChem, 2016 , vol. 11, # 20 p. 2327 - 2338 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Biological Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 79, # 12 p. 1006 - 1015 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Umeda, Kentaro; Iritani, Shuji; Fujishiro, Hiroshige; Sekiguchi, Hirotaka; Torii, Youta; Habuchi, Chikako; Kuroda, Keisuke; Kaibuchi, Kozo; Ozaki, Norio

Synapse, 2016 , vol. 70, # 12 p. 508 - 518 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mikkelsen, Mark; Singh, Krish D.; Brealy, Jennifer A.; Linden, David E.J.; Evans, C. John

NMR in Biomedicine, 2016 , vol. 29, # 11 p. 1644 - 1655 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ma, Zhao; Liu, Zhenzhen; Jiang, Tianyu; Zhang, Tianchao; Zhang, Huateng; Du, Lupei; Li, Minyong

ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2016 , vol. 7, # 10 p. 967 - 971 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hnilicová, Petra; Považan, Michal; Strasser, Bernhard; Andronesi, Ovidiu C.; Gajdošík, Martin; Dydak, Ulrike; Ukropec, Jozef; Dobrota, Dušan; Trattnig, Siegfried; Bogner, Wolfgang

NMR in Biomedicine, 2016 , vol. 29, # 11 p. 1656 - 1665 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Alenazi, Noof A.; Manthorpe, Jeffrey M.; Lai, Edward P. C.

Sensors (Switzerland), 2016 , vol. 16, # 10 art. no. 1697 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Brand, Bodo; Scheinhardt, Markus O.; Friedrich, Juliane; Zimmer, Daisy; Reinsch, Norbert; Ponsuksili, Siriluck; Schwerin, Manfred; Ziegler, Andreas

BMC Genetics, 2016 , vol. 17, # 1 art. no. 135 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Rémond, Emmanuelle; Martin, Charlotte; Martinez, Jean; Cavelier, Florine

Chemical Reviews, 2016 , vol. 116, # 19 p. 11654 - 11684 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

van Veenendaal, Tamar M.; IJff, Dominique M.; Aldenkamp, Albert P.; Lazeron, Richard H.C.; Puts, Nicolaas A.J.; Edden, Richard A.E.; Hofman, Paul A.M.; de Louw, Anton J.A.; Backes, Walter H.; Jansen, Jacobus F.A.

Epilepsy and Behavior, 2016 , vol. 64, p. 200 - 205 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hu, Yuan; Wang, Yu-Nin; Zhang, Gang-Qiang; Dong, Xian-Zhe; Liu, Wan-Wan; Liu, Ping

Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 2016 , vol. 12, # 5 p. 3087 - 3092 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Calandre, Elena P.; Rico-Villademoros, Fernando; Slim, Mahmoud

Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 2016 , vol. 16, # 11 p. 1263 - 1277 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Krall, Jacob; Brygger, Benjamin M.; Sigurðardóttir, Sara B.; Ng, Clarissa K. L.; Bundgaard, Christoffer; Kehler, Jan; Nielsen, Birgitte; Bek, Toke; Jensen, Anders A.; Frølund, Bente

ChemMedChem, 2016 , vol. 11, # 20 p. 2299 - 2310 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Garella, Davide; Borretto, Emily; Cocco, Mattia; Giorgis, Marta; Costale, Annalisa; Stevanato, Livio; Miglio, Gianluca; Bertinaria, Massimo; Atlante, Sandra; Cencioni, Chiara; Spallotta, Francesco; Gaetano, Carlo; Fernández-de Gortari, Eli; Medina-Franco, José L.

Chemical Biology and Drug Design, 2016 , p. 664 - 676 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Spear, Linda Patia

Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 2016 , vol. 70, p. 228 - 243 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Taiwe, Germain Sotoing; Tchoya, Thierry Bang; Menanga, Joseph Renaud; Dabole, Bernard; De Waard, Michel

Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 194, p. 421 - 433 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Borella, Junior; Oliveira, Halley Caixeta; de Oliveira, Denise dos Santos Colares; Braga, Eugenia Jacira Bolacel; de Oliveira, Ana Claudia Barneche; Sodek, Ladaslav; do Amarante, Luciano

Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2017 , vol. 133, p. 118 - 127 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Okuyama, Satoshi; Semba, Tomoki; Toyoda, Nobuki; Epifano, Francesco; Genovese, Salvatore; Fiorito, Serena; Taddeo, Vito Alessandro; Sawamoto, Atsushi; Nakajima, Mitsunari; Furukawa, Yoshiko

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2016 , vol. 17, # 10 art. no. 1716 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Therrien, Mikaela; Vohnoutka, Rishel; Boumil, Edward; Guaraldi, Mary; Lee, Sangmook; Shea, Thomas B.

International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 55, p. 66 - 71 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mashour, George A.

Anesthesiology, 2016 , vol. 125, # 5 p. 830 - 831 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bonhomme, Vincent; Vanhaudenhuyse, Audrey; Demertzi, Athena; Bruno, Marie-Aurélie; Jaquet, Oceane; Bahri, Mohamed Ali; Plenevaux, Alain; Boly, Melanie; Boveroux, Pierre; Soddu, Andrea; Brichant, Jean François; Maquet, Pierre; Laureys, Steven

Anesthesiology, 2016 , vol. 125, # 5 p. 873 - 888 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Food Analytical Methods, 2016 , vol. 9, # 12 p. 3520 - 3531 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Schnorr, Stephanie L.; Bachner, Harriet A.

Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 2016 , vol. 89, # 3 p. 397 - 422 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Li, Xiao-Yan; Du, Shen-Dao; Sun, Lian

Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research, 2016 , vol. 43, # 5 p. 994 - 997 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lin, Meiyu; Zhang, Weidong; Su, Juan

Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 193, p. 566 - 573 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lyu, Changjiang; Hu, Sheng; Huang, Jun; Luo, Maiqi; Lu, Tao; Mei, Lehe; Yao, Shanjing

International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2016 , vol. 238, p. 302 - 310 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ma, Chun-Lian; Ma, Xiao-Tang; Wang, Jin-Ju; Liu, Hua; Chen, Yan-Fang; Yang, Yi

Behavioural Brain Research, 2017 , vol. 317, p. 332 - 339 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kim, Min-Ji; Lee, Su-Jin; Choi, Young-Hee; Son, Dong-Hwa; Chung, Hyun-Jung

Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition, 2016 , vol. 45, # 9 p. 1310 - 1315 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hartmann; Martino; Murphy

Revue Neurologique, 2016 , vol. 172, # 8-9 p. 446 - 454 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zuo, Wanhong; Wang, Liwei; Chen, Lixin; Krnjević, Krešimir; Fu, Rao; Feng, Xia; He, Wen; Kang, Seungwoo; Shah, Avi; Bekker, Alex; Ye, Jiang-Hong

Neuropharmacology, 2017 , vol. 113, p. 178 - 187 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kamyar, Marzyeh; Razavi, Bibi Marjan; Vahdati Hasani, Faezeh; Mehri, Soghra; Foroutanfar, Amir; Hosseinzadeh, Hossein

Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, 2016 , vol. 19, # 10 p. 1070 - 1079 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jorge, João M. P.; Leggewie, Christian; Wendisch, Volker F.

Amino Acids, 2016 , vol. 48, # 11 p. 2519 - 2531 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dadsetan, Sherry; Balzano, Tiziano; Forteza, Jerónimo; Agusti, Ana; Cabrera-Pastor, Andrea; Taoro-Gonzalez, Lucas; Hernandez-Rabaza, Vicente; Gomez-Gimenez, Belen; ElMlili, Nisrin; Llansola, Marta; Felipo, Vicente

Journal of Neuroinflammation, 2016 , vol. 13, # 1 art. no. 245 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Higashi, Tatsuya; Ogawa, Shoujiro

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2016 , vol. 130, p. 181 - 193 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Andrés, Marta; Seifert, Marvin; Spalthoff, Christian; Warren, Ben; Weiss, Lukas; Giraldo, Diego; Winkler, Margret; Pauls, Stephanie; Göpfert, Martin C.

Current Biology, 2016 , vol. 26, # 15 p. 2028 - 2036 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Aguila, Maria-Eliza R.; Rebbeck, Trudy; Leaver, Andrew M.; Lagopoulos, Jim; Brennan, Patrick C.; Hübscher, Markus; Refshauge, Kathryn M.

Journal of Pain, 2016 , vol. 17, # 10 p. 1058 - 1067 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hou, Baochao; Wang, Hui; Yan, Tianwen; Shan, Yi; Zhou, Wenqi; Zhang, Lidong; Man, Chaoxin; Deng, Yu; Jiang, Yujun

Food Science and Technology Research, 2016 , vol. 22, # 4 p. 519 - 527 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Pereira, Vanda; Santos, Magda; Cacho, Juan; Marques, José C.

LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2017 , vol. 75, p. 719 - 726 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Loots, Du Toit; Swanepoel, Conrad C.; Newton-Foot, Mae; Gey van Pittius, Nicolaas C.

Microbial Pathogenesis, 2016 , vol. 100, p. 268 - 275 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Forman, Stuart A.; Miller, Keith W.

Anesthesia and Analgesia, 2016 , vol. 123, # 5 p. 1263 - 1273

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Vien, Thuy N.; Moss, Stephen J.; Davies, Paul A.

Anesthesia and Analgesia, 2016 , vol. 123, # 5 p. 1220 - 1227 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Anesthesia and Analgesia, 2016 , vol. 123, # 5 p. 1241 - 1246 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Whissell, Paul D.; Avramescu, Sinziana; Wang, Dian-Shi; Orser, Beverley A.

Anesthesia and Analgesia, 2016 , vol. 123, # 5 p. 1247 - 1252 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Packing Sourcer, 2014 , # November p. 64 - 69 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Molecular Brain, 2016 , vol. 9, # 1 art. no. 90 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Andersen, Jacob; Ladefoged, Lucy Kate; Kristensen, Trine N. Bjerre; Munro, Lachlan; Grouleff, Julie; Stuhr-Hansen, Nicolai; Kristensen, Anders S.; Schiøtt, Birgit; Strømgaard, Kristian

ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 7, # 10 p. 1406 - 1417 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Khang; Vasiljevic; Xuan

International Food Research Journal, 2016 , vol. 23, # 5 p. 1980 - 1987 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhao, Weirui; Hu, Sheng; Huang, Jun; Ke, Piyu; Yao, Shanjing; Lei, Yinlin; Mei, Lehe; Wang, Jinbo

Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016 , vol. 24, # 7 p. 909 - 913 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhu, Hongyan; Zhang, Lina; Wang, Guoli; He, Zhongmei; Zhao, Yan; Xu, Yonghua; Gao, Yugang; Zhang, Lianxue

Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 2016 , vol. 24, # 4 p. 831 - 838 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ridenour, John B.; Smith, Jonathon E.; Bluhm, Burton H.

Journal of Food Protection, 2016 , vol. 79, # 9 p. 1498 - 1507 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lindberg, Påvel G.; Térémetz, Maxime; Charron, Sylvain; Kebir, Oussama; Saby, Agathe; Bendjemaa, Narjes; Lion, Stéphanie; Crépon, Benoît; Gaillard, Raphaël; Oppenheim, Catherine; Krebs, Marie-Odile; Amado, Isabelle

Cortex, 2016 , vol. 85, p. 1 - 12 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hebbes, Christopher

Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, 2016 , vol. 17, # 9 p. 469 - 472 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America, 2016 , vol. 34, # 4 p. 759 - 776 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Iura; Takahashi; Hakata; Mashimo; Fujino

European Journal of Pain (United Kingdom), 2016 , vol. 20, # 10 p. 1678 - 1688 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Crane; Redden; van Emon; Neville; Reynolds; Caton; Schauer

Journal of Animal Science, 2016 , vol. 94, # 8 p. 3540 - 3549 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Risley, Monica G.; Kelly, Stephanie P.; Jia, Kailiang; Grill, Brock; Dawson-Scully, Ken

PLoS ONE, 2016 , vol. 11, # 9 art. no. E0163786 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bagga, Puneet; Crescenzi, Rachelle; Krishnamoorthy, Guruprasad; Verma, Gaurav; Nanga, Ravi Prakash Reddy; Reddy, Damodar; Greenberg, Joel; Detre, John A.; Hariharan, Hari; Reddy, Ravinder

Journal of Neurochemistry, 2016 , vol. 139, # 3 p. 432 - 439 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cumming, Paul; Gallinat, Jürgen

Journal of Neurochemistry, 2016 , vol. 139, # 3 p. 346 - 348 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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CNS Drugs, 2016 , vol. 30, # 11 p. 1055 - 1077 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Scientific Reports, 2016 , vol. 6, art. no. 35659 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Marty, Loïc; Vigouroux, Armelle; Aumont-Nicaise, Magali; Dessaux, Yves; Faure, Denis; Moréra, Solange

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 291, # 43 p. 22638 - 22649 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Current Neuropharmacology, 2013 , vol. 11, # 4 p. 436 - 464 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Arya, Ashwani; Sindhwani, Gulshan

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 2016 , vol. 7, # 9 p. 3567 - 3575 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gidal, Barry E.; Wechsler, Robert T.; Sankar, Raman; Montouris, Georgia D.; White, H. Steve; Cloyd, James C.; Kane, Mary Clare; Peng, Guangbin; Tworek, David M.; Shen, Vivienne; Isojarvi, Jouko

Neurology, 2016 , vol. 87, # 17 p. 1806 - 1812 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gorman, Gráinne S.; Chinnery, Patrick F.; DiMauro, Salvatore; Hirano, Michio; Koga, Yasutoshi; McFarland, Robert; Suomalainen, Anu; Thorburn, David R.; Zeviani, Massimo; Turnbull, Douglass M.

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Scientific Reports, 2016 , vol. 6, art. no. 35946 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Maturitas, 2016 , vol. 94, p. 149 - 154 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 2016 , vol. 84, p. 962 - 971 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Neurochemistry International, 2016 , vol. 101, p. 38 - 47 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 48, p. 191 - 196 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Beijing Union Pharmaceutical Factory; Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy ofMedical Sciences; Pan, Xiandao; Zhang, Peicheng; Yang, Yajun; Zhao, Limin

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Vigil, Pilar; del Río, Juan Pablo; Carrera, Ba´rbara; Ara´nguiz, Florencia C.; Rioseco, Hernán; Cortés, Manuel E.

Linacre Quarterly, 2016 , vol. 83, # 3 p. 308 - 329 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Llorca-Torralba, Meritxell; Borges, Gisela; Neto, Fani; Mico, Juan Antonio; Berrocoso, Esther

Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 338, p. 93 - 113 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Adams, Daniel L.; Economides, John R.; Horton, Jonathan C.

Visual Neuroscience, 2015 , vol. 32, art. no. E026 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Nasuchon, Nopparat; Hirasaka, Katsuya; Yamaguchi, Kenichi; Okada, Jiro; Ishimatsu, Atsushi

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D: Genomics and Proteomics, 2017 , vol. 21, p. 10 - 16 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Matošić, Ana; Marušić, Srdan; Vidrih, Branka; Kovak-Mufić, Ana; Čičin-Šain, Lipa

Acta Clinica Croatica, 2016 , vol. 55, # 1 p. 134 - 150 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 338, p. 1 - 18 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ganelin-Cohen, Esther; Modan-Moses, Dalit; Hemi, Rina; Kanety, Hannah; Ben-zeev, Bruria; Hampe, Christiane S.

Pediatric Diabetes, 2016 , vol. 17, # 8 p. 617 - 622 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ueno, Hiroaki; Nakazato, Masamitsu

Journal of Diabetes Investigation, 2016 , vol. 7, # 6 p. 812 - 818 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sarma, Manoj K.; Macey, Paul M.; Nagarajan, Rajakumar; Aysola, Ravi; Harper, Ronald M.; Thomas, M. Albert

Scientific Reports, 2016 , vol. 6, art. no. 31747 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Stachowicz, Marta; Lebiedzińska, Anna

European Food Research and Technology, 2016 , vol. 242, # 12 p. 2001 - 2009 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Rivera-González, Natalia; Chauhan, Saurabh; Watson, David F.

Langmuir, 2016 , vol. 32, # 36 p. 9206 - 9215 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kremer, Mélanie; Salvat, Eric; Muller, André; Yalcin, Ipek; Barrot, Michel

Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 338, p. 183 - 206 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mishra, Awanish; Goel, Rajesh Kumar

Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 339, p. 319 - 328 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jurnak, Frances

Nutrition and Metabolic Insights, 2016 , vol. 8, p. 57 - 77 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Locci, Andrea; Porcu, Patrizia; Talani, Giuseppe; Santoru, Francesca; Berretti, Roberta; Giunti, Elisa; Licheri, Valentina; Sanna, Enrico; Concas, Alessandra

Hormones and Behavior, 2017 , vol. 87, p. 35 - 46

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Peres, Tanara V.; Schettinger, Maria Rosa C.; Chen, Pan; Carvalho, Fabiano; Avila, Daiana S.; Bowman, Aaron B.; Aschner, Michael

BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 17, # 1 art. no. 57 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

AlAyadhi, Laila Y.; Hashmi, Jamil A.; Iqbal, Muhammad; Albalawi, Alia M.; Samman, Mohammad I.; Elamin, Nadra E.; Bashir, Shahid; Basit, Sulman

Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 339, p. 561 - 570 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Marshak, David W.; Chuang, Alice Z.; Dolino, Drew M.; Jacoby, Roy A.; Liu, Weiley S.; Long, Ye; Sherman, Michael B.; Suh, Jae M.; Vila, Alejandro; Mills, Stephen L.

Visual Neuroscience, 2015 , vol. 32, art. no. E006 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhang, Junmin; Yao, Juan; Peng, Shoujiao; Li, Xinming; Fang, Jianguo

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease, 2017 , vol. 1863, # 1 p. 129 - 138 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lim, Chae-Seok; Kim, Hyopil; Yu, Nam-Kyung; Kang, Sukjae Joshua; Kim, TaeHyun; Ko, Hyoung-Gon; Lee, Jaehyun; Yang, Jung-eun; Ryu, Hyun-Hee; Park, Taesung; Gim, Jungsoo; Nam, Hye Jin; Baek, Sung Hee; Wegener, Stephanie; Schmitz, Dietmar; Boeckers, Tobias M.; Lee, Min Goo; Kim, Eunjoon; Lee, Jae-Hyung; Lee, Yong-Seok; Kaang, Bong-Kiun

Neuropharmacology, 2017 , vol. 112, p. 104 - 112 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Northcutt, Adam J.; Lett, Kawasi M.; Garcia, Virginia B.; Diester, Clare M.; Lane, Brian J.; Marder, Eve; Schulz, David J.

BMC Genomics, 2016 , vol. 17, # 1 art. no. 868 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Song, You; Rundberget, Jan Thomas; Evenseth, Linn Mari; Xie, Li; Gomes, Tânia; Høgåsen, Tore; Iguchi, Taisen; Tollefsen, Knut Erik

Environmental Science and Technology, 2016 , vol. 50, # 21 p. 11994 - 12003 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Dolgodilina, Elena; Imobersteg, Stefan; Laczko, Endre; Welt, Tobias; Verrey, Francois; Makrides, Victoria

Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 2016 , vol. 36, # 11 p. 1929 - 1941 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kajimoto, Masaki; Ledee, Dolena R.; Olson, Aaron K.; Isern, Nancy G.; Robillard-Frayne, Isabelle; Des Rosiers, Christine; Portman, Michael A.

Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 2016 , vol. 36, # 11 p. 1992 - 2004 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Doyle, Hillary H.; Murphy, Anne Z.

Journal of Neuroscience Research, 2017 , vol. 95, # 1-2 p. 487 - 499 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ichida, Jennifer M.; Mavity-Hudson, Julia A.; Casagrande, Vivien A.

Eye and Brain, 2014 , vol. 6, p. 57 - 73 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Berry, John P.; Roy, Upasana; Jaja-Chimedza, Asha; Sanchez, Kristel; Matysik, Joerg; Alia

Zebrafish, 2016 , vol. 13, # 5 p. 456 - 465 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Eaton, Megan M.; Germann, Allison L.; Arora, Ruby; Cao, Lily Q.; Gao, Xiaoyi; Shin, Daniel J.; Wu, Albert; Chiara, David C.; Cohen, Jonathan B.; Steinbach, Joe Henry; Evers, Alex S.; Akk, Gustav

Current Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 14, # 7 p. 772 - 780 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jomduang, Somchai

Chiang Mai University Journal of Natural Sciences, 2014 , vol. 13, # 1 p. 449 - 457 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Vogel; Ainslie; Jansen; Salomons; Gibson

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease, 2017 , vol. 1863, # 1 p. 33 - 42 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhao, Lijuan; Huang, Yuxiong; Hannah-Bick, Cameron; Fulton, Aaron N.; Keller, Arturo A.

NanoImpact, 2016 , vol. 3-4, p. 58 - 66 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology; Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry; Kitano, Katsukazu; Nogata, Yasuyuki

Patent: JP2015/42622 A, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chaikham, Pittaya; Apichartsrangkoon, Arunee; Worametrachanon, Srivilai; Van De Wiele, Tom

International Journal of Food Engineering, 2016 , vol. 12, # 7 p. 637 - 646 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chi, Liankai; Fan, Beibei; Zhang, Kunshan; Du, Yanhua; Liu, Zhongliang; Fang, Yujiang; Chen, Zhenyu; Ren, Xudong; Xu, Xiangjie; Jiang, Cizhong; Li, Siguang; Ma, Lin; Gao, Liang; Liu, Ling; Zhang, Xiaoqing

Stem Cell Reports, 2016 , vol. 7, # 5 p. 941 - 954 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhang, Chi; Nobles, Regina D.; McCall, Maureen A.

Visual Neuroscience, 2015 , vol. 32, art. no. E026 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zheng, Hong; Zheng, Yongquan; Zhao, Liangcai; Chen, Minjiang; Bai, Guanghui; Hu, Yongsheng; Hu, Wenyi; Yan, Zhihan; Gao, Hongchang

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease, 2017 , vol. 1863, # 1 p. 266 - 273 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lazcano-Pérez, Fernando; Arellano, Rogelio O.; Garay, Edith; Arreguín-Espinosa, Roberto; Sánchez-Rodríguez, Judith

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part - C: Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2017 , vol. 191, p. 177 - 182 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Koistinen, Hannu; Wallén, Erik; Ylikangas, Henna; Meinander, Kristian; Lahtela-Kakkonen, Maija; Närvänen, Ale; Stenman, Ulf-Håkan

Biological Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 397, # 12 p. 1229 - 1235 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Huang, Yung-Jen; Lee, Kuan H.; Grau, James W.

Experimental Neurology, 2017 , vol. 288, p. 38 - 50

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Harmatys, Kara M.; Musso, Anthony J.; Clear, Kasey J.; Smith, Bradley D.

Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, 2016 , vol. 15, # 11 p. 1408 - 1416 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mack, Josiel Mileno; Schamne, Marissa Giovanna; Sampaio, Tuane Bazanella; Pértile, Renata Aparecida Nedel; Fernandes, Pedro Augusto Carlos Magno; Markus, Regina P.; Prediger, Rui Daniel

Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2016 , vol. 2016, art. no. 3472032 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Papazian, Stefano; Khaling, Eliezer; Bonnet, Christelle; Lassueur, Steve; Reymond, Philippe; Moritz, Thomas; Blande, James D.; Albrectsen, Benedicte R.

Plant Physiology, 2016 , vol. 172, # 3 p. 2057 - 2078 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Tsai, Kuen-Jin; Lin, Chih-Yu; Ting, Chen-Yun; Shih, Ming-Che

Plant Physiology, 2016 , vol. 172, # 3 p. 1548 - 1562 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sadowsky, Andres; Mettler-Altmann, Tabea; Ott, Sieglinde

Phycologia, 2016 , vol. 55, # 6 p. 703 - 714 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Shekh, Satyamitra L.; Dave, Jayantilal M.; Vyas, Bharatkumar Rajiv Manuel

LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2016 , vol. 74, p. 234 - 241 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Erstad, Brian L.; Patanwala, Asad E.

Journal of Critical Care, 2016 , vol. 35, p. 145 - 149 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhang, Jia-Qiang; Xu, Wan-Ying; Xu, Chang-Qing

Chinese Medical Journal, 2016 , vol. 129, # 22 p. 2714 - 2724 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jevtovic-Todorovic, Vesna

Anesthesiology Clinics, 2016 , vol. 34, # 3 p. 439 - 451 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Quillinan, Nidia; Herson, Paco S.; Traystman, Richard J.

Anesthesiology Clinics, 2016 , vol. 34, # 3 p. 453 - 464 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Eid, Lara; Parent, Martin

Brain Structure and Function, 2016 , vol. 221, # 9 p. 4291 - 4317 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Steiner, Johann; Brisch, Ralf; Schiltz, Kolja; Dobrowolny, Henrik; Mawrin, Christian; Krzyżanowska, Marta; Bernstein, Hans-Gert; Jankowski, Zbigniew; Braun, Katharina; Schmitt, Andrea; Bogerts, Bernhard; Gos, Tomasz

Schizophrenia Research, 2016 , vol. 177, # 1-3 p. 10 - 17 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Victoria, Nicole C.; Marron Fernandez de Velasco, Ezequiel; Ostrovskaya, Olga; Metzger, Stefania; Xia, Zhilian; Kotecki, Lydia; Benneyworth, Michael A.; Zink, Anastasia N.; Martemyanov, Kirill A.; Wickman, Kevin

Biological Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 80, # 10 p. 796 - 806 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

McKlveen, Jessica M.; Morano, Rachel L.; Fitzgerald, Maureen; Zoubovsky, Sandra; Cassella, Sarah N.; Scheimann, Jessie R.; Ghosal, Sriparna; Mahbod, Parinaz; Packard, Benjamin A.; Myers, Brent; Baccei, Mark L.; Herman, James P.

Biological Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 80, # 10 p. 754 - 764 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ain, Qurrat U.; Owen, Robert M.; Omoto, Kiyoyuki; Torella, Rubben; Bulusu, Krishna C.; Pryde, David C.; Glen, Robert C.; Fuchs, Julian E.; Bender, Andreas

Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2016 , vol. 13, # 11 p. 4001 - 4012 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Maingret, Vincent; Barthet, Gaël; Deforges, Séverine; Jiang, Nan; Mulle, Christophe; Amédée, Thierry

Neurobiology of Aging, 2017 , vol. 50, p. 13 - 24 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Simon, Daniel T.; Gabrielsson, Erik O.; Tybrandt, Klas; Berggren, Magnus

Chemical Reviews, 2016 , vol. 116, # 21 p. 13009 - 13041 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Pistollato, Francesca; Cano, Sandra Sumalla; Elio, Iñaki; Vergara, Manuel Masias; Giampieri, Francesca; Battino, Maurizio

Nutrition Reviews, 2016 , vol. 74, # 10 art. no. NUW023, p. 624 - 634 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gonçalves, J. Tiago; Schafer, Simon T.; Gage, Fred H.

Cell, 2016 , vol. 167, # 4 p. 897 - 914 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

McGregor; Hemmings; Erdman; Calmarza-Font; Stein; Lochner

Psychiatry Research, 2016 , vol. 246, p. 527 - 532 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zheng, Hong; Zhao, Liangcai; Xia, Huanhuan; Xu, Cuicui; Wang, Dan; Liu, Kun; Lin, Li; Li, Xiaokun; Yan, Zhihan; Gao, Hongchang

Molecular Neurobiology, 2016 , vol. 53, # 10 p. 6690 - 6697 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Palner, Mikael; Beinat, Corinne; Banister, Sam; Zanderigo, Francesca; Park, Jun Hyung; Shen, Bin; Hjoernevik, Trine; Jung, Jae Ho; Lee, Byung Chul; Kim, Sang Eun; Fung, Lawrence; Chin, Frederick T.

EJNMMI Research, 2016 , vol. 6, # 1 art. no. 80 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Archi, Fahima Faroque; Islam, Salma; Babu, Md. Ahsan Habib Khan; Ullah, Ahsan; Azam, Shofiul; Chowdhury, Amin; Rahman, Mahfujur; Karim, Md. Salimul; Goswami, Sukdeb

Biomedical Research and Therapy, 2016 , vol. 3, # 10 art. no. 50 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


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Yamazaki, Kazuto; Fukushima, Kazuyuki; Sugawara, Michiko; Tabata, Yoshikuni; Imaizumi, Yoichi; Ishihara, Yasuharu; Ito, Masashi; Tsukahara, Kappei; Kohyama, Jun; Okano, Hideyuki

Journal of Biomolecular Screening, 2016 , vol. 21, # 10 p. 1054 - 1064 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lin, Yanqin; Lin, Liangjie; Wei, Zhiliang; Zhong, Jianhui; Chen, Zhong

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2016 , vol. 76, # 6 p. 1661 - 1667 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kasper, James M.; McCue, David L.; Milton, Adrianna J.; Szwed, Angelia; Sampson, Catherine M.; Huang, Mei; Carlton, Susan; Meltzer, Herbert Y.; Cunningham, Kathryn A.; Hommel, Jonathan D.

Biological Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 80, # 11 p. 878 - 887 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Edden, Richard A.E.; Oeltzschner, Georg; Harris, Ashley D.; Puts, Nicolaas A.J.; Chan, Kimberly L.; Boer, Vincent O.; Schär, Michael; Barker, Peter B.

Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2016 , vol. 44, # 6 p. 1474 - 1482 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Grewal, Monika; Dabas, Aroma; Saharan, Sumiti; Barker, Peter B.; Edden, Richard A.E.; Mandal, Pravat K.

Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2016 , vol. 44, # 6 p. 1619 - 1623 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Qiu, Xiao-Wei; Gong, Hai-Qing; Zhang, Pu-Ming; Liang, Pei-Ji

Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2016 , vol. 10, # 6 p. 481 - 493 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cadena, John C.; Romero, Carmen M.

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2016 , vol. 126, # 3 p. 1615 - 1619 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kaiser, Lana G.; Hirokazu, Kawaguchi; Fukunaga, Masaki; Matson, Gerald B.

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2016 , vol. 76, # 6 p. 1653 - 1660 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Yun, Sanghee; Reynolds, Ryan P.; Masiulis, Irene; Eisch, Amelia J.

Nature Medicine, 2016 , vol. 22, # 11 p. 1239 - 1247 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Marín, Oscar

Nature Medicine, 2016 , vol. 22, # 11 p. 1229 - 1238 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Yunes; Poluektova; Dyachkova; Klimina; Kovtun; Averina; Orlova; Danilenko

Anaerobe, 2016 , vol. 42, p. 197 - 204 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cao, Zhengyu; Xu, Jian; Hulsizer, Susan; Cui, Yanjun; Dong, Yao; Pessah, Isaac N.

NeuroToxicology, 2017 , vol. 58, p. 11 - 22 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Millan, Mark J.; Rivet, Jean-Michel; Gobert, Alain

Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 30, # 11 p. 1099 - 1128 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sarkar, Amar; Lehto, Soili M.; Harty, Siobhán; Dinan, Timothy G.; Cryan, John F.; Burnet, Philip W.J.

Trends in Neurosciences, 2016 , vol. 39, # 11 p. 763 - 781 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Pal, Priyanka; Singh, Narpinder; Kaur, Parmeet; Kaur, Amritpal; Virdi, Amardeep Singh; Parmar, Naincy

Cereal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 93, # 6 p. 584 - 592 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ohm, Jae-Bom; Lee, Chiwon W.; Cho, Kyongshin

Cereal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 93, # 6 p. 612 - 617 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Garzón, Antonela Guadalupe; Torres, Roberto Luis; Drago, Silvina Rosa

Starch/Staerke, 2016 , vol. 68, # 11-12 p. 1048 - 1054 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Duan, Dong-Mei; Tu, Ya; Liu, Ping; Jiao, Shuang

Neural Regeneration Research, 2016 , vol. 11, # 10 p. 1595 - 1602 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Oh, Jisun; Kim, Jong-Sang

Food and Function, 2016 , vol. 7, # 11 p. 4506 - 4515 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bonatsou, Stamatoula; Iliopoulos, Vasilis; Mallouchos, Athanasios; Gogou, Eleni; Oikonomopoulou, Vasiliki; Krokida, Magdalini; Taoukis, Petros; Panagou, Efstathios Z.

Food Microbiology, 2017 , vol. 63, p. 72 - 83 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Wei, Weili; Liu, Ruilin; Tong, Yangzi Zhang; Qiu, Zhongmin

Journal of Thoracic Disease, 2016 , vol. 8, # 10 p. 2942 - 2951 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Rice, Lauren J.; Lagopoulos, Jim; Brammer, Michael; Einfeld, Stewart L.

American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 2016 , vol. 171, # 8 p. 1041 - 1048 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Giray, Esra; Şanal Toprak, Canan; Saçaklidir, Rekib; Gündüz, Osman Hakan

Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 36, # 6 p. 740 - 742 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ma, Xiaoling; Zhu, Changhua; Yang, Na; Gan, Lijun; Xia, Kai

Physiologia Plantarum, 2016 , vol. 158, # 4 p. 389 - 401 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Yuan, Qiang; Yang, Feng; Xiao, Yixin; Tan, Shawn; Husain, Nilofer; Ren, Ming; Hu, Zhonghua; Martinowich, Keri; Ng, Julia S; Kim, Paul J; Han, Weiping; Nagata, Koh-ichi; Weinberger, Daniel R; Je, H. Shawn

Biological Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 80, # 4 p. 312 - 322 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Muramatsu, Ikunobu; Yoshiki, Hatsumi; Uwada, Junsuke; Masuoka, Takayoshi; Sada, Kiyonao; Taniguchi, Takanobu; Nishio, Matomo

Journal of Neurochemistry, 2016 , vol. 139, # 4 p. 566 - 575 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Schroeck, Jennifer L.; Ford, James; Conway, Erin L.; Kurtzhalts, Kari E.; Gee, Megan E.; Vollmer, Krista A.; Mergenhagen, Kari A.

Clinical Therapeutics, 2016 , vol. 38, # 11 p. 2340 - 2372 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Robson, Siân E.; Brookes, Matthew J.; Hall, Emma L.; Palaniyappan, Lena; Kumar, Jyothika; Skelton, Michael; Christodoulou, Nikolaos G.; Qureshi, Ayaz; Jan, Fiesal; Katshu, Mohammad Z.; Liddle, Elizabeth B.; Liddle, Peter F.; Morris, Peter G.

NeuroImage: Clinical, 2016 , vol. 12, p. 869 - 878 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kori, Medi; Aydln, Busra; Unal, Semra; Arga, Kazim Yalcin; Kazan, Dilek

OMICS A Journal of Integrative Biology, 2016 , vol. 20, # 11 p. 645 - 661 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kr, Pandey; Jangra, Manoj; Yadav, Ashutosh

International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases, 2014 , vol. 4, # 1 p. 43 - 52 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Adkar, Prafulla P.; Jadhav, Pranita P.; Ambavade, Shirishkumar D.; Shelke, Tushar T.; Bhaskar, Vaidhun H.

International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases, 2014 , vol. 4, # 2 p. 81 - 87 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bruxel, Estela M.; Akutagava-Martins, Glaucia C.; Salatino-Oliveira, Angélica; Genro, Julia P.; Zeni, Cristian P.; Polanczyk, Guilherme V.; Chazan, Rodrigo; Schmitz, Marcelo; Rohde, Luis A.; Hutz, Mara H.

American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 2016 , vol. 171, # 8 p. 1099 - 1104 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Yang, Jing-Yun; Lai, Yong-Qin; Li, Yu-Xing; Yang, Si-Yuan; Li, Xue-Ru; Huang, Xin-He

Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs, 2016 , vol. 47, # 12 p. 2100 - 2107 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lee; Kim

Clinical Radiology, 2016 , vol. 71, # 12 p. 1240 - 1247 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Huang, Chun-Ta; Chen, Seu-Hwa; Lue, June-Horng; Chang, Chi-Fen; Wen, Wen-Hsin; Tsai, Yi-Ju

Anesthesiology, 2016 , vol. 125, # 6 p. 1202 - 1218 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Nourmahnad, Anahita; Stern, Alex T.; Hotta, Mayo; Stewart, Deirdre S.; Ziemba, Alexis M.; Szabo, Andrea; Forman, Stuart A.

Anesthesiology, 2016 , vol. 125, # 6 p. 1144 - 1158 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dellarosa, Nicolò; Tappi, Silvia; Ragni, Luigi; Laghi, Luca; Rocculi, Pietro; Dalla Rosa, Marco

Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 2016 , vol. 38, p. 356 - 364 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Nakawah, Mohammad Obadah; Lai, Eugene C.; Appel, Stanely H.

Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 2016 , vol. 12, p. 2885 - 2893 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wu, Hui-Fan; Han, Rong-Bi; Jin, Chun-Zi; Piao, Feng-Yu

CNS and Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 2016 , vol. 15, # 10 p. 1333 - 1343 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Goel, Richa; Luxami, Vijay; Paul, Kamaldeep

Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 16, # 30 p. 3590 - 3616 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Bluth, Martin H.; Pincus, Matthew R.

Clinics in Laboratory Medicine, 2016 , vol. 36, # 4 p. 603 - 634 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Turton, Samuel; Lingford-Hughes, Anne

Medicine (United Kingdom), 2016 , vol. 44, # 12 p. 693 - 696 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Holtyn, August F.; Tiruveedhula, V.V.N. Phani Babu; Stephen, Michael Rajesh; Cook, James M.; Weerts, Elise M.

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2017 , vol. 170, p. 25 - 31 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mazid, Sanoara; Hall, Baila S.; Odell, Shannon C.; Stafford, Khalifa; Dyer, Andreina D.; Van Kempen, Tracey A.; Selegean, Jane; McEwen, Bruce S.; Waters, Elizabeth M.; Milner, Teresa A.

Neurobiology of Stress, 2016 , vol. 5, p. 37 - 53 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Andrews, Stephen P.; Aves, Sarah J.; Christopher, John A.; Nonoo, Rebecca

Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 16, # 29 p. 3438 - 3469 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Xu, Chun; Krabbe, Sabine; Gründemann, Jan; Botta, Paolo; Fadok, Jonathan P.; Osakada, Fumitaka; Saur, Dieter; Grewe, Benjamin F.; Schnitzer, Mark J.; Callaway, Edward M.; Lüthi, Andreas

Cell, 2016 , vol. 167, # 4 p. 961 - 16,972 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Varma, Seema

Medicine (United Kingdom), 2016 , vol. 44, # 12 p. 764 - 767 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sinclair, Julia

Medicine (United Kingdom), 2016 , vol. 44, # 12 p. 761 - 763 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sadigh-Eteghad, Saeed; Majdi, Alireza; Mahmoudi, Javad; Golzari, Samad E. J.; Talebi, Mahnaz

Journal of Neural Transmission, 2016 , vol. 123, # 12 p. 1359 - 1367 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Simonyan; Avetisyan; Chavushyan

Pathophysiology, 2016 , vol. 23, # 3 p. 169 - 179 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chand, Naila; Muhammad, Sher; Khan, Rifat Ullah; Alhidary, Ibrahim Abdullah; Rehman, Zia ur

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016 , vol. 23, # 23 p. 23930 - 23935 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Adefegha, Stephen A.; Oboh, Ganiyu; Adefegha, Omowunmi M.; Henle, Thomas

Pathophysiology, 2016 , vol. 23, # 3 p. 191 - 202 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Clark, Glenn T.; Ram, Saravanan

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America, 2016 , vol. 28, # 3 p. 397 - 407 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Shuaib, Waqas; Beatrice, Cristina; Abazid, Ahmad G.

American Journal of Therapeutics, 2016 , vol. 23, # 6 p. e1956 - e1957 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jacob, Shery; Nair, Anroop B.

Drugs in R and D, 2016 , vol. 16, # 4 p. 303 - 316 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Diaz-Ruiz, Araceli; Montes, Sergio; Salgado-Ceballos, Hermelinda; Maldonado, Valente; Rivera-Espinosa, Liliana; Ríos, Camilo

NeuroReport, 2016 , vol. 27, # 18 p. 1317 - 1322 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Fu, Xin; Wang, QiuHong; Wang, ZhiBin; Kuang, HaiXue; Jiang, Pinghui

Aging and Disease, 2016 , vol. 7, # 4 p. 502 - 513 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Abou-Donia, Mohamed B.; Siracuse, Briana; Gupta, Natasha; Sobel Sokol, Ashly

Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 46, # 10 p. 845 - 875 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wang, Xu; Martínez, María Aránzazu; Wu, Qinghua; Ares, Irma; Martínez-Larrañaga, María Rosa; Anadón, Arturo; Yuan, Zonghui

Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 46, # 10 p. 876 - 899 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chandra, Sadanandavalli; Issac, Thomas; Deepak, Sai; Teja, Ravi; Kuruthukulangara, Seby

Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences, 2016 , vol. 11, # 3 p. 188 - 192 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Biotechnic and Histochemistry, 2016 , vol. 91, # 8 p. 493 - 500 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wang, Xi-Feng; Luo, Xiao-Ling; Liu, Wei-Cheng; Hou, Ben-Chao; Huang, Jian; Zhan, Yan-Ping; Chen, Shi-Biao

Medicine (United States), 2016 , vol. 95, # 43 art. no. E4781 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Peptides, 2017 , vol. 87, p. 28 - 33 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Gummi, Fasern, Kunststoffe, 2016 , vol. 69, # 15 p. 1750 - 1755 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Borrow, Amanda P.; Cameron, Nicole M.

Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2017 , vol. 76, p. 29 - 37 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Shipin Kexue/Food Science, 2016 , vol. 37, # 21 p. 26 - 30 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Heravi, Majid M.; Zadsirjan, Vahideh

Current Organic Synthesis, 2016 , vol. 13, # 6 p. 780 - 833 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Takahashi, Naomi; Katoh, Ko; Watanabe, Hidehiro; Nakayama, Yuta; Iwasaki, Masazumi; Mizunami, Makoto; Nishino, Hiroshi

Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2017 , vol. 525, # 1 p. 204 - 230 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Clinical Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 39, # 6 p. 325 - 326 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Striano, Pasquale; Belcastro, Vincenzo; Coppola, Antonietta; Minetti, Carlo; Striano, Salvatore

Clinical Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 39, # 6 p. 281 - 287 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sahin, Sümeyye; Eulenburg, Volker; Kreis, Wolfgang; Villmann, Carmen; Pischetsrieder, Monika

Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2016 , vol. 71, # 4 p. 355 - 360 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cohen, Yigal; Vaknin, Moshe; Mauch-Mani, Brigitte

Phytoparasitica, 2016 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 513 - 538 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

El Ayoubi, Nabil; Sawaya, Raja

Clinical Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 39, # 6 p. 335 - 336 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Genes, Brain and Behavior, 2016 , vol. 15, # 8 p. 702 - 710 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Vega, Hector; Agellon, Luis B.; Michalak, Marek

IUBMB Life, 2016 , vol. 68, # 12 p. 943 - 954 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Piyabhan, Pritsana; Wannasiri, Supaporn; Naowaboot, Jarinyaporn

Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 2016 , vol. 43, # 12 p. 1234 - 1242 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017 , vol. 136, p. 173 - 179 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 2017 , vol. 97, p. 20 - 29 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Yakovlev, Aleksey V.; Kurmasheva, Evgeniya D.; Giniatullin, Rashid; Khalilov, Ilgam; Sitdikova, Guzel F.

Neuroscience, 2017 , vol. 340, p. 153 - 165 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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AANA Journal, 2016 , vol. 84, # 3 p. 167 - 172 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hylan, Kristi; Vu Nguyen, An-Duyen; Stammen, Katherine

AANA Journal, 2016 , vol. 84, # 3 p. 181 - 187 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Brasca, Milena; Hogenboom, Johannes A.; Morandi, Stefano; Rosi, Veronica; D'Incecco, Paolo; Silvetti, Tiziana; Pellegrino, Luisa

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 64, # 45 p. 8604 - 8614 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Denoroy, Luc; Parrot, Sandrine

Separation and Purification Reviews, 2017 , vol. 46, # 2 p. 108 - 151 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Journal of Neurochemistry, 2016 , vol. 139, # 5 p. 806 - 822 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Liu, Tao; Li, Hongyu; Hong, Wanjin; Han, Weiping

Journal of Neurochemistry, 2016 , vol. 139, # 5 p. 748 - 756 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Feng, Weixing; Mei, Shenghui; Zhu, Leting; Yu, Yazhen; Yang, Weili; Gao, Baoqin; Wu, Xiaojuan; Zhao, Zhigang; Fang, Fang

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, 2016 , vol. 38, # 6 p. 738 - 743 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhang, Juan; Chen, Shuangquan; Zhang, Dongming; Shi, Zixiao; Li, Hong; Zhao, Tongbiao; Hu, Baoyang; Zhou, Qi; Jiao, Jianwei

Cell Reports, 2016 , vol. 17, # 9 p. 2326 - 2339 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Deguchi, Yuichi; Harada, Masaya; Shinohara, Ryota; Lazarus, Michael; Cherasse, Yoan; Urade, Yoshihiro; Yamada, Daisuke; Sekiguchi, Masayuki; Watanabe, Dai; Furuyashiki, Tomoyuki; Narumiya, Shuh

Cell Reports, 2016 , vol. 17, # 9 p. 2405 - 2417 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 2014 , vol. 29, # 4 p. 167 - 175 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 2014 , vol. 29, # 3 p. 109 - 114 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ding, Guoyu; Hou, Yuanyuan; Peng, Jiamin; Shen, Yunbing; Jiang, Min; Bai, Gang

Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2016 , vol. 6, # 3 p. 171 - 178 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Yurtdaş Kırımlıoğlu, Gülsel; Menceloğlu, Yusuf; Erol, Kevser; Yazan, Yasemin

Journal of Microencapsulation, 2016 , vol. 33, # 7 p. 625 - 635 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Nolan, Craig; De Angelis, Lisa M.

Current Opinion in Neurology, 2016 , vol. 29, # 6 p. 789 - 796 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

McHugh, Stephen M.; Ibinson, James W.; Murty, Vishnu P.

Anesthesia and Analgesia, 2016 , vol. 123, # 6 p. 1638 - 1639 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Singh-Bains, Malvindar K.; Waldvogel, Henry J.; Faull, Richard L. M.

Brain Pathology, 2016 , vol. 26, # 6 p. 741 - 751 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lange, Thomas; Ko, Cheng-Wen; Lai, Ping-Hong; Dacko, Michael; Tsai, Shang-Yueh; Buechert, Martin

NMR in Biomedicine, 2016 , vol. 29, # 12 p. 1739 - 1747 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kennedy; Cryan; Dinan; Clarke

Neuropharmacology, 2017 , vol. 112, p. 399 - 412 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Freitag, Jenny; Berod, Luciana; Kamradt, Thomas; Sparwasser, Tim

Immunology and Cell Biology, 2016 , vol. 94, # 10 p. 925 - 934 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Fuss, Taylor L.; Cheng, Leo L.

Topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2016 , vol. 25, # 5 p. 223 - 235 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Saleh, Muhammad G.; Near, Jamie; Alhamud, Alqadafi; Robertson, Frances; van der Kouwe, André J. W.; Meintjes, Ernesta M.

Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 2016 , vol. 29, # 6 p. 863 - 874 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

van Karnebeek, Clara D.M.; Bowden, Kristin; Berry-Kravis, Elizabeth

Pediatric Neurology, 2016 , vol. 65, p. 1 - 13 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sainz; Mas; Torija

International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2017 , vol. 242, p. 45 - 52 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Barbosa, Humberto M.; Do Nascimento, Jailson N.; Araújo, Thiago A. S.; Duarte, Filipe S.; Albuquerque, Ulysses P.; Vieira, Jeymesson R. C.; De Santana, Edson R. B.; Yara, Ricardo; Lima, Cláudia S. A.; Gomes, Dayane A.; Lira, Eduardo Carvalho.

Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, 2016 , vol. 88, # 3 p. 1993 - 2004 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Freed, Rachel D.; Coffey, Barbara J.; Mao, Xiangling; Weiduschat, Nora; Kang, Guoxin; Shungu, Dikoma C.; Gabbay, Vilma

Pediatric Neurology, 2016 , vol. 65, p. 64 - 70 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Song, Mingke; Yu, Shan Ping; Mohamad, Osama; Cao, Wenyuan; Wei, Zheng Zachory; Gu, Xiaohuan; Jiang, Michael Qize; Wei, Ling

Neurobiology of Disease, 2017 , vol. 98, p. 9 - 24 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Nguyen, Julia; Ita, Kevin B.; Morra, Matthew J.; Popova, Inna E.

Pharmaceutics, 2016 , vol. 8, # 4 art. no. 33 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ninomiya, Aya; Matsuura, Nobuyuki; Ichinohe, Tatsuya

Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2016 , vol. 74, # 10 p. 1932 - 1936 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zarean, Maryam; Keikha, Mojtaba; Poursafa, Parinaz; Khalighinejad, Pooyan; Amin, Mohammadmehdi; Kelishadi, Roya

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016 , vol. 23, # 24 p. 24642 - 24693 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Barros-Barbosa, Aurora R.; Ferreirinha, Fátima; Oliveira, Ângela; Mendes, Marina; Lobo, M. Graça; Santos, Agostinho; Rangel, Rui; Pelletier, Julie; Sévigny, Jean; Cordeiro, J. Miguel; Correia-de-Sá, Paulo

Purinergic Signalling, 2016 , vol. 12, # 4 p. 719 - 734 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Muceniece, Ruta; Namniece, Jana; Nakurte, Ilva; Jekabsons, Kaspars; Riekstina, Una; Jansone, Baiba

Pharmacological Research, 2016 , vol. 113, p. 760 - 770 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Baracz, Sarah J.; Cornish, Jennifer L.

Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, 2016 , vol. 43, p. 1 - 18 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Clark, Allison; Mach, Núria

Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 2016 , vol. 13, # 1 art. no. 43 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chuhma, Nao; Mingote, Susana; Kalmbach, Abigail; Yetnikoff, Leora; Rayport, Stephen

Biological Psychiatry, 2017 , vol. 81, # 1 p. 43 - 51 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Urs, Nikhil M.; Peterson, Sean M.; Caron, Marc G.

Biological Psychiatry, 2017 , vol. 81, # 1 p. 78 - 85 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Walker, Ashley E.; Spring, Jerrod D.; Travis, Michael J.

Biological Psychiatry, 2017 , vol. 81, # 1 p. e1 - e3 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhao, Xianjing; Xu, Maosheng; Jorgenson, Kristen; Kong, Jian

NeuroImage: Clinical, 2017 , vol. 13, p. 33 - 38 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Song, Lihua; Du, Aiying; Xiong, Ying; Jiang, Jing; Zhang, Yao; Tian, Zhaofeng; Yan, Hongli

Tumor Biology, 2016 , vol. 37, # 11 p. 14885 - 14894 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Pina, Melanie M.; Cunningham, Christopher L.

Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 2017 , vol. 137, p. 83 - 91 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sun, Alfred Xuyang; Yuan, Qiang; Tan, Shawn; Xiao, Yixin; Wang, Danlei; Khoo, Audrey Tze Ting; Sani, Levena; Tran, Hoang-Dai; Kim, Paul; Chiew, Yong Seng; Lee, Kea Joo; Yen, Yi-Chun; Ng, Huck Hui; Lim, Bing; Je, Hyunsoo Shawn

Cell Reports, 2016 , vol. 16, # 7 p. 1929 - 1941 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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El-Alfy, Abir T.; Joseph, Sharon; Brahmbhatt, Akshar; Akati, Setor; Abourashed, Ehab A.

Pharmaceutical Biology, 2016 , vol. 54, # 12 p. 2933 - 2938 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gazal, Giath; Fareed, Wamiq Musheer; Zafar, Muhammad Sohail; Al-Samadani, Khalid H.

Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 2016 , vol. 24, # 4 p. 379 - 385 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Akiyama, Tomoyuki; Osaka, Hitoshi; Shimbo, Hiroko; Kuhara, Tomiko; Shibata, Takashi; Kobayashi, Katsuhiro; Kurosawa, Kenji; Yoshinaga, Harumi

Brain and Development, 2016 , vol. 38, # 9 p. 871 - 874 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Horino, Asako; Kawawaki, Hisashi; Fukuoka, Masataka; Tsuji, Hitomi; Hattori, Yuka; Inoue, Takeshi; Nukui, Megumi; Kuki, Ichiro; Okazaki, Shin; Tomiwa, Kiyotaka; Hirose, Shinichi

Brain and Development, 2016 , vol. 38, # 9 p. 866 - 870 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Boddum, Kim; Jensen, Thomas P.; Magloire, Vincent; Kristiansen, Uffe; Rusakov, Dmitri A.; Pavlov, Ivan; Walker, Matthew C.

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Lefebvre, Stéphanie; Dricot, Laurence; Laloux, Patrice; Desfontaines, Philippe; Evrard, Frédéric; Peeters, André; Jamart, Jacques; Vandermeeren, Yves

Neuroscience, 2017 , vol. 340, p. 424 - 435 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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BioMed Research International, 2016 , vol. 2016, art. no. 7917528 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Clinical Neurology, 2016 , vol. 56, # 11 p. 764 - 768 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cieślak, Marek; Wojtczak, Andrzej; Komoszyński, Michał

Pharmacological Reports, 2017 , vol. 69, # 1 p. 130 - 138 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Pinzari, Flavia; Ceci, Andrea; Abu-Samra, Nadir; Canfora, Loredana; Maggi, Oriana; Persiani, Annamaria

Research in Microbiology, 2016 , vol. 167, # 9-10 p. 710 - 722 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gan, Ren-You; Lui, Wing-Yee; Wu, Kao; Chan, Chak-Lun; Dai, Shu-Hong; Sui, Zhong-Quan; Corke, Harold

Trends in Food Science and Technology, 2017 , vol. 59, p. 1 - 14 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Freitas, Andiara E.; Neis, Vivian B.; Rodrigues, Ana Lúcia S.

European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 26, # 12 p. 1885 - 1899 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jia, Fuguo; Jiang, Longwei; Zhang, Yaxiong; Cao, Bin; Zeng, Yong

Nongye Gongcheng Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2016 , vol. 32, # 22 p. 289 - 295 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kato, Eiko; Matsuzawa, Rie; Kobayashi, Shunsaku; Fukushima, Teruyuki; Maekawa, Masao; Hori, Yuuichi

Neuroscience Letters, 2017 , vol. 636, p. 270 - 275 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kennedy, Paul J.; Murphy, Amy B.; Cryan, John F.; Ross, Paul R.; Dinan, Timothy G.; Stanton, Catherine

Trends in Food Science and Technology, 2016 , vol. 57, p. 289 - 301 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kalinichev, Mikhail; Girard, Françoise; Haddouk, Hasnaà; Rouillier, Mélanie; Riguet, Eric; Royer-Urios, Isabelle; Mutel, Vincent; Lütjens, Robert; Poli, Sonia

Neuropharmacology, 2017 , vol. 114, p. 34 - 47 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ali, Mubarak; Ramirez, Patricio; Duznovic, Ivana; Nasir, Saima; Mafe, Salvador; Ensinger, Wolfgang

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2017 , vol. 150, p. 201 - 208 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wu, Fan; Liu, Mengmei; Chen, Chen; Chen, Jiaojiao; Tan, Qingsong

Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 2016 , vol. 47, # 6 p. 820 - 829 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Fichtner, Maximilian; Voigt, Kerstin; Schuster, Stefan

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects, 2017 , vol. 1861, # 1 p. 3258 - 3269 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kim, Michelle M.; Parolia, Abhijit; Dunphy, Mark P.; Venneti, Sriram

Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology, 2016 , vol. 13, # 12 p. 725 - 739 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Tsuneki, Hiroshi; Sasaoka, Toshiyasu; Sakurai, Takeshi

Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2016 , vol. 27, # 9 p. 633 - 642 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kamat, Pradip K.; Mallonee, Carissa J.; George, Akash K.; Tyagi, Suresh C.; Tyagi, Neetu

Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 2016 , vol. 40, # 12 p. 2474 - 2481 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hur, Wooyoung; Rosen, Hugh; Gray, Nathanael S.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2017 , vol. 27, # 1 p. 1 - 5 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ribeiro, Fabiola M.; Vieira, Luciene B.; Pires, Rita G.W.; Olmo, Roenick P.; Ferguson, Stephen S.G.

Pharmacological Research, 2017 , vol. 115, p. 179 - 191 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Niehaus, Matthew T.; Elliott, Nicole C.; Katz, Kenneth D.

Journal of Medical Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 12, # 4 p. 406 - 407 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dinan, Timothy G.; Cryan, John F.

Neuropsychopharmacology, 2017 , vol. 42, # 1 p. 178 - 192 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lacagnina, Michael J.; Rivera, Phillip D.; Bilbo, Staci D.

Neuropsychopharmacology, 2017 , vol. 42, # 1 p. 156 - 177 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Blum, Kenneth; Febo, Marcelo; Badgaiyan, Rajendra D.; Braverman, Eric R.; Dushaj, Kristina; Li, Mona; Demetrovics, Zsolt

Scientific Reports, 2016 , vol. 22, # 999 p. 1 - 18 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ainslie, Garrett R.; Gibson, K. Michael; Vogel, Kara R.

Pharmacology Research and Perspectives, 2016 , vol. 4, # 6 art. no. E00265 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Eshel, Neir

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BMC Neurology, 2016 , vol. 16, # 1 art. no. 249 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Nature, 2016 , vol. 540, # 7631 p. 60 - 68 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Agarwal, Arun; Sharma, Samiksha; Bansal, Ritu; Meena, Meghraj; Airun, Mala

Journal of Association of Physicians of India, 2016 , vol. 64, # DECEMBER p. 88 - 89 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Becker, Lillian C.; Bergfeld, Wilma F.; Belsito, Donald V.; Hill, Ronald A.; Klaassen, Curtis D.; Liebler, Daniel C.; Marks, James G.; Shank, Ronald C.; Slaga, Thomas J.; Snyder, Paul W.; Andersen, F. Alan; Gill, Lillian J.

International Journal of Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 35, # 3_suppl p. S5 - S15 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Öz, Pınar; Saybaşılı, Hale

Neuroscience Letters, 2017 , vol. 636, p. 196 - 204 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Guo, Fang; Wu, Shuo; Julander, Justin; Ma, Julia; Zhang, Xuexiang; Kulp, John; Cuconati, Andrea; Block, Timothy M.; Du, Yanming; Guo, Ju-Tao; Chang, Jinhong

Journal of Virology, 2016 , vol. 90, # 23 p. 10774 - 10788 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kavitha; Durga, Padmaja; Ramachandran, Gopinath

Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care, 2016 , vol. 11, p. 14 - 18 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ruggiero, Marco; Corradetti, Renato; Chiarugi, Vincenzo; Pepeu, Giancarlo

EMBO Journal, 1987 , vol. 6, # 6 p. 1595 - 1598 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Amidani, Davide; Tramonti, Angela; Canosa, Andrea Valeria; Campanini, Barbara; Maggi, Stefano; Milano, Teresa; di Salvo, Martino L.; Pascarella, Stefano; Contestabile, Roberto; Bettati, Stefano; Rivetti, Claudio

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects, 2017 , vol. 1861, # 1 p. 3474 - 3489 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wu, Sixia; Xu, Yaqian; Ling, Ping; Xin, Liang; Di, Guoqing

Gaodianya Jishu/High Voltage Engineering, 2016 , vol. 42, # 11 p. 3689 - 3696 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Kami, Katsuya; Tajima, Fumihiro; Senba, Emiko

Anatomical Science International, 2017 , vol. 92, # 1 p. 79 - 90 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jesse; Bråthen; Ferrara; Keindl; Ben-Menachem; Tanasescu; Brodtkorb; Hillbom; Leone; Ludolph

Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 2017 , vol. 135, # 1 p. 4 - 16 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Pharmacological Reports, 2017 , vol. 69, # 1 p. 105 - 111 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Geng, Shanshan; Zhu, Yun; Zhang, Jingping; Cai, Yunqing

International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 2016 , vol. 9, # 11 art. no. IJCEM0033332, p. 22317 - 22323 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Van Aken, Olivier; Ford, Ethan; Lister, Ryan; Huang, Shaobai; Millar, A.Harvey

Plant Journal, 2016 , vol. 88, # 4 p. 542 - 558 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cao, Feifei; Zhang, Limin; Tian, Yang

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 781, p. 278 - 283 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Metabolic Brain Disease, 2016 , vol. 31, # 6 p. 1303 - 1314 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Aoki, Chiye; Chowdhury, Tara G.; Wable, Gauri S.; Chen, Yi-Wen

Brain Research, 2017 , vol. 1654, p. 102 - 115 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dai, Huangguan; Hao, Cuifang; Huang, Xin; Liu, Zhenteng; Lian, Huayu; Liu, Chang

Gynecological Endocrinology, 2016 , vol. 32, # 12 p. 1009 - 1013 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Funck, Thomas; Al-Kuwaiti, Mohammed; Lepage, Claude; Zepper, Peter; Minuk, Jeffrey; Schipper, Hyman M.; Evans, Alan C.; Thiel, Alexander

Human Brain Mapping, 2017 , vol. 38, # 1 p. 326 - 338 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bawa, Priya; Pradeep, Priyamvada; Kumar, Pradeep; Choonara, Yahya E.; Modi, Girish; Pillay, Viness

Drug Discovery Today, 2016 , vol. 21, # 12 p. 1886 - 1914 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Forte, Nicola; Medrihan, Lucian; Cappetti, Beatrice; Baldelli, Pietro; Benfenati, Fabio

Epilepsia, 2016 , vol. 57, # 12 p. 1987 - 2000 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Liu, Xu; Pfaff, Donald W.; Calderon, Diany P.; Tabansky, Inna; Wang, Xin; Wang, Yun; Kow, Lee-Ming

Developmental Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 38, # 4 p. 295 - 310 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Xia, Qiang; Mei, Jun; Yu, Wenjuan; Li, Yunfei

Food Research International, 2017 , vol. 91, p. 103 - 114 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Larsson, Martin; Lietzau, Grazyna; Nathanson, David; Östenson, Claes-Göran; Mallard, Carina; Johansson, Maria E.; Nyström, Thomas; Patrone, Cesare; Darsalia, Vladimer

Bioscience Reports, 2016 , vol. 36, # 6 art. no. E00421 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wang, Lu; Wang, Jing; Yang, Le; Zhou, Shi-meng; Guan, Shao-yu; Yang, Liu-kun; Shi, Qi-xin; Zhao, Ming-Gao; Yang, Qi

Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 2017 , vol. 86, p. 81 - 87 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Perez, Sam D.; Du, Kristy; Rendeiro, Catarina; Wang, Lin; Wu, Qian; Rubakhin, Stanislav S.; Vazhappilly, Rema; Baxter, Jeffrey H.; Sweedler, Jonathan V.; Rhodes, Justin S.

Behavioural Brain Research, 2017 , vol. 320, p. 97 - 112 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhang, Ke-Min; Zhao, Guo-Yan; Zhang, Bin-Bin; Xu, Qi; Chu, Chun-Ping; Jin, Hua; Qiu, De-Lai

Neuroscience Letters, 2017 , vol. 638, p. 5 - 11

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Dalmau, Josep

Neurology, 2016 , vol. 87, # 23 p. 2471 - 2482 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Liang; Xie; Zhou; Jiang; Chen

Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2016 , vol. 61, # 12 p. 539 - 550 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Korean Journal of Anesthesiology, 2016 , vol. 69, # 6 p. 614 - 618 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Li, Xi; Zhang, Jun; Wu, Xi; Yan, Han; Zhang, Yin; He, Ruo-Hui; Tang, Yong-Jun; He, Yi-Jing; Tan, Dan; Mao, Xiao-Yuan; Yin, Ji-Ye; Liu, Zhao-Qian; Zhou, Hong-Hao; Liu, Jie

Pharmacogenomics, 2016 , vol. 17, # 18 p. 2007 - 2014 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sutera, Flavia Maria; De Caro, Viviana; Giannola, Libero Italo

Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 2017 , vol. 14, # 1 p. 93 - 107 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wakte, Kantilal; Zanan, Rahul; Hinge, Vidya; Khandagale, Kiran; Nadaf, Altafhusain; Henry, Robert

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2017 , vol. 97, # 2 p. 384 - 395 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chen, Hsin-Hung; Cheng, Pei-Wen; Ho, Wen-Yu; Lu, Pei-Jung; Lai, Chi-Cheng; Tseng, Yang-Ming; Fang, Hua-Chang; Sun, Gwo-Ching; Hsiao, Michael; Liu, Chun-Peng; Tseng, Ching-Jiunn

Scientific Reports, 2016 , vol. 6, art. no. 38447 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lu, Yuzhi; Wu, Shuangchan; Yue, Yuan; He, Si; Li, Jun; Tang, Jun; Wang, Wei; Zhou, Hai-Bing

ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2016 , vol. 7, # 12 p. 1185 - 1190 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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NeuroToxicology, 2017 , vol. 58, p. 120 - 129 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Genome Announcements, 2014 , vol. 2, # 5 art. no. E00980-14 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mascolo; Sessa; Scavone; De Angelis; Vitale; Berrino; Rossi; Rosano; Capuano

International Journal of Cardiology, 2017 , vol. 227, p. 734 - 742 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Yang, Runqiang; Geng, Chengxin; Gu, Zhenxin

Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2016 , vol. 40, # 6 p. 1364 - 1369 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Paucar-Menacho, Luz María; Peñas, Elena; Dueñas, Montserrat; Frias, Juana; Martínez-Villaluenga, Cristina

LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2017 , vol. 76, p. 245 - 252 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Paucar-Menacho, Luz María; Martínez-Villaluenga, Cristina; Dueñas, Montserrat; Frias, Juana; Peñas, Elena

LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2017 , vol. 76, p. 236 - 244 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Tomiyasu, Moyoko; Aida, Noriko; Shibasaki, Jun; Umeda, Masahiro; Murata, Katsutoshi; Heberlein, Keith; Brown, Mark A.; Shimizu, Eiji; Tsuji, Hiroshi; Obata, Takayuki

NMR in Biomedicine, 2017 , vol. 30, # 1 art. no. E3666 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gunn, Roger N.; Rabiner, Eugenii A.

Seminars in Nuclear Medicine, 2017 , vol. 47, # 1 p. 89 - 98 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Rangel-Huerta, Oscar Daniel; Gil, Angel

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2016 , vol. 17, # 12 art. no. 2072 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gagnon, David J.; Fontaine, Gabriel V.; Smith, Kathryn E.; Riker, Richard R.; Miller, Russell R.; Lerwick, Patricia A.; Lucas; Dziodzio, John T.; Sihler, Kristen C.; Fraser, Gilles L.

Journal of Critical Care, 2017 , vol. 37, p. 119 - 125 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhang; Wu; Weng; Li; Yu; Xu

Neuroscience Letters, 2017 , vol. 638, p. 60 - 68 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kubo, Yoshiyuki; Akanuma, Shin-Ichi; Hosoya, Ken-Ichi

Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2016 , vol. 39, # 12 p. 1903 - 1911 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wang, Guo-Ying; van Eijk, Julia; Demirakca, Traute; Sack, Markus; Krause-Utz, Annegret; Cackowski, Sylvia; Schmahl, Christian; Ende, Gabriele

NeuroImage, 2017 , vol. 147, p. 164 - 174 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhang, Ke; Xu, Ting; Yuan, Zhongmin; Wei, Zhisheng; Yamaki, Vitor Nagai; Huang, Mingfa; Huganir, Richard L; Cai, Xiang

Science Signaling, 2016 , vol. 9, # 458 art. no. RA123 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Asia Pacific Journal of Medical Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 5, # 2 p. 70 - 71 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bauomy, Amira A.

CNS and neurological disorders drug targets, 2014 , vol. 13, # 9 p. 1513 - 1519 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Prinsen, Hetty; de Graaf, Robin A.; Mason, Graeme F.; Pelletier, Daniel; Juchem, Christoph

Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2017 , vol. 45, # 1 p. 187 - 198 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chakroborty, Neloy Kumar; Menzel, Randolf; Schubert, Marco; Galizia, Giovanni

European Journal of Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 44, # 12 p. 3080 - 3093 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Qi, Wanshu; Guan, Qing; Sun, Tuanqi; Cao, Yanjing; Zhang, Li; Guo, Yinlong

Analytica chimica acta, 2015 , vol. 870, p. 75 - 82 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Tsukahara, Takao; Masuhara, Masaaki; Iwai, Haruki; Sonomura, Takahiro; Sato, Tomoaki

Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 2015 , vol. 465, # 1 p. 145 - 151 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Yoo, Ji Hoon; Zell, Vivien; Gutierrez-Reed, Navarre; Wu, Johnathan; Ressler, Reed; Shenasa, Mohammad Ali; Johnson, Alexander B.; Fife, Kathryn H.; Faget, Lauren; Hnasko, Thomas S.

Nature Communications, 2016 , vol. 7, art. no. 13697 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kumari, Puja; Saha, Lekha; Neha; Vijayanti, Sheekha; Bhatia, Alka; Banerjee, Dibyajyoti; Chakrabarti, Amitava

International Journal of Epilepsy, 2016 , vol. 3, # 2 p. 68 - 74 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chiara, David C.; Jounaidi, Youssef; Zhou, Xiaojuan; Savechenkov, Pavel Y.; Bruzik, Karol S.; Miller, Keith W.; Cohen, Jonathan B.

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 291, # 51 p. 26529 - 26539 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wei, Yulei; Pandian, Ganesh N.; Zou, Tingting; Taniguchi, Junichi; Sato, Shinsuke; Kashiwazaki, Gengo; Vaijayanthi, Thangavel; Hidaka, Takuya; Bando, Toshikazu; Sugiyama, Hiroshi

ChemistryOpen, 2016 , vol. 5, # 6 p. 517 - 521 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Llorens, Eugenio; García-Agustín, Pilar; Lapeña, Leonor

Scientia Agricola, 2017 , vol. 74, # 1 p. 90 - 100 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Esmaeili, Abolghasem; Dehghani, Maliheh

Research in Molecular Medicine, 2015 , vol. 3, # 2 p. 50 - 54 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Moghaddam, Shokoufe Nikpour; Qujeq, Durdi; Efahani, Ali Asghar Rastegari

Research in Molecular Medicine, 2015 , vol. 3, # 1 p. 22 - 25 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

ffrench-Constant, Richard H.; Williamson, Martin S.; Davies, T. G. Emyr; Bass, Chris

Journal of Neurogenetics, 2016 , vol. 30, # 3-4 p. 163 - 177 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Larsson, Max

Neuroscience Letters, 2017 , vol. 638, p. 96 - 101 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Knox, Logan T.; Jing, Yu; Bawazier-Edgecombe, Jamal; Collie, Nicola D.; Zhang, Hu; Liu, Ping

Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2017 , vol. 153, p. 45 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hsieh, Yi-Chun; Puche, Adam C

Developmental Neurobiology, 2015 , vol. 75, # 8 p. 791 - 804 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Rosental, Leah; Perelman, Adi; Nevo, Noa; Toubiana, David; Samani, Talya; Batushansky, Albert; Sikron, Noga; Saranga, Yehoshua; Fait, Aaron

BMC Genomics, 2016 , vol. 17, # 1 art. no. 1047 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Indrowati, Meti; Pratiwi, Rarastoeti; Rumiyati; Astuti, Pudji

Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 2017 , vol. 20, # 1 p. 28 - 35 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Abdel-Rafei, Mkh; Amin; Hasan

Human and Experimental Toxicology, 2017 , vol. 36, # 1 p. 62 - 81 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Rombo, Diogo M.; Ribeiro, Joaquim A.; Sebastião, Ana M.

Journal of Neurochemistry, 2016 , vol. 139, # 6 p. 1056 - 1070 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zheng, Hong; Zheng, Yongquan; Wang, Dan; Cai, Aimin; Lin, Qiuting; Zhao, Liangcai; Chen, Minjiang; Deng, Mingjie; Ye, Xinjian; Gao, Hongchang

Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 2017 , vol. 37, # 1 p. 332 - 343 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Vishnoi, Shruti; Raisuddin, Sheikh; Parvez, Suhel

Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology, 2016 , vol. 35, # 4 p. 365 - 374 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Precious, Sophie V.; Kelly, Claire M.; Allen, Nicholas D.; Rosser, Anne E.

Neurogenesis, 2016 , vol. 3, # 1 p. 14 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hamamoto, Masakazu; Kiyokage, Emi; Sohn, Jaerin; Hioki, Hiroyuki; Harada, Tamotsu; Toida, Kazunori

Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2017 , vol. 525, # 3 p. 574 - 591

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Thevenet, Damien; Pastor, Victoria; Baccelli, Ivan; Balmer, Andrea; Vallat, Armelle; Neier, Reinhard; Glauser, Gaétan; Mauch-Mani, Brigitte

New Phytologist, 2017 , vol. 213, # 2 p. 552 - 559 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ramirez, Jorge E.; Stell, Brandon M.

Cell Reports, 2016 , vol. 17, # 12 p. 3125 - 3132 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mikkelsen, Kathleen; Stojanovska, Lily; Apostolopoulos, Vasso

Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 23, # 38 p. 4317 - 4337 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chowdhury; Zhang; Thomas; Banasr; Ma; Pittman; Bristow; Schaeffer; Duman; Rothman; Behar; Sanacora

Molecular Psychiatry, 2017 , vol. 22, # 1 p. 120 - 126 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Aghdam, Morteza Soleimani; Fard, Javad Rezapour

Food Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 221, p. 1650 - 1657 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dixit, Aparna Banerjee; Tripathi, Manjari; Chandra, P. Sarat; Banerjee, Jyotirmoy

International Journal of Surgery, 2016 , vol. 36, p. 483 - 491 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Stedehouder; Kushner

Molecular Psychiatry, 2017 , vol. 22, # 1 p. 4 - 12 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Rangel-Barajas, Claudia; Rebec, George V.

Journal of Huntington's Disease, 2016 , vol. 5, # 4 p. 303 - 331 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Nagappa, Madhu; Bindu, Parayil Sankaran; Chiplunkar, Shwetha; Govindaraj, Periasamy; Narayanappa, Gayathri; Krishnan, Ayyappan; Bharath, M.M. Srinivas; Swaminathan, Aarthi; Saini, Jitender; Arvinda, Hanumanthapura R.; Sinha, Sanjib; Mathuranath, Pavagada S.; Taly, Arun B.

Brain and Development, 2017 , vol. 39, # 2 p. 161 - 165 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lippi, Giordano; Fernandes, Catarina C.; Ewell, Laura A.; John, Danielle; Romoli, Benedetto; Curia, Giulia; Taylor, Seth R.; Frady, E. Paxon; Jensen, Anne B.; Liu, Jerry C.; Chaabane, Melanie M.; Belal, Cherine; Nathanson, Jason L.; Zoli, Michele; Leutgeb, Jill K.; Biagini, Giuseppe; Yeo, Gene W.; Berg, Darwin K.

Neuron, 2016 , vol. 92, # 6 p. 1337 - 1351 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Yang, Wu-Zhou; Liu, Ting-Ting; Cao, Jun-Wei; Chen, Xuan-Fu; Liu, Xiao; Wang, Min; Su, Xin; Zhang, Shu-Qing; Qiu, Bin-Long; Hu, WenXiang; Liu, Lin-Yun; Ma, Lan; Yu, Yong-Chun

Neuron, 2016 , vol. 92, # 6 p. 1352 - 1367 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cáceres, Patricio J.; Peñas, Elena; Martinez-Villaluenga, Cristina; Amigo, Lourdes; Frias, Juana

Journal of Cereal Science, 2017 , vol. 73, p. 1 - 9 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kim, Tae Yeon; Niimi, Kimie; Takahashi, Eiki

Brain Research, 2017 , vol. 1655, p. 138 - 144 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Papale, Alessandro; d'Isa, Raffaele; Menna, Elisabetta; Cerovic, Milica; Solari, Nicola; Hardingham, Neil; Cambiaghi, Marco; Cursi, Marco; Barbacid, Mariano; Leocani, Letizia; Fasano, Stefania; Matteoli, Michela; Brambilla, Riccardo

Biological Psychiatry, 2017 , vol. 81, # 3 p. 179 - 192 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Morris, Sidney M.

Journal of Nutrition, 2016 , vol. 146, # 12 p. S2579 - S2586 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Konya, Yutaka; Taniguchi, Moyu; Fukusaki, Eiichiro

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 2017 , vol. 123, # 1 p. 126 - 133 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sagara, Tatsuya; Fiechter, Gregor; Pachner, Martin; Mayer, Helmut K.; Vollmann, Johann

Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2017 , vol. 56, p. 11 - 17 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Weidacker, Kathrin; Weidemann, Christoph T.; Boy, Frederic; Johnston, Stephen J.

Clinical Neurophysiology, 2016 , vol. 127, # 9 p. 3102 - 3109 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Pal, Sikander; Zhao, Jiangsan; Khan, Asif; Yadav, Narendra Singh; Batushansky, Albert; Barak, Simon; Rewald, Boris; Fait, Aaron; Lazarovitch, Naftali; Rachmilevitch, Shimon

Scientific Reports, 2016 , vol. 6, art. no. 39321 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Simpson, Robin; Devenyi, Gabriel A.; Jezzard, Peter; Hennessy, T. Jay; Near, Jamie

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2017 , vol. 77, # 1 p. 23 - 33 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Pokusaeva; Johnson; Luk; Uribe; Fu; Oezguen; Matsunami; Lugo; Major; Mori-Akiyama; Hollister; Dann; Shi; Engler; Savidge; Versalovic

Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 2017 , vol. 29, # 1 art. no. E12904 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Oeltzschner, Georg; Puts, Nicolaas A.J.; Chan, Kimberly L.; Boer, Vincent O.; Barker, Peter B.; Edden, Richard A.E.

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2017 , vol. 77, # 1 p. 16 - 22 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Carson, Mariah; Kerrigan, Sarah

Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2017 , vol. 1040, p. 289 - 294 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Abdellatif, Abbaoui; Omar, E.L. Hiba; Halima, Gamrani

Acta Histochemica, 2017 , vol. 119, # 1 p. 10 - 17 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Borisova; Pozdnyakova; Shaitanova; Gerus; Dudarenko; Haufe; Kukhar

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 25, # 2 p. 759 - 764 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Liao, Caizhi; Zhang, Meng; Yao, Mei Yu; Hua, Tao; Li, Li; Yan, Feng

Advanced Materials, 2015 , vol. 27, # 46 p. 7493 - 7527 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kunisawa, Kazuo; Kido, Kiwamu; Nakashima, Natsuki; Matsukura, Takuya; Nabeshima, Toshitaka; Hiramatsu, Masayuki

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2017 , vol. 796, p. 122 - 130 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Tomšič, Martin; Bajrović, Fajko

Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology, 2000 , vol. 440, # 1 p. R107 - R108 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2017 , vol. 78, p. 181 - 188 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Didriksen, Michael; Fejgin, Kim; Nilsson, Simon R. O.; Birknow, Michelle R.; Grayton, Hannah M.; Larsen, Peter H.; Lauridsen, Jes B.; Nielsen, Vibeke; Celada, Pau; Santana, Noemi; Kallunki, Pekka; Christensen, Kenneth V.; Werge, Thomas M.; Stensbøl, Tine B.; Egebjerg, Jan; Gastambide, Francois; Artigas, Francesc; Bastlund, Jesper F.; Nielsen, Jacob

Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 2017 , vol. 42, # 1 p. 48 - 58 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kaptan, Zülal; Üzüm, Gülay

Turk Noroloji Dergisi, 2016 , vol. 22, # 4 p. 149 - 155 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhong, Weixia; Picca, Andrew J.; Lee, Albert S.; Darmani, Nissar A.

Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical, 2017 , vol. 202, p. 18 - 27 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Habibi, Mitra; Ahmad, Saba; Sinsioco, Claudine

Journal of Pediatric Epilepsy, 2016 , vol. 5, # 4 p. 159 - 167 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Nôga, Diana Aline Morais Ferreira; Brandão, Luiz Eduardo Mateus; Cagni, Fernanda Carvalho; Silva, Delano; De Azevedo, Dina Lilia Oliveira; Araújo, Arrilton; Dos Santos, Wagner Ferreira; Miranda, Antonio; Da Silva, Regina Helena; Ribeiro, Alessandra Mussi

Toxins, 2017 , vol. 9, # 1 art. no. 5 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Liu, Shicheng; Jia, Feiyong; Xia, Tianliang; Xu, Naijun; Zhang, Ying; Jiang, Huiyi

International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 2016 , vol. 9, # 12 art. no. IJCEM0030906, p. 23363 - 23374 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Rodriguez; Mendoza-Trejo; Hernandez-Plata; Giordano

NeuroToxicology, 2017 , vol. 58, p. 161 - 170 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Yoo, Chi-Hyeon; Song, Kyu-Ho; Lim, Song-I; Lee, Do-Wan; Woo, Dong-Cheol; Choe, Bo-Young

Neuroscience Letters, 2017 , vol. 637, p. 57 - 63 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Atagün, Murat İlhan; Soykan, Çağlar; Serdar Süleyman, Can; Çayköylü, Ali; Ulusoy-Kaymak, Semra; Şıkoğlu, Elif Muazzez; Moore, Constance Mary; Algın, Oktay; Phillips, Mary Louise; Öngür, Dost

Neuroscience Letters, 2017 , vol. 637, p. 70 - 74 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhao, Xian-En; He, Yongrui; Li, Meng; Chen, Guang; Wei, Na; Wang, Xiao; Sun, Jing; Zhu, Shuyun; You, Jinmao

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2017 , vol. 135, p. 186 - 198 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hayes, Bryan D.; Nelson, Lewis S.

Journal of Intensive Care Medicine, 2016 , vol. 31, # 5 p. 353 - 354 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Goufo, Piebiep; Trindade, Henrique

Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2017 , vol. 57, # 5 p. 893 - 922 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Choi, Eunkyung; Kim, Donggyeong; Jeon, Younghoon

Medicine (United States), 2016 , vol. 95, # 51 p. e5153 - e5153 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chung, Man-Kyo; Park, Jennifer; Asgar, Jamila; Ro, Jin Y.

Molecular Pain, 2016 , vol. 12 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kami, Katsuya; Taguchi, Satoru; Tajima, Fumihiro; Senba, Emiko

Molecular Pain, 2016 , vol. 12 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Reckziegel, Diane; Raschke, Felix; Cottam, William J; Auer, Dorothee P

Molecular Pain, 2016 , vol. 12 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Fedoseeva, Larisa A.; Klimov, Leonid O.; Ershov, Nikita I.; Alexandrovich, Yury V.; Efimov, Vadim M.; Markel, Arcady L.; Redina, Olga E.

BMC Genomics, 2016 , vol. 17, art. no. 989 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Vogel, Kara R.; Ainslie, Garrett R.; Schmidt, Michelle A.; Wisor, Jonathan P.; Gibson, K. Michael

Pediatric Neurology, 2017 , vol. 66, p. 44 - 1,52 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Rastogi, Bhawana; Arora, Ankush; Gupta, Kumkum; Jain, Manish; Singh, Vijendra Pal; Rastogi, Avinash

Open Anesthesiology Journal, 2016 , vol. 10, p. 27 - 33 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Häge, Alexander; Banaschewski, Tobias; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Dijkhuizen, Rick M.; Franke, Barbara; Lythgoe, David J.; Mechler, Konstantin; R. Williams, Steven C.; Dittmann, Ralf W.

Trials, 2016 , vol. 17, # 1 art. no. 141 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Yunes, Roman A.; Klimina, Ksenia M.; Emelyanov, Kirill V.; Zakharevich, Natalia V.; Poluektova, Elena U.; Danilenko, Valery N.

Genome Announcements, 2016 , vol. 3, # 2 art. no. E00261-15 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Barad, Shiri; Sela, Noa; Kumar, Dilip; Kumar-Dubey, Amit; Glam-Matana, Nofar; Sherman, Amir; Prusky, Dov

BMC Genomics, 2016 , vol. 17, # 1 art. no. 330 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zheng, Yongquan; Yang, Yunjun; Dong, Baijun; Zheng, Hong; Lin, Xiaodong; Du, Yao; Li, Xiaokun; Zhao, Liangcai; Gao, Hongchang

Molecular Brain, 2016 , vol. 9, # 1 art. no. 40 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Van Horn, John Darrell; Bhattrai, Avnish; Irimia, Andrei

Trends in Neurosciences, 2017 , vol. 40, # 1 p. 39 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sai, Na; Sun, Wenjing; Wu, Yuntang; Sun, Zhong; Huang, Guowei

Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 2017 , vol. 14, # 1 p. 257 - 268 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Nait Mouloud; Ouennoughi; Yaiche; Kaidi; Iguer-ouada

Theriogenology, 2017 , vol. 91, p. 44 - 54 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Grzęda, Emilia; Schlicker, Eberhard; Toczek, Marek; Zalewska, Iwona; Baranowska-Kuczko, Marta; Malinowska, Barbara

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 2017 , vol. 390, # 1 p. 25 - 35 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Carta, Anna R.; Mulas, Giovanna; Bortolanza, Mariza; Duarte, Terence; Pillai, Elisabetta; Fisone, Gilberto; Vozari, Rita Raisman; Del-Bel, Elaine; Bolam, Paul

European Journal of Neuroscience, 2017 , vol. 45, # 1 p. 73 - 91 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Palus; Chrobok; Kepczynski; Lewandowski

Neuroscience, 2017 , vol. 343, p. 10 - 20 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhou, Xinyu; Liu, Lanxiang; Zhang, Yuqing; Pu, Juncai; Yang, Lining; Zhou, Chanjuan; Yuan, Shuai; Zhang, Hanping; Xie, Peng

Neuroscience, 2017 , vol. 343, p. 1 - 9 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kilpatrick, Casey L.; Murakami, Shoko; Feng, Mengyang; Wu, Xia; Lal, Rachnanjali; Chen, Gong; Du, Keyong; Luscher, Bernhard

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 291, # 53 p. 27371 - 27386 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bolbat, Andrey; Schultz, Carsten

Biology of the Cell, 2017 , vol. 109, # 1 p. 1 - 23 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Grewal, Jasneet; Khare

Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2017 , vol. 40, # 1 p. 145 - 152 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chew, Bee Lynn; Fisk, Ian D.; Fray, Rupert; Tucker, Gregory A.; Bodi, Zsuzsanna; Ferguson, Alison; Xia, Wei; Seymour, Graham B.

Plant Cell Reports, 2017 , vol. 36, # 1 p. 81 - 87 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Takayama, Mariko; Matsukura, Chiaki; Ariizumi, Tohru; Ezura, Hiroshi

Plant Cell Reports, 2017 , vol. 36, # 1 p. 103 - 116 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Panrod, Kritchapol; Tansirikongkol, Anyarporn; Panapisal, Vipaporn

Thai Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2016 , vol. 40, # 4 p. 203 - 208 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Xu, Yu; Xiao, Huayun

Environmental Pollution, 2017 , vol. 221, p. 180 - 190 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cui, Li; Rui, Changhui; Yang, Daibin; Wang, Zhenying; Yuan, Huizhu

BMC Genomics, 2017 , vol. 18, # 1 art. no. 20 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Biedroń, Izabela; Traczewska, Teodora; Konieczny, Tomasz; Plłaza, Grazyna

Journal of Ecological Engineering, 2017 , vol. 18, # 1 p. 284 - 293 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhou, Zheng; Vailati-Riboni, Mario; Luchini, Daniel N.; Loor, Juan J.

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Experimental Neurology, 2017 , vol. 289, p. 103 - 116 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Neuropharmacology, 2017 , vol. 116, p. 71 - 81 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Archives of Microbiology, 2017 , vol. 199, # 1 p. 97 - 104 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 2017 , vol. 101, # 1 p. 38 - 45 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2017 , vol. 120, p. 1 - 6 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Food Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 224, p. 398 - 406 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Pharmaceuticals, 2017 , vol. 10, # 1 art. no. 3 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Molecular Neurobiology, 2017 , vol. 54, # 1 p. 768 - 778 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Neurologia i Neurochirurgia Polska, 2016 , vol. 50, # 1 p. 59 - 62 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Analytica Chimica Acta, 2017 , vol. 954, p. 77 - 87 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Neuroscience, 2017 , vol. 343, p. 300 - 321 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Physiological Reports, 2013 , vol. 1, # 6 art. no. E00164, p. 1 - 12 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 23, # 39 p. 4396 - 4417 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Neuroscience, 2017 , vol. 343, p. 459 - 471 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Journal of Clinical Anesthesia, 2017 , vol. 37, p. 123 - 128 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Algal Research, 2016 , vol. 13, p. 207 - 217 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Aquaculture Nutrition, 2017 , vol. 23, # 1 p. 54 - 62 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 2017 , vol. 37, # 1 p. 93 - 100 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Brain Structure and Function, 2017 , vol. 222, # 1 p. 287 - 299 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ghafari, Maryam; Falsafi, Soheil Keihan; Szodorai, Edit; Kim, Eun-Jung; Li, Lin; Höger, Harald; Berger, Johannes; Fuchs, Karoline; Sieghart, Werner; Lubec, Gert

Brain Structure and Function, 2017 , vol. 222, # 1 p. 549 - 561 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 2017 , vol. 87, p. 678 - 682 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 2017 , vol. 92, # 1 p. 72 - 87 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Psychopharmacology, 2017 , vol. 234, # 3 p. 353 - 363 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Neuroscience, 2017 , vol. 344, p. 48 - 55 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ouyang, Xiaoyu; Wang, Shaoyang; Yuan, Guanshen; Liu, Yaran; Gu, Pan; Zhang, Bolin; Zhu, Baoqing

International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2017 , vol. 52, # 2 p. 448 - 456 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wilke, Skadi; List, Jonathan; Mekle, Ralf; Lindenberg, Robert; Bukowski, Martin; Ott, Stefanie; Schubert, Florian; Ittermann, Bernd; Flöel, Agnes

Journal of Neurotrauma, 2017 , vol. 34, # 2 p. 281 - 290 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Neural Regeneration Research, 2016 , vol. 11, # 12 p. 1910 - 1911 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Ben-Othman, Nouha; Vieira, Andhira; Courtney, Monica; Record, Fabien; Gjernes, Elisabet; Avolio, Fabio; Hadzic, Biljana; Druelle, Noémie; Napolitano, Tiziana; Navarro-Sanz, Sergi; Silvano, Serena; Al-Hasani, Keith; Pfeifer, Anja; Lacas-Gervais, Sandra; Leuckx, Gunter; Marroquí, Laura; Thévenet, Julien; Madsen, Ole Dragsbaek; Eizirik, Decio Laks; Heimberg, Harry; Kerr-Conte, Julie; Pattou, François; Mansouri, Ahmed; Collombat, Patrick

Cell, 2017 , vol. 168, # 1-2 p. 73 - 11,85 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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ASN Neuro, 2016 , vol. 8, # 5 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics, 2017 , vol. 23, # 2 p. 119 - 126 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Brain Stimulation, 2017 , vol. 10, # 1 p. 65 - 74 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 2017 , vol. 10, # 1 art. no. IJCEM0042836, p. 1539 - 1545 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Rauf, Abdur; Hadda, Taibi Ben; Uddin, Ghias; Cerón-Carrasco, José P.; Peña-García, Jorge; Pérez-Sánchez, Horacio; Khan, Haroon; Bawazeer, Saud; Patel, Seema; Mubarak, Mohammad S.; Abu-Izneid, Tareq; Mabkhot, Yahia Nasser

Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 2017 , vol. 88, p. 109 - 113 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Chao, Jung; Dai, Yuntao; Cheng, Hao-Yuan; Lam, Wing; Cheng, Yung-Chi; Li, Ke; Peng, Wen-Huang; Pao, Li-Heng; Hsieh, Ming-Tsuen; Qin, Xue-Mei; Lee, Meng-Shiou

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Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2017 , vol. 77, p. 211 - 217 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Pharmacological Research, 2017 , vol. 117, p. 303 - 327 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Neurotoxicity Research, 2017 , vol. 31, # 2 p. 309 - 316 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 2017 , vol. 74, p. 21 - 43 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Tauber, Simone C.; Eiffert, Helmut; Brück, Wolfgang; Nau, Roland

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Clinical Endocrinology, 2017 , vol. 86, # 2 p. 256 - 262 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mekle, Ralf; Kühn, Simone; Pfeiffer, Harald; Aydin, Semiha; Schubert, Florian; Ittermann, Bernd

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Porges, Eric C.; Woods, Adam J.; Edden, Richard A.E.; Puts, Nicolaas A.J.; Harris, Ashley D.; Chen, Huaihou; Garcia, Amanda M.; Seider, Talia R.; Lamb, Damon G.; Williamson, John B.; Cohen, Ronald A.

Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 2017 , vol. 2, # 1 p. 38 - 44 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Raines, Douglas E.

Anesthesiology, 2017 , vol. 126, # 2 p. 350 - 351 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Safavynia, Seyed A.; Keating, Glenda; Speigel, Iris; Fidler, Jonathan A.; Kreuzer, Matthias; Rye, David B.; Jenkins, Andrew; García, Paul S.

Anesthesiology, 2017 , vol. 126, # 2 p. 352 - 353 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Singh, Digar; Lee, Sunmin; Lee, Choong Hwan

Trends in Food Science and Technology, 2017 , vol. 61, p. 103 - 115 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kumar, Ujendra; Heer, Michael; Somvanshi, Rishi K.

Neuroscience Letters, 2017 , vol. 640, p. 81 - 87 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Patel, Sita Sharan; Tomar, Sunil; Sharma, Diksha; Mahindroo, Neeraj; Udayabanu, Malairaman

Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 2017 , vol. 74, p. 76 - 97 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dionisio; Caldironi; de Rosa

International Journal of Pharmacology, 2017 , vol. 13, # 2 p. 205 - 211 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ferrarelli, Fabio; Tononi, Giulio

Schizophrenia Research, 2017 , vol. 180, p. 36 - 43 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dandash, Orwa; Pantelis, Christos; Fornito, Alex

Schizophrenia Research, 2017 , vol. 180, p. 48 - 57 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Leggio, Lorenzo; Lee, Mary R.

American Journal of Medicine, 2017 , vol. 130, # 2 p. 124 - 134 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Busardò, Francesco Paolo; Kyriakou, Chrystalla; Marchei, Emilia; Pacifici, Roberta; Pedersen, Daniel Sejer; Pichini, Simona

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2017 , vol. 137, p. 123 - 131 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cohen, Erez James; Quarta, Eros; Bravi, Riccardo; Granato, Alberto; Minciacchi, Diego

Neuroscience, 2017 , vol. 344, p. 326 - 345 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Shojaei, Amir; Anaraki, Afsaneh Kamali; Mirnajafi-Zadeh, Javad; Atapour, Nafiseh

International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 2017 , vol. 57, p. 56 - 61 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Kalinichev, Mikhail; Girard, Françoise; Haddouk, Hasnaà; Rouillier, Mélanie; Riguet, Eric; Royer-Urios, Isabelle; Mutel, Vincent; Lütjens, Robert; Poli, Sonia

Neuropharmacology, 2017 , vol. 114, p. 34 - 47 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Life Sciences, 2016 , vol. 146, p. 1 - 7 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Translational Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 7, # 1 p. 1 - 5 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Muramatsu, Ikunobu; Yoshiki, Hatsumi; Uwada, Junsuke; Masuoka, Takayoshi; Sada, Kiyonao; Taniguchi, Takanobu; Nishio, Matomo

Journal of Neurochemistry, 2016 , vol. 139, # 4 p. 566 - 575 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Ng, Chiu Chin; Duke, Rujee K.; Hinton, Tina; Johnston, Graham A.R.

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 777, p. 136 - 146 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Arellano, Rogelio O.; Sánchez-Gómez, María Victoria; Alberdi, Elena; Canedo-Antelo, Manuel; Chara, Juan Carlos; Palomino, Aitor; PérezSamartín, Alberto; Matute, Carlos

Molecular Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 89, # 1 p. 63 - 74 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Naffaa, Moawiah M.; Absalom, Nathan; Raja Solomon; Chebib, Mary; Hibbs, David E.; Hanrahan, Jane R.

PLoS ONE, 2016 , vol. 11, # 5 art. no. E0156618 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Sun, Bing; Chen, Linhai; Liu, Lei; Xia, Zhixiong; Pin, Jean-Philippe; Nan, Fajun; Liu, Jianfeng

Biochemical Journal, 2016 , vol. 473, # 6 p. 779 - 787 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Ahring, Philip K.; Bang, Line H.; Jensen, Marianne L.; Strøbæk, Dorte; Hartiadi, Leonny Y.; Chebib, Mary; Absalom, Nathan

Pharmacological Research, 2016 , vol. 111, p. 563 - 576 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Porcu, Alessandra; Lobina, Carla; Giunta, Daniela; Solinas, Maurizio; Mugnaini, Claudia; Castelli, M. Paola

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 791, p. 115 - 123 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Huckvale, Rosemary; Mortensen, Martin; Pryde, David; Smart, Trevor G.; Baker, James R.

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 14, # 28 p. 6676 - 6678 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Hondebrink; Verboven; Drega; Schmeink; de Groot; van Kleef; Wijnolts; Meulenbelt; Westerink

NeuroToxicology, 2016 , vol. 55, p. 1 - 9 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Chromocell Corporation; SHEKDAR, Kambiz

Patent: EP3009513 A1, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

210 of 992

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Guangzhou first feed additives limited; Peng, Xianfeng

Patent: CN105884637 A, 2016 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

211 of 992

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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Krall, Jacob; Brygger, Benjamin M.; Sigurðardóttir, Sara B.; Ng, Clarissa K. L.; Bundgaard, Christoffer; Kehler, Jan; Nielsen, Birgitte; Bek, Toke; Jensen, Anders A.; Frølund, Bente

ChemMedChem, 2016 , vol. 11, # 20 p. 2299 - 2310 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Randox Laboratories Limited; Benchikh, Elouard; McConnell, Ivan; Fitzgerald, Peter; Lowry, Philip

Patent: US2016/266153 A1, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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physiological behaviour discussed


Botzolakis, Emmanuel J.; Gurba, Katharine N.; Lagrange, Andre H.; Feng, Hua-Jun; Stanic, Aleksandar K.; Hu, Ningning; Macdonald, Robert L.

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 291, # 39 p. 20440 - 20461 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Marty, Loïc; Vigouroux, Armelle; Aumont-Nicaise, Magali; Dessaux, Yves; Faure, Denis; Moréra, Solange

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 291, # 43 p. 22638 - 22649 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Alqazzaz, Mona A.; Price, Kerry L.; Lummis, Sarah C. R.

Biochemistry, 2016 , vol. 55, # 42 p. 5947 - 5951 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Jiva Pharma, Inc.; Goel, Om P.

Patent: US2016/376223 A1, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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physiological behaviour discussed


Stewart, Deirdre S.; Hotta, Mayo; Desai, Rooma; Forman, Stuart A.

Molecular Pharmacology, 2013 , vol. 83, # 6 p. 1200 - 1208 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Damgaard, Maria; Al-Khawaja, Anas; Vogensen, Stine B.; Jurik, Andreas; Sijm, Maarten; Lie, Maria E. K.; Baek, Mathias I.; Rosenthal, Emil; Jensen, Anders A.; Ecker, Gerhard F.; Frolund, Bente; Wellendorph, Petrine; Clausen, Rasmus P.

ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2015 , vol. 6, # 9 p. 1591 - 1599 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Romei, Cristina; Sabolla, Chiara; Raiteri, Luca

Neuropharmacology, 2015 , vol. 88, p. 164 - 170 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Rajalu, Mathieu; Fritzius, Thorsten; Adelfinger, Lisa; Jacquier, Valerie; Besseyrias, Valerie; Gassmann, Martin; Bettler, Bernhard

Neuropharmacology, 2015 , vol. 88, p. 145 - 154 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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physiological behaviour discussed


Blankenburg; Balfanz; Hayashi; Shigenobu; Miura; Baumann; Blenau

Neuropharmacology, 2015 , vol. 88, p. 134 - 144 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hide facts Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Dionisio, Leonardo; BergA©, Ignacio; Bravo, MatA as; Del Carmen Esandi, MarA a; Bouzat, Cecilia

Molecular Pharmacology, 2015 , vol. 87, # 3 p. 391 - 400 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Dockendorff, Chris; Faloon, Patrick W.; Yu, Miao; Youngsaye, Willmen; Penman, Marsha; Nieland, Thomas J. F.; Nag, Partha P.; Lewis, Timothy A.; Pu, Jun; Bennion, Melissa; Negri, Joseph; Paterson, Conor; Lam, Garrett; Dandapani, Sivaraman; Perez, Jos R.; Munoz, Benito; Palmer, Michelle A.; Schreiber, Stuart L.; Krieger, Monty

ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2015 , vol. 6, # 4 p. 375 - 380 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Hammer, Harriet; Ebert, Bjarke; Jensen, Henrik Sindal; Jensen, Anders A.

PLoS ONE, 2015 , vol. 10, # 3 art. no. E0120239 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed



Patent: WO2015/76667 A1, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Cano, Mercedes; Calonge, Mara L.; Ilundin, Anunciacin A.

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes, 2015 , vol. 1848, # 10 p. 2172 - 2179 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Kaji, Mark D; Kwaka, Ariel; Callanan, Micah K; Nusrat, Humza; Desaulniers, Jean-Paul; Forrester, Sean G

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2015 , vol. 172, # 15 p. 3737 - 3747 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Waszkielewicz, Anna M.; Cegla, Marek; Zeslawska, Ewa; Nitek, Wojciech; Sloczyska, Karolina; Marona, Henryk

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 23, # 15 p. 4197 - 4217 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Borisova; Pozdnyakova; Shaitanova; Gerus; Dudarenko; Mironets; Haufe; Kukhar

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 23, # 15 p. 4316 - 4323 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Liu, Genyan; Ozoe, Fumiyo; Furuta, Kenjiro; Ozoe, Yoshihisa

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 63, # 28 p. 6304 - 6312 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Schmitt, Sebastian; Höfner, Georg; Wanner, Klaus T.

ChemMedChem, 2015 , vol. 10, # 9 p. 1498 - 1510 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Chauhan, Anjali; Sharma, Uma; Jagannathan, Naranamangalam R.; Gupta, Yogendra Kumar

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2015 , vol. 757, p. 28 - 33 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed



Patent: WO2015/114308 A1, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

233 of 992

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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Li, Ping; Akk, Gustav

Molecular Pharmacology, 2015 , vol. 87, # 5 p. 776 - 781 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Hammer, Harriet; Bader, Benjamin M.; Ehnert, Corina; Bundgaard, Christoffer; Bunch, Lennart; Hoestgaard-Jensen, Kirsten; Schroeder, Olaf H.-U.; Bastlund, Jesper F.; Gramowski-Voss, Alexandra; Jensen, Anders A.

Molecular Pharmacology, 2015 , vol. 88, # 2 p. 401 - 420 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


KOREA INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY; Lee, Changjoon Justin; Lee, Soo-Jung; Yoon, Bo-Eun

Patent: US9095535 B2, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

236 of 992

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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Snell, Heather D.; Gonzales, Eric B.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2015 , vol. 353, # 3 p. 551 - 559 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Bernaskova, Marketa; Schoeffmann, Angela; Schuehly, Wolfgang; Hufner, Antje; Baburin, Igor; Hering, Steffen

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 23, # 20 p. 6757 - 6762 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Jayakar, Selwyn S.; Zhou, Xiaojuan; Savechenkov, Pavel Y.; Chiara, David C.; Desai, Rooma; Bruzik, Karol S.; Miller, Keith W.; Cohen, Jonathan B.

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 290, # 38 p. 23432 - 23446 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological

physiological behaviour discussed


240 of 992

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Oppici, Elisa; Montioli, Riccardo; Dindo, Mirco; MacCari, Laura; Porcari, Valentina; Lorenzetto, Antonio; Chellini, Sara; Voltattorni, Carla Borri; Cellini, Barbara

ACS Chemical Biology, 2015 , vol. 10, # 10 p. 2227 - 2236 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Zhang, Ai-Hui; Ji, Xiao-Jun; Wu, Wen-Jia; Ren, Lu-Jing; Yu, Ya-Dong; Huang, He

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 63, # 44 p. 9812 - 9819 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Wagner, Michel; Ohlund, Leanne B.; Shiao, Tze Chieh; Vzina, Amlie; Annabi, Borhane; Roy, Ren; Sleno, Lekha

Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2015 , vol. 29, # 18 p. 1632 - 1640 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Malomouzh, Artem I.; Petrov, Konstantin A.; Nurullin, Leniz F.; Nikolsky, Evgeny E.

Journal of Neurochemistry, 2015 , vol. 135, # 6 p. 1149 - 1160 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed



Patent: WO2015/195943 A1, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Vandevrede, Lawren; Tavassoli, Ehsan; Luo, Jia; Qin, Zhihui; Yue, Lan; Pepperberg, David R.; Thatcher, Gregory R.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2014 , vol. 171, # 2 p. 389 - 402 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Patel; Mortensen; Smart

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2014 , vol. 171, # 4 p. 985 - 994 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Feng; Jounaidi; Haburcak; Yang; Forman

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2014 , vol. 171, # 3 p. 789 - 798 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


of Nevada, Las Vegas; The Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education on behalf of the University; Abel-Santos, Ernesto; Howerton, Amber

Patent: US2014/45808 A1, 2014 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

248 of 992

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Zvejniece; Vavers; Svalbe; Vilskersts; Domracheva; Vorona; Veinberg; Misane; Stonans; Kalvinsh; Dambrova

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2014 , vol. 171, # 3 p. 761 - 771 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

249 of 992

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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Petersen, Jette G.; Sørensen, Troels; Damgaard, Maria; Nielsen, Birgitte; Jensen, Anders A.; Balle, Thomas; Bergmann, Rikke; Frølund, Bente

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 84, p. 404 - 416 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Yahara, Tohru; Tachikawa, Masanori; Akanuma, Shin-Ichi; Kubo, Yoshiyuki; Hosoya, Ken-Ichi

Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2014 , vol. 37, # 5 p. 817 - 825 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed



Patent: WO2014/130655 A2, 2014 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

252 of 992

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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Sanchez-Borzone, Mariela; Delgado-Marin, Leticia; Garcia, Daniel A.

Chirality, 2014 , vol. 26, # 8 p. 368 - 372 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Maeda, Kenji; Sugino, Haruhiko; Akazawa, Hitomi; Amada, Naoki; Shimada, Jun; Futamura, Takashi; Yamashita, Hiroshi; Ito, Nobuaki; McQuade, Robert D.; Mork, Arne; Pehrson, Alan L.; Hentzer, Morten; Nielsen, Vibeke; Bundgaard, Christoffer; Arnt, Jorn; Stensbol, Tine Bryan; Kikuchi, Tetsuro

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2014 , vol. 350, # 3 p. 589 - 604 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Washington University; Covey, Douglas; Kudcva, Eva

Patent: US2014/309443 A1, 2014 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

255 of 992

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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Pydi, Sai P.; Sobotkiewicz, Tyler; Billakanti, Rohini; Bhullar, Rajinder P.; Loewen, Michele C.; Chelikani, Prashen

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 289, # 36 p. 25054 - 25066 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Eaton, Megan M.; Bracamontes, John; Shu, Hong-Jin; Li, Ping; Mennerick, Steven; Steinbach, Joe Henry; Akk, Gustav

Molecular Pharmacology, 2014 , vol. 86, # 6 p. 647 - 656 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Meiselbach, Heike; Vogel, Nico; Langlhofer, Georg; Stangl, Sabine; Schleyer, Barbara; Bahnassawy, Lamia'a; Sticht, Heinrich; Breitinger, Hans-Georg; Becker, Cord-Michael; Villmann, Carmen

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 289, # 42 p. 29135 - 29147 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


physiological behaviour discussed

(Pharmacological Data)

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Dillon, Nicholas A.; Peterson, Nicholas D.; Rosen, Bron C.; Baughn, Anthony D.

Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2014 , vol. 58, # 12 p. 7258 - 7263 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Naito, Anna; Muchhala, Karan H.; Asatryan, Liana; Trudell, James R.; Homanics, Gregg E.; Perkins, Daya I.; Davies, Daryl L.; Alkana, Ronald L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 2014 , vol. 86, # 6 p. 635 - 646 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Thompson, Andrew J.; Verheij, Mark H.P.; Verbeek, Joost; Windhorst, Albert D.; De Esch, Iwan J.P.; Lummis, Sarah C.R.

Neuropharmacology, 2014 , vol. 86, p. 378 - 388 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Fuchs, Alexander; Baur, Roland; Schoeder, Clara; Sigel, Erwin; Müller, Christa E.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 22, # 24 p. 6908 - 6917 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Shannon, Richard J.; Timofeev, Ivan; Nortje, Jürgens; Hutchinson, Peter J.; Carpenter, Keri L. H.

British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2014 , vol. 78, # 5 p. 981 - 995 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Matharu, Daljit S.; Flaherty, Daniel P.; Simpson, Denise S.; Schroeder, Chad E.; Chung, Donghoon; Yan, Dan; Noah, James W.; Jonsson, Colleen B.; White, E. Lucile; Aub, Jeffrey; Plemper, Richard K.; Severson, William E.; Golden, Jennifer E.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 57, # 24 p. 10314 - 10328 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Plech, Tomasz; Kapro, Barbara; Luszczki, Jarogniew J.; Paneth, Agata; Siwek, Agata; Kolaczkowski, Marcin; Zolnierek, Maria; Nowak, Gabriel

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 86, p. 690 - 699 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Li; Bracamontes; Manion; Mennerick; Steinbach; Evers; Akk

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2014 , vol. 171, # 23 p. 5446 - 5457 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Han, Jin; Wan, Hai-Tong; Yang, Jie-Hong; Zhang, Yu-Yan; Ge, Li-Jun; Bie, Xiao-Dong

Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2014 , vol. 16, # 11 p. 1060 - 1067 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Kuriyama, Chiaki; Xu, Jun Zhi; Lee, Seunghun Paul; Qi, Jenson; Kimata, Hirotaka; Kakimoto, Tetsuhiro; Nakayama, Keiko; Watanabe, Yoshinori; Taniuchi, Nobuhiko; Hikida, Kumiko; Matsushita, Yasuaki; Arakawa, Kenji; Saito, Akira; Ueta, Kiichiro; Shiotani, Masaharu

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2014 , vol. 351, # 2 p. 423 - 431 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

268 of 992

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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Chen, Zi-Wei; Wang, Cunde; Krishnan, Kathiresan; Manion, Brad D.; Hastings, Randy; Bracamontes, John; Taylor, Amanda; Eaton, Megan M.; Zorumski, Charles F.; Steinbach, Joseph H.; Akk, Gustav; Mennerick, Steven; Covey, Douglas F.; Evers, Alex S.

Psychopharmacology, 2014 , vol. 231, # 17 p. 3479 - 3491 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human; pre-existing medical conditions: pain

Route of Application

epicutaneous / skin absorption

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

20 percent (w/v)

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. administerd as topical cream formulation containg ethylene glycol, LIPODERM® and VAN PEN®

Type (Pharmacological Data)

pain relief rate

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

100 percent


concentration/time-dependent effect


Paragraph 0062-0074


MOSKOWITZ, Michael; GOLDEN, Maria, Depolo; GORDON, Dana

Patent: WO2013/2749 A1, 2013 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

270 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human; pre-existing medical conditions: pain

Route of Application


Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. administerd as nasal spray formulation containg sodium bisulfite, methyl paraben, propyl paraben and water

Type (Pharmacological Data)

pain relief rate

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

57 - 100 percent


concentration/time-dependent effect


Paragraph 0075-0086


MOSKOWITZ, Michael; GOLDEN, Maria, Depolo; GORDON, Dana

Patent: WO2013/2749 A1, 2013 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

271 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

brain synaptic membranes of Sprague-Dawley rat

272 of 992

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Method (Pharmacological Data)

labelled ligand: [3H]muscimol; name of assay/method: FLIPR membrane potential blue assay

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Ki related to: GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.049 μmol/l


Petersen, Jette G.; Bergmann, Rikke; Møller, Henriette A.; Jørgensen, Charlotte G.; Nielsen, Birgitte; Kehler, Jan; Frydenvang, Karla; Kristensen, Jesper; Balle, Thomas; Jensen, Anders A.; Kristiansen, Uffe; Frølund, Bente

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 3 p. 993 - 1006 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

brain synaptic membranes of Sprague-Dawley rat



Method (Pharmacological Data)

labelled ligand: [3H]muscimol; name of assay/method: FLIPR membrane potential blue assay


molecular target: GABAA receptor


Petersen, Jette G.; Bergmann, Rikke; Møller, Henriette A.; Jørgensen, Charlotte G.; Nielsen, Birgitte; Kehler, Jan; Frydenvang, Karla; Kristensen, Jesper; Balle, Thomas; Jensen, Anders A.; Kristiansen, Uffe; Frølund, Bente

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 3 p. 993 - 1006 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human α3β2γ2S GABAA receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: FLIPR membrane potential blue assay

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

EC50 related to: human α3β2γ2S

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.92 μmol/l


Petersen, Jette G.; Bergmann, Rikke; Møller, Henriette A.; Jørgensen, Charlotte G.; Nielsen, Birgitte; Kehler, Jan; Frydenvang, Karla; Kristensen, Jesper; Balle, Thomas; Jensen, Anders A.; Kristiansen, Uffe; Frølund, Bente

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 3 p. 993 - 1006 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human α3β2γ2S GABAA receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: FLIPR membrane potential blue assay

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molecular target: α3β2γ2S GABAA receptor; species of target: human


Petersen, Jette G.; Bergmann, Rikke; Møller, Henriette A.; Jørgensen, Charlotte G.; Nielsen, Birgitte; Kehler, Jan; Frydenvang, Karla; Kristensen, Jesper; Balle, Thomas; Jensen, Anders A.; Kristiansen, Uffe; Frølund, Bente

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 3 p. 993 - 1006 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human α5β2γ2S GABAA receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: FLIPR membrane potential blue assay

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

EC50 related to: human α5β2γ2S

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.11 μmol/l


Petersen, Jette G.; Bergmann, Rikke; Møller, Henriette A.; Jørgensen, Charlotte G.; Nielsen, Birgitte; Kehler, Jan; Frydenvang, Karla; Kristensen, Jesper; Balle, Thomas; Jensen, Anders A.; Kristiansen, Uffe; Frølund, Bente

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 3 p. 993 - 1006 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human α5β2γ2S GABAA receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: FLIPR membrane potential blue assay


molecular target: α5β2γ2S GABAA receptor; species of target: human


Petersen, Jette G.; Bergmann, Rikke; Møller, Henriette A.; Jørgensen, Charlotte G.; Nielsen, Birgitte; Kehler, Jan; Frydenvang, Karla; Kristensen, Jesper; Balle, Thomas; Jensen, Anders A.; Kristiansen, Uffe; Frølund, Bente

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 3 p. 993 - 1006 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human α1β2γ2S GABAA receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: FLIPR membrane potential blue assay

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

EC50 related to: human α1β2γ2S

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.8 μmol/l


Petersen, Jette G.; Bergmann, Rikke; Møller, Henriette A.; Jørgensen, Charlotte G.; Nielsen, Birgitte; Kehler, Jan; Frydenvang, Karla; Kristensen, Jesper; Balle, Thomas; Jensen, Anders A.; Kristiansen, Uffe; Frølund, Bente

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 3 p. 993 - 1006 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

278 of 992

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281 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human α1β2γ2S GABAA receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: FLIPR membrane potential blue assay


molecular target: α1β2γ2S GABAA receptor; species of target: human


Petersen, Jette G.; Bergmann, Rikke; Møller, Henriette A.; Jørgensen, Charlotte G.; Nielsen, Birgitte; Kehler, Jan; Frydenvang, Karla; Kristensen, Jesper; Balle, Thomas; Jensen, Anders A.; Kristiansen, Uffe; Frølund, Bente

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 3 p. 993 - 1006 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human α2β2γ2S GABAA receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: FLIPR membrane potential blue assay

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

EC50 related to: human α2β2γ2S

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.65 μmol/l


Petersen, Jette G.; Bergmann, Rikke; Møller, Henriette A.; Jørgensen, Charlotte G.; Nielsen, Birgitte; Kehler, Jan; Frydenvang, Karla; Kristensen, Jesper; Balle, Thomas; Jensen, Anders A.; Kristiansen, Uffe; Frølund, Bente

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 3 p. 993 - 1006 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human α2β2γ2S GABAA receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: FLIPR membrane potential blue assay


molecular target: α2β2γ2S GABAA receptor; species of target: human


Petersen, Jette G.; Bergmann, Rikke; Møller, Henriette A.; Jørgensen, Charlotte G.; Nielsen, Birgitte; Kehler, Jan; Frydenvang, Karla; Kristensen, Jesper; Balle, Thomas; Jensen, Anders A.; Kristiansen, Uffe; Frølund, Bente

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 3 p. 993 - 1006 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human ρ1 GABAA receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: FLIPR membrane potential blue assay

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

EC50 related to: human ρ1 GABAA receptor

282 of 992

283 of 992

284 of 992

285 of 992

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.8 μmol/l


Petersen, Jette G.; Bergmann, Rikke; Møller, Henriette A.; Jørgensen, Charlotte G.; Nielsen, Birgitte; Kehler, Jan; Frydenvang, Karla; Kristensen, Jesper; Balle, Thomas; Jensen, Anders A.; Kristiansen, Uffe; Frølund, Bente

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 3 p. 993 - 1006 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human ρ1 GABAA receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: FLIPR membrane potential blue assay


molecular target: ρ1 GABAA receptor; species of target: human


Petersen, Jette G.; Bergmann, Rikke; Møller, Henriette A.; Jørgensen, Charlotte G.; Nielsen, Birgitte; Kehler, Jan; Frydenvang, Karla; Kristensen, Jesper; Balle, Thomas; Jensen, Anders A.; Kristiansen, Uffe; Frølund, Bente

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 3 p. 993 - 1006 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

forskolin-stimulated cAMP accumulation; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

embryonic kidney 293 /Cre-luc cells of human; genetically modified/infected with: human GABA-B1/B2/pIRES

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: GABAB receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.53 μmol/l


Han, Changho; Salyer, Amy E.; Kim, Eun Hoo; Jiang, Xinyi; Jarrard, Rachel E.; Powers, Matthew S.; Kirchhoff, Aaron M.; Salvador, Tolani K.; Chester, Julia A.; Hockerman, Gregory H.; Colby, David A.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 6 p. 2456 - 2465 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

forskolin-stimulated cAMP accumulation; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

embryonic kidney 293 /Cre-luc cells of human; genetically modified/infected with: human GABA-B1/B2/pIRES


molecular target: GABAB receptor; species of target: human


Han, Changho; Salyer, Amy E.; Kim, Eun Hoo; Jiang, Xinyi; Jarrard, Rachel E.; Powers, Matthew S.; Kirchhoff, Aaron M.; Salvador, Tolani K.; Chester, Julia A.; Hockerman, Gregory H.; Colby, David A.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 6 p. 2456 - 2465 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA201 cell of human; genetically modified/infected with: rat GABAA receptor subunits α1, β2, and γ2s

Method (Pharmacological

name of assay/method: whole-cell voltage-clamp method


286 of 992

287 of 992

288 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

2.3 μmol/l


Han, Changho; Salyer, Amy E.; Kim, Eun Hoo; Jiang, Xinyi; Jarrard, Rachel E.; Powers, Matthew S.; Kirchhoff, Aaron M.; Salvador, Tolani K.; Chester, Julia A.; Hockerman, Gregory H.; Colby, David A.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 6 p. 2456 - 2465 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA201 cell of human; genetically modified/infected with: rat GABAA receptor subunits α1, β2, and γ2s

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: whole-cell voltage-clamp method


molecular target: GABAA receptor; species of target: rat


Han, Changho; Salyer, Amy E.; Kim, Eun Hoo; Jiang, Xinyi; Jarrard, Rachel E.; Powers, Matthew S.; Kirchhoff, Aaron M.; Salvador, Tolani K.; Chester, Julia A.; Hockerman, Gregory H.; Colby, David A.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 6 p. 2456 - 2465 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; activation of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

CHO-K1 cells; genetically modified/infected with: GABAA receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: whole-cell patch-clamp assay

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

4 - 15 μmol/l


supporting information


Raster, Peter; Spaeth, Andreas; Bultakova, Svetlana; Gorostiza, Pau; Koenig, Burkhard; Bregestovski, Piotr

Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 9, p. 406 - 410 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; activation of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

CHO-K1 cells; genetically modified/infected with: GABAA receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: whole-cell patch-clamp assay


molecular target: GABAA receptor


supporting information Raster, Peter; Spaeth, Andreas; Bultakova, Svetlana; Gorostiza, Pau; Koenig, Burkhard; Bregestovski, Piotr


289 of 992

290 of 992

291 of 992

Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 9, p. 406 - 410 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α1 DNA and β1 DNA in pcDM8

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α1β1 GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

141 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α1 DNA and β2 DNA in pcDM8

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α1β2 GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

22 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α1 DNA and γ2L DNA in pcDM8 and β3 DNA in pGEMHE

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α1β3γ2L GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


292 of 992

293 of 992

294 of 992

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

156 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α1 DNA pcDM8 and β3 DNA in pGEMHE

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α1β3 GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

34.5 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α1 DNA, β1 DNA and γ2L DNA in pcDM8

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α1β1γ2L GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

259 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α1 DNA, β2 DNA and γ2L DNA in pcDM8

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α1β2γ2L GABAA receptors


295 of 992

296 of 992

297 of 992

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

107 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α2 DNA and β1 DNA in pcDM8

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α2β1 GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

45.4 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α2 DNA and β2 DNA in pcDM8

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α2β2 GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

56 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α2 DNA and γ2L DNA in pcDM8 and β3 DNA in pGEMHE

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Method (Pharmacological Data)

298 of 992

299 of 992

300 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α2β3γ2L GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

157 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α2 DNA pcDM8 and β3 DNA in pGEMHE

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α2β3 GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

89.7 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α2 DNA, β1 DNA and γ2L DNA in pcDM8

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α2β1γ2L GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

51.3 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


301 of 992

302 of 992

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α2 DNA, β2 DNA and γ2L DNA in pcDM8

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α2β2γ2L GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

131 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α3 DNA and β3 DNA in pGEMHE

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α3β3 GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

90.7 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α3 DNA and β3 DNA in pGEMHE, γ2L DNA in pcDM8

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α3β3γ2L GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

127 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

303 of 992

304 of 992

305 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α3 DNA in pGEMHE and β1 DNA in pcDM8

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α3β1 GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

268 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α3 DNA in pGEMHE and β2 DNA in pcDM8

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α3β2 GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

56.2 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α3 DNA in pGEMHE, β1 DNA and γ2L DNA in pcDM8

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α3β1γ2L GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

249 μmol/l

306 of 992

307 of 992

308 of 992


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α3 DNA in pGEMHE, β2 DNA and γ2L DNA in pcDM8

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α3β2γ2L GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

133 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α4 DNA in pcDNA1/Amp and β1 DNA in pcDM8

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α4β1 GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.72 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α4 DNA in pcDNA1/Amp and β2 DNA in pcDM8

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α4β2 GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological



309 of 992

310 of 992

311 of 992

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

2.29 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α4 DNA in pcDNA1/Amp and β3 DNA in pGEMHE

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α4β3 GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.41 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α4 DNA in pcDNA1/Amp, β1 DNA and γ2L DNA in pcDM8

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α4β1γ2L GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

80 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α4 DNA in pcDNA1/Amp, β2 DNA and γ2L DNA in pcDM8

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α4β2γ2L GABAA receptors

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

312 of 992

313 of 992

314 of 992

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

103 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α4 DNA in pcDNA1/Amp, β3 DNA in pGEMHE and γ2L DNA in pcDM8

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α4β3γ2L GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

127 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α5 DNA in pcDNA3 and β1 DNA in pcDM8

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α5β1 GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

41.8 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α5 DNA in pcDNA3 and β2 DNA in pcDM8


315 of 992

316 of 992

317 of 992

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α5β2 GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

23.6 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α5 DNA in pcDNA3 and β3 DNA in pGEMHE

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α5β3 GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

14.6 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α5 DNA in pcDNA3, β1 DNA and γ2L DNA in pcDM8

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α5β1γ2L GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

31.1 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



(Pharmacological Data)

318 of 992

319 of 992

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α5 DNA in pcDNA3, β2 DNA and γ2L DNA in pcDM8

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α5β2γ2L GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

41.1 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α5 DNA in pcDNA3, β3 DNA in pGEMHE and γ2L DNA in pcDM8

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α5β3γ2L GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

33.3 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α6 DNA and β1 DNA in pcDM8

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α6β1 GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

7.7 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect

320 of 992

321 of 992

322 of 992


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α6 DNA and β2 DNA in pcDM8

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α6β2 GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

2 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α6 DNA and γ2L DNA in pcDM8 and β3 DNA in pGEMHE

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α6β3γ2L GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

23.3 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α6 DNA pcDM8 and β3 DNA in pGEMHE

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α6β3 GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


323 of 992

324 of 992

325 of 992

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.7 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α6 DNA, β1 DNA and γ2L DNA in pcDM8

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α6β1γ2L GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

18 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

stage V-VI oocytes of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: human α6 DNA, β2 DNA and γ2L DNA in pcDM8

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: two-electrode voltage clamp

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human recombinant α6β2γ2L GABAA receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

25 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Karim, Nasiara; Wellendorph, Petrine; Absalom, Nathan; Johnston, Graham A. R.; Hanrahan, Jane R.; Chebib, Mary

Amino Acids, 2013 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1139 - 1149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

binding affinity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

not explicitly stated by authors

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: radioligand binding assay

Further Details (Pharmacological

IC50 related to: GABA (non selective) receptor


326 of 992

327 of 992

328 of 992

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

73 nmol/l


Veinberg, Grigory; Vorona, Maxim; Zvejniece, Liga; Vilskersts, Reinis; Vavers, Edijs; Liepinsh, Edvards; Kazoka, Helena; Belyakov, Sergey; Mishnev, Anatoly; Kuznecovs, Jevgenijs; Vikainis, Sergejs; Orlova, Natalja; Lebedev, Anton; Ponomaryov, Yuri; Dambrova, Maija

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 21, # 10 p. 2764 - 2771 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

binding affinity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

not explicitly stated by authors

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: radioligand binding assay


molecular target: GABA (non selective) receptor


Veinberg, Grigory; Vorona, Maxim; Zvejniece, Liga; Vilskersts, Reinis; Vavers, Edijs; Liepinsh, Edvards; Kazoka, Helena; Belyakov, Sergey; Mishnev, Anatoly; Kuznecovs, Jevgenijs; Vikainis, Sergejs; Orlova, Natalja; Lebedev, Anton; Ponomaryov, Yuri; Dambrova, Maija

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 21, # 10 p. 2764 - 2771 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

cerebral cortical membranes of rat

Method (Pharmacological Data)

labelled ligand: [35S]GTPγS; name of assay/method: [35S]GTPγS binding assay

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

activity determined in the presence of compound 10


molecular target: GABAB receptor; species of target: rat; concentration/time-dependent effect


Mugnaini, Claudia; Pedani, Valentina; Casu, Angelo; Lobina, Carla; Casti, Alberto; MacCioni, Paola; Porcu, Alessandra; Giunta, Daniela; Lamponi, Stefania; Solinas, Maurizio; Dragoni, Stefania; Valoti, Massimo; Colombo, Giancarlo; Castelli, Maria Paola; Gessa, Gian Luigi; Corelli, Federico

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 9 p. 3620 - 3635 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

cerebral cortical membranes of rat

Method (Pharmacological Data)

labelled ligand: [35S]GTPγS; name of assay/method: [35S]GTPγS binding assay

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

activity determined in the presence of compound 10; effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: GABAB receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.28 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect

329 of 992

330 of 992

331 of 992


Mugnaini, Claudia; Pedani, Valentina; Casu, Angelo; Lobina, Carla; Casti, Alberto; MacCioni, Paola; Porcu, Alessandra; Giunta, Daniela; Lamponi, Stefania; Solinas, Maurizio; Dragoni, Stefania; Valoti, Massimo; Colombo, Giancarlo; Castelli, Maria Paola; Gessa, Gian Luigi; Corelli, Federico

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 9 p. 3620 - 3635 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

cerebral cortical membranes of rat

Method (Pharmacological Data)

labelled ligand: [35S]GTPγS; name of assay/method: [35S]GTPγS binding assay

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

activity determined in the presence of compound 10; maximal stimulation (Emax); Emax related to: GABAB receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

60 percent


concentration/time-dependent effect


Mugnaini, Claudia; Pedani, Valentina; Casu, Angelo; Lobina, Carla; Casti, Alberto; MacCioni, Paola; Porcu, Alessandra; Giunta, Daniela; Lamponi, Stefania; Solinas, Maurizio; Dragoni, Stefania; Valoti, Massimo; Colombo, Giancarlo; Castelli, Maria Paola; Gessa, Gian Luigi; Corelli, Federico

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 9 p. 3620 - 3635 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

cerebral cortical membranes of rat

Method (Pharmacological Data)

labelled ligand: [35S]GTPγS; name of assay/method: [35S]GTPγS binding assay

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

activity determined in the presence of compound 11


molecular target: GABAB receptor; species of target: rat; concentration/time-dependent effect


Mugnaini, Claudia; Pedani, Valentina; Casu, Angelo; Lobina, Carla; Casti, Alberto; MacCioni, Paola; Porcu, Alessandra; Giunta, Daniela; Lamponi, Stefania; Solinas, Maurizio; Dragoni, Stefania; Valoti, Massimo; Colombo, Giancarlo; Castelli, Maria Paola; Gessa, Gian Luigi; Corelli, Federico

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 9 p. 3620 - 3635 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

cerebral cortical membranes of rat

Method (Pharmacological Data)

labelled ligand: [35S]GTPγS; name of assay/method: [35S]GTPγS binding assay

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

activity determined in the presence of compound 11; effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: GABAB receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological

1.11 μmol/l


332 of 992

333 of 992

334 of 992


concentration/time-dependent effect


Mugnaini, Claudia; Pedani, Valentina; Casu, Angelo; Lobina, Carla; Casti, Alberto; MacCioni, Paola; Porcu, Alessandra; Giunta, Daniela; Lamponi, Stefania; Solinas, Maurizio; Dragoni, Stefania; Valoti, Massimo; Colombo, Giancarlo; Castelli, Maria Paola; Gessa, Gian Luigi; Corelli, Federico

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 9 p. 3620 - 3635 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

cerebral cortical membranes of rat

Method (Pharmacological Data)

labelled ligand: [35S]GTPγS; name of assay/method: [35S]GTPγS binding assay

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

activity determined in the presence of compound 11; maximal stimulation (Emax); Emax related to: GABAB receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

51 percent


concentration/time-dependent effect


Mugnaini, Claudia; Pedani, Valentina; Casu, Angelo; Lobina, Carla; Casti, Alberto; MacCioni, Paola; Porcu, Alessandra; Giunta, Daniela; Lamponi, Stefania; Solinas, Maurizio; Dragoni, Stefania; Valoti, Massimo; Colombo, Giancarlo; Castelli, Maria Paola; Gessa, Gian Luigi; Corelli, Federico

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 9 p. 3620 - 3635 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

cerebral cortical membranes of rat

Method (Pharmacological Data)

labelled ligand: [35S]GTPγS; name of assay/method: [35S]GTPγS binding assay

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: GABAB receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

3.28 μmol/l


concentration/time-dependent effect


Mugnaini, Claudia; Pedani, Valentina; Casu, Angelo; Lobina, Carla; Casti, Alberto; MacCioni, Paola; Porcu, Alessandra; Giunta, Daniela; Lamponi, Stefania; Solinas, Maurizio; Dragoni, Stefania; Valoti, Massimo; Colombo, Giancarlo; Castelli, Maria Paola; Gessa, Gian Luigi; Corelli, Federico

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 9 p. 3620 - 3635 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

cerebral cortical membranes of rat

Method (Pharmacological

labelled ligand: [35S]GTPγS; name of assay/method: [35S]GTPγS binding assay


335 of 992

336 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

maximal stimulation (Emax); Emax related to: GABAB receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

45 percent


concentration/time-dependent effect


Mugnaini, Claudia; Pedani, Valentina; Casu, Angelo; Lobina, Carla; Casti, Alberto; MacCioni, Paola; Porcu, Alessandra; Giunta, Daniela; Lamponi, Stefania; Solinas, Maurizio; Dragoni, Stefania; Valoti, Massimo; Colombo, Giancarlo; Castelli, Maria Paola; Gessa, Gian Luigi; Corelli, Federico

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 9 p. 3620 - 3635 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

cerebral cortical membranes of rat

Method (Pharmacological Data)

labelled ligand: [35S]GTPγS; name of assay/method: [35S]GTPγS binding assay


molecular target: GABAB receptor; species of target: rat; concentration/time-dependent effect


Mugnaini, Claudia; Pedani, Valentina; Casu, Angelo; Lobina, Carla; Casti, Alberto; MacCioni, Paola; Porcu, Alessandra; Giunta, Daniela; Lamponi, Stefania; Solinas, Maurizio; Dragoni, Stefania; Valoti, Massimo; Colombo, Giancarlo; Castelli, Maria Paola; Gessa, Gian Luigi; Corelli, Federico

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 9 p. 3620 - 3635 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed



Patent: WO2013/112363 A1, 2013 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

337 of 992

338 of 992

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Vogensen, Stine B.; Marek, Ales; Bay, Tina; Wellendorph, Petrine; Kehler, Jan; Bundgaard, Christoffer; Frolund, Bente; Pedersen, Martin H. F.; Clausen, Rasmus P.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 20 p. 8201 - 8205 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed



Patent: WO2013/143843 A1, 2013 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

339 of 992

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Ligon, Brooke

Patent: US2013/252886 A1, 2013 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

340 of 992

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed

UCL BUSINESS PLC; Williams, Robin Simon Brooke; Walker, Matthew


Patent: US2013/303616 A1, 2013 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

341 of 992

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed



Patent: WO2013/177420 A2, 2013 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

342 of 992

343 of 992

344 of 992

345 of 992

346 of 992

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Hoestgaard-Jensen; O'Connor; Dalby; Simonsen; Finger; Golubeva; Hammer; Bergmann; Kristiansen; Krogsgaard-Larsen; BraeunerOsborne; Ebert; Frolund; Cryan; Jensen

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2013 , vol. 170, # 4 p. 919 - 932 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Chang, Chun-Ping; Wu, Chien-Huang; Song, Jen-Shin; Chou, Ming-Chen; Wong, Ying-Chieh; Lin, Yinchiu; Yeh, Teng-Kuang; Sadani, Amit A.; Ou, Ming-Hung; Chen, Kun-Hung; Chen, Pei-Hsuan; Kuo, Po-Chu; Tseng, Chen-Tso; Chang, Kuei-Hua; Tseng, Shi-Liang; Chao, YuSheng; Hung, Ming-Shiu; Shia, Kak-Shan

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 56, # 24 p. 9920 - 9933 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


May; Fleischer; Kletke; Haas; Sergeeva

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2013 , vol. 170, # 1 p. 222 - 232 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; activation of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus laevis; genetically modified/infected with: human α1β2γ2L GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

two-electrode voltage clamp assay


molecular target: human α1β2γ2L GABAA receptor


Savechenkov, Pavel Y.; Zhang, Xi; Chiara, David C.; Stewart, Deirdre S.; Ge, Rile; Zhou, Xiaojuan; Raines, Douglas E.; Cohen, Jonathan B.; Forman, Stuart A.; Miller, Keith W.; Bruzik, Karol S.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 55, # 14 p. 6554 - 6565 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; activation of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus laevis; genetically modified/infected with: human α1β2γ2L GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

two-electrode voltage clamp assay; Hill coefficient (HC); HC related to: α1β2γ2L GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Savechenkov, Pavel Y.; Zhang, Xi; Chiara, David C.; Stewart, Deirdre S.; Ge, Rile; Zhou, Xiaojuan; Raines, Douglas E.; Cohen, Jonathan B.; Forman, Stuart A.; Miller, Keith W.; Bruzik, Karol S.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 55, # 14 p. 6554 - 6565 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

347 of 992

348 of 992

349 of 992

350 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; activation of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus laevis; genetically modified/infected with: human α1β2γ2L GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

two-electrode voltage clamp assay; Imax related to: α1β2γ2L GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.9 percent


Savechenkov, Pavel Y.; Zhang, Xi; Chiara, David C.; Stewart, Deirdre S.; Ge, Rile; Zhou, Xiaojuan; Raines, Douglas E.; Cohen, Jonathan B.; Forman, Stuart A.; Miller, Keith W.; Bruzik, Karol S.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 55, # 14 p. 6554 - 6565 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; activation of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus laevis; genetically modified/infected with: human α1β2γ2L GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

two-electrode voltage clamp assay; effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: α1β2γ2L GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

46 μmol/l


Savechenkov, Pavel Y.; Zhang, Xi; Chiara, David C.; Stewart, Deirdre S.; Ge, Rile; Zhou, Xiaojuan; Raines, Douglas E.; Cohen, Jonathan B.; Forman, Stuart A.; Miller, Keith W.; Bruzik, Karol S.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 55, # 14 p. 6554 - 6565 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; activation of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus laevis; genetically modified/infected with: human α1β2γ2L GABAA receptor

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. incubated with 5-allyl-1-methyl-5-[3-(3-trifluoromethyl-3H-diazirin-3-yl)phenyl]pyrimidine-2,4,6-trione (8 μmol/l)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

two-electrode voltage clamp assay


molecular target: human α1β2γ2L GABAA receptor


Savechenkov, Pavel Y.; Zhang, Xi; Chiara, David C.; Stewart, Deirdre S.; Ge, Rile; Zhou, Xiaojuan; Raines, Douglas E.; Cohen, Jonathan B.; Forman, Stuart A.; Miller, Keith W.; Bruzik, Karol S.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 55, # 14 p. 6554 - 6565 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; activation of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological

oocyte of Xenopus laevis; genetically modified/infected with: human α1β2γ2L GABAA receptor


351 of 992

352 of 992

353 of 992

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. incubated with 5-allyl-1-methyl-5-[3-(3-trifluoromethyl-3H-diazirin-3-yl)phenyl]pyrimidine-2,4,6-trione (8 μmol/l)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

two-electrode voltage clamp assay; Hill coefficient (HC); HC related to: α1β2γ2L GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Savechenkov, Pavel Y.; Zhang, Xi; Chiara, David C.; Stewart, Deirdre S.; Ge, Rile; Zhou, Xiaojuan; Raines, Douglas E.; Cohen, Jonathan B.; Forman, Stuart A.; Miller, Keith W.; Bruzik, Karol S.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 55, # 14 p. 6554 - 6565 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; activation of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus laevis; genetically modified/infected with: human α1β2γ2L GABAA receptor

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. incubated with 5-allyl-1-methyl-5-[3-(3-trifluoromethyl-3H-diazirin-3-yl)phenyl]pyrimidine-2,4,6-trione (8 μmol/l)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

two-electrode voltage clamp assay; Imax related to: α1β2γ2L GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.2 percent


Savechenkov, Pavel Y.; Zhang, Xi; Chiara, David C.; Stewart, Deirdre S.; Ge, Rile; Zhou, Xiaojuan; Raines, Douglas E.; Cohen, Jonathan B.; Forman, Stuart A.; Miller, Keith W.; Bruzik, Karol S.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 55, # 14 p. 6554 - 6565 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; activation of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus laevis; genetically modified/infected with: human α1β2γ2L GABAA receptor

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. incubated with 5-allyl-1-methyl-5-[3-(3-trifluoromethyl-3H-diazirin-3-yl)phenyl]pyrimidine-2,4,6-trione (8 μmol/l)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

two-electrode voltage clamp assay; effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: α1β2γ2L GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

3.1 μmol/l


Savechenkov, Pavel Y.; Zhang, Xi; Chiara, David C.; Stewart, Deirdre S.; Ge, Rile; Zhou, Xiaojuan; Raines, Douglas E.; Cohen, Jonathan B.; Forman, Stuart A.; Miller, Keith W.; Bruzik, Karol S.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 55, # 14 p. 6554 - 6565 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; stimulation of

354 of 992

355 of 992

356 of 992

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus laevis; genetically modified/infected with: pGEMHE-Erwinia ligand-gated ion channel-human α7 nACh receptor signal sequence



Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

stage V - VI oocyte used; two-electrode voltage-clamp


molecular target: Erwinia ligand-gated ion channel


Thompson, Andrew J.; Alqazzaz, Mona; Ulens, Chris; Lummis, Sarah C.R.

Neuropharmacology, 2012 , vol. 63, # 4 p. 761 - 767 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; stimulation of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus laevis; genetically modified/infected with: pGEMHE-Erwinia ligand-gated ion channel-human α7 nACh receptor signal sequence



Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

stage V - VI oocyte used; two-electrode voltage-clamp; Hill coefficient (nH); nH related to: Erwinia ligand-gated ion channel

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Thompson, Andrew J.; Alqazzaz, Mona; Ulens, Chris; Lummis, Sarah C.R.

Neuropharmacology, 2012 , vol. 63, # 4 p. 761 - 767 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; stimulation of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus laevis; genetically modified/infected with: pGEMHE-Erwinia ligand-gated ion channel-human α7 nACh receptor signal sequence



Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

stage V - VI oocyte used; two-electrode voltage-clamp; effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: Erwinia ligand-gated ion channel

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.6 mmol/l


Thompson, Andrew J.; Alqazzaz, Mona; Ulens, Chris; Lummis, Sarah C.R.

Neuropharmacology, 2012 , vol. 63, # 4 p. 761 - 767 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

sixth abdominal ganglion cells of Periplaneta americana Linnaeus, American cockroach



Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: whole-cell patch-clamp analysis

Further Details

GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid

(Pharmacological Data)

357 of 992

358 of 992

359 of 992


molecular target: GABA receptor


Rahman, Mohammad Mostafizur; Akiyoshi, Yuki; Furutani, Shogo; Matsuda, Kazuhiko; Furuta, Kenjiro; Ikeda, Izumi; Ozoe, Yoshihisa

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 20, # 19 p. 5957 - 5964 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

sixth abdominal ganglion cells of Periplaneta americana Linnaeus, American cockroach



Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: whole-cell patch-clamp analysis

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; EC50 related to: GABA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

49.2 μmol/l


Rahman, Mohammad Mostafizur; Akiyoshi, Yuki; Furutani, Shogo; Matsuda, Kazuhiko; Furuta, Kenjiro; Ikeda, Izumi; Ozoe, Yoshihisa

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 20, # 19 p. 5957 - 5964 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

sixth abdominal ganglion cells of Periplaneta americana Linnaeus, American cockroach



Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: whole-cell patch-clamp analysis

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; in the presence of 4-[6-imino-3-(3-thienyl)pyridazin-1-yl]butanoic acid hydrochloride


molecular target: GABA receptor


Rahman, Mohammad Mostafizur; Akiyoshi, Yuki; Furutani, Shogo; Matsuda, Kazuhiko; Furuta, Kenjiro; Ikeda, Izumi; Ozoe, Yoshihisa

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 20, # 19 p. 5957 - 5964 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

sixth abdominal ganglion cells of Periplaneta americana Linnaeus, American cockroach



Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: whole-cell patch-clamp analysis

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; in the presence of 4-[6-imino-3-(3-thienyl)pyridazin-1-yl]butanoic acid hydrochloride; EC50 related to: GABA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


360 of 992

361 of 992

362 of 992

363 of 992

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

496 μmol/l


Rahman, Mohammad Mostafizur; Akiyoshi, Yuki; Furutani, Shogo; Matsuda, Kazuhiko; Furuta, Kenjiro; Ikeda, Izumi; Ozoe, Yoshihisa

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 20, # 19 p. 5957 - 5964 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

brain γ-aminobutyric acid aminotransferase of pig

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

49 mmol/l


Hawker, Dustin D.; Silverman, Richard B.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 20, # 19 p. 5763 - 5773 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

brain γ-aminobutyric acid aminotransferase of pig

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.3 mmol/l


Hawker, Dustin D.; Silverman, Richard B.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 20, # 19 p. 5763 - 5773 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

binding affinity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

not explicitly stated by authors

Method (Pharmacological Data)

labelled ligand: [3H]GABA

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Ki related to: GABA A receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

6.78E-9 mol/l


Hibi, Shigeki; Ueno, Koshi; Nagato, Satoshi; Kawano, Koki; Ito, Koichi; Norimine, Yoshihiko; Takenaka, Osamu; Hanada, Takahisa; Yonaga, Masahiro

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 55, # 23 p. 10584 - 10600 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

binding affinity

Species or TestSystem

not explicitly stated by authors

(Pharmacological Data)

364 of 992

365 of 992

366 of 992

Method (Pharmacological Data)

labelled ligand: [3H]GABA


molecular target: GABA A receptor


Hibi, Shigeki; Ueno, Koshi; Nagato, Satoshi; Kawano, Koki; Ito, Koichi; Norimine, Yoshihiko; Takenaka, Osamu; Hanada, Takahisa; Yonaga, Masahiro

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 55, # 23 p. 10584 - 10600 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transporter binding affinity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK cells; genetically modified/infected with: GABA transporter mGAT1 subtype

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l - 10 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand: [3H]GABA; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; IC50 related to: GABA transporter mGAT1 subtype

Type (Pharmacological Data)

log IC50

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Hack, Silke; Woerlein, Babette; Hoefner, Georg; Pabel, Joerg; Wanner, Klaus T.

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 46, # 5 p. 1483 - 1498 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transporter binding affinity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK cells; genetically modified/infected with: GABA transporter mGAT1 subtype

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l - 10 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand: [3H]GABA; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid


molecular target: GABA transporter mGAT1 subtype


Hack, Silke; Woerlein, Babette; Hoefner, Georg; Pabel, Joerg; Wanner, Klaus T.

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 46, # 5 p. 1483 - 1498 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transporter binding affinity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK cells; genetically modified/infected with: GABA transporter mGAT2 subtype

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l - 10 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand: [3H]GABA; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; IC50 related to: GABA transporter mGAT2 subtype

Type (Pharmacological Data)

log IC50

367 of 992

368 of 992

369 of 992

370 of 992

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Hack, Silke; Woerlein, Babette; Hoefner, Georg; Pabel, Joerg; Wanner, Klaus T.

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 46, # 5 p. 1483 - 1498 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transporter binding affinity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK cells; genetically modified/infected with: GABA transporter mGAT2 subtype

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l - 10 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand: [3H]GABA; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid


molecular target: GABA transporter mGAT2 subtype


Hack, Silke; Woerlein, Babette; Hoefner, Georg; Pabel, Joerg; Wanner, Klaus T.

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 46, # 5 p. 1483 - 1498 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transporter binding affinity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK cells; genetically modified/infected with: GABA transporter mGAT3 subtype

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l - 10 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand: [3H]GABA; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; IC50 related to: GABA transporter mGAT3 subtype

Type (Pharmacological Data)

log IC50

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Hack, Silke; Woerlein, Babette; Hoefner, Georg; Pabel, Joerg; Wanner, Klaus T.

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 46, # 5 p. 1483 - 1498 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transporter binding affinity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK cells; genetically modified/infected with: GABA transporter mGAT3 subtype

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l - 10 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand: [3H]GABA; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid


molecular target: GABA transporter mGAT3 subtype


Hack, Silke; Woerlein, Babette; Hoefner, Georg; Pabel, Joerg; Wanner, Klaus T.

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 46, # 5 p. 1483 - 1498 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transporter binding affinity

371 of 992

372 of 992

373 of 992

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK cells; genetically modified/infected with: GABA transporter mGAT4 subtype

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l - 10 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand: [3H]GABA; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; IC50 related to: GABA transporter mGAT4 subtype

Type (Pharmacological Data)

log IC50

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Hack, Silke; Woerlein, Babette; Hoefner, Georg; Pabel, Joerg; Wanner, Klaus T.

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 46, # 5 p. 1483 - 1498 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transporter binding affinity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK cells; genetically modified/infected with: GABA transporter mGAT4 subtype

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l - 10 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand: [3H]GABA; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid


molecular target: GABA transporter mGAT4 subtype


Hack, Silke; Woerlein, Babette; Hoefner, Georg; Pabel, Joerg; Wanner, Klaus T.

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 46, # 5 p. 1483 - 1498 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

neuron firing rate; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

main olfactory bulb slice of C57BL/6J mouse

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. was applied by bath perfusion

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

electrophysiology; whole cell patch-clamp recording; EC50 related to: mitral cell

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

28.8 μmol/l


Wang, Ze-Jun; Sun, Liqin; Jackson, Patrice L.; Scott, Kenneth R.; Heinbockel, Thomas

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2011 , vol. 336, # 3 p. 916 - 924 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

neuron firing rate; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

main olfactory bulb slice of C57BL/6J mouse

Kind of Dosing

title comp. was applied by bath perfusion; KRS-5Me-4-OCF3 (5 and 20 μmol/l)

(Pharmacological Data)

374 of 992

375 of 992

376 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

electrophysiology; whole cell patch-clamp recording; KRS-5Me-4-OCF3: 5-methyl-3-(4-trifluoromethoxy-phenylamino)-cyclohex-2-enone; EC50 related to: mitral cell

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

10.5 - 19.9 μmol/l


Wang, Ze-Jun; Sun, Liqin; Jackson, Patrice L.; Scott, Kenneth R.; Heinbockel, Thomas

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2011 , vol. 336, # 3 p. 916 - 924 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

hOCTN2 activity; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

kidney cells of Madin-Darby dog; genetically modified/infected with: hOCTN2

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

500 μmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

hOCTN2: human organic cation/carnitine transporter; LC-MS/MS


molecular target: hOCTN2


Diao, Lei; Polli, James E.

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2011 , vol. 100, # 9 p. 3802 - 3816 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

hOCTN2 activity; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

kidney cells of Madin-Darby dog; genetically modified/infected with: hOCTN2

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

500 μmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

hOCTN2: human organic cation/carnitine transporter; LC-MS/MS

Type (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition rate

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

92.1 percent


Diao, Lei; Polli, James E.

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2011 , vol. 100, # 9 p. 3802 - 3816 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

atopic dermatitis; suppression of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

NC/Nga mouse; pre-existing medical conditions: atopic dermatitis



Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

concentrations of title comp. are 0.1percent or 0.25percent g/d in food consumption

Further Details

PDP value is time- and concentration-dependent

(Pharmacological Data)

377 of 992

Type (Pharmacological Data)

auricular thickness

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.1639 - 0.2456 mm


Hokazono, Hideki; Omori, Toshiro; Ono, Kazuhisa

Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2010 , vol. 74, # 1 p. 135 - 139 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

brain tissue uptake

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

brain slices from cortical tissue of rat from line showing a tendency toward helplessness

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

buffer solution; title compound was radiolabeled

Method (Pharmacological Data)

EXAMPLE IThis example illustrates the correlation between reduced glutamate uptake and learned helplessness in rats.Brain slices from cortical tissue were removed from rats from a line showing a tendency toward helplessness (LH line) and rats from a line showing a tendency toward not becoming helpless (nLH line). N=5 in each line. The slices were placed on filters and exposed to a buffer with radioactive glutamate (GLU) or gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) at two temperatures, 0° C. and 37° C. The buffer solutions are pulled through the filters, and the counts for each filter are measured. The 0° counts represent non-specific binding and the 37° counts represent non-specific binding plus active transport, the difference between the two representing the amount of active transport. The data obtained is as follows:Glutamate nLH: GLU 580,855 cpm/mg LH: GLU 548,583 cpm/mg This shows nLH has 6percent more uptake or transport than the LH line suggesting that less glutamate uptake tends to be associated with helplessness. GABA: nLH: GABA 28,520 cpm/mg LH: GABA 30,621 cpm/mg This shows nLH has 7percent less GABA uptake and suggests a higher inhibitory tone is associated with helplessness.


GABA counts (cpm/mg) = 30621


Page/Page column 4-5


Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC

Patent: US2010/160300 A1, 2010 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

378 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

brain tissue uptake

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

brain slices from cortical tissue of rat from line showing a tendency toward not becoming helpless

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

buffer solution; title compound was radiolabeled

Method (Pharmacological Data)

EXAMPLE IThis example illustrates the correlation between reduced glutamate uptake and learned helplessness in rats.Brain slices from cortical tissue were removed from rats from a line showing a tendency toward helplessness (LH line) and rats from a line showing a tendency toward not becoming helpless (nLH line). N=5 in each line. The slices were placed on filters and exposed to a buffer with radioactive glutamate (GLU) or gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) at two temperatures, 0° C. and 37° C. The buffer solutions are pulled through the filters, and the counts for each filter are measured. The 0° counts represent non-specific binding and the 37° counts represent non-specific binding plus active transport, the difference between the two representing the amount of active transport. The data obtained is as follows:Glutamate nLH: GLU 580,855 cpm/mg LH: GLU 548,583 cpm/mg This shows nLH has 6percent more uptake or transport than the LH line suggesting that less glutamate uptake tends to be associated with helplessness. GABA: nLH: GABA 28,520 cpm/mg LH: GABA 30,621 cpm/mg This shows nLH has 7percent less GABA uptake and suggests a higher inhibitory tone is associated with helplessness.


GABA counts (cpm/mg) = 28520


Page/Page column 4-5


Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC

Patent: US2010/160300 A1, 2010 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

379 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

proline uptake; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

renal epithelial kidney cells of opossum


10 mmol/l

(Pharmacological Data)

380 of 992

381 of 992

382 of 992

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. administered as salt

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

L-proline uptake relative to [3H]-L-proline (100percent); confluent culture tested

Type (Pharmacological Data)

relative L-proline uptake

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

95 percent


Nickel; Klein; Weitz; Daniel

Amino Acids, 2010 , vol. 38, # 3 p. 753 - 761 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

inward current; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus laevis; genetically modified/infected with: RDL subunit cDNA subcloned into pRmHa3-RDL into oocyte expression vector pGEMHE

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

RDL: resistance to dieldrin; effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: RDL receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

19.3 μmol/l


McGonigle, Ian; Lummis, Sarah C. R.

Biochemistry, 2010 , vol. 49, # 13 p. 2897 - 2902 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

inward current; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus laevis; genetically modified/infected with: RDL subunit cDNA subcloned into pRmHa3-RDL into oocyte expression vector pGEMHE

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

RDL: resistance to dieldrin; effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: RDL receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)

log EC50

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

- 4.72


McGonigle, Ian; Lummis, Sarah C. R.

Biochemistry, 2010 , vol. 49, # 13 p. 2897 - 2902 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

inward current; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus laevis; genetically modified/infected with: RDL subunit cDNA subcloned into pRmHa3-RDL into oocyte expression vector pGEMHE

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

RDL: resistance to dieldrin; Hill coefficient (nH); nH related to: RDL receptor



(Pharmacological Data)

383 of 992

384 of 992

385 of 992

386 of 992

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



McGonigle, Ian; Lummis, Sarah C. R.

Biochemistry, 2010 , vol. 49, # 13 p. 2897 - 2902 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

inward current; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus laevis; genetically modified/infected with: RDL subunit cDNA subcloned into pRmHa3-RDL into oocyte expression vector pGEMHE

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

RDL: resistance to dieldrin


molecular target: RDL receptor


McGonigle, Ian; Lummis, Sarah C. R.

Biochemistry, 2010 , vol. 49, # 13 p. 2897 - 2902 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α1 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β2 subunit

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α1β2

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

7.4 μmol/l


Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α1 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β2 subunit


molecular target: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α1β2


Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α1 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β2 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor γ2s subunit

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α1β2γ2s

Type (Pharmacological Data)


387 of 992

388 of 992

389 of 992

390 of 992

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

42 μmol/l


Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α1 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β2 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor γ2s subunit


molecular target: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α1β2γ2s


Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α2 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β2 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor γ2s subunit

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α2β2γ2s

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

7.2 μmol/l


Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α2 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β2 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor γ2s subunit


molecular target: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α2β2γ2s


Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α2 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β3 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor γ2s subunit

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α2β3γ2s

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

3.5 μmol/l


Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

391 of 992

392 of 992

393 of 992

394 of 992

395 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α2 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β3 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor γ2s subunit


molecular target: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α2β3γ2s


Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α3 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β2 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor γ2s subunit

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α3β2γ2s

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

9.7 μmol/l


Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α3 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β2 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor γ2s subunit


molecular target: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α3β2γ2s


Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α3 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β3 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor γ2s subunit

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α3β3γ2s

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

4.6 μmol/l


Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


396 of 992

397 of 992

398 of 992

399 of 992

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α3 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β3 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor γ2s subunit


molecular target: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α3β2γ2s


Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α4 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β2 subunit

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α4β2

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.2 μmol/l


Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α4 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β2 subunit


molecular target: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α4β2


Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β3 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor γ2s subunit

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5β2γ2s

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.72 - 1.4 μmol/l


Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β3 subunit, human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor γ2s subunit


molecular target: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5β2γ2s

400 of 992

401 of 992

402 of 992

403 of 992

404 of 992


Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor ρ1

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor ρ1

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.64 μmol/l


Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor ρ1


molecular target: human γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor ρ1


Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5 subunit, γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β2 subunit

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5β2

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.7 μmol/l


Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5 subunit, γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β2 subunit


molecular target: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5β2


Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



(Pharmacological Data)

405 of 992

406 of 992

407 of 992

408 of 992

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5 T282A mutant subunit, γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β2 subunit, γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor γ2s subunit

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5 T282A mutant β2γ2s

Type (Pharmacological Data)

log EC50

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5 T282A mutant subunit, γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β2 subunit, γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor γ2s subunit


molecular target: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5 T282A mutant β2γ2s


Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5 T282S mutant subunit, γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β2 subunit, γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor γ2s subunit

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5 T282S mutant β2γ2s

Type (Pharmacological Data)

log EC50

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5 T282S mutant subunit, γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β2 subunit, γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor γ2s subunit


molecular target: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5 T282S mutant β2γ2s


Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5 T282F mutant subunit, γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β2 subunit, γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor γ2s subunit


409 of 992

410 of 992

411 of 992

412 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5 T282F mutant β2γ2s

Type (Pharmacological Data)

log EC50

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5 T282F mutant subunit, γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β2 subunit, γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor γ2s subunit


molecular target: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5 T282F mutant β2γ2s


Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5 subunit, γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β2 subunit, γaminobutyric acid type A receptor γ2s T282A mutant subunit

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5β2γ2s T282A mutant

Type (Pharmacological Data)

log EC50

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5 subunit, γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β2 subunit, γaminobutyric acid type A receptor γ2s T282A mutant subunit


molecular target: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5β2γ2s T282A mutant


Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5 subunit, γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β2 subunit, γaminobutyric acid type A receptor γ2s T282S mutant subunit

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5β2γ2s T282S mutant

log EC50

Type (Pharmacological Data)

413 of 992

414 of 992

415 of 992

416 of 992

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5 subunit, γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β2 subunit, γaminobutyric acid type A receptor γ2s T282S mutant subunit


molecular target: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5β2γ2s T282S mutant


Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5 subunit, γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β2 subunit, γaminobutyric acid type A receptor γ2s T282F mutant subunit

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5β2γ2s T282F mutant

Type (Pharmacological Data)

log EC50

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

tsA-201 cells; genetically modified/infected with: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5 subunit, γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor β2 subunit, γaminobutyric acid type A receptor γ2s T282F mutant subunit


molecular target: γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α5β2γ2s T282F mutant


Jensen, Anders A.; Bergmann, Marianne L.; Sander, Tommy; Balle, Thomas

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 13 p. 10141 - 10153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current; induction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis, African clawed frog; genetically modified/infected with: pcDNA3-MdGBCl plasmid

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte at stage V-VI tested; effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: MdGBCl channel

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological

160 μmol/l


417 of 992

418 of 992

419 of 992

420 of 992


Ozoe, Yoshihisa; Asahi, Miho; Ozoe, Fumiyo; Nakahira, Kunimitsu; Mita, Takeshi

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2010 , vol. 391, # 1 p. 744 - 749 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current; induction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis, African clawed frog; genetically modified/infected with: pcDNA3-MdGBCl plasmid

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte at stage V-VI tested


molecular target: MdGBCl channel


Ozoe, Yoshihisa; Asahi, Miho; Ozoe, Fumiyo; Nakahira, Kunimitsu; Mita, Takeshi

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2010 , vol. 391, # 1 p. 744 - 749 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current; induction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis, African clawed frog; genetically modified/infected with: cDNA encoded 2'(S299S) mutant of MdGBCl subunit

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte at stage V-VI tested; effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: A2'S-MdGBCl mutant channel

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

269 μmol/l


Ozoe, Yoshihisa; Asahi, Miho; Ozoe, Fumiyo; Nakahira, Kunimitsu; Mita, Takeshi

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2010 , vol. 391, # 1 p. 744 - 749 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current; induction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis, African clawed frog; genetically modified/infected with: cDNA encoded 2'(S299S) mutant of MdGBCl subunit

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte at stage V-VI tested


molecular target: A2'S-MdGBCl mutant channel


Ozoe, Yoshihisa; Asahi, Miho; Ozoe, Fumiyo; Nakahira, Kunimitsu; Mita, Takeshi

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2010 , vol. 391, # 1 p. 744 - 749 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

hPAT1-mediated peptide apical uptake; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Caco-2 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

30 mmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in Hanks's balanced salt solution buffer containing 0.05percent BSA, 10 mM 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulphonic acid and 10 mM 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulphonic acid, pH 6.0 radioligand: 13 nM L-[2,3,4,5-3H]-proline; hPAT1: human proton-coupled amino acid transporter 1 (SLC36A1)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Show next 20

421 of 992

422 of 992

423 of 992


molecular target: human proton-coupled amino acid transporter 1


Frolund; Marquez; Larsen; Brodin; Nielsen

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2010 , vol. 159, # 6 p. 1339 - 1353 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hide facts Effect (Pharmacological Data)

hPEPT1-mediated peptide apical uptake; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Caco-2 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 mmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in Hanks's balanced salt solution buffer containing 0.05percent BSA, 10 mM 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulphonic acid and 10 mM 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulphonic acid, pH 6.0

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand: 18 μM [glycine-1-14C]-glycylsarcosine; hPEPT1: human di/tri-peptide transporter 1 (SLC15A1)


no effect; insignificant effect(s) discussed


Frolund; Marquez; Larsen; Brodin; Nielsen

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2010 , vol. 159, # 6 p. 1339 - 1353 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

hPAT1-mediated peptide uptake; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cells; genetically modified/infected with: pSPORT1-hPAT1

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

30 mmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in sodium-free Hanks's balanced salt solution buffer containing 0.05percent BSA, 10 mM 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1piperazineethanesulphonic acid and 10 mM 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulphonic acid, pH 6.0

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand: 9 μM 4-[14C]-δ-aminolevulinic acid hydrochloride; hPAT1: human proton-coupled amino acid transporter 1 (SLC36A1)


molecular target: human proton-coupled amino acid transporter 1


Frolund; Marquez; Larsen; Brodin; Nielsen

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2010 , vol. 159, # 6 p. 1339 - 1353 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

basal cerebral blood flow; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

tpu: tissue perfusion unit; blood flow value is time-dependent; blood flow value for control is 11 tpu; mass of species: 250 - 350 g

Type (Pharmacological Data)

blood flow

424 of 992

425 of 992

426 of 992

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

9 - 11 tpu


Ho, W-Sv; Patel; Thompson; Roberts; Stuhr; Hillard

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2010 , vol. 160, # 3 p. 736 - 746 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

basal cerebral blood flow; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

tpu: tissue perfusion unit; blood flow value is time-dependent; blood flow value for control is 11 tpu; mass of species: 250 - 350 g


molecular target: rat cannabinoid receptor type 1


Ho, W-Sv; Patel; Thompson; Roberts; Stuhr; Hillard

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2010 , vol. 160, # 3 p. 736 - 746 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

arterial blood pressure; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

blood pressure value is time-dependent; blood pressure value for control is 93 mm Hg; mass of species: 250 - 350 g

Type (Pharmacological Data)

blood pressure

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

92 - 94 mm Hg


Ho, W-Sv; Patel; Thompson; Roberts; Stuhr; Hillard

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2010 , vol. 160, # 3 p. 736 - 746 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

arterial blood pressure; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

blood pressure value is time-dependent; blood pressure value for control is 93 mm Hg; mass of species: 250 - 350 g


molecular target: rat cannabinoid receptor type 1


Ho, W-Sv; Patel; Thompson; Roberts; Stuhr; Hillard

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2010 , vol. 160, # 3 p. 736 - 746 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

427 of 992

428 of 992

429 of 992

430 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

PrPres formation; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

neuroblastoma N2a cells of mouse; genetically modified/infected with: RML prion strain

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

PrPres: partially protease-resistant abnormal isoform of prion protein


no effect


Kimura, Tomohiro; Ishikawa, Kensuke; Sakasegawa, Yuji; Teruya, Kenta; Sata, Tetsutaro; Schaetzl, Hermann; Doh-ura, Katsumi

FEBS Letters, 2010 , vol. 584, # 6 p. 1193 - 1198 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α1 subunit of GABAA receptor, β3 subunit of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; two-electrode voltage clamp; effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: α1/β3 GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

4.6 μmol/l


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α1 subunit of GABAA receptor, β3 subunit of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; two-electrode voltage clamp; Hill coefficient related to: α1/β3 GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)

Hill coefficient

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α1 subunit of GABAA receptor, β3 subunit of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; two-electrode voltage clamp


molecular target: α1/β3 GABAA receptor


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

431 of 992

432 of 992

433 of 992

434 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α1subunit of GABAA receptor, β3 subunit of GABAA receptor, rat δ subunit of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; two-electrode voltage clamp; effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: α1/β3/δ GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

8.5 μmol/l


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α1subunit of GABAA receptor, β3 subunit of GABAA receptor, rat δ subunit of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; two-electrode voltage clamp; Hill coefficient related to: α1/β3/δ GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)

Hill coefficient

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α1subunit of GABAA receptor, β3 subunit of GABAA receptor, rat δ subunit of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; two-electrode voltage clamp


molecular target: α1/β3/δ GABAA receptor


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α6 subunit of GABAA receptor, β3 subunit of GABAA receptor, rat δ subunit of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; two-electrode voltage clamp; effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: α6/β3/δ GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological



435 of 992

436 of 992

437 of 992

438 of 992

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.11 μmol/l


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α6 subunit of GABAA receptor, β3 subunit of GABAA receptor, rat δ subunit of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; two-electrode voltage clamp; Hill coefficient related to: α6/β3/δ GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)

Hill coefficient

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α6 subunit of GABAA receptor, β3 subunit of GABAA receptor, rat δ subunit of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; two-electrode voltage clamp


molecular target: α6/β3/δ GABAA receptor


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α6 subunit of GABAA receptor, β3 subunit of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; two-electrode voltage clamp; effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: α6/β3 GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.05 μmol/l


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α6 subunit of GABAA receptor, β3 subunit of GABAA receptor


439 of 992

440 of 992

441 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; two-electrode voltage clamp; Hill coefficient related to: α6/β3 GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)

Hill coefficient

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α6 subunit of GABAA receptor, β3 subunit of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; two-electrode voltage clamp


molecular target: α6/β3 GABAA receptor


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α1 subunit of GABAA receptor, α6 subunit of GABAA receptor, β3 subunit of GABAA receptor, rat δ subunit of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; two-electrode voltage clamp; effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: α1/α6/β3/δ GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

2 μmol/l


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α1 subunit of GABAA receptor, α6 subunit of GABAA receptor, β3 subunit of GABAA receptor, rat δ subunit of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; two-electrode voltage clamp; Hill coefficient related to: α1/α6/β3/δ GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)

Hill coefficient

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

442 of 992

443 of 992

444 of 992

445 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α1 subunit of GABAA receptor, α6 subunit of GABAA receptor, β3 subunit of GABAA receptor, rat δ subunit of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; two-electrode voltage clamp


molecular target: α1/α6/β3/δ GABAA receptor


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α1-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, α6-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp; effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: β3-α1-δ/α6-β3 GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.36 - 0.65 μmol/l


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α1-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, α6-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp; Hill coefficient related to: β3-α1-δ/α6-β3 GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)

Hill coefficient

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α1-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, α6-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude for 1 mmol/l

Value of Type

138 nA

(Pharmacological Data)

446 of 992

447 of 992

448 of 992

449 of 992


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α1-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, α6-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude for 1 mmol/l in presence of THDOC

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1094 nA


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α1-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, α6-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp


molecular target: β3-α1-δ/α6-β3 GABAA receptor


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α6-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, α1-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp; effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: β3-α6-δ/α1-β3 GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

11.9 μmol/l


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α6-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, α1-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp; Hill coefficient related to:

450 of 992

451 of 992

452 of 992

453 of 992

(Pharmacological Data)

β3-α6-δ/α1-β3 GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)

Hill coefficient

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α6-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, α1-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude for 1 mmol/l

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

520 nA


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α6-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, α1-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude for 1 mmol/l in presence of THDOC

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

4500 nA


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α6-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, α1-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp


molecular target: β3-α6-δ/α1-β3 GABAA receptor


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological

current amplitude; increase of


454 of 992

455 of 992

456 of 992

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α1-β3-α6 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp


no effect


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α6-β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp; effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: α6-β3-α1/β3-δ GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

10.4 - 357 μmol/l


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α6-β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp; Hill coefficient related to: α6-β3-α1/β3-δ GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)

Hill coefficient

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α6-β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude for 1 mmol/l

457 of 992

458 of 992

459 of 992

460 of 992

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1069 nA


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α6-β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude for 1 mmol/l in presence of THDOC

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

2975 nA


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α6-β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp


molecular target: α6-β3-α1/β3-δ GABAA receptor


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α1-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-α6 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. administered in combination with THDOC (1 μmol/l)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp; effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: β3-α1-δ/β3-α6 GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

51 μmol/l


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or Test-

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α1-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-α6 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

System (Pharmacological Data)

461 of 992

462 of 992

463 of 992

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. administered in combination with THDOC (1 μmol/l)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp; Hill coefficient related to: β3-α1-δ/β3-α6 GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)

Hill coefficient

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α1-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-α6 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. administered in combination with THDOC (1 μmol/l)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp


molecular target: β3-α1-δ/β3-α6 GABAA receptor


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α1-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-α6 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp


no effect


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp

464 of 992

465 of 992

466 of 992


no effect


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α1-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; two-electrode voltage clamp


no effect


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; two-electrode voltage clamp; effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: β3-α1 GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

53 μmol/l


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; two-electrode voltage clamp; Hill coefficient related to: β3-α1 GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)

Hill coefficient

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

467 of 992

468 of 992

469 of 992

470 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude for 1 mmol/l

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

542 nA


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude for 1 mmol/l in presence THDOC

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

789 nA


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; two-electrode voltage clamp


molecular target: β3-α1 GABAA receptor


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α1-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

(Pharmacological Data)

471 of 992

472 of 992

473 of 992

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp


no effect


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α1-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. administered in combination with THDOC (1 μmol/l)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

110 nA


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α6-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; two-electrode voltage clamp; effective concentration (EC)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.24 μmol/l


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α6-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

474 of 992

475 of 992

476 of 992

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

Hill coefficient

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α6-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude for 1 mmol/l

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

7 nA


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α6-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude for 1 mmol/l in presence THDOC

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

184 nA


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α6 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

477 of 992

478 of 992

479 of 992

480 of 992

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; two-electrode voltage clamp


no effect


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α6-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp


no effect


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α1-β3-α6 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, rat δ subunit of GABAA receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; two-electrode voltage clamp


no effect


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α6-β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, rat δ subunit of GABAA receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; two-electrode voltage clamp


no effect


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

481 of 992

482 of 992

483 of 992

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α6-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp; effective concentration (EC)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

38 μmol/l


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α6-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

Hill coefficient

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α6-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude for 1 mmol/l

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1929 nA


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α6-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude for 1 mmol/l in presence of THDOC

484 of 992

485 of 992

486 of 992

487 of 992

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

4433 nA


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α6-δ-β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp; effective concentration (EC)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

49 μmol/l


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α6-δ-β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

Hill coefficient

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α6-δ-β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude for 1 mmol/l

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

8 nA


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

488 of 992

489 of 992

490 of 992

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α6-δ-β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude for 1 mmol/l in presence of THDOC

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

50 nA


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α1-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, α1-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp; effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: β3-α1-δ/α1-β3 GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

9.1 μmol/l


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α1-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, α1-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude for 1 mmol/l

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

190 nA


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α1-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, α1-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological

current amplitude for 1 mmol/l in presence of THDOC


491 of 992

492 of 992

493 of 992

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

250 nA


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α1-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, α1-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp


molecular target: β3-α1-δ/α1-β3 GABAA receptor


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α6-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, α6-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. administered in combination with THDOC (1 μmol/l)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp; effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: β3-α6-δ/α6-β3 GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 μmol/l


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α6-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, α6-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. administered in combination with THDOC (1 μmol/l)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude for 1 mmol/l

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

2090 nA


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

494 of 992

495 of 992

496 of 992

497 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α6-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, α6-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. administered in combination with THDOC (1 μmol/l)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp


molecular target: β3-α6-δ/α6-β3 GABAA receptor


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α1-β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp; effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: α1-β3-α1/β3-δ GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

8.3 μmol/l


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α1-β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude for 1 mmol/l in presence of THDOC

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

420 nA


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α1-β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp


molecular target: α1-β3-α1/β3-δ GABAA receptor

498 of 992

499 of 992

500 of 992

501 of 992


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α6-β3-α6 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. administered in combination with THDOC (1 μmol/l)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp; effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: α6-β3-α6/β3-δ GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.27 - 410 μmol/l


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α6-β3-α6 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. administered in combination with THDOC (1 μmol/l)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude for 1 mmol/l

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

450 nA


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α6-β3-α6 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. administered in combination with THDOC (1 μmol/l)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp


molecular target: α6-β3-α6/β3-δ GABAA receptor


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


current amplitude; increase of

(Pharmacological Data)

502 of 992

503 of 992

504 of 992

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-δ-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, α1-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp


no effect


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-δ-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, α6-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. administered in combination with THDOC (1 μmol/l)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp; effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: β3-δ-β3/α6-β3 GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.08 - 510 μmol/l


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-δ-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, α6-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. administered in combination with THDOC (1 μmol/l)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude for 1 mmol/l

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

350 nA


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-δ-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, α6-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor


505 of 992

506 of 992

507 of 992

508 of 992

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. administered in combination with THDOC (1 μmol/l)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp


molecular target: β3-δ-β3/α6-β3 GABAA receptor


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-δ-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude for 1 mmol/l

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

600 nA


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-δ-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude for 1 mmol/l in presence of THDOC

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

2000 nA


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-δ-β3 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-α6 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp


no effect


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


current amplitude; increase of

(Pharmacological Data)

509 of 992

510 of 992

511 of 992

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α1-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp; effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: β3-α1-δ/β3-α1 GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

219 μmol/l


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α1-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude for 1 mmol/l

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

220 nA


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α1-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude for 1 mmol/l in presence of THDOC

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1100 nA


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α1-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp

512 of 992

513 of 992

514 of 992

515 of 992


molecular target: β3-α1-δ/β3-α1 GABAA receptor


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: β3-α6-δ concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, β3-α6 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; rat δ subunit; two-electrode voltage clamp


no effect


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α1-β3-α1 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, rat δ subunit of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; two-electrode voltage clamp


no effect


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α6-β3-α6 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, rat δ subunit of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; two-electrode voltage clamp; effective concentration (EC); EC50 related to: α6-β3-α6/δ GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.36 μmol/l


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α6-β3-α6 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, rat δ subunit of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude for 1 mmol/l

516 of 992

517 of 992

518 of 992

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

160 nA


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α6-β3-α6 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, rat δ subunit of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; two-electrode voltage clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude for 1 mmol/l in presence of THDOC

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1340 nA


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current amplitude; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus; genetically modified/infected with: α6-β3-α6 concatenated subunits of GABAA receptor, rat δ subunit of GABAA receptor

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA: γ-aminobutyric acid, type A; THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one; two-electrode voltage clamp


molecular target: α6-β3-α6/δ GABAA receptor


Baur, Roland; Kaur, Kuldeep H.; Sigel, Erwin

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 23 p. 17398 - 17405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

cardiovascular parameters; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar-Kyoto rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.48 - 0.8 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in isotonic normal saline

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

for untreated rats: MSAP = 115 mm Hg, HR = 370 beats/min and dP/dtmax = 8401 mm Hg/s; mass of species: 250 - 300 g; mean systemic arterial pressure (MSAP)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

99 - 105 mm Hg


Wang, Jyh-Jye; Wang, Hui-Yun; Shih, Cheng-Dean

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 58, # 13 p. 7940 - 7948

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

519 of 992

520 of 992

521 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

cardiovascular parameters; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar-Kyoto rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.48 - 0.8 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in isotonic normal saline

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

for untreated rats: MSAP = 115 mm Hg, HR = 370 beats/min and dP/dtmax = 8401 mm Hg/s; mass of species: 250 - 300 g; heart rate (HR)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

353 - 361 beats/min


Wang, Jyh-Jye; Wang, Hui-Yun; Shih, Cheng-Dean

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 58, # 13 p. 7940 - 7948 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

cardiovascular parameters; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar-Kyoto rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.48 - 0.8 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in isotonic normal saline

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

for untreated rats: MSAP = 115 mm Hg, HR = 370 beats/min and dP/dtmax = 8401 mm Hg/s; mass of species: 250 - 300 g

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

8312 - 8327 mm Hg/s


Wang, Jyh-Jye; Wang, Hui-Yun; Shih, Cheng-Dean

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 58, # 13 p. 7940 - 7948 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

cardiovascular parameters; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar-Kyoto rat; pre-existing medical conditions: hypertensive



Route of Application


522 of 992

523 of 992

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.48 - 0.8 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in isotonic normal saline

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

for untreated rats: MSAP = 167 mm Hg, HR = 357 beats/min and dP/dtmax = 11682 mm Hg/s; mass of species: 250 - 300 g; mean systemic arterial pressure (MSAP)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

143 - 152 mm Hg


Wang, Jyh-Jye; Wang, Hui-Yun; Shih, Cheng-Dean

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 58, # 13 p. 7940 - 7948 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

cardiovascular parameters; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar-Kyoto rat; pre-existing medical conditions: hypertensive



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.48 - 0.8 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in isotonic normal saline

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

for untreated rats: MSAP = 167 mm Hg, HR = 357 beats/min and dP/dtmax = 11682 mm Hg/s; mass of species: 250 - 300 g; heart rate (HR)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

347 - 351 beats/min


Wang, Jyh-Jye; Wang, Hui-Yun; Shih, Cheng-Dean

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 58, # 13 p. 7940 - 7948 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

cardiovascular parameters; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar-Kyoto rat; pre-existing medical conditions: hypertensive



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.48 - 0.8 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in isotonic normal saline

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

for untreated rats: MSAP = 167 mm Hg, HR = 357 beats/min and dP/dtmax = 11682 mm Hg/s; mass of species: 250 - 300 g

Type (Pharmacological



524 of 992

525 of 992

526 of 992

527 of 992

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

11581 - 11598 mm Hg/s


Wang, Jyh-Jye; Wang, Hui-Yun; Shih, Cheng-Dean

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 58, # 13 p. 7940 - 7948 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase/vascular adhesion protein-1 of human

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

peroxidase coupled continuous assay

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

> 1000000 μmol/l


Bonaiuto, Emanuela; Lunelli, Michele; Scarpa, Marina; Vettor, Roberto; Milan, Gabriella; Di Paolo, Maria Luisa

Biochimie, 2010 , vol. 92, # 7 p. 858 - 868 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

protein binding

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Atu2422 periplasmic binding protein

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

isothermal titration calorimetry; dissociation constant (Kd)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

2.4 μmol/l


Planamente, Sara; Vigouroux, Armelle; Mondy, Samuel; Nicaise, Magali; Faure, Denis; Morera, Solange

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 39 p. 30294 - 30303 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

protein binding

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Atu2422 periplasmic binding protein

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

isothermal titration calorimetry


molecular target: Atu2422 periplasmic binding protein


Planamente, Sara; Vigouroux, Armelle; Mondy, Samuel; Nicaise, Magali; Faure, Denis; Morera, Solange

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 39 p. 30294 - 30303 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

L-[3H]-proline uptake; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological

Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58; genetically modified/infected with: Atu2422 periplasmic binding protein


528 of 992

529 of 992

530 of 992

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

rapid filtration method; defective mutant of species that does not produce wild-type Atu2422 periplasmic binding protein


no effect


Planamente, Sara; Vigouroux, Armelle; Mondy, Samuel; Nicaise, Magali; Faure, Denis; Morera, Solange

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 39 p. 30294 - 30303 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

L-[3H]-proline uptake; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58; genetically modified/infected with: Atu2422-F77A periplasmic binding protein

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

rapid filtration method; defective mutant of species that does not produce wild-type Atu2422 periplasmic binding protein


no effect


Planamente, Sara; Vigouroux, Armelle; Mondy, Samuel; Nicaise, Magali; Faure, Denis; Morera, Solange

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 285, # 39 p. 30294 - 30303 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

creatine uptake; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

primary hippocampal neurons of Wistar rat

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

E18 embryos


no effect; insignificant effect(s) discussed


Dodd, Joanna R.; Birch, Nigel P.; Waldvogel, Henry J.; Christie, David L.

Journal of Neurochemistry, 2010 , vol. 115, # 3 p. 684 - 693 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

[125I]BnOPh-GHB Binding; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

cerebral cortical membranes of Sprague-Dawley rat



Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GHB: γ-hydroxybutyric acid; inhibitory concentration (IC); IC50 related to: GHB binding site

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

> 1 mmol/l


Wellendorph, Petrine; Hog, Signe; Sabbatini, Paola; Pedersen, Martin H. F.; Martiny, Lars; Knudsen, Gitte M.; Frolund, Bente; Clausen, Rasmus P.; Braeuner-Osborne, Hans

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2010 , vol. 335, # 2 p. 458 - 464

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

531 of 992

532 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

growth; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

seeds of Lepidium sativum L., cress

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.0001 - 0.01 mol/l

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

cress radicle growth test (24 h, 25 °C, dark); volume administered: 500 μl


no effect


Tin, Wai Wai Thet; Hayashi, Hisayoshi; Otomatsu, Toshihiko; Hirose, Katsutoshi; Hasegawa, Koji; Shigemori, Hideyuki

Heterocycles, 2009 , vol. 78, # 10 p. 2439 - 2442 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

osmotically-driven burst of oocytes; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

aquaporin 4 (AQP4) expressing oocytes

Method (Pharmacological Data)

The composition of the library for initial AQP channel screening included various channel, transporter and receptor blocking compounds based on intuition and from clues regarding clinical side effects that involved water transporting tissues. In a simple screen (Fig. 5), control and AQP4-expressing oocytes were preincubated in isotonic saline (100 mM NaCl; 5 mM MgCl2; 5 mM HEPES, pH 7.3; -200 mOsm) containing the test compound for 10-15 min before each experiment; then the time to oocyte bursting (physical explosion) after transfer to 100 mOsm saline was monitored visually. In the absence of a blocking compound, osmotically-driven water influx led to rapid swelling and bursting. Block was evident in the increased time required for bursting in hypotonic saline. Control oocytes, adapted for a freshwater environment and lacking AQPs, show no detectable swelling at 10 min or more.Figure 5 shows the effects of agents on time-to-burst for AQP4 expressing oocytes. Of more than 30 compounds screened by the inventors, 100 μM bumetanide was one of four compounds that significantly delayed bursting time in AQP4- expressing oocytes. AQP4 (also known as the 'mercury-insensitive water channel') showed no effect of HgCl2 These data show that significant APQ4 block resulted from treatment with swelling results from direct interaction with the AQP4 channel. The direct action of bumetanide on AQP4 was unambiguously demonstrated through site-directed mutagenesis studies which impaired the ability of bumetanide to block the AQP4 mutant but for which the rate of water flux was not altered. Noteworthy in these mutagenesis sites is their location at or near the intracellular surface of AQP4.In addition to bumetanide, other classic loop diuretic drugs, such as furosemide and torsemide, were tested and found to vary significantly in their ability to block AQP4. In AQP4-expressing oocytes (Fig. 6 a-d), furosemide was less EPO effective then bumetanlde In blocking the swelling rate when administered in the normal extracellular fashion. Based on the site directed mutagenesis results, experiments were designed to test the proposed intracellular binding site for these agents. The observation that bumetanide and, in particular, furosemide exhibit improved block at lower concentrations, (Fig. 6 ef), support our hypothesis that the putative binding site for these agents is on or near the intracellular side of the AQP4 channel. Moreover, this result revealed

the importance of the 3-(sulfamoyl)benzoic acid scaffold, which is common to both furosemide and bumetanide, as a key pharmacophore element for AQP4 blocking agents.Consistent with this finding is the finding that torsemide, which is dissimilar to bumetanide and furosemide, had no blocking effect on swelling in AQP4- expressing oocytes at concentrations up to 1 niM. Moreover,

values reported for these loop diuretics against the Na-K-Cl cotransporter (NKCCl) in cells differs from the values and trends observed in these AQP4 experiments. For example, furosemide exhibits a half-maximal blocking concentration (IC50) of 23 μM and the IC50 for bumetanide is 0.33 μM measured in a mouse kidney collecting duct cell line (Glanville et al., 2001), while the IC50 for torsemide measured in perfused kidney ascending loops of Henle is 0.3μM, (Greger, 1988). Thus, the inventors concluded that the contribution of endogenous volume regulatory responses is small in oocytes heterologously expressing abundant AQP4.Fig. 6 presents a quantitative analyses of block in AQP4-expressing oocytes by bumetanide and related loop-diuretic compounds, (a) Dose-dependent block by extracellular bumetanide, and similar block at 100 μM by furosemide. (b) Absence of block by torsemide at concentrations up to 1 mM. (c) Corresponding summary histogram showing n values (below x-axis) and statistical significance, (d) Structures EPO of t IC&50


Page/Page column 14; 35-37; 3/6

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


FLYNN, Gary, A.; YOOL, Andrea, J.; MIGLIATI, Elton, Rodrigues; RITTER, Leslie, S.

Patent: WO2008/52190 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

533 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

protein binding affinity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

monoclonal mouse anti-GABA antibody

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

5 μmol/l - 50 mmol/l

Kind of Dosing

Title compound dissolved in PBS containing 3percent BSA

(Pharmacological Data)

534 of 992

535 of 992

536 of 992

537 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; PBS: phosphate buffered saline; BSA: bovine serum albumin


molecular target: monoclonal anti-GABA antibody


Wang, Tingting; Muthuswamy, Jit

Analytical Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 80, # 22 p. 8576 - 8582 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte current; stimulation of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus laevis; genetically modified/infected with: rat α1β2 GABAA receptor



Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

EC50 related to: GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

10.0 μmol/l


Jansen, Michaela; Rabe, Holger; Strehle, Axelle; Dieler, Sandra; Debus, Fabian; Dannhardt, Gerd; Akabas, Myles H.; Lueddens, Hartmut

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 51, # 15 p. 4430 - 4448 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte current; stimulation of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus laevis; genetically modified/infected with: rat α1β2 GABAA receptor




molecular target: GABAA receptor


Jansen, Michaela; Rabe, Holger; Strehle, Axelle; Dieler, Sandra; Debus, Fabian; Dannhardt, Gerd; Akabas, Myles H.; Lueddens, Hartmut

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 51, # 15 p. 4430 - 4448 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte current; stimulation of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus laevis; genetically modified/infected with: rat α1F64Cβ2 GABAA receptor mutant




molecular target: GABAA receptor


Jansen, Michaela; Rabe, Holger; Strehle, Axelle; Dieler, Sandra; Debus, Fabian; Dannhardt, Gerd; Akabas, Myles H.; Lueddens, Hartmut

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 51, # 15 p. 4430 - 4448 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte current; stimulation of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus laevis; genetically modified/infected with: rat α1S68Cβ2 GABAA receptor mutant




molecular target: GABAA receptor

538 of 992

539 of 992

540 of 992


Jansen, Michaela; Rabe, Holger; Strehle, Axelle; Dieler, Sandra; Debus, Fabian; Dannhardt, Gerd; Akabas, Myles H.; Lueddens, Hartmut

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 51, # 15 p. 4430 - 4448 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte current; stimulation of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus laevis; genetically modified/infected with: rat α1S68Cβ2 GABAA receptor mutant



Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

EC50 related to: GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

6.5 μmol/l


Jansen, Michaela; Rabe, Holger; Strehle, Axelle; Dieler, Sandra; Debus, Fabian; Dannhardt, Gerd; Akabas, Myles H.; Lueddens, Hartmut

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 51, # 15 p. 4430 - 4448 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte current; stimulation of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte of Xenopus laevis; genetically modified/infected with: rat α1F64Cβ2 GABAA receptor mutant



Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

EC50 related to: GABAA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

430 μmol/l


Jansen, Michaela; Rabe, Holger; Strehle, Axelle; Dieler, Sandra; Debus, Fabian; Dannhardt, Gerd; Akabas, Myles H.; Lueddens, Hartmut

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 51, # 15 p. 4430 - 4448 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 - 500 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

administered daily for 10 or 60 days

Method (Pharmacological Data)

nephrectomized rats received title comp.; body weight, water intake evaluated; serum urea nitrogen, Cr, Ccr determined; urinary protein excretion determined by sulfosalicylic acid method; kidneys subjected to histopathological analyses

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Cr: creatinine; Ccr: creatinine clearance

541 of 992

542 of 992

543 of 992


title comp. sign. improved body weight; decreased serum urea nitrogen, Cr, urinary protein levels at 60 d; no effect on Ccr; sign. inhibited fibril formation in renal cortex at 10 d, glomerular atrophy at 10 and 60 d, tubular atrophy at 60 d (figures)


Sasaki, Sumiyo; Tohda, Chihiro; Kim, Mujo; Yokozawa, Takako

Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2007 , vol. 30, # 4 p. 687 - 691 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

protein expression; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 - 500 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

administered daily for 10 or 60 days

Method (Pharmacological Data)

nephrectomized rats received title comp.; kidney excised; frozen sections assessed for expression of TGF-β, fibronectin with immunohistochemical analysis

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

TGF: transforming growth factor


title comp. sign. inhibited TGF-β expression in tubuli, but not in glomeruli, at 10 d; dose-dependently inhibited fibronectin expression in tubuli, but not in glomeruli, at 60 d (figures)


Sasaki, Sumiyo; Tohda, Chihiro; Kim, Mujo; Yokozawa, Takako

Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2007 , vol. 30, # 4 p. 687 - 691 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding; modulation of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

cerebellar membranes of Wistar rat



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

30 nmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

membranes incubated with 1 nM <3H>EBOB and HBAO or ALLO in presence of title comp. for 2 h at 25 deg C; after filtration, radioactivity counted by scintillation spectrometry

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

EBOB: ethynylbicycloorthobenzoate; HBAO: (20R)-17β-(1-hydroxy-2,3-butadienyl)-5α-androstane-3α-ol; ALLO: allopregnanolone; for nonspecific binding, 50 μM picrotoxinin applied


title comp. displaced <3H>EBOB binding to 79.0percent and resulted in biphasic displacement curve of HBAO shifted to right; fig.


Maksay; Fodor; Biro; Avlonitis; Calogeropoulou

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2007 , vol. 151, # 7 p. 1078 - 1086 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

antihypertensive, other

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

SHR/Izm rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.33 - 3.3 mg/kg

544 of 992

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in distilled water

Method (Pharmacological Data)

single dose of title comp. given to test animals after 14-h fasting; systolic blood pressure and heart rate measured by tail-cuff method at time intervals up to 24 h after administration

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: distilled water


title comp. decreased systolic blood pressure at 3-8 h following administration; fig.


Yamakoshi, Jun; Fukuda, Satoshi; Satoh, Takuya; Tsuji, Ryouhei; Saito, Makoto; Obata, Akio; Matsuyama, Asahi; Kikuchi, Mamoru; Kawasaki, Terukazu

Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2007 , vol. 71, # 1 p. 165 - 173 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

H. pylori growth; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

ATCC43504 (HP 43504) of Helicobacter pylori

Method (Pharmacological Data)

Effect of Short-Chain Fatty Acids on Inhibiting HP Growth Various concentrations of test compounds were used to examine their effect on the growth of HP 43504 and HP 238. The aqueous solutions of tested compounds used in this experiment comprised 4-phenylbutyrate (4-PB), 2-phenylbutyrate (2-PB), butyrate, gama-aminobutyric acid (GABA), 2-aminobutyric acid (2-AB),2, 4-diaminobutyric acid (2,4-DAB) and sodium valproate (Valproate). HP 43504 and the clinically isolated strain HP 238 were used for testing their susceptibility to various compounds in disc diffusion assays. After 2 days' pre-culture in CDC agar plates (Becton Dickinson, Cockeysville, Md., USA), HP 43504 or HP 238 was suspended in a Brucella broth (BBL, Cockeysville, Md., USA) containing 5percent sucrose to adjust its clone density at 1.x.108CFU/ml. Then 100 μl of the bacterial suspension was inoculated evenly onto a CDC agar (Becton Dickinson, Cockeysville, Md., USA) or Brucella agar plate (supplemented with 10percent horse serum) to allow growth to form bacterial lawns. The paper discs, 8 mm in diameter, (from Toyo Roshi Kaisha) containing 40 μl of each test compound were applied to the agar plates. The agar plates were later transferred to a microaerobic jar to incubate at 37° C. The diameter (mm) of each inhibition zone (disc diffusion zone) that indicates zones of bacterium nongrowth was measured 48 hours later, as indicated by the number for each compound in Table 1. The results are shown in Table 1. The median PB dose recommended for ornithine transcarbamylase-deficient patients is 352 mg/kg/day, and no side effects related to therapy were observed. Therefore, we chose biologically available and safe concentrations of 5 to 100 mg/ml for 4-PB and related compounds in the present experiments. The results indicate that 4-PB and 2-PB, compared to other compounds, have much larger disc diffusion diameters in both HP 43504 and HP 238 lawns, indicating that they have much better anti-HP activity. The paper discs treated with 4-PB solutions of 25 to 100 mg/ml showed anti-HP activity. Therefore, a gradient of concentration that is below 25 to 50 mg/ml might be still effective in inhibiting HP growth. In considering biological availability, for example, when a 60-kg subject takes 21,120 mg (352 mg/kg x 60 kg) of 4-PB in 100 ml distilled water by two divided fractions, the expected local concentration in the gastric lumen would be 50 to 200 mg/ml, which would be enough to inhibit HP proliferation based on the present findings. Butyric acid is also a member of the HDAC inhibitors, and is classified as the short-chain fatty acid class, and was shown to have a bactericidal effect on HP. Sodium butyrate was used in the present experiment. However, its disc diffusion capacity was much smaller than 4-PB or 2-PB for both HP strains in the present studies. The three other short-chain fatty acids (GABA, 2-AB, 2,4-DAB) that have a similar structural backbone to that of butyrate, 4-PB and 2-PB have no obvious anti-HP activity, since there is no clear zone outside the paper disc even at a higher concentration (100 mg/ml). Therefore, anti-HP activity does not seem to be a general phenomenon for shortchain fatty acids with butyric backbone. Valproate, an HDAC inhibitor, is the drug of choice for primary generalized epilepsy and partial seizures. However, Valproate has dose-related side effects including nausea, vomiting, tremor, sedation, confusion or irritability, hair loss or curling of hair, endocrine effects (insulin resistance, anovulatory cycles, amenorrhea, and polycystic ovary syndrome) and weight gain. Patients with an underlying urea cycle disorder may suffer from fatal encephalopathy from acute hyperammonemia. The most serious idiosyncratic effect is hepatotoxicity, mainly in patients younger than 2 years old and with polytherapy. Therefore, much consideration is required when prescribing Valproate, and its usual recommended dose is 2040 mg/kg/day. The tested


Title compound concentration: 100 mg/ml. The diameter (mm) of each inhibition zone (disc diffusion zone) that indicates zones of bacterium non-growth was measured 48 hours later: 8 (CDC agar plate); 8 (Brucella agar plate).


Page/Page column 4-5



Patent: US2007/21508 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

545 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

H. pylori growth; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HP 238 of Helicobacter pylori

Method (Pharmacological Data)

Effect of Short-Chain Fatty Acids on Inhibiting HP Growth Various concentrations of test compounds were used to examine their effect on the growth of HP 43504 and HP 238. The aqueous solutions of tested compounds used in this experiment comprised 4-phenylbutyrate (4-PB), 2-phenylbutyrate (2-PB), butyrate, gama-aminobutyric acid (GABA), 2-aminobutyric acid (2-AB),2, 4-diaminobutyric acid (2,4-DAB) and sodium valproate (Valproate). HP 43504 and the clinically isolated strain HP 238 were used for testing their susceptibility to various compounds in disc diffusion assays. After 2 days' pre-culture in CDC agar plates (Becton Dickinson, Cockeysville, Md., USA), HP 43504 or HP 238 was suspended in a Brucella broth (BBL, Cockeysville, Md., USA) containing 5percent sucrose to adjust its clone density at 1.x.108CFU/ml. Then 100 μl of the bacterial suspension was inoculated evenly onto a CDC agar (Becton Dickinson, Cockeysville, Md., USA) or Brucella agar plate (supplemented with 10percent horse serum) to allow growth to form bacterial lawns. The paper discs, 8 mm in diameter, (from Toyo Roshi Kaisha) containing 40 μl of each test compound were applied to the agar plates. The agar plates were later transferred to a microaerobic jar to incubate at 37° C. The diameter (mm) of each inhibition zone (disc diffusion zone) that indicates zones of bacterium nongrowth was measured 48 hours later, as indicated by the number for each compound in Table 1. The results are shown in Table 1. The median PB dose recommended for ornithine transcarbamylase-deficient patients is 352 mg/kg/day, and no side effects related to therapy were observed. Therefore, we chose biologically available and safe concentrations of 5 to 100 mg/ml for 4-PB and related compounds in the present experiments. The results indicate that

4-PB and 2-PB, compared to other compounds, have much larger disc diffusion diameters in both HP 43504 and HP 238 lawns, indicating that they have much better anti-HP activity. The paper discs treated with 4-PB solutions of 25 to 100 mg/ml showed anti-HP activity. Therefore, a gradient of concentration that is below 25 to 50 mg/ml might be still effective in inhibiting HP growth. In considering biological availability, for example, when a 60-kg subject takes 21,120 mg (352 mg/kg x 60 kg) of 4-PB in 100 ml distilled water by two divided fractions, the expected local concentration in the gastric lumen would be 50 to 200 mg/ml, which would be enough to inhibit HP proliferation based on the present findings. Butyric acid is also a member of the HDAC inhibitors, and is classified as the short-chain fatty acid class, and was shown to have a bactericidal effect on HP. Sodium butyrate was used in the present experiment. However, its disc diffusion capacity was much smaller than 4-PB or 2-PB for both HP strains in the present studies. The three other short-chain fatty acids (GABA, 2-AB, 2,4-DAB) that have a similar structural backbone to that of butyrate, 4-PB and 2-PB have no obvious anti-HP activity, since there is no clear zone outside the paper disc even at a higher concentration (100 mg/ml). Therefore, anti-HP activity does not seem to be a general phenomenon for shortchain fatty acids with butyric backbone. Valproate, an HDAC inhibitor, is the drug of choice for primary generalized epilepsy and partial seizures. However, Valproate has dose-related side effects including nausea, vomiting, tremor, sedation, confusion or irritability, hair loss or curling of hair, endocrine effects (insulin resistance, anovulatory cycles, amenorrhea, and polycystic ovary syndrome) and weight gain. Patients with an underlying urea cycle disorder may suffer from fatal encephalopathy from acute hyperammonemia. The most serious idiosyncratic effect is hepatotoxicity, mainly in patients younger than 2 years old and with polytherapy. Therefore, much consideration is required when prescribing Valproate, and its usual recommended dose is 2040 mg/kg/day. The tested Results

Title compound concentration: 100 mg/ml. The diameter (mm) of each inhibition zone (disc diffusion zone) that indicates zones of bacterium non-growth was measured 48 hours later: 8 (CDC agar plate); 8 (Brucella agar plate).


Page/Page column 4-5



Patent: US2007/21508 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

546 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

interleukin-6 secretion in the skin keratinocyte after ultraviolet illumination; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

ceratinocye cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

effect on interleukin-6 secretion in the skin keratinocyte after ultraviolet illumination>In order to examine an effect of the lactic acid bacteria culture of mung bean containing mung bean extract and GABA, which was obtained in the embodiment 2, on secretion of interleukin-6 (IL-6) related to anti.not. inflammatory and hyperimmune reactions, a following test was conducted.First, 5 x 104 cells/well of ceratinocye (HaCaT, ATCC, USA) were seeded in the 24well plates. On the next day, the culture medium was2 removed, 500 μJL of PBS was added, 25 mJ/cm UVB was illuminated and then thePBS was removed. Then, the lactic acid bacteria culture of mung bean of the embodiment 2 was included in amounts of 0.01percent (pGB 0.01) and 0.1percent (pGB 0.1), respectively, and GABA was included as comparative material in amounts of 0.01percent (GB 0.01) and 0.1percent (GB 0.1), respectively. Then, they were put into the culture medium to which WY14643 200 μM whose anti-inflammatory effect was proved was added as a positive control group and then cultured for 24 EPO ΔΔhours.After that, in order to measure a decrease amount of IL-6, CytElisa Human IL-6 ELISA kit (USA) was used. The test was conducted as follows, according to a method provided from the maker. 100 μi of culture solution after the culturing for 24 hours was extracted and divided in 96-well plates. Then, 25 μi of anti-interleukin-6 was put in the plates which were then sealed with a plate sealer. Then, it was reacted at the room temperature for 3 hours and then washed with PBS five times. Then, goat anti-rabbit alkaline phosphatase was pun in each plate which was again sealed. Then, it was reacted at the room temperature for 45 minutes. After that, a color generating reagent was divided therein in an amount of 200 μi, respectively. Then, it was reacted at the room temperature until there occurred a color change. When there occurred the color change, a reaction terminating solution was divided in an amount of 50 μi, respectively. Then, the absorbency was measured at 490 nm to measure the content of IL-6. A result thereof is shown in Fig. 6. In Fig. 6, (-) is a group in which only vehicle was treated after the ultraviolet illumination, normal is a state before the ultraviolet illumination and the others are groups to which the materials were treated after the ultraviolet illumination, as described above.As shown in Fig. 6, when the lactic acid bacteria culture of mung bean of the embodiment 2 was treated, it was obtained an IL-6 decreasing effect higher than WY14643 which exhibits a typical anti-inflammatory effect in proportional to the concentration. In addition, it was obtained the IL-6 decreasing effect higher than the GABA standard material. Accordingly, it was confirmed the excellent anti-inflammatory effect of the lactic acid bacteria culture of mung bean containing the mung bean extract and GABA.


it was obtained an IL-6 decreasing effect; figure is given


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Patent: WO2007/7989 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

547 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

uptake into cells

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

embryonic kidney HEK-TREx-GAT2 cells of human

Method (Pharmacological Data)

Example 9 GABA Competition Assay with HEK-TREx-GAT2 Cells FIG. 2 depicts the results of a competition experiment using HEK-TREx-GAT2 cells. 3H-GABA was used as the substrate and unlabeled GABA was used as the competitor. The competition experiment was performed as described above. Non-specific uptake was determined by measuring the uptake into cells not induced to express the transporter ("no tet"). FIG. 2 demonstrates that in cells induced to express GAT2, the uptake of labeled GABA decreased as the concentration of unlabeled GABA increased. In control cells, uptake of labeled GABA remained at background levels and was largely unaffected by an excess of unlabeled GABA.


in cells induced to express GAT2, the uptake of labeled GABA decreased as the concentration of title compound increased; in control cells, uptake of labeled GABA remained at background levels and was largely unaffected by an excess of title compound; figure is given


Page/Page column 3; 16; sheet 2/2


XenoPort, Inc.

Patent: US2007/86950 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

548 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

hGAT2-expressing cells; affinity to

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

embryonic kidney HEK-TREx-hGAT2 cells of human

Method (Pharmacological Data)

Example 10 Competition and Direct Uptake Assays with HEK-TREx-hGAT2 Cells Using GABA The competition and direct uptake assays described in Examples 7 and 8 were used to test hGAT2 substrates. For each substrate, a dose-response graph and specific uptake graph into HEK-TREx-GAT2 cells induced (+TET) or uninduced (no TET) to express hGAT2 was prepared. A summary of the affinity value for GABA to hGAT2-expressing cells is provided in Table 5; Example 7 hGAT2 Competition Uptake Assay A modified competition uptake assay can be developed to determine the ability of a test compound(s) to inhibit the uptake of radiolabeled substrates into HEK-TREx-hGAT2 cells induced to over-express hGAT2. The results can be stated as affinities (IC50). The competition uptake assay is prepared as follows: Compounds are prepared for assay by diluting a 100 mM stock concentration (in DMSO) to the appropriate working concentration. Typically, seven-point dose response curves are prepared starting at a final assay concentration of 1 mM and carrying out three-fold dilutions. These dilutions are prepared by making a working "compound" plate that contains a 2.x. solution of the desired starting concentration of each test compound in duplicate in row A of a v-bottom microtiter plate. Six 3-fold serial dilutions (from row B to G) are made into the HBSS assay buffer (9.8 g/L Hank's Balance Salts (Sigma; H-1387), 2.6 g/L HEPES (10 mM), (Sigma; H-3375), 0.35 g/L NaHCO3 (4.2 mM) (Sigma; S-6297)), pH to 7.4 with 5N NaOH) with the appropriate amount of DMSO so that the DMSO concentration remains constant at all dilutions. The resulting "compound" plate contains serial dilutions of six compounds in duplicate. The final row (H) of the assay plate is filled with HBSS buffer alone (H1-H6) or 10 mM unlabeled GABA in HBSS(H7H12) to measure the total or non-specific uptake, respectively. 3H-GABA is diluted into HBSS buffer to a final concentration of 4,000 cpm/μl. Sufficient solution is prepared to allow addition of 25 μl/well (the final concentration is 100,000 cpm/well). HEK-TREx-hGAT2 cells, plated in 96-well plates and treated with 2 mM butyrate and tetracycline (or the tet analog, deoxycycline), are removed from the CO2 incubator. Growth media is removed from the cells, and the cells are washed twice in room temperature HBSS (100 μl/well/wash) using a 96-well plate washer (Bio Tek ELX405). Alternatively, cells are washed manually with equivalent volumes using a multichannel pipettor. Immediately before beginning the assay, the final 100 μl wash solution is removed from the cells by aspiration. Using a 96-well pipettor, 25 μl from the "compound" plate is added to each well of the cell plate. The assay is started by adding 25 μl of the 3H-GABA working solution. The plate is incubated at room temperature for 15 minutes. The assay is stopped by washing the cells four times with ice-cold HBSS buffer using a ELX405 plate washer (100 μl buffer/well/wash) having an angled buffer dispenser. Scintillation fluid (200 μl) (Optiphase Supermix (Perkin Elmer) is added to each well, and the plate is covered with a 96-well adhesive plate cover and placed on a shaker for 10 minutes. The plates are counted on a 96-well plate scintillation counter for 60 sec/well. The data are analyzed using a sigmoidal dose response curve-fitting program (Prism, GraphPad, Inc, San Diego, Calif.; equation: one-site competition). Example 8 hGAT2 Direct Uptake Assay A modified direct uptake assay is developed to determine the ability of test compounds to be transported into HEK-TREx cells induced to over-express hGAT2. Four concentrations (bracketing the affinity as measured by competition assays) per compound are routinely tested. Non-specific uptake is determined by measuring the uptake into cells not induced to express the transporter ("no tet"). The direct uptake assays ar

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

13 μmol/l


Page/Page column 15-16


XenoPort, Inc.

Patent: US2007/86950 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

549 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

neuronal differentiation of cells; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

neural stem cells (hNSCs) of human

Method (Pharmacological Data)

FIG. 1 is a dose-response curve of the effect of GABA (squares) on the differentiation of cultured human neural stem cells (hNSCs) along a neuronal lineage. Background media values are subtracted and data is normalized with respect to a neuronal positive control (circles). GABA promoted neuronal differentiation, with an EC50 value of 5.46 μM compared to an EC50 for the positive neuronal control of 5.97 μM.; Example 1; Effect on Neuronal and Astrocyte Differentiation of Human Neural Stem Sells; Human neural stem cells (hNSCs) were isolated and grown in monolayer culture, plated, treated with varying concentrations of the GABA modulators GABA and Baclofen and stained with TUJ-1 (neurons) and GFAP (astrocytes) antibodies, as described in U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/697,905 (incorporated by reference). Mitogen-free test media with a positive control for neuronal differentiation, mitogen-free test media with 50 ng/ml BMP-2, 50 ng/ml LIF and 0.5percent FBS served as a positive control for astrocyte differentiation, and basal media without growth factors served as a negative control. Immunohistochemistry was carried out as described in U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/697,905. GABA and Baclofen caused a significant enhancement in the differentiation of hNSCs along a neuronal lineage, as shown in FIGS. 1 (GABA) and 2 (baclofen), and did not exhibit a significant effect on astrocyte differentiation, as shown in FIGS. 3 (GABA) and 4 (baclofen).

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

5.46 μmol/l


title compound promoted significant neuronal differentiation of hNSCs in a concentration-dependent manner; figure given


Page/Page column 3; 42; sheet 1


BrainCells, Inc.

Patent: US2007/112017 A1, 2007 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

550 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

astrocyte differentiation of cells; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

neural stem cells (hNSCs) of human

Method (Pharmacological Data)

Example 1; Effect on Neuronal and Astrocyte Differentiation of Human Neural Stem Sells; Human neural stem cells (hNSCs) were isolated and grown in monolayer culture, plated, treated with varying concentrations of the GABA modulators GABA and Baclofen and stained with TUJ-1 (neurons) and GFAP (astrocytes) antibodies, as described in U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/697,905 (incorporated by reference). Mitogen-free test media with a positive control for neuronal differentiation, mitogen-free test media with 50 ng/ml BMP-2, 50 ng/ml LIF and 0.5percent FBS served as a positive control for astrocyte differentiation, and basal media without growth factors served as a negative control. Immunohistochemistry was carried out as described in U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/697,905. GABA and Baclofen caused a significant enhancement in the differentiation of hNSCs along a neuronal lineage, as shown in FIGS. 1 (GABA) and 2 (baclofen), and did not exhibit a significant effect on astrocyte differentiation, as shown in FIGS. 3 (GABA) and 4 (baclofen).


Page/Page column 42; sheet 3

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


BrainCells, Inc.

Patent: US2007/112017 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

551 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

neural stem cells (hNSCs) of human

Method (Pharmacological Data)

Example 2; Toxicity of GABA Modulators on Human Neural Stem Sells; Experiments were carried out as described in Example 1, except that the positive control contained basal media only, and cells were stained with nuclear dye (Hoechst 33342). GABA and baclofen did not exhibit significant toxicity on hNSCs at concentrations up to 100 μM. Results are shown in FIG. 5.


Page/Page column 42; sheet 5

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


BrainCells, Inc.

Patent: US2007/112017 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

552 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

cell proliferation; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

neural stem cells (hNSCs) of human

Method (Pharmacological Data)

FIG. 6 is time-response curve showing the effect of 1 μM (diamonds), 10 μM (squares), and 30 μM (triangles) concentrations of GABA on the growth of individual neurospheres comprising human neural stem cells (hNSCs) as a function of time. Results are shown as a percent increase over the basal neurosphere size. Negative control (*) is basal media without compound, and positive control (X) is basal media with a known proliferative agent. GABA had a positive effect on cell proliferation.


title compound (1 - 30 μmol/l) caused a positive effect on cell proliferation in a concentration-dependent manner; figure given


Page/Page column 3; sheet 6


BrainCells, Inc.

Patent: US2007/112017 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

553 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

plasmin activity; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

plasmin of human


EXAMPLE 3 Plasmin Activity in Additive-Containing Buffers In this study, the reconstituted acidified plasmin solution (10 mg/ml in 0.9percent NaCl solution)

(Pharmacological Data)

and the buffered plasmin compositions containing selected additives, formulated according to the procedure of Example 1, were used. An amount of 50 μl of each of the buffered plasmin compositions was added to a 1.5 ml sample of PBS buffer (pH of about 7.4). The sample was stored at 37° C. Aliquots of the sample were collected at time 0, 1, 3, and 5 hours following addition of plasmin, and analyzed for plasmin activity by chromogenic assay using the plasmin substrate S-2251. S-2251 is a short peptide substrate for plasmin (H-D-Val-L-Leu-L-Lys-p-nitroaniline dihydrochloride, available from ChromogenixInstrumentation Laboratory SpA, Milano, Italy). Plasmin hydrolyzes this substrate between the lysine residue and the p-nitroaniline moiety. The method determines the activity of plasmin based on the difference in absorbance (optical density) between the p-nitroaniline formed and the original substrate. The rate of p-nitroaniline formation; i.e., the increase in absorbance per second at wavelength of 405 nm, is proportional to the enzymatic activity of plasmin, and is conveniently measured with a photometer. The following list shows various additives and additive combinations tested: 40 mM tranexamic acid, 40 mM ε-aminocaproic acid ("ε-ACA"), 40 mM ε-ACA+0.1 M arginine, 40 mM ε-ACA+25percent (by weight) glycerine, 40 mM ε-ACA+0.5percent (by weight) gelatin, 40 mM ε-ACA+1percent (by weight) gelatin, 40 mM ε-ACA+0.4percent (by weight) HSA, 40 mM ε-ACA+4percent (by weight) HSA, 40 mM εACA+4percent (by weight) HSA+1percent (by weight) gelatin, 40 mM ε-ACA+0.05percent (by weight) polysorbate 80, 0.4 M γ-aminobutyric acid, 0.5 M Lornithine hydrochloride, and 0.5 M glycylglycine. The results (as represented by activity relative to initial activity), shown in FIGS. 2-5, indicate that plasmin activity decays more slowly when it was reconstituted in compositions containing additives. The results of the wide range of additives tested indicate that many other combinations of the disclosed additives can provide a similar positive effect. It should be noted that alternate chromogenic substrates for plasmin also may be used to determine its enzymatic activity, such as S-2390 (H-D-Val-L-Phe-L-Lys-p-nitroaniline dihydrochloride) or S-2403 (L-Pyroglutamyl-L-PheL-Lys-p-nitroaniline dihydrochloride); both are available from Chromogenix-Instrumentation Laboratory SpA, Milano, Italy.


results indicate that plasmin activity decays more slowly when it was reconstituted in a composition containing 0.4 M title compound; the results of the wide range of additives tested indicate that many other combinations of the disclosed additives can provide a similar positive effect; figure is given


Page/Page column 3; 10; Sheet 5


Jani, Dharmendra M.; Kwok, Kai; McIntire, Gregory L.; Pfeffer, Bruce A.; Shafiee, Afshin; Shi, Ruiwen; Venkatesh, Srini; Wang, Hongna; Huang, Yan; Davio, Stephen R.

Patent: US2007/134231 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

554 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

γ-aminobutyric acid aminotransferase (GABA-AT) from pig brain

Method (Pharmacological Data)

The substrate kinetic constants Km and kcat for the three tetrazoles (5-7) were determined by Hanes and Woolf plots, as known in the literature. (Woolf, B., cited by Haldane, J. B. S.; Stem, K. G. Algemeine Chemie der Enzyme; Steinkopf: Dresden, 1932; pp 119-120; Hanes, C. S. Biochem. J. 1932, 26, 14061421.) Compound 6, containing three methylene groups, has the highest kcai/Km value, indicating that 6 is the most efficient GABA-AT substrate with the optimal carbon chain length (Table 2).; Example 22Substrate activities of 2-7. Potential substrates 2-7 of varying concentrations (1-5 mM) were incubated with GABA-AT (17.1 μM, 5-7 IL) at 25 0C in 50 mM potassium pyrophosphate buffer, pH 8.5, containing 2 mM β-mercaptoethanol and 2.9 mM [5-14C]2ketoglutarate (0.1 mCi/mmol) in a total volume of 100 μL. After incubation (48 h for the preliminary test, 1 h for determination of kinetic constants), the mixture was quenched with trichloroacetic acid. The resulting [14C]glutamate was isolated by cation-exchange chromatography, and the DPM (disintegration per minute) value was measured. Controls consisted of the entire incubation mixture with substrates omitted. The substrate kinetic constants kcat and Km were determined by the method of Hanes and Woolf, as referenced above.


kinetic constants Km = 2.4 mmol/l, kcat = 49 min-1; as reference


Page/Page column 8; 19



Patent: WO2007/35964 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

555 of 992

556 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar neonatal rat primary cultured osteoblasts

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

osteoblasts cultured for up to 14 days in presence or absence of D-glucose or mannitol, then incubated with <3H>title comp. for 20 min at 37 deg C; radioactivity determined by liquid scintillation spectrometry


title comp. accumulation significantly increased in presence of D-glucose, from day 7 to 14 accumulation not changed


Fujimori, Sayumi; Osawa, Masato; Iemata, Mika; Hinoi, Eiichi; Yoneda, Yukio

Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2006 , vol. 29, # 2 p. 297 - 301 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transport; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological

human ATP-binding cassette ABCG2 transporter


557 of 992

558 of 992

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

Sf9 cells expressing human ABCG2; plasma membrane vesicles; incubation with 200 μmol/l <3',5',7'-3H>MTX, 1 mmol/l ATP and title comp. at 37 deg C for 20 min; inhibition of <3H>MTX incorporation into vesicles; radioactivity counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Sf: insect Spodoptera frugiperda; ABCG2: ATP-binding cassette transporter; MTX: methotrexate; assay buffer (mmol/l): 250 sucrose, 10 Tris-Hepes, pH 7.4, 10 MgCl2, 10 creatine phosphate, and 100 μg/ml creatine kinase

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Saito, Hikaru; Hirano, Hiroyuki; Nakagawa, Hiroshi; Fukami, Takeaki; Oosumi, Keisuke; Murakami, Kaori; Kimura, Hiroko; Kouchi, Takayuki; Konomi, Mami; Tao, Eriko; Tsujikawa, Noboru; Tarui, Shigeki; Nagakura, Makoto; Osumi, Masako; Ishikawa, Toshihisa

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2006 , vol. 317, # 3 p. 1114 - 1124 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current induction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat cerebellar granule cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 100 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in water

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; title comp. applied every 2 min to generate inward currents in cells; currents recorded at 7 d and 11 d at room temp.

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

3.1 - 12.2 μmol/l


EC50 values for title comp. decreased from 12.2 μmol/l at 7 d to 3.1 μmol/l at 11 d


Yamashita, Megumi; Marszalec, William; Yeh, Jay Z.; Narahashi, Toshio

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2006 , vol. 319, # 1 p. 431 - 438 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current induction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

CHO ells bearing α6β2δ GABAA receptor

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in water

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; title comp. applied every 2 min to generate inward currents in cells; currents recorded at room temp.

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.24 μmol/l


Yamashita, Megumi; Marszalec, William; Yeh, Jay Z.; Narahashi, Toshio

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2006 , vol. 319, # 1 p. 431 - 438 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

559 of 992

560 of 992

561 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current induction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

CHO cells bearing α6β3δ GABAA receptor

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in water

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; title comp. applied every 2 min to generate inward currents in cells; currents recorded at room temp.

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.41 μmol/l


Yamashita, Megumi; Marszalec, William; Yeh, Jay Z.; Narahashi, Toshio

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2006 , vol. 319, # 1 p. 431 - 438 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current induction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

CHO cells bearing δ4β2δ GABAA receptor

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in water

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; title comp. applied every 2 min to generate inward currents in cells; currents recorded at room temp.

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.67 μmol/l


Yamashita, Megumi; Marszalec, William; Yeh, Jay Z.; Narahashi, Toshio

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2006 , vol. 319, # 1 p. 431 - 438 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

spontaneously hypertensive rat brain


male and female

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

50 nmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

14C-labeled title comp. was used (0.4 μCi/ml)

Method (Pharmacological Data)

test system perfused with 14C-labeled title comp.; CSF, regional brain samples along with lateral ventricles choroids plexus sampled; radioactivity determined in a liquid scintillation β-counter; volume of distribution (Vd) determined

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

results compared with normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats; SHR: spontaneously hypertensive rats; CSF: cerebrospinal fluid; regional brain samples: cortex, diencephalon, cerebellum, and brain stem


title comp. Vd was significantly greater in SHR compared to that in WKY rats, ranging from 3.4-fold increase in CSF, through 15.3-fold increase in cerebellum up to 19.4-fold increase in cerebral cortex and 6.2-fold in brain stem; diagrams

562 of 992

563 of 992

564 of 992


Al-Awadi; Pavlik; Al-Sarraf

Life Sciences, 2006 , vol. 79, # 9 p. 847 - 853 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

spontaneously hypertensive rat brain


male and female

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

50 nmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

14C-labeled title comp. was used (0.4 μCi/ml)

Method (Pharmacological Data)

test system perfused with 14C-labeled title comp.; venous outflows sampled; radioactivity determined in a liquid scintillation β-counter; t1/2 calculated

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

results compared with normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats; SHR: spontaneously hypertensive rats; reference: 14C-labelled sucrose


early stage t1/2 of title comp. in SHR (5.35 min) was ca. 3 times faster than that in WKY rats (14.83 min); later stage t1/2 of title comp. in SHR (27.58 min) was not significantly different from that for WKY rats (29.14 min); diagrams


Al-Awadi; Pavlik; Al-Sarraf

Life Sciences, 2006 , vol. 79, # 9 p. 847 - 853 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

spontaneously hypertensive rat

Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.004 - 5 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. administered as infusion in borate buffer

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats administered with various concentrations of title comp.; 5 min later, plasma and several brain region samples obtained; title comp. concentration determined using HPLC

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

results compared with normotensive Wistar Kyoto rats; brain regions: choroid plexus, cerebral cortex, diencephalon, brainstem, cerebellum, and brain homogenate


title comp. concentration was higher in cerebral cortex; no significant difference found between spontaneously hypertensive rats and Wistar Kyoto rats at all administered doses; table


Al-Awadi; Pavlik; Al-Sarraf

Life Sciences, 2006 , vol. 79, # 9 p. 847 - 853 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

spontaneously hypertensive rat

Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.004 - 5 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing

title comp. administered as infusion in borate buffer

(Pharmacological Data)

565 of 992

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats administered with various concentrations of title comp.; 5 min later, cerebrospinal fluid samples obtained; title comp. concentration determined using HPLC

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

results compared with normotensive Wistar Kyoto rats


title comp. concentration increased in CSF with increasing doses; no significant difference found between spontaneously hypertensive rats and Wistar Kyoto rats at all administered doses; table


Al-Awadi; Pavlik; Al-Sarraf

Life Sciences, 2006 , vol. 79, # 9 p. 847 - 853 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)


Route of Application


Method (Pharmacological Data)

In Vivo Pharmacological Properties of Formulations Containing Batch B. Batch C, and Batch D[0084] The capsules of Example 6 and 7 can be predicted to have the properties shown in the following table when used in humans. The table also shows comparable properties for a 600 mg single dose of reference immediate-release (IR) gabapentin in humans. Delayed dissolution in laboratory experiments can be used to predict delayed dissolution in vivo. These simulated numbers reflect the physical properties demonstrated in dissolution studies shown in Example 5 and Figures 1 and 2. EPO Table 6. Pharmacokinetic Properties of Three Phase Sustained Release Formulation*Contribution to Cmax from IR component.Control data are actual data from clinical observations; other data are predicted (simulated) values, and are composites for the designated mixtures of IR, SR and DR in each case; simulations are for a 375 mg dose.


Cmax = 4-5 mcg/ml, Tmax = 2-5 h


Page/Page column 28-29



Patent: WO2006/78811 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

566 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

gcvT5'-UTR transcription termination; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

gcvT5'-UTR of Bacillus subtilis

Method (Pharmacological Data)

Figure 9 shows single-round in vitro transcription of the gcvT 5'-UTR from B. subtilis in the presence of glycine, L-alanine, L-serine, and various glycine analogs. Figure 9A shows the effect of ribonucleoside triphosphate (rNTP) concentrations on the yields of terminated versus full length RNA transcripts in single-round transcription reactions. Transcription assays were performed using a method adapted from that described earlier (Edelstein, Annu. Rev. Biochem. 44, 209 (1975)). DNA templates were generated by PCR with a primer sequence f5'-CAGCCTATGC AAGAGATT AGAATCTTGATATAATTTATTACAAGATGAATAATATAAGAAAAATCTG: SEQ ID NO: 12) which carries a promoter sequence (underlined) from the xpt-pbuX operon from B. subtilis (Mandal et al., Cell 113, 577 (2003)). DNA templates encompassing nucleotides -406 to +7 relative to the translation start site for the gcvT operon in B. subtilis were used. Transcription assays included 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0 at 23°C), 20 mM NaCl, 14 mM MgCI2, 0.1 mM EDTA, 0.01 mg/niL BSA, and 1percent v/v glycerol. Each reaction (10 μL) contained 1 pmole of template DNA and 9 UE. coli RNA polymerase (Epicenter) and was conducted with the type and concentration of target molecule as indicated for each experiment. Transcription was initiated by the addition of the dinucleotide ApA (135 μM), GTP and UTP (2.5 μM each), ATP (1 μM), and [α-32P]-ATP (4 Ci). After 5 min incubation at 37°C, 50 μM of each NTP was added along with 0.1 mg/mL heparin to prevent re-initiation by RNA polymerase. Transcription products generated after a 10 minute incubation were separated by denaturing 6percent PAGE and visualized by using a Phosphorlmager. Figure 9B shows the effects of increasing glycine, L-alanine, and L-serine on transcription termination. Lines depicted for glycine and L-alanine reflect a curve with a Hill coefficient of 1.4, as was determined from the data in Figure 8B. Single-round transcription assays were conducted as described for Figure 9A. Figure 9C shows the specificity of the B. subtilis glycine riboswitch in the presence of 10 mM of test ligands (also see Figure 4A). Single- round transcription assays were conducted as described for Figure 9A with 50 μM rNTPs. Analogs of glycine were obtained from Sigma- Aldrich.


10 mM title compound resulted in ~0.7 gcvT5'-UTR transcription termination; figure is given


Page/Page column 11; 86-87; 14/16



Patent: WO2006/42143 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

567 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

peroxydasic activity

Species or TestSystem

leaves of zucchini plant

(Pharmacological Data) Method (Pharmacological Data)

a) Measurement of the Peroxydasic Acttivity (Enzyme Endogenous to Plants) The peroxydases hold a predominant position in the resistance mechanisms of plants. They take part in the production of active species of oxygen toxic for pathogenic agents and are implicated in the formation of the hypersensitivity reaction. They intervene also in the modification of the cell wall. There results an increase of the synthesis of the lignin and/or of the suberine (mechanical barriers). Similarly, the covalent bonds between the proteins of the cellular wall are produced. They permit the oxidation of very toxic phenols and quinones and the incorporation of the flavonoids in the walls (chemical barrier). Given the primordial role of the peroxydases in the resistance of plants, we have used the peroxydasic activity as a marker of the resistance following treatments by elicitors. So as to measure the peroxydasic activities, leaves are crushed in a citrate-monohydrogeno-phosphate-disodium buffer. The extract is then placed in gaiacol and oxygenated water. A rapid reaction takes place: the gaiacol is transformed into tetragaiacol. The appearance of tetragaiacol in the medium permits us to calculate the peroxydasic activity. Measurements are carried out in this same buffer by using the gaiacol as substrate. The results are expressed in ΔDO/mn/g of fresh material.


49.1 ΔDO/min/aMF activity; 14.11 percent of peroxydasic activity relative to the product


Page/Page column 5-7

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

potential area of application: agro


DE Sangosse SA; Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique

Patent: US2006/148710 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

568 of 992

569 of 992

570 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme; inhib. of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human L-xylulose reductase (EC

Method (Pharmacological Data)

L-xylulose reductase (EC inhibitory assay by NADH oxidation monitoring; enzyme and title comp. incubated in aq. medium with NADPH, diacetyl and potassium phosphate at 25 deg C, pH 7.0; rate of NADH oxidation monitored spectrophotometrically

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Carbone, Vincenzo; Ishikura, Syuhei; Hara, Akira; El-Kabbani, Ossama

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 13, # 2 p. 301 - 312 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

appetite stimulant

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

spontaneously hypertensive rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 27.6 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

administered for 4 weeks; mentioned dose calculated as average dose per 24 h

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rat fed with AIN-93G diet containing 0.5 g/kg title comp. placed in metabolic cage for 24 h to estimate food consumption; water, food ad libitum

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Hayakawa, Kazuhito; Kimura, Masayuki; Yamori, Yukio

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2005 , vol. 524, # 1-3 p. 120 - 125 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

appetite stimulant

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological

spontaneously hypertensive rat


571 of 992

572 of 992



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 9 mg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

administered for 3 weeks; mentioned dose calculated as average dose per 24 h

Method (Pharmacological Data)

renal sympathetic-denervated rats fed with AIN-93G diet containing 0.5 g/kg title comp. placed in metabolic cage for 24 h to estimate food consumption; water, food ad libitum; food intake per body weight calculated

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Hayakawa, Kazuhito; Kimura, Masayuki; Yamori, Yukio

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2005 , vol. 524, # 1-3 p. 120 - 125 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

water intake; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

spontaneously hypertensive rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 27.6 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

administered for 4 weeks; mentioned dose calculated as average dose per 24 h

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rat fed with AIN-93G diet containing 0.5 g/kg title comp. placed in metabolic cage for 24 h to estimate water intake; water, food ad libitum


title comp. increased water intake at both 1st and 2d weeks of administration (29.0 and 28.1 versus 26.2 and 24.4 ml/24 h, resp.)


Hayakawa, Kazuhito; Kimura, Masayuki; Yamori, Yukio

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2005 , vol. 524, # 1-3 p. 120 - 125 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

water intake; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

spontaneously hypertensive rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 9 mg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

administered for 3 weeks; mentioned dose calculated as average dose per 24 h

Method (Pharmacological Data)

renal sympathetic-denervated or sham-operated rats fed with AIN-93G diet containing 0.5 g/kg title comp. placed in metabolic cage for 24 h to estimate water intake; water, food ad libitum; water intake volume per body weight calculated

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Hayakawa, Kazuhito; Kimura, Masayuki; Yamori, Yukio

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2005 , vol. 524, # 1-3 p. 120 - 125 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

573 of 992

574 of 992

575 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

kidney weight; decrease of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

spontaneously hypertensive rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 9 mg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

administered for 3 weeks; mentioned dose calculated as average dose per 24 h

Method (Pharmacological Data)

renal sympathetic-denervated or sham-operated rats fed with AIN-93G diet containing 0.5 g/kg title comp.; water, food ad libitum; after treatment kidney removed and weighed

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Hayakawa, Kazuhito; Kimura, Masayuki; Yamori, Yukio

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2005 , vol. 524, # 1-3 p. 120 - 125 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

spontaneously hypertensive rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 27.6 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

administered for 4 weeks; mentioned dose calculated as average dose per 24 h

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rat fed with AIN-93G diet containing 0.5 g/kg title comp. (water, food ad libitum) placed in metabolic cage for 24 h every week to estimate urine volume

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Hayakawa, Kazuhito; Kimura, Masayuki; Yamori, Yukio

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2005 , vol. 524, # 1-3 p. 120 - 125 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

spontaneously hypertensive rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 27.6 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

administered for 4 weeks; mentioned dose calculated as average dose per 24 h

576 of 992

577 of 992

578 of 992

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rat fed with AIN-93G diet containing 0.5 g/kg title comp. (water, food ad libitum) placed in metabolic cage for 24 h every week to collect urine; sodium and creatinine conc. measured by ion electrode method and by enzyme assay, resp.


title comp. increased urinary sodium to creatinine ratio after 2d and after 4th weeks of administration; tended to increase urinary sodium conc. but effect was not sign.


Hayakawa, Kazuhito; Kimura, Masayuki; Yamori, Yukio

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2005 , vol. 524, # 1-3 p. 120 - 125 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme; inhib. of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

spontaneously hypertensive rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 27.6 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

administered for 4 weeks; mentioned dose calculated as average dose per 24 h

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rat fed with AIN-93G diet containing 0.5 g/kg title comp.; water, food ad libitum; blood collected after 2d and 4th weeks of administration; plasma separated by centrifugation; renin activity measured by radioimmunoassay


title comp. decreased renin activity after 2d of administration and effect tended to be present after 4th week


Hayakawa, Kazuhito; Kimura, Masayuki; Yamori, Yukio

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2005 , vol. 524, # 1-3 p. 120 - 125 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme; inhib. of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

spontaneously hypertensive rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 9 mg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

administered for 3 weeks; mentioned dose calculated as average dose per 24 h

Method (Pharmacological Data)

renal sympathetic-denervated or sham-operated rats fed with AIN-93G diet containing 0.5 g/kg title comp.; water, food ad libitum; blood collected at the end of treatment; plasma separated by centrifugation; PRA measured by radioimmunoassay

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

PRA: plasma renin activity


title comp. decreased PRA in sham-operated rats (9.5 versus 15.5 ng/ml/h); no effect in renal-denervated rats (9.5 versus 9.5 ng/ml/h)


Hayakawa, Kazuhito; Kimura, Masayuki; Yamori, Yukio

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2005 , vol. 524, # 1-3 p. 120 - 125 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

growth inhibition

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

spontaneously hypertensive rat



579 of 992

580 of 992

Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 27.6 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

administered for 4 weeks; mentioned dose calculated as average dose per 24 h

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rat fed with AIN-93G diet containing 0.5 g/kg title comp.; water, food ad libitum; weight measured every week during treatment

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Hayakawa, Kazuhito; Kimura, Masayuki; Yamori, Yukio

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2005 , vol. 524, # 1-3 p. 120 - 125 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

growth inhibition

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

spontaneously hypertensive rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 9 mg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

administered for 3 weeks; mentioned dose calculated as average dose per 24 h

Method (Pharmacological Data)

renal sympathetic-denervated or sham-operated rats fed with AIN-93G diet containing 0.5 g/kg title comp.; water, food ad libitum; weight measured

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Hayakawa, Kazuhito; Kimura, Masayuki; Yamori, Yukio

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2005 , vol. 524, # 1-3 p. 120 - 125 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

spontaneously hypertensive rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 27.6 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

administered for 4 weeks; mentioned dose culculated as average dose per 24 h

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rat fed with AIN-93G diet containing 0.5 g/kg title comp.; water, food ad libitum; SBP, heart rate measured between 9.30 and 10.30 every week by tail-cuff method using electrosphygmomanometer

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

SBP: systolic blood pressure


title comp. almost prevented SBP increase after 1st week of administration, after 4 weeks SBP was 216.9 versus 235.3; no effect on heart rate


Hayakawa, Kazuhito; Kimura, Masayuki; Yamori, Yukio

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2005 , vol. 524, # 1-3 p. 120 - 125

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

581 of 992

582 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

spontaneously hypertensive rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 9 mg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

administered for 3 weeks; mentioned dose culculated as average dose per 24 h

Method (Pharmacological Data)

renal sympathetic-denervated or sham-operated rat fed with AIN-93G diet containing 0.5 g/kg title comp.; water, food ad libitum; SBP, heart rate measured between 9.30 and 10.30 every week by tail-cuff method using electrosphygmomanometer

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

SBP: systolic blood pressure


title comp. prevented SBP increase in sham-operated rats (SBP Ca 15 mm Hg lower than that in control during treatment); no effect on SBP in renaldenervated rats showed slower development of hypertension; no effect on heart rate in both groups


Hayakawa, Kazuhito; Kimura, Masayuki; Yamori, Yukio

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2005 , vol. 524, # 1-3 p. 120 - 125 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

parakeratosis; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

hairless mouse

Route of Application


Method (Pharmacological Data)

Test on parakeratosis inhibitory action] A 3percent or 30percent oleic acid solution (100 μL, solvent: ethanol) was applied on the back of a hairless mouse. Thereafter, 100 μL of sample solution or reference solution was applied. This procedure was repeated for 3 days, and the keratin layer on the back was peeled with a tape. The nucleus of the keratin layer was stained with hematoxylin, the number of nuclear cells was counted under a microscope, and the results were evaluated in four grades of 1 to 4. The results of application of the 3percent oleic acid solution, and the results of application of the 30percent oleic acid solution are shown in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. Since the evaluation criteria are different between application of the 3percent oleic acid solution and application of the 30percent oleic acid solution, respective results are expressed by relative evaluations.; The results in Tables 2 and 3 show that Lglutamic acid as an agonist to the glutamic acid receptor (NMDA receptor) that is an excitatory cell receptor worsens parakeratosis caused by oleic acid, while MK-801 and D-glutamic acid as antagonists of the glutamic acid receptor (NMDA receptor) improved parakeratosis caused by oleic acid. ATP as an agonist to the ATP receptor (P2X receptor) that is an excitatory cell receptor worsens parakeratosis caused by oleic acid, while suramin, PPADS and TNP-ATP that are antagonists of the ATP receptor (P2X receptor) improved parakeratosis caused by oleic acid. GABA, muscimol and isogubacin as the agonists to the GABA receptor (GABA receptor type A) as inhibitory cell receptors improved parakeratosis caused by oleic acid, while bicuculline methobromide as the antagonist to the GABA receptor (GABA receptor type A) inhibited parakeratosis inhibitory action by oleic acid. Glycine as the agonist to the glycine receptor as an inhibitory cell receptor improved parakeratosis caused by oleic acid.


title comp. improved parakeratosis caused by oleic acid


Page/Page column 5-6



Patent: EP1550459 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

583 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)




Route of Application


Method (Pharmacological Data)

Test on pore-shrinking action] The cheek of healthy males were subjected to the test for applying the sample solution twice a day for 1 month. The sample solutions (glycine, GABA and D-glutamic acid) each had a concentration of 3percent. Replicas were sampled before and after the completion of the test, and the changes of the shape of the pores at the same site were observed under a three-dimensional laser scan microscope. The size of the pore was visually

evaluated in 13 grades of 1 to 13. The difference of the scores before and after the test was calculated and used for evaluating each agent. The results are shown in Table 4.; It was confirmed from the results in Table 4 that glycine, GABA and D-glutamic acid as the antagonists to the excitatory cell receptor and at the agonist to the inhibitory cell receptor have excellent pore-shrinking effects. Results

excellent pore-shrinking effect


Page/Page column 6-7



Patent: EP1550459 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

584 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

[3H]muscimol binding; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

cortex of rat


approx. 0 - 100 percent of control [3H]muscimol bound; figure given


Page/Page column 4; Sheet 3



Patent: WO2005/108347 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

585 of 992

586 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

secretion stimulant

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)




Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 100 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in 0.9 percent saline; administered with 30-min interval between doses

Method (Pharmacological Data)

SSTR2 knockout mice; urethane anesthesia; continuous intragastric perfusion with saline; cumulative bolus injections of title comp.; acid secretion measurements during experiment; backtitration

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

vehicle control; SSTR2: somatostatin type 2 receptor; reference comp.: pentagastrin and 2-deoxy-D-glucose

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Piqueras, Laura; Martinez, Vicente

British journal of pharmacology, 2004 , vol. 142, # 6 p. 1038 - 1048 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

secretion stimulant

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

wild-type mouse



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 100 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in 0.9 percent saline; administered with 30-min interval between doses

587 of 992

588 of 992

589 of 992

Method (Pharmacological Data)

urethane-anesthetized mice; continuous intragastric perfusion with saline; cumulative bolus injections of title comp.; acid secretion measurements during experiment; backtitration

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

vehicle control; reference comp.: pentagastrin and 2-deoxy-D-glucose

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Piqueras, Laura; Martinez, Vicente

British journal of pharmacology, 2004 , vol. 142, # 6 p. 1038 - 1048 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

uptake; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HeLa cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with E61G/C94G GAT-4 treated with increasing conc. of title comp. for 10 min in presence of <3H>-labeled title comp; NaCl-containing medium; <3H>-labeled title comp. uptake determined

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

E61G/C94G: GAT-4 in which glutamate in position 61 of TMD-I and cysteine in position 94 of TMD-II were mutated to glycines; GAT: GABA transporter; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; TMD: transmembrane domain

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 6 μmol/l


Melamed, Nir; Kanner, Baruch I.

Molecular Pharmacology, 2004 , vol. 65, # 6 p. 1452 - 1461 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

uptake; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HeLa cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with E61G/C94A GAT-4 treated with increasing conc. of title comp. for 10 min in presence of <3H>-labeled title comp; NaCl-containing medium; <3H>-labeled title comp. uptake determined

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

E61G/C94A: GAT-4 in which glutamate in position 61 of TMD-I and cysteine in position 94 of TMD-II were mutated to glycine and alanine, resp.; GAT: GABA transporter; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; TMD: transmembrane domain

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 10 μmol/l


Melamed, Nir; Kanner, Baruch I.

Molecular Pharmacology, 2004 , vol. 65, # 6 p. 1452 - 1461 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

uptake; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HeLa cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with E61G/C94T GAT-4 treated with increasing conc. of title comp. for 10 min in presence of <3H>-labeled title comp; NaCl-containing medium; <3H>-labeled title comp. uptake determined

590 of 992

591 of 992

592 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

E61G/C94T: GAT-4 in which glutamate in position 61 of TMD-I and cysteine in position 94 of TMD-II were mutated to glycine and threonine, resp.; GAT: GABA transporter; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; TMD: transmembrane domain

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 12.5 μmol/l


Melamed, Nir; Kanner, Baruch I.

Molecular Pharmacology, 2004 , vol. 65, # 6 p. 1452 - 1461 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

uptake; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HeLa cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with E61G/C94M GAT-4 treated with increasing conc. of title comp. for 10 min in presence of <3H>-labeled title comp; NaCl-containing medium; <3H>-labeled title comp. uptake determined

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

E61G/C94M: GAT-4 in which glutamate in position 61 of TMD-I and cysteine in position 94 of TMD-II were mutated to glycine and methionine, resp.; GAT: GABA transporter; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; TMD: transmembrane domain

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 16 μmol/l


Melamed, Nir; Kanner, Baruch I.

Molecular Pharmacology, 2004 , vol. 65, # 6 p. 1452 - 1461 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

uptake; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HeLa cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with C94M GAT-4 treated with increasing conc. of title comp. for 10 min in presence of <3H>-labeled title comp; NaCl-containing medium; <3H>-labeled title comp. uptake determined

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

C94M: GAT-4 in which cysteine in position 94 of TMD-II was mutated to methionine, resp.; GAT: GABA transporter; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; TMD: transmembrane domain

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 15 μmol/l


Melamed, Nir; Kanner, Baruch I.

Molecular Pharmacology, 2004 , vol. 65, # 6 p. 1452 - 1461 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

uptake; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HeLa cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with C94T GAT-4 treated with increasing conc. of title comp. for 10 min in presence of <3H>-labeled title comp; NaCl-containing medium; <3H>-labeled title comp. uptake determined

593 of 992

594 of 992

595 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

C94T: GAT-4 in which cysteine in position 94 of TMD-II was mutated to threonine, resp.; GAT: GABA transporter; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; TMD: transmembrane domain

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 10 μmol/l


Melamed, Nir; Kanner, Baruch I.

Molecular Pharmacology, 2004 , vol. 65, # 6 p. 1452 - 1461 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

uptake; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HeLa cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with C94A GAT-4 treated with increasing conc. of title comp. for 10 min in presence of <3H>-labeled title comp; NaCl-containing medium; <3H>-labeled title comp. uptake determined

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

C94A: GAT-4 in which cysteine in position 94 of TMD-II was mutated to alanine, resp.; GAT: GABA transporter; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; TMD: transmembrane domain

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 4 μmol/l


Melamed, Nir; Kanner, Baruch I.

Molecular Pharmacology, 2004 , vol. 65, # 6 p. 1452 - 1461 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

uptake; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HeLa cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with C94G GAT-4 treated with increasing conc. of title comp. for 10 min in presence of <3H>-labeled title comp; NaCl-containing medium; <3H>-labeled title comp. uptake determined

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

C94G: GAT-4 in which cysteine in position 94 of TMD-II was mutated to glycine, resp.; GAT: GABA transporter; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; TMD: transmembrane domain

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 3 μmol/l


Melamed, Nir; Kanner, Baruch I.

Molecular Pharmacology, 2004 , vol. 65, # 6 p. 1452 - 1461 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

uptake; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HeLa cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with E61S GAT-4 treated with increasing conc. of title comp. for 10 min in presence of <3H>-labeled title comp; NaCl-containing medium; <3H>-labeled title comp. uptake determined

596 of 992

597 of 992

598 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

E61S: GAT-4 in which glutamate in position 61 of TMD-I was mutated to serine; GAT: GABA transporter; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; TMD: transmembrane domain

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 13 μmol/l


Melamed, Nir; Kanner, Baruch I.

Molecular Pharmacology, 2004 , vol. 65, # 6 p. 1452 - 1461 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

uptake; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HeLa cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with E61C GAT-4 treated with increasing conc. of title comp. for 10 min in presence of <3H>-labeled title comp; NaCl-containing medium; <3H>-labeled title comp. uptake determined

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

E61C: GAT-4 in which glutamate in position 61 of TMD-I was mutated to cysteine; GAT: GABA transporter; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; TMD: transmembrane domain

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 10 μmol/l


Melamed, Nir; Kanner, Baruch I.

Molecular Pharmacology, 2004 , vol. 65, # 6 p. 1452 - 1461 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

uptake; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HeLa cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with E61A GAT-4 treated with increasing conc. of title comp. for 10 min in presence of <3H>-labeled title comp; NaCl-containing medium; <3H>-labeled title comp. uptake determined

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

E61A: GAT-4 in which glutamate in position 61 of TMD-I was mutated to alanine; GAT: GABA transporter; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; TMD: transmembrane domain

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 12 μmol/l


Melamed, Nir; Kanner, Baruch I.

Molecular Pharmacology, 2004 , vol. 65, # 6 p. 1452 - 1461 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

uptake; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HeLa cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with E61G GAT-4 treated with increasing conc. of title comp. for 10 min in presence of <3H>-labeled title comp; NaCl-containing medium; <3H>-labeled title comp. uptake determined

599 of 992

600 of 992

601 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

E61G: GAT-4 in which glutamate in position 61 of TMD-I was mutated to glycine; GAT: GABA transporter; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; TMD: transmembrane domain

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 12.5 μmol/l


Melamed, Nir; Kanner, Baruch I.

Molecular Pharmacology, 2004 , vol. 65, # 6 p. 1452 - 1461 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

uptake; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HeLa cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with wild-type GAT-4 treated with increasing conc. of title comp. for 10 min in presence of <3H>-labeled title comp; NaCl-containing medium; <3H>-labeled title comp. uptake determined

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GAT: GABA transporter; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 7 μmol/l


Melamed, Nir; Kanner, Baruch I.

Molecular Pharmacology, 2004 , vol. 65, # 6 p. 1452 - 1461 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocyte expressing bovine GABAA receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

affinity to GABAA receptor studied by two-electrode voltage-clamping method; oocyte with two microelectrodes continuously perfused with 2 ml/min frog normal Ringer's solution with title comp. with/without additive; Kd estimated from dose-current curve

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

electrodes used one for monitoring membrane potential and other for passing current for clamping membrane potential (usually at -40 mV); receptor desensitization prevented by 10 min washing with frog normal Ringer's solution

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

28 - 59 μmol/l


Kd for title comp. was 59, 33, 38, 43 and 28 μmol/l without additive, with cis-jasmone, jasmine lactone, linalool oxide and methyl jasmonate, respectively, as additives that potentiated response of GABAA receptor


Hossain, Sheikh Julfikar; Aoshima, Hitoshi; Koda, Hirofumi; Kiso, Yoshinobu

Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2004 , vol. 68, # 9 p. 1842 - 1848 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat forebrain membranes


Ca. 0.01 - 1000 μmol/l

(Pharmacological Data)

602 of 992

603 of 992

604 of 992

Method (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA receptor study; brain membrane preparation incubated with title comp. and 8 nmol/l <3H>TBOB at 25 deg C, pH 7.4, for 90 min; samples filtered; radioactivity counted by scintillation spectrometry

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

endogenous title comp. removed from preparation; nonspecific binding determined in presence of picrotoxin; TBOB: t-butyl-bicyclo-orthobenzoate

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

4.83 μmol/l


Van Rijn, Clementina M.; Willems-van Bree, Elly

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2003 , vol. 464, # 2-3 p. 95 - 100 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug interaction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat forebrain membranes

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.4 - 2.5 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

incubation with title comp., retigabine (at EC35, 216 μmol/l), and <3H>TBOB for 90 min at 25 deg C, pH 7.4; effect on binding of <3H>TBOB to GABAA receptor determined and then described by sigmoid-Emax model using isobolic analysis

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

endogenous title comp. removed from membrane preparation; EC35: conc. that leaved 35 percent binding of <3H>TBOB; TBOB: t-butyl-bicycloorthobenzoate


isobolic analysis revealed that title comp. acted in synergy with retigabine


Van Rijn, Clementina M.; Willems-van Bree, Elly

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2003 , vol. 464, # 2-3 p. 95 - 100 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug interaction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat forebrain membranes

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.4 - 2.5 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

incubation with title comp., retigabine, and <3H>TBOB for 90 min at 25 deg C, pH 7.4; effect on binding of <3H>TBOB to GABAA receptor determined and then described by the allosteric three-ligand molecular model (the cubic ternary complex)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

endogenous title comp. removed from mmembrane preparation; TBOB: t-butyl-bicyclo-orthobenzoate


according to the allosteric molecular model title comp. and retigabine enhanced each other's affinity to GABAA receptor complex with a factor of 4


Van Rijn, Clementina M.; Willems-van Bree, Elly

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2003 , vol. 464, # 2-3 p. 95 - 100 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

antihypertensive, other

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

spontaneously hypertensive rat



605 of 992

606 of 992

607 of 992

Route of Application


Method (Pharmacological Data)

diet: 22 percent casein, 10 percent lard, 3.5 percent mineral mixture AIN76, 1.2 percent vitamin mixture AIN76, 0.15 percent choline chloride, 3.0 percent cellulose, 1 percent NaCl, 59.2 percent sucrose and 0.001 percent title comp. fed to test animals at 22-23 deg for 8 weeks

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: the same diet without title comp.


systolic blood pressure remained below 200 mm Hg and significantly lower than that of control group during all period of feeding


Aoki, Hideyuki; Furuya, Yuji; Endo, Yasushi; Fujimoto, Kenshiro

Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2003 , vol. 67, # 8 p. 1806 - 1808 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor expression; induction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney HEK 293 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in water

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing α1β2γ2s GABAA receptors were treated with title comp. for 48 or 96 h; cell membranes were incubated with <3H>flunitrazepam (0.2 - 16 nmol/l); the effect of title comp. on Bmax and Kd of <3H>flunitrazepam binding was determined

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; nonspecific binding determined in the presence of 100 μmol/l diazepam; Scatchard analysis used; further investigation with GABA receptor antagonist and inhibitor of protein synthesis


title comp. increased the maximum number of <3H>flunitrazepam binding sites by 67 and 125 percent at 48 and 96 h, resp.; Kd of these sites was unchanged; GABA receptors and protein synthesis involved


Pericic, Danka; Strac, Dubravka Svob; Jembrek, Maja Jazvinscak; Rajcan, Ivana

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2003 , vol. 482, # 1-3 p. 117 - 125 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor blocking agent

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney HEK 293 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in water

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing α1β2γ2s GABAA receptors were treated with title comp. for 96 h; cell membranes were incubated with <3H>flunitrazepam in the presence of title comp. (100 μmol/l) and the effect on <3H>flunitrazepam binding was determined

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; nonspecific binding determined in the presence of 100 μmol/l diazepam; Scatchard analysis used

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Pericic, Danka; Strac, Dubravka Svob; Jembrek, Maja Jazvinscak; Rajcan, Ivana

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2003 , vol. 482, # 1-3 p. 117 - 125 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor expression; induction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological

human embryonic kidney HEK 293 cells


608 of 992

609 of 992

610 of 992

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in water

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing α1β2γ2s GABAA receptors were treated with title comp. for 96 h; cell membranes were incubated with <3H>TBOB (8 - 200 nmol/l); the effect of title comp. on Bmax and Kd of <3H>TBOB binding was determined

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; <3H>TBOB: t-<3H>butylbicycloorthobenzoate; Scatchard analysis used; nonspecific binding determined in the presence of 100 μmol/l picrotoxin


title comp. increased the maximum number of <3H>TBOB binding sites by 93 percent; Kd of these sites was unchanged


Pericic, Danka; Strac, Dubravka Svob; Jembrek, Maja Jazvinscak; Rajcan, Ivana

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2003 , vol. 482, # 1-3 p. 117 - 125 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Caco-2 cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

basolateral-to-apical transport (37 deg C, 40 min) measurement; 1.5 ml of HBSS (pH 7.4) was added to basolateral side, 0.5 ml of title comp. solution (pH 6.0) containing 0.04 percent fluorescein was added on apical side of inserts; spectrophotometry

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

HBSS: Hanks' balanced salt solution; results are expressed as proportion of original amount that permeated through monolayer, which was calculated as amount transported divided by initial amount in donor compartment

Type (Pharmacological Data)

relative permeation

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

100.4 percent


Konishi, Yutaka; Hagiwara, Keiko; Shimizu, Makoto

Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry, 2002 , vol. 66, # 11 p. 2449 - 2457 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

muscle relaxant

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Dunkin Hartley guinea pig myenteric muscle

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 1 - 500 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in distilled water

Method (Pharmacological Data)

myenteric plexus-longitudinal muscle from small intestine of guinea-pigs (450-550 g); effect of anandamide (10 μM, 20 min, n=6) or CP55,940 (20 min, 1 nM, n=6) pretreatment on title comp. induced inhibition of electrically evoked contractions of muscle

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Student's unpaired t-test

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Begg, Malcolm; Molleman, Areles; Parsons, Mike

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 434, # 1-2 p. 87 - 94 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


muscle relaxant

(Pharmacological Data)

611 of 992

612 of 992

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Dunkin Hartley guinea pig myenteric muscle

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 100 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in distilled water

Method (Pharmacological Data)

myenteric plexus-longitudinal muscle from small intestine of guinea-pigs (450-550 g); effect of tiagabine (1 μM) treatment on title comp. induced inhibition of electrically evoked contractions of muscle

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Student's unpaired t-test


tiagabine had no effect on size of contractions but greatly increased the duration of inhibitory effect of title comp.; inhibition was reversed by CGP54626A (200 nM)


Begg, Malcolm; Molleman, Areles; Parsons, Mike

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 434, # 1-2 p. 87 - 94 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

muscle relaxant

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Dunkin Hartley guinea pig myenteric muscle

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 1 - 500 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in distilled water

Method (Pharmacological Data)

myenteric plexus-longitudinal muscle from small intestine of guinea-pigs (450-550 g); effect on electrically evoked contractions of muscle by cummulative addition; response in presence of CGP54626A (CGP, 20 nM, n=6) or SR141716 (SR, 100 nM, n=6)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Student's unpaired t-test

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

6 - 33 μmol/l


contraction inhibited in conc.-dependent manner; EC50 6 and 33 μM, in absence and presence of CGP, respectively; max. inhibition 35 percent was not affected by CGP; SR had no effect on conc.-response curve for title comp.


Begg, Malcolm; Molleman, Areles; Parsons, Mike

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 434, # 1-2 p. 87 - 94 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current; induction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

mouse L(tk-) cell

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 100 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in HEPES buffered saline and applied by perfusion for 500 ms with 60-s rest periods


cells transfected with human GABA receptor α1/β1/γ2 subunits stimulated with title comp.; whole-cell currents recorded using patch clamp amplifier


(Pharmacological Data)

613 of 992

614 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

further investigation on mechanism of action with GABAA (γ-aminobutyric acid) receptor antagonist bicuculline; holding voltage for cells was -30 mV

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 2.4 μmol/l


title comp. evoked large whole-cell currents by activation of GABAA receptors with maximal effect at 10 μmol/l (figure, table)


Nelson, Rachael M; Green; Hainsworth, Atticus H

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 452, # 3 p. 255 - 262 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

current; induction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

mouse L(tk-) cell

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 300 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in HEPES buffered saline and applied by perfusion for 500 ms with 60-s rest periods

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with human GABAA receptor α1/β2/γ2 subunits stimulated with title comp.; whole-cell currents recorded using patch clamp amplifier

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

further investigation on mechanism of action with GABAA (γ-aminobutyric acid) receptor antagonist bicuculline; holding voltage for cells was -30 mV

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 11 μmol/l


title comp. evoked large whole-cell currents by direct activation of GABAA receptors with maximal effect at 100 μmol/l (figure, table)


Nelson, Rachael M; Green; Hainsworth, Atticus H

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 452, # 3 p. 255 - 262 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug interaction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

mouse L(tk-) cell

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 300 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in HEPES buffered saline and applied by perfusion for 500 ms with 60-s rest periods

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with human GABAA receptor α1/β2/γ2 subunits co-stimulated with title comp. and 30 - 100 μmol/l CMZ; whole-cell currents recorded using patch clamp amplifier

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

CMZ: clomethiazole; holding voltage for cells was -30 mV


30 μmol/l CMZ potentiated current amplitude at all title comp. conc. in range 0.1 - 100 μmol/l; potentiation at higher title comp. conc. was not significant; 30 μmol/l CMZ modified E50 of title comp. from ca. 11 to 3.4 μmol/l (figure, table)

615 of 992

616 of 992

617 of 992


Nelson, Rachael M; Green; Hainsworth, Atticus H

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 452, # 3 p. 255 - 262 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug interaction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

mouse L(tk-) cell

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 100 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in HEPES buffered saline and applied by perfusion for 500 ms with 60-s rest periods

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with human GABAA receptor α1/β2/γ2 subunits co-stimulated with title comp. and 30-100 μmol/l CMZ; whole-cell currents recorded using patch clamp amplifier

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

CMZ: clomethiazole; holding voltage for cells was -30 mV


30 μmol/l CMZ potentiated current amplitude at all title comp. conc. in range 0.1 - 30 μmol/l; potentiation at higher title comp. conc. was not significant; 30 μmol/l CMZ modified E50 of title comp. from ca. 2.4 to 0.8 μmol/l (figure, table)


Nelson, Rachael M; Green; Hainsworth, Atticus H

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 452, # 3 p. 255 - 262 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

antihypertensive, other

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

spontaneously hypertensive rat


male and female

Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.5 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in saline

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats treated with title comp.; systolic blood pressure and heart rate measured by tail-cuff method 4, 8 and 25 h later

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: saline


title comp. significantly decreased systolic blood pressure at 4 and 8 h after treatment and had no effect on heart rate (figure)


Hayakawa, Kazuhito; Kimura, Masayuki; Kamata, Katsuo

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 438, # 1-2 p. 107 - 113 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

spontaneously hypertensive rat mesenteric arterial bed


male and female

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-06 - 0.0001 mol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological

title comp. dissolved in distilled water


618 of 992

619 of 992

620 of 992

Method (Pharmacological Data)

beds perfused with methoxamine 6E-6 - 3E-5 mol/l and title comp. added; vascular responses measured using pressure transducer

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: vehicle; reference comp.: acetylcholine 3E-7 mol/l

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Hayakawa, Kazuhito; Kimura, Masayuki; Kamata, Katsuo

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 438, # 1-2 p. 107 - 113 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

spontaneously hypertensive rat mesenteric arterial bed


male and female

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-06 - 0.0001 mol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in distilled water

Method (Pharmacological Data)

beds perfused with title comp. after perivascular nerve stimulation; vascular responses measured using pressure transducer

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

further investigation with saclofen and bicuculline; control: vehicle; reference comp.: baclofen and muscimol


title comp. and baclofen significantly inhibited perivascular nerve stimulation-induced increase in perfusion pressure, presynaptic γ-aminobutyric acid B receptors involved; muscimol had no effect (figures)


Hayakawa, Kazuhito; Kimura, Masayuki; Kamata, Katsuo

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 438, # 1-2 p. 107 - 113 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transmitter release; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

spontaneously hypertensive rat mesenteric arterial bed


male and female

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-06 - 0.0001 mol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in distilled water

Method (Pharmacological Data)

beds perfused with title comp. after perivascular nerve stimulation; noradrenaline release measured using high performance liquid chromatography

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

further investigation with saclofen and bicuculline; control: vehicle; reference comp.: baclofen and muscimol


title comp. and baclofen significantly inhibited perivascular nerve stimulation-induced release of noradrenaline, presynaptic γ-aminobutyric acid B receptors involved; muscimol had no effect (figures)


Hayakawa, Kazuhito; Kimura, Masayuki; Kamata, Katsuo

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 438, # 1-2 p. 107 - 113 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological

enzyme; examination of


Show next 20

621 of 992

622 of 992

623 of 992

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Vibrio fluvialis JS17 amine:pyruvate aminotransferase

Method (Pharmacological Data)

APA active site model on basis of substrate structure - reactivity relationship; 5 mmol/l title comp., 5 mmol/l pyruvate, 0.75 unit/ml APA incub. at 37 deg C, 10 min; reaction stopped by 75 μl HClO4 (16percent (v/v)); analyzed by HPLC

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

APA: amine:pyruvate aminotransferase; 1 APA unit: amount catalyzed 1 μmol/l acetophenone formation in 1 min at 50 mmol/l (S)-A1; LP: large pocket; SP: small pocket; A1: PhCH(CH3)NH2


title comp. reactivity < 1percent, compared with A1 (100percent); two-binding site model for test ensyme proposed; dual substrate recognition mode for both hydrophobic and carboxyl groups in LP, acidic group repulsion and steric constraint in SP proposed


Shin, Jong-Shik; Kim, Byung-Gee

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 67, # 9 p. 2848 - 2853 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hide facts Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat (albino)

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

synaptosomes from brain hemispheres from rat used as crude prepn. or further extensively washed; incubated for 90 min at 4 deg C in Krebs soln. with 0.01 nmol/l <3H>-flunitrazepam (85 Ci/mmol) in the absence or presence of 10 μmol/l title comp.

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

filtered, radioactivity retained in the filters counted with liq. scintillation analyzer


stimulatory effect of title comp. on <3H>flunitrazepam binding was detected only when extensively washed rat brain synaptosomes were used; 10 μmol/l title comp. increased <3H>flunitrazepam binding by 90 percent ; discrete stimulatory effect in crude prepn.


Noel; Mendonca-Silva; Quintas

Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research, 2001 , vol. 51, # 2 p. 169 - 173 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat brain synaptosomes



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

30 - 2400 nmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

DMSO solut. of Aroclor 1242 applied; final DMSO conc. <=0.4 percent

Method (Pharmacological Data)

synaptosomes, 15 μg protein/ml, preincubated for 15 min with/without 5 or 10 μM Aroclor 1242; at 25 deg C; then incubation with 3H-title comp. (1.0 μCi) for 3 min; filtration in cell harvester; filters counted in liquid scintillation spectrometer

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

in Tris-Krebs buffer with 10 mM glucose; pH 7.4; Vmax: maximum uptake rate; control: DMSO only


Km, μM (conc. Aroclor 1242, Μm): 2.2 (0), 2.1 (5), 2.2 (10); Vmax, nmol mg protein per min (conc. Aroclor 1242, Μm): 0.3 (0), 0.15 (5), 0.075 (10)


Mariussen, Espen; Fonnum, Frode

Toxicology, 2001 , vol. 159, # 1-2 p. 11 - 21 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


624 of 992

625 of 992

626 of 992

Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)

5-ALA-ME uptake

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

WiDr cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; cells incub. with title comp. and 5-<14C> ALA-ME (23 μM-1 mM) for 3 h; cells washed with cold PBS; dissolved in aq. NaOH; radioactivity meas. by liquid scintil counter

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

cells derived from human primary adenocarcinoma of rectosigmoid colon; 5-ALA-ME = 5-aminolaevulinic acid methyl ester


5-ALA-ME uptake slightly inhibited


Gederaas, Odrun A.; Holroyd, Andrew; Brown, Stanley B.; Vernon, David; Moan, Johan; Berg, Kristian

Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2001 , vol. 73, # 2 p. 164 - 169 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

porcine epicardial coronary artery

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

5 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; arterial strip preparations mounted in organ baths in physiol. salt solution; precontracted with KCl or histamine; tension measured

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

large branches of arteries (right, anterior descending and circumflex arteries) prepared from pig hearts


relaxation observed



Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part A, 2001 , vol. 62, # 8 p. 643 - 653 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocyte



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte isolated, injected (in vitro-transcribed cRNA encoding GLC-3 polypeptide); incubation (saline; 17 deg C, 1-6 d); L-glutamate (10 μmol/l to 100 mmol/l); membrane current measurements ( percent max. response to L-glutamate)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GLC-3: L-glutamate-gated chloride channel subunit from Caenorhabditis elegans

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Horoszok, Lucy; Raymond, Valerie; Sattelle, David B; Wolstenholme, Adrian J

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 132, # 6 p. 1247 - 1254 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological

receptor; binding activity


627 of 992

628 of 992

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human hippocampus


male and female

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 - 400 nmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

post-mortem hippocampal tissuse obtained from Parkinson's Disease Brain Bank (32-77 year); saturation binding of <3H>title comp. to GABAB receptors in presence of 40 μmol/l isoguvacine to preclude binding at GABAA sites (23 deg C, 20 min)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

non-specific binding in presence of 100 μmol/l (-)-baclofen; receptor autoradiography; determination of receptor density Bmax and affinity KD values in CA1, CA2, CA3, dentate hilus, stratum moleculare dentate gyrus (SMDG) and subiculum regions


the regions of high binding density were SMDG, CA1 and subiculum; of moderate binding density were CA2, CA3 and dentate hilus (saturation plot from CA1, autoradiographic images, Bmax and KD values shown)


Billinton, Andrew; Baird, Virginia H.; Thom, Maria; Duncan, John S.; Upton, Neil; Bowery, Norman G.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 132, # 2 p. 475 - 480 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human hippocampus


male and female

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 - 400 nmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

hippocampal tissuse obtained from 11 patients with HS related intractable TLE (22-48 year); saturation binding of <3H>title comp. to GABAB receptors in presence of 40 μmol/l isoguvacine to preclude binding at GABAA sites (23 deg C, 20 min)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

HS: hippocampal sclerosis; TLE: temporal lobe epilepsy; receptor autoradiography; determination of receptor density Bmax and affinity KD values in CA1, CA2, CA3, dentate hilus, stratum moleculare dentate gyrus (SMDG) and subiculum regions


receptor binding density significantly reduced in CA1, CA2, CA3, hilus and SMDG (neuronal loss measurable in these regions) and increased in subiculum compared with post-mortem control (autoradiographic images, Bmax and KD values shown)


Billinton, Andrew; Baird, Virginia H.; Thom, Maria; Duncan, John S.; Upton, Neil; Bowery, Norman G.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 132, # 2 p. 475 - 480 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat frontal cortex membranes



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 1E-06 - 0.01 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; effect on <35S>GTPγS binding to membranes evaluated; 1 nmol/l <35>GTPγS (spec. act.: 1306 Ci/mmol); assay buffer, pH 7.4; 30 deg C; liquid scintillation counting

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

150 μmol/l


Onali, Pierluigi; Olianas, Maria C

Biochemical Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 62, # 2 p. 183 - 190 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

629 of 992

630 of 992

631 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat frontal cortex membranes



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 1E-05 - 0.01 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; effect on basal or corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity in tissue membranes evaluated; 1 μmol/l CRH; 0.1 mmol/l <α-32P>ATP; assay buffer, pH 7.4; 30 deg C; incubated for 10 min

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

conversion of <32P>ATP to <32P>cAMP monitored; title comp. is GABAB receptor agonist

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

800 μmol/l


title comp. induced conc.-dependent potentiation of CRH receptor activity and did not affect basal adenylyl cyclase activity


Onali, Pierluigi; Olianas, Maria C

Biochemical Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 62, # 2 p. 183 - 190 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney 293 cells

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in double-distilled H2O

Method (Pharmacological Data)

whole-cell and outside-out patch recordings made at room temperature at 22-25 deg C; cells voltage-clamped at -60 mV

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing rat α1β2γ2 GABAA receptors; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

14.0 μmol/l


Hill coefficient: 1.2


Huang, Ren-Qi; Bell-Horner, Cathy L.; Dibas, Mohammed I.; Covey, Douglas F.; Drewe, John A.; Dillon, Glenn H.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2001 , vol. 298, # 3 p. 986 - 995 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney 293 cells

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in double-distilled H2O

Method (Pharmacological

whole-cell and outside-out patch recordings made at room temperature at 22-25 deg C; cells voltage-clamped at -60 mV


632 of 992

633 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing rat α3β2γ2 GABAA receptors; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

33.1 μmol/l


Hill coefficient: 1.1


Huang, Ren-Qi; Bell-Horner, Cathy L.; Dibas, Mohammed I.; Covey, Douglas F.; Drewe, John A.; Dillon, Glenn H.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2001 , vol. 298, # 3 p. 986 - 995 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney 293 cells

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in double-distilled H2O

Method (Pharmacological Data)

whole-cell and outside-out patch recordings made at room temperature at 22-25 deg C; cells voltage-clamped at -60 mV

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing rat α6β2γ2 GABAA receptors; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.6 μmol/l


Hill coefficient: 1.6


Huang, Ren-Qi; Bell-Horner, Cathy L.; Dibas, Mohammed I.; Covey, Douglas F.; Drewe, John A.; Dillon, Glenn H.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2001 , vol. 298, # 3 p. 986 - 995 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney 293 cells

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in double-distilled H2O

Method (Pharmacological Data)

whole-cell and outside-out patch recordings made at room temperature at 22-25 deg C; cells voltage-clamped at -60 mV

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing rat β2γ2 GABAA receptors; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

64.0 μmol/l


Hill coefficient: 0.8


Huang, Ren-Qi; Bell-Horner, Cathy L.; Dibas, Mohammed I.; Covey, Douglas F.; Drewe, John A.; Dillon, Glenn H.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2001 , vol. 298, # 3 p. 986 - 995

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

634 of 992

635 of 992

636 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney 293 cells

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in double-distilled H2O

Method (Pharmacological Data)

whole-cell and outside-out patch recordings made at room temperature at 22-25 deg C; cells voltage-clamped at -60 mV

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing rat α1β2 GABAA receptors; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

2.0 μmol/l


Hill coefficient: 1.4


Huang, Ren-Qi; Bell-Horner, Cathy L.; Dibas, Mohammed I.; Covey, Douglas F.; Drewe, John A.; Dillon, Glenn H.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2001 , vol. 298, # 3 p. 986 - 995 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney 293 cells

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in double-distilled H2O

Method (Pharmacological Data)

whole-cell and outside-out patch recordings made at room temperature at 22-25 deg C; cells voltage-clamped at -60 mV

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing human α1β2γ2 GABAA receptors; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

37.0 μmol/l


Hill coefficient: 1.2


Huang, Ren-Qi; Bell-Horner, Cathy L.; Dibas, Mohammed I.; Covey, Douglas F.; Drewe, John A.; Dillon, Glenn H.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2001 , vol. 298, # 3 p. 986 - 995 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transport; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rabbit small intestinal brush-border membrane vesicles

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

25 - 50 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological

uptake experiments conducted by using Millipore filtration apparatus; incubation with <14C>IBG performed for 30 s in presence of title comp., at pH 7.5; radioactivity measured by scintillation counter


637 of 992

638 of 992

639 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

IBG: pregabalin, 200 μmol/l

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Piyapolrungroj; Li; Bockbrader; Liu; Fleisher

Pharmaceutical Research, 2001 , vol. 18, # 8 p. 1126 - 1130 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transmitter releasing

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 - 100 mmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in 0.9 percent saline; given via microdialysis probe for 3 h

Method (Pharmacological Data)

microdialysis probe implanted in submucosa of acid-producing part of stomach; title comp. administered to conscious, fasted rats; histamine in microdialysate measured by radioimmunoassay


title comp. had weak stimulatory effect (at 10 mmol/l 59 percent, at 100 mmol/l 58 percent increase)


Norlen; Bernsand; Konagaya; Hakanson

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 134, # 8 p. 1767 - 1777 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

MD3 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

(Ca2+)i measured after incubation with fura-2-acetoxymethylester (37 deg C, 45 min) using inverted microscope equipped with epifluorescence objective

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

MD3 cells: hybrid cell line derived by somatic cell fusion of hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase-deficient neuroblastoma N18TG2 cells with Balb/C mouse dorsal root ganglion neurones; (Ca2+)i: intracellular free Ca2+ concentration


title comp. increased (Ca2+)i to peak of 347 nmol/l; effect reversible, after peaking, response declined to plateau, before gradually decreasing to resting levels


Yokogawa, Tomonori; Kim, Seung U.; Krieger, Charles; Puil, Ernest

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 134, # 1 p. 98 - 107 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

cat isolated superior sagittal sinus

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

given via microiontophoresis (ca. 12-180 nA)

Method (Pharmacological Data)

primary trigeminal afferents supramaximally stimulated with stimulus-isolated square wave pulses (20-28 V, 250 μs, 0.1-10 Hz) after neuromuscular blockade; extracellular recordings made using microiontopheric combination electrode

Further Details (Pharmacological

L-glutamate given via microiontophoresis, -75 nA 5 s pulses


640 of 992

641 of 992

642 of 992


title comp. reversibly inhibited cell firing evoked by L-glutamate in current-dependent fashion


Storer; Akerman; Goadsby

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 134, # 4 p. 896 - 904 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)

Km and Vmax of synaptosomal uptake

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat brain synapsomes



Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

0.021 μM of <U-14C>-title comp.; for low-affinity binding: 1-20 mM of title comp.; for high-affinity binding: 0.01-1 mM of title comp.

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

10 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

synaptosomes were incub. with title comp. in the pres. of 14C-labeled title comp. in Krebs-phosph. buffer (pH 7.4) at 0 deg C for 10 min; reaction was stopped by centrifugation; measuring of radioactivity; Eadie-Hosfstee plot

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

synaptosomal membranes were isolated from the brain of rats weighing 200-250 g; estimation of kinetic parameters (Km and Vmax) of title comp. binding with synaptosomes


low afinity parameters of title comp. binding with synaptosomes: Km = 2.7 mM and Vmax = 32.5 nmol/mg protein/min; high affinity parameters: Km = 0.5 mM and Vmax = 12.4 nmol/mg protein/min


Baldocchi Pizzo, Andrea; Karklin Fontana, Andreia Cristina; Coutinho-Netto, Joaquim; Ferreira dos Santos, Wagner

Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology, 2000 , vol. 14, # 2 p. 88 - 94 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human intestinal epithelial cells Caco-2

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1.45 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. as cation

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells incubation with <3H>-labelled and unlabelled title comp. for 1 min at 37 deg C; apical pH 5.0-7.0, basolateral pH 7.4; preincubation in Na(1+)-free buffer

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

mannitol as inert control marker; uptake across apical membrane; cationic form conc. was kept constant by varying total title comp. conc. from 10 to 859 μmol/l


uptake of title comp. was pH-dependent and varying from 2187 (pH 5.0) to 392 (pH 7.0) fmol/cm2/min


Thwaites, David T.; Basterfield, Laura; McCleave, Peter M.J.; Carter, Simon M.; Simmons, Nicholas L.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2000 , vol. 129, # 3 p. 457 - 464 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human intestinal epithelial cells Caco-2


10 μmol/l

(Pharmacological Data)

643 of 992

644 of 992

645 of 992

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. as zwitterion (> 85.5 percent)

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells incubation with <3H>-labelled and unlabelled title comp. for 1 min at 37 deg C; apical pH 5.0-7.0, basolateral pH 7.4; preincubation in Na(1+)-free buffer

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

mannitol as inert control marker; scintillation counting; uptake across apical membrane was determined


uptake of title comp. was pH-dependent: from 15.1 pmol/cm2/min (pH 5.0) to 2.9 pmol/cm2/min (pH 7.0) (table)


Thwaites, David T.; Basterfield, Laura; McCleave, Peter M.J.; Carter, Simon M.; Simmons, Nicholas L.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2000 , vol. 129, # 3 p. 457 - 464 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human intestinal epithelial cells Caco-2

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

<= 20 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells incubation with <3H>-labelled and unlabelled title comp. for 1 min at 37 deg C; apical pH 5.0, basolateral pH 7.4; preincubation in Na(1+)-free buffer

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

mannitol as inert control marker; scintillation counting; uptake across apical membrane, Km and Vmax were determined


acid-stimulated, Na(1+)-independent uptake of title comp. was concentration-dependent; Km was 1.95 mmol/l; Vmax was 2127 pmol/cm2/min


Thwaites, David T.; Basterfield, Laura; McCleave, Peter M.J.; Carter, Simon M.; Simmons, Nicholas L.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2000 , vol. 129, # 3 p. 457 - 464 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human intestinal epithelial cells Caco-2

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

<3H>-labelled and unlabelled title comp. added to give conc. 100 μmol/l; incubation for 60 min at 37 deg C in the presence or absence of extracellular Na(1+); apical pH 5.5, basolateral pH 7.4; title comp. accumulation across membrane was determined

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

scintillation counting; mannitol transport as inert marker; cell/medium ratio was determined


in the presence of extracellular Na(1+): cell/medium ratio was 4.9, title comp. accumulation was 489 μmol/l; in the absence of extracellular Na(1+): cell/medium ratio was 6.7, title comp. accumulation was 627 μmol/l


Thwaites, David T.; Basterfield, Laura; McCleave, Peter M.J.; Carter, Simon M.; Simmons, Nicholas L.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2000 , vol. 129, # 3 p. 457 - 464 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human intestinal epithelial cells Caco-2

Concentration (Pharmacological

100 μmol/l


646 of 992

647 of 992

648 of 992

Method (Pharmacological Data)

<3H>-labelled and unlabelled title comp. added to give conc. 100 μmol/l; incubation for 60 min at 37 deg C in the presence or absence of extracellular Na(1+); accumulation across the apical pH 7.4 and basolateral pH 7.4 membranes was determined

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

scintillation counting; mannitol as inert marker; cell/medium ratio was determined


in the presence of extracellular Na(1+) title comp. accumulation was 204 μmol/l; in the absence of extracellular Na(1+) title comp. accumulation was 39 μmol/l


Thwaites, David T.; Basterfield, Laura; McCleave, Peter M.J.; Carter, Simon M.; Simmons, Nicholas L.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2000 , vol. 129, # 3 p. 457 - 464 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human intestinal epithelial cells Caco-2

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells incubation with <3H>-labelled and unlabelled title comp. added to give conc. 100 μmol/l for 1 min at 37 deg C; apical pH varied (5.0-8.0), basolateral pH 7.4; preincubation in Na(1+)-free buffer

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

scintillation counting; mannitol as inert control marker; title comp. uptake across apical membrane was determined


uptake of title comp. was pH-dependent: it was maximal at pH 5.0-5.6 (29.7 times greater than mannitol) and min at pH 7.7-8.0 (1.5 times greater than mannitol)


Thwaites, David T.; Basterfield, Laura; McCleave, Peter M.J.; Carter, Simon M.; Simmons, Nicholas L.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2000 , vol. 129, # 3 p. 457 - 464 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human intestinal epithelial cells Caco-2

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. transport across the apical pH 5.5 and basolateral pH 7.4 membranes was determined after cells incubation for 60 min at 37 deg C in the presence <3H>-labelled and unlabelled title comp. and extracellular Na(1+); scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

mannitol as inert control marker; direction of transporting was determined


net absorption of title comp. (854 pmol/cm2/h) was increased in the apical-to-basal direction


Thwaites, David T.; Basterfield, Laura; McCleave, Peter M.J.; Carter, Simon M.; Simmons, Nicholas L.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2000 , vol. 129, # 3 p. 457 - 464 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human intestinal epithelial cells Caco-2

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. transport across the apical pH 5.5 and basolateral pH 7.4 membranes was determined after cells incubation for 60 min at 37 deg C with <3H>labelled and unlabelled title comp. in the absence of extracellular Na(1+); scintillation counting

649 of 992

650 of 992

651 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

mannitol as inert control marker; direction of transporting was determined


net absorption of title comp. was small (151 pmol/cm2/h) in the apical-to-basal direction


Thwaites, David T.; Basterfield, Laura; McCleave, Peter M.J.; Carter, Simon M.; Simmons, Nicholas L.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2000 , vol. 129, # 3 p. 457 - 464 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human intestinal epithelial cells Caco-2

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. transport across the apical pH 5.5 and basolateral pH 7.4 membranes was determined by cells incubation for 60 min at 37 deg C with <3H>labelled and unlabelled title comp. in the absence of extracellular Na(1+); scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

mannitol as inert control marker; direction of transporting was determined


net absorption of title comp. was increased (2201 pmol/cm2/h) in the apical-to-basal direction


Thwaites, David T.; Basterfield, Laura; McCleave, Peter M.J.; Carter, Simon M.; Simmons, Nicholas L.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2000 , vol. 129, # 3 p. 457 - 464 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human intestinal epithelial cells Caco-2

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. transport across the apical pH 7.4 and basolateral pH 7.4 membranes was determined after cells incubation for 60 min at 37 deg C with <3H>labelled and unlabelled title comp. in the presence of extracellular Na(1+); scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

mannitol was indicated as inert control marker; direction of transporting was determined


net secretion of title comp. was -256 pmol/cm2/h in the basal-to-apical direction


Thwaites, David T.; Basterfield, Laura; McCleave, Peter M.J.; Carter, Simon M.; Simmons, Nicholas L.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2000 , vol. 129, # 3 p. 457 - 464 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human intestinal epithelial cells Caco-2

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

20 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

short-circuit current (Isc) at apical pH 5.5 and basolateral pH 7.4 in Na(1+)-free media in the present of title comp. was determined; square-wave pulse was excursion of the voltage-clamp to +1 mV


title comp. induced increase in Isc


Thwaites, David T.; Basterfield, Laura; McCleave, Peter M.J.; Carter, Simon M.; Simmons, Nicholas L.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2000 , vol. 129, # 3 p. 457 - 464 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

652 of 992

653 of 992

654 of 992

655 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human intestinal epithelial cells Caco-2

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

5 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells incubation with <3H>-title comp. (5 or 100 μmol/l) and unlabelled title comp. for 2-5 min at 37 deg C; apical pH 5.5 over HEPES and MES (10 μmol/L), basolateral pH 7.4; preincubation with Na(1+)-free buffer

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

scintillation counting; uptake across the apical membrane was compared to uptake of mannitol


title comp. inhibited uptake of <3H>-title comp.


Thwaites, David T.; Basterfield, Laura; McCleave, Peter M.J.; Carter, Simon M.; Simmons, Nicholas L.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2000 , vol. 129, # 3 p. 457 - 464 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human intestinal epithelial cells Caco-2

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

20 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

BCECF-loaded cells were incubated with title comp. for 30-50 s at 37 deg C in the presence of extracellular Na(1+); apical pH 5.5 or 7.4, basolateral pH 7.4; title comp. was added to apical surface

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: without title comp.; BCECF: 2',7',-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein


in the presence or absence of extracellular Na(1+) title comp. caused small but inconsistent reversible acidification; acidification rate (ΔpHi/min) was 0.215 in the presence of extracellular Na(1+)


Thwaites, David T.; Basterfield, Laura; McCleave, Peter M.J.; Carter, Simon M.; Simmons, Nicholas L.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2000 , vol. 129, # 3 p. 457 - 464 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human intestinal epithelial cells Caco-2

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

20 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

BCECF-loaded cells were incubated for 30-50 s at 37 deg C in the presence of extracellular Na(1+); apical pH 7.4 and basolateral pH 7.4; title comp. was added to basolateral surface

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: without title comp.; BCECF: 2'7',-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein


title comp. failed to increase the rate of acidification


Thwaites, David T.; Basterfield, Laura; McCleave, Peter M.J.; Carter, Simon M.; Simmons, Nicholas L.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2000 , vol. 129, # 3 p. 457 - 464 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-

human intestinal epithelial cells Caco-2

System (Pharmacological Data)

656 of 992

657 of 992

658 of 992

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

5 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells incubation with <3H>- or <14C>-β-alanine 5-100 μmol/l and title comp. for 2-5 min at 37 deg C in Na(1+)-free buffer; apical pH 5.5, basolateral pH 7.4

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

scintillation counting; uptake across the apical membrane; was compared with uptake of mannitol


title comp. inhibited <3H>- or <14C>-β-alanine uptake


Thwaites, David T.; Basterfield, Laura; McCleave, Peter M.J.; Carter, Simon M.; Simmons, Nicholas L.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2000 , vol. 129, # 3 p. 457 - 464 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat embryo striatum neurones

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

application during 20 ms

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cell cultures were grown from lateral ganglionic eminences of rat embryos (E17); cultures were used 12-22 d in vitro; patch-clamp experiments were performed (23-25 deg C); cells were superfused by title comp. solution

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA-receptor-mediated responses were elicited every 5 s using a pressure pipette


title comp. induced a whole-cell inward current with a rise time less 100 ms and peak amplitude of 1-3 nA, which returned to base line with time constants of order 100-200 ms


Behrends, Jan C.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2000 , vol. 129, # 2 p. 402 - 408 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme; inhib. of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human liver microsomes

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 500 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

human liver samples were obtained from unrelated white Spanish patients (no liver disease); microsomal fractions were prepared; CYP3A enzyme activity was measured using the enzyme-specific substrate midazolam (0.5-20 μmol/l), incubated with title comp.

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

midazolam and its main metabolites, 1'-hydroxymidazolam and 4-hydroxymidazolam analysed by HPLC

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Martinez; Gervasini; Agundez; Carrillo; Ramos; Garcia-Gamito; Gallardo; Benitez

European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2000 , vol. 56, # 2 p. 145 - 151 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-

Wistar rat

System (Pharmacological Data)

659 of 992

660 of 992



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

injected through cannula inserted into the cisterna magna

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vivo; effect on resting vascular tone assayed; 10-21 and 46-67-week-old freely moving rats; cannula inserted into the cisterna magna; electromagnetic flow probe located around CA, CE, SM, R arteries and descending aorta

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

MAP, HR and CA, CE, SM, R and HQ resistance measured for 60 min after treatment; MAP: mean arterial pressure; HR: heart rate; CA: carotid; CE: coeliac; SM: superior mesenteric; R: renal; HQ: hindquarters


title comp. reduced MAP, HR and CA and HQ resistance between 5-30 min after injection; title comp. produced transient increase in SM resistance; timeresponse curves



Experimental Physiology, 2000 , vol. 85, # 5 p. 479 - 485 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocyte, expressing human ρ1 GABAC receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.125 - 16 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte voltage-clamped at -70 mV; current induced by title comp. measured

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.81 μmol/l


Chang, Yong; Covey, Douglas F.; Weiss, David S.

Molecular Pharmacology, 2000 , vol. 58, # 6 p. 1375 - 1380 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocyte, expressing human ρ1 GABAC receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 0.1 - 16 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

single oocyte binding technique; oocyte incubated with 1 μmol/l <3H>GABA and title comp. in OR2, pH 7.5, for 30 s at room temp.; then rinsed, placed to OR2 for 60 s to let <3H>GABA to dissociate; scintillation fluid added, radioactivity measured

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

OR2: oocyte Ringers-2 incubation solution; Ki: apparent dissociation constant

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.48 μmol/l

661 of 992

662 of 992

663 of 992

664 of 992


Ki = 0.58 μmol/l


Chang, Yong; Covey, Douglas F.; Weiss, David S.

Molecular Pharmacology, 2000 , vol. 58, # 6 p. 1375 - 1380 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human GABAA receptors expresed in Xenopus oocyces

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

15 μmol/l


Stuhr-Hansen, Nicolai; Ebert, Bjarke; Krogsgaard-Larsen, Povl; Kehler, Jan

Organic Letters, 2000 , vol. 2, # 1 p. 6 - 10 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat brain synaptosomes (GABAB receptors)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.025 μmol/l


Stuhr-Hansen, Nicolai; Ebert, Bjarke; Krogsgaard-Larsen, Povl; Kehler, Jan

Organic Letters, 2000 , vol. 2, # 1 p. 6 - 10 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat brain synaptosomes (GABAA receptors)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.128 μmol/l


Stuhr-Hansen, Nicolai; Ebert, Bjarke; Krogsgaard-Larsen, Povl; Kehler, Jan

Organic Letters, 2000 , vol. 2, # 1 p. 6 - 10 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

cell regulation

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes (XLO)

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

300 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

XLO injected with α9 rat nicotinic acetylcholine receptor cDNA; inward current (I) recorded under two-electrode voltage clamp; cells superfused with frog saline, title comp. added to perfusate

665 of 992

666 of 992

667 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. effect on I studied (graph)

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Rothlin; Katz; Verbitsky; Elgoyhen

Molecular pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 55, # 2 p. 248 - 254 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes (XLO)

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

300 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

XLO injected with α9 rat nicotinic acetylcholine receptor cDNA; inward current (I) recorded under two-electrode voltage clamp; cells superfused with frog saline, title comp. added to perfusate; I elicited by 10 μM acetylchloline (ACh)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. effect on ACh-elicited I studied (graph)

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Rothlin; Katz; Verbitsky; Elgoyhen

Molecular pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 55, # 2 p. 248 - 254 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

γ-aminobutyric acidA receptors with ε subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

30 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

mouse fibroblast L929 cells expressing human ε subunit; whole-cell patch-clamp recording at -75 mV; holding current measured; direct application of title comp., 6 s

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effect of title comp. on holding current

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Neelands, Torben R.; Fisher, Janet L.; Bianchi, Matt; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 55, # 1 p. 168 - 178 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

γ-aminobutyric acidA receptors with β3ε subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

300 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

mouse fibroblast L929 cells coexpressing rat β3, human ε subunits; whole-cell patch-clamp recording at -75 mV; holding current measured; direct application of title comp., 6 s

668 of 992

669 of 992

670 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effect of title comp. on holding current

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Neelands, Torben R.; Fisher, Janet L.; Bianchi, Matt; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 55, # 1 p. 168 - 178 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

γ-aminobutyric acidA receptors with α1ε subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

30 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

mouse fibroblast L929 cells coexpressing rat α1, human ε subunits; whole-cell patch-clamp recording at -75 mV; holding current measured; direct application of title comp., 6 s

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effect of title comp. on holding current

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Neelands, Torben R.; Fisher, Janet L.; Bianchi, Matt; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 55, # 1 p. 168 - 178 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

γ-aminobutyric acidA receptors with α1β3ε subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

mouse fibroblast L929 cells coexpressing rat α1, β3, human ε subunits; outside-out patch-clamp recording -80 to +80 mV; current measured; application of title comp.; title comp.-evoked current measured

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

examination of single-channel properties of receptor


relatively long single-channel openings, separated into grouped bursts; average amplitude 1.6 pA at -70 mV; average conductance of channel openings 23.7 pS (vs. spontaneous 22.2 pS); average reversal potential for individual patches near 0 mV


Neelands, Torben R.; Fisher, Janet L.; Bianchi, Matt; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 55, # 1 p. 168 - 178 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

γ-aminobutyric acidA receptors with α1β3ε subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

mouse fibroblast L929 cells coexpressing rat α1, β3, human ε subunits; outside-out patch-clamp recording from -80 to +80 mV; current measured; application of title comp., 5-10 min; title comp.-evoked current measured

Further Details

kinetic properties of single-channel openings and closings of receptor

(Pharmacological Data)

671 of 992

672 of 992

673 of 992


low frequency openings with average percent open time of 1.04 percent; open time 1.18 ms, shut time 132 ms, burst duration 3.72 ms, openings/burst 2.94, mean values


Neelands, Torben R.; Fisher, Janet L.; Bianchi, Matt; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 55, # 1 p. 168 - 178 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

γ-aminobutyric acidA receptors with α1β3ε subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-08 - 0.0001 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

mouse fibroblast L929 cells coexpressing rat α1, β3, human ε subunits; whole-cell patch-clamp recording -75 mV; holding current measured; direct application of title comp.

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effect of title comp. on holding current

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.8 μmol/l


concentration-dependent increase of holding current by title comp.; faster apparent activation rates, greater apparent desensitization with higher concentrations; Hill coefficient: 0.8


Neelands, Torben R.; Fisher, Janet L.; Bianchi, Matt; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 55, # 1 p. 168 - 178 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

γ-aminobutyric acidA receptors with α1β3ε subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

mouse fibroblast L929 cells coexpressing rat α1, β3, human ε subunits; whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from -100 to +75 mV; repeated application of title comp., 5 s; subsequent reapplication at -75 mV after each I-V protocol

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

current-voltage (I-V) relation for effect of title comp. on holding current


I-V relation linear at negative potentials; inward rectification above +25 mV; no current rundown as demonstrated by reapplication


Neelands, Torben R.; Fisher, Janet L.; Bianchi, Matt; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 55, # 1 p. 168 - 178 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

γ-aminobutyric acidA receptors with α1β3γL subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological

mouse fibroblast L929 cells coexpressing rat α1, β3 and γ2L subunits; whole-cell patch-clamp recording at -75 mV; holding current measured; direct application of title comp., 6 s


674 of 992

675 of 992

676 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effect of title comp. on holding current


inward current evoked by title comp.


Neelands, Torben R.; Fisher, Janet L.; Bianchi, Matt; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 55, # 1 p. 168 - 178 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

γ-aminobutyric acidA receptors with α1β3δ subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

30 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

mouse fibroblast L929 cells coexpressing rat α1, β3 and δ subunits; whole-cell patch-clamp recording at -75 mV; holding current measured; direct application of title comp., 6 s

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effect of title comp. on holding current


inward current evoked by title comp., small effect


Neelands, Torben R.; Fisher, Janet L.; Bianchi, Matt; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 55, # 1 p. 168 - 178 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

γ-aminobutyric acidA receptors with α1β3 subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

30 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

mouse fibroblast L929 cells coexpressing rat α1, β3 subunits; whole-cell patch-clamp recording at -75 mV; holding current measured; direct application of title comp., 6 s

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effect of title comp. on holding current


inward current evoked by title comp., small effect


Neelands, Torben R.; Fisher, Janet L.; Bianchi, Matt; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 55, # 1 p. 168 - 178 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme; examination of

Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)

protection from enzyme inactivation

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

pig brain γ-aminobutyric acid aminotransferase

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.5 - 10 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme incubated at 25 deg C in solution containing (Z)- or (E)-4-amino-2-(trifluoromethyl)-2-butenoic acid, α-ketoglutarate, title comp., and potassium pyrophosphate at pH 8.5; at time intervals over 60 min, aliquots assayed for enzyme activity significant decrease in rate of enzyme inactivation caused by (Z)- or (E)-4-amino-2-(trifluoromethyl)-2-butenoic acid


677 of 992

678 of 992

679 of 992


Johnson, Theodore R.; Silverman, Richard B.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 1999 , vol. 7, # 8 p. 1625 - 1636 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of (3H)L-carnitine uptake

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human hepatoma HLF cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; 3E6 cells; Krebs-Ringer phosphate buffer, pH 7.4; incub. with test comp. for 15 min; incub. in the pres. of (3H)-label. L-carnitine (1.27 nM) for further 5 min; 37 deg C; radioact. meas. by scintil. count.


title comp. slightly inhib. uptake of (3H)-L-carnitine (78.8 percent of that in the absence of title comp.)


Yokogawa, Koichi; Miya, Kazuhiro; Tamai, Ikumi; Higashi, Yasuhiko; Nomura, Masaaki; Miyamoto, Ken-Ichi; Tsuji, Akira

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 51, # 8 p. 935 - 940 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

cortical synaptoneurosomes from Long-Evans rat



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

5 - 100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; cortical synaptoneurosomes, ca. 1 mg protein; preincubation for 12 min at 30 deg C; 0.2 μCi/sample 36Cl(-) was added; with/without title comp. and 1 or 5 μM cyanazine; incubation for 5 s

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

synaptoneurosomes were prepared by Schwartz; effect cyanazine on title comp.-stimulated 36Cl(-) flux into synaptoneurosomes was evaluated; EC50s for title comp. were estimated

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

19.4 - 28.8 μmol/l


cyanazine shifted the EC50 for title comp.-stimulated 36Cl(-) flux into synaptoneurosomes from 28.9 to 19.4 μM; EC50, μM: 28.8 (title comp.), 23.0 (title comp. + 1 μM cyanazine), 19,4 (title comp. + 1 μM cyanazine)


Shafer, Timothy J.; Ward, Thomas R.; Meacham, Connie A.; Cooper, Ralph L.

Toxicology, 1999 , vol. 142, # 1 p. 57 - 68 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

peritubular myoid cells (PMCs) from Sprague-Dawley rat



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

50 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological

solut. of title comp. in DMSO added to cell culture medium; final DMSO conc. <=0.1 percent


680 of 992

681 of 992

682 of 992

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; 6E5 cells/ml PMC incubated with 200 nM bisoxonol for 2-4 min; incubation with title comp. and 200 μM lindane for 5 min in regular buffer; membrane depolarization (MD) measured fluorimetrically at ex/em 540/580 nm

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

PMCs: from testis of 18-d old rats; control: DMSO only; regular buffer: DMEM/F12; ex/em: excitation/emission; effect title comp. on lindane-induced MD was evaluated

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Silvestroni, Leopoldo; Rossi, Fabio; Magnanti, Massimo; Lubrano, Carla; Santiemma, Vittorio; Palleschi, Simonetta

Reproductive Toxicology, 1999 , vol. 13, # 6 p. 431 - 441 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

pig brain γ-aminobutyric acid aminotransferase

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; determination of kinetic constants; <5-14C>2-ketoglutarate; β-mercaptoethanol; potassium pyrophosphate buffer, pH 8.5; 25 deg C; 60-min incubation; resulting <14C>glutamate isolated and quantified

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

2.4 mmol/l


served as enzyme substrate with kcat of 49 1/min and specificity const. (kcat/Km) of 20.4 1/(mmol/l * min)


Qiu, Jian; Pingsterhaus, Joyce M.; Silverman, Richard B.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1999 , vol. 42, # 22 p. 4725 - 4728 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat olfactory bulb



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-06 - 0.001 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

olfactory bulb granule cell layers from rats (200-350g); adenylyl cyclase activity stimulated by title comp. determined by monitoring the conversion of (α-32P)-ATP into <32P>-cyclic AMP; comparison with the effect of (-)-baclofen

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

pD2 calculated (negative logarithmic form of EC50 values in mol/l)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

3.56 dimensionless


title comp. mimicked the (-)-baclofen stimulation; (diagram)


Olianas, Maria C.; Onali, Pierluigi

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 126, # 3 p. 657 - 664 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-

human intestinal epithelial (Caco-2) cells

System (Pharmacological Data)

683 of 992

684 of 992

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 - 100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

uptake of title comp. across cell monolayer (grown on 12 mm diameter filter) between two compartments of the chamber: basal side filled with B solution (pH 7.4) of <2,3-3H>-title comp., apical with B of variing pH (4.9-8.0) (scint. counting)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

B = modified sodium-free Krebs buffer


title comp. showed pH-dependent uptake (minimum at pH 8, maximum at pH < 5.3); diagram given


Thwaites, David T.; Stevens, Beverley C.

Experimental Physiology, 1999 , vol. 84, # 2 p. 275 - 284 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

membrane current; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat pituitary intermediate lobe cells



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

50 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in solution containing (mmol/l): NaCl (140), KCl (3.5), glucose (10), NaH2PO4 (1.25), CaCl2 (2), MgCl2 (2), HEPES (20), pH 7.3

Method (Pharmacological Data)

endocrine cells of 4-6 weeks old rats were prepared; patch-clamp recording at room temperature with a holding potential -70 mV; title comp. added for 8 s through patch pipette or through gravity-feed tube; whole-cell current was recorded

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: without title comp.; further investigation of title comp.-induced current using Bicuculline methbromide (100 μmol/l) and picrotoxinin (100 μmol/l)


title comp. stimulated high response in cell current with amplitude 530-740 pA; desensitization time was 5160 -5420 ms; title comp. response was blocked completely by bicuculline and 89 percent blocked by picrotoxinin (table, diagram)


Hansen, Suzanne L.; Fjalland, Bjarne; Jackson, Meyer B.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 55, # 3 p. 489 - 496 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

membrane current; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat posterior pituitary nerve terminal



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

50 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in solution containing (mmol/l): NaCl (140), KCl (3.5), glucose (10), CaCl2 (2), MgCl2 (2), NaH2PO4 (1.25), HEPES (20), pH 7.3

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells of 4-6 weeks old rats were prepared; patch-clamp recording at room temperature with a holding potential -70 mV; title comp. added for 1-2 s through patch pipette or through gravity-feed tube; whole-cell current was recorded

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: without title comp.


title comp. stimulated high response in cell current with amplitude 45 pA; desensitization time was 300 ms (table, diagram)


Hansen, Suzanne L.; Fjalland, Bjarne; Jackson, Meyer B.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 55, # 3 p. 489 - 496 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

685 of 992

686 of 992

687 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

membrane current; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat anterior pituitary cells



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

50 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in solution containing (mmol/l): NaCl (140), KCl (3.5), glucose (10), CaCl2 (2), MgCl2 (2), NaH2PO4 (1.25), HEPES (20), pH 7.3

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells of 4-6 weeks old rats were prepared; patch-clamp recording at room temperature with a holding potential -70 mV; title comp. added for 1-2 s through patch pipette or through gravity-feed tube; whole-cell current was recorded

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: without title comp.


title comp. caused very small response (3-pA)


Hansen, Suzanne L.; Fjalland, Bjarne; Jackson, Meyer B.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 55, # 3 p. 489 - 496 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat hippocampal dentate granule cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.3 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in extracellular solution

Method (Pharmacological Data)

title comp.A receptor assay; cells were isolated from rats aged 7-14 and 45-52 days; whole cell title comp. receptor currents recorded by patch-clamp method (pH 7.4, 24 deg C)


title comp. effect increased with age: minimum conc. required for evoking currents were 1 and 0.3 μmol/l (ca. 10 and 50 days old respectively), peak currents evoked by 10 μmol/l were 40 and 252 pA (ca. 10 and 50 days old respectively)


Kapur, Jaideep; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 55, # 3 p. 444 - 452 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat hippocampal dentate granule cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in extracellular solution

Method (Pharmacological Data)

title comp.A receptor assay; cells were isolated from rats aged 7-14 days; whole cell title comp. receptor currents recorded by patch-clamp method (pH 7.4, 24 deg C); concentration-response curves obtained

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological

31 μmol/l


688 of 992

689 of 992

690 of 992


Kapur, Jaideep; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 55, # 3 p. 444 - 452 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat hippocampal dentate granule cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in extracellular solution

Method (Pharmacological Data)

title comp.A receptor assay; cells were isolated from rats aged 45-52 days; whole cell title comp. receptor currents recorded by patch-clamp method (pH 7.4, 24 deg C); concentration-response curves obtained

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

40 μmol/l


Kapur, Jaideep; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 55, # 3 p. 444 - 452 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

muscle contractive

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

guinea-pig ileum


male and female

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-06 - 0.001 mol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in distilled water

Method (Pharmacological Data)

longitudinal muscle strips; intact myenteric plexus; PSS at 37 deg C; histamine (1 μmol/l) induced preconstriction; electric field stimulation; addition of title comp.; inhibition by title comp. of stimulation-evoked relaxation

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

stimulation: 1 Hz, 1 ms, 300 mA for 10 s at 10 min interval; isometric force measurements; PSS: physiological salt solution, gassed with 95 percent O2/5 percent CO2; further investigation using tetrodotoxin

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

5 μmol/l


title comp. inhibited stimulation-evoked relaxation in concentration-dependent manner (figure); effect of title comp. was significantly stronger in presence of tetrodotoxin


Kilbinger; Ginap; Erbelding

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 359, # 6 p. 500 - 504 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

muscle contractive

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological

guinea-pig ileum


691 of 992

692 of 992


male and female

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in distilled water

Method (Pharmacological Data)

longitudinal muscle strips; intact myenteric plexus; PSS at 37 deg C; histamine (1 μmol/l) induced preconstriction; addition of title comp.; 15 min later effect of title comp. on SNP (100 μmol/l) stimulated relaxation was tested

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

isometric force measurements; PSS: physiological salt solution, gassed with 95 percent O2/5 percent CO2; control: without title comp.; SNP: sodium nitroprusside


Kilbinger; Ginap; Erbelding

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 359, # 6 p. 500 - 504 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme; induction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat cerebral cortex membranes



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 1E-06 - 0.005 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

membranes incubated at 37 deg C in 50 mmol/l Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, containing 0.3 μmol/l <γ-32P>GTP and 2 mmol/l MgCl2 for 15 min in presence of title comp.; GTPase activity measured as radioactivity of 32Pi release with liquid scintillation spectrometer

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

further investigation in presence of 0.5-20 mmol/l MgCl2 or in absence of MgCl2

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

63.4 μmol/l


title comp. sign. augmented GTP hydrolysis in presence of MgCl2; no effect in absence of MgCl2 (figure)


Odagaki, Yuji; Nishi, Nobuyuki; Nakagawa, Shin; Koyama, Tsukasa

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1999 , vol. 291, # 3 p. 1250 - 1256 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat brain membranes

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.3 - 4 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

test system incubated with anisatin and <3H>EBOB in presence of title comp. (37 deg C, 90 min) in sodium phosphate buffer contg. NaCl; filtered; radioactivity of <3H>EBOB that specifically bound to membranes on filters was measured with LSC

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

LSC: liquid scintillation counter; EBOB: 1-(4-ethynylphenyl)-4-n-propyl-2,6,7-trioxabicyclo<2.2.2>octane


title comp. failed to affect the potency of anisatin in inhibiting <3H>EBOB binding; at 0.3 and 4.0 μmol/l, title comp. caused 25 and 74 percent inhibition of <3H>EBOB binding, respectively; fig., table


Kakemoto, Eiji; Okuyama, Emi; Nagata, Keiichi; Ozoe, Yoshihisa

Biochemical Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 58, # 4 p. 617 - 621 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

693 of 992

694 of 992

695 of 992

696 of 992

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

inhibits specific R-<3H>-baclofen binding to rat brain synaptic membranes (male Wistar rats) by IC 50: 0.058 μM; Ki inhibition constant at GABAB receptors: 0.045 μM


Meza-Toledo, Sergio E.; Martinez-Munoz, Dalila; Carvajal-Sandoval, Guillermo

Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research, 1998 , vol. 48, # 11 p. 1051 - 1057 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of EBOB binding

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat-brain P2 membranes



Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

90 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

incubation of test compound with brain membranes and <3H>EBOB in NaCl/sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.5) at 37 deg C; measurement of <3H>EBOB bound to membranes with liquid scintillation

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.05 μmol/l


Ozoe; Niina; Matsumoto; Ikeda; Mochida; Ogawa; Matsuno; Miki; Yanagi

Bioorganic and medicinal chemistry, 1998 , vol. 6, # 1 p. 73 - 83 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

brain of Sprague-Dawley rat



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

50 nmol/l

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

20 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats (250-300 g) cannulated, injection of vehicle or gamma-2 ASO (18 μg, every 12 h 3 days) into right i.c.v. space; 6 h after last i.c.v. injection rats killing, brain slices prepn.; incubation with 3H-labeled title compd. and 100 μM baclofen

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

autoradiographic anal. of dried slices; ASO - antisense oligodeoxynuclide


specific binding in various brain tissue areas (dependence on gamma-2 ASO pretreatment) evaluated (diagram)


Zhao, Tai-Jun; Ming; Chiu, Ted H.; Rosenberg, Howard C.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1998 , vol. 287, # 2 p. 752 - 759 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

modulation of 35S-TBPS binding

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

brain of Sprague-Dawley rats



697 of 992

698 of 992

699 of 992

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-06 - 0.0001 mol/l

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

3 h

Method (Pharmacological Data)

adult rats (200-300 g); with/without GHB-induction of absence seizures (100 mg/kg GBL, i.p.); 15 - 60 min after onset of GHB seisures rats sacrificed, brain tissues prepd., incubated in 35S-TBPS (70-100 Ci/mmol, 2 nM) and title compd.

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

TBPS - t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate; GHB - γ-hydroxybutyric acid; GBL - γ-butyrolactone


concn.-dependent biphasis effect (binding in thalamic ventrobasal nucleus) and influence of GHB-induced absence seizures evaluated (diagrams)


Banerjee, Pradeep K.; Olsen, Richard W.; Tillakaratne, Niranjala J. K.; Brailowsky, Simon; Tobin, Allan J.; Snead III, O. Carter

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1998 , vol. 287, # 2 p. 766 - 772 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

murine B82 cell line (HM2-B10) expressing human M2 receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

title comp./<3H>(-)-N-methyl-3-quinuclidinyl benzilate (MQNB) competition assay was carried out using average concentration of 341 pM <3H>MQNB in 1 ml of IMDM at 37 deg C for 3 hr; liquid scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

specific binding was determined as the amount of binding inhibited by 1 μM atropine sulfate


title comp. showed < 40 percent inhibition of <3H>(-)-MQNB binding


Kovacs, Ildiko; Yamamura, Henry I.; Waite, Sue L.; Varga, Eva V.; Roeske, William R.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1998 , vol. 284, # 2 p. 500 - 507 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK 293 cells expressing α2β1 wild-type GABA receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 1000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; cDNA encoding receptor expressed in HEK 293 cells; title comp. applied through local perfusion; electrophysiological recordings performed on cells using whole cell patch-clamp technology

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

dose-response curve given

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

9.8 μmol/l


maximal response to title comp.=608 pA


Krasowski, Matthew D.; Finn, Suzanne E.; Ye, Qing; Harrison, Neil L.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1998 , vol. 284, # 3 p. 934 - 942 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

700 of 992

701 of 992

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK 293 cell expr. α2(S270I)β1 mutant GABA receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 1000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; cDNA encoding receptor expressed in HEK 293 cells; title comp. applied through local perfusion; electrophysiological recordings performed on cells using whole cell patch-clamp technology

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

14.4 μmol/l


maximal response to title comp.=489 pA


Krasowski, Matthew D.; Finn, Suzanne E.; Ye, Qing; Harrison, Neil L.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1998 , vol. 284, # 3 p. 934 - 942 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK 293 cell expr. α2(S270H)β1 mutant GABA receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 1000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; cDNA encoding receptor expressed in HEK 293 cells; title comp. applied through local perfusion; electrophysiological recordings performed on cells using whole cell patch-clamp technology

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

3.4 μmol/l


maxiaml response to GABA=598 pA


Krasowski, Matthew D.; Finn, Suzanne E.; Ye, Qing; Harrison, Neil L.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1998 , vol. 284, # 3 p. 934 - 942 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK 293 cells expr. α2(A291W)β1 mutant GABA receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 1000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; cDNA encoding receptor expressed in HEK 293 cells; title comp. applied through local perfusion; electrophysiological recordings performed on cells using whole cell patch-clamp technology

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

2.4 μmol/l


maximal response to title comp.=935 pA


Krasowski, Matthew D.; Finn, Suzanne E.; Ye, Qing; Harrison, Neil L.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1998 , vol. 284, # 3 p. 934 - 942 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

702 of 992

703 of 992

704 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK 293 cells expr. α2β1(S265I) mutant GABA receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 1000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; cDNA encoding receptor expressed in HEK 293 cells; title comp. applied through local perfusion; electrophysiological recordings performed on cells using whole cell patch-clamp technology

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

37.5 μmol/l


maximal response to title comp.=709 pA


Krasowski, Matthew D.; Finn, Suzanne E.; Ye, Qing; Harrison, Neil L.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1998 , vol. 284, # 3 p. 934 - 942 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK 293 cells expr. α2β1(M286W) mutant GABA receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 1000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; cDNA encoding receptor expressed in HEK 293 cells; title comp. applied through local perfusion; electrophysiological recordings performed on cells using whole cell patch-clamp technology

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

7.4 μmol/l


maximal current response to title comp.=422 pA


Krasowski, Matthew D.; Finn, Suzanne E.; Ye, Qing; Harrison, Neil L.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1998 , vol. 284, # 3 p. 934 - 942 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK 293 cells expressing GABAρ1 receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 1000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; cDNA encoding GABA receptor expressed in HEK 293 cells; title comp. applied through local perfusion; electrophysiological recordings performed on cells using whole cell patch-clamp technology

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABA=γ-aminobutyric acid

Type (Pharmacological Data)


705 of 992

706 of 992

707 of 992

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

3.9 μmol/l


maximal response to title comp.=700 pA


Krasowski, Matthew D.; Finn, Suzanne E.; Ye, Qing; Harrison, Neil L.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1998 , vol. 284, # 3 p. 934 - 942 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney HEK 293 cells

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

diluted into extracellular solution before use

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transiently expressing α2β1 wild-type GABAA receptors; continuously perfused at room temp.; whole-cell patch-clamp at -60 mV; stimulation by title comp. of inward current was assessed

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

extracellular medium (mmol/l): 145 NaCl, 3 KCl, 1.5 CaCl2, 1 MgCl2, 5.5 glucose, 10 HEPES, pH 7.4; intracellular solution (mmol/l): 145 N-methyl-Dglutamine hydrochloride, 5 K2ATP, 5 HEPES/KOH, 2 MgCl2, 0.1 CaCl2, 1.1 EGTA, pH 7.2

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

8.7 μmol/l


Hill slope value 1.9


Krasowski, Matthew D.; Koltchine, Vladimir V.; Rick, Caroline E.; Ye, Qing; Finn, Suzanne E.; Harrison, Neil L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 3 p. 530 - 538 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney HEK 293 cells

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

diluted into extracellular solution before use

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transiently expressing α2(S270I)β1 mutant GABAA receptors; continuously perfused at room temp.; whole-cell patch-clamp at -60 mV; stimulation by title comp. of inward current was assessed

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

extracellular medium (mmol/l): 145 NaCl, 3 KCl, 1.5 CaCl2, 1 MgCl2, 5.5 glucose, 10 HEPES, pH 7.4; intracellular solution (mmol/l): 145 N-methyl-Dglutamine hydrochloride, 5 K2ATP, 5 HEPES/KOH, 2 MgCl2, 0.1 CaCl2, 1.1 EGTA, pH 7.2

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

14.6 μmol/l


Hill slope value 2.4


Krasowski, Matthew D.; Koltchine, Vladimir V.; Rick, Caroline E.; Ye, Qing; Finn, Suzanne E.; Harrison, Neil L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 3 p. 530 - 538 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological

human embryonic kidney HEK 293 cells


708 of 992

709 of 992

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

diluted into extracellular solution before use

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transiently expressing α2(S270H)β1 mutant GABAA receptors; continuously perfused at room temp.; whole-cell patch-clamp at -60 mV; stimulation by title comp. of inward current was assessed

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

extracellular medium (mmol/l): 145 NaCl, 3 KCl, 1.5 CaCl2, 1 MgCl2, 5.5 glucose, 10 HEPES, pH 7.4; intracellular solution (mmol/l): 145 N-methyl-Dglutamine hydrochloride, 5 K2ATP, 5 HEPES/KOH, 2 MgCl2, 0.1 CaCl2, 1.1 EGTA, pH 7.2

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

3.5 μmol/l


Hill slope value 1.5


Krasowski, Matthew D.; Koltchine, Vladimir V.; Rick, Caroline E.; Ye, Qing; Finn, Suzanne E.; Harrison, Neil L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 3 p. 530 - 538 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney HEK 293 cells

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

diluted into extracellular solution before use

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transiently expressing α2(A291W)β1 mutant GABAA receptors; continuously perfused at room temp.; whole-cell patch-clamp at -60 mV; stimulation by title comp. of inward current was assessed

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

extracellular medium (mmol/l): 145 NaCl, 3 KCl, 1.5 CaCl2, 1 MgCl2, 5.5 glucose, 10 HEPES, pH 7.4; intracellular solution (mmol/l): 145 N-methyl-Dglutamine hydrochloride, 5 K2ATP, 5 HEPES/KOH, 2 MgCl2, 0.1 CaCl2, 1.1 EGTA, pH 7.2

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

2.4 μmol/l


Hill slope value 1.7


Krasowski, Matthew D.; Koltchine, Vladimir V.; Rick, Caroline E.; Ye, Qing; Finn, Suzanne E.; Harrison, Neil L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 3 p. 530 - 538 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney HEK 293 cells

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

diluted into extracellular solution before use

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transiently expressing α2β1(S265I) mutant GABAA receptors; continuously perfused at room temp.; whole-cell patch-clamp at -60 mV; stimulation by title comp. of inward current was assessed

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

extracellular medium (mmol/l): 145 NaCl, 3 KCl, 1.5 CaCl2, 1 MgCl2, 5.5 glucose, 10 HEPES, pH 7.4; intracellular solution (mmol/l): 145 N-methyl-Dglutamine hydrochloride, 5 K2ATP, 5 HEPES/KOH, 2 MgCl2, 0.1 CaCl2, 1.1 EGTA, pH 7.2

Type (Pharmacological Data)


710 of 992

711 of 992

712 of 992

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

37.5 μmol/l


Hill slope value 1.2


Krasowski, Matthew D.; Koltchine, Vladimir V.; Rick, Caroline E.; Ye, Qing; Finn, Suzanne E.; Harrison, Neil L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 3 p. 530 - 538 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney HEK 293 cells

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

diluted into extracellular solution before use

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transiently expressing α2β1(M286W) mutant GABAA receptors; continuously perfused at room temp.; whole-cell patch-clamp at -60 mV; stimulation by title comp. of inward current was assessed

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

extracellular medium (mmol/l): 145 NaCl, 3 KCl, 1.5 CaCl2, 1 MgCl2, 5.5 glucose, 10 HEPES, pH 7.4; intracellular solution (mmol/l): 145 N-methyl-Dglutamine hydrochloride, 5 K2ATP, 5 HEPES/KOH, 2 MgCl2, 0.1 CaCl2, 1.1 EGTA, pH 7.2

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

8.7 μmol/l


Hill slope value 0.8


Krasowski, Matthew D.; Koltchine, Vladimir V.; Rick, Caroline E.; Ye, Qing; Finn, Suzanne E.; Harrison, Neil L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 3 p. 530 - 538 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transport; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

ICR mouse brain synaptosomes



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.5 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

γ-hydroxybutyrate transport study; synaptosomes incubated with increasing conc. of <3H>γ-hydroxybutyrate in presence of title comp. (3 min, 37 deg C); then γ-hydroxybutyrate added; radioactivity measured in scintillation spectrometer

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


McCormick; Tunnicliff

Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 57, # 3 p. 124 - 131 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing GABAA receptors

Method (Pharmacological Data)

currents recorded under two-electrode voltage-clamp at holding potential of -50 mV at room temperature

Further Details (Pharmacological

receptor expressed in oocytes: αβ


713 of 992

714 of 992

715 of 992

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

3.4 μmol/l


Hill coefficient: 0.97


Horenstein, Jeffrey; Akabas, Myles H.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 5 p. 870 - 877 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing GABAA receptors

Method (Pharmacological Data)

currents recorded under two-electrode voltage-clamp at holding potential of -50 mV at room temperature

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

receptor expressed in oocytes: αβH267S

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.7 μmol/l


Hill coefficient: 0.67


Horenstein, Jeffrey; Akabas, Myles H.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 5 p. 870 - 877 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing GABAA receptors

Method (Pharmacological Data)

currents recorded under two-electrode voltage-clamp at holding potential of -50 mV at room temperature

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

receptor expressed in oocytes: αβH267I

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

2.2 μmol/l


Hill coefficient: 1.40


Horenstein, Jeffrey; Akabas, Myles H.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 5 p. 870 - 877 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing GABAA receptors

currents recorded under two-electrode voltage-clamp at holding potential of -50 mV at room temperature

Method (Pharmacological Data)

716 of 992

717 of 992

718 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

receptor expressed in oocytes: αβH267C

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

4.6 μmol/l


Hill coefficient: 1.48


Horenstein, Jeffrey; Akabas, Myles H.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 5 p. 870 - 877 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing GABAA receptors

Method (Pharmacological Data)

currents recorded under two-electrode voltage-clamp at holding potential of -50 mV at room temperature

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

receptor expressed in oocytes: αS272Hβ

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

5.6 μmol/l


Hill coefficient: 0.79


Horenstein, Jeffrey; Akabas, Myles H.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 5 p. 870 - 877 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing GABAA receptors

Method (Pharmacological Data)

currents recorded under two-electrode voltage-clamp at holding potential of -50 mV at room temperature

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

receptor expressed in oocytes: αS272H βH267S

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.7 μmol/l


Hill coefficient: 0.83


Horenstein, Jeffrey; Akabas, Myles H.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 5 p. 870 - 877 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


719 of 992

720 of 992

721 of 992

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing GABAA receptors

Method (Pharmacological Data)

currents recorded under two-electrode voltage-clamp at holding potential of -50 mV at room temperature

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

receptor expressed in oocytes: αS272H βH267Sγ

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

4.7 μmol/l


Hill coefficient: 0.64


Horenstein, Jeffrey; Akabas, Myles H.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 5 p. 870 - 877 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing GABAA receptors

Method (Pharmacological Data)

currents recorded under two-electrode voltage-clamp at holding potential of -50 mV at room temperature

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

receptor expressed in oocytes: αβγ

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

7.8 μmol/l


Hill coefficient: 0.96


Horenstein, Jeffrey; Akabas, Myles H.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 5 p. 870 - 877 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing GABAA receptors

Method (Pharmacological Data)

currents recorded under two-electrode voltage-clamp at holding potential of -50 mV at room temperature

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

receptor expressed in oocytes: αS272H γI282H

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Horenstein, Jeffrey; Akabas, Myles H.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 5 p. 870 - 877 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


722 of 992

723 of 992

724 of 992

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing GABAA receptors

Method (Pharmacological Data)

currents recorded under two-electrode voltage-clamp at holding potential of -50 mV at room temperature

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

receptor expressed in oocytes: βγI282H

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Horenstein, Jeffrey; Akabas, Myles H.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 5 p. 870 - 877 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing GABAA receptors

Method (Pharmacological Data)

currents recorded under two-electrode voltage-clamp at holding potential of -50 mV at room temperature

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

receptor expressed in oocytes: αβH267S γI282H

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.9 μmol/l


Hill coefficient: 1.03


Horenstein, Jeffrey; Akabas, Myles H.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 5 p. 870 - 877 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing GABAA receptors

Method (Pharmacological Data)

currents recorded under two-electrode voltage-clamp at holding potential of -50 mV at room temperature

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

receptor expressed in oocytes: αS272H βH267S γI282H

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

2.9 μmol/l


Hill coefficient: 0.86


Horenstein, Jeffrey; Akabas, Myles H.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 5 p. 870 - 877 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


725 of 992

726 of 992

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing GABAA receptors

Method (Pharmacological Data)

currents recorded under two-electrode voltage-clamp at holding potential of -50 mV at room temperature

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

receptor expressed in oocytes: αS272Hβγ

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

3.8 μmol/l


Hill coefficient: 1.07


Horenstein, Jeffrey; Akabas, Myles H.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 5 p. 870 - 877 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing GABAA receptors

Method (Pharmacological Data)

currents recorded under two-electrode voltage-clamp at holding potential of -50 mV at room temperature

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

receptor expressed in oocytes: αβγI282H

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

3.4 μmol/l


Hill coefficient: 0.78


Horenstein, Jeffrey; Akabas, Myles H.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 5 p. 870 - 877 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing GABAA receptors

Method (Pharmacological Data)

currents recorded under two-electrode voltage-clamp at holding potential of -50 mV at room temperature

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

receptor expressed in oocytes: αS272H βγI282H

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

2.4 μmol/l


Hill coefficient: 0.86


Horenstein, Jeffrey; Akabas, Myles H.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 5 p. 870 - 877 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

727 of 992

728 of 992

729 of 992

730 of 992

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of activity of NADP-malic enzyme from Bradyrhizobium japonicum A1017


Chen; Okabe; Osano; Tajima

Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 1997 , vol. 61, # 2 p. 384 - 386 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

membrane depolarization

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat coronal slices



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

20 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rat (weighing 125-200 g), brain coronal slices cut, in vitro amygdalar slice prepared; pretreated with phenytoin (PHT, 100 μmol/l, 20 min) in presence of CNQX (10 μmol/l), picrotoxin (50 μmol/l) and TTX (0.5 μmol/l) then with title comp.

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

CNQX: 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione; TTX: tetrodotoxin; GABA-induced membrane depolarization


PHT had no effect on GABA-induced membrane depolarization


Cheng, Li-Ling; Wang, Su-Jane; Tsai, Jing-Jane; Gean, Po-Wu

Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 55, # 5 p. 228 - 234 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

effect on extracellular acidification rate

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat cerebellar granule cells (CGC)

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.01 - 1000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

primary CGC prepared from 8-day-post-natal rats; cells (9-12E5 cells/transwell cup) at 8 days in vitro assessed for response to increasing concentrations of title comp. (25 deg C, 33 s stimulation followed by 15 min washout between each concentration)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

measurement of CGC extracellular acidification rate in cytosensor microphysiometer

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

2.0 μmol/l


title comp. stimulated a concentration-dependent increase in the extracellular acidification rate with maximal increase Emax = 15.4 percent and Hill slope 0.8; graphical representation


Brown; Wood; Coldwell; Bristow

British journal of pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 121, # 1 p. 71 - 76 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

electrophysiological response

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

recombinant P2x2 receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l

731 of 992

732 of 992

733 of 992

Method (Pharmacological Data)

receptor expressed in defolliculated Xenopus oocytes; cells superfused with solution adjusted or not to pH 7.45; ATP (3 μmol/l) evoked invard currents recorded under voltage-clamp by use of twin-electrode amplifiers; title comp. applied for 2 min


title comp. did no affect response to ATP (diagram) and did not caused acidification of the bathing solution


Wildman; King; Burnstock

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 120, # 2 p. 221 - 224 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat cerebellar granule cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 1E-07 - 0.001 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; effect on <3H>flunitrazepam binding assayed; <3H>flunitrazepam (spec. act. >80 Ci/mmol); intact cells; Tris-citrate buffer (pH 7.4); 0 or 25 deg C; radioactivity measured by scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

results expressed as percent of control binding (<3H>flunitrazepam binding in absence title comp.)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.7 - 2.1 μmol/l


increased <3H>flunitrazepam binding dose-dependently both at 0 and 25 deg C; EC50 values were 1.7 and 2.1 μM at 0 and 25 deg C, respectively; graphical representation


Vale, Carmen; Pomes, Anna; Rodriguez-Farre, Eduard; Sunol, Cristina

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 319, # 2-3 p. 343 - 353 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat cerebellar granule cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

30 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; radioligand binding assay; 1.8-2.1 nM <35S>TBPS (spec. act. >60 Ci/mmol); intact cells; Tris-citrate buffer (pH 7.4); 25 deg C; incubation time 30 min; radioactivity measured by scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

results expressed as percent of control binding (binding in absence title comp.); TBPS: t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate


reduced <35S>TBPS binding to ca. 25 percent of control; graphical representation


Vale, Carmen; Pomes, Anna; Rodriguez-Farre, Eduard; Sunol, Cristina

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 319, # 2-3 p. 343 - 353 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat cerebellar granule cell membranes

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.05 - 50 nmol/l


in vitro; equilibrium binding assay; <3H>labeled title comp. (spec. act.: 86 Ci/mmol); cell membranes (25-70 γ protein) treated with Triton X-100; Triscitrate buffer; 0 deg C; incubation time 20 min; scintillation counting

(Pharmacological Data)

734 of 992

735 of 992

736 of 992

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

12.6 nmol/l


Bmax 1.1 pmol/mg protein; concentration response curve


Vale, Carmen; Pomes, Anna; Rodriguez-Farre, Eduard; Sunol, Cristina

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 319, # 2-3 p. 343 - 353 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

on cell input conductance

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Ascaris suum muscle cell

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-05 - 0.01 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

worm sectioned and preparation perfused by APF, 34 deg C; one muscle cell impaled with two glass microelectrodes; current pulses (20 nA, 0.2 Hz, 500 ms) injected intracellulary via one electrode; title comp. added; voltage changes recorded

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

APF: artificial perienteric fluid; controle: title comp. free perfusate


title comp. elicited muscle cell input conductance increase in concentration-dependent manner (diagram)


Holden-Dye; Brownlee; Walker

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 120, # 3 p. 379 - 386 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

on cell hyperpolarization

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Ascaris suum muscle cell

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-05 - 0.01 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

worm sectioned and preparation perfused by APF, 34 deg C; one muscle cell impaled with two glass microelectrodes; current pulses (20 nA, 0.2 Hz, 500 ms) injected intracellulary via one electrode; title comp. added; voltage changes recorded

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

APF: artificial perienteric fluid

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

59 μmol/l


title comp. elicited muscle cell hyperpolarization in concentration-dependent manner (diagram)


Holden-Dye; Brownlee; Walker

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 120, # 3 p. 379 - 386 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor modulation

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney (HEK 293) cells

737 of 992

738 of 992

739 of 992

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 1000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with plasmids containing cDNAs for rat α1, β3 GABAA receptor subunits; membranes perfused with extracellular HEPES-buffer (pH 7.4); inward whole-cell currents (Ii) recorded with the patch-clamp technique at -60 mV holding potential

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. added to extracellular sol.; title comp. effect on Ii of α1β3 receptors studied

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

9.1 μmol/l


at -60 mV: conc.-dependent increase of Ii (graph)


Davies, Paul A.; Kirkness, Ewen F.; Hales, Tim G.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 120, # 5 p. 899 - 909 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney (HEK 293) cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.001 - 100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with plasmids containing cDNAs for rat α1, β3 GABAA receptor subunits (alone or in combination); membranes incub. with title comp.+5 nM <35S>-tert-butyl bicyclophosphorothioate (<35S>-TBPS) in Tris-buffer (90 min; 25 deg C; pH 7.5)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

<35S>-TBPS binding to α1β3, β3 receptors determined by scintillation counting; title comp. effect on <35S>-TBPS binding studied


α1β3: biphasic effect on <35S>TBPS binding; 10 nM-1 μM: binding enhanced; 10-100 μM: binding inhibited; β3: binding unaffected (graph)


Davies, Paul A.; Kirkness, Ewen F.; Hales, Tim G.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 120, # 5 p. 899 - 909 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rats



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.01 - 0.1 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats (100-200g) anaesthetized and decapitated; crude synaptic membranes prepared from whole brain

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

scintillation counting; (3H)-GABAB binding; GABAA receptors blocked by isoguvacine


concentration-dependent effect: concentration of title compound, ca. percent(3H)-GABA specifically bound in the presence of title compound: 0mM, 100, 0.01mM, 10; 0.1mM, 5


Grobaski, Kenneth C.; Ping, Hanxian; DaSilva, Helena M.A.; Bowery, Norman G.; Connelly, Stephen T.; Shepard, Paul D.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 120, # 4 p. 575 - 580 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-

mouse fibroblast L929 cells

System (Pharmacological Data)

740 of 992

741 of 992

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 0.01 - 1000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing GABA receptor isoform α6/α1β3γ2L studied using whole-cell recording; currents recorded with patch-clamp amplifier

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.36 μmol/l


dose-dependent current response, maximum currents evoked: 782.0 pA; Hill slope: 1.1


Fisher, Janet L.; Zhang, Jie; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 52, # 4 p. 714 - 724 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

mouse fibroblast L929 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 1 - 1000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing GABA receptor isoform α1/α6β3γ2L studied using whole-cell recording; currents recorded with patch-clamp amplifier

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

67.9 μmol/l


dose-dependent current response, maximum currents evoked: 1123.6 pA; Hill slope: 1.4


Fisher, Janet L.; Zhang, Jie; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 52, # 4 p. 714 - 724 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

mouse fibroblast L929 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 0.1 - 1000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing GABA receptor isoform α1(L258T)β3γ2L studied using whole-cell recording; currents recorded with patch-clamp amplifier

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid

Type (Pharmacological



742 of 992

743 of 992

744 of 992

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

11.3 μmol/l


dose-dependent current response, maximum currents evoked: 1293.9 pA; Hill slope: 1.3


Fisher, Janet L.; Zhang, Jie; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 52, # 4 p. 714 - 724 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

mouse fibroblast L929 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 0.1 - 1000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing GABA receptor isoform α1β3γ2L studied using whole-cell recording; currents recorded with patch-clamp amplifier

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

11.5 μmol/l


dose-dependent current response, maximum currents evoked: 974.6 pA; Hill slope: 1.3


Fisher, Janet L.; Zhang, Jie; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 52, # 4 p. 714 - 724 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

mouse fibroblast L929 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 0.01 - 1000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing GABA receptor isoform α6β3γ2L studied using whole-cell recording; currents recorded with patch-clamp amplifier

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.7 μmol/l


dose-dependent current response, maximum currents evoked: 812.0 pA; Hill slope: 1.2


Fisher, Janet L.; Zhang, Jie; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 52, # 4 p. 714 - 724 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-

Xenopus laevis oocytes

System (Pharmacological Data)

745 of 992

746 of 992

747 of 992

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing human GABAA receptor α1β1γ2 subunit voltage clamped between -40 and -70 mV

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

4.60 dimensionless


Ebert, Bjarke; Thompson, Sally A.; Saounatsou, Koralia; Mckernan, Ruth; Krogsgaard-Larsen, Povl; Wafford, Keith A.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 52, # 6 p. 1150 - 1156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing human GABAA receptor α1β2γ2 subunit voltage clamped between -40 and -70 mV

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

4.70 dimensionless


Ebert, Bjarke; Thompson, Sally A.; Saounatsou, Koralia; Mckernan, Ruth; Krogsgaard-Larsen, Povl; Wafford, Keith A.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 52, # 6 p. 1150 - 1156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 0.1 - 1000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing human GABAA receptor α1β3γ2 subunit voltage clamped between -40 and -70 mV

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

5.10 dimensionless


Ebert, Bjarke; Thompson, Sally A.; Saounatsou, Koralia; Mckernan, Ruth; Krogsgaard-Larsen, Povl; Wafford, Keith A.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 52, # 6 p. 1150 - 1156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing human GABAA receptor α2β3γ2 subunit voltage clamped between -40 and -70 mV

748 of 992

749 of 992

750 of 992

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

5.40 dimensionless


Ebert, Bjarke; Thompson, Sally A.; Saounatsou, Koralia; Mckernan, Ruth; Krogsgaard-Larsen, Povl; Wafford, Keith A.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 52, # 6 p. 1150 - 1156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing human GABAA receptor α3β3γ2 subunit voltage clamped between -40 and -70 mV

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

4.55 dimensionless


Ebert, Bjarke; Thompson, Sally A.; Saounatsou, Koralia; Mckernan, Ruth; Krogsgaard-Larsen, Povl; Wafford, Keith A.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 52, # 6 p. 1150 - 1156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing human GABAA receptor α5β3γ2 subunit voltage clamped between -40 and -70 mV

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

5.52 dimensionless


Ebert, Bjarke; Thompson, Sally A.; Saounatsou, Koralia; Mckernan, Ruth; Krogsgaard-Larsen, Povl; Wafford, Keith A.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 52, # 6 p. 1150 - 1156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Ltk cell membrane

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-10 - 1E-06 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing human GABAA receptor α1β1γ2 subunit; cell membranes incubated with 8 nmol/l <3H>muscimol for 1 h at 20 deg C, pH 7.4 in presence of title comp.; radioactivity counted by liquid scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; nonspecific binding defined with 1 mmol/l title comp.

Type (Pharmacological Data)


751 of 992

752 of 992

753 of 992

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

7.11 dimensionless


Ebert, Bjarke; Thompson, Sally A.; Saounatsou, Koralia; Mckernan, Ruth; Krogsgaard-Larsen, Povl; Wafford, Keith A.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 52, # 6 p. 1150 - 1156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Ltk cell membrane

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-10 - 1E-06 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing human GABAA receptor α1β2γ2 subunit; cell membranes incubated with 8 nmol/l <3H>muscimol for 1 h at 20 deg C, pH 7.4 in presence of title comp.; radioactivity counted by liquid scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; nonspecific binding defined with 1 mmol/l title comp.

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

7.24 dimensionless


Ebert, Bjarke; Thompson, Sally A.; Saounatsou, Koralia; Mckernan, Ruth; Krogsgaard-Larsen, Povl; Wafford, Keith A.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 52, # 6 p. 1150 - 1156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Ltk cell membrane

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-10 - 1E-06 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing human GABAA receptor α1β3γ2 subunit; cell membranes incubated with 8 nmol/l <3H>muscimol for 1 h at 20 deg C, pH 7.4 in presence of title comp.; radioactivity counted by liquid scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; nonspecific binding defined with 1 mmol/l title comp.

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

7.67 dimensionless


Ebert, Bjarke; Thompson, Sally A.; Saounatsou, Koralia; Mckernan, Ruth; Krogsgaard-Larsen, Povl; Wafford, Keith A.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 52, # 6 p. 1150 - 1156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Ltk cell membrane

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-10 - 1E-06 mol/l

754 of 992

755 of 992

756 of 992

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing human GABAA receptor α2β3γ2 subunit; cell membranes incubated with 8 nmol/l <3H>muscimol for 1 h at 20 deg C, pH 7.4 in presence of title comp.; radioactivity counted by liquid scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; nonspecific binding defined with 1 mmol/l title comp.

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

7.64 dimensionless


Ebert, Bjarke; Thompson, Sally A.; Saounatsou, Koralia; Mckernan, Ruth; Krogsgaard-Larsen, Povl; Wafford, Keith A.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 52, # 6 p. 1150 - 1156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Ltk cell membrane

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-10 - 1E-06 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing human GABAA receptor α3β3γ2 subunit; cell membranes incubated with 8 nmol/l <3H>muscimol for 1 h at 20 deg C, pH 7.4 in presence of title comp.; radioactivity counted by liquid scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; nonspecific binding defined with 1 mmol/l title comp.

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

7.30 dimensionless


Ebert, Bjarke; Thompson, Sally A.; Saounatsou, Koralia; Mckernan, Ruth; Krogsgaard-Larsen, Povl; Wafford, Keith A.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 52, # 6 p. 1150 - 1156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Ltk cell membrane

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-10 - 1E-06 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing human GABAA receptor α5β3γ2 subunit; cell membranes incubated with 8 nmol/l <3H>muscimol for 1 h at 20 deg C, pH 7.4 in presence of title comp.; radioactivity counted by liquid scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; nonspecific binding defined with 1 mmol/l title comp.

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

8.06 dimensionless


Ebert, Bjarke; Thompson, Sally A.; Saounatsou, Koralia; Mckernan, Ruth; Krogsgaard-Larsen, Povl; Wafford, Keith A.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 52, # 6 p. 1150 - 1156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


receptor; binding activity

(Pharmacological Data)

757 of 992

758 of 992

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Ltk cell membrane

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-10 - 1E-06 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing human GABAA receptor α6β3γ2 subunit; cell membranes incubated with 8 nmol/l <3H>muscimol for 1 h at 20 deg C, pH 7.4 in presence of title comp.; radioactivity counted by liquid scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; nonspecific binding defined with 1 mmol/l title comp.

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

7.11 dimensionless


Ebert, Bjarke; Thompson, Sally A.; Saounatsou, Koralia; Mckernan, Ruth; Krogsgaard-Larsen, Povl; Wafford, Keith A.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 52, # 6 p. 1150 - 1156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing human GABAA receptor α6β3γ2 subunit voltage clamped between -40 and -70 mV

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

5.82 dimensionless


Ebert, Bjarke; Thompson, Sally A.; Saounatsou, Koralia; Mckernan, Ruth; Krogsgaard-Larsen, Povl; Wafford, Keith A.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 52, # 6 p. 1150 - 1156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 0.3 - 30 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

receptor activity measured by two electrode voltage clamp recording, oocytes voltage clamped at -60 mV

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

oocytes expressing human ρ1 subunit of GABAC receptors; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; KD: apparent dissociation constant, effective dose activating 50 percent of maximal current

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.82 μmol/l


title comp. dose-dependently induced current; Hill coefficient: 2.6

759 of 992

760 of 992

761 of 992

762 of 992

763 of 992


Chebib, Mary; Vandenberg, Robert J.; Johnston, Graham A. R.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 122, # 8 p. 1551 - 1560 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

secretion inhibition

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat anococcygeus muscle



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in distilled water

Method (Pharmacological Data)

tissues incubated for 30 min at 37 deg C in presence of title comp. in PSS; ascorbate release determined by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

PSS: physiological saline solution

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Lilley, Elliot; Gibson, Alan

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 122, # 8 p. 1746 - 1752 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocyte

Method (Pharmacological Data)

oocytes expressing human ρ1 subunit and producing GABAC receptors were voltage clamped at -60 mV and continuously superfused with ND96 buffer containing title comp.; receptor activation measured

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.82 μmol/l


title comp. activated inward current (figure); Hill coefficient value was 2.6


Chebib; Vandenberg; Froestl; Johnston

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 329, # 2-3 p. 223 - 229 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

effect on cerebral glucose consumption


Cinotti; Le Bars; Garcia-Larrea; Peyron; Gregoire; Lavenne; Krogsgaard-Larsen; Comar; Mauguiere

Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-Chimie Biologique, 1996 , vol. 93, # 1 p. 48 - 52 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

no inhib. of lipid peroxidation using heat-inactivated hepatic microsomes from Fischer-344 rats


Rekatas, George V.; Tani, Ekaterini; Demopoulos, Vassilis J.; Kourounakis, Panos N.

Archiv der Pharmazie, 1996 , vol. 329, # 8-9 p. 393 - 398 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of baclofen (0.5 mM) intestinal absorption in combination with taurine (25 mM) and leucine (50 mM), male Wistar rats, perfusion in jejunum, in situ, 25 mM isotonic solution, 37 deg C

764 of 992

765 of 992

766 of 992

767 of 992


Moll-Navarro; Merino; Casabo; Nacher; Polache

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1996 , vol. 85, # 11 p. 1248 - 1254 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of <3H>GABA binding, Ki = 0.018 μM (pH 7.1), membranes from rat cerebral cortex, in vitro; inhibition of GABA-specific 36Cl- ion flux, dpm = 383, 0percent, cortical membrane vesicles, in vitro, 40 μM, pH 7.5


Kardos; Blandl; Luyen; Doernyei; Gacs-Baitz; Simonyi; Cash; Blasko; Szantay

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1996 , vol. 31, # 10 p. 761 - 765 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human GABAA receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes

Method (Pharmacological Data)

α6β2γ2S (α6); effect of title comp. on current in oocytes

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

oocytes placed in bath with modified Barth's medium and impaled with two 1-3 Mο containing 2M KCl; voltage-clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

10.1 μmol/l


Hadingham, Karen L.; Garrett, Elizabeth M.; Wafford, Keith A.; Bain, Corinna; Heavens, Robert P.; Sirinathsinghji, Dalip J. S.; Whiting, Paul J.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 49, # 2 p. 253 - 259 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human GABAA receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes

Method (Pharmacological Data)

α6β2γ2S (α6); effect of title comp. on current in oocytes

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

oocytes placed in bath with modified Barth's medium and impaled with two 1-3 Mο containing 2M KCl; voltage-clamp

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

19.8 μmol/l


Hadingham, Karen L.; Garrett, Elizabeth M.; Wafford, Keith A.; Bain, Corinna; Heavens, Robert P.; Sirinathsinghji, Dalip J. S.; Whiting, Paul J.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 49, # 2 p. 253 - 259 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus oocytes

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

3 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing

in MBS

(Pharmacological Data)

768 of 992

769 of 992

770 of 992

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; oocytes (from adult Xenopus laevis) expressed human α6β2γ2s receptor; cells were impaled with electrodes; add. of pentobarbitone (PB, 1-3000 μM), bicuculline methiodide (Bic, 0.1-1mM), picrotoxin (PTX, 100 μM) and SR 95521 (SR, 1 μM)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

determination of maximal response ( percent)-concentration curves


pentobarbitone potentiated response title compound and this effect was blocked by picrotoxin (as GABA antagonist), but other GABA antagonist (Bic, SR95531) did not affect.


Thompson; Whiting; Wafford

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 117, # 3 p. 521 - 527 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)

systemic arterial pressure

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

white mongrel mice

Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

200 mg/kg

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

60 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

mice narcotized with pentobarbital (40 mg/kg, i.p.); solution of test comp. in 10 percent aq. ethanol injected into jugular vein; systemic arterial pressure measured in carotid artery 1-60 min after test comp. injection


pronounced hypotensive effect


Gracheva; Orekhova; Kopelevich; Tyurenkov; Kleshchitskii; Shvets

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1996 , vol. 30, # 7 p. 453 - 457 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor modulation

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

<= 10 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rat wild-type and mutated α1, β2, γ2S GABAA receptor subunits coexpressed in oocytes; infected cells perfused with title comp.; receptor response measured with the two-electrode voltage-clamp method


chloride-currents activated


Buhr; Baur; Malherbe; Sigel

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 49, # 6 p. 1080 - 1084 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug interaction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat brain cortical membranes

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

5 μmol/l


200-250 g rats killed; cortices homogenized; membranes separated; incub. with <35S>t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate (TBPS) or <3H>flunitrazepam (Flu)

771 of 992

772 of 992

773 of 992

(Pharmacological Data)

or <3H>muscimol (MS); binding inhib. with 1E-9-1E-5 M Co 2-1970 or 3α-OH-5α-pregnan-20-one (3α,5α-P)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

incub. medium without/with title comp., effect on inhibition of radioligand binding by Co or 3α,5σ-P studied; radioligand binding determined by liquid scintillation


without title comp. binding unaffected; with title comp. binding inhibited by Co, 3α,5α-P


Hawkinson; Drewe; Kimbrough; Chen; Hogenkamp; Lan; Gee; Shen; Whittemore; Woodward

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 49, # 5 p. 897 - 906 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

bovine homomeric β1 GABAA subunit

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 1000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus oocytes injected with bovine β1 cDNA; electrophysiological recording tech.; membrane conductance

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

29.34 μmol/l


title comp. evoked a distinct conductance increase; inhibition of the effect by bicuculline (10 μM) and picrotoxin (10 μM); midazolam (50 μM) failed to enhance the title comp.-activ. response, but pentobarbitone (50 μM) induced a small enhancement


Krishek; Moss; Smart

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 49, # 3 p. 494 - 504 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

murine homomeric β1 GABAA subunit

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

500 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus oocytes injected with the murine β1 cRNA in the presence of actinomycin D (50 μg/ml); electrophysiological recording tech.; membrane conductance

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Krishek; Moss; Smart

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 49, # 3 p. 494 - 504 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

murine homomeric β1 GABAA subunit

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 1000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

β1 mouse cDNA, injected in Xenopus oocytes and A293 cells; electrophysiological recording tech.; membrane conductance

No effect

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

774 of 992

775 of 992

776 of 992


Krishek; Moss; Smart

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 49, # 3 p. 494 - 504 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

murine homomeric β1 GABAA subunit

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

expression of murine β1 subunits in Xenopus oocytes injected with the Lac Z gene encoding for β-galactosidase; electrophysiological recording tech.; membrane conductance

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Krishek; Moss; Smart

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 49, # 3 p. 494 - 504 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat cerebellar α1β3γ2L GABAR isoform

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-07 - 0.0003 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

mouse fibroblast L929 cells cotransfected with γ-aminobutyric acidA receptor (GABAR) subunit cDNA expression vectors; whole-cell current recording

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

normalized conc.-response curve for title comp. (EC50 = 13.6 μM, Hill slope = 1.5)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

16.4 μmol/l


max. peak current = 803 pA; Hill slope = 1.2


Saxena, Nina C.; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 49, # 3 p. 567 - 579 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat cerebellar α6β3γ2L GABAR isoform

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-07 - 1E-05 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

mouse fibroblast L929 cells cotransfected with γ-aminobutyric acidA receptor (GABAR) subunit cDNA expression vectors; whole-cell current recording

Further Details (Pharmacological

normalized conc.-response curve for title comp. (EC50 = 1.9 μM, Hill slope = 1.5)


777 of 992

778 of 992

779 of 992

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

2.2 μmol/l


max. peak current = 730 pA; Hill slope = 1.9


Saxena, Nina C.; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 49, # 3 p. 567 - 579 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat cerebellar α6β3δ GABAR isoform

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-08 - 1E-05 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

mouse fibroblast L929 cells cotransfected with γ-aminobutyric acidA receptor (GABAR) subunit cDNA expression vectors; whole-cell current recording

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

normalized conc.-response curve for title comp. (EC50 = 0.27 μM, Hill slope = 1.2)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.36 μmol/l


max. peak current = 371 pA; Hill slope = 1.3


Saxena, Nina C.; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 49, # 3 p. 567 - 579 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat cerebellar α1β2γ2L GABAR isoform

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-06 - 0.001 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

mouse fibroblast L929 cells cotransfected with γ-aminobutyric acidA receptor (GABAR) subunit cDNA expression vectors; whole-cell current recording

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

normalized conc.-response curve for title comp. (EC50 = 10 μM, Hill slope = 1.5)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

11.2 μmol/l


max. peak current = 404 pA; Hill slope = 1.7


Saxena, Nina C.; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 49, # 3 p. 567 - 579 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


receptor; binding activity

(Pharmacological Data)

780 of 992

781 of 992

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat cerebellar α6β2γ2L GABAR isoform

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-07 - 0.0001 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

mouse fibroblast L929 cells cotransfected with γ-aminobutyric acidA receptor (GABAR) subunit cDNA expression vectors; whole-cell current recording

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

normalized conc.-response curve for title comp. (EC50 = 2.2 μM, Hill slope = 1.5)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

2.4 μmol/l


max. peak current = 292 pA; Hill slope = 1.5


Saxena, Nina C.; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 49, # 3 p. 567 - 579 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat cerebellar α6β2δ GABAR isoform

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-08 - 0.0001 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

mouse fibroblast L929 cells cotransfected with γ-aminobutyric acidA receptor (GABAR) subunit cDNA expression vectors; whole-cell current recording

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

normalized conc.-response curve for title comp. (EC50 = 0.19 μM, Hill slope = 1.2)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.18 μmol/l


max. peak current = 130 pA; Hill slope = 1.2


Saxena, Nina C.; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 49, # 3 p. 567 - 579 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.2 mmol/l

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 30 min

782 of 992

783 of 992

784 of 992

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rat erythrocytes (RBC) separated; uptake of methylmercury (MeHg) cysteine (0.025 mM) determined at 5 and 20 deg C; aq. solution; effect on the halftimes of MeHg-cysteine uptake measured

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

rats of age 10-12 weeks used; maintained at 23 deg C, 50-60 percent RH and a 12-h light/dark cycle; blood taken from hearts; RBC suspended in Hank's buffer to a 2.5 percent haematcrit at pH 7.4; uptake values represent mean of 3 experiments


inhibited MeHg-cysteine uptake at 5 deg C (lost effect at 20 deg C); half-time of MeHg-cysteine uptake (h): 0.97 and 0.25 at 5 and 20 deg C, resp. (control: 0.57 and 0.23, resp.)


Wu, Guang

Journal of Applied Toxicology, 1996 , vol. 16, # 2 p. 95 - 102 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

muscle relaxant

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat



Method (Pharmacological Data)

uteri removed of i) non-pregnant, ii) pregnant (5-20 d), iii) ovariectomized rats; placed into Krebs-Hanseleit solution, with or without 40 mM KCl, 1-1000 μM title comp.; contraction of uterine rings recorded by isometric method

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

uterine-relaxant effect on spontaneous and KCl-induced contraction

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Perusquia, Mercedes; Villalon, Carlos M.

Life Sciences, 1996 , vol. 58, # 11 p. 913 - 926 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat cerebral cortex synaptosomes

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; synaptosomal preparation in artificial cerebro-spinal fluid; preincub. for 15 min at 25 deg C; incub. with <3H>-gabapentin (1 μmol/l) in the presence of title comp. for 4 min; filtration; liquid scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

inhibitory effect of title comp. on the uptake of <3H>-gabapentin in brain synaptosomes


effect of title comp. on the initial rate of uptake of <3H>-gabapentin (Fig. 4)


Thurlow, Richard J.; Hill, David R.; Woodruff

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 118, # 3 p. 449 - 456 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; oocytes voltage-clamped at -60 mV; two-electrode voltage-clamp mode; continuously superfused (7-10 ml/min) with frog Ringer soln.; title comp. applied by the superfusion system

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

oocytes expressing human α3, β1 and γ2L GABAA receptor subunits



(Pharmacological Data)

785 of 992

786 of 992

787 of 992

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

102 μmol/l


title comp.-induced current was concentration-dependent (Fig. 1)


Belelli, Delia; Callachan, Helen; Hill-Venning, Claire; Peters, John A.; Lambert, Jeremy J.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 118, # 3 p. 563 - 576 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; oocytes voltage-clamped at -60 mV; two-electrode voltage-clamp mode; continuously superfused (7-10 ml/min) with frog Ringer soln.; title comp. applied by the superfusion system

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

oocytes expressing Drosophila melanogaster Rdl GABA receptor subunit

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

9.2 μmol/l


title comp.-induced current was concentration-dependent (Fig. 1)


Belelli, Delia; Callachan, Helen; Hill-Venning, Claire; Peters, John A.; Lambert, Jeremy J.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 118, # 3 p. 563 - 576 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; oocytes voltage-clamped at -60 mV; two-electrode voltage-clamp mode; continuously superfused (7-10 ml/min) with frog Ringer soln.; title comp. applied by the superfusion system

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

oocytes expressing Drosophila melanogaster Rdl splice variant GABA receptor subunit

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

152 μmol/l


title comp.-induced current was concentration-dependent (Fig. 1)


Belelli, Delia; Callachan, Helen; Hill-Venning, Claire; Peters, John A.; Lambert, Jeremy J.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 118, # 3 p. 563 - 576 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

hippocampal neurones from embryonic Sprague-Dawley rats

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

3 μmol/l

788 of 992

789 of 992

790 of 992

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in cultured hippocampal neurones, in presence of 0.4 μM tetrodotoxin, 100 μM (R)-4-chloro-(2-hydroxy-3-morpholinopropyl)-5-phenyl-4-isoxazolin-3-one (CS-722) bath perfused for 3 min

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

then ligand-gated currents evoked by application of title comp. by -60 mV holding potential


CS-722 has no effect on the current resposes produced by title comp.


Marszalec, William; Song, Jin-Ho; Narahashi, Toshio

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 119, # 1 p. 126 - 132 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat vas deferens

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; organ bath; force-displacement transducer; incub. with title comp.; exogenous ATP (150 μmol/l) or noradrenaline (50 μmol/l)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effect of title comp. on ATP- and noradrenaline-induced contractions of the rat isolated vas deferens

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Kwan, Yiu Wa; Ngan, Man-Piu; Tsang, Kay-Yan; Lee, Ha-Man; Chu, Lai-Ah

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 118, # 3 p. 755 - 761 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat vas deferens

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; organ bath; force-displacement transducer; electrical field stimulation by Grass Stimulator S8800 (8Hz, 0.3-0.5 ms duration for 10 s); title comp. added cumulatively 30 s before stimulation

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effect of title comp. on electrical field stimulated contractions of the rat isolated vas deferens


title comp. caused a concn.-dependent inhibition of the biphasic response


Kwan, Yiu Wa; Ngan, Man-Piu; Tsang, Kay-Yan; Lee, Ha-Man; Chu, Lai-Ah

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 118, # 3 p. 755 - 761 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

calcium metabolism regulator

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat cortical neurons

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-07 - 0.001 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rat embryos, at embryonic day 18; primary cultured cortical neurons, loaded with fura-2/AM, perfused with BSS, 37 deg C; title comp. added pulse-like (for 30 s) to perfusion soln.; intracellular <Ca2+> (Cai) monitored by fluorescence

791 of 992

792 of 992

793 of 992

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

7 μmol/l


evoked transient increase in Cai, single peak within 30 s; effect dose-dependent; co-application with 25 mM K+ led to non-additive increase in Cai response; had no effect in extracellular Ca-free medium; time-response, dose-response curves


Takebayashi; Kagaya; Hayashi; Motohashi; Yamawaki

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 297, # 1-2 p. 137 - 143 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

mouse L929 fibroblast cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cDNAs encoding α5 and γ2L subunit subtypes of γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor (GABAR) transfected into cells together with either β1, β2, or β3 subunit subtype; whole-cell, patch clamp technique at rt

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

one-way ANOVA; post-hoc Dunnett's test

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

6 - 26 μmol/l


concentration dependent inward chloride current for all three α5βXγ2L isoforms; EC50 for β2 and β3 subtype-containing receptors (6 μM), for β1 subtypecontaining receptors (26 μM)


Burgard, Edward C.; Tietz, Elizabeth I.; Neelands, Torben R.; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 1 p. 119 - 127 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

mouse L929 fibroblast

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 300 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

whole-cell currents in transiently transfected cells expressing wild-type recombinant α1β1γ2L GABAR (γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor) in absence and presence of PKM (40 nM intracellularly); multipuffer drug-application system at 5-sec duration

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

whole-cell patch-clamp technique; paired Student's t test; n=11

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

13.1 - 21.7 μmol/l


currents conc. dependent; without PKM Imax 102 percent, EC50 13.1 μM; PKM treated cells Imax 174 percent, 21.7 μM


Lin, Yu-Fung; Angelotti, Timothy P.; Dudek, Ellen M.; Browning, Michael D.; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 1 p. 185 - 195 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem

mouse L929 fibroblast

(Pharmacological Data)

794 of 992

795 of 992

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 300 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

whole-cell currents in transiently transfected cells expressing wild-type recombinant α1β1γ2L GABAR (γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor); currents obtained during control reimpalement recording

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

whole-cell patch-clamp technique; paired Student's t test

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

4.3 μmol/l


Lin, Yu-Fung; Angelotti, Timothy P.; Dudek, Ellen M.; Browning, Michael D.; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 1 p. 185 - 195 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

mouse L929 fibroblast

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 300 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

whole-cell currents in transiently transfected cells expressing α1β1(S409A)γ2L(S327A,S343A) GABAR (γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor); currents obtained during control reimpalement recording

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

whole-cell patch-clamp technique; paired Student's t test

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

14.7 μmol/l


Lin, Yu-Fung; Angelotti, Timothy P.; Dudek, Ellen M.; Browning, Michael D.; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 1 p. 185 - 195 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

mouse L929 fibroblast

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 300 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

whole-cell currents in transiently transfected cells expressing α1β1(S409A)γ2L(S327A, S343A) GABAR (γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor) in absence and presence of PKM (40 nM intracellularly); multipuffer drug-application system at 5-sec duration

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

whole-cell patch-clamp technique; paired Student's t test; n=7

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

15.5 - 16.7 μmol/l

796 of 992

797 of 992

798 of 992


currents conc. dependent; without PKM Imax 101 percent, EC50 16.7 μM; PKM treated cells Imax 103 percent, 15.5 μM


Lin, Yu-Fung; Angelotti, Timothy P.; Dudek, Ellen M.; Browning, Michael D.; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 1 p. 185 - 195 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

mouse L929 fibroblast

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 300 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

whole-cell currents in transiently transfected cells expressing α1β1γ2L(S327A, S343A) GABAR (γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor) in absence and presence of PKM (40 nM intracellularly); multipuffer drug-application system at 5-sec duration

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

whole-cell patch-clamp technique; paired Student's t test; n=8

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

18.4 - 20.4 μmol/l


currents conc. dependent; without PKM Imax 101 percent, EC50 20.4 μM; PKM treated cells Imax 135 percent, 18.4 μM


Lin, Yu-Fung; Angelotti, Timothy P.; Dudek, Ellen M.; Browning, Michael D.; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 1 p. 185 - 195 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

mouse L929 fibroblast

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 300 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

whole-cell currents in transiently transfected cells expressing α1β1(S409A)γ2L GABAR (γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor) in absence and presence of PKM (40 nM intracellularly); multipuffer drug-application system at 5-sec duration

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

whole-cell patch-clamp technique; paired Student's t test; n=8

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

12.8 - 18.3 μmol/l


currents conc. dependent; without PKM Imax 101 percent, EC50 18.3 μM; PKM treated cells Imax 118 percent, 12.8 μM


Lin, Yu-Fung; Angelotti, Timothy P.; Dudek, Ellen M.; Browning, Michael D.; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 1 p. 185 - 195 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

changes in cell proliferation

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat cortical astrocytes

Concentration (Pharmacological

1 mmol/l


799 of 992

800 of 992

801 of 992

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells incubated for 24 h with title compound and (3H)thymidine in presence or absence of 10 percent serum; proliferation assayed by incorporation of (3H)thymidine into cell DNA


title compound not changed basal or serum-induced proliferation


Guizzetti, Marina; Costa, Paola; Peters, Janet; Costa, Lucio G.

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 297, # 3 p. 265 - 273 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

α1β3γ2 GABAA receptors, cloned on HEK 293 cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

membranes from cells transfected with α1β3γ2 subunits of GABAA receptors incubated in Tris-citrate buffer, 180 min, roomtemp., with 2 nM <35S>TBPS in pres. title comp.; non-specific binding in pres. IPTBO; scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

potency for inhibition of <35S>TBPS binding; HEK: human embryonic kidney

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.5 μmol/l


comparable: potency of inhibition of <35S>TBPS binding and of stimulation of <3H>flunitrazepam binding in α1β3γ2-receptors and in cerebellar membranes, inhibition of <35S>TBPS binding in α1β3-, β3γ2-, β3-receptors; diagram, numerical table


Zezula, Juergen; Slany, Astrid; Sieghart, Werner

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 301, # 1-3 p. 207 - 214 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug interaction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat uterus

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.001 - 100 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)


Method (Pharmacological Data)

250-300 g female Sprague-Dawley rats ovariectomized; 6-7 d later sacrificed; uterine tubes (UT) removed; ca. 1 cm smooth muscle strips of UT susp. in organ bath (O2:CO2=95:5; 37 deg C); isometric tension (IT) measured by force-displacement transducer

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

with precontraction using 40 mM KCl in bath; relaxation of stimulated IT by diazepam (D), clonazepam (C), 4'-chlorodiazepam (4'-ClD); title comp. effect on stimulated IT or on relaxation by D, C, 4'-ClD of stimulated IT studied

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Yiu, Man-Kit; Kwan, Yiu Wa; Ngan, Man-Piu

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 302, # 1-3 p. 99 - 108 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

ion transport

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

mouse cortical neurons (MCN)

Concentration (Pharmacological

1 - 300 μmol/l


802 of 992

803 of 992

804 of 992

Method (Pharmacological Data)

MCN from 15-d-old fetuses incub. in Cl(-)-containing HEPES buffer (external: pH 7.4; pipette: pH 7.3) inward Cl-currents (ICl-) recorded in whole-cell configuration, voltage-clamp mode (-75 V)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

conc.-response parameters determined by non-linear least-squares fit; title comp. effect on ICl- studied

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

10.3 μmol/l


conc.-dependent ICl-


Kume; Greenfield L.J.; Macdonald; Albin

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1996 , vol. 277, # 3 p. 1784 - 1792 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

recomb. human α1β1γ2s receptors in Xenopus laevis oocytes

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 10000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

from adult X. laevis stage V and VI oocytes isolated; nuclei were directly inj. with human GABAA subunit cDNAs; incub. for 24-72 h, oocytes perfused with Barth's medium with title comp.; 2M KCl, 1-3 MΩ; voltage-clamped between -40 and -70 mV

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

25 μmol/l


conc.-response curve; Hill coeff. = 1.5 (diagram, table given)


Wafford; Thompson; Thomas; Sikela; Wilcox; Whiting

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 3 p. 670 - 678 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

recomb. human α6β1γ2s receptors in Xenopus laevis oocytes

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 10000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

from adult X. laevis stage V and VI oocytes isolated; nuclei were directly inj. with human GABAA subunit cDNAs; incub. for 24-72 h, oocytes perfused with Barth's medium with title comp.; 2M KCl, 1-3 MΩ; voltage-clamped between -40 and -70 mV

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

14 μmol/l


conc.-response curve; Hill coeff. = 0.8 (diagram, table given)


Wafford; Thompson; Thomas; Sikela; Wilcox; Whiting

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 3 p. 670 - 678 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological

receptor; binding activity


805 of 992

806 of 992

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

recomb. human α4β1γ2s receptors in Xenopus laevis oocytes

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 10000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

from adult X. laevis stage V and VI oocytes isolated; nuclei were directly inj. with human GABAA subunit cDNAs; incub. for 24-72 h, oocytes perfused with Barth's medium with title comp.; 2M KCl, 1-3 MΩ; voltage-clamped between -40 and -70 mV

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

33 μmol/l


conc.-response curve; Hill coeff. = 1.3 (diagram, table given)


Wafford; Thompson; Thomas; Sikela; Wilcox; Whiting

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 3 p. 670 - 678 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

regulation of GABA uptake

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rats

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 33 μmol/l

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

2 h

Method (Pharmacological Data)

animals killed; antral mucosa incubated at 37 deg C; 1.67 μCi/ml of <2,3-(3)H>GABA added; samples centrifuged; liquid scintillation counting of supernatant; specific uptake of labelled title compd. determined


graded concentrations of title compd. inhibited specific uptake of labelled GABA by rat antral mucosa


Varro; Athanassopolous; Dockray

Experimental Physiology, 1996 , vol. 81, # 1 p. 151 - 154 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

analgesic, other

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.58 - 14.55 μmol

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

effect confined to spinal cord by administering title comp. in 6 percent dextrose soln., which has higher density than cerebrospinal fluid

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats 160-200 g with lumbar subarachnoid catheters (adjacent to lower lumbar and sacral segments); analgesic effect by electrical current threshold (ECT) test at neck and at tail, min. current causing vocalization, and by tail flick latency (TFL) test

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

ECT: stimulated by constant current pulses, electrodes at base of the neck, 1 cm apart, and at base of the tail, electrodes 4 cm apart, result expressed as times of control (predrug) value; TFL: result as percent MPE (maximum possible effect)


increased simultaneously, dose-dependently TFL and ECT (at tail, but not at neck) (analgesic effect spinally mediated); dose-effect, time-effect diagrams, numerical tables


Nadeson; Guo; Porter; Gent; Goodchild

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1996 , vol. 278, # 2 p. 620 - 626 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

807 of 992

808 of 992

809 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

increase of inward potassium current

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

oocytes isolated and injected with 50 nl RNAs encoding OFQ receptor and potassium channel subunit Kir3.1 and Kir 3.4; incubation (18 deg C, 2-7d); title comp. treatment; electrophysiological recordings with two glass microelectrodes

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

OFQ = orphanin FQ; RNA = ribonucleic acid

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Matthes, Hans; Seward, Elizabeth P.; Kieffer, Brigitte; North, R. Alan

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 3 p. 447 - 450 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

increase of γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor current

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat hippocampal dentate granule cell


male and female

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 1000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells isolated from 28-35-day-old rats; 6 neurons investigated; title comp. application (modified U-tube rapid-application technique); whole-cell voltageclamp technique at 24 deg C

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

concentration-response curve analysis

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

46 μmol/l


title comp. dose-dependently increased γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor current, maximal current 842 pA (diagrams given)


Kapur, Jaideep; Macdonald, Robert L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 3 p. 458 - 466 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug interaction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis frog oocytes expressing ρ1 receptors

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

400 nmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

anesthetized; a piece of ovary removed; stage V, VI oocytes isolated; ρ1 receptor subunit cDNA in pcDNA1 vector injected into oocytes; ρ1 receptors expressed 2-3 d after injection; currents recorded in presence/absence of alcohols and anesthetics

810 of 992

811 of 992

812 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

PB=pentobarbital; C2 = ethanol; C4 = butanol; C6 = hexanol; C7 = heptanol; C8 = octanol; C9 = nonanol


title comp.-induced current dose dependently inhibited C2, C4, C6, C7, C8, C9; potencies increased with chain length of carbon backbone; enflurane, halothane, isoflurane inhibited, PB, alphaxalone, propofol had no effect on title comp. produced currents


Mihic; Harris

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1996 , vol. 277, # 1 p. 411 - 416 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis frog oocytes expressing ρ1 receptors

Method (Pharmacological Data)

anesthetized; a piece of ovary removed; stage V, VI oocytes isolated; ρ1 receptor subunit cDNA in pcDNA1 vector injected into oocytes; ρ1 receptors expressed 2-3 d after injection; dose-response curves constructed in absence/presence of C2 and C4

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

C2 = ethanol; C4 = butanol

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.1 - 1.9 μmol/l


there was significant difference between concentration-response curves in presence or absence of alcohols: EC50 in absence of ethanol (100 mM) was 1.9 μM in presence 2.3 μM; in absence of butanol (50 mM) EC50 was 1.1 μM in presence 2.8 μM


Mihic; Harris

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1996 , vol. 277, # 1 p. 411 - 416 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

potency in gating Cl- current

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat cerebellar granule cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.03 - 300 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells prepared from 8-d-old pups; treated daily by flumazenil (10 μM) adding to the growth medium from 3 to 6 d after plating; currents recorded with whole-cell patch-clamp technique at a holding potential of -50 mV; concentration-response curves

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

EC50 = concentration eliciting half of the maximal response

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.15 - 8.3 μmol/l


flumazenil exposure caused significant shift to right in the dose-response curve: EC50 1.2 μM and 8.3 μM in vehicle- and flumazenil-treated cultures, resp.; shorter exposure to flumazenil failed to modify potency in gating Cl- currents: EC50 1.1 μM


Zheng; Caruncho; Wei Jian Zhu; Vicini; Ikonomovic; Grayson; Costa

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1996 , vol. 277, # 1 p. 525 - 533 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA receptor subunit α1β2γ2L in HEK 293 cells

813 of 992

814 of 992

815 of 992

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cDNAs (rat α1, rat β2, rat γ2L) introduced into human embryonic kidney 293 cells by electroporation; title comp. elicited responses recorded by standard whole-cell method 24-72 h after transfection at 21-23 deg C; isolated single cell measurement

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

13 μmol/l


Hill coefficient 1.3


Ueno, Shinya; Zorumski, Chuck; Bracamontes, John; Steinbach, Joe Henry

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 4 p. 931 - 938 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA receptor subunit α1Fβ2γ2L in HEK 293 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 1000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cDNAs (rat α1 with a FLAG epitope, rat β2, rat γ2L) introduced into human embryonic kidney 293 cells by electroporation; title comp. elicited responses recorded by standard whole-cell method 24-72 h after transfection at 21-23 deg C

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

7 - 16 μmol/l


concentration-response curve; loreclezole (1-10 μM) strongly potentiated title comp. effect


Ueno, Shinya; Zorumski, Chuck; Bracamontes, John; Steinbach, Joe Henry

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 4 p. 931 - 938 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA receptor β1 subunit expressed in HEK 293 cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

human β1 cDNA introduced into human embryonic kidney 293 cells by electroporation; title comp. elicited responses recorded by standard whole-cell method 24-72 h after transfection at 21-23 deg C; isolated single cell measurement

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 10 μmol/l


10 μM bicuculline reduced the responses to title comp. to 10 percent of control; 10 μM picrotoxin effectively blocked the responses


Ueno, Shinya; Zorumski, Chuck; Bracamontes, John; Steinbach, Joe Henry

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 4 p. 931 - 938 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA receptor subunit α1Fβ2(Y205S)γ2L in HEK 293 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological

0.1 - 1000 μmol/l


816 of 992

817 of 992

818 of 992

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cDNAs (rat α1 with a FLAG epitope, rat β2 (Y205S), rat γ2L) introduced into human embryonic kidney 293 cells by electroporation; title comp. elicited responses recorded by standard whole-cell method 24-72 h after transfection at 21-23 deg C

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

67 μmol/l


concentration-response curve; Hill coefficient 1.1


Ueno, Shinya; Zorumski, Chuck; Bracamontes, John; Steinbach, Joe Henry

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 4 p. 931 - 938 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA receptor subunit α1Fγ2L expressed in HEK 293 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 1000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cDNAs (rat α1 with a FLAG epitope, rat γ2L) introduced into human embryonic kidney 293 cells by electroporation; title comp. elicited responses recorded by standard whole-cell method 24-72 h after transfection at 21-23 deg C

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

37 μmol/l


Hill coefficient 1.3; concentration-response curve; loreclezole (1-10 μM) strongly potentiated title comp. effect


Ueno, Shinya; Zorumski, Chuck; Bracamontes, John; Steinbach, Joe Henry

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 4 p. 931 - 938 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA receptor subunit α1Fβ3γ2L in HEK 293 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 1000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cDNAs (rat α1 with a FLAG epitope, human β3, rat γ2L) introduced into human embryonic kidney 293 cells by electroporation; title comp. elicited responses recorded by standard whole-cell method 24-72 h after transfection at 21-23 deg C

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

9 μmol/l


Hill coefficient 1.3; concentration-response curve


Ueno, Shinya; Zorumski, Chuck; Bracamontes, John; Steinbach, Joe Henry

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 4 p. 931 - 938 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-

GABAA receptor subunit α1Fβ2γ2L expressed in QT6 cells

System (Pharmacological Data)

819 of 992

820 of 992

Show next 20

821 of 992

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 1000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cDNAs (rat α1 with a FLAG epitope, rat β2, rat γ2L) introduced in quail fibroblasts by electroporation; title comp. elicited responses recorded by standard whole-cell method 24-72 h after transfection at 21-23 deg C; isolated single cell measurements

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

8 μmol/l


concentration-response curve; Hill coefficient 1.7


Ueno, Shinya; Zorumski, Chuck; Bracamontes, John; Steinbach, Joe Henry

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 4 p. 931 - 938 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA receptor subunit α1Fβ2(Y205S)γ2L in QT6 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 - 1000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cDNAs (rat α1 with a FLAG epitope, rat β2(Y205S), rat γ2L) introduced into quail fibroblasts by electroporation; title comp. elicited responses recorded by standard whole-cell method 24-72 h after transfection at 21-23 deg C

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Ueno, Shinya; Zorumski, Chuck; Bracamontes, John; Steinbach, Joe Henry

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 4 p. 931 - 938 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

expression of α1 subunit protein of GABAA receptor

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

primary cerebellar granule cells from Sprague-Dawley rats

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

5 - 1000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; cells isolated from post-natal day 8 Sprague-Dawley rats, culture density 6-7E6 cells per 25 cm2, culture treated with the title comp. at day 8 in vitro (8 DIV), enhanced chemiluminescence (ECL) used to detect GABAA receptor subunit proteins

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Western blotting; optical density readings


dose-dependent decrease in the expression of the GABAA receptor α1 subunit protein, at 5 μM 10+/-11 percent decrease, at 10 μM 31+/-13 percent decrease, at 1 mM 66+/-14 percent decrease


Brown, Maria J.; Bristow, David R.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 118, # 5 p. 1103 - 1110 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hide facts Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological

dorsal horn of spinal cord from Wistar rats


822 of 992

823 of 992



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 - 300 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

slice continously superfused at 1 ml/min with oxygenated Krebs-bicarbonate solution, 1 h, electrical stimulation (20 V, 0.5 ms, 1 Hz, 3 min), the tittle compound added to the superfusing medium 1 min before and during the second electrical stimulation

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

concentration of amino acid determined by h.p.l.c. with fluorescence detection, S1 the first stimulated response, S2 the second one

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

78.38 μmol/l


GABA concentration-dependently decreased the electrically-evoked release of Glu, at 300 μM the S2/S1 ratio for Glu was 0.25+/-0.08 percent


Teoh, Hwee; Malcangio, Marzia; Bowery, Norman G.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 118, # 5 p. 1153 - 1160 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley CD rat



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.3 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

300 - 400 μg of protein of washed (GABA present) cerebral cortical membrane preparations; incubated with title comp., loreclezole (1E-7 - 1E-4 μmol/l) and <35S>TBPS (2 nmol/l) for 90 min; separated by filtration; membrane radioactivity determined

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

nonspecific binding determined in the presence of 100 μmol/l of picrotoxin; <35S>TBPS: <35S>butylbicyclophosphorothionate


title comp. reversed enhancing of specific <35S>TBPS binding caused by low concentrations of loreclezole and enhanced increasing of specific binding caused by higher concentrations of loreclezole (diagram)


Ghiani, Cristina A.; Tuligi, Graziella; Maciocco, Elisabetta; Serra, Mariangela; Sanna, Enrico; Biggio, Giovanni

Biochemical Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 51, # 11 p. 1527 - 1534 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley CD rat



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.3 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

300 - 400 μg of protein of washed (GABA present) cerebral cortical membrane preparations; incubated with title comp., diazepam (1E-7 - 1E-4 μmol/l) and <35S>TBPS (2 nmol/l) for 90 min; separated by filtration; membrane radioactivity determined

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

nonspecific binding determined in the presence of 100 μmol/l of picrotoxin; <35S>TBPS: <35S>butylbicyclophosphorothionate


title comp. did not affect increase in <35S>TBPS binding induced by diazepam (diagram)


Ghiani, Cristina A.; Tuligi, Graziella; Maciocco, Elisabetta; Serra, Mariangela; Sanna, Enrico; Biggio, Giovanni

Biochemical Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 51, # 11 p. 1527 - 1534 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

824 of 992

825 of 992

826 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat hippocampal neurons

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 200 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

neurons from 1-4 d old postnatal rat pups; cultured in Dulbecco modified minimum Eagle's media; inward chloride current measured by whole cell patch clamp technique at -60 V and at room temp.

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

14.7 μmol/l


dose-dependently increased chloride current; Hill coefficient = 1.2


Uchida, Ichiro; Cestari, Ismar N.; Yang, Jay

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 307, # 1 p. 89 - 96 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat brain



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-08 - 0.1 mol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in DMSO

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in fresh rat brain cortical membranes <3H>SR 95531 binding was examined; incubated with 5 nmol/l labeled comp. and 5μl DMSO; nonspecific binding was defined using 100 μmol/l title comp.; radioactivity was determ. by liquid scintillatin spectrometry

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.9 - 58 μmol/l


title comp. displaced <3H>SR95531 binding with high affinity (IC50 1.9 μmol/l, 60 percent) and low affinity (IC50 58 μmol/l, 31 percent) components (diagram)


Hawkinson, Jon E.; Acosta-Burruel, Manuel; Kimbrough, Catherine L.; Goodnough, Dayan B.; Wood, Paul L.

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 304, # 1-3 p. 141 - 146 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat brain membrane

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in DMSO or water

Method (Pharmacological

competition binding study of title comp. to inhibit specific binding of 4 nmol/l <3H>MDL 105,519 to membrane protein in 0.25 ml assay buffer; samples were filtered and the radioactivity determined after overnight drying of the filter


827 of 992

828 of 992

829 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. has no affinity for the glycine recognition site of NMDA receptor


title comp. did not inhibit the binding of <3H>MDL 105,519 to the glycine recognition site of NMDA receptor


Baron, Bruce M.; Siegel, Barry W.; Harrison, Boyd L.; Gross, Raymond S.; Hawes, Calvin; Towers, Pat

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1996 , vol. 279, # 1 p. 62 - 68 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat kidney



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.05 - 500 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

kidney was perfused with Ringer-Krebs solution pH 7.4 with dextran 2 percent, bubbled with O2-CO2 (19:1 v/v), 37 deg C; consective 5 min clearance period studied with adding increasing conc. of title comp.

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

fractional excretion of glucose, water and sodium; perfusion pressure


title comp. increased fractional excretion of water, sodium and glucose in conc.-related manner (figure); induced an increment in perfusion pressure


Monasterolo, Liliana A.; Trumper, Laura; Elias, M. Monica

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1996 , vol. 279, # 2 p. 602 - 607 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat cortical synaptoneurosomes



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.025 - 5 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats (4-5 wk); purified cerebrocortical membranes were incubated with 5 nmol/l <35S>-TBPS in the presence of 50 μmol/l stanozolol and title comp. at 22 deg C for 90 min

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioactivity quantitation using liquid scintillation spectrometry

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.50 μmol/l


stanozolol exhibited biphasic effect on <35S>-TBPS binding to cortical synaptoneurosomes as a function of title comp. concentration (diagram)


Masonis, A. E. Tory; McCarthy, Michael P.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1996 , vol. 279, # 1 p. 186 - 193 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat cortical synaptoneurosomes



830 of 992

831 of 992

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.025 - 5 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats (4-5 wk); purified cerebrocortical membranes were incubated with 5 nmol/l <35S>-TBPS in the presence of title comp. at 22 deg C for 90 min

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioactivity quantitation using liquid scintillation spectrometry

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

2.49 μmol/l


title comp. inhibited <35S>-TBPS binding to cortical synaptoneurosomes (diagram)


Masonis, A. E. Tory; McCarthy, Michael P.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1996 , vol. 279, # 1 p. 186 - 193 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat cortical synaptoneurosomes



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.025 - 5 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats (4-5 wk); purified cerebrocortical membranes were incubated with 5 nmol/l <35S>-TBPS in the presence of 50 μmol/l flunitrazepam and title comp. at 22 deg C for 90 min

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioactivity quantitation using liquid scintillation spectrometry

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.95 μmol/l


flunitrazepam inhibited <35S>-TBPS binding to cortical synaptoneurosomes at every concentration of title comp. (diagram)


Masonis, A. E. Tory; McCarthy, Michael P.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1996 , vol. 279, # 1 p. 186 - 193 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat cortical synaptoneurosomes



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 1000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats 4-5 wk; cerebral cortices were homogenized in HEPES/Tris buffer, pH 7; incubated with title comp. in the presence or absence of 50 μmol/l stanozolol and/or 10 μmol/l Fln at 30 deg C in influx buffer containing 0.3 μCi <36Cl->

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioactivity quantitation using liquid scintillation spectrometry; Fln: flunitrazepam

Type (Pharmacological



832 of 992

833 of 992

834 of 992

835 of 992

836 of 992

837 of 992

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

38.7 μmol/l


title comp. stimulated <36Cl->-influx into cortical synaptoneurosomes; Emax=28.5 nmol/mg; modulation of this effect by stanozolol and Fln was investigated


Masonis, A. E. Tory; McCarthy, Michael P.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1996 , vol. 279, # 1 p. 186 - 193 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

ddY mouse cerebral cortex



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 200 nmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

<3H>title comp. binding studied in morphine-dependent and withdrawed animals; membrane vesicles incubated with <3H>title comp. at 2 deg C for 30 min, then radioactivity measured by liquid scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

morphine dependence: increasing doses (8-45 mg/kg, s.c.) for 5 days; withdrawal: naloxone, 1 mg/kg; Kd: dissociation constant


Kd at high affinity/low affinity sites in control, morphine-dependent and withdrawed mice: 13.0/144.4, 11.0/163.3 and 14.4/113.0, respectively


Ichida, Tatsuya; Kuriyama, Kinya

Life Sciences, 1996 , vol. 59, # 25-26 p. 2173 - 2179 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

binding to GABA-B receptor, IC50=8E-8 M for displacing of tritiated baclofen bound to cat cerebellar membranes


Hall, Roger G.; Kane, Peter D.; Bittiger, Helmut; Froestl, Wolfgang

Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, 1995 , vol. 36, # 2 p. 129 - 136 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

IC50 = 17 nM for inhibition of binding of <3H>CGP27492 to GABAB receptors of rat cortex


Froestl; Mickel; Hall; Von Sprecher; Strub; Baumann; Brugger; Gentsch; Jaekel; Olpe; Rihs; Vassout; Waldmeier; Bittiger

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1995 , vol. 38, # 17 p. 3297 - 3312 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

IC50 = 0.025 μM for inhibition of binding of <3H>bacoflen to GABAB receptors of cat cerebellum, and IC50 = 0.128 μM for inhibition of binding of <3H>muscimol to GABAA receptors of rat cortex


Froestl; Mickel; Hall; Von Sprecher; Strub; Baumann; Brugger; Gentsch; Jaekel; Olpe; Rihs; Vassout; Waldmeier; Bittiger

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1995 , vol. 38, # 17 p. 3297 - 3312 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro affinities for GABAA (IC50 = 0.018 μM) and GABAB (IC50 = 0.030 μM) receptor sites and GABA uptake sites (IC50 =2.0 μM) in rat brain membrane preparations with <3H>GABA as the radioligand


Froelund, Bente; Kristiansen, Uffe; Brehm, Lotte; Hansen, Annette B.; Krogsgaard-Larsen, Povl; Falch, Erik

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1995 , vol. 38, # 17 p. 3287 - 3296 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)

stimulation of GABAA-subunits

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological

Xenopus oocytes


838 of 992

839 of 992

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

5 - 10000 nmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; the oocytes from adult Xenopus laevis frogs; human β1 cDNA or mixtures of α1β1 or α1β1γ2S cDNAs were injected into the oocytes nuclei, electrophysiological recording; add. of propofol, pentobarbital, alphaxalone or bicuculline

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Cl(1-) currents induced by GABA; two-electrode voltage-clamp recording

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

123 μmol/l


small currents in β1 not affected by bicuculine; big currents in the other subunits; effects potentiated by propofol, pentobarbital and alphaxalone


Sanna, Enrico; Garau, Franca; Harris, R. Adron

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 47, # 2 p. 213 - 217 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus oocytes

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing α6β2γ2 GABA receptors; electrophysiological measurements, membrane potential - 70 mV

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

calculated from the peak currents

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 2.3 μmol/l


determination of GABA sensitivity


Korpi, Esa R.; Kuner, Thomas; Seeburg, Peter H.; Lueddens, Hartmut

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 47, # 2 p. 283 - 289 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus oocytes

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing α1β2γ2 GABA receptors; electrophysiological measurements, membrane potential - 70 mV

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

calculated from the peak currents

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 19.9 μmol/l

840 of 992

841 of 992

842 of 992


determination of GABA sensitivity


Korpi, Esa R.; Kuner, Thomas; Seeburg, Peter H.; Lueddens, Hartmut

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 47, # 2 p. 283 - 289 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

baculovirus Sf21 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

50 - 500 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; cells coinfected with Drosophilla Rdl plus Drosophila β subunits of GABA receptors; electrophysiological recording; add. of picrotoxin (PTX, 500 μM) or bicuculline (BIC, 100 μM)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Cl(1-) currents, patch electrode voltage-clamp recording


coinfection produces 2 separate receptor populations: Rdl homomultimers (PTX sensitive, BIC insensitive), Rdl plus β heteromultimers (PTX insensitive, BIC sensitive)


Zhang, Hai-Guang; Lee, Hwa-Jung; Rocheleau, Thomas; Ffrench-Constant, Richard H.; Jackson, Meyer B.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 48, # 5 p. 835 - 840 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat synaptosomal membrane



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.5 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; membranes prepared from forebrains of Wistar rats; incubated with title comp. for 2 h with title comp.; add. of pentylenetetrazol, (+) or (-)-2oxabicyclo<3.3.0>octane-3-one (SBL) or (+) - (-)-2-oxabicyclo<3.3.0>oct-6-en-3-one (UBT)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

determination of displacing potencies

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 0.66 - 13.6 mmol/l


IC50 values: 0.66 =/- 0.04 (for pentylenetetrazol), 11.1 +/- 1.6 (for (+)-UBL), 13.6 +/- 1.1 (for (-)-UBL), 2.9 +/- 0.3 (for (+)-SBL) and 2.1 +/- 0.4 (for (-)SBL)


Maksay, Gabor; Molnar, Peter; Gruber, Lajos

European Journal of Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology Section, 1995 , vol. 288, # 1 p. 61 - 68 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat retinal bipolar cell


not specified

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.01 - 100 μmol/l


in vitro; cells from 6-d-old Wistar rats; electrophysiological recording γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-induced membrane currents; add. of bicuculline (BIC,100

843 of 992

844 of 992

(Pharmacological Data)

μM);single channel conductance; add. of flunitrazepam (FLU, 1 μM) or pentobarbital (PB,50 μM)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

determination of I/Ic ( GABA-induced peak current in the presence of the drug/ control GABA-induced peak current); I/Imax (Imax: maximal current)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

4.2 μmol/l


EC50 value for GABAC receptor; main-state conductance 7.9 pS


Feigenspan, Andreas; Bormann, Joachim

European Journal of Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology Section, 1995 , vol. 288, # 1 p. 97 - 104 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat retinal bipolar cell


not specified

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.01 - 100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; cells from 6-d-old Wistar rats; electrophysiological recording γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-induced membrane currents; add. of bicuculline (BIC,100 μM);single channel conductance; add. of flunitrazepam (FLU, 1 μM) or pentobarbital (PB,50 μM)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

determination of I/Ic ( GABA-induced peak current in the presence of the drug/ control GABA-induced peak current); I/Imax (Imax: maximal current)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

27 μmol/l


EC50 value for GABAA receptor; main-state conductance 29.6 pS


Feigenspan, Andreas; Bormann, Joachim

European Journal of Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology Section, 1995 , vol. 288, # 1 p. 97 - 104 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

neonatal rat cortical neuron

Method (Pharmacological Data)

neurons prepared from 1-day-old pups, slices of cerebral tissue trypsinized and dissociated; whole-cell currents measured using -20 mV holding voltage; patch-clamp technique

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

ED 50 measured in presence of flumazenil

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.34 - 1.76 μM


potentiated whole-cell current; combined with carbamazepine cell current increased depending on GABA concentration


Granger, Patrick; Biton, Bruno; Faure, Cecile; Vige, Xavier; Depoortere, Henri; Graham, David; Langer, Salomon Z.; Scatton, Bernard; Avenet, Patrick

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 47, # 6 p. 1189 - 1196

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

845 of 992

846 of 992

847 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

neonatal rat cortical neuron

Method (Pharmacological Data)

neurons prepared from 1-day-old pups, slices of cerebral tissue trypsinized and dissociated; whole-cell currents measured using -20 mV holding voltage; patch-clamp technique

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

ED 50 measured in presence of flumazenil

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.52 - 1.85 μM


potentiated whole-cell current; combined with phenytoin cell current increased depending on GABA concentration


Granger, Patrick; Biton, Bruno; Faure, Cecile; Vige, Xavier; Depoortere, Henri; Graham, David; Langer, Salomon Z.; Scatton, Bernard; Avenet, Patrick

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 47, # 6 p. 1189 - 1196 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug interaction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat hippocampal neuronal cultures

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

3 - 30 μM

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cultures prepared from rats on postnatal day 1

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

electrophysiology at 22 deg C, patch-clamp technique

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

9 μM


coapplication with α,α-diisopropyl-γ-butyrolactone, α-ethyl-α-isopropyl-γ-butyrolactone increased GABA responses; β-ethyl-β-methyl-γ-thiobutyrolactone dose-dependently inhibited (10 μM - 2 mM) or increased (above 2 mM)


Holland, Katherine D.; Mathews, Gregory C.; Bolos-Sy, Annabel M.; Tucker, Joseph B.; Reddy, P. Amruta; Covey, Douglas F.; Ferrendelli, James A.; Rothman, Steven M.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 47, # 6 p. 1217 - 1223 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug interaction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embrionic kidney (HEK) 293 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

3 - 30 μM

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transiently transfected with rat α1β2γ2 GABA receptor subunits

848 of 992

849 of 992

850 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

electrophysiology at 22 deg C, patch-clamp technique

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

14 μM


coapplication with α,α-diisopropyl-γ-butyrolactone, α-ethyl-α-isopropyl-γ-butyrolactone increased GABA responses


Holland, Katherine D.; Mathews, Gregory C.; Bolos-Sy, Annabel M.; Tucker, Joseph B.; Reddy, P. Amruta; Covey, Douglas F.; Ferrendelli, James A.; Rothman, Steven M.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 47, # 6 p. 1217 - 1223 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human GABAA receptor α1β2γ2 expressed in Xenopus oocyte

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 3000 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus oocytes from anesthetized frogs; oocyte nuclei injected with human GABAA subunit cDNAs (20 ng/μl); 24 h incubation; saline perfusion; coapplication with 10 μM loreclezole and 100 μM DMCM

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GABA=γ-aminobutyric acid; DMCM=methyl 6,7-dimethoxy-4-ethyl-β-carboline-3-carboxylate


at 3 mM maximum effect, at 1 μM ca. 15 percent of maximum effect; loreclezole potentiated; coapplication with DMCM no further potentiation


Stevenson; Wingrove; Whiting; Wafford

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 48, # 6 p. 965 - 969 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug interaction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

17 day-fetal Wistar rat hippocampal neurons

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 - 100 nmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

neuron isolation; inward current recording with conventional whole-cell voltage-clamp methods; patch clamp amplifier; 30-300 μM suramin, 10-100 μM RB2 or 100 μM α,β-Me-ATP applied by 0.4 ml/s superfusion 10 s before and during administration

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

room temperature; RB2=reactive blue 2; α,β-Me-ATP=α,β-methylene-adenosine-5'-triphosphate


suramin or RB2 concentration-dependently inhibited, but α,β-methylene-ATP not, GABA-activated inward current; inhibition reversible and not exhibit voltage-dependence between -30 and -90 mV; RB2 ca. 10-fold more potent than suramin


Nakazawa; Inoue; Ito; Koizumi

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 351, # 2 p. 202 - 208 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

bovine cortex

Method (Pharmacological Data)

immunoprecipitation of <3H>flunitrazepam binding sites from benzodiazepine-affinity-purified γ-aminobutyric acidA receptors with β3 subunit-specific antibodies

Further Details

enhancement of 1 nmol/l <3H>flunitrazepam binding in immunopellets and in antibody-treated supernatants, respectively; binding activities determ. using

851 of 992

852 of 992

853 of 992

(Pharmacological Data)

nonlinear curve-fitting program

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

18 - 33 nmol/l


maximal enhancement Emax = 46 percent and 38 percent, respectively


Huh, Kyung-Hye; Delorey, Timothy M.; Endo, Shuichi; Olsen, Richard W.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 48, # 4 p. 666 - 675 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

bovine cortex

Method (Pharmacological Data)

benzodiazepine-affinity-purified γ-aminobutyric acidA receptors prepared

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

enhancement of 1 nmol/l <3H>flunitrazepam binding in supernatants; binding activities determ. using nonlinear curve-fitting program

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

32 nmol/l


maximal enhancement Emax = 43 percent


Huh, Kyung-Hye; Delorey, Timothy M.; Endo, Shuichi; Olsen, Richard W.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 48, # 4 p. 666 - 675 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat brain

Method (Pharmacological Data)

immunoprecipitation of <3H>flunitrazepam binding sites from soluble extract γ-aminobutyric acidA receptors containing α1 and α2 subunit-specific antibodies, respectively

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

enhancement of 0.7 nmol/l <3H>flunitrazepam binding in immunopellets; binding activities determ. using nonlinear curve-fitting program

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

32 - 142 nmol/l


maximal enhancement Emax = 35 percent and 75 percent, respectively


Huh, Kyung-Hye; Delorey, Timothy M.; Endo, Shuichi; Olsen, Richard W.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 48, # 4 p. 666 - 675 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat brain

854 of 992

855 of 992

Method (Pharmacological Data)

immunoprecipitation of <3H>flunitrazepam binding sites from soluble extract γ-aminobutyric acidA receptors containing α3 subunit-specific antibodies

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

enhancement of 0.7 nmol/l <3H>flunitrazepam binding in immunopellets; binding activities determ. using nonlinear curve-fitting program

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

36 nmol/l


maximal enhancement Emax = 63 percent


Huh, Kyung-Hye; Delorey, Timothy M.; Endo, Shuichi; Olsen, Richard W.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 48, # 4 p. 666 - 675 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocytes



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-06 - 0.001 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

oocytes in modified Barth's saline; effect of platelet-derived growth factor receptor activation on GABAA-receptor concentration response curves; increasing GABA-concentrations; activation with platelet-derived growth factor-BB

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

36 - 47 μmol/l


platelet-derived growth factor activation produced a 75 percent decrease in Emax of title comp. response


Valenzuela; Kazlauskas; Brozowski; Weiner; Demali; McDonald; Moss; Dunwiddie; Harris

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 48, # 6 p. 1099 - 1107 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

embryonic Sprague-Dawley rat olfactory bulb neurons

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.5 - 1100 μmol/l

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

<= 30 s

Method (Pharmacological Data)

current responses measured and expressed relative to the response to 2 μM title compound

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

agonist at the GABAA receptor Cl- channels

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

150 μmol/l

856 of 992

857 of 992

858 of 992

859 of 992


Kristiansen; Barker; Serafini

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 48, # 2 p. 268 - 279 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat cerebellar membranes

Method (Pharmacological Data)

adult rats killed, cerebellum dissected and homogenized in buffer, suspension centrifuged, membrane suspension (used freshly or frozen) incubated with <35S> labeled TBPS and title comp. for 90 min at 4 degC

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

membranes filtered, filters subjected to scintillation counting

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.24 μmol/l


title comp. inhibited the binding of <35S>TBPS


Slany; Zezula; Tretter; Sieghart

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 48, # 3 p. 385 - 391 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney 293 cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells were cultured and transfected with cDNA encoding for β3 subunit of GABAA receptors, membranes extracted, frozen membranes thawed, centrifuged, incubated in buffer with <35S> labeled TBPS and with title comp., then filtered

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

filters were subjected to scintillation counting


title comp. inhibited the binding of <35S>TBPS


Slany; Zezula; Tretter; Sieghart

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 48, # 3 p. 385 - 391 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug interaction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) of Sprague-Dawley rats

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats perfused transcardially with modified artificial cerebrospinal (maCSF) fluid; after removal of the brain slices were cut through the RVLM, then incubated first in maCSF then in aCFS with low Ca++/high Mg++, used to block synaptic transmission

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

stable RVLM neurons were recorded intra- and extracellular; GABAA selective receptor agonist title comp. (100 μM in aCFS soln.)


GABAB receptor antagonists: 2-hydroxysalcofen, CGP-5426A, CGP-55845A have not effect on inhibitory activity of title comp.


Li; Guyenet

American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 1995 , vol. 268, # 2 37-2 p. R428-R437 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug interaction

Species or Test-

Sprague-Dawley rats

System (Pharmacological Data)

860 of 992

861 of 992



Method (Pharmacological Data)

anesthetized rats with cannulation of carotid artery and unilateral craniotomy through the occipital plate, paralyzed (pancuronium 1 mg/kg) and administered with urethan 0.1 g/kg iv;title comp. in 0.2 M water soln. pH 4.0 (90 nA, 2-4 min)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

recordings with six-barrel electrodes that include channel for automatic current balancing; records were made from three classes of cells: 1) presympathetic vasomotor cells, 2.) respiratory cells, 3.) nonrespiratory, nonpresympathetic cells


bicuculine (40 nA) attenuated the activating effects of title comp.


Li; Guyenet

American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 1995 , vol. 268, # 2 37-2 p. R428-R437 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

effect on enzyme activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

500 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. prepared in saline, injected twice daily, begining 16 h before PH and continued until evening before death

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rat (300-360 g) anaesthetized, partial hepatectomy (PH) performed, mid-line incision made in subxyphoid area and median and left lateral lobes removed (about 65 percent of liver); killed 1, 2 and 7 d after surgery

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

glutathione S-transferases (GTSs) activity toward 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (0.08-10 mM) and 1,2-dichloro-4-nitrobenzene (0.8 mM) were determined


PH caused significant decrease of hepatic and increase of intestinal GTSs activity; in non regenerating rat (title comp. treated) increase on intestinal GTSs activity completely abolished


Carnovale; Monti; Favre; Scapini; Carrillo

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 57, # 9 p. 903 - 910 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

guinea-pig alveolar macrophages



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. administered 2 min prior FMLP

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

7 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

effect of title comp. on basal and 1 μM formyl-Met-Leu-Phe (FMLP)-induced platelet activating factor (PAF) release

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

FMLP-induced PAF release was 54 percent of total content

Comment (Pharmacological

No effect


862 of 992

863 of 992

864 of 992


Gentilini; Franchi-Micheli; Mugnai; Bindi; Zilletti

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 115, # 3 p. 389 - 394 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

guinea-pig serosal mast cells



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. administered 3 min prior ovalbumin

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

6 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells from guinea-pigs sensitized with 500 μg s.c. ovoalbumin; effect of title comp. on basal and 5 mg/ml ovalbumin-induced histamine release at 37 deg C by fluorimetric determination

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

ovalbumin-induced histamine release was 53 percent of total content


title comp. alone was inactive; inhibited histamine release only by 10 percent at highest concentration


Gentilini; Franchi-Micheli; Mugnai; Bindi; Zilletti

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 115, # 3 p. 389 - 394 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

guinea-pig trachea



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-06 - 0.001 mol/l

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

20 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

tracheal strips with or without epithelium from guinea-pigs sensitized with 500 μg s.c. ovoalbumin; superfused with oxygenated modified Krebs-Henseleit solution; 1E-9-1E-4 M ovalbumin-induced contraction (OIC) measured with isometric transducer

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

with or without 2-hydroxysaclofen (2-HS), bicuculline (BIC), β-alanine (β-Ala), nipecotic acid (NA), tetrodotoxin (TXT), capsaicin (CAP), indomethacin (INDO), nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA); ovalbumin was cumulatively administered


title comp. concentration-dependently reduced OIC; CAP, 2-HS, INDO and removal of epithelium prevented, BIC, NA, TTX, NDGA and β-Ala did not affect this inhibition


Gentilini; Franchi-Micheli; Mugnai; Bindi; Zilletti

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 115, # 3 p. 389 - 394 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

secretion stimulant

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

pituitary of Wistar rat

Concentration (Pharmacological

100 μmol/l


865 of 992

866 of 992

867 of 992

Method (Pharmacological Data)

pituitary lobes of 2-d-old neonatal (N) rats of either sexes incubated in Krebs-Ringer buffer for 90 min; pH 7.4; T: 37 deg C; 5 percent CO2; 30 min incub. with title comp.

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

pituitary homogenized; growth hormone (GH), cAMP determined by radioimmunoassay


no significant increase of cAMP; ca. 4.5-fold increase of GH secretion


Mergl, Zsuzsanna; Acs, Zsuzsanna; Makara, G. B.

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 56, # 8 p. 579 - 586 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug interaction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

pituitary of Wistar rat

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

pituitary lobes of 2-d-old neonatal (N) rats of either sexes incubated in Krebs-Ringer buffer for 90 min; pH 7.4; T: 37 deg C; 5 percent CO2; 30 min incub. with 0.5 mM isobutylmethylxanthine (IBMX) + title comp.

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

pituitary homogenized; growth hormone (GH), cAMP determined by radioimmunoassay; title comp. effect on GH, cAMP stimulation by IBMX studied

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Mergl, Zsuzsanna; Acs, Zsuzsanna; Makara, G. B.

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 56, # 8 p. 579 - 586 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK 293 cell line

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with rat α6β2γ2 receptor cDNA; measurements performed on clusters of 5-10 cells or on single cells at r.t. in the whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique at -50 mV; output current recorded


inward current induced


Hauser, Charlotte A. E.; Chesnoy-Marchais, Dominique; Robel, Paul; Baulieu, Etienne E.

European Journal of Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology Section, 1995 , vol. 289, # 2 p. 249 - 258 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor blocking agent

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Drosophila melanogaster

Method (Pharmacological Data)

normal and mutant strains, the mutants contain in the Rdl GABA subunit Ser instead of Ala302, flies frozen, heads recovered, homogenized in buffer, centrifuged, membrane prepared, treated with <3H>EBOB and title comp., binding detd.


title comp. at 300 μM inhibited the specific binding in the normal strain, the mutants were significantly less sensitive


Cole, Loretta M.; Roush, Richard T.; Casida, John E.

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 56, # 10 p. 757 - 766 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

868 of 992

869 of 992

870 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor blocking agent

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Drosophila simulans

Method (Pharmacological Data)

normal and mutant strains, the mutants contain in the Rdl GABA subunit Ser or Gly instead of Ala302, flies frozen, heads recovered, homogenized in buffer, centrifuged, membrane prepared, treated with <3H>EBOB and title comp., binding detd.


title comp. at 300 μM inhibited the specific binding in the normal strain, the Ser-mutants were significantly less sensitive


Cole, Loretta M.; Roush, Richard T.; Casida, John E.

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 56, # 10 p. 757 - 766 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug interaction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

OVX Sprague-Dawley rat preoptic area neurosomes



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

single dose in 10 μl modified Krebs-Ringer buffer

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

2 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

postpubertal rat weight 150-175 g; OVX bilaterally; EB (2x2 μg s.c. inj. 24-48 h presacr.) and/or P (500 μg s.c. inj. 3.5-4 h presacr.) pretreatment; neurosome preparation; <3H>-glutamate pretreat. (37 deg C, 30 min); drug incubation; radioactivity

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; 37 deg C; glutamate release and drug exchange with <3H>-drug; OVX female rat=ovariohysterectomized female rat; EB=β-estradiol-3-benzoate; P=progesterone


EB+P significantly increased drug-induced glutamate release, but no effect on drug exchange with <3H>-drug


Fleischmann; Makman; Etgen

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 56, # 20 p. 1665 - 1678 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

secretion stimulant

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

OVX Sprague-Dawley rat preoptic area neurosomes



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

single dose in 10 μl modified Krebs-Ringer buffer

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

2 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

postpubertal rat weight 150-175 g; OVX bilaterally; sacrifice; neurosome preparation and incubation; <3H>-glutamate pretreatment (37 deg C, 30 min); drug incubation; radioactivity

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; 37 deg C; glutamate release and drug exchange with <3H>-drug; OVX female rat=ovariohysterectomized female rat


No effect

(Pharmacological Data)

871 of 992

872 of 992

873 of 992


Fleischmann; Makman; Etgen

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 56, # 20 p. 1665 - 1678 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

secretion stimulant

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

gonadally intact Sprague-Dawley rat preoptic area neurosomes



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

single dose in 10 μl modified Krebs-Ringer buffer

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

2 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

postpubertal rat weight 150-175 g; sacrifice; neurosome preparation and incubation; <14C>- or <3H>-glutamate pretreatment (37 deg C, 30 min); drug incubation; radioactivity

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; 37 deg C; glutamate release


dose-dependently potentiated glutamate efflux


Fleischmann; Makman; Etgen

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 56, # 20 p. 1665 - 1678 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug interaction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

gonadally intact Sprague-Dawley rat preoptic area neurosomes



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

single dose in 10 μl modified Krebs-Ringer buffer

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

2 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

postpubertal rat weight 150-175 g; sacrifice; neurosome preparation and incubation; <3H>-glutamate pretreatment (37 deg C, 30 min); drug incubation with 25 μM picrotoxin, 10 μM bicuculline or 10 μM SR-95531; radioactivity

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; 37 deg C; glutamate release


picrotoxin, bicuculline and SR-95531 inhibited drug-induced glutamate release


Fleischmann; Makman; Etgen

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 56, # 20 p. 1665 - 1678 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

secretion stimulant

Species or TestSystem

gonadally intact Sprague-Dawley rat hypothalamic neurosomes

(Pharmacological Data)

874 of 992

875 of 992



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

single dose in 10 μl modified Krebs-Ringer buffer

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

2 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

postpubertal rat weight 150-175 g; sacrifice; neurosome preparation and incubation; <14C>-glutamate pretreatment (37 deg C, 30 min); drug incubation; radioactivity

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; 37 deg C; glutamate release

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Fleischmann; Makman; Etgen

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 56, # 20 p. 1665 - 1678 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

secretion stimulant

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat frontal cortical neurosomes



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

single dose in 10 μl modified KRB

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

2 - 5 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

gonadally intact, postpubertal rat weight 150-175 g; sacrifice; neurosome preparation and incubation in calcium- or high magnesium-containing KRB; <14C>-glutamate pretreatment (37 deg C, 30 min); drug incubation; radioactivity

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; 37 deg C; glutamate release; KRB=Krebs-Ringer buffer


at 2 min drug incubation no effect; at 5 min incubation 500 μM drug induced significant glutamate release in calcium-containing KRB, but not in high magnesium-containing KRB


Fleischmann; Makman; Etgen

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 56, # 20 p. 1665 - 1678 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

secretion stimulant

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat striatum



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 mmol/l

Exposure Period

20 - 240 min

(Pharmacological Data)

876 of 992

877 of 992

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rat weight 250-350 g; surgical preparation; immobilization; dialysis (perfusion rate 2 μl/min with Ringer solution); drug treatment alone or with 10 mM GVA; 20 min dialysate collections; HPLC-ECD; decapitation and cannula location after experiment

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

serotonin (5-HT) release; GVA=δ-guanidinovaleric acid


alone no effect; drug+GVA increased 5-HT release between 20 and 120 min and between 160 and 220 min, the release smaller than that induced by GVA alone


Kabuto; Yokoi; Iwaya; Mori

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 56, # 20 p. 1741 - 1748 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

secretion inhibition

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat striatum



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 mmol/l

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

20 - 240 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rat weight 250-350 g; surgical preparation; immobilization; dialysis (perfusion rate 2 μl/min with Ringer solution); drug treatment; 20 min dialysate collections; HPLC-ECD; decapitation and cannula location after experiment

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

dopamine (DA) release


decrease DA release between 180 and 240 min


Kabuto; Yokoi; Iwaya; Mori

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 56, # 20 p. 1741 - 1748 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug interaction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat striatum



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 mmol/l

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

20 - 240 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rat weight 250-350 g; surgical preparation; immobilization; dialysis (perfusion rate 2 μl/min with Ringer solution); drug treatment with 10 mM GVA; 20 min dialysate collections; HPLC-ECD; decapitation and cannula location after experiment

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

dopamine (DA) release; GVA=δ-guanidinovaleric acid


drug+GVA increased DA release between 20 and 80 min, 160 min, the release smaller than that induced by GVA alone


Kabuto; Yokoi; Iwaya; Mori

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 56, # 20 p. 1741 - 1748 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

878 of 992

879 of 992

880 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human ebrionic kidney cells transfected with rat cDNAs

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 - 10000 nmol/l

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

90 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

HEK 293 cells transfected with rat cDNAs encoding α1, α6, β2, γ2S and γ2L subunits; <35S>TBPS binding measured, radioactivity determined with scintillation counter; ethanol(100 mM) and TICO added to binding mixture

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

TBPS: t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate; TICO: title compound


ethanol potentiated TICO inhibition of binding, without interaction with α and/or γ2 variants; inhibition significant in all receptors at 100 nM TICO, but abolished at 10 μM TICO


Korpi; Herb; Luddens

Pharmacology and Toxicology, 1995 , vol. 77, # 2 p. 87 - 90 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human ebrionic kidney cells transfected with rat cDNAs

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 - 10000 nmol/l

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

90 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

HEK 293 cells transfected with rat cDNAs encoding α1, α6, β2, γ2S and γ2L subunits; <35S>TBPS binding measured, radioactivity determined with scintillation counter; ethanol (100 mM) and TICO added to mixture

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

TBPS: t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate; TICO: title compound


TICO inhibited α6β2γ2S receptors binding more efficiently than homologous γ2L receptors; binding of α1β2γ2L receptors more efficiently stimulated by 100 nM TICO and inhibited by 1 μM TICO than α1β2γ2S receptors


Korpi; Herb; Luddens

Pharmacology and Toxicology, 1995 , vol. 77, # 2 p. 87 - 90 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Fischer 344 rat brain membrans



Method (Pharmacological Data)

three month old rats entire forebrain rostral to cerebellum used for preparation of crude synaptic membrans; TICO ability to compete for binding to TICO receptors investigated

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

TICO: title compound; TICOA sites studied using <3H>SR-95531 and <3H>muscimol; TICOB sites studied using <3H>TICO in presence of isoguvacine to saturate TICOA sites


IC50 values for inhibition of <3H>SR-99531, <3H>Muscimol, <3H>TICO (total) and <3H>TICO (+isoguvacine) binding 2.2 mM, 0.37 mM, 52 mM and 37 mM respectively


Klunk, William E.; Debnath, Manik L.; McClure, Richard J.; Pettegrew, Jay W.

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 56, # 26 p. 2377 - 2384 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

881 of 992

882 of 992

883 of 992

884 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat cerebellar membrane GABAA receptor

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

1 h

Method (Pharmacological Data)

receptors immunoprecipitated by sera specific for δ-subunit of GABAA receptor, bound to protein A-Sepharose; receptor labelled with <3H>-muscimol, competition curve with title comp.

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

9.1 nmol/l


Quirk; Whiting; Ragan; McKernan

European Journal of Pharmacology - Molecular Pharmacology Section, 1995 , vol. 290, # 3 p. 175 - 181 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat cerebellar membrane GABAA receptor

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

1 h

Method (Pharmacological Data)

receptors immunoprecipitated by sera specific for γ2-subunit of GABAA receptor, bound to protein A-Sepharose; receptor labelled with <3H>-muscimol, competition curve with title comp.

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

13.5 nmol/l


Quirk; Whiting; Ragan; McKernan

European Journal of Pharmacology - Molecular Pharmacology Section, 1995 , vol. 290, # 3 p. 175 - 181 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug interaction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocytes of Xenopus laevis

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.0001 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

defolliculated oocytes injected with 50 nl mRNA soln. (1 mg/ml in water) isolated from rat cerebellum, incubated for 2-4 day at 18 deg C in Barth'soln.

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

single oocyte impaled with two microelectrodes in a medium contg. 1E-5 M bicuculline (pH 7.0, room temp.), title comp. added, voltage-clamped at -40 mV for 1 min


title comp. in presence of bicuculline produced an outward current under voltage-clamp conditions


Yoshimura; Yoshida; Taniyama

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 57, # 26 p. 2397 - 2401 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


drug interaction

(Pharmacological Data)

885 of 992

886 of 992

887 of 992

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

oocytes of Xenopus laevis

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.0001 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

defolliculated oocytes injected with 50 nl mRNA soln. (1 mg/ml in water) isolated from rat cerebellum, incubated for 2-4 day at 18 deg C in Barth'soln.; single ocyte place impaled with two microlectrodes

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

15 min before title comp. administration, 1E-3 M dibutyric cyclic AMP (db-cAMP) or 1E-5 M forskolin added to the perfusion medium contg. 1E-5 M bicuculline (pH 7.0, room temp.), then title comp., voltage-clamped at -40 mV


pretreatment with db-cAMP or with forskolin suppressed the bicuculline-intensive title comp.-induced response


Yoshimura; Yoshida; Taniyama

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 57, # 26 p. 2397 - 2401 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

protein binding

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Hydra vulgaris (attenuata)

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

40 - 1200 nmol/l

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

10 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

membranes, from 3000-4000 starved (24-48 h) hydra, (0.250-0.30 mg protein), incubated 10 min at 0 deg C with 20 nM 3H-labeled title comp. and with various concn. of unlabeled title comp.


specific binding 60-70 percent of total binding; one population of binding sites for title comp. (Scatchard analysis); equilibrium dissociation constant KD = 76 nM; maximal number of binding sites Bmax = 4.75 pmol/mg protein


Pierobon, Paola; Concas, Alessandra; Santoro, Giovanna; Marino, Giuseppe; Minei, Rosario; et al.

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 56, # 18 p. 1485 - 1498 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

protein binding

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Hydra vulgaris (attenuata)

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

20 nmol/l

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

10 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

membranes, from 3000-4000 starved (24-48 h) hydra, (0.250-0.30 mg protein), incubated 10 min at 0 deg C with 20 nM 3H-labeled title comp. in presence or absence of 30 μM muscimol, or 100 μM bicuculine or with 100 μM baclofen


muscimol completely inhibited (96.5 percent) no signif. modification by bicuculline or baclofen in title comp. binding


Pierobon, Paola; Concas, Alessandra; Santoro, Giovanna; Marino, Giuseppe; Minei, Rosario; et al.

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 56, # 18 p. 1485 - 1498 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem

Hydra vulgaris (attenuata)

(Pharmacological Data)

888 of 992

889 of 992

890 of 992

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

feeding reaction in vivo; animals starved 3 d before; mouth opening (Ti) and closing (Tf) time measured; stimulation with 1-12 μM reduced gluthathione (GSH) in presence or absence of title comp. and title comp.+ (10-100 μM) bicuculline methiodide


in living animals title comp. increased the duration of mouth opening during GSH-induced feeding response; effect abolished by simultaneous administration of bicuculline methiodide


Pierobon, Paola; Concas, Alessandra; Santoro, Giovanna; Marino, Giuseppe; Minei, Rosario; et al.

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 56, # 18 p. 1485 - 1498 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

transfected human embryonic kidney (HEK) cell line 293

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

HEK cells transfected with cDNA encoding for rat brain α1-, β3- and γ2-subunits of GABAA receptors; polymerase chain reaction (PCR) used for estimation of the amount of GABAA receptor subunit mRNA, endogenously present in HEK 293 cells

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

transfected cells, with various combinations of plasmids encoding for GABAA receptor subunits, incubated with (3H)Ro 15-1788 in various concns. in presence or absence of title comp. for 120 min at 4 deg C; KD detn.


binding of (3)Ro 15-1788 to cells transfected with α1,β3,γ2 GABAA subunits in presence of title comp. KD 1.44 nM; not detected in case of α1β3 and β3γ2; KD 1.8 nM to transfected cells with α1γ2 GABAA subunits


Fuchs; Zezula; Slany; Sieghart

European Journal of Pharmacology - Molecular Pharmacology Section, 1995 , vol. 289, # 1 p. 87 - 95 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug interaction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney cell line 293 (HEK 293)

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-09 - 0.0001 nmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

membranes from HEK cells in Tris-citrate buffer (pH 7.4) incubated with 2 nM (3H)flunitrazepam at 4 deg C in absence or presence of various concns. of title comp.


title comp. (agonist) has no effect on (3H)flunitrazepam binding to HEK membranes


Fuchs; Zezula; Slany; Sieghart

European Journal of Pharmacology - Molecular Pharmacology Section, 1995 , vol. 289, # 1 p. 87 - 95 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rats



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.0001 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats decapitated, cerebral cortex removed and homogenized, pellets separated and resuspended in Tris, citrate contg. AgNO3 (5E-4 M) at 0-4 deg C for 10 min; pellets washed, and resuspended in Tris, citrate buffer pH 7.1 at a concn. of 20 mg tissue/ml

891 of 992

892 of 992

893 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

2 ml of Ag+-pretreated membrane suspension, preincubated with title comp. for 40 min in the dark at 0-4 deg C; UV radiation applied for 40 min at 254 nm; resuspended for (1E-5 M) thiomuscimol photolabeling


title comp. inhibits photolabeling of thiomuscimol on to Ag+-treated membrane preparation


Nielsen; Witt; Ebert; Krogsgaard-Larsen

European Journal of Pharmacology - Molecular Pharmacology Section, 1995 , vol. 289, # 1 p. 109 - 112 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat brain dopamine neurons

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 3 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; brains from male Sprague-Dawley rats (180-300 g); synaptic currents in substantia nigra zona compacta and ventral tegmental area measured; recording chamber; pH 7.4; 36 deg C; also with 100-300 μM adenosine

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

membrane currents measured using whole-cell recording technique


evoked outward current; adenosine failed to block drug activity


Wu; Mercuri; Johnson

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 273, # 2 p. 576 - 581 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme; induction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat striatal membranes



Method (Pharmacological Data)

striatal membranes incub. at 30 deg C 15 min in Tris cont. 0.3 μM <γ-32P>GTP and increasing concn. of title comp. or a combination of agonists; highaffinity GTPase activity assayed by <γ-32P>GTP hydrolysis

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

210 μmol/l


GTPase activity was stimulated by title comp., Emax = 8.6 percent above basal value; stimulation effect additive: dopamine + title comp. or dopamine + carbachol + title comp.; diagrams given


Odagaki; Dasgupta; Fuxe

European Journal of Pharmacology - Molecular Pharmacology Section, 1995 , vol. 291, # 3 p. 245 - 253 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Spraue-Dawley rat hippocampus



Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats (200-300 g) killed by decapitation; hippocampal membranes incubated 120 min at 4 deg C in Tris-HCl cont. 8 nM <3H>levetiracetam and title comp.

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioactivity determined by liquid scintillation



(Pharmacological Data)

894 of 992

895 of 992

896 of 992

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

3.0 dimensionless


title comp. did not demonstrate affinity (less than 20 percent inhibition)


Noyer, Michel; Gillard, Michel; Matagne, Alain; Henichart, Jean-Pierre; Wuelfert, Ernst

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 286, # 2 p. 137 - 146 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

transfected human embrionic kidney 293 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.3 - 100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with plasmids containing cDNAs for human α2β2γ2s GABAA receptors; effect of title comp. on inward current measured with whole-cell patch-clamp method


title comp. dose-dependently increased amplitude of inward current in both transfected cells (EC50=17 and 10 μM for activation of α2β1γ2s and α2β1 receptors, respectively); diagrams


Jones; Harrison; Pritchett; Hales

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 274, # 2 p. 962 - 968 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-07 - 0.0003 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

HEK cells, native or transfected with cDNAs for rat GABAA receptor α1β3γ2- or α1γ2-subunits incub. in buffer (pH 7.4; 90 min; 4 deg C) with <3H>flunitrazepam (F); binding determined with liquid scintillation

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

binding parameters (KD, nM; Bmax, fmol/mg protein) determined by Scatchard analysis

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.5 μmol/l


F binding to α1β3γ2 stimulated (max. 150 percent)


Slany; Zezula; Fuchs; Sieghart

European Journal of Pharmacology - Molecular Pharmacology Section, 1995 , vol. 291, # 2 p. 99 - 105 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat cerebellum

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-07 - 0.0003 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

membranes from cerebellum of adult rats incub. in buffer (pH 7.4; 90 min; 4 deg C) with <3H>flunitrazepam (F); binding determined with liquid scintillation

897 of 992

898 of 992

899 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

binding parameters (KD, nM; Bmax, fmol/mg protein) determined by Scatchard analysis

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.43 μmol/l


F binding to α1β3γ2 stimulated (max. 100 percent)


Slany; Zezula; Fuchs; Sieghart

European Journal of Pharmacology - Molecular Pharmacology Section, 1995 , vol. 291, # 2 p. 99 - 105 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

PA3 cells

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

4 d

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells cultured in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium; induction with 1 μM dexamethasone; after 2 d 50 μM title comp.

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effect on (GABA)A receptor function; Kd, Bmax, GABA shift


Kd = 3.47 nM, Bmax = 145 percent of control, GABA shift: 1.63


Klein; Mascia; Harkness; Hadingham; Whiting; Harris

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 274, # 3 p. 1484 - 1492 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) release

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rat



Method (Pharmacological Data)

spont. hypertensive (SHR), and normotensive rats killed; brain removed, immersed in Krebs-Ringer (KRB) soln.; medulla oblongata, PH, hippocampus dissected; chopped slices incub. 37 deg C, 15 min in KRB cont. <3H>GABA and 100 μmol/l aminooxyacetic acid

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

high K+ (30 mmol/l) stimulation was applied 16 min after incub.; spontaneous and high K+ evoked release of <3H>GABA determined by liquid scint. technique; kinetic parameters: fraction rate constant (k) and t1/2 calculated


release of GABA under high K+ in eleven-week-old SHR rat hippocampus and the spontaneous release of GABA in the same aged SHR medulla oblongata were lower than those of age-matched normotensive WKY rat; tables given


Ichida, Tatsuya; Takeda, Kazuo; Sasaki, Susumu; Nakagawa, Masao; Hashimoto, Tsuneichi; Kuriyama, Kinya

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 58, # 3 p. 209 - 215 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat glial cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 20 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; primary cultures established from newborn rat hemispheres; cultured in DMEM for 48 h and then incubated with <3H>labeled taurine in KrebsRinger phosphate buffer for 10 min; pH 7.4; 37 deg C; title comp. added to culture or incubation medium

900 of 992

901 of 992

902 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

taurine uptake determined in primary and secondary cultures


uptake of taurine increased to 119 and 105 percent of control when added at 5 and 20 mM to culture medium, respectively; inhibited taurine uptake to 34, 12 and 5 percent of control when added at 1, 5 or 20 mM to incubation medium, respectively


Petegnief, Valerie; Lleu, Pierre-Louis; Gupta, Ramesh C.; Bourguignon, Jean-Jacques; Rebel, Gerard

Biochemical Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 49, # 3 p. 399 - 410 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat glial cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

5 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; primary cultures established from newborn rat hemispheres; cultured in DMEM for 48 h and then incubated with <3H>labeled β-alanine in KrebsRinger phosphate buffer for 15 min; pH 7.4; 37 deg C; title comp. added to incubation medium

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

β-alanine uptake determined


inhibited β-alanine uptake to 14 percent of control when added to incubation medium


Petegnief, Valerie; Lleu, Pierre-Louis; Gupta, Ramesh C.; Bourguignon, Jean-Jacques; Rebel, Gerard

Biochemical Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 49, # 3 p. 399 - 410 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 mmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title compound administered from a multi-barrel glass pipette electrode

Method (Pharmacological Data)

16 cats anaesthetized with ketamine chloride; stimulating electrodes inserted in the left motor cotex and to the pyrmidal tract; title compound applied in an iontophoretic system; neuronal activity recorded at right motor cortex

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effect of title compound on pyramidal tract neuron responses to transcallosal stimulation; number of spikes in 30 ms from the stimulus onset for 20 transcallosal stimulations counted


title compound decreased number of spikes from 10.3 to 7.8 in pyramidal tract neurons, while the latency 4.3 ms almost as control 4.4 ms


Chowdhury; Kawashima; Konishi; Niwa; Matsunami

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 285, # 1 p. 99 - 102 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

porcine cerebral arteries

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; fresh (nerve-intact) and cold-storage-denervated arteries with or without endothelial cells (EC); biochemical assay of 0.05 mM <ureido14C>citrulline (spec. act.: 55.9 mCi/mmol) uptake in tissues

Further Details

oxygenated (95 percent O2 - 5 percent CO2) buffer (pH 7.4) containing 5 mM D-α-glucose, 20 mM HEPES (pH 7.4) and 1 percent BSA; 37 deg C; 1 h

903 of 992

904 of 992

905 of 992

(Pharmacological Data)

incubation; uptake of radioactivity into vessels measured in liquid scintillation counter


had no effects on citrulline uptake in either fresh or denervated arteries with or without EC


Chen; Lee

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 273, # 2 p. 895 - 901 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Fischer-344 rat brain

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

300 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

125-150 g rats (25 deg C; 12 h light:dark cycle) anesth.; dopamine (DA) depletion ind. by i.t. inj. of 6-OHDA into right substantia nigra (Sub); 2-3 m later rats sacrificed; brains removed; striatum (St), substantia nigra (Sub) dissected

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

tissues homogenized; preincub. in Krebs buffer with 1.0 mM IBMX (37 deg C; 60 min; O2:CO2=95:5); incub. with 10 μM forskolin (FORS)+title comp. (15 min); cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) determined by radioimmunoassay


F-induced cAMP accumulation in St, Sub inhibited (diagram)


Hossain; Weiner

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 275, # 1 p. 237 - 244 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Route of Application


Method (Pharmacological Data)

anesthetized, artificially ventilated rats (250-350 g); electrical stimulation within obscurus; microinjection of title comp. (200 mM, 100 nl) into raphe obscurus


decrease of the early sympathoexcitatory response


Zhou Shi-Yi; Gilbey

The American journal of physiology, 1995 , vol. 268, # 52 p. R1230-R1235 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

New Zealand White rabbit


male and female

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

4 - 40 nmol

Method (Pharmacological Data)

anesthetized rabbits (2.4-4.3 kg); microinjections of title comp. in the caudal medullary raphe oder in CVLM

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

MAP, mean arterial pressure; RSNA, renal sympathetic nerve activity; CVLM, caudal ventrolateral medulla


no effect of title comp. on MAP or RSNA when injected into the caudal medullary raphe but evoked a pressor and sympathoexcitatory response when injected into the CVLM


Coleman; Dampney

American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 1995 , vol. 268, # 5 37-5 p. R1295-R1302 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

906 of 992

907 of 992

908 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

effect on vasopressin cell responses to caval occlusion

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

5 - 10 nmol

Method (Pharmacological Data)

anesthetized rats (200-300 g); microinjections of title comp. in the caudal ventrolateral medulla (CVLM); arterial blood pressure measured


eliminated increase in vasopressin cell firing elicited by moderate caval occlusion; no blocking of response to severe caval occlusion


Smith; Sibbald; Khanna; Day

The American journal of physiology, 1995 , vol. 268, # 52 p. R1336-R1342 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

effect on binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat brain



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

5e-006 mol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

2 neurosteroids prepared in 50 percent EtOH-50 percent DMSO, picrotoxin, TBPS, pentobarbital and title comp. dissolved in distilled H2O then diluted with DMSO in incubation buffer

Method (Pharmacological Data)

brain from 200-220 g rat frozen, cut into sections; interaction of 3α-OH-5α-pregnan-20-one, pregnenolone sulfate, pentobarbital, picrotoxin and TBPS with <35S>-TBPS binding to GABA-A receptor in presence of title comp.

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

experiments in various structures of rat brain: cortex layers I-III; IV; V-VI; CA1 stratum oriens; dentate gyrus stratum moleculare; paraventricular, medio dorsal lateral and rhomboid nucleus of thalamus


dose-inhibition curves shown; title comp. decreased the IC50 of 3α-OH-5α-pregnan-20-one, pentobarbital, pregnenolone sulfate in all brain regions studied; IC50 of picrotoxin and TBPS were not significantly altered in presence of title comp.


Vincens; Dartois; Moyse; Haour; Fillion

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 351, # 4 p. 356 - 362 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug interaction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney cells (A293)

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

5 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney cell-lines expressing the α1β2γ2 subunit of of GABAA (γ-aminobutyric acid) receptor derived by transfection of plasmids containing cDNA and plasmid encoding G418 resistance into kidney cells

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

whole-cell patch clamp technique used for examination of 20 nmol 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one (5α-THDOC) effect on title comp.-induced and by 5 μM U-89843A enhanced Cl- currents


5α-THDOC has a potentiating effect on title comp.-induced and by U-89843A enhanced Cl- currents in A293 cells expressing the α1β2γ2 subtype of GABAA

receptors Reference

Im; Wha Bin Im; Pregenzer; Carter; Hamilton

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 275, # 3 p. 1390 - 1395 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

909 of 992

910 of 992

911 of 992

912 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug interaction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney cells (A293)

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

5 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney cell-lines expressing the α1β2γ2 subunit of of GABAA (γ-aminobutyric acid) receptor derived by transfection of plasmids containing cDNA and plasmid encoding G418 resistance into kidney cells

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

whole-cell patch clamp technique used for examination of 5 μM pentobarbital effect on title comp.-induced and by 5 μM U-89843A enhanced Cl- currents


pentobarbital has a potentiating effect on title comp.-induced and by U-89843A enhanced Cl- currents in A293 cells expressing the α1β2γ2 subtype of GABAA receptors


Im; Wha Bin Im; Pregenzer; Carter; Hamilton

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 275, # 3 p. 1390 - 1395 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney cells (A293)

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

5 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney cell-lines expressing the α1β2γ2 subunit of of GABAA (γ-aminobutyric acid) receptor derived by transfection of plasmids containing cDNA and plasmid encoding G418 resistance into kidney cells

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

whole-cell patch clamp technique used for examination of U-89843A (0.05-20 μM) effect in presence of title comp. on GABAA-induced Cl- currents


U-89843A in presence of title comp. dose-dependently increased Cl- currents in A293 cells expressing the α1β2γ2 subtype of GBAA receptors


Im; Wha Bin Im; Pregenzer; Carter; Hamilton

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 275, # 3 p. 1390 - 1395 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug interaction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

embryos from 14-day-old C57B1/6CR mouse

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

coverslips contg. cortical cultured neurons pretreated with pentobarbital (200 μM, 5-days), or not (control) removed from the tissue culture, in HEPESbuffered saline, incubated with title comp. in various concns. in presence of 1 nM (3H)flunitrazepam


in chronic pentobarbital treated cortical neurons title comp. concn.-dependent enhanced the specific binding of (3H)flunitrazepam; Emax (efficacy) decreased to 88 percent, from 130 percent of control; no influence on EC50 (potency) 16 μM, EC50 14 μM control


Yu; Ticku

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 275, # 3 p. 1442 - 1446 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

embryos from 14-day-old C57B1/6CR mouse

913 of 992

914 of 992

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

4 nmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

coverslips contg. cortical cultured neurons pretreated with pentobarbital (200 μM, 5-days), or not (control) removed from the tissue culture and a mitocondrial and mircrosomal (P2+P1) fraction prepared, homogenized, centrifuged pellets suspended

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

in HEPES-buffered saline, incubated with (3H)title comp. for 10 min at 0-4 deg C; nonspecific binding detn. in the presence of 1E-4 M title comp.


specific binding: control 262 fmol/mg protein; in cells pretreated with 200 μM pentobarbital for 5 days 289 fmol/mg protein; pretreatment with pentobarbital did not change basal title comp. binding to its recognition sites in intact cortical neurons


Yu; Ticku

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 275, # 3 p. 1442 - 1446 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA receptor-mediated Cl(1-) current stimulant

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis frog oocyte expr. α1β1γ2S GABAA receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

5 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. in 2 ml/min MBS perfusion

Method (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte isolation; cDNAs injection (1.5 ng/30 nl) into oocyte nucleus; 24 h incubation in MBS at 16 - 19 deg C; 5 min title comp. perfusion in 10 min intervals at RT; patch clamp recording

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

cDNAs for the human α1, β1, γ2S GABAA receptor subunits were subcloned into the pCDM8 expression vector; MBS = modified Barth's saline


rapid desensitization of stimulated Cl(1-) inward current: ca. 60 percent of the initial current amplitude left by the end of drug perfusion (graphical representation)


Sanna; Mascia; Klein; Whiting; Biggio; Harris

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 274, # 1 p. 353 - 360 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA receptor-mediated Cl(1-) current stimulant

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis frog oocyte expr. α1β1γ2S GABAA receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. in 2 ml/min MBS perfusion

Method (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte isolation; cDNAs injection (1.5 ng/30 nl) into oocyte nucleus; 24 h incubation in MBS at 16 - 19 deg C; 20 s title comp. perfusion in 10 min intervals at RT; patch clamp recording

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

cDNAs for the human α1, β1, γ2S GABAA receptor subunits were subcloned into the pCDM8 expression vector; MBS = modified Barth's saline

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 20 μmol/l


title comp. dose-dependently stimulated Cl(1-) inward current; graphical representation


Sanna; Mascia; Klein; Whiting; Biggio; Harris

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 274, # 1 p. 353 - 360

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

915 of 992

916 of 992

917 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

GABAA receptor-mediated Cl(1-) current stimulant

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis frog oocyte expr. α1β1 GABAA receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. in 2 ml/min MBS perfusion

Method (Pharmacological Data)

oocyte isolation; cDNAs injection (1.5 ng/30 nl) into oocyte nucleus; 24 h incubation in MBS at 16 - 19 deg C; 20 s title comp. perfusion in 10 min intervals at RT; patch clamp recording

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

cDNAs for the human α1, β1 GABAA receptor subunits were subcloned into the pCDM8 expression vector; MBS = modified Barth's saline

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 5 μmol/l


title comp. dose-dependently stimulated Cl(1-) inward current; graphical representation


Sanna; Mascia; Klein; Whiting; Biggio; Harris

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 274, # 1 p. 353 - 360 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

bovine brain capillary endothelial cells (BCECs)

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.25 - 0.5 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; effect on <3H>taurine uptake assayed; incub. solution, pH 7.4; 290 mOsmol; 2 or 100 nM <3H>taurine (spec. act.: 28-32 Ci/mmol) added; incub. in the presence of title comp. for 0.5 h

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

<3H>taurine added to luminal or antiluminal solution for luminal and antiluminal uptake of <3H>taurine measurements, respectively; liquid scintillation counting

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

470 μmol/l


title comp. decreased luminal uptake of <3H>taurine to 67.5 percent of control uptake (with Ki value of 470 μM) and decreased antiluminal uptake to 25.4 percent of control uptake


Tamai; Senmaru; Terasaki; Tsuji

Biochemical Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 50, # 11 p. 1783 - 1793 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 cells expressing α1β2γ2 GABAA receptor subunits


0.03 - 1000 μmol/l

(Pharmacological Data)

918 of 992

919 of 992

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

rapid application (<10 ms) using Y-shaped tubing method

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; electrophysiological study; Cl- current elicited by title comp. determined by whole-cell voltage-clamp technique; bathing buffer (pH 7.4); room temp.; osmolarity: 325 mOsmol

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

studies performed within 3 days after transfection with pCIS2 containing rat receptor subunit cDNAs; HEK: human embryonic kidney

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

4.5 μmol/l


maximal Cl- current elicited by title comp. >750 pA; graphical representation


Ducic; Caruncho; Zhu Wei Jian; Vicini; Costa

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 272, # 1 p. 438 - 445 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 cells expressing α6β1γ2 GABAA receptor subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.03 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

rapid application (<10 ms) using Y-shaped tubing method

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; electrophysiological study; Cl- current elicited by title comp. determined by whole-cell voltage-clamp technique; bathing buffer (pH 7.4); room temp.; osmolarity: 325 mOsmol

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

studies performed within 3 days after transfection with pCIS2 containing rat receptor subunit cDNAs; HEK: human embryonic kidney

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.5 μmol/l


maximal Cl- current elicited by title comp. > 500 pA; graphical representation


Ducic; Caruncho; Zhu Wei Jian; Vicini; Costa

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 272, # 1 p. 438 - 445 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 cells expressing α1β3γ2 GABAA receptor subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.03 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

rapid application (<10 ms) using Y-shaped tubing method

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; electrophysiological study; Cl- current elicited by title comp. determined by whole-cell voltage-clamp technique; bathing buffer (pH 7.4); room temp.; osmolarity: 325 mOsmol

920 of 992

921 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

studies performed within 3 days after transfection with pCIS2 containing rat receptor subunit cDNAs; HEK: human embryonic kidney

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.7 μmol/l


maximal Cl- current elicited by title comp. 250-500 pA; graphical representation


Ducic; Caruncho; Zhu Wei Jian; Vicini; Costa

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 272, # 1 p. 438 - 445 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 cells expressing α3β2γ2 GABAA receptor subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.03 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

rapid application (<10 ms) using Y-shaped tubing method

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; electrophysiological study; Cl- current elicited by title comp. determined by whole-cell voltage-clamp technique; bathing buffer (pH 7.4); room temp.; osmolarity: 325 mOsmol

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

studies performed within 3 days after transfection with pCIS2 containing human (α3) and rat (β2,γ2) receptor subunit cDNAs; HEK: human embryonic kidney

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

15.1 μmol/l


maximal Cl- current elicited by title comp. >700 pA; graphical representation


Ducic; Caruncho; Zhu Wei Jian; Vicini; Costa

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 272, # 1 p. 438 - 445 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 cells expressing α4β2γ2 GABAA receptor subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.03 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

rapid application (<10 ms) using Y-shaped tubing method

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; electrophysiological study; Cl- current elicited by title comp. determined by whole-cell voltage-clamp technique; bathing buffer (pH 7.4); room temp.; osmolarity: 325 mOsmol

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

studies performed within 3 days after transfection with pCIS2 containing rat receptor subunit cDNAs; HEK: human embryonic kidney

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological

1.4 μmol/l


922 of 992

923 of 992

924 of 992


maximal Cl- current elicited by title comp. < 100 pA


Ducic; Caruncho; Zhu Wei Jian; Vicini; Costa

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 272, # 1 p. 438 - 445 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 cells expressing α5β2γ2 GABAA receptor subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.03 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

rapid application (<10 ms) using Y-shaped tubing method

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; electrophysiological study; Cl- current elicited by title comp. determined by whole-cell voltage-clamp technique; bathing buffer (pH 7.4); room temp.; osmolarity: 325 mOsmol

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

studies performed within 3 days after transfection with pCIS2 containing rat receptor subunit cDNAs; HEK: human embryonic kidney

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

4.2 μmol/l


maximal Cl- current elicited by title comp. > 750 pA; graphical representation


Ducic; Caruncho; Zhu Wei Jian; Vicini; Costa

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 272, # 1 p. 438 - 445 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 cells expressing α6β2γ2 GABAA receptor subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.03 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

rapid application (<10 ms) using Y-shaped tubing method

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; electrophysiological study; Cl- current elicited by title comp. determined by whole-cell voltage-clamp technique; bathing buffer (pH 7.4); room temp.; osmolarity: 325 mOsmol

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

studies performed within 3 days after transfection with pCIS2 containing rat receptor subunit cDNAs; HEK: human embryonic kidney

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.16 μmol/l


maximal Cl- current elicited by title comp. 250-500 pA; graphical representation


Ducic; Caruncho; Zhu Wei Jian; Vicini; Costa

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 272, # 1 p. 438 - 445 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



(Pharmacological Data)

925 of 992

926 of 992

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 cells expressing α1β1γ2 GABAA receptor subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.03 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

rapid application (<10 ms) using Y-shaped tubing method

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; electrophysiological study; Cl- current elicited by title comp. determined by whole-cell voltage-clamp technique; bathing buffer (pH 7.4); room temp.; osmolarity: 325 mOsmol

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

studies performed within 3 days after transfection with pCIS2 containing rat receptor subunit cDNAs; HEK: human embryonic kidney

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

4.5 μmol/l


maximal Cl- current elicited by title comp. > 650 pA; graphical representation


Ducic; Caruncho; Zhu Wei Jian; Vicini; Costa

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 272, # 1 p. 438 - 445 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 cells expressing α3β1γ2 GABAA receptor subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.03 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

rapid application (<10 ms) using Y-shaped tubing method

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; electrophysiological study; Cl- current elicited by title comp. determined by whole-cell voltage-clamp technique; bathing buffer (pH 7.4); room temp.; osmolarity: 325 mOsmol

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

studies performed within 3 days after transfection with pCIS2 containing human (α3) and rat (β1,γ2) receptor subunit cDNAs; HEK: human embryonic kidney

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

15.1 μmol/l


maximal Cl- current elicited by title comp. 250-500 pA; graphical representation


Ducic; Caruncho; Zhu Wei Jian; Vicini; Costa

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 272, # 1 p. 438 - 445 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 cells expressing α5β1γ2 GABAA receptor subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological

0.03 - 1000 μmol/l


927 of 992

928 of 992

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

rapid application (<10 ms) using Y-shaped tubing method

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; electrophysiological study; Cl- current elicited by title comp. determined by whole-cell voltage-clamp technique; bathing buffer (pH 7.4); room temp.; osmolarity: 325 mOsmol

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

studies performed within 3 days after transfection with pCIS2 containing rat receptor subunit cDNAs; HEK: human embryonic kidney

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

5.6 μmol/l


maximal Cl- current elicited by title comp. 250-500 pA; graphical representation


Ducic; Caruncho; Zhu Wei Jian; Vicini; Costa

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 272, # 1 p. 438 - 445 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 cells expressing α1β1γ1 GABAA receptor subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.03 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

rapid application (<10 ms) using Y-shaped tubing method

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; electrophysiological study; Cl- current elicited by title comp. determined by whole-cell voltage-clamp technique; bathing buffer (pH 7.4); room temp.; osmolarity: 325 mOsmol

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

studies performed within 3 days after transfection with pCIS2 containing human (γ1) and rat (α1,β1) receptor subunit cDNAs; HEK: human embryonic kidney

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.2 μmol/l


maximal Cl- current elicited by title comp. 250-500 pA; graphical representation


Ducic; Caruncho; Zhu Wei Jian; Vicini; Costa

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 272, # 1 p. 438 - 445 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 cells expressing α1β2γ1 GABAA receptor subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.03 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

rapid application (<10 ms) using Y-shaped tubing method

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; electrophysiological study; Cl- current elicited by title comp. determined by whole-cell voltage-clamp technique; bathing buffer (pH 7.4); room temp.; osmolarity: 325 mOsmol

929 of 992

930 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

studies performed within 3 days after transfection with pCIS2 containing human (γ1) and rat (α1,β2) receptor subunit cDNAs; HEK: human embryonic kidney

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.67 μmol/l


maximal Cl- current elicited by title comp. 250-500 pA; graphical representation


Ducic; Caruncho; Zhu Wei Jian; Vicini; Costa

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 272, # 1 p. 438 - 445 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 cells expressing α1β3γ1 GABAA receptor subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.03 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

rapid application (<10 ms) using Y-shaped tubing method

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; electrophysiological study; Cl- current elicited by title comp. determined by whole-cell voltage-clamp technique; bathing buffer (pH 7.4); room temp.; osmolarity: 325 mOsmol

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

studies performed within 3 days after transfection with pCIS2 containing human (γ1) and rat (α1,β3) receptor subunit cDNAs; HEK: human embryonic kidney

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

2.1 μmol/l


maximal Cl- current elicited by title comp. > 500 pA; graphical representation


Ducic; Caruncho; Zhu Wei Jian; Vicini; Costa

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 272, # 1 p. 438 - 445 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 cells expressing α1β2γ3 GABAA receptor subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.03 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

rapid application (<10 ms) using Y-shaped tubing method

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; electrophysiological study; Cl- current elicited by title comp. determined by whole-cell voltage-clamp technique; bathing buffer (pH 7.4); room temp.; osmolarity: 325 mOsmol

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

studies performed within 3 days after transfection with pCIS2 containing rat receptor subunit cDNAs; HEK: human embryonic kidney

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological

1.3 μmol/l


931 of 992

932 of 992

933 of 992


maximal Cl- current elicited by title comp. > 250-500 pA; graphical representation


Ducic; Caruncho; Zhu Wei Jian; Vicini; Costa

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 272, # 1 p. 438 - 445 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 cells expressing α1β1 GABAA receptor subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.03 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

rapid application (<10 ms) using Y-shaped tubing method

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; electrophysiological study; Cl- current elicited by title comp. determined by whole-cell voltage-clamp technique; bathing buffer (pH 7.4); room temp.; osmolarity: 325 mOsmol

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

studies performed within 3 days after transfection with pCIS2 containing rat receptor subunit cDNAs; HEK: human embryonic kidney

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.5 μmol/l


maximal Cl- current elicited by title comp. < 250 pA; graphical representation


Ducic; Caruncho; Zhu Wei Jian; Vicini; Costa

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 272, # 1 p. 438 - 445 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 cells expressing α1β1γ3 GABAA receptor subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.03 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

rapid application (<10 ms) using Y-shaped tubing method

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; electrophysiological study; Cl- current elicited by title comp. determined by whole-cell voltage-clamp technique; bathing buffer (pH 7.4); room temp.; osmolarity: 325 mOsmol

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

studies performed within 3 days after transfection with pCIS2 containing rat receptor subunit cDNAs; HEK: human embryonic kidney

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.6 μmol/l


maximal Cl- current elicited by title comp. 250-500 pA; graphical representation


Ducic; Caruncho; Zhu Wei Jian; Vicini; Costa

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 272, # 1 p. 438 - 445 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



(Pharmacological Data)

934 of 992

935 of 992

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 cells expressing α6β2δ GABAA receptor subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.03 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

rapid application (<10 ms) using Y-shaped tubing method

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; electrophysiological study; Cl- current elicited by title comp. determined by whole-cell voltage-clamp technique; bathing buffer (pH 7.4); room temp.; osmolarity: 325 mOsmol

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

studies performed within 3 days after transfection with pCIS2 containing rat receptor subunit cDNAs; HEK: human embryonic kidney

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.2 μmol/l


maximal Cl- current elicited by title comp. < 100 pA; graphical representation


Ducic; Caruncho; Zhu Wei Jian; Vicini; Costa

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 272, # 1 p. 438 - 445 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 cells expressing α6β2γ1 GABAA receptor subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.03 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

rapid application (<10 ms) using Y-shaped tubing method

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; electrophysiological study; Cl- current elicited by title comp. determined by whole-cell voltage-clamp technique; bathing buffer (pH 7.4); room temp.; osmolarity: 325 mOsmol

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

studies performed within 3 days after transfection with pCIS2 containing human (γ1) and rat (α6,β2) receptor subunit cDNAs; HEK: human embryonic kidney

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.4 μmol/l


maximal Cl- current elicited by title comp. > 500 pA; graphical representation


Ducic; Caruncho; Zhu Wei Jian; Vicini; Costa

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 272, # 1 p. 438 - 445 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 cells expressing α6β2 GABAA receptor subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological

0.03 - 1000 μmol/l


936 of 992

937 of 992

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

rapid application (<10 ms) using Y-shaped tubing method

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; electrophysiological study; Cl- current elicited by title comp. determined by whole-cell voltage-clamp technique; bathing buffer (pH 7.4); room temp.; osmolarity: 325 mOsmol

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

studies performed within 3 days after transfection with pCIS2 containing rat receptor subunit cDNAs; HEK: human embryonic kidney

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.5 μmol/l


maximal Cl- current elicited by title comp. < 200 pA; graphical representation


Ducic; Caruncho; Zhu Wei Jian; Vicini; Costa

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 272, # 1 p. 438 - 445 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 cells expressing α1β2 GABAA receptor subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.03 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

rapid application (<10 ms) using Y-shaped tubing method

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; electrophysiological study; Cl- current elicited by title comp. determined by whole-cell voltage-clamp technique; bathing buffer (pH 7.4); room temp.; osmolarity: 325 mOsmol

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

studies performed within 3 days after transfection with pCIS2 containing rat receptor subunit cDNAs; HEK: human embryonic kidney

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.5 μmol/l


Ducic; Caruncho; Zhu Wei Jian; Vicini; Costa

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 272, # 1 p. 438 - 445 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK293 cells expressing α1β2γ2 GABAA receptor subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

2 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; single channel study; cells patch clamped at -60 mV; superfused continuously with external solution (pH 7.3); room temp.


activated Cl- current; mean current amplitude at -60 mV was -1.66 pA; channel open time constants (short and long) were 2.3 and 16.8 ms respectively; channel short and long closed time constants were 4.2 and 86.7 ms respectively


Dillon; Wha Bin Im; Pregenzer; Carter; Hamilton

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 272, # 2 p. 597 - 603 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

938 of 992

939 of 992

940 of 992

941 of 992

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding regulator

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

SF9 cells expressing α1β2γ2 GABAA receptor subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.01 - 100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; radioligand binding assay; 2-160 nM <35S>TBPS; 50 μg membrane protein; Tris/HCl buffer (pH 7.4); 24 deg C; incubation time 120 min

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

TBPS: <35S>t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate


at doses up to 5 μM enhanced radioligand binding but at higher concentrations inhibited radioligand binding dose-dependently


Dillon; Wha Bin Im; Pregenzer; Carter; Hamilton

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 272, # 2 p. 597 - 603 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

SF9 cells expressing α1β2γ2 GABAA receptor subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.01 - 100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; effect on 5α-THDOC-induced increase in radioligand binding assayed; 2-160 nM <35S>TBPS; 0.5 μM 5α-THDOC; 50 μg membrane protein; Tris/HCl buffer (pH 7.4); 24 deg C; incubation time 120 min

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

TBPS: <35S>t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate; 5α-THDOC: 3α,21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one


at doses up to 1 μM did not antagonize 5α-THDOC effect on radioligand binding; at doses higher than 1 μM completely reversed effect of 5α-THDOC on radioligand binding


Dillon; Wha Bin Im; Pregenzer; Carter; Hamilton

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 272, # 2 p. 597 - 603 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

SF9 cells expressing α1β2γ2 GABAA receptor subunits

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.01 - 100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; effect on U-93631-induced decrease in radioligand binding assayed; 2-160 nM <35S>TBPS; 5 μM U-93631; 50 μg membrane protein; Tris/HCl buffer (pH 7.4); 24 deg C; incubation time 120 min

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

TBPS: <35S>t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate; U-93631: 4-dimethyl-3-t-butylcarboxyl-4,5-dihydro (1,5-a) quinoxaline

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Dillon; Wha Bin Im; Pregenzer; Carter; Hamilton

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 272, # 2 p. 597 - 603 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological

enzyme; examination of


942 of 992

943 of 992

944 of 992

945 of 992

946 of 992

947 of 992

948 of 992

949 of 992

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

(R,S)-α-fluoro-β-alanine defluorinating enzyme

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

25 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; effect on transaminase activity assayed; 1 mM pyruvate as amino-acceptor substrate; transfer reaction monitored spectrophotometrically

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Porter, David J. T.; Harrington, Joan A.; Almond, Merrick R.; Chestnut, William G.; Tanoury, Gerald; Spector, Thomas

Biochemical Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 50, # 9 p. 1475 - 1484 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

antiepileptic activity



Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research, 1994 , vol. 44, # 3 p. 261 - 266 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro potency of inhibition of <3H>GABA uptake at cloned GABA transporters: IC50: 5 (hGAT-1), 5 (rGAT-2), 7 (hGAT-3), 36 (hBGT-1) μM


Dhar; Borden; Tyagarajan; Smith; Branchek; Weinshank; Gluchowski

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1994 , vol. 37, # 15 p. 2334 - 2342 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of <3H>GABA uptake into rat hippocampal slices in vitro, IC50: 8.6 +/- 0.94 μM


Pavia, Michael R.; Lobbestael, Sandra J.; Nugiel, David; Mayhugh, Daniel R.; Gregor, Vlad E.; et al.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1992 , vol. 35, # 22 p. 4238 - 4248 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of the cytoplasmic enzyme N8-AcSpd deacetylase from rat liver cytosol (in vitro)


Huang; Dredar; Manneh; Blankenship; Fries

Journal of medicinal chemistry, 1992 , vol. 35, # 13 p. 2414 - 2418 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro effect on proliferation and differentiation of the leukemic promyelocytic cell line HL-60


Nudelman, Abraham; Ruse, Margaretta; Aviram, Adina; Rabizadeh, Ester; Shaklai, Matityahu; et al.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1992 , vol. 35, # 4 p. 687 - 694 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

ability to displace the labeled agonist <3H>GABA (IC50: 25 nM) and the labeled antagonist <3H>gabazine (IC50: 1450 nM) from rat brain and provoke convulsions after iv injections (mice)


Melikian; Schlewer; Chambon; Wermuth

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1992 , vol. 35, # 22 p. 4092 - 4097 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

affinity for the <3H>GABA binding assay, IC50 (μmol): 0.03


Mann; Boulanger; Brandau; Durant; Evrard; Heaulme; Desaulles; Wermuth

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1991 , vol. 34, # 4 p. 1307 - 1313 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

slight anticonvulsant activity; sedative activity (effect on sleeping time induced by sodium pentobarbital); (mice)

950 of 992

951 of 992

952 of 992

953 of 992

954 of 992

955 of 992


Sasaki; Mori; Nakamura; Shibasaki

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1991 , vol. 34, # 2 p. 628 - 633 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

ability to displace <3H>muscimol (GABAA sites): IC50 = 0.10 μM and (R)-(-)-<3H>baclofen (GABAB sites): IC50 = 0.04 μM (from rat brain membranes)


Berthelot; Vaccher; Flouquet; Debaert; Luyckx; Brunet

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1991 , vol. 34, # 8 p. 2557 - 2560 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro inhibition of synaptosomal GABA uptake (IC50 = 3.0 μM) and of GABAA receptor binding (IC50 = 0.03 μM); no effect on binding of 3H-quinuclidinyl benzilate (3H-QNB) to muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in rat cortical membranes


Falch; Krogsgaard-Larsen

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1991 , vol. 26, # 1 p. 69 - 77 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

ability to displace binding R(-) <3H> baclofen (IC50 = 0.04 μM) and RS <3H> baclofen (IC50 = 0.03 μM) to GABAB sites in rat whole brain synaptic membranes, ability to displace <3H> muscimol (IC50 = 0.10 μM) from GABAA sites in rat brain membranes


Berthelot; Vaccher; Flouquet; Luyckx; Brunet; Boulanger; Frippiat; Vercauteren; Debaert; Evrard; Durant

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1991 , vol. 26, # 4 p. 395 - 402 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

affinity for GABA binding sites in rat brain (IC50 61 nM)


Toja; Bonetti; Butti; Hunt; Fortin; Barzaghi; Formento; Maggioni; Nencioni; Galliani

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1991 , vol. 26, # 9 p. 853 - 868 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme; examination of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

bovine carbonic anhydrase CA I

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

5e-05 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

micromethod of Maren

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

2 deg C

Type (Pharmacological Data)

percent activation

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

112.0 percent activation


control CA activity in the absence of activator = 100 percent


Supuran, Claudiu T.; Dinculescu, Antonie; Manole, Gheorghe; Savan, Florina; Puscas, Ioan; Balaban, Alexandru T.

Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 1991 , vol. 36, # 8 p. 937 - 946 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme; examination of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

bovine carbonic anhydrase CA II

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

5e-05 mol/l


micromethod of Maren

(Pharmacological Data)

956 of 992

957 of 992

958 of 992

959 of 992

960 of 992

961 of 992

962 of 992

963 of 992

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

2 deg C

Type (Pharmacological Data)

percent activation

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

115.0 percent activation


control CA activity in the absence of activator = 100 percent


Supuran, Claudiu T.; Dinculescu, Antonie; Manole, Gheorghe; Savan, Florina; Puscas, Ioan; Balaban, Alexandru T.

Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 1991 , vol. 36, # 8 p. 937 - 946 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

antihemolytic activity (in vitro); effect on antithermic, antihypoxic activity, and antistressor action (white mice); weak antioxidant activity


Pisarskii, Yu. B.; Vvedenskii, V. Yu.; Voronkov, M. G.; Kazimirovskaya, V. B.; Kishkina, I. M.; et al.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1990 , vol. 24, # 1 p. 26 - 30 Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal, 1990 , vol. 24, # 1 p. 23 - 26 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

antihypoxic and anticonvulsant activity in mice


Fridman, Ya. D.; Kebets, N. M.; Nanaeva, M. T.; Zurdinov, A. Z.; Sabirova, T. S.; Atarskaya, L. I.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1989 , vol. 23, # 11 p. 879 - 883 Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal, 1989 , vol. 23, # 11 p. 1310 - 1313 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

filaricidal activity on infective larvae and microfilarie of Molinema dessetae


Deverre; Loiseau; Couvreur; Letourneux; Gayral; Benoit

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1989 , vol. 41, # 3 p. 191 - 193 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

no inhibition of binding to GHB receptor in crude membranes from rat brain


Bourguignon; Schoenfelder; Schmitt; Wermuth; Hechler; Charlier; Maitre

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1988 , vol. 31, # 5 p. 893 - 897 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

substrate acts on neurotransmitter receptors; little ability to compete for <3H>zacopride binding in homogenates for the rat entorhinal cortex


Barnes; Costall; Naylor

The Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology, 1988 , vol. 40, # 8 p. 548 - 551 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

no influence on the mink relfex (mouse); no effect on muscle relaxant activity; no corazole, bicuculline, or picrotoxin antagonism


Kovler, M. A.; Karaev, A. L.; Kopelevich, V. M.; Bulanova, L. N.; Rozanov, V. A.; et al.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1987 , vol. 21, # 9 p. 616 - 619 Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal, 1987 , vol. 21, # 9 p. 1051 - 1054 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

potent depression of the carotid arterial blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats


Kohama; Matsumoto; Mimura; Tanabe; Inada; Nakanishi

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1987 , vol. 35, # 6 p. 2484 - 2489 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro ability to displace <3H>GABA from rat brain membranes (GABAA sites, IC50 = 0.03 μM) and to displace <3H>baclofen (GABAB sites, IC50 = 0.03 μM) from rat brain membranes

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Berthelot; Vaccher; Musadad; Flouquet; Debaert; Luyckx

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1987 , vol. 30, # 4 p. 743 - 746 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

intraperitoneally injected produced a dose. dependent hypothermia in restrained rats


Minano; Sancibrian; Serrano

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1987 , vol. 39, # 9 p. 721 - 726 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

effects (growth and activity) on the production of xylanase by alkalophilic Bacillus No. C-125


Ikura, Yoko; Horikoshi, Koki

Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 1987 , vol. 51, # 11 p. 3143 - 3146 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, IC50 = 0.008 uM, EC50 = 1.0, max. enhancement = 150 percent


Blasko, Gabor; Kardos, Julianna; Baitz-Gacs, Eszter; Simonyi, Miklos; Szantay, Csaba

Heterocycles, 1986 , vol. 24, # 10 p. 2887 - 2900 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

effect on neuronal responses (brainstem reticular neurons from Wistar rats, both sexes), influence of etoperidone


Janiri; Salera; Tempesta

Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research, 1986 , vol. 36, # 12 p. 1721 - 1726 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

effect by i.v. administration on carrageenan-induced paw inflammation in rats depending on time


Bhattacharya; Sarkar

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1986 , vol. 38, # 2 p. 144 - 146 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

effect on release of preloaded <14C>glutamate from slices of rat dentate gyros, in response to K+ stimulation; inhibition of Ca2+ dependent glu release and enhancement of Ca2+ independent release


Spencer; Lynch; Bliss

The Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology, 1986 , vol. 38, # 5 p. 393 - 395 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

effects on <3H>GABAA, <3H>GABAB, and tert-butyl <35S>bicyclophosphorothionate binding in rat brain membranes and <3H>GABA uptake into rat brain synaptosomes


Witiak, Donald T.; Patch, Raymond J.; Enna, S. J.; Fung, Yiu K.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1986 , vol. 29, # 1 p. 1 - 8 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

binding ability (in rat brain membranes) <3H>GABA: IC50=0.03 μM, <3H>baclofen: IC50=0.06 μM, uptake inhibn. IC50=1.8 μM


Mann; Humblet; Chambon; Schlichter; Desarmenien; Feltz; Wermuth

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1985 , vol. 28, # 10 p. 1440 - 1446 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of <3H>-γ-aminobutyric acid (<3H>GABA) (IC50 = 2.60 μM) uptake by rat brain synaptosomes in vitro, inhibition of <3H>muscimol binding to rat cerebellum membranes (IC50 = 0.029 μM) in vitro


Ali, Fadia E.; Bondinell, William E.; Dandridge, Penelope A.; Frazee, James S.; Garvey, Eleanor; et al.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1985 , vol. 28, # 5 p. 653 - 660 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro inhibitor in rats brain for GABA (IC50 0.033 μm), THIP (IC50 0.015 μm), P4S (IC50 0.025 μm) receptor binding and GABA uptake (IC50 3 μm)


Krogsgaard-Larsen, Povl; Nielsen, Lone; Falch, Erik; Curtis, David R.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1985 , vol. 28, # 11 p. 1612 - 1617 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

974 of 992

975 of 992

976 of 992

977 of 992

978 of 992

979 of 992

980 of 992

981 of 992

982 of 992

983 of 992

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

the preservation of the inhibitory effects of gabapentin on the electrically evoked 3H overflow from slices preincubated 3H-noradrenaline or 3H-serotonin, 1000 μmol/l, rat brain cortex


Schlicker; Reimann; Gothert

Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research, 1985 , vol. 35, # 9 p. 1347 - 1349 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of the formation of stress-induced gastric ulcers in guinea-pigs


Minano; Serrano; Duran; Sancibrian

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1985 , vol. 37, # 9 p. 675 - 677 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

contraction of guinea-pig ileum ED50: 2.2+/-0.1 (μM); enhancement of <3H>diazepam binding ED50: 0.46+/-0.06 (μM)


Allan; Dickenson; Johnston; et al.

Australian Journal of Chemistry, 1985 , vol. 38, # 11 p. 1651 - 1656 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Inactive as central nervous system depressant by inhibiting the general motor activity of mice. Brain penetration index = 0.96, dose 3-39 mg/kg, sc.


Jacob; Shashoua; Campbell; Baldessarini

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1985 , vol. 28, # 1 p. 106 - 110 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

affects intestinal motility during darkness (dog, intravenously)


Fargeas; Fioramonti; Bueno

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1984 , vol. 36, # 2 p. 130 - 132 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

no effect on acetylcholine-induced contractions of bladder muscle (male albino rabbit, in-vitro); reduced field stimulation-induced contractions


Santicioli; Maggi; Meli

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1984 , vol. 36, # 6 p. 378 - 381 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

displacement of 3H-GABA specifically bound from rat brain synaptic membranes in Tyrode buffer


Kardos; Blasko; Simonyi; Szantay Cs.

Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research, 1984 , vol. 34, # 12 p. 1758 - 1759 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

effect on general motor activity in the mouse; IC50 = 70 nM for inhibition of <3H>GABA binding to synaptic membranes from rat cerebellum


Shahsoua, Victor E.; Jacob, James N.; Ridge, Richard; Campbell, Alexander; Baldessarini, Ross J.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1984 , vol. 27, # 5 p. 659 - 664 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of glutamate uptake by Brevibacterium flavum No 2247 (ATCC 14067), 24percent at 1 mM


Mori, Michiko; Shiio, Isamu

Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 1983 , vol. 47, # 5 p. 983 - 990 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

inhibitor of 3H-GABA: IC 50 (μM): 0.15 (rats)


Borea; Bonora; Baraldi; Simoni

Farmaco, Edizione Scientifica, 1983 , vol. 38, # 6 p. 411 - 417

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

984 of 992

985 of 992

986 of 992

987 of 992

988 of 992

989 of 992

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991 of 992

992 of 992

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

small contractions of human internal anal sphincter muscle at 5E-4 M and no effect at 10 - 100E-6 M



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1983 , vol. 35, # 4 p. 258 - 260 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

no effect on the motor responce of the male rat anococcygeus muscle stimulated at a frequency of 20 Hz (70 V; 1 ms) for 30 s and at 3 min intervals at concentrations up to 1E-4 M level



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1983 , vol. 35, # 8 p. 511 - 515 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of GABA receptor binding IC50 0.033 μM, inhibition of GABA uptake in synaptosomes IC50 2 μM


Jacobsen; Labouta; Schaumburg; Falch; Krogsgaard-Larsen

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1982 , vol. 25, # 10 p. 1157 - 1162 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

no nematicidal activity against Bursaphelenchus lignicolus


Nagase; Kuwahara; Tominaga; Sugawara

Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 1982 , vol. 46, # 1 p. 167 - 172 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

competitve inhibition of the activity both of 3-guanidinopropionate amidinohydrolase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO 1 and of 4-guanidinobutyrate amidinohydrolase from Pseudomonas sp. ATCC 14676 at 5.0 mM, Ki = 2.8 mM and 1.0 mM, respectively


Yorifuji, Takamitsu; Sugai, Ichiro; Matsumoto, Hideki; Tabuchi, Akira

Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 1982 , vol. 46, # 5 p. 1361 - 1368 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of cerebrovascular disorders (3 g daily, 8 weeks, with 600 mg of pyrithioxine); also in combination with placebo


Otomo; Araki; Mori; Kurihara

Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research, 1981 , vol. 31, # 9 p. 1511 - 1523 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

effect on the rabbit isolated intestine; effect of various concentration of GABA on intestinal tone and PGE-like substance in the bathing fluid


Girdhar; Dhumal; Gulati; Bhavsar; Hemavathi

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1981 , vol. 33, # 9 p. 614 - 615 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

central hypotensive effect (intraventricularly, dog)


Dhumal; Gulati; Bhavsar

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1980 , vol. 32, # 10 p. 724 - 725 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

sodium-independent γ-aminobutyric acid (γ-Abu) receptor binding in rat brain tissue (<3H>Abu displacing IC50=2.00E-8 mol/L)


O'Donnell, John P.; Johnson, David A.; Azzaro, Albert J.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1980 , vol. 23, # 10 p. 1142 - 1144 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ecotoxicology (27) 1 of 27

Effect (Ecotoxicology)


Species or TestSystem (Ecotoxicology)

Liriomyza trifolii, American serpentine leafminer fly

2 of 27

3 of 27

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5 of 27



Kind of Dosing (Ecotoxicology)

water solution

Method (Ecotoxicology)

cut leaf of kidney bean dipped in solution of title comp., dried and put in Petri dish; five flies placed on treated leaf for 24 h at 27 deg C under 16:8 illumination; number of leaf punctures made by flies counted

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

control: without title comp.


title comp. decreased number of ovipositional marks; table


Dekebo, Aman; Kashiwagi, Takehiro; Tebayashi, Shin-Ich; Kim, Chul-Sa

Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2007 , vol. 71, # 2 p. 421 - 426 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

central nervous system effects

Endpoint of Effect (Ecotoxicology)

electrical activity of DUM neurons

Species or TestSystem (Ecotoxicology)

terminal abdominal ganglion from Periplaneta americana L.

Concentration (Ecotoxicology)

20 mmol/l

Method (Ecotoxicology)

in vitro; abdominal nerve cord and its desheathed ganglion mount. in exper. chamber; superfused with saline; repetitive pulses of title comp.; pressure ejection; electrical activ. of DUM neurons record. with intracellular electrodes


fast transient hyporpolarization of DUM neuronal cell bodies followed by sustained phase


Le Corronc; Hue

Pesticide Science, 1999 , vol. 55, # 10 p. 1007 - 1011 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

central nervous system effects

Endpoint of Effect (Ecotoxicology)

polarization of motoneuron Df

Species or TestSystem (Ecotoxicology)

metathoracic ganglion from Periplaneta americana L.

Concentration (Ecotoxicology)

20 mmol/l

Method (Ecotoxicology)

in vitro; methatoracic ganglion isol., desheathed in saline, pH 7.2; mount. in experim. chamber; one of paired Df neurons located and impaled with glass electrode; repetitive pulses of title comp. delivered by pressure ejection for 3 min


biphasic response; initial fast transient hyperpolarization followed by sustained hyperpolarization


Le Corronc; Hue

Pesticide Science, 1999 , vol. 55, # 10 p. 1007 - 1011 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

central nervous system effects

Endpoint of Effect (Ecotoxicology)

membrane conductance

Species or TestSystem (Ecotoxicology)

terminal abdominal ganglion from Periplaneta americana L.

Kind of Dosing (Ecotoxicology)

title comp. ejected within TAG neuropile using broken micropipette connected to pneumatic pressure-ejection system

Method (Ecotoxicology)

in vitro; single-fibre oil-gap method; terminal abdominal ganglion (TAG); continuously superfused with saline; direct meas. of membrane conductance changes; hyperpolarized square current pulses (5 nA)


dose-dependent response; biphasic increase in membrane conductance at high dose of title comp.; stable increase in membrane conductance reaching 30 percent of maximum response at low conc. of title comp.


Le Corronc; Hue

Pesticide Science, 1999 , vol. 55, # 10 p. 1007 - 1011 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

central nervous system effects

Endpoint of Effect (Ecotoxicology)

inhibition of EBOB binding to P2 membranes

Species or Test-

Musca domestica L. WHO, housefly, head P2 membranes

System (Ecotoxicology)

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8 of 27

Exposure Period (Ecotoxicology)

70 min

Method (Ecotoxicology)

incubation of test compound with P2 membranes and <3H>EBOB in NaCl/sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.5) at 22 deg C; measurement of <3H>EBOB bound to membranes by liquid scintillation

Type (Ecotoxicology)


Value of Type (Ecotoxicology)

162 μmol/l


Ozoe; Niina; Matsumoto; Ikeda; Mochida; Ogawa; Matsuno; Miki; Yanagi

Bioorganic and medicinal chemistry, 1998 , vol. 6, # 1 p. 73 - 83 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

behavioral symtoms

Endpoint of Effect (Ecotoxicology)

feeding response

Species or TestSystem (Ecotoxicology)

Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, western corn rootworm

Concentration (Ecotoxicology)

10 - 500 nmol/disk

Kind of Dosing (Ecotoxicology)

test comp. dissolv. in water

Exposure Period (Ecotoxicology)

24 h

Method (Ecotoxicology)

no-choice regenerated cellulose disk bioassay; adult rootworms; Petri dishes; regener. cellulose disks (27.4 mm2); test comp. sol. applied in 4x1-μl aliquots; Optomax V image analyzer; dry disk areas; mean percent disk consumption

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

2 beetles without sex discrimination used in tests after 24 h of starvarion

Comment (Ecotoxicology)

No effect


Kim, Jae Hak; Mullin, Christopher A.

Journal of Chemical Ecology, 1998 , vol. 24, # 9 p. 1499 - 1511 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

membrane current; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Ecotoxicology)

Xenopus laevis oocytes

Method (Ecotoxicology)

oocytes expressing ρ1L301F GABA mutant receptors; addition of title comp.; activation by title comp. of inward currents; standard two-electrode voltageclamp at -70 mV

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

in receptors leucine was substituted with phenylalanine (F); perfusion solution (mmol/l): 92.2 NaCl, 2.5 KCl, 5 HEPES, 1 CaCl2, 1 MgCl2, pH 7.5

Type (Ecotoxicology)


Value of Type (Ecotoxicology)

0.85 μmol/l


Chang, Yongchang; Weiss, David S.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 3 p. 511 - 523 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

membrane current; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Ecotoxicology)

Xenopus laevis oocytes

Concentration (Ecotoxicology)

0.003 - 3 μmol/l

Method (Ecotoxicology)

oocytes expressing ρ1L301A GABA mutant receptors; addition of title comp.; inhibition by title comp. of spontaneous inward membrane currents; standard two-electrode voltage-clamp at -70 mV

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

in receptors leucine was substituted with alanine (A); perfusion solution (mmol/l): 92.2 NaCl, 2.5 KCl, 5 HEPES, 1 CaCl2, 1 MgCl2, pH 7.5; further investigations using competitive antagonist of GABA receptor 3-AMPA

Type (Ecotoxicology)


Value of Type

0.12 μmol/l


9 of 27

10 of 27

11 of 27

12 of 27


title comp. closed spontaneously opened mutant GABA receptors; 3-AMPA (3 μmol/l) antagonized effect of title comp. (figure, table)


Chang, Yongchang; Weiss, David S.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 3 p. 511 - 523 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

membrane current; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Ecotoxicology)

Xenopus laevis oocytes

Concentration (Ecotoxicology)

0.003 - 3 μmol/l

Method (Ecotoxicology)

oocytes expressing ρ1L301G GABA mutant receptors; addition of title comp.; inhibition by title comp. of spontaneous inward membrane currents; standard two-electrode voltage-clamp at -70 mV

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

in receptors leucine was substituted with glycine (G); perfusion solution (mmol/l): 92.2 NaCl, 2.5 KCl, 5 HEPES, 1 CaCl2, 1 MgCl2, pH 7.5

Type (Ecotoxicology)


Value of Type (Ecotoxicology)

0.33 μmol/l


title comp. closed spontaneously opened mutant GABA receptors (figure, table)


Chang, Yongchang; Weiss, David S.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 3 p. 511 - 523 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

membrane current; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Ecotoxicology)

Xenopus laevis oocytes

Concentration (Ecotoxicology)

0.003 - 3 μmol/l

Method (Ecotoxicology)

oocytes expressing ρ1L301S GABA mutant receptors; addition of title comp.; inhibition by title comp. of spontaneous inward membrane currents; standard two-electrode voltage-clamp at -70 mV

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

in receptors leucine was substituted with serine (S); perfusion solution (mmol/l): 92.2 NaCl, 2.5 KCl, 5 HEPES, 1 CaCl2, 1 MgCl2, pH 7.5

Type (Ecotoxicology)


Value of Type (Ecotoxicology)

0.18 μmol/l


title comp. closed spontaneously opened mutant GABA receptors (figure, table)


Chang, Yongchang; Weiss, David S.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 3 p. 511 - 523 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

membrane current; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Ecotoxicology)

Xenopus laevis oocytes

Concentration (Ecotoxicology)

0.003 - 3 μmol/l

Method (Ecotoxicology)

oocytes expressing ρ1L301T GABA mutant receptors; addition of title comp.; inhibition by title comp. of spontaneous inward membrane currents; standard two-electrode voltage-clamp at -70 mV

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

in receptors leucine was substituted with threonine (T); perfusion solution (mmol/l): 92.2 NaCl, 2.5 KCl, 5 HEPES, 1 CaCl2, 1 MgCl2, pH 7.5; 10 mV hyperpolarizing voltage steps were applied before, during and after addition of title comp.

Type (Ecotoxicology)


Value of Type (Ecotoxicology)

0.021 μmol/l


title comp. decreased current step in response to 10-mV voltage step indicating decrease in membrane conductance (figure, table)


Chang, Yongchang; Weiss, David S.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 3 p. 511 - 523 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

membrane current; effect on

13 of 27

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15 of 27

16 of 27

Species or TestSystem (Ecotoxicology)

Xenopus laevis oocytes

Method (Ecotoxicology)

oocytes expressing ρ1L301I GABA mutant receptors; addition of title comp.; activation by title comp. of inward currents; standard two-electrode voltageclamp at -70 mV

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

in receptors leucine was substituted with isoleucine (I); perfusion solution (mmol/l): 92.2 NaCl, 2.5 KCl, 5 HEPES, 1 CaCl2, 1 MgCl2, pH 7.5

Type (Ecotoxicology)


Value of Type (Ecotoxicology)

0.55 μmol/l


Chang, Yongchang; Weiss, David S.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 3 p. 511 - 523 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

membrane current; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Ecotoxicology)

Xenopus laevis oocytes

Method (Ecotoxicology)

oocytes expressing ρ1L301V GABA mutant receptors; addition of title comp.; activation by title comp. of inward currents; standard two-electrode voltageclamp at -70 mV

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

in receptors leucine was substituted with valine (V); perfusion solution (mmol/l): 92.2 NaCl, 2.5 KCl, 5 HEPES, 1 CaCl2, 1 MgCl2, pH 7.5

Type (Ecotoxicology)


Value of Type (Ecotoxicology)

2.27 μmol/l


Chang, Yongchang; Weiss, David S.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 3 p. 511 - 523 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

membrane current; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Ecotoxicology)

Xenopus laevis oocytes

Method (Ecotoxicology)

oocytes expressing ρ1L301Y GABA mutant receptors; addition of title comp.; activation by title comp. of inward currents; standard two-electrode voltageclamp at -70 mV

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

in receptors leucine was substituted with tyrosine (Y); perfusion solution (mmol/l): 92.2 NaCl, 2.5 KCl, 5 HEPES, 1 CaCl2, 1 MgCl2, pH 7.5

Type (Ecotoxicology)


Value of Type (Ecotoxicology)

1.81 μmol/l


Chang, Yongchang; Weiss, David S.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 3 p. 511 - 523 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

membrane current; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Ecotoxicology)

Xenopus laevis oocytes

Method (Ecotoxicology)

oocytes expressing wild-type ρ GABA receptors; addition of title comp.; activation by title comp. of inward currents; standard two-electrode voltage-clamp at -70 mV

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

perfusion solution (mmol/l): 92.2 NaCl, 2.5 KCl, 5 HEPES, 1 CaCl2, 1 MgCl2, pH 7.5; further investigations using competitive GABA antagonist 3-AMPA

Type (Ecotoxicology)


Value of Type (Ecotoxicology)

1.16 μmol/l


effect of title comp. was antagonized by 3-AMPA (figure)


Chang, Yongchang; Weiss, David S.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 3 p. 511 - 523 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

membrane current; effect on

Species or TestSystem

Xenopus laevis oocytes


17 of 27

18 of 27

19 of 27

20 of 27

Concentration (Ecotoxicology)

3 μmol/l

Method (Ecotoxicology)

oocytes expressing wild-type ρ GABA receptors; addition of title comp.; effect of title comp. on membrane currents; standard two-electrode voltage-clamp at -70 mV

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

perfusion solution (mmol/l): 92.2 NaCl, 2.5 KCl, 5 HEPES, 1 CaCl2, 1 MgCl2, pH 7.5; further investigations using noncompetitive GABA receptor antagonist picrotoxin


title comp. produced large inward current, that was blocked by picrotoxin in concentration-dependent manner (figure)


Chang, Yongchang; Weiss, David S.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 3 p. 511 - 523 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

membrane current; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Ecotoxicology)

Xenopus laevis oocytes

Concentration (Ecotoxicology)

3 - 3000 μmol/l

Method (Ecotoxicology)

oocytes expressing ρ1L301A, ρ1L301G, ρ1L301S or ρ1L301T GABA mutant receptors; addition of title comp.; effect of title comp. on membrane currents; standard two-electrode voltage-clamp at -70 mV

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

in receptors leucine was substituted with alanine (A), glycine (G), serine (S) or threonine (T); perfusion solution (mmol/l): 92.2 NaCl, 2.5 KCl, 5 HEPES, 1 CaCl2, 1 MgCl2, pH 7.5


title comp. initially blocked receptors producing outward currents, then receptors were activated producing inward currents; after removal of title comp. channels were closed and then reopened (figure)


Chang, Yongchang; Weiss, David S.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 3 p. 511 - 523 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

membrane current; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Ecotoxicology)

Xenopus laevis oocytes

Concentration (Ecotoxicology)

10 μmol/l

Method (Ecotoxicology)

oocytes expressing wild-type ρ1 GABA mutant receptors; continuous application of title comp.; effect of title comp. on reversal potential was determined; standard two-electrode voltage-clamp at -70 mV

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

control: without title comp.; perfusion solution (mmol/l): 92.2 NaCl, 2.5 KCl, 5 HEPES, 1 CaCl2, 1 MgCl2, pH 7.5


title comp. caused positive shift of reversal potential


Chang, Yongchang; Weiss, David S.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 53, # 3 p. 511 - 523 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

behavioral symtoms

Species or TestSystem (Ecotoxicology)

Globodera pallida pathotype Pa2/3, potato cyst nematode



Kind of Dosing (Ecotoxicology)

10 μl of title comp. was introduced onto the center of the agar

Method (Ecotoxicology)

behavioral bioassay; 20 adult males; 6-cm-diameter Petri dish; 1.5 percent (w/v) freshly prepared water agar (depth 1.0-1.5 mm); 20 deg C; low light intensity; nematode was placed at a known point 0.5 cm from the edge of the Petri dish; experiment time 1 h

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

influence on the distance traveled by males; strong response would be demonstrated by movement of 1.0-2.0 cm; control: artificial tap water, 0.08 cm


mean distance traveled by males: 0.43 cm/h


Riga, Ekaterini; Perry, Roland N.; Barrett, John; Johnston, Mike R. L.

Journal of Chemical Ecology, 1997 , vol. 23, # 2 p. 417 - 428 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

behavioral symtoms

Species or TestSystem (Ecotoxicology)

Globodera rostochiensis pathotype Ro1, potato cyst nematode



Kind of Dosing (Ecotoxicology)

10 μl of title comp. was introduced onto the center of the agar

Method (Ecotoxicology)

behavioral bioassay; 20 adult males; 6-cm-diameter Petri dish; 1.5 percent (w/v) freshly prepared water agar (depth 1.0-1.5 mm); 20 deg C; low light intensity; nematode was placed at a known point 0.5 cm from the edge of the Petri dish; experiment time 1 h

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

influence on the distance traveled by males; strong response would be demonstrated by movement of 1.0-2.0 cm; control: artificial tap water, 0.08 cm


mean distance traveled by males: 0 cm/h


Riga, Ekaterini; Perry, Roland N.; Barrett, John; Johnston, Mike R. L.

Journal of Chemical Ecology, 1997 , vol. 23, # 2 p. 417 - 428 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)


Species or TestSystem (Ecotoxicology)

Globodera pallida pathotype Pa2/3, potato cyst nematode



Concentration (Ecotoxicology)

10 mmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Ecotoxicology)

test solution was immediately pipetted onto the nematode

Method (Ecotoxicology)

extracellular recording; 5 adult nematodes; plastic well with artificial tap water (ATW); recording electrode: cephalic region of nematode; indifferent electrode: in the ATW close to the cephalic region

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

electrical activity was recorded from each nematode before, during, and after stimulation for up to 20-30 min at 20 deg C


strong response in 1 male, slight respone in 3 males, no response in 1 male; mean number of spikes per second before, during, and after exposure: 44, 139, 65, resp.


Riga, Ekaterini; Perry, Roland N.; Barrett, John; Johnston, Mike R. L.

Journal of Chemical Ecology, 1997 , vol. 23, # 2 p. 417 - 428 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)


Species or TestSystem (Ecotoxicology)

Globodera rostochiensis pathotype Ro1, potato cyst nematode



Concentration (Ecotoxicology)

10 mmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Ecotoxicology)

test solution was immediately pipetted onto the nematode

Method (Ecotoxicology)

extracellular recording; 5 adult nematodes; plastic well with artificial tap water (ATW); recording electrode: cephalic region of nematode; indifferent electrode: in the ATW close to the cephalic region

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

electrical activity was recorded from each nematode before, during, and after stimulation for up to 20-30 min at 20 deg C

Comment (Ecotoxicology)

No effect


Riga, Ekaterini; Perry, Roland N.; Barrett, John; Johnston, Mike R. L.

Journal of Chemical Ecology, 1997 , vol. 23, # 2 p. 417 - 428 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

chloride channel opener

Species or TestSystem (Ecotoxicology)

Xenopus laevis oocytes

Concentration (Ecotoxicology)

3 - 3000 μmol/l

Method (Ecotoxicology)

cells injected with cRNA of wild-type Drosophila melanogaster GABA-receptor RDL subunit; perfused with saline; title comp. added to perfusate

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

membrane currents (I) recorded with two-electrode voltage-clamp (-60 mV; 20 deg C)

Type (Ecotoxicology)


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27 of 27

Value of Type (Ecotoxicology)

28.0 μmol/l


dose-dependent inward currents; at higher conc. desensitization observed


Hosie, Alastair M.; Sattelle, David B.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 117, # 6 p. 1229 - 1237 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

enzyme induction

Species or TestSystem (Ecotoxicology)

DNA gyrase from Staphylococcus aureus FDA 209-P (Sa)

Concentration (Ecotoxicology)

700 mmol/l

Exposure Period (Ecotoxicology)

1 h

Method (Ecotoxicology)

Sa cells lysed; precipitated; chromatographed; enzyme isolated from protein fraction; incub. in Tris-containing buffer with relaxed pBR322 plasmid DNA (pH 7.7; 37 deg C); analysed by electrophoresis

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

unit of supercoiling activity (SA, U/μg): amount of enzyme to catalyze supercoiling of 50 percent of the relaxed pBR322 DNA; title comp. effect on SA studied

Comment (Ecotoxicology)

No effect


Blanche, Francis; Cameron, Beatrice; Bernard, Francois-Xavier; Maton, Laurent; Manse, Benedicte; Ferrero, Lucy; Ratet, Nathalie; Lecoq, Claudine; Goniot, Anne; Bisch, Didier; Crouzet, Joel

Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 1996 , vol. 40, # 12 p. 2714 - 2720 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)


Species or TestSystem (Ecotoxicology)

crustose red algae (CRA)

Exposure Period (Ecotoxicology)

120 h

Method (Ecotoxicology)

stones (1-2 cm) covered CRA; from Cable Bay, Nelson; placed in seawater amended with 50-1000 μM putrescine and 0.4 μCi/ml 1,4-(3)H-putrescine; with or without 10 μg/ml gabaculine; determined production of title comp. at various intervals over 120 h

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

seawater and stones were collected from the same area; at 25 deg C; controls with 0.4 percent formalin or without stones; measured conc. title comp. by derivatisation with phenylisothiocyanate followed by HPLC


no formation of title comp. in absence of gabaculine; time-dependent accumulation of title comp. in the presence of gabaculine; maximal levels after 96 h: 70 μM title comp. at 1 mM putrescine, <=45 μM title comp. at < 1 mM putrescine


Kaspar; Mountfort

FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 1995 , vol. 17, # 3 p. 205 - 212 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)


Species or TestSystem (Ecotoxicology)

crustose red algae (CRA)

Exposure Period (Ecotoxicology)

120 h

Method (Ecotoxicology)

stones (1-2 cm) covered CRA; from Cable Bay, Nelson; placed in seawater amended with 50-1000 μM glutamate and 0.5 μCi/ml L-<G-(3)H>glutamate; with or without 10 μg/ml gabaculine; determined production of title comp. at various intervals over 120 h

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

seawater and stones were collected from the same area; at 25 deg C; controls with 0.4 percent formalin or without stones; measured conc. title comp. by derivatisation with phenylisothiocyanate followed by HPLC


no formation of title comp. in presence or absence of gabaculine


Kaspar; Mountfort

FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 1995 , vol. 17, # 3 p. 205 - 212 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)


Species or TestSystem (Ecotoxicology)

Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, corn rootworm

Concentration (Ecotoxicology)

1E-06 - 0.01 mol/l


standard tip-recording technique; newly emerged adults used; galeal chemosensilla

(Ecotoxicology) Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

in 0.01 M KCl


dose-response curve; stimulated a single cell over a conc. range of 1 μM to 10 mM; substantial increase in the firing rate observed >100 μM


Chyb, Sylwester; Eichenseer, Herbert; Hollister, Benedict; Mullin, Christopher A.; Frazier, James L.

Journal of Chemical Ecology, 1995 , vol. 21, # 3 p. 313 - 330 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Other Data Biodegradation (5) 1 of 5

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Type (Biodegradation)



crustose red algae (CRA)

Concentration (Biodegradation)

10 μmol/l

Temperature (Biodegradation)

14 - 22 °C

Method, Remarks (Biodegradation)

in aquaria; coralline CRA-covered stones, 1-4 cm; from Cable Bay, Nelson; added seawater with title comp.; incubated 7-10 h; determined conc. title comp. by HPLC; degradation rate: 0.45-1.12 nmol/cm-2/h; seasonal effect on degradation rate


Kaspar; Mountfort

FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 1995 , vol. 17, # 3 p. 205 - 212 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Type (Biodegradation)



crustose red algae (CRA)

Concentration (Biodegradation)

10 μmol/l

Degradation Rate (Biodegradation)

Ca. 40 - 50 percent %

Exposure Period (Biodegradation)

7 - 8 h

Method, Remarks (Biodegradation)

coralline CRA-covered stones, 1-4 cm; from Cable Bay, Nelson; exposed to grazers in aquaria 0-7 d; removed; incubated with title comp. for 1-8 h; no differ. in degradation rate between grazed and ungrazed stones; presented as graph


Kaspar; Mountfort

FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 1995 , vol. 17, # 3 p. 205 - 212 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Type (Biodegradation)



crustose red algae (CRA)

Concentration (Biodegradation)

10 μmol/l

Degradation Rate (Biodegradation)

Ca. 95 - 100 percent %

Exposure Period (Biodegradation)

6 - 7.5 h

Method, Remarks (Biodegradation)

coralline CRA-covered stones, 1-4 cm; from Cable Bay, Nelson; exposed to grazers in aquaria 15 or 22 d; removed; incubated with title comp. for 1-8 h; 95100 percent degraded with ungrazed stones; ca. 6 percent and 0 percent degraded with 15- and 22-days grazed stones


Kaspar; Mountfort

FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 1995 , vol. 17, # 3 p. 205 - 212 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Type (Biodegradation)



crustose red algae (CRA)

Concentration (Biodegradation)

10 μmol/l

Degradation Rate (Biodegradation)

Ca. 100 percent %

Exposure Period

5.5 - 7 h


5 of 5

Method, Remarks (Biodegradation)

coralline CRA-covered stones or bare stones; from Cable Bay, Nelson; incubated with title comp. for 0.1-8 h; 100 percent degraded with CRA-coverted stones for 5.5 h and with bare stones for 7 h; no degradation with water or acetone-wiped stones


Kaspar; Mountfort

FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 1995 , vol. 17, # 3 p. 205 - 212 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Type (Biodegradation)



crustose red algae (CRA)

Concentration (Biodegradation)

10 μmol/l

Method, Remarks (Biodegradation)

with young biofilms; from tidal rock pool; from Cable Bay, Nelson; taken at 5-80 days; incubated with title comp. for 1-8 h; degradation rate ca. 100-380 pmol/cm-2/h; degradation rate signif. higher for marbles in plastic netting than for individual


Kaspar; Mountfort

FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 1995 , vol. 17, # 3 p. 205 - 212 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Use (200) Use Pattern




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Sunny BioDiscovery, Inc.; Bojanowski, Krzysztof; Zhao, Hui

Patent: US9238153 B2, 2016 ;

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Sunny BioDiscovery, Inc.; Bojanowski, Krzysztof; Zhao, Hui

Patent: US9238153 B2, 2016 ;

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Sunny BioDiscovery, Inc.; Bojanowski, Krzysztof; Zhao, Hui

Patent: US9238153 B2, 2016 ;

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Sunny BioDiscovery, Inc.; Bojanowski, Krzysztof; Zhao, Hui

Patent: US9238153 B2, 2016 ;

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Patent: WO2015/76667 A1, 2015 ;


component of bioadhesive patch

component of slow release bioadhesive patch


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Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


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Patent: WO2015/76667 A1, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

anti-osteoporosis activity

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Patent: WO2015/76667 A1, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


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Patent: WO2015/76667 A1, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

body temperature stabilization

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Patent: WO2015/76667 A1, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

body weight stabilization

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Patent: WO2015/76667 A1, 2015 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

cardioprotective activity

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Patent: WO2015/76667 A1, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

estrogenic activity

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Patent: WO2015/76667 A1, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

managing menopause/estrogen deficiency

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Patent: WO2015/76667 A1, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

reduces risks or symptoms of estrogen deficiency body weight gain

Page/Page column 28


Patent: WO2015/76667 A1, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

reduces risks or symptoms of estrogen deficiency cardiovascular disease

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Patent: WO2015/76667 A1, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

reduces risks or symptoms of estrogen deficiency elevated body temperature

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Patent: WO2015/76667 A1, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

reduces risks or symptoms of estrogen deficiency inflammation

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Patent: WO2015/76667 A1, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

reduces risks or symptoms of estrogen deficiency osteoporosis

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Patent: WO2015/76667 A1, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

reduces risks or symptoms of estrogen deficiency oxidative stress

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Patent: WO2015/76667 A1, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

reduces risks or symptoms of estrogen deficiency reproductive system atrophy or discomfort

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Patent: WO2015/76667 A1, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Hide facts

Use Pattern



up-regulation of genes promoting bone formation

Page/Page column 28


Patent: WO2015/76667 A1, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

up-regulation of genes promoting uterine proliferation

Page/Page column 28


Patent: WO2015/76667 A1, 2015 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dravet's syndrome

Page/Page column 29-32


Patent: WO2014/28883 A1, 2014 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


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Patent: WO2014/28883 A1, 2014 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

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Patent: WO2014/28883 A1, 2014 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

autism spectrum disorder

Page/Page column 29-32


Patent: WO2014/28883 A1, 2014 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

controlling hippocampal neural circuit hyperexcitability occurring in a neurological disease with combination of adenosine, an adenosine mimetic, an adenosine modulator, an adenosine transport inhibitor and an adenosine receptor agonist

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Patent: WO2014/28883 A1, 2014 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

disorder associated with epileptogenesis

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Patent: WO2014/28883 A1, 2014 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

febrile seizures

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Patent: WO2014/28883 A1, 2014 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

intractable epilepsy

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Patent: WO2014/28883 A1, 2014 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

neurological disease

Page/Page column 29-32


Patent: WO2014/28883 A1, 2014 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

severe myoclonic epilepsy

Page/Page column 29-32


Patent: WO2014/28883 A1, 2014 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


bacterial infections

Agricultural use

amino acid component for preparing of amino acid-containing cyanoacrylate polymer nanoparticles as antibacterial agent

Page/Page column 56-59


Patent: WO2014/130655 A2, 2014 ;

Page/Page column 56-59


Patent: WO2014/130655 A2, 2014 ;

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Shirotake, Shoichi

Patent: EP2805617 A1, 2014 ;


Shirotake, Shoichi

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

against plant disease-causing bacteria

column 11; 12

Patent: EP2805617 A1, 2014 ;


MOSKOWITZ, Michael; GOLDEN, Maria, Depolo; GORDON, Dana

Patent: WO2013/2749 A1, 2013 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


delaying the onset of diabetes

treating hyperglycemia

stimulation of VR1 receptor (capsaicin receptor)

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Ligon, Brooke

Patent: US2013/252886 A1, 2013 ;

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Ligon, Brooke

Patent: US2013/252886 A1, 2013 ;

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Ligon, Brooke

Patent: US2013/252886 A1, 2013 ;


Patent: US2009/170942 A1, 2009 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

blood circulation enhancer


Patent: US2009/170942 A1, 2009 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) receptor agonist; pontine micturition centre (PMC) modulator; periaqueductal gray (PAG) modulator

Overactive bladder (OAB)

Bruinstroop, Jan Kees Piet

Patent: EP1889612 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bruinstroop, Jan Kees Piet

Patent: EP1889612 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

urge incontinence

Bruinstroop, Jan Kees Piet

Patent: EP1889612 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Migraine headaches

Rose, Abe

Patent: US2008/139510 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Acute pain of a classic migraine headache

Rose, Abe

Patent: US2008/139510 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Classic migraine attack

Rose, Abe

Patent: US2008/139510 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Headache symptoms

Rose, Abe

Patent: US2008/139510 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Acute migraine pain

Rose, Abe

Patent: US2008/139510 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Rose, Abe

Patent: US2008/139510 A1, 2008 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cranial pain

Rose, Abe

Patent: US2008/139510 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Associated symptoms of classic migraine

Rose, Abe

Patent: US2008/139510 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


The Jordanian Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co.

Patent: EP1955693 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

The Jordanian Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co.

Patent: EP1955710 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

The Jordanian Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co.

Patent: EP1955711 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

self-immolative linker

pest control composition

suppressive neuro transmitter

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Patent: WO2008/33475 A2, 2008 ;

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Patent: WO2008/110984 A1, 2008 ;

Taiyokagaku Co., Ltd.

Patent: EP1743633 A1, 2007 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

sleep improvement composition

Taiyokagaku Co., Ltd.

Patent: EP1743633 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

sleep disorder

Taiyokagaku Co., Ltd.

Patent: EP1743633 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

an anti-HP agent


Patent: US2007/21508 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

cosmetic composition for promoting collagen biosynthesis


Patent: WO2007/7989 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

preventing or improving skin senescence


Patent: WO2007/7989 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2007/7989 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

preventing or improving skin injury


Patent: WO2007/7989 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

GAT2 substrate

XenoPort, Inc.

Patent: US2007/86950 A1, 2007 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

conjugate formed from a neuropharmaceutical agent or imaging component

XenoPort, Inc.

Patent: US2007/86950 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

stabilizing agent of composition comprising plasmin or an enzymatically equivalent derivative thereof and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) inhibitor for effecting or inducing a controlled posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) and treatment of potential complication of a pathological ocular condition

growth factor modulator; cytokine modulator; neuronal element response modulator; vascular element response modulator; neuronal receptors modulator; block the modulation of neuronal or vascular elements by a pro-inflammatory molecule; glial cells modulator

Removal of vascular extensions form a degenerating disc

Bartels, Stephen P.

Patent: US2007/212358 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Roy, Josee; Drapeau, Susan J.; Marx, Jeffrey C.

Patent: US2007/253930 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Roy, Josee; Drapeau, Susan J.; Marx, Jeffrey C.

Patent: US2007/253930 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Removal of neuronal extensions form a degenerating disc

Roy, Josee; Drapeau, Susan J.; Marx, Jeffrey C.

Patent: US2007/253930 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Discogenic pain

Roy, Josee; Drapeau, Susan J.; Marx, Jeffrey C.

Patent: US2007/253930 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Neck pain

Roy, Josee; Drapeau, Susan J.; Marx, Jeffrey C.

Patent: US2007/253930 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Back pain

Roy, Josee; Drapeau, Susan J.; Marx, Jeffrey C.

Patent: US2007/253930 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Back pain with radiculopathy

Roy, Josee; Drapeau, Susan J.; Marx, Jeffrey C.

Patent: US2007/253930 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Neck pain with radiculopathy

Roy, Josee; Drapeau, Susan J.; Marx, Jeffrey C.

Patent: US2007/253930 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Back pain without radiculopathy

Roy, Josee; Drapeau, Susan J.; Marx, Jeffrey C.

Patent: US2007/253930 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Neck pain without radiculopathy

Roy, Josee; Drapeau, Susan J.; Marx, Jeffrey C.

Patent: US2007/253930 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

zwitterionic stabilizer in a dental whitening composition

Sharma, Deepak; Edelstein, Jenette Suh

Patent: US2007/231276 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

sympathoinhibitory substance


Patent: US2006/115517 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


The Research Foundation of the City University of New York; New York University

Patent: US7112319 B2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

neuromuscular inhibitor

Woodridge Labs, Inc.

Patent: US2006/198809 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Woodridge Labs, Inc.

Patent: US2006/198809 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Neuromuscular impulses

Woodridge Labs, Inc.

Patent: US2006/198809 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Fine lines

Woodridge Labs, Inc.

Patent: US2006/198809 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Protection of the face

Woodridge Labs, Inc.

Patent: US2006/198809 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Protection of the neck

Woodridge Labs, Inc.

Patent: US2006/198809 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Protection of the hands

Woodridge Labs, Inc.

Patent: US2006/198809 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Protection of the body

Woodridge Labs, Inc.

Patent: US2006/198809 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Treatment of the face

Woodridge Labs, Inc.

Patent: US2006/198809 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Treatment of the neck

Woodridge Labs, Inc.

Patent: US2006/198809 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Treatment of the hands

Woodridge Labs, Inc.

Patent: US2006/198809 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Treatment of the body

Woodridge Labs, Inc.

Patent: US2006/198809 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Makeup composition

Woodridge Labs, Inc.

Patent: US2006/198809 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Composition for artificial tanning

Woodridge Labs, Inc.

Patent: US2006/198809 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Day creams

Woodridge Labs, Inc.

Patent: US2006/198809 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Night creams

Woodridge Labs, Inc.

Patent: US2006/198809 A1, 2006 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sunscreen creams

Woodridge Labs, Inc.

Patent: US2006/198809 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sunscreen oils

Woodridge Labs, Inc.

Patent: US2006/198809 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Woodridge Labs, Inc.

Patent: US2006/198809 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Body milks

Woodridge Labs, Inc.

Patent: US2006/198809 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Woodridge Labs, Inc.

Patent: US2006/198809 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Ophthalmic Research Associates, Inc.

Patent: US2006/270592 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dry eye condition

Ophthalmic Research Associates, Inc.

Patent: US2006/270592 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ocular allergy

Ophthalmic Research Associates, Inc.

Patent: US2006/270592 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

neurological disease


Patent: WO2006/78811 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2006/78811 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

seizures secondary to stroke


Patent: WO2006/78811 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

head/brain trauma


Patent: WO2006/78811 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

chronic pain


Patent: WO2006/78811 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

neuropathic pain


Patent: WO2006/78811 A2, 2006 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

muscular pain


Patent: WO2006/78811 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

skeletal pain


Patent: WO2006/78811 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

tardive dyskinesia or migraines


Patent: WO2006/78811 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

reflect sympathetic dystrophy syndrome (RSD)


Patent: WO2006/78811 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2006/78811 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

bi-polar disease


Patent: WO2006/78811 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2006/78811 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2006/78811 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2006/78811 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2006/78811 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

manic behavior


Patent: WO2006/78811 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

premenstrual tension


Patent: WO2006/78811 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

mood swings


Patent: WO2006/78811 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

hot flashes


Patent: WO2006/78811 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

liquid seasoning having an antihypertensive effect

Kao Corporation

Patent: US2006/105065 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

antihypertensive agent

Kao Corporation

Patent: US2006/105065 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

ocular disorders


Patent: WO2005/39594 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2005/39594 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

An agent for improving mobility and general health of senior companion animals

Inagawa, Kentaro; Bannai, Makoto; Seki, Shinobu; Kogure, Norio

Patent: US2005/106220 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

pet food additive

Inagawa, Kentaro; Bannai, Makoto; Seki, Shinobu; Kogure, Norio

Patent: US2005/106220 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

pet food

Inagawa, Kentaro; Bannai, Makoto; Seki, Shinobu; Kogure, Norio

Patent: US2005/106220 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

difficulty breathing

Inagawa, Kentaro; Bannai, Makoto; Seki, Shinobu; Kogure, Norio

Patent: US2005/106220 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

forced or labored breathing

Inagawa, Kentaro; Bannai, Makoto; Seki, Shinobu; Kogure, Norio

Patent: US2005/106220 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

leg trembling

Inagawa, Kentaro; Bannai, Makoto; Seki, Shinobu; Kogure, Norio

Patent: US2005/106220 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

difficulty walking

Inagawa, Kentaro; Bannai, Makoto; Seki, Shinobu; Kogure, Norio

Patent: US2005/106220 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

decreased reaction times

Inagawa, Kentaro; Bannai, Makoto; Seki, Shinobu; Kogure, Norio

Patent: US2005/106220 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

decreased excretion

Inagawa, Kentaro; Bannai, Makoto; Seki, Shinobu; Kogure, Norio

Patent: US2005/106220 A1, 2005 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

failure of one or more of the five senses

Inagawa, Kentaro; Bannai, Makoto; Seki, Shinobu; Kogure, Norio

Patent: US2005/106220 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

loss of directional sense

Inagawa, Kentaro; Bannai, Makoto; Seki, Shinobu; Kogure, Norio

Patent: US2005/106220 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Inagawa, Kentaro; Bannai, Makoto; Seki, Shinobu; Kogure, Norio

Patent: US2005/106220 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Agonist to the Cl- channel-involving bicuculline sensitive receptor


Patent: EP1550459 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Parakeratosis inhibitor


Patent: EP1550459 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Parakeratosis inhibitory skin preparation for external use


Patent: EP1550459 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Pore-shrinking agent


Patent: EP1550459 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Pore-shrinking skin preparation for external use


Patent: EP1550459 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

starting material

Goldschmidt GmbH

Patent: EP1566375 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

synthesis of amino acid esters

Goldschmidt GmbH

Patent: EP1566375 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

γ-aminobutyric acid (GABAB) receptor agonist

Han, Chien-Hsuan; Hsu, Ann F.; Hsu, Larry; Hsiao, Charles; Teng, Ching-Ling Diana

Patent: US2005/220864 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

damaged tissue

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

damaged skin

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

atopic dermatosis

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

congenital biliary atresia

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

stem cell focused disease

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

bronchial asthma

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

reducing the risk of kidney transplantation rejections

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

inflammatory bowel diseases

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

ulcerative colitis

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

mucous colitis

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

liver disease

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

deforming diseases

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

skin damage

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

nerve damage

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

bacterial infections

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

bacterial epidemics

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

drug resistant tuberculosis epidemics

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

skin diseases

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

hair diseases

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

nails diseases

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

teeth diseases

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

healing and reduce the risks of corneal graft rejection

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

milk allergies

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

autoimmune diseases

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

damaged eye

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

damaged liver

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

damaged gastrointestinal organ

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

damaged kidney

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

damaged lung

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

damaged bowel tissue

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Crohn's disease

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

inflammatory bowel disease

Girsh, Leonard S.

Patent: US6974796 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

restoring healthy energy balance in humans and animals, aiding in weight management efforts

Lee, Steve S.; Hynson, Richard B.; Zhang, Ke-Qin; Li, Wu-Zhou; Zhou, Jing Shi

Patent: US2005/233013 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

balancing blood sugar levels by way of assisting the body to make more efficient use of existing (i.e., endogenous) insulin

Lee, Steve S.; Hynson, Richard B.; Zhang, Ke-Qin; Li, Wu-Zhou; Zhou, Jing Shi

Patent: US2005/233013 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

enhancing the transport of glucose into muscle cells

Lee, Steve S.; Hynson, Richard B.; Zhang, Ke-Qin; Li, Wu-Zhou; Zhou, Jing Shi

Patent: US2005/233013 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

GABAB receptor agonist


Patent: WO2005/37215 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

synaptic plasticity


Patent: WO2005/37215 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

cognitive function


Patent: WO2005/37215 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

memory impairment


Patent: WO2005/37215 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Alzheimer's disease


Patent: WO2005/37215 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2005/37215 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

attention deficit disorder


Patent: WO2005/37215 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

mild cognitive impairment


Patent: WO2005/37215 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2005/37215 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

pharmaceutical composition


Patent: WO2005/37215 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Agent for incorporation during peptide synthesis


Patent: WO2004/84890 A1, 2004 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Isolation from Natural Product (38) Isolation from Natural Product



extract of barley germ

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Chen, Ken

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Paragraph 0037

Shanghai Pharmaceutical on the first biochemical Pharmaceutical Co; Yuan, Yonglei; Ding, Jinguo; Huang, Zhenghui; Li, Yingfei

Patent: CN105669480 A, 2016 ;

ethanolic extract of Trichosanthes kirilowii

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leaves of Suregada glomerulata; collected in Hainan, China

Yan, Ren-Yi; Wang, Hong-Qing; Liu, Chao; Chen, Ruo-Yun; Yu, De-Quan

Fitoterapia, 2011 , vol. 82, # 2 p. 247 - 250 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

leaves and roots of Withania somnifera genotype NMITLI-101, Ashwagandha/Indian ginseng/winter cherry

Chatterjee, Sandipan; Srivastava, Shatakshi; Khalid, Asna; Singh, Niharika; Sangwan, Rajender Singh; Sidhu, Om Prakash; Roy, Raja; Khetrapal; Tuli, Rakesh

Phytochemistry, 2010 , vol. 71, # 10 p. 1085 - 1094 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

mature leaves of Capsicum annuum var. angulosum, sweet pepper

Dekebo, Aman; Kashiwagi, Takehiro; Tebayashi, Shin-Ich; Kim, Chul-Sa

Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2007 , vol. 71, # 2 p. 421 - 426 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum), seeds

Lee, Steve S.; Hynson, Richard B.; Zhang, Ke-Qin; Li, Wu-Zhou; Zhou, Jing Shi

Patent: US2005/233013 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

seeds of Cycas revoluta

Pan, Meide; Mabry, Tom J.; Beale, John M.; Mamiya, Blain M.

Phytochemistry, 1997 , vol. 45, # 3 p. 517 - 519 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

red-mold rice prepared with Monascus pilosus

Kohama; Matsumoto; Mimura; Tanabe; Inada; Nakanishi

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1987 , vol. 35, # 6 p. 2484 - 2489 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

the root bark of mulberry tree (Morus bombycis KOIDZ)

Daigo; Inamori; Takemoto

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1986 , vol. 34, # 5 p. 2243 - 2246 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

thes de Ceylan, thes Yunnan Tuocha, thes du Grand Yunnan

Chaboud; Debourcieu; Raynaud

Pharmazie, 1986 , vol. 41, # 1 p. 72 - 74 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

the seeds of Castanea sativa and C. crenata varieties, in three stages of maturity; Limousin, France, autumn 1982, measuring the amounts

Desmaison, A. M.; Marcher, M. H.; Tixier, M.

Phytochemistry (Elsevier), 1984 , vol. 23, # 11 p. 2453 - 2456 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

aus Alge Chlorella pyrenoidosa, %13&CO2

London et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1978 , vol. 100, p. 3723,3724,3725 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Naematoloma fasciculare


Planta Medica, 1977 , vol. 32, p. 181,186 Full Text Show Details

Antirrhinum majus

Pande; Harkiss

Planta Medica, 1976 , vol. 30, p. 317,318 Full Text Show Details

Wurzeln von Astragalus membranaceus

Hikino et al.

Planta Medica, 1976 , vol. 30, p. 297,301 Full Text Show Details

aus Quisqualis Fructus

Takemoto; Takagi; Nakajima; Koike

Yakugaku zasshi : Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, 1975 , vol. 95, # 2 p. 176 - 179 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pisum sativum

Grobbelaar; Steward

Phytochemistry (Elsevier), 1969 , vol. 8, p. 553,557 Full Text Show Details

in hecanora (Aspicilia)Myrinii


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Vork. u. Verteilung in d. Organen von Rauwolfia serpentina Benth.


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Vork. in Lunaria annua


Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1947-1973), 1967 , vol. 21, p. 1592 - 1604 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hide facts Isolation from Natural Product


Vork. u. Isolier. aus d. Myzel saprophytischer Kulturen von Claviceps purpurea

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in Erbsenkeimlingen nach Bhdl. m. 5-Amino-2-oxo-valeriansaeure

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Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fuer Physiologische Chemie, 1965 , vol. 340, p. 97,101 Full Text Show Details

im Gift von Bombina variegata L.

Miehl; Bachmayer

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Biosynthese aus Glyoxylsaeure in Samen von Oelpflanzen

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im Samen von Lunaria annua


Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1947-1973), 1962 , vol. 16, p. 1511 - 1518 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

in wss. Extrakten von Catha edulis

Alles,G.A. et al.

Journal of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 1961 , vol. 3, p. 323 - 352 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

in Puccinia graminis


Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1960 , vol. 38, p. 244,246 Full Text Show Details

in Ascites und Pleura-punktaten

Knauff et al.

Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fuer Physiologische Chemie, 1960 , vol. 318, p. 73,77 Full Text Show Details

aus Honig (papierchromatogr. isoliert)


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in Harn nach Injektion von Arginin-C%14&

Boulanger; Osteux

Bulletin de la Societe de Pharmacie de Lille, 1960 , p. 27,28 Chem.Abstr., 1961 , # 723 Full Text Show Details

Gehalt in Pflanzenteilen von Atropa belladonna

Schermeister et al.

Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, Scientific Edition, 1960 , vol. 49, p. 698 Full Text Show Details

Nachweis in Blaettern und Trieben von Satha edulis Forskal

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in freier Form im Organismus von Gallus domesticus und Geoclemys reevesii


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Vorkommen in Kartoffelknollen

Steward; Thompson; Dent

Science (Washington, DC, United States), 1949 , vol. 110, p. 439 Full Text Show Details

Vorkommen in Aepfeln, Aprikosen, Avocato-Birnen und Pflaumen

Joslyn; Stepka

Food Research, 1949 , vol. 14, p. 459 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Vorkommen im Rinderserum und in der Gewebefluessigkeit des embryonalen Rindermuskels


Biochemical Journal, 1949 , vol. 45, p. 101 Full Text Show Details

Vorkommen im aethanol.Extrakt von Corynebacterium diphtheriae nach Hydrolyse mit Saeure


Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1949 , vol. 3, p. 406 Full Text Show Details

Ueber das Vorkommen in Pflanzen, Mikroorganismen und tierischen Geweben s.a.


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Quantum Chemical Calculations (1) Calculated Properties

Method (Quantum Chemical Calculations)


Atom distances, angles

Ab initio calcns. (LCAO, GO SCF, DIM, SAMO, X-à, Hartree-Fock)

Song, Il Keun; Kang, Young Kee

Journal of Molecular Structure, 2012 , vol. 1024, p. 163 - 169,7 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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