Teaching of Meishu-Sama
Johrei News
Special Ikebana Sanguetsu Lifestyle
Year 3 – July 2010 – #8
The african youth inherited the dream of building a prosperous continent, inhabited by cheerful and happy people Pages 7 and 8
It was elected the new Directorship of our church
e d u t i t a r g l a tern
Page 3
Pages 6 and 7
Photo: Tony Tajima
People find in the art of Ikebana an instrument to show Beauty and to achieve spiritual growth
Reverend Francisco Jésus Fernandes, President of the World Messianic Church in Africa, who went to the Spiritual World on April 14th, left a very valuable legacy for Africans: an exemplary life and the dream of helping to build a rich continent both spiritual and material. Pages 3, 4 and 5
Raising consciousness through flowers Our primary goal is to help establish Paradise on Earth. What, then, is Paradise on Earth? It is a world where truth, virtue and beauty are manifested fully in our daily lives. Our teachings on health and Nature Farming provide important guidelines by which to realize our objective. And our practice of Johrei gives new life to all phases of
Teaching of Meishu-Sama
one’s being – spiritual, mental and physical. But in addition to these, we believe it is vitally important to raise everyone’s consciousness through beauty. Basically speaking, our ears and eyes appreciate beauty through the senses of hearing and seeing. For the ears, never before have we seen a time when music flourished so much in Japan; this is due primarily to the development of the radio and the phonograph. But our eyes for the most part are limited to motion pictures and theatrical performances; this creates quite a discouraging situation. We should be able to have contact with beauty more easily, without any limitations of time. Of course, for the purpose of pleasing the eyes, plays and movies are very good, but considering the time, expense and distance involved, we cannot accept them wholeheartedly as the best possible means for studying beauty. I would like to encourage people to cultivate flowers and place them everywhere. This would be the best means of promoting the love of beauty. Begin by decorating the rooms in our individual homes and in other buildings, and this should not be limited to the middle and upper classes. Our aim is to encourage everyone to place arrangements in every place possible, so, wherever people go they will see flowers and enjoy them. Just a single flower in a vase would create a refreshing atmosphere wherever it is
he pain was as if losing a father”, that is how the present President of the World Messianic Church of Africa, Minister Cláudio Pinheiro (his nomination is on page 3), spoke about the passage to the Spiritual World of Reverend Francisco Jésus Fernandes, at the Farewell Ceremony held in his tribute last April. “Father, grandfather, spiritual guide”: that is how the Africans define him, who was the pioneer of our Church in Africa. This man, that for almost twenty years bestowed words of support, encouragement, engagement, valuable guidances and “deep reflections”. He spoke from the soul, gently penetrating on the hearts of people, so that one were allowed to proceed, surpassing difficulties and conquering challenges. Thus expressing the greater desire to make his peer happy, no matter how distant this person is. Pioneerism was his personal brand. His way was summed up in a perfect version of his beliefs. His words, his odd gestures, the way he look, just as his true love, are a legacy that will remain alive in our memories and in the heart of messianic followers whom undoubtedly inherited his Sonen. That is why, evenfrom the Spiritual World, he knows that the dream of the formation of one hundred thousand commited full members, the expansion of faith throughout all countries of the continent, the construction of the School of Agriculture and the first of Sacred Grounds of Africa will become a reality very soon. That is why, above all things, he still believes in each and every African member of our Church. Besides the special tribute to the great leader, this edition also presents an account on the activities of the Ikebana Sanguetsu in Mozambique and another about the performance of World Messianic Church of Angola’s Youth, with an interview with Minister António Manuel Muhongo, Coordinator of the youth.
placed. It would be ideal if we could see flowers in every jail, and in each prison cell. This would have an immeasurably good effect on the inmates’ mental well-being. If there are flowers wherever there are people, the negativity of today’s world will be considerably alleviated. Presently, the high price of flowers is affecting how much we can do. Therefore, we must look for a way to make them obtainable at much lower costs. To achieve this,
Trustness is really a treasure. Obtaining it is a great merit, but to preserve it is something even greater. Good mission and until the next issue.
we should encourage increasing their cultivation, provided it does not affect the production of food.
that our methods of growing them have reached the highest of world standards. According to a survey we have made, many Americans admire Japanese flowers and are anxious to secure rare and exceptional ones that cannot be found in the United States. I believe their export would be a great aid to Japan in its efforts to improve its economic condition.
Japan is well-known as a country with a great variety of flowers. Also, it is said ANGOLA – PHONE.: 244 222 00 9385 244 222 00 9416 MOZAMBIQUE – PHONE.: 00258 21 300-275 DEM. REP. OF CONGO – PHONE.: 243 315 102 187 SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE – PHONE.: 00239 227805 Meishu-Sama – March 30, 1949
Johrei News is produced by the World Messianic Church of Africa – Rua da Escola 28 de Agosto – Futungo 2 – Kawelele – Luanda – Angola – P.O.BOX 1310 REGISTER: MCS – 390/B/2004
Johrei News
President: Min. Claudio Cristiano Leal Pinheiro Vice President: Min. Ernestina O. P. Coimbra (Angola), Min. Glauro M. S. LeiteFilho (Mozambique), Min. Afonso Quifuta Pereira (D. R. of Congo), Min. Jaime Fortuna (São Tomé e Príncipe) and Min. Roberto L. C. Cândido (South Africa)
SOUTH AFRICAL – PHONE.: 27 12 320 5484
Office of the President: Min. João José da Cruz Communications Department: Min. Gilmar Dall’Stella Operations Management: João José Tavares
Editor Journalist: José Armando Estrela Edition and desktop publishing: Ana Cristina Stabelito and Adriana Petrov Rodarte Photography: José Armando Estrela, Manuel Armando Guerra Lopes, João Mavinga Collaborator: Min. Paulo de Paula e Souza Proofreading: José A. Estrela and João J. Tavares
Translation: Samuel Elyachar (English) Revision: Martha Pavão Distribution: IMMA Printers: EAL Printing: 30 thousand issues, Frequency: quartely
E-mail: ascom@johreiafrica.com
Special Reverend Francisco Jésus Fernandes, President of the World Messianic Church of Africa, departed for the Spiritual World on April 14, 2010, at about five o’clock. The wake was realized at the Headquarters of the World Messianic Church of Brazil, in São Paulo. The Farewell Ceremony took place on the 15th at 9 AM, at the same place and the burial occurred at 11:30 AM, at the Congonhas Cemetery, in the same city. At the occasion, representing the African Members, the Vice President of the Church (actual President), Minister Cláudio Pinheiro, spoke to the participants of ceremony. During the Farewell Prayer, the Johrei Centers of Africa grouped their members in order to pray at the same time of the burial, demonstrating, along with the Brazilians, their love and gratitude for someone who, in life, never measured efforts or economized gestures, words and affection to see them happy.
Message of
*Uttered by Min. Cláudio Pinheiro, actual President of the World Messianic Church of Africa
“The feeling of the loss of our President in Africa is the same of the loss a father. Thus we thank God and the Messiah Meishu-Sama, from the deep of our hearts, in the name of the Ministers, missionaries and members of our Church in Africa, for all love, affection, orientations and directions we were given by Reverend Francisco. To Kyoshu-Sama and to Reverend Watanabe, who always guided us through of Reverend Francisco, our deepest and eternal grate fulness. To the family, that throughout his missionary life were examples of altruism, sharing someone that cannot be shared, not only with Africa but also with the whole world, their love and attention, we convey our sincere condolences. We would also like to thank the Direccion of the World Messianic Church of Brazil, their Ministers, missionaries and members for all support on this difficult but grateful moment of his departure!
Photo: Tony Tajima
Grateful by the permission that each one of us had to live together with Reverend Francisco and, directly or indirectly, have had contact with his posture of the loving his neighbour, independent of the differences of beliefs, goals and ideals. Always with a deep feeling of wishing to lead people to true happiness.
Although we do not have him physically with us, we are certain that his Sonen of building the first Sacred Grounds in Africa, as well as expanding the Divine Work throughout the continent and redeem natural vocation of the Africa in the development of Natural Agriculture, will remain alive within all of us. We are certain that soon he will see that dream realized. This is our commitment! We feel that the great mission of Reverend Francisco did not end with his departure on April 14th, “On the contrary, it began
from this date...”
Atami, April 15, 2010
The new Directorship of the World Messianic Church of Africa has been elected
. Cláudio Cristiano Leal Pinheiro, President . Ernestina Olinda P. Coimbra Junior, Vice
President in Angola
. Glauro M. S. LeiteFilho, Vice President in
. Afonso Quifuta Pereira, Vice President in
Mrs. Deniza Catarina Werpel Fernandes and family, It was with great regret that I received the unexpected news about the passing of Reverend Francisco. I offer my most sincere condolences, sympathizing with the pain that certainly you and your family are going through. Just like everyoneelse, I will never forget the brightness that I saw on the eyes of Reverend Francisco everytime he spoke with devoutness about Meishu-Sama, nor the pure and sincere smile he always had. Reverend Francisco was really a man who in a body and soul reunion with Reverend Watanabe, offered his precious life to the, pioneer missionary work in Brazil, as well as to the spreading of faith worldwildely and to the training of hisdisciples in faith. Actually Reverend Francisco was like one with Meishu-Sama and was used as the “torch” that illuminated the path of people of the world. In this moment, I extol all his meritorious deeds and pray, from the bottom of my heart, for this “torch” to continue shining even more in heaven, serving in a new Divine Work. Yoichi Okada (Kyoshu-Sama) Spiritual Leader of the World Messianic Church
Atami, April 15, 2010
Democratic Republic of Congo
To the Fernandes family
. Jaime Fortuna, Vice President in São Tomé e
It is with profound regret that I offer my fsimpathy in this moment of pain for the loss a loved one as special as Reverend Francisco.
. Roberto Lúcio Clemente Cândido, Vice
President in South Africa
I search in vain forwords that can express my real gratitude for his life and for his constant effort in favor of the Divine Work. Joining the pain of the family, I pray to God and Meishu-Sama that you may be blessed, and that his soul may be involved increasingly by the Divine Light. Reverend Tetsuo Watanabe Directorship of the Messianic Church World
life STORY . Francisco Jésus Fernandes was born in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais (MG), Brazil, on August 21st, 1946. . In the 1960s, he went to Rio de Janeiro in search of fulfillment as a professional athlete in Brazilian soccer. . He played for the sides of Botafogo (RJ), Grêmio (Rio Grande do Sul - RS) and Flamengo (RJ), standing out as“central defender” and played twice for the Brazilian National team in 1973.
. He ended his sports career precociously to serve the Divine Work. . In May 21st, 1972 he received the Ohikari. . In March 1st, 1976 he received the degree of Assistant Minister, and began to act as responsible for several religious units, such as Duque de Caxias, Petrópolis, Barra Mansa, Parati, Melo Matos, Urca and Copacabana, all of them in the state of Rio de Janeiro. During this period, he started to act as a fulltime Minister and on March 1st, 1984 he received the title of Senior Minister.
. In January 1986 he took responsibility of the Salvador Church (Bahia – BA). . In December 1st, 1994 he became a Director Minister and in January 1995 he became the Supervisor of the Northeastern area in Brazil.
. He undertook the mission of Counselor Curator of the Mokiti Okada Foundation and, on March of 1998, he accumulated the function of Supervisor of the Northern area.
. In April 15, 1999, he becomes part of the Deliberative Council and the Presidency of the World Messianic Church of Africa.
. Also in this period, he was elected the President of the Youth National Comission. . In December 2000 he became a cofounder of the Support Unit of the Messianic Church for Latin America (CEDIM). . In January 2007 he assumed the Supervision of the Rio de Janeiro area and, on January 2009, the Regional Direction Photo: Helcio Renato
of the Mid-West region.
. Finally, on November 2009, he became Vice President of the World Messianic Church of Brazil, Director of the Expansion Division, member of the Commission for Human Resources and Vice President of the Commission of Priestly Qualification.
. In November 11, 1991, Reverend Francisco Jésus Fernandes landed in Angola, still in . In August 2009, now with over sixty thousand members and 150 thousand adepts, the middle of a war that only ended in 2002. At the time, seven members were awarded. From those missionaries, other members began being formed and in 1998 there were already seven hundred members.
. In the year 2000, new members received the Ohikari and the membership reached two thousand members. In the same year, the government donated one land to the Church with 132 thousand m2 where the Pole of Natural Agriculture of Bom Jesus was built. The World Wide President visited Angola to perform the Release of the Cornerstone of the Central Headquarters of the Church.
. In 2006, once again the Worldwide President visited Angola to perform the inaugural
worship in the Central Headquarters, that counted with the participation of more than twenty thousand members.
once more, the Church received in Angola the Worldwide Directorship. At this time, he came an with the great grandson of Mokiti Okada (founder of the Church),with the mission of starting the preparation and studies to the build the first Sacred Ground in African lands.
. Presently, the Church is officialy in five countries: Angola, Mozambique, São Tomé
and Principe, Democratic Republic of Congo and South Africa, but has active members in Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Zambia, Swaziland, Congo Brazzaville, Ethiopia and Namibia.
. Before departing to the Spiritual World, Reverend Francisco left, as an inheritance to his successors, the Sonen and the dream of forming 100 thousand convinced full members, the expansion of the Divine Work to all the countries of the continent, the construction of the School of Agriculture and of the first Sacred Ground in Africa.
A short while before departing for the Spiritual World, Reverend Francisco gave an interview to the press officer of SUDERJ Superintendent of Sport in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Mr. Iata Anderson. The following are some excerpts:
The friends Paulo César Caju and “Chiquinho Pastor” at the time when they played together for Flamengo
“Chiquinho Pastor”: the soccer and his grandiose mission He was known as “Chiquinho Pastor” because of his “preaching” between his teammates and adversaries. Possessing an excellent sense of humor, he laughed a lot and was cherished by the press. He played for Botafogo from 1968 to 1971, where he was a champion of the Brazil Cup and of the Guanabara Cup (1968). At Flamengo, he played 126 times, from 1972 to 1974, being champion in 1972 and in 1974. He played twice for the Brazilian National team in 1973 – May 13th (Brazil 5x0 Bolivia, in Brazil) and June 3rd (Brazil 3x0 Algiers, in Argel). His last match was in September 17, 1975: Botafogo 4x0 Nacional. Knee problems shortened his soccer career as a player. Iata Anderson: How was your life as a soccer player? Rev. Francisco: It was an extraordinary experience. Soccer opens your mind in a way that you can relate to many people, independent of race, belief or social standing. It’s extraordinary. I have a profound gratitude to soccer. That is why I went to Africa. I feel like a universal man, without boundaries. I believe in a better world, an integrated world, globalized, that does not benefit groups, but has the purpose that all can be healthy, prosperous and peaceful in all levels, within the individual effort of each one of us. I learned that we cannot be only limited to our own happiness. Actually, how can I be happy if many players that became famous and successfull, now are living with difficulties, without perspectives? That makes me very sad. That is why I pray daily for all of them. But I know it will depend on them too, fto give to others, to become altruistic. The practice of altruistic love is a way for people to open doors, not only in football, but in all sports.
The first experience of faith (1972) “I have always been a religious man and, from my first steps, I tried to guide myself through prayers, atending to religious services. My parents followed Spiritism and, through their influence, I ended up following this religion. Later, due to being a student at a Catholic school, I was led to Catholicism. I even went with the image of Holy Mary from house to house, praying almost every day. Soccer was my passion and I was set to be a great star in the future, but my childhood friends did not agree with me, because they thought that I was not gifted for this sport. Before I turned 16, I reached one of the profissional teams of the club I played for. For people amusement I started playing for Botafogo. First, everything was fine in the team until I took the position of the holder of the professionals, not on the bench anymore. Then the lesions became a constant and the luck disappeared, just likemagic. As a religious man I did not worry, and I waited with patience. However, the improvements did not come. By advice of my married sister, I returned to Spiritism (which by the way gave me a lot of improvement that now have been extremely helpful) in order to find solutions for my case. Attempts were made from the high until the low Spiritism, but to no avail. Sometimes I felt better, sometimes worse, without really understanding what was happening to me. Until, for extrafootball reasons I left it, and started to dedicate myself to my studies. Returning to practice soccer I went to the Gremio of Porto Alegre, and once again I had more disappointments. I broke the contract with Gremio, and because I owned my player rights by that time I went to Rio de Janeiro without having a contract with any club, I was calmly watching a game at the Maracanã stadium when I was invited to go to the Messianic Church by our dear member, Deusdedit. I immediately accepted the invitation and I came to the Church for the first time in the Monthly Service on January, 1972. I do not know why (now I think that I know) I returned to the Church in that same week and I never stopped, becoming a member on May, 21st that same year. In the beginning I sought only material things. But before I become a member, however, I read about the Church and I began to understand its purpose. Even before I became a full member I was blessed with a contract with Flamengo, even though I thought it would not be possible to be contracted by them, being then appointed to the main squad. Today, I am the captain of the team, participating in every game of the club, without suffering any injury that would keep me from playing even in a game.
I am very grateful for all these blessings, though I do not deserve them. I sometimes even think to myself: I am playing so brilliantly for Flamengo. I regret that I didn’t awaken earlier to this wonderful way that the Messianic Church shows us through Meishu-Sama’s Precepts. Today I thank from the bottom of my heart for having received the greatest blessing that a man can have: to be a member of the Worldwide Messianic Church. The doors of Paradise on Earth are opened to me and I do not have words to thank for it. What saddens me is to not be able to devote myself more to the salvation of mankind, and to no listen with due attention to all who see me talk to that euphoria, norto properly thank GOD and Meishu-SAMA with a loving heart for the endless blessings that I receive. Just the fact of being amongst you all is a wonderful blessing. My feeling of gratitude, my attitudes in prayer, my services to God, are unbalanced in relation to the blessings I receive. I strive to love my neigbours and I have faith that one day I will be able to say that I have true love in my heart. I try to be humble and devoted, but I fail, and I judge my neighbours. I try to serve without thought in remuneration, however, the rewards do not leave my mind. Today I can thank GOD and MEISHU-SAMA for not being an ignorant regarding all these things, and to already be able to make an effort to remove all of this from my thoughts, placing my true heart in GOD’s hands.This is a way to improve myself and it is a great Divine blessing. Therefore, I strive to serve, even when I do not want to help my neighbours. I try to be obedient and sincere, despite all of it being so far away from me. I know that with practice, one day, despite of all my failures, my heart will smile and truly appreciate everything I have received.”
“We are starting from scratch, from the source of our most profound feelings, to transform them. We will carve our hearts as the great masterpiece of creation, an organ of love and gratitude.”
e isco Jésus F c n a r F . v e R
On May 1st, during his lecture in the Monthly Service of Gratitude at the Sacred Ground of Guarapiranga, in Brazil, Reverend Tetsuo Watanabe addressed about the passage of Reverend Francisco Jésus Fernandes to the Spiritual World
Sum of merits “...I must talk about something that is very difficult for me. Last month, on the 14th, I was in Japan and received the sad news about the daparture of Reverend Francisco Jésus Fernandes. It was like loosing a son that I have looked after for almost forty years in his brilliant missionary career. I immediately spoke to Kyoshu-Sama about this and in the next day I met with him at his office. As soon as he saw me we hugged and cried together. Then Kyoshu-Sama told me: “I do not have doubts it was by God’d Will that Reverend Francisco has been summoned by Meishu-Sama to serve in the dimension of the Spiritual World. What we can and must do is to thank God and Meishu-Sama for having allowed Reverend Francisco to serve alongside with us here on Earth, in order to build Paradise on Earth. We must also thank that he is able to servenow with more freedom in the Spiritual World.” I must confess that these words from Kyoshu-Sama did comfort me though I could not avoid the feeling of sorrow due to this unexpected loss. When I arrived in Brazil I was still sad and I did not know how the Brazilian members were feeling. I went to the cemetery to pray at his grave and as I finished my prayer I felt lighter and the atmosphere was very smooth. I then
realized that Reverend Francisco’s body was there but his spirit was no longer present. After that I went to his family’s house to pray in front of the Altar and when I finished my prayer I had the same sensation of gentleness. I thought: “Oh, Chiquinho has already been reborn in the Spiritual World.” I was more tranquil when I heard the stories from the reverends and ministers who, during the wake ceremony, also felt a sublime atmosphere, enveloped by the great feeling of gratitude of all missionaries and members present there. Meishu-Sama taught us that the gratitude of people becomes Light and that this Light is what uplifts our spirit. In the afternoon I met with the ministers that came from Africa and felt that they were still very sad with what happened I told them: “If Reverend Francisco was here, by my side, what would he tell you? You know that he was very hard on himself, establishing goals to achieve and always seeking to fulfill the more je could. And what are you going to do? You need to achieve everything he wished for: building the Sacred Grounds of Africa and the School of Agriculture, achieving the great expansion of altruistic love and so many other projects he had in mind. This is the right way to thank Reverend Francisco for everything he taught you. If, from of today, you unite
more and more, it is certain that from the Spiritual World he will be helping you, and that from now on everything will happen in a faster and harmonious way. You knew Reverend Francisco very well, didn’t you? He does not want anyone crying and whining. He would say that ‘If you have time to weep and moan, then you would use this time to make other people happy!’ I feel that this is what he wants me to convey to you.” As they heard thisthey felt more relieved and confidents in their mission from now on. They hugged themselves in a very touching way and then returned to Africa. What is important is not how long one lives but, indeed, with which Sonen and beliefs one has throughout one’s lifetime. As well as what legacy, what examples onegives for his fellows. Today, when I think about Reverend Francisco, I remember a Meishu-Sama’s poem that says:
“Don’t wish to be an important man, but do wish to become a man who evokes gratitude for his existence.” To me, he was a living example of this poem.”
Ikebana Sanguetsu
One of the main objectives of the World Messianic Church of Africa – IMMA – is the development of spirituality through Beauty. Meishu-Sama lectures in his teaching ‘Campaign for the Formation of Paradise through Flowers’ that
Mrs. Selma Florêncio Cândido, teacher of Ikebana Sanguetsu, answers some questions about the work developed by IMMA in the African continent. Johrei News – How the Messianic Church is developing the activity of propagation of Beauty through flowers?
Mrs. Cândido: The full members and members of the Church distribute flowers on a daily basis. In 2010, our goal is to distribute approximately 530 thousand small flower arrangings, which we call Flower of Light. This activity is called “March of Flower”. Johrei News – What is meant by this march?
Mrs. Cândido: We file the data of the person who received the Flower of Light and we look out for any eventual changes in his/her life. The flowers are not randomly distributed, but given to people who are being looked after by missionaries. The Flower of Light is also distributed at the door of Johrei Branchs, with the aim of inviting people to enter in the Church and receive Johrei. Moreover, the missionaries also distribute them in hospitals, prisons, schools and so on. The Flower of
“In fact, we want something that touches our perspective of beauty, something simpler and closer to us, that isn’t limited by time.” and that “What we propose here is the growing and distribution of flowers, an excellent form of spreading Beauty.”
Flourishing Africa Light is intended to prepare change the house of the members into a “House of Light”. We must know that we are taking the flower not only for simple decoration, but for uplifting our homes. That is why the Flower of Light have changed the lives of many families.
courses offered by the Academy of Ikebana Sanguetsu in several countries. This Academy was founded in Japan on June, 1972 by Itsuki Okada, daughter of our Master Meishu-Sama. Johrei News – This course is being taught in the Africa?
Johrei News – Why are flowers being made by members and missionaries?
Mrs. Cândido: Yes. We have a class composed of people responsible for the Sanguetsu Department of each religious branch and volunteers of the Sanguetsu. The aim is that the branches have periodically Ikebana flower arrangings, as well as the their maintenance. There is also training of people who can make ikebanas elsewhere. In Mozambique we just received the official authorization of Government to carry out regular classes open to society.
Mrs. Cândido: Because the feeling that arises from preparing the Flowers of Light is to save people, to take the Light of the Messiah into homes. Many experiences show us that through this practice families are speeding up the purification proccess and many that miracles are happening. Johrei News – What is Ikebana Sangetsu?
Mrs. Cândido: The word Ikebana is the joint of two Japanese words: Ike – “to give life”, and Bana – “flower”. This means “giving life to the mission of the flower”. Sanguetsu (in Japanese) means Mountain and Moon. This style has the basic principle of respectingthe nature of the flower. It is currently taught in several
Johrei News – Is there a process in order to form teachers?
Mrs. Cândido: Yes. It will be given classes for candidates to teachers of Ikebana. We aim to train these people to be able to expand this teaching of practicing Beauty and to make flower arrangings part of the daily life of every person.
“A few days before starting the course of Ikebana, my sister, with whom I had conflicts, decided to go with my brother to the bank in order to check the amount of money that was in the account of our mother, because she thought that I was diverting her money. She got the statement on the same day of my first class, where I did the Ikeban with love. After the class, a feeling of deep gratitude to God and Meishu-Sama for all the blessings I receiver grew within me. When I got home, my sister came over and gave me the statement, regretful for having requested it, because it showed that no money had been taken by me. She also asked me for forgiveness for all the misfortune that it had made me and said that she liked me and did not know why we do not get along. At that moment I felt as if a big boulder that blocked my breath had been removed; the hatred and anger I felt for her had completely disappeared. Today we get along just fine, we are good friends and we have a harmonious home.” Students of Ikebana Sanguetsu in Mozambique. Teacher Selma Florêncio Candido - highlighted
Helena Aquinade Oliveira, student of Ikebana Sanguetsu in Mozambique
“I found in the Messianic Church a more intense and significant contact with nature, with the flower and with beauty. More than the technique, the practice of the Ikebana Sanguetsu makes me feel the deep love for everything that nature gives us and also for the grateness of the Supreme God and Meishu-Sama. The flower taught me to develop discipline, space and order. Only people who practice and deepen it unleashes the mysteries of nature and flowers. I have learned to be more patient, punctual and thoroughly enjoy the nature – their life course,, the beauty of the leaves, the dry branches and the many shades of a unique color. I have learned that we have to put love in everything we do and people will feel the positive energy of the results. I have also learned that we shouldn’t only criticize, but actually to appreciate other people’s actions.” Virgílio Elias Tamele, student of Ikebana Sanguetsu in Mozambique
he flowers are the expression of the divine art of the nature. Although Africa is known to be an arid continent, it is actually a major producer of flowers. The Kenyan roses are famous. The lilies are also originatet in that region. Ethiopia and Zimbabwe have majestic harvests too. South Africa has one of the largest botanical riches of the planet, including the unique Fynbos hotspots or the Cape Floristic Region, the smallest of the six floral regions of the planet. A tour through this diversity is accessible to the visitors of the fabulous Kirstenboch National Botanical Garden, one of the nicest locations in Cape Town.
One flower to make your neighbor happy Although I have been a volunteer of Sanguetsu for a long time, I was still afraid and ashamed of distributing flowers. Even though I wanted to do it, I always gave up in resignation, thinking that “because I serve making the flower arrangings I have already contributed to the salvation of people through Beauty”. Thus, I did not realize the importance of offering the Flower of Light to people myself. However, the Minister taught us to do a small altruistic action bytaking a Flower of Light as instrument of Meishu-Sama and offering it to someone with the feeling of making him/her happy. After hearing it, I took the flower and walked towards the bus stop. However, people were passing by me and I did not have the courage to make a move. I kept walking and arrived to bus stop still with the flower in my hands. I took the bus and asked to God and Meishu-Sama for the strenght to offer the flower to someone. As I desembarked, I felt like giving the flower to a lady who was selling goods in a small tent shop, but then again I was afraid. I thought “how am I going to offer the flower to just one person, when there are so many other sellers around?” I finally gave up and kept on walking, asking God and Meishu-Sama that I would be able to successfully meet the minister’s guidance. I came across a lady who was sitting on top of a bundle, with a child on her back, crying. She asked me to help her put the bundle on her head. Because I was with the flower in my hand, it would be difficult to help her. Then I realized that that person had been sent to me by God and Meishu-Sama. I thanked her and handled her the flower. She was thrilled and I wanted to know what was happening to her. She told me that she had been beaten and kicked out of her house with her child by her her husband. She also told me that she did not have a place to go to, but at the moment she received the flower, she felt an enormous desire to return home. I encouraged her, saying that everything would be fine. I did not know her, but she told me he lived in the same area as me. I showed her my home and told her to look for me when in need. In the next morning, she came to see me and told me that upon returning home, she found her husband already worried and very sorry for his actions. He even took the bundle inside, asked for forgiveness and they reconciled, thanks to God and the Messiah. I have been going there periodically to giver her flowers a Johrei. This experience has completely changed me. I am now able to distribute the flower without fear and with gratitude, because I am convinced that the Flower of Light can change the fate of a person. I learned that when we serve God we must put aside our human way of thinking, and to place ourselves as an instrument of God and Meishu-Sama to make other people happy. Maria Zulmira is a volunteer of Ikebana Sanguetsu in Maputo, Mozambique
Interview with Minister António Manuel Muhongo, responsible for the Angola Messianic Youth
Young wants to realize the Dream of Reverend Francisco
Johrei News – How would you describe the activities of young people in the World Messianic Church of Angola?
Minister Muhongo – The education of youngsters can be considered as one of the greatest challenges of our time, because they tend to become sad, negative and inhibited when facing the difficulties and limitations that life imposes. We try to uplift their self-esteem, awakening them to the real purpose of their existence and to the commitment with the Supreme God. We work in order to help then to understand their Divine Mission.
2 (from 18 to 35 years). The aim of this project is to assist the youngsters in their liveby providing them high standards of reference on lifestyle, based on the origin of man, in his mission and in respecting the laws of nature (respecting the environment). We want to awake their capacity to dream in a positive direction. The program is composed of themes related to family, studies, work, dating, sexuality, overcoming vices and so on.aiming to educate their freedom of choice through social realtions, careness for others, gratitude and altruistic spirit.
Johrei News – As Co-ordinator of Youngth, could you explain us a little more about the strategies for training youngsters at the World Messianic Church of Angola?
Johrei News – On May 9, 2010, following the Youth Service, youngsters from Luanda and Benguela interacted together. The latter even performed a play. What will be the next steps?
Minister Muhongo – We aim to guide youngsters both in the personal and the professional aspects, encouragin them to engage on voluntary services.forging into awareness that true happiness does not lie in self-satisfaction, bu, in the fulfillment of one’s Divine Mission. We also focus on the creation of spiritualist and altruistic leaders, through the study and the practice of the teachings of Mokiti Okada, combining personal growth with missionary work, enabling them to guide others to the path of faith. Furthermore, we strive to lead them into experiencing and spreading an active spirituality through reviving noble human values such as gratitude, altruistic love and friendship, because people are happier when living in harmony with their peers.
Minister Muhongo – It is to continue the development of social, cultural and recreational activities throughout the country. The most special event for the year will be the 1st National Youth Conference.
Johrei News – We have noticed that the Youth Group of the World Messianic Church of Angola is called “The Earth Group”. Why this name was chosen?
Minister Muhongo – Meishu-Sama teaches us that every-thing that exists is composed of three basic elements – Sun, Moon and Earth, and that the creation and development of all things depend on the combined energy of these elements. In this trilogy, Earth means matter, strength and realization. Believing that youngsters are the driving force and continuity of any organization we denominated our Youth Group as the “Earth Group”. Johrei News – How many people have joined the Earth Group?
Minister Muhongo – Until today, including leaders, assistants, auxiliaries, full members and members, there are twelve thousand active young people in the Earth Group., Amongst them there are those who already awakened to follow the sacerdotal life (applicants and seminarists). We have an ongoing training project of youngsters. We arrange them by age: Blue Planet (from 5 to 12 years), Youth 1 (from 13 to 17 years) and Youth
Johrei News – What was the reaction of the youngsters towards Reverend Francisco Jésus Fernandes’ departure?
Minister Muhongo – We all have a human nature. It was with pain and sorrow that we heard the news, facing it with resignation. Guided by the teachings of the Messiah and by the wise guidances that the Revende left us, the youngsters that that these feelings of pain and sorrow that rose within them are a manifestation of their ancestors, bounded to be surrended to and purified by the Meishu-Sama purify, thus avoiding disturbance in the Divine Work of Salvation, started by Reverend Francisco, in Africa. Only then, the youngsters managed to express their gratitude for his departure, accepting it as God’s Will. Johrei News – Francisco Jésus Fernandes lives in our hearts. Following the Teachings of Meishu-Sama, what should any youngster do to realize his dream to see Africa free from poverty, conflict and disease?
Minister Muhongo – Our President has set very clear our focus from now on:
. Creation and training of missionaries; . Reaching 100 thousand convinced full members; . Building of the Sacred Ground of the Africa; . Building of the School of Agriculture; . Creation Houses of Light (happy families); . The expansion of our Church on the 53 African countries.
Among other guidelines left by our President. We are set to do our uttermost efforts in order to realize his dream.
Estilo de Vida
The youngsters are the continuity link of the Work of Salvation of Humanity. Youngsters today, leaders of tomorrow! The World Messianic Church of Angola counts on twelve thousand youngsters, including leaders, assistants, auxiliaries, full members and members, there are twelve thousand active young people in the Earth Group., Amongst them there are those who already awakened to follow the sacerdotal life (applicants and seminarists). We have an ongoing training project of youngsters, grouped into “The Earth Group” and the “Blue Planet”. They are socially and spiritually educated with high humanitarian values such as loving their peers, respecting parents, families, hierarchical superiors and on the spirit of mutual help based in the small actions of altruistic love, that motivate them to participate, voluntarily, in the missionary work and in the community work.
Bengueleses participated in the Youth Service on May A group of young full members from the Johrei Center of Lobito, Benguela province, headed by its adjunct leader, Graciano Moco, visited the divisions of the Central Headquarters of Africa, where they were given explanations from Minister António Bento Carlos about the meaning and operation of each area. The young actors of the theatrical group Okupongoloka, from Benguela, who participated in the Youth Service, on May, have performeda very touchin play called “The Kimbanda”. The participants consider it as a lesson, from which one can learn that “whoever follows the path of faith and does not purify the roots of the past, ends up tbeing fooled around lives forever in the tortuous hands of conflicts”.
From the communications depar tment, the youngsters received explanations about the technical resources of the site e www.johreiafrica.com and how they are edited, the Johrei News, the books containing the teachings of Meishu-Sama and the booklet with the directrix of the World Messianic Church. Delighted by what they saw and experienced, these missionaries promised to be active in the process of interaction between young members to participate in the 1st National Youth Conference to be held this year at the Central Headquarters of Africa, in Luanda, bringingg along with them many youngsters from Benguela and surroundings.
Blue Planet educates children on the practice of Beauty The Blue Planet team teaches, every Sunday, at the Central Headquarters of Africa, several children and teenagers on the practice of Beauty. Besides the classes about flowers, which have been given by missionary Alexandra de Jesus Coimbra Pimenta, with the support of the Youth Co-ordination, Johrei and Science and the Ikebana Sanguetsu Departments, lectures about the basic principles of health, love for thy neighbor, respect for parents and adults, hygiene, cleanliness and other indispensable values to the intellectual, cultural and spiritual formation of the new age person.
Messianic Youngsters participate in a cleaning up activity in Lobito Full Members, members and sympathizers of our Church in Lobito, Benguela Province, in Angola, in a total of 31 people, mostly young, joined the cleanup campaign in the neighborhood of Cabaia. The activity consisted of removing and destroying a huge amount of garbage deposited in a spot near the residential area, which was a real threat to public health, mostly to children who innocently insist on playing there. In this campaign, people attending the Johrei Center of Lobito and the Johrei Branches of Cabaia, Canata and Bela Vista also participated. Giving sequence to the campaign of expansion of Beauty in that area, there was a “March” of Johrei and distribution of “Flowers of Light”. We must emphasize that it will be built the Johrei Center of Cabaia in that same area.
Visitating sick people at the Central Hospital of Lobito In parallel with the cleaning campaign, fourteen full members and members visited sick people admitted to the Central Hospital of Lobito. Several Flowers of Light were distributed and Johrei was given to patients and to some of their families who were visiting the hospital.
Johvem Conference 2010 São Paulo, Brazil Youngsters from Angola participated in the Johvem Conference 2010, realized in São Paulo, Brazil, last March, 6th. (For more information, log on www.johvem.com.br)