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By: Agata Sciupider

ABOUT THE COMPANY.. ¡  Zara (owned by Inditex) is one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing leaders of “fast fashion” retail. §  It has stores in 82 different countries §  1,631 worldwide §  207 in America (the largest store is in Chicago on Michigan Avenue)

¡  Amancio Ortega opened up his first Zara store in 1975 in downtown A Coruna, Spain. ¡  With a staff of 200 designers, the company is able to bring out a garment from initial design to the selling floor in as little as two weeks. (retail average: 6 months) §  All Zara stores are connected to the company’s headquarters through an IT Network which allows the company to track purchases and receive design feedback from store managers §  This IT Network is a way that Zara is able to react quickly to consumer demands and fashion trends.


ZARA’S NON-SEASONAL PRODUCTION MODEL ¡  What does it mean? §  Unlike other retailers who change fashion trends twice a year, Zara changes its fashion trends frequently. §  Produce small and limited runs.

¡  With this model, Zara’s customers are aware that they should make quick purchases because a certain design is not likely to remain in the store for long and most likely won’t be available again. §  You have the reassurance that you won’t run into someone wearing the same design as you are. §  Encourages Zara customers to come back more often in order to discover the latest designs.

¡  This production model also helps Zara with: §  Minimizing it’s storage expenses §  Selling out a large percentage of its designs at full price (avoiding markdowns)


“The latest fashion trends of tomorrow.”



NAVIGATION ¡  The website has a tool bar on the side §  You chose the category of merchandise you’re looking for

¡  Once you select the category, a second tool bar appears on top §  To help you find products faster (color, quality, size, price range)

¡  3 clicks to a solution

WWW.ZARA.COM ¡  It wasn’t until September 6, 2010 when Financial Times reported that Inditex launched the first online boutique for Zara. §  Only in 6 countries that were the most important to the company’s 76 markets. (Spain, the UK, Portugal, Italy, Germany and France) §  The US online store wasn’t operating until September 7, 2011 §  Before that, people were only able to look at the designs but not purchase online

¡  Zara’s chief executive, Pablo Isla stated that they were simply “waiting for online demand to build before launching into cyberspace.” ¡  Merchandise includes: §  Men’s and women’s clothing, §  Shoes and accessories, §  Children’s clothing (ZARA Kids)

¡  The website has a ‘Buying Guide’ §  A video guide on how to make online purchases §  How you can pay §  About their delivery process §  Return and exchange policies


SITE CONCEPT AND OBJECTIVES ¡  My objectives: §  Increase social media exposure §  Although Zara has over 13 million ‘Likes’ on Facebook §  They are not too big on Twitter. §  With ZERO tweets and only a little over 25,000 followers, there has to be something done in order to reach out to potential customers.

§  Focus on online marketing §  The company is already successful with production, distribution and expansion, they should start focusing on mastering the online world as well. §  Advertising for this company is nonexistent.

§  Why? §  Production speed is high §  By the time any ads would come out, the product may not even be in stores anymore. §  The internet is the best way to communicate and promote the brand and its website. (It can only benefit the company more.)

§  E-mail and mobile marketing §  Why? §  It’s a way you can build a relationship with the consumer, since communication is lacking. (emails and mobile marketing is direct and fast.)



¡  Zara’s website states: §  “The customer is at the heart of our unique business model which includes design, production, distribution and sales through our extensive retail network.”

¡  B2C

ALEXA.COM ¡  Global ranking: 1,516 ¡  US ranking: 2,333 ¡  Bounce rate: 14% ¡  Average time on website: 6:49 (1 month) ¡  Percentage of visits that came from search engine: 14.5% (1 month)



Age: 18-34 Gender: female No children Education: graduate school

US: 13.2% SPAIN: 11.6% FRANCE: 9.6% UK: 6.4% ITALY: 5.4%


BUDGET ¡  Estimated Avg. CPC: $0.69 ¡  Estimated Daily Clicks: 2.35 ¡  Estimated Daily Cost: $2.21 ¡  Local Monthly Searches: 25,949 ¡  Budgetà §  I want to increase traffic to about 600 more people ~ $414.00 a month

CRM ¡  In order to build relationships, Zara needs to stay in touch with its customers. §  Focus on email, mobile, and social media presence §  §  §  §

New trends coming out Getting people to sign up for email newsletters Contests (People!) Phone apps

§  Zara allows online customers to ‘share’ a picture of a specific item they like on: §  Pintrest §  Facebook §  Twitter

§  Online ‘review’ section for the website.


CONCLUSION ¡  Being such a successful international company, ZARA has perfected: §  the way their workers communicate with one another, §  Their distribution channels §  Production speed

¡  I feel that with such great success, the company should really focus on creating more revenue by being more in tuned with their online audience. §  They should have an option to write reviews, §  They should start using Twitter, just because the page exists, it doesn’t count if it’s not being used. §  Social media will connect the company with its younger age demographic.

¡  In stores, they should collect customer ’s emails so more newsletters can be sent out. ¡  Focus on online marketing which is fast and can really benefit the company.

BIBLIOGRAPHY ¡ ¡ zara-us-S2012 ¡ ¡ BCRC? vrsn=unknown&locID=uiuc_columbia&srchtp=glbc&cc=1&c=1 &mode=c&ste=74&tbst=tsCM&tab=4&ccmp=Zara+France +S.A.R.L.&mst=zara&n=25&docNum=I2501310991&bConts= 8997 ¡ lnacademic/?shr=t&sfi=AC00NBGenSrch&csi=220620

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