Johrei News
Special Experience of Faith Religion and Science Lifestyle
Year 2
November 2009
Hands hygiene and nail clipping in children This is one of the Public Health works developed by the Scientific Research Sector. Pg. 7
The practice of small altruistic deeds
Historical Encounter
Present directive of the Messianic Church, this is the common (and) fundamental point in the experiences of two people.
The Messianic Church’s Worldwide President
Pg. 6
Meets with 30 thousand faithful in Angola. Chef Fernando Satiro teaches how to cook with love and beauty in order to obtain the best flavor in your food and better health in your day to day. Pg. 8
A landmark was set in the messianic expansion, which is now engaged in studying the project responsible for building the first Sacred Grounds in Africa. Pgs. 3, 4, 5 and 6
Why our organization is unique The mission of our movement is to help all those who are in a state of suffering to be raised to a state of bliss, thereby changing this entire world into paradise. In order to lead others to paradise, you must first be elevated enough to be a resident in paradise; only then can you easily help others to rise. This is like setting up a ladder that reaches from the ground to the sky and holding out a helping hand so others may climb it rung by rung. It is in this area that our organization is so different from most other spiritual groups. From ancient times, many spiritual people were generally content with the lowest living conditions – the barest of necessities for clothes and food. While living a fairly uncomfortable life, they strove to save others from a state of suffering. This was like using a ladder incorrectly; that is, they were trying to save others by pushing them up the rungs, so to speak. You can imagine how much harder it would be to push people up from below than to pull them up from above.
In the old days, however, this could not be helped; it was not yet time for paradise to be established on earth. The time was premature, because the spiritual world itself was in a state of darkness. But since 1931, the Age of Light has been advancing in the spiritual realm and it is daily becoming brighter, making it easier for this world to be changed to a paradise. It is God, not humanity, who does this work, which will advance more and more as time goes on. Our responsibility is to act as God wishes. It is God who plans, supervises and freely uses many human beings accordingly. So, I believe it is correct to say that I am working here as God’s “general contractor” on this great Project, and that it is as a part of it I am now constructing prototypes of Paradise on Earth. Certain experiences occur for this reason. For example, a man may appear unexpectedly and tell me he has a piece of land that he wants to sell in a location to which I have never given thought. So I say to myself, buying the land must be God’s Will. Somehow the amount of money needed to buy it then comes along without my exerting too much effort. The most suitable architect and contractor, and the required material, then also appear without fail. A person suddenly may bring a tree for the garden and there is always just the right place for it. Sometimes scores of trees are brought all at once, and for a while I am at a loss as to what to do with them. But, remembering it is God Who is doing this, I begin to have them planted one after the other, carefully keeping an eye on the entire effect. I find they are arranged in exactly the right quantities, neither too many nor too few, and that not one tree is ever out of place.
Besides that, a Brazilian chef was in Angola to talk about the importance of the use of Natural Agriculture products in your daily meals, calling attention to the true flavor of the food and the promotion of health. Finally, each one of us must be aware that the quality of the ingredients makes a great difference in the preparation of any recipe. Let’s always remember to add love and beauty when we do anything and when we serve whoever may be. Take advantage of our hints with our wishes for a good month.
There seems to be no end to the things I could write about. I am relating as much as I need to for now to make sure you clearly realize that our Work is being carried out by God, not by us, and that it is in accord with God’s Plan we serve.
This was impossible during the Age of Night. But now that the Age of Light is advancing, be assured that it can indeed occur. The present world of suffering, as described by the Buddha, has come to its end. When enough people become fully aware of this truth, the rejoicing of humanity will be such as the world has never witnessed before.
Johrei News is produced by the World Messianic Church in Africa – Rua da Escola 28 de Agosto – Futungo 2 Kawelele – Luanda – Angola – CX.: 1310 Register: MCS – 390/B/2004
Johrei News
President: Rev. Francisco Jésus Fernandes Vice-President: Min. Claudio Cristiano L. Pinheiro President’s Bureau: Min. Glauro M. S. Leite Filho Communication Advisor: Min. Gilmar Dall’Stella
When we think about these things, it becomes very clear that it is God’s Will to make a prototype as the first step in establishing a worldwide paradise.
This is why I always encourage our members to make their living environment as pleasant as possible, one free from suffering. It is because that is in accord with God’s wish for us. Unless we are freed from the three great miseries of disease, poverty and conflict, we cannot truly help others.
ost Rev. Tetsuo Watanabe’s, president of the Worldwide Messianic Church, travel to Africa last August, when he led a Church’s delegation of the highest level, was a landmark in the messianic faith’s expansion in the African continent. The entourage’s program included a visit to Cacuaco (the land chosen for the building of the first Sacred Grounds in Africa), Caxito and the Agricultural Pole of Bom Jesus. At the Central Headquarters of Africa, in the Angolan capital, Most Rev. Tetsuo Watanabe was heard by almost thirty thousand people, among which missionaries from Mozambique, Democratic Republic of Congo, São Tomé e Príncipe, South Africa, Congo Brazzavile, Ethiopia, Zambia Nigeria and from all provinces of Angola. That day, the president of the Worldwide Messianic Church in Angola, Rev. Francisco Jésus Fernandes, emphasized the importance of the missionary visit of the worldwide president to Africa and also the significance of Natural Agriculture for the continent’s future. Most Rev. Tetsuo Watanabe, in turn, spoke about the importance of the practice of small altruistic deeds. If done daily, with simplicity and a sincere feeling, the practice of small altruistic deeds can change people’s destiny and transform negative into positive. It is, for example, illustrated in two experiences of faith that this issue of Johrei News brings, so that each reader can experience and produce results related to this practice. The Scientific Research Sector of the Church has performed an extensive Public Health work in Luanda. It is worthy to check some of this project’s details, to engage in it and to do likewise in other locations.
Each time this sort of experience occurs, it is impossible for me not to see how everything is being carried out by God. When the thought comes to me that I need a tree or rock of a certain kind for a particular spot in the garden, that very one somehow appears in a day or two. If this is not a miracle, what else can a miracle be?
But, making a prototype of paradise is not enough. Each person must become a model resident of paradise, and the time has now come when all of us can. Not only individuals themselves but their entire families and homes can become examples of Paradise on Earth, and all of them can lead paradise-like lives. Only in this way can we help all those who have been suffering, to achieve a state of bliss.
ANGOLA –Tel: 244 222 00 9385 244 222 00 9416 MOÇAMBIQUE – Tel: 00258 21 300-275 REP. DEM. DO CONGO – Tel: 243 315 102 187 SÃO TOMÉ E PRINCIPE – Tel: 00239 227805 ÁFRICA DO SUL – Tel: 27 12 320 5484
Operational Management: João José Tavares Editor-in-Chief: José Armando Estrela Electronic Editing: Ana Cristina Stabelito Photography: José Armando Estrela, Manuel Armando Guerra Lopes, João Mavinga Contributing Writers: Avelino da Costa, João Mavinga, Raquel de Oliveira Fernandes Revision: Ana Florência, António Panguila Translation: Samuel Elyachar (English), Solange Strobel (French)
Distribution: IMMA Printing: Eal 1.500 issues printed quarterly E-mail:
Most Rev. Watanabe is received by 30 thousand faithful in Luanda Worldwide Messianic Church’s President, Most Rev. Tetsuo Watanabe and his entourage traveled to Africa on a missionary visit that became a landmark of much reference for the near thirty thousand faithful that closely followed him. It was a historical moment. Thousands of members and visitors previously dedicated at the Central Headquarters of Africa, in Luanda, in order to receive the entourage from Japan by the end of August. Endeavor and much love, were observed by the members of the entourage. The Messianic Church’s (IMM) Worldwide President, Most Rev. Tetsuo Watanabe, was joined by the International Department’s Chief, Rev. Takehisa Miyamichi, by Masaaki Okada, son of Kyoshu-Sama - the 4th Spiritual Leader of our Church, by Professor Tsutomo Kassai and by IMM’s Communication Advisor, Hiroshi Tsumagari. Also was part of the entourage Min. Miguel J. Kimura, responsible for Guarapiranga’s Sacred Grounds landscaping.
On the 29th, Most Rev. Tetsuo Watanabe lectured at the Central Headquarters of Africa to 3,970 ministers and invited missionaries. At the occasion, he related his pioneering experience in the effort for the expansion of the Divine Work, in which is highlighted the conquest of his conviction in Johrei’s and the Messiah Meishu-Sama’s power. Besides that, the Worldwide Messianic Church’s President emphasized the need for every person to practice the Sonen of Altruism, enabling people to think about the possibility of being happy through the realization of small altruistic deeds.
August 28 Cacuaco > Initial studies for the building of Cacuaco’ Sacred Grounds
Meishu-Sama´s great grandson, Masaaki Okada, and components of the Japanese entourage visited the Johrei Center at São Francisco de Assis.
Thousands of volunteers endeavored in the preparations to receive Japan’s entourage.
The entourage’s journey in Angolan lands began August 24, with a visit to some of Luanda’s religious units. Then, on the 28th of the same, they moved to a plot of 177 hectares at Funda, where studies for the building of the Sacred Grounds of Cacuaco have begun. This move changed this day into an indispensable landmark for the messianic faith’s expansion in the African continent, because the studies for the building of the Cacuaco’s Sacred Grounds had just been launched.
The high point of this missionary journey was registered on August 30th, when Most Rev. Tetsuo Watanabe spoke to 27,900 people waiting to listen to him, at the Church’s Central Headquarters in Africa. The audience that completely filled the site was composed of ministers, members, visitors and guests, where were also present delegations from South Africa, Brazil, Congo Brazzavile, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Democratic Republic of Congo, São Tomé e Príncipe, Zambia and Nigeria, as well as missionaries from all Angolan provinces.
August 29 Luanda > Lecture for 3,970 ministers and missionaries at the IMMA Central Headquarters
August 30 Luanda >Lecture for 27,900 people at the IMMA Central Headquarters
August 31 Caxito
The visit to the Caxito plot (Bengo province), which measures about five hundred hectares, on August 31st, defined the end of this trip to Africa. In Caxito’s space, the implementation of an agroforestry project is being evaluated. This same day, in the afternoon, the entourage visited the Agricultural Pole of Bom Jesus, where several cultures are already being produced, based on natural methods, such as pineapple, banana, collard green, cabbage, beans, corn, tomato, eggplant, turnip, mango, cherimoya, and onion.
>Analysis for the implementation of an agro-forestry system
Bom Jesus
>Defined the creation of a school, at the Agricultural Pole, for the formation of Natural Agriculture professionals
At the 10.6 hectares field of natural agriculture, the delegation tasted some natural food dishes prepared by messianic volunteers. It was great news when the implementation of a Pilot School for the Formation of Natural Agriculture Professionals at the site was decided. Besides those visitations, Rev. Takehisa Miyamichi, Masaaki Okada and Hiroshi Tsumagari made a private visit to the São Francisco de Assis’s Johrei Center, at Viana.
Representatives of São Tomé e Príncipe hailed Most Rev. Watanabe and entourage at Cacuaco.
Although short, the recent passage of IMM’s President, Most Rev. Tetsuo Watanabe through Angola meant a new phase in the messianic expansion in the continent. With a better vision, the faithful in Africa are endeavored in the Salvation of Humanity’s Work.
Africa A New Start
When he invited Most Rev. Tetsuo Watanabe, Worldwide President of the Messianic Church, on August 30, Rev. Francisco Jésus Fernandes, president of the entity in Africa, explained the significance of the missionary visit. The worldwide president, Most Rev. Tetsuo Watanabe, came to Angola as a representative of our beloved KyoshuSama. He came to give Africa a new start, a new start in Agriculture. We must, after all, develop Natural Agriculture throughout all Africa. The center for Natural Agriculture development will be in Angola. We are already producing several cultures. We now need to create the agricultural school at Bom Jesus and develop an agro-forestry system in Caxito. Besides satiating the Angolan people’s hunger, we want to bring natural food to all Africa. Africa is rich. The name itself “Africa” says it! Afri-rica (Afri-rich). This name must be perpetuated. Humanity’s cradle is here. From here wealth flowed to the whole world. Therefore, now is time for this wealth to return to African hands through Natural Agriculture. We already have natural homegrown gardens in over twenty thousand homes. We want many more. As the worldwide president said yesterday during the orientation for ministers and missionaries: “Should Angola utilize just a third of its territory, it would be enough to feed all of Africa and Europe”. So, this is our great immediate goal for Angola and for Africa and we count on all of you. Our second goal here is to create a world of Beauty, to create the Prototype of the Sacred Grounds so that all tired and suffering people can spend a delightful time there, receiving the Messiah Meishu-Sama’s energy. We want them to feel sated by the Supreme God’s light and experience miracles as those of thousands of people in Africa and throughout the world who already have experienced them.
The proof that Johrei saves people is spreading from Africa to the whole world. I would like to take advantage of an INAR – National Institute of Religious Matters of the Ministry of Culture – representative, Mr. Jorge João, to publicly thank for the support the Worldwide Messianic Church receives from the government. I believe that now the Messianic Church’s goals are clear to the INAR. Should a research be done among the over twenty thousand members here present, it would be verified that they have been saved from illness, poverty or conflict. Thousands of them have already suffered of malaria and no longer do so because they are happy with the Messiah Meishu-Sama’s light. The Brazilian government is doing a research to analyze the effects of Natural Agriculture on people’s lives. People are being fed Natural Agriculture products in order to evaluate if all nutrients that bring health are contained in natural products. What is mainly being found is the energy of natural foods, because we don’t use chemical fertilizers. Therefore, those who eat natural food acquire immunity against illnesses. Nowadays the world is worried about the swine flu. The messianic, however, are not because they have Johrei and Natural Agriculture. Being so, from now on we are starting anew, we will sculpt our hearts as a Masterpiece of the Creation. I would like that within our hearts would bloom all the love and gratitude that are at the bottom of our souls. That will only be possible through Johrei and through the Practice of Sonen. Please, savor these words, save then in your hearts and, more than anything, practice them. Those who practice will certainly be eternally happy.
Material de Estudo
“Thanks to God and to the Messiah Meishu-Sama I am feeling very happy for being here today, together with all of you. It is wonderful to be once again in Luanda, meeting with the representatives of all of Africa.
how the salvation sequence began. That’s how the salvation sequence told by the gentleman in his testimony of faith today was born. It was through a small selfless action of a member in front of the Johrei Center’s door.
Yesterday I was here to participate in the improvement for ministers and missionaries. I spoke about the building of the Sacred Grounds of Africa, how to prepare yourselves for this work and also about how to develop Natural Agriculture in Africa in order to be able to serve the whole continent. Later, Min. Cláudio and Min. Glauro will be able to explain those two subjects: the building of the Sacred Grounds and the development of Natural Agriculture. Without the collaboration of you, the members, we won’t be able to expand this messianic work in Africa.
To explain it a little further, I would like to give you some examples that happened in Brazil. The first experience is from a man that lived in conflict with his wife and suffered with his children’s bad behavior. Since he would always come home late and tired from work, he would create a justification for himself by saying: ‘I don’t have time to channel Johrei to my family.’ In truth, he had no disposition to channel Johrei because he used to think that “to channel Johrei to my wife, children, father-in-law and mother-in-law, 15 minutes each, would take hours and I wouldn’t be able to cope with it!” However, after listening to the orientation about the Practice of the Sonen of Selflessness, of thinking about someone’s happiness, he decided to channel Johrei for at least three minutes to each one of them every day. So, before channeling Johrei he would think: “Please MeishuSama, act through me and allow me to transmit Your Light, even though for a short time.”
I also am aware that Min. Cláudio has been giving orientation about the Practice of the Sonen of Selflessness. Today, however, I would like to talk about the Practice of the Small Selfless Action. Not a big one, but a small selfless action. There are people that want to start becoming a prototype of the paradisiacal person all at once, creating great goals. Certainly, there are people that can even reach this great goal, but the majority ends up loosing their breath and giving up midway. The secret is to begin with the practice of a small selfless action. Meishu-Sama has taught that even to be able to concretize the great Divine Plan, we must start from a small model. Even the tallest tree has once been a small sprout with two little leaves. A big fight normally starts from a small misunderstanding, as well as a great happiness comes from a small good deed. Because of that, it is good to try to evolve by doing the practice of the small selfless action. How would that small selfless action be? I will give you a few examples. A person has just told one here, about the experience of faith of his son. But why did he receive this salvation? The person who led him was a 90-year-old lady who had received a blessing. This lady did her testimony of faith yesterday. She received Johrei and recovered her health, but how did it all begin? She was walking to the hospital to be examined because she didn’t know if she had malaria. She wasn’t feeling well. At the Johrei Center’s door, someone gave her a flower. Through this small selfless action of giving a flower, she joined the Church. I don’t know why, she laid down and slept for hours, but during that time she received Johrei and recovered. That’s
This way, he began to channel Johrei to the whole family. After a month, he was already channeling Johrei with quite a disposition and enthusiasm. Through this simple practice, he began to change the spiritual atmosphere of his family creating an environment of harmony within his home. Even one of his sons, now, wants to become a member so that he can channel Johrei to his father, who comes in tired every evening. Another experience is of a lady who had several problems with her son, who had separated from his wife, was unemployed and went back to live with her starting an unruly nightlife. He would drink, return home late at night and would overspend, he even started to think about suicide. Thus, mother’s love was replaced by hatred for the losses he was causing her; she wouldn’t straighten up his things anymore, leaving everything in a mess. Since she is a missionary at the Church, she was even dedicating and doing the Practice of the Sonen of Leading, but this situation wouldn’t be resolved. For sure, she was doing the Practice of Sonen with the only thought of changing her son. In May, she participated in the Monthly Service of Gratitude at the Sacred Grounds of Guarapiranga and heard about the Practice of the Sonen of Selflessness. The moment she
Experience of Faith
“Practice small altruistic deeds…” heard it, she became ashamed, recognizing that she had to change her feelings in relation to her son in order to be able to build paradise within her home. She then decided to go back to straightening up his clothes, but with a different feeling from the one she had before. Instead of trying to change her son, she began to fold and to iron his clothes with love; always with the Sonen of, ‘when he would use those clothes he would be happy’. The result came very soon. Less than a month later, her son began to change, showing repentance for the inconvenient attitudes he had been having. Soon after, he was called for a job interview, being immediately admitted as a financial manager, earning a good salary. He even improved his relationship with his ex-wife, creating a possibility of their living together again. She ended her story by saying that she is getting ready for Kyoshu-Sama’s arrival in November, by taking care of twelve people, always thinking of which selfless love practice she can do to make these people happy. In order to practice the small selfless action, it is important that the person, as he/she wakes up think and asks: “Messiah Meishu-Sama, please use me as your instrument even in the small selfless actions that I will practice today”. Once you wish to make someone happy with the sonen of being an instrument of Meishu-Sama, He may act. The Messiah Meishu-Sama can act within our sonen. With Meishu-Sama’s action, a sequence of salvation will be born which will generate a great result, just like a snowball. If the person has this awareness of Meishu-Sama’s involvement, he/she will acquire the wisdom of doing the right thing at the right moment, like an inspiration received from Meishu-Sama.
Cláudia Tavares, 26 years old, came to know the Worldwide Messianic Church in 2004. At the time she was afflicted by illnesses, domestic conflicts and constant deaths in the family. Through the practice of the received orientation, this member of Catambor’s Johrei Center, in Angola, changed her life as well as that of people close to her. Below, she tells what she did for these changes to occur.
The practice of small altruistic deeds changed her life “By following of the basic practices of the Messianic Church, the illnesses, the conflicts and the deaths that ravaged my family diminished, but didn’t completely disappear. By occasion of the worldwide president of the Messianic Church’s visit, Most Rev. Tetsuo Watanabe, I participated in the August 29 lecture for ministers and missionaries at the Central Headquarters, in Angola, where he talked about the importance of the practice of small deeds of altruistic love. Being so, I decided to daily lead people to the Johrei Center with the Flower-of-Light (mini flower arrangements made with the purpose of bringing people happiness), to sweep the neighboring houses’ perimeter, to cook, to wash the dishes and to serve food to people with the Sonen (positive thought associated to willingness and action) that ‘it isn’t just me, a simple instrument, but the Messiah Meishu-Sama who will awaken people’s souls’. After I started those practices, the fights at home and also within my husband’s family ended; disaffections yielded to love and joy at home. My husband’s family members now keep the Flower-of-Light at their homes and they are all unanimous
Through this experience I learned that when we allow the Messiah to use us, even in the small altruistic deeds, the changes will naturally occur and the results will be beyond expected. I presently care for six homes with four members and twelve visitors. I have already led 122 people, of whom 42 have become messianic. My wish is to go on practicing the small deeds of altruistic love, becoming further useful to my peers. Due to the miracles that happened in her life, Otila Fernando Nguenha, 49 years old, dedicating at the T-3 Johrei Center, began to care for a young man that got cured from his tuberculosis. Very grateful, all this young man’s family members, who also began to be assisted by her, became messianic.
“Religious assistance is an altruistic practice that generates great happiness” I came to know Mozambique’s Worldwide Messianic Church in 2007. After starting my frequency to the Church I heard talk about a 20 year old young man who had tuberculosis, just like his father and brothers who, likewise, were also visitors to the Church. Due to this suffering he missed many classes and failed to graduate.
I believe that if all Messianic in Africa would practice these small selfless actions together with their family and friends, as the Messiah Meishu-Sama’s instrument, the Supreme God’s salvation light will spread throughout Africa and around the whole world.
He later went to a consultation where the doctors told him that he was only breathing through one lung because the other was already too affected. Still, according to the doctors, the remaining lung, with which he breathed, was also slowly degrading.
With this Sonen, three of my husband’s family members were led to the Messianic Church and the people I was following up, which were already visiting, began to actively participate in the Church’s voluntary works. Likewise, my neighbors, who used to reject the flowers and Johrei, now accept them joyfully.
Due to the miracles that happened in her life, Otila Fernando Nguenha, 49 years old, dedicating at the T-3 Johrei Center, began to care for a young man that got cured from his tuberculosis. Very grateful, all this young man’s family members, who also began to be assisted by her, became messianic.
I would like each of you to use your creativity to do small selfless actions in your day-to-day. Such as giving a flower to someone always thinking that it is MeishuSame the one giving it, channel at least 3 minutes of Johrei to a person thinking that the one channeling is Meishu-Sama, do the Practice of Sonen together with the others thinking that Meishu-Sama is the one doing it, develop a homegrown vegetable garden thinking that Meishu-Sama is the one performing this action. It is also necessary to listen to people’s suffering as if it were Meishu-Sama the one listening.
Today is a very special day. It is the starting point for the building of Africa’s Sacred Grounds prototype. Because of that, if each person decides to practice daily these small selfless actions, he/she will gradually become a happy person and a model, a prototype of the paradisiacal person. I ask you: “Do you want to be happy?” Since the answer was positive: “Then let’s together practice small selfless actions. This way Africa will earn the great mission of saving humanity. That depends on the actions of each one of you. Thank you and a good mission!”
to state that, when the home has flowers, the environment is joyous. Unlikely, without them it becomes heavy.
Still as a visitor and after having experienced some miracles in my life, I began to assist him with prayers, the practice of Sonen and bringing him the Flower-of-Light. A short time later he also began to visit the Church.
After this finding, the treatment with Johrei intensified. A few days later I became a member and was thus able to assist him channeling Johrei. At the next consultation, two months later, the doctors verified that he had gained nine kilos, going from 35 to 44Kg and his breathing had also improved. A month later he went back to consult and the doctors again verified that his weight was up another 4 Kg. Presently he
Messianic practice
weighs 72Kg and is completely cured. Astounded (saying that it was impossible that his weight increased twice in such a short time, since, due to the illness the tendency was to loose weight), some of his neighbors also started to visit the Messianic Church. From this miracle on, I began to follow up on this young man’s family, caring for the other members who were also ill. After receiving Johrei they were all cured from their tuberculoses and became members of the Church. Presently, the whole family is taking care of other people’s homes at the T-3 district, where our Johrei Center is. Through this experience I’ve learned that the basis for people’s salvation is religious assistance, which is the true practice of altruism. That’s how I began to strive in following up at the homes of people in my district. Presently. I also started to receive some neighbors at home to channel them Johrei. Besides that, I take care of five homes; eight people led by me have been awarded, I take care of another thirteen people and I have a homegrown natural garden. My commitment is to endeavor in taking care of other people, binding them to the Messiah Meishu-Sama, so that they can become useful instruments for the salvation of humanity.
. channel and receive Johrei . do ae Deep Reflection . do the Practice of Sonen . keep the Flower-of-Light at home . grow a natural garden at home . read and practice Meishu-Sama’s teachings . offer the gratitude and the building funds donations
Religion and Science
It is fundamental to reduce the dissemination of diseases through cleanliness, effort and kindness
ublic health with the community`s support
Such concepts meet the Worldwide Messianic Church in Africa’s philosophy and actions. This institution is all encompassing in the fields of scientific research, nourishment, health, agriculture and art. Charles-Edward Amory Winslow (1877-1957) developed one of the most quoted definitions of Public Health in the United States, in 1920. “It is the art and science of preventing illnesses, lengthen life and promote health and also physical and mental efficiency, through an organized effort by the community. It encompasses the sanitation of the environment, the control of infections, the education of individuals on the principles of personal hygiene, the organization of medical and nursing services for the premature diagnosis and prompt treatment of illnesses and the development of a social structure that ensures each individual in a society a standard of living adequate to maintain health.”
Dr. Ernestina Coimbra – Some cases of illnesses are under study. On May 17, 2009, we started the Arterial Tension Verification Campaign. 1,142 people were evaluated, of which 26% were hypertensive and, from those, 15% were already in serious condition. Through the channeling of Johrei and adopting nourishment based on natural food, 10% of the people under observation had their arterial tension normalized.
In the following interview, Dr. Ernestina Coimbra, responsible for the Worldwide Messianic Church in Africa’s Scientific Research Department, presents the work being done by the messianic institution towards African society. JN – What is the Messianic Church doing in the area of Public Health? Dr. Ernestina Coimbra – Studies about the quality of life of the messianic, before and after they knew Johrei; cleaning campaigns in several sites and in cemeteries; lectures at the Central Headquarters and at the religious units about the prevention of the A flu (H1N1), as well as about other subjects linked to Public Health. Assistances are also done in hospitals through the following practices: prayer, channeling of Johrei and the weekly distribution of flower arrangements, the Practice of Sonen and the implementation of homegrown natural gardens at the hospitals. The Psychiatric Hospital’s natural garden, for example, has already produced 4,890 okra, and 250 plants of collard green. At the same site are also being cultivated other species, such as lettuce, pepper, collard green, okra and eggplant. Besides that, also a flower garden was created that has already produced 6,559 flower stems. JN – How about the specific work of the Scientific Research Sector?
JN – How are these projects intended to expand in the area of Health?
JN – What kind of projects are directed to children? Dr. Ernestina Coimbra – Development of the Blue Planet, an educational project that encourages children to practice good deeds, altruistic love and to eat healthy. Since last July 15, we are giving lectures about hand hygiene. Up to now, 865 children and 746 persons responsible for education have participated.
Dr. Ernestina Coimbra – We are making an effort to form community monitors to develop preventative measures, aiming to contribute to the improvement of health in the most diverse regions.
Ten homegrown natural gardens in the neighborhood Virginia Paulo, 49 years old, has been a messianic for two years and dedicates at the Hoji-ya-Henda Johrei Center, in Luanda, Angola. “I came to know the Messianic Church in 2007 due to a heart disease. After becoming a member, I started dedicating without any motivation. Because of that, the pain in my heart continued. I received orientation to do the Sorei-Sashi (Death Prayer) for my father and for my mother. Next I was transferred to the Scientific Research area. After listening to me, the responsible minister oriented me to practice a small altruistic love deed. I decided to implement ten homegrown natural gardens at the homes of the visitors I take care of and also at my neighbors’. As I finished the fifth garden I began to get better.
JN – What other works the Church is developing? Dr. Ernestina Coimbra – There is some cleaning activity in the city of Luanda and surrounding areas, performed by our Church’s faithful. A cleaning campaign in the cemeteries has started countrywide, twice a week and this campaign counts on a weekly average of 3,500 volunteers, among members and visitors.
Presently, I am able to eat adequately and the pain I used to feel is gradually easing off. I have already led fifteen people to the IMMA, of which four are members. I take care of three homes of visitors;I implemented a homegrown tural garden and also care for five of my neighbors’ gardens. I’ve learned that when we fulfill our superiors’ orientations with love, all and whichever problem that by chance may afflict us, will be overcome.
Gastronomic chef adds health and flavor to daily meals It’s not enough to have what to eat, its necessary to obtain true
through eating Fernando Cezar Satiro, gastronomic chef, was in Angola at the invitation of the Worldwide Messianic Church to teach a course on the Good Practices of Cooking to the personnel linked to the African Central Headquarters’ canteen. In this course he broaches the creation of a menu, the practice of Beauty in gastronomy, the ideal cooking time of natural food stock and the importance of feelings. According to Fernando, the presentation of the dish as well as the disposition of the ingredients in the tray and on the table is crucial for a good meal because they increase the appetite. He also mentioned that another thing that greatly interferes in a recipe’s result is the feeling of who prepares the meal. According to him, “the ideal is to prepare the meal with a good feeling”. By experience, he knows that, even if a person isn’t good-tempered, if he/she makes an effort, he/ she will be able to change his/her state of mind through the feeling of gratitude of the people who will, eventually, eat that food. “The person’s state of mind changes when other people are grateful”, he emphasizes.
Plan for “not leaving leftovers” In his course, Fernando teaches that a balanced menu isn’t restricted to the nutrients’ components that a person needs to consume in order to keep healthy, but it is also necessary to avoid waste. According to him, by waste, we mean not only food leftovers, but also the amount of non-consumed nutrients, the unbalanced ingestion of fat and the energy (electric and human) spent in the meals’ preparation. The planning of the menu allows us to evenly distribute everything an
FOOD WITH VITAL ENERGY individual needs to eat within a week. After all, it isn’t necessary to consume all the food groups in a single meal. Meishu-Sama orients us that “Those who cook think that a good table must have fish, and meat and that those are used in such a great amount that it becomes a problem. That’s why I always call attention to that issue. I frequently say that it is necessary to eat lots of vegetables and that, because of that their quantity must be increased. The nutrients are in the vegetables.” “Present dietetic states that a certain amount of vitamins and calories must be ingested, but in truth, this is a small matter because the foundation of true dietetic is in the meals’ own spirit. This can’t be evaluated in test tubes; therefore, at today’s science level it isn’t possible to understand it, as much as we research it. As a matter of fact, when the spirit present in food is removed, the vitamins, proteins, calories and carbohydrates are just refuse. Man is made of spirit and body. Because of that he must be nourished in both aspects: the spiritual and the material. Since all food is constituted of both these parts, fresh produce, as for instance, greens and fish, contain more spiritual energy.
A story written in front of a stove Married and a father of two children, Fernando has been working in gastronomy for 24 years. His interest for culinary arts, however, started long before that. He was only 15 when his sister began to work at a Turkish family’s home. Inspired by his sister’s work, he began to try his recipes at home.
Natural Garden at Central Headquarters
In 1981 he started to help his brother-in-law, a chef in a hotel, as an apprentice cook. He became further professional through courses and learned new techniques till he became a specialist in cold cooking – salad buffets and legume mini-sculptures. Presently, Fernando, who began to use natural food in
the menu of the hotel where he works with the purpose of offering healthier meals, is setting up a section at the buffet of just natural food and the clients’ interest is already remarkable. Because of that, he is slowly introducing poultry raised without antibiotics and growth hormones, produced by Korin Agropecuária, a sector of the Worldwide Messianic of Brazil specialized in the production of natural food. His dream is to have a 100% natural menu, justifying that, “besides being tastier and healthier, natural food normally doesn’t leave leftovers on the plate. I verified this through a research I made at the hotel.” A messianic for 17 years, Fernando found religion when his wife was pregnant. “After two days of Johrei, I felt that that was the way; after a month I was already a member”, he says. In 2000 he participated in a “Thank you Campaign” – the sum of thanks derived from the practice of altruistic deeds – and was awakened to the importance of the altruistic feeling. From then on he began to cook dinners at the Church and understood the value of the other people’s feeling of gratitude. Since he practiced Beauty, he began to tech cooking. It was this willingness that brought him to Africa to give cooking classes to the people at the African Central Headquarters’ canteen, in Luanda. After his visit to Angola, a canteen was opened at the IMMA’s (Worldwide Messianic Church in Africa) Central Headquarters, in Luanda. Today the clerks, ministers and missionaries have a comfortable place, where tastier and healthier food is served, that even uses the greens and legumes cultivated at the natural garden of over three thousand square meters implemented locally. In it are cultivated: lettuce, pepper, tomatoes, carrots, kale, okra, black eye beans, yams, corn, onions, eggplants and… much love, a fundamental ingredient for the preparation of any meal.