Disabled People by Sophia B, Cas and Fatema

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Disabled People By: Sophia Bongiovi, Cas Leadbetter, and Fatema Al-Majed

We Need To Give Disabled People An Opportunity.


Table of Contents 1.

There Is A Bright Future For Disabled People By: Fatema Al-Majed People With Disabilities Are Capable Of Unbelievable Things

2. Disabled Children Are Children Too By: Sophia Bongiovi Disabled People. Don’t Underestimate Them.

3. Disabilities Have Abilities By: Cas Leadbetter Give Disabled People A Chance And Find Out What They Can Do

There Is A Bright Future For Disabled People Fatema Al-Majed People with disabilities are capable of unbelievable things if they are encouraged to pursue their dreams. For example, a boy named Ghanim Al-Muftah from Qatar states, “ I learned how to remain positive from my mother who taught me that life is beautiful and nothing is impossible”. Ghanim Al-Muftah has a medical condition which is called Caudal Regression Syndrome, and it is one of the most rare conditions in the world. People who are disabled can often have more unique talents than other people who aren’t disabled, and can be encouraged to pursue their dreams. People with disabilities should look forward for their future and should realize that they are important and can be who they want to be. “Life is beautiful and nothing is impossible,” stated Ghanim Al-Muftah and all people who are disabled should think deeply and thank god of what they have and who they are. Disabled people should show the world that humans that are disabled have the right to say what they want and speak their minds. Disabled kids or adults have the right to make decisions. This is significant because Ghanim Al-Muftah is disabled and for him to think positive and wants to make a huge difference in his life, that’s what disabled people should think about, no matter who they are and how different they are from other people. Disabled people have the right to stand up for themselves if they are bullied or judged of how they look like. Link Disabled People are being judged of how they look like and this impacts them because it stops them from doing something they always wanted to do. It leads them into a end of a case where they don’t believe that they can achieve their goals, and be who they want to be. According to what Ghanim Al-Muftah states, “I want to say that everyone has a right to dream and has ambitions that they can achieve.” I understand why and how disabled people feel like when they are in this type of situation. I believe that they always feel let out because of what people say and judge about. They can achieve things that other people can’t, and nobody should be judging one another of how they look like and who they are. Being supportive, and helping one another can help a disabled kids feel much

better, because they do look forward to their future to being successful. “Ghanim Al-Muftah believed in his mother that, “Life is beautiful and nothing is impossible,” This quote that he believed in, changed his whole life, he became successful and many people look forward to him. Standing up for yourself is really important to do, you should learn how to defend yourself when someone is bullying you. According to the video that Ghanim Al-Muftah made about a person bullying him in school states, “ When he annoys me I hit him,” this is because of a boy judging him that he can’t do anything. Ghanim Al-Muftah tried so hard to be his friend but he just kept making fun of him and hitting him, this could let his whole personality change because of judgement. In conclusion, believing in yourself and looking forward to your own future can make a huge difference in your life. Most disabled kids don’t believe in themselves because they are judged of how they look like. People should start realizing that disabled people can have more unique talents than people who aren’t disabled, and should stop being judged how they look like and how they are made to be. We should start to help disabled kids pursue their dreams for their future. Social media starts a big way for someone who is disabled, and will be looking forward to their future. ​Link

Disabled Children Are Children Too By: Sophia Bongiovi Rosie McRackan is a 6 year old girl who enjoys T-ball. She is an average player except for one thing she doesn't have a leg or an arm. But for little Rosie, this means nothing at all, because she sees no limits in her life. ​Children with disabilities should be supported and encouraged rather than excluded and bullied. Disabled children should not be excluded because they can do things even if they are disabled.For example, there is a 16 year old boy (name unknown) who was born without feet or hands. He was put in an orphanage because both parents abandoned him. He was adopted when he was 7 and started to play the piano. He has won lots of awards and is now is a professional piano player

and inspires lots of disabled children. Another example that was written in Newsela is about a swim club in ​Sarajevo, Bosnia. This swim club is for disabled children. The swim club started with 5 members and now has 50. Although swimming competitions are not accepting the swim team to compete the parents are saying they are proud of their children.​This shows that disabled children could do things even when they are disabled. There are children with no fingers who play the piano much better than people with all ten fingers. This shows that there is no limit even when they are disabled. Also, there are some children that can swim faster than adults even when they are disabled. This shows that children with disabilities can do things we do, and sometimes they can do it better than us. This shows that being disabled or not doesn't decide your talent and what you do. This also shows that

it is not fair when we exclude children that are disabled because they can do anything that we do too.It would be much better if we don’t exclude children because then they can try different things. Also, if we welcome them to everything, they can feel more included in the world, which is what we want them to feel.

​ ink to the picture L Disabled children should not be bullied and others should raise awareness for disabled children.In England researchers from IOE are saying that children with “special educational needs are twice as likely as other children to endure persistent bullying”. Studies have shown that disabled children are

more likely to be bullied. Therefore, we need to be more aware and stand up for all children, especially disabled children. Another article by Stop Bullying.Gov says that disabled children are being bullied more than the average child because they are “easy to target”.Bo is a middle schooler who has autism. He was discriminated and excluded at school and “always ate his lunch alone”. One day Travis Rudolph sat with Bo at lunch. This changed his life because others started to sit with him at lunch as well.​This shows that we need to step up in do something. Disabled children have a higher chance of being bullied but almost nothing has been done to decrease these chances. The disabled children need extra help and we need to provide it. They have double the risk of being bullied, so we need to double our help for children with disabilities. It doesn't take much to do this though. For example, Tr​avis Rudolph simply sat with Bo at lunch for one day. This act of kindness is so simple but means so much to Bo. This shows that we should all be kind to disabled children​ instead of bullying them, excluding them, or teasing them on how they are disabled.

We should start to support and encourage disabled children and welcome them all so that they can enjoy their life.Lots of people started to take action already. Travis Rudolph sat with a child with autism, Bo. This made Bo really happy. Amel Kapo started a small swim club for disabled children. The children got to be in a club for the first time and all of their parents were happy that their children got to be who they are for once without having to feel different. A mother lets her adoptive child try playing the piano even though he didn’t have fingers. The son was given a chance even though people doubted that he could play (and proved that he could play). The Bluejays let little Rosie join even if she doesn't have a leg. Little Rosie finally got to join a team that would allow her to play T-ball even if she doesn't have a leg.As you can see from my examples, being kind and supporting disabled children takes no talent and is very easy to do. Seriously, little things can mean big things to

others.It can be as big as starting a swimming club for disabled children to join like Amel Kapo did, or basic and simple as eating lunch with someone like Travis Rudolph did to Bo. Both of them were effective to the child though. This shows that we can all be supportive without much work. We should all be supportive because the simple things that we do to disabled children mean a lot to the disabled children who felt welcomed and encouraged for once. We must all support children with disabilities.Disabled children have the right to do what all children would do instead of being bullied or excluded. We should raise awareness and open doors to all children to try anything they want; even if they are disabled. Remember, it doesn't take any talent or money to be kind to anyone. Everyone deserves a chance.

Disability Have Abilities Cas Leadbetter Chris Burke once said, “It's not our disabilities, it's our abilities that count”. (Chris Burke is an actor that has been diagnosed with down syndrome). (Down syndrome is a​ that delays in the way a child develops, mentally and physically.) ​What Chris Burke means is that if you are faced with a disability you can still do something that you choose. Even though people may have their differences and some are faced with disabilities we should all let them have the same opportunity, we should support them and let them have the same life as a non-disabled person. It is harder for disabled people to live a life of a non-disabled person. As said in Newsela, a man named Derrick Campana and his team uses tools and orthotic devices to help animals. He has helped a disabled pony and built a leg for it. Obviously, there is more effort put into a disabled pony that doesn't have a leg then a non-disabled pony. This shows that it is harder for disabled people to live the same life as a non-disabled person because they have more worries. This shows that it is harder for disabled people to life the same life as a non-disabled person because they have more worries. We should help disabled people and make them happier and make them forget about some of their worries. We need to put a little more effort into making them happier. You should give the same space or opportunity to disabled people as non-disabled people. As reported by Newsela, a boy named Hasan Hawthorne is a disabled 18 year old that enjoys wrestling. Even though Hasan is disabled, he has 37 wins and 0 loses as a wrestling record in the state. If you give people that are handicapped chances, they can do amazing things. This shows that you need to give disabled people chances, they can surprise you in many different ways. Give people chances. Don’t underestimate people because they are different to you. Let them show you their abilities and don’t focus on their disabilities.


Support and help the people that are less fortunate like people that are disabled. According to Newsela, in 2015, a cheerleading squad in Colorado had a girl in their team with down-syndrome. The team thought that they would cheer for the girl with down-syndrome. Her mother said “​Sometimes you put kids in with different abilities, and you never know how it’s going to work out. And especially leaving her alone there ... I hoped kids will take her under their wing a little bit and encourage her.” ​Support people that are less fortunate like a disabled person and get their spirits up. We need to get their self-esteem higher and make them feel more comfortable and confident with other people. Give disabled people support and give them the same opportunity as healthier humans because they don’t have the same life as non-disabled people. They also need to be given the same opportunity as stronger humans. We need to support disabled people on whatever they are doing. You need to support and help people that are disabled. Make them happier. We need to give them the same opportunity as non-disabled people. Even though you might not know a disabled person, you can do little deeds for other people to make their day. For example, help a disabled person get on a train.

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