AP McCoy and trophies, Ascot and style - some things just go together. Hear the latter though and your mind no doubt jumps to the top hats and tails of Royal Ascot. Therefore, when I was asked to style Ascot’s second-ever Jumps Season Lookbook, my mission was clear from the start: to redefine the winter months as prime time for racing fashion. The winter is when we need fashion’s moodboosting magic most, after all.
What’s more, the necessary layers of clothing needed for the cold Jumps Season provide even more of a chance for the total joy of escapism through fashion. Indulge your inner Dr. Zhivago with coats in velvet and faux fur, your inner power dresser with tailoring, your inner Renaissance heroine with high collars.
Do not consider the need for practicality during Jumps Season (hello, Great British weather) your enemy. Practicality and style are entirely congruous. Many of the brands included in the lookbook are British and there comes with this a practicality befitting our national obsession with functionality. Alongside this, I hope the inclusion of lesser-known brands will provide fresh inspiration.
If this lookbook does just one thing, I hope it shows you that enjoyment of fashion isn’t an exclusive club to which only certain ‘chic’ people are entitled access. You, yes, you!, can wear the XL hat, the gold tweed, the gobstopper earrings. It’s Ascot –fashion as fantasy is order of the day.

Clements & Church clementsandchurch.co.uk
Jacket: £1,725
Trousers: £525
Jumper: Huntsman huntsmansavilerow.com
Shoes: Vintage Church’s via Hornets hornetskensington.co.uk
Socks: Cordings cordings.co.uk
Hat: Lock & Co. Hatters

La Coqueta | lacoquetakids.com Tights: £15 Shoes: £49 Beret: £29 Cape (page 9): £119
Dress: Lallie London | lallielondon.com • £65 Cardigan: Boden | boden.co.uk • £37
Bonnet: Pepa London | pepalondon.com £30
Hobby Horse: Le Mieux | lemieux.com £59.95 (page 13)

Pepa London | pepalondon.com
Jacket: £150 Shorts: £65 Boots: £70 Socks: £10
Tie: Vintage – Stylist’s uncle’s from the ‘70s
Jumper: Trotters | trotters.co.uk • £60
Shirt: La Coqueta | lacoquetakids.com • £49

Jacket: Lisou | lisou.co.uk • £565 Trousers: Lisou | lisou.co.uk • £295
Shirt: Clements & Church | clementsandchurch.co.uk • £815 Bag: Tusting | tusting.co.uk • £405
Shoes: Gina | gina.com • £725 Earrings: Pink Piglet Jewellery | pinkpigletcollection.com • £280
Hat: Victoria Charles | victoriacharlesheadpieces.com • £250


Jacket: Huntsman huntsmansavilerow.com
Jumper: Vintage via Hornets hornetskensington.co.uk
Shirt: New & Lingwood newandlingwood.com
Trousers: Cordings cordings.co.uk
Hat: Lock & Co. Hatters lockhatters.com
Socks: Cordings cordings.co.uk
Watch: Longines Master Collection Moonphase longines.com

Wiggy Kit | wiggykit.com Bodysuit: £155 Skirt: £395 Coat: NRBY | nrbyclothing.com • £335
Boots: Fairfax & Favor | fairfaxandfavor.com • £465 Bag: Tyler Ellis | tylerellis.com • £1,263
Earrings: Pinar Ozevlat | pinarozevlat.com • £75 Bracelet: Tilly Sveaas | tillysveaas.com • £440
Hat: Rachel Trevor Morgan | racheltrevormorgan.com • £695

Coat dress: Claire Mischevani | clairemischevani.com • £1,395
Boots: Dune | dunelondon.com • £200
Bag: Jasper Conran | jasperconran.com • £150
Earrings: Pink Piglet Jewellery | pinkpigletcollection.com • £125
Hat: Stephanie Donegan Millinery | stephaniedoneganmillinery.com • £350

Suzannah | suzannah.com Jacket: £1,190 Skirt: £1,990 Tights: Falke | falke.com • £20 Hat: Jane Taylor | janetaylorlondon.com • £5,950 Earrings: LK Bennett | lkbennett.com • £59
Bag: Aspinal | aspinaloflondon.com • £595 Boots: Fairfax and Favor | fairfaxandfavor.com • £465

Coat: Shrimps via The Outnet | theoutnet.com • £195
Self Portrait | self-portrait.com Jacket: £380 Skirt: £250
Shoes: LK Bennett | lkbennett.com • £329
Bag: Gucci supplied by Cocoon Club | cocoon.club
Memberships starting at £49/month
Tights: Marks & Spencer | marksandspencer.com £8 for 5 pairs
Wristwarmers: Rosie Sugden | rosiesugden.com • £65
Hat: NDLQ Millinery | ndlqmillinery.com • £165
Earrings: Pinar Ozevlat | pinarozevlat.com • £85

Jacket: Vintage Simpsons via Hornets hornetskensington.co.uk
Shirt: New & Lingwood newandlingwood.com
Trousers: Oliver Brown oliverbrownlondon.com
Jumper: Brora broraonline.com
Tie:Vintage Aquascutum via Hornets hornetskensington.co.uk
Shoes: George Cleverley georgecleverley.com
Watch: Longines Spirit Flyback longines.com

Sassi Holford sassiholford.com
Waistcoat: £395
Trousers: £460
Shirt: With Nothing Underneath withnothingunderneath.com
Tie: Vintage Hermès via eBay ebay.co.uk
Shoes: Jennifer Chamandi jenniferchamandi.com
Gloves: Dents dentsgloves.com
Hat: Jenny Roberts Millinery jrmillinery.co.uk
Bag: LK Bennett
Earrings: Pat’s by Patricia Cobiella patspats.org
Bracelet: Tilly Sveaas tillysveaas.com