16 minute read
Technology and Taxes: The Accountant’s Responsibility
by Gurjit Singh
In the world we live in today, the only way to avoid becoming a victim to malware and/or identity theft is to disconnect yourself and your workstation from the internet. Unfortunately, in today’s business environment, that is not an option.
Accounting firms maintain a significant amount of personal data on behalf of their clients, ranging from financial records to personally identifiable information. Keeping this data safe is a real concern for every single organization that houses it; the question is, are you following best practices to minimize your risk of a breach?
The Risk
There is no way to be completely sure that a system is impenetrable and safe from a cybersecurity threat; however, exercising best practices can turn the difficult task into a manageable event. Threats will continue to emerge and impact those that do not establish a strategy with best practices. First and foremost, the highest risk is posed by the human end-user. Even a firm with the most wellplanned and well-funded technology investment, including safeguarding your perimeter, hardening the endpoints with application whitelisting policies and subscribing to advanced threat protection services, is still at risk through the human end-user. People are the first line of defense against cybersecurity attacks. Hackers are smart; they will start where the path to success does not require penetrating through layers of security. Instead, they rely on an attachment or a hyperlink that will grant them the level of access they need without breaking a sweat.
One way hackers accomplish their goals is by engaging their target in a phishing expedition. Phishing scams are a popular way for hackers to try to get your personal information, and, if successful, hackers don’t have to do anything to get into your account other than send you an email.
Email Vigilance
Email is another means of information transfer where one needs to be vigilant. Did you know that if you or a member of your organization receive emails that contain sensitive information and ignore the email, neither deleting nor reporting the incident, the entire
company is held liable for irresponsible data handling?
While we’re on the subject of emails, note that the IRS does not initiate contact with taxpayers by email or social media channels to request personal or financial information. During tax season, there will be numerous attempts to scam both the accountants and taxpayers, so it’s important to not open any attachments or click on any links contained in the emails. Instead, forward the email to phishing@irs.gov.
The Rise of Mobile
The workforce of today has become increasingly mobile, and with mobility comes challenges with securing devices that fall outside of your domain. For example, let’s look at smart phones. Most firms do not issue firm-owned devices to all employees, opting instead for a “bring your own device” policy. These personal devices store corporate data, including emails, contacts and documents which reside locally. This leaves personal devices open to increased security risks — it only takes one breached or malwareinfected mobile application to comb through your personal device and read/move any data on your device without your knowledge. If your corporate applications are not secured using Mobile Device Management solutions, you’re introducing a huge risk to your clients’ personal data. To mitigate some of the risks, all smart phones should have a screen lock and password protection for corporate data applications. It is also important to remember that you should never connect to public WiFi networks. Why? Because the moment your mobile device sends data to a website or service over these public networks, it can be intercepted and will no longer remain private.
What About Flash Drives
Flash drives are another way that hackers can trick you into giving access to personal information. While it may not be the easiest solution, putting an end to flash drives, unless they’re encrypted, will mitigate some of that risk. Encryption is one of the most effective methods to protect your data because without the key, any data stored on the device will not be decrypted.
Changing Regulations
Laws around data protection are rapidly changing, and compliance with these laws will continue to impact modern society. For example, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) was recently introduced to enhance privacy rights and consumer protection for residents of California. CCPA is the beginning of “America’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).” Similar to GDPR, CCPA will require organizations to focus on user data and provide transparency in how they are collecting, sharing and using such data.
GDPR is also very much in favor of encryption as a security measure. Article 34, Section 3(a), frees data controllers from having to notify affected individuals about a personal data breach if the controller has implemented protection measures, “in particular those that render the personal data unintelligible to any person who is not authorized to access it, such as encryption.”
The Role of the Accountant as Security Advisor
The need for robust security changes the responsibility of every individual both inside and outside of an organization. This means that as an accountant, you must carry out your usual duties: preparing tax returns, payments, necessary paperwork and reporting, while also becoming a security advisor to your clients. For example, there is a good chance that your clients are not running the most sophisticated security solutions and yet insist on using their current tools to send you sensitive data. It is imperative that you stress firm policies and procedures around the transfer of information as often as possible to continue creating awareness for your clients. In addition, firms must adopt policies for receiving data through portals, which are essentially a gateway for clients to share information securely via the internet. Many portals offer virus scans and usually block attachments before they’re eligible for download.
Clients trust their accountants with their most prized possession: data. But as long as there are Internet-enabled devices, there will be those who exploit them to harm the uninformed. With education around best practices relating to security, you’re taking monumental steps to reduce these threats and keep your data from being compromised. l
Gurjit Singh is the chief information officer at Prager Metis CPAs LLC. He can be reached at gsingh@pragermetis. com. Reprinted with permission from the New Jersey CPA magazine (njcpa.org/ newjerseycpa).
Phoenix Tax Workshop Series
24 Hours of Live CPE for $375
* Added Bonus for purchasing 2020-21 Phoenix Tax Workshop Series! You will gain access to all 2020-21 recorded sessions for later viewing.
The Phoenix Tax Workshop was established in 1961 to educate professionals in all areas of taxation—federal, state and local. We invite you to join this elite group of tax professionals at their Saturday CPE/CLE sessions (eight times per year). This series is also offered as a webcast.
What does it cost? The annual fee of $375 (due by the first meeting in May) includes the opportunity to earn 24 hours of CPE/CLE credit per year, which includes eight, three-hour meetings. You may attend individual meetings for $70. (Payment can be applied toward annual fee if you decide to enroll in the series). To enroll in the Phoenix Tax Workshop Series, complete the registration form below or register online at www.ascpa.com/ptw21.
What’s on the agenda? Topics are drawn from current tax issues, court cases and current legislation on both federal and state arenas. You will have the opportunity to take part in question and answer sessions to ensure you leave with a complete understanding of the material. Updated agendas will be sent prior to each meeting and will be available in the online CPE catalog. Check periodically for updated information.
Who’s on the agenda? Presentation topics are selected and then matched with the expertise of speakers drawn from the Advisory Committee, members of the Legislature and Arizona government.
What is the Advisory Committee? The Advisory Committee is comprised of the Valley’s top legal and tax accounting professionals who have agreed to volunteer their time.
Meeting dates and times The following Saturday meetings are held at the ASCPA offices in Phoenix from 9 a.m. to noon. A full breakfast is included with each meeting. You may also participate by webcast from your home or office.
May 16, 2020
June 20, 2020
Sept. 26, 2020
Oct. 24, 2020 Nov. 21, 2020
Jan. 16, 2021
Feb. 20, 2021
April 24, 2021
Name ___________________________________________ Company ________________________________________ Address ________________________________________ City ___________________State _____ Zip ___________ Phone __________________ Fax ____________________ Email ___________________________________________
Check all that apply: r ASCPA Member r Nonmember r CPA r Not a CPA r Attorney r Other
I will be attending: r In-person r On Webcast Method of Payment: r Check r VISA r MasterCard r American Express Name on Card _______________________________ Card Number ________________________________ Exp. Date ____________ Amount $ Signature of Card Holderr______________________
Please return this form and payment to: Arizona Society of CPAs 4801 E. Washington St., Ste. 180 Phoenix, AZ 85034
Thank you to our members for your generous contributions to the Arizona CPA Foundation for Education & Innovation in 2019. Your donations support accounting students on their path to becoming CPAs.
$10,000 Deloitte $1,500 Vanessa R. Makridis $1,000 Karen K. Abraham Cindie Hubiak $500 Michael T. Allen Virginia E. DeSanto Mark & Sue Landy Bruce J. Nordstrom Leslie B. Stackpole $100-$400 Sandra A. Abalos Brenda A. Blunt George M. Cohen Keith R. Cowan Kelly K. Damron Patricia J. Elder Rufus Glasper Elizabeth A. Goff Alan Gold Ross M. Grainger R. Dale Hensley Lynn R. Hoffman Adela E. Jiménez Noemi Lopez Anthony Lorenzo Karen K. McCloskey Allen L. Nahrwold W. Gregory Nelson Tess L. Ridgway Maria Elena P. Rivas Layne R. Simmons Anna Y. So Nancy Thomas Lynette R. Wachterhauser $50-$99 Charles J. Aton Monica Barcelo Gilbert B. Blumenthal Thomas F. Duensing Frank F. Espino Vincent R. Gosz Lisa G. Johnston Andrea B. Levy Michael J. Liebman James Marmel Susan M. Mortenson Carolyn S. Sechler Monica J. Stern Linda S. Tansik Peggy H. Ullmann Robert Wyndelts
Thank you also to our members who donated other amounts throughout the year and with their annual dues renewal.
To learn more and donate, go to www.ascpa.com/foundation Highlights of Board of Directors’ January Meeting
Among other actions at its January 22, 2020 meeting, the ASCPA Board of Directors reviewed the following:
Consent Agenda
The consent agenda, which included the board minutes, financial statements and the Foundation’s 2020-21 budget was approved.
Nominating Committee Report
Ginny DeSanto, chair of the nominating committee, thanked committee members and shared the names of members nominated to the board who would take office on May 1, 2020.
Legislative/Advocacy Dialogue
John Baumer reviewed upcoming 2020 legislation. Ryan and Kevin DeMenna thanked the board for their support of PAC activities, shared how favorably the Society is viewed by legislators and talked with the board about the current legislative session.
Strategic Plan Update
Cindie provided an update on the ASCPA’s strategic measurements.
2020-2022 Strategic Plan & 2020-2021 Strategic Measurements Approval
The strategic plan and measurements for the next fiscal year were reviewed and approved.
A Day in the Life
Keith Cowan shared a view of the challenges and joys he experiences in his life and job.
Other Business
The board approved the executive committee to work with Cindie to have an amicus brief filed on a contract law matter, if specific guidelines were met. Cindie Hubiak announced her retirement as President & CEO of the Society on or before April 30, 2021.
If you have questions, please contact Cindie Hubiak at (602) 324-2888; AZ toll free at (888) 237-0700, ext. 203; or chubiak@ascpa.com
AZ CPA Quick Quiz You’ve Read It, Now Get Credit Take this quiz on AZ CPA content online or submit this hard copy. Receive a score of 70 percent or more and earn one hour of CPE credit in specialized knowledge. It’s that easy!
Fees: Members: $25 Nonmembers: $40
Online Access Go to www.ascpa.com/quickquiz to access links to all active quizzes. Once a quiz is purchased, a link and password will be emailed to you. Your results will be sent immediately after completion, and certificates are emailed within two business days.
Hard Copy Please select one answer for each question. Fill out registration/payment information below and mail or fax to the Society office. Quiz results and certificates will be emailed to the address provided on the registration form. *This quiz will be available until April 2021. Please note that users have three attempts to pass the quiz with at least a 70 percent score. 6. According to Jay Varcoe, CPA, stress can be: m Invigorating m Toxic m Motivating
7. What one thing did Varcoe NOT do to alleviate his stress? m Planned his client meetings m Started to eat less sugar m Began training for a marathon
8. What should you do if you believe you’ve received a scam email claiming it’s from the IRS? m Repond and send the money owed. m Run a virus scan on your computer m Forward the email to phishing@irs.gov
March/April 2020 Issue of AZ CPA*
1. In this month’s Chair’s message, Van Arsdale talks about the AICPA revamping the CPA exam due to what missing skills? m Tax m Auditing m Technology
2. You can comment on an exposure draft of the proposed changes to the CPA exam on the AICPA website through: m April 1, 2020 m April 30, 2020 m May 30, 2020 5. Julie Klewer led what two accounting entities? m The Boards of the AICPA & the ASCPA m The Arizona State Board of Accountancy & the ASCPA Board of Directors m The Association of Women Accountants & the ASCPA Foundation for Education
Quick Quiz Registration
9. What type of flash drives should you use to ensure they are secure? m Microsoft m Only your own m Encrypted
10. The ASCPA Board approved the executive committee to do what? m File an amicus brief on a contract law matter m File an amicus brief on a voting dispute m File an amicus brief on a constitutional matter
3. How many times has the ASCPA filed an amicus brief in the past 20 years? m 3 m 5 m 11
4. Julie Klewer will receive the ASCPA Life Member honor at what event? m The ASCPA Annual Meeting m The Accountancy Board Meeting in May m The Accounting Academy Awards Dinner Name: ____________________________________________________
Telephone: _________________________________________________
Payment m Member: $25 m Nonmember: $40 Checks: Please make payable to: The Arizona Society of CPAs
Credit Card:
m Visa m MasterCard m American Express
Credit Card #: _______________________________________________
Expiration Date: _____________________________________________
Name on Card. _____________________________________________
Mail to: ASCPA, 4801 E. Washington St. Suite 180, Phoenix, AZ 85034-2040; fax to (602) 252-1511 scan and send to ASCPACPE@ascpa.com.
Business Opportunities
TAX AND ACCOUNTING PRACTICE FOR SALE — Tax and Accounting Practice for sale in North Phoenix. Gross revenue $160,000. Owner will help in transition. Good opportunity for young CPA to start or expand a practice. Please contact: llemmon@q.com.
PARTRIDGE & ASSOCIATES, CPAS PLC — North Scottsdale CPA firm is seeking a part-time (retired) Senior Tax reviewer during peak season. Must have seasoned tax review experience with updated knowledge of tax law and paperless systems.Larry@partridgecpas. com.
PRESCOTT CPA, PLLC — Prescott, AZ CPA firm looking for part-time bookkeeper. Schedule is flexible and ideal for retired CPA or Controller. Candidate will work with several clients reviewing, reconciling, adjusting and performing payroll on books on a monthly and quarterly basis. Please email resume to nick@prescottcpa.com.
Office Space
EXECUTIVE OFFICE SPACES FOR LEASE — Beautiful garden-style office complex in a great office environment located in north Phoenix. Easy access to SR 51 and SR 101 just north of NWC of Tatum and Shea Blvd. Executive office $800, interior office $650. Ample parking, beautiful conference rooms and seminar room. Copier, telephone and internet ready. Includes Receptionist to greet your clients. Contact Julie at (602) 953-5000.
LOW-PRICED ATTORNEY-FORMED LLCS FOR YOUR CLIENTS — We are Arizona LLC attorneys with 121 five-star Google reviews. Google KEYTLaw. We’ve formed 6,800+ LLCs because of our low prices ($397, $597 & $997 - the confidential LLC) and the high-quality services we provide. See our 10, 16 & 19 services at www.azllc. com/contents. Call Richard Keyt at (480) 664-7468 or email him at rk@keytlaw. com. Read Richard’s article called “13 Ways Arizona’s New LLC Law Harms LLC Members: Why All Arizona LLCs Need an Operating Agreement that Eliminates the Harmful Provisions of Arizona’s New LLC Laws” at www.azllc. com/newlaw.
EAST VALLEY OFFICE FOR LEASE — Share office building in East Valley with other professionals. $500 per month includes 130 sq. ft room with wi-fi and kitchen access. Contact jdhcpapc@ gmail.com.
For more information on classified advertising, go to www.ascpa.com and go to classifieds.
If you’d like more information on how your clients can benefit from a dollar-for-dollar tax credit on their AZ State Taxes AND help foster families at the same time, contact us at 602-650-4808 or CatholicCharitiesAZ.org/taxcredit.
QFCO: 10000
New Job? New Address? Update your contact information on your ASCPA profile. Don’t miss out on important legislative information, upcoming events and member benefits. Login and update your organization or make changes to your professional profile. www.ascpa.com/my_ account
16 Gaining a Competitive Advantage: Critical Skills for CFOs and Controllers (8-11:30 a.m.) Ronald Kral CPE: 4 Field of Study: MG Member $160/Nonmember $210
16 Controller/CFO Update: Hot Topics Facing Today’s Financial Professional (12:30-4 p.m.) Ronald Kral CPE: 4 Field of Study: MG Member $160/Nonmember $210
17 Five Critical Issues That CPAs in Industry Will Need to Face This Year (8-11:30 a.m.) Ronald Kral CPE: 4 Field of Study: AA Member $160/Nonmember $210
17 Innovative Forecasting and Budgeting: Moving Beyond the Traditional Techniques (12:30-4 p.m.) Ronald Kral CPE: 4 Field of Study: MG Member $160/Nonmember $210
18 Employment Law Update: Examining Critical Issues With FMLA, HIPPA, COBRA and ADA (8-11:30 a.m.) Robert Minnti CPE: 4 Field of Study: AA Member $160/Nonmember $210
18 Employment Law Update: Reducing Employer Liability (12:30-4 p.m.) Robert Minnti CPE: 4 Field of Study:BL Member $160/Nonmember $210
19 Real-World Fraud Found in Governments and Not-for-Profits Robert Minnti CPE: 8 Field of Study: AA Member $300/Nonmember $400
25 Professional Ethics Update for CPAs in Business – Including Revised AICPA Code (8-11:30 a.m.) Gilbert B. Blumenthal CPE: 4 Field of Study: ET Member $160/Nonmember $210
26 The Essential Course for Preparing Not-for-Profit Financial Statements Under ASU No. 2016-14 Michael Morgan CPE: 8 Field of Study: AA Member $300/Nonmember $400 27 A Complete Guide to the New Yellow Book Michael Morgan CPE: 8 Field of Study: AA Member $300/Nonmember $400
20 Latest Developments in Government and Nonprofit Accounting and Auditing Marty Van Wagoner CPE: 8 Field of Study: AA Member $300/Nonmember $400
21 Accounting, Audit and Attest Update Marty Van Wagoner CPE: 8 Field of Study: AA Member $300/Nonmember $400
23 Business Law Essentials for Practitioners and Controllers Curtis Quickel CPE: 8 Field of Study: BL Member $300/Nonmember $400
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