LGBT Rights are Human Rights By: Drew, Jacob, and Jonathan
Image Credit I’m Different… So what?
Table Of Contents: 1.
GBT Equality L By: Jonathan Carson
LGBT’s should be proud of who they are, happy with who they are and should feel as equal as anybody else in the world.
By: Drew Canfield
LGBT people shouldn’t get made fun of or hurt just because of who they are.
Why Choosing Your Gender is Important y: Jacob Dun-Roseman B
Transgender People are humans too, and your birth certificate does not tell you who you are.
GBT Equality L By: Jonathan Carson "Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?"-Ernest J.Gaines, a National Humanities Medal winner. I think that this quote is very meaningful and sad because it is true. This quote also asks you a question and makes you think about the society that we live in. (Is this true?) eg. Societies should be open and be caring towards the members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community so that they can be confident and true with themselves. LGBT’s around the world get rejected for who they are and who they want to be. According to Newsela, Mazy is an 11-year-old girl that used to have problems for who she wanted to be.“Through kindergarten and first grade, while still dressing as a boy, kids at school peppered Mazy with mean comments. She wanted to play with the girls, who told her to go play with the boys. By second grade, she was coming home every afternoon crying.” This quote demonstrates how Mazy was being discriminated by the other kids because she was being who she wanted to be. Imagine if you were in Mazy shoes, how would you feel not being able to express yourself because everyone judged you for it. Later on, in the article Newsela explains how she needs to be true with herself and just be who she wants to be, so that she can be happy, fit in and not be discriminated against. Insert LGBT’s around the world commit suicide and hurt themselves because of who they are and because of how the society treats them. According to Newsela, Martina Navratilova, Tennis player that came out about 30 years ago, states that “Fully one-third of suicides among teenagers occur because of their sexuality,” The Society could prevent suicide if they accept people for who they are. If one person stands up for LGBT’s and accepts them for who they are then many more people would see what is happening and start spreading awareness. Everyone should feel safe in their environment and be treated equally. According to Newsela, ‘Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, reveals he is homosexual but says this does not affect his job.’ Tim Cook, the head of Apple announces that he is gay, making the fight for gay rights even more important. “Technology companies in California's Silicon Valley have been fighting for gay rights in the United States for years, and Cook's announcement may push them to the front of global struggles for equality.” But if Tim Cook wasn’t head of Apple and wasn’t as important as he is, do you think he would’ve still made the difference that he did? LGBT’s should be proud of who they are, happy with who they are and should feel as equal as anybody else in the world. Humans should all be treated equally no matter what we stand for. We as people need to accept others for who they are and not discriminate against them. If you are one of those people who is discriminated against you need to block out the people who treat you differently and be who you are. And if you are one of the people who disfavor people for who they are you need to stop and think about how they feel, put yourself in their shoes, imagine you being the person that everyone disliked for being who you were.
LGBT Rights By: Drew Canfield Abhijit Naskar, an independent researcher said, “Either you are homophobic or you are a human- you cannot be both.” It is important that we treat gay people with respect and not discriminate against them because of who they are. We should treat gay people as respectfully as we treat straight people. A lot of people in the LGBT community are treated poorly and not respected. I think that they should have more freedom. In an article in Newsela, a girl named Mazy changed her gender and everyone made fun of her for wanting to be a girl. But when she went to school as another gender, she had an amazing day. This shows that Transgender people don’t get treated with respect and they should be able to feel good about who they want to be. LGBT people’s lives are in danger from other people. A lot of people that are part of the LGBT community get killed for being who they are, and according to Hate Crimes and Violence Against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people, “In 2007 alone, 1,265 lGB-biased hate crimes were reported to the FBI, which is a 6-percent increase from 2006.” This shows that LGBT people get killed, assaulted, and attacked just because of who they are or who they are attracted to. And the percent of hate crime and attacks are rising over the years very fast. They should stop getting killed because they are just trying to live a life they like to live. Being transgender can be a struggle because they are not recognized from their peers or who they are. Cassidy Campbell from a Newsela article said “I felt like I was already a girl, so I was confused as to why my mom would cut my hair.” This is showing an example of her thinking she was already a girl even as a small kid. This means sometimes you think of who you are throughout your whole life. She thought that girls were so beautiful and nice, so she decided to be one. Later in high school, she won homecoming queen, she was excited because she knew that meant she would be recognized as the gender that she is. Sometimes you need to try really hard to even be recognized of what gender you are, this shows that it is hard to be recognized of being transgender, and that popular transgender people aren’t as popular as normal popular people. The LGBT community is often treated badly and unfairly, they should be treated equally. Also, they need more freedom and they shouldn’t be killed, assaulted, or attacked by people just because of who they are and who they want to be.
Why Choosing Your Gender is Important By Jacob Dun-Roseman According to, around 1 in 137 (0.07%) of teens in the USA identify as “Transgender” states that President obama made a law for transgender bathroom guidance in 2015. Donald Trump lifted that law in 2017. This law was good, helpful, and protective to transgender teens. This law should not have been removed. Because it was very helpful to transgender teens and the fact that Trump would remove a helpful law made transgender kids feel uncomfortable, makes me angry. Even though the gender on your birth certificate is your legal gender, people should be able to choose what gender they feel most comfortable in. Kids may not trust you later if you don’t let them choose their gender (As a parent). According to, a website where people debate question, a person stated that “There's no harm In letting any kid choose their own gender. If you don't let them, they will most likely not trust you later in life, and may actively avoid you. There are all kinds of genders, girl, boy, agender, genderfluid, genderqueer, demigirl or demiboy, and that's barely scraping the surface. Just let them do what feels right to them.” If a child does not feel comfortable talking to their parents what they feel inside because they are afraid how they will react, that could lead to them not trusting their parents. And having trust is really important. So if we don’t let them choose then they will not trust you. Mental health issues decrease when people who want to be transgender become transgender. According to an article called Suicide and Suicidal Behavior among Transgender Persons from the website NCBI, “Suicide rate and suicidal tendencies among transgender community have been reported to be high compared to general population. The suicide rate among transgender individuals in India is about 31%, and 50% of them have attempted suicide at least once before their 20th birthday and 40–50 persons commit suicide every year in Karnataka state alone.”This means that around 1 in 2 transgender people who have been discriminated against have tried to kill him/herself before their 20th Birthday. So if we don’t let them choose and we discriminate people who are transgender, they might commit suicide. Boys don’t have to be attracted to Action figures, and certain colors. And girls don’t have to like pink dresses and dolls. Some boys really enjoy pink dolls, which are according to stereotypes “Girl Toys” But if boys are attracted to pink dolls and dresses, it is not important for kids to be forced to like certain things. What is important though, is there happiness which will only increase if you let the have freedom for their gender. This means that if you let kids choose what toys they like and what there gender is, they
will be much happier throughout their life. Which shows that they should choose their gender. In conclusion, people should choose what gender is right for them and the gender that is on your birth certificate should not define you. Transgender people are a lot happier when they transition, and if you don’t support them as a parent, that could lead for them to feel angry at you and not trusting you. Also they might get depressed, angry, uncomfortable, and even commit suicide. Transgender people should be respected and people need to allow people to choose. If you have a kid or friend it is very important to support him/her. If you don’t support him/her you will always know that you could have made someone happier, without affecting others.