The Bonding Agent - August 2014

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August 2014 • Volume 5, Issue 1

District 11 is Ready to Serve Inside This Issue Welcome

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Advocacy Academy

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Meet District 11

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Upcoming Events ASDA District 11 Meeting San Francisco, CA Oct. 25, 2014

ASDA National Leadership Conference ASDA District 11 and Chapter Presidents at the 2014 Leadership Retreat.

Welcome to District 11 ASDA, it is a pleasure to serve you as your ASDA District 11 Trustee. My name is Yige Zhao and I am a second year at University of the Pacific School of Dentistry. I have a 11-yearold younger brother and my family is from Temecula, CA. In my free time I like to explore the city with my 1 year old puppy, Cooper. Throughout dental school, ASDA evolved into a large part of my life as I realized the importance of organized dentistry as a future dental professional. I began on the chapter level, serving as the Legislative Liaison. From there I had the pleasure of working with Kris Mendoza, the current ASDA President, as his District Secretary. Now as the trustee, I am responsible for carrying out the resolutions put forth by the House of Delegates at Annual Session, as well as making decisions on the direction of ASDA. In addition, I serve as a liaison between the 6 dental schools in California and national ASDA, and I am here as a resource to each of the 6 chapters. continued on pg. 2

Chicago, IL Oct. 31 – Nov. 2, 2014

The Editors Randy Rosales UCSF School of Dentistry Class of 2016

Ali Salehpour Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC Class of 2017

District 11 is Ready to Serve, continued from pg. 1

We are all here to help enhance your dental school experience by protecting the interest and welfare of California dental students. In addition to increasing advocacy efforts, we hope to enhance your dental school experience through community service and leadership development events. These events will provide a great opportunity to learn, network, and have fun! We hope you can join us on October 25th for our Annual District 11 Meeting at University of the Pacific in San Francisco. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or want to get involved! I'm looking forward to a fun and productive year and I wish you all the best throughout your dental school careers. Sincerely, Yige Zhao Pacific ’15

Advocacy Academy 2014 Attendees of the 2014 Advocacy Academy.

On May 31st, 2014 ASDA’s District 11 held their first annual Advocacy Academy at Western University’s School of Health Science. This event allowed dental students to gain an understanding of ASDA’s role in organized dentistry as well as illustrate some of the major issues impacting the future of dentistry. Adrien Hamedi-Sangsari initially proposed the idea of an Advocacy Academy and with help of other District 11 members the event was a great success. Advocacy Academy was an all day event, which included breakout sessions on ASDA hot topics as well as guest speakers. The hot topic discussion items were led by student leaders and included: how to lobby effectively, advocacy successes, ASDA advocacy resources, and basics of US government. Many of these student leaders where able to share some of their personal experiences with legislation from attending events such as Lobby Day. More so, it was a an honor to have the following guest speakers in attendance: Congressman Paul Gosar, DDS (AZ-4); Dr. Robert Hanlon, CDA Government Affairs Council; and Mr. Mike Graham, ADA Senior Vice President, Government and Public Affairs. continued on pg. 3

Advocacy Academy 2014, continued from pg. 2

Congressman Paul Gosar enlightened students on the current problems affecting dentistry, and emphasized the importance of being an active member in organized dentistry. Dr. Robert Hanlon also focused on issues impacting dentistry such as MICRA and educated students on how the CDA helps to support organized dentistry. Lastly, Mr. Mike Graham explained how the ADA is here to advocate for dental students within legislation and how dental students can engage legislators. These guest speakers were able to place an emphasis on the importance of dental student involvement in organized dentistry as well as attending events such as Lobby Day. The event also offered insightful information on how dental students can get involved at the local, state, and national government levels. In addition, the event was great networking opportunity with over 40 dental students attending from almost every District 11 school. Overall, Advocacy Academy was a great informational event which helped create excitement for organized dentistry. District 11 looks forward to hosting an Advocacy Academy ever year helping dental students find their voice within organized dentistry. Giuliana DiPiazza ASDA District 11 Advocacy Associate

Meet District 11 Name: Yige Zhao Dental School: University of the Pacific '15 Hometown: Temecula, CA Past/Present ASDA District Position: District 11 Trustee Favorite tooth & why: Max first molars, bc the cusp of Carabelli is so darn cute! Favorite instrument & why: Mouth mirror, because without it I would be an ergonomic wreck. Favorite procedure & why: Anterior composites, because I love the challenge of esthetic restorations and it makes a huge difference to the patient when it's done right. What's your most memorable dental school memory thus far? Most memorable memory thus far is probably my first ASDA annual session in Atlanta, GA. It was where I caught ASDA fever, made a lot of new friends, and got authentic chicken and waffles at 3 in the morning after a night of karaoke-ing! Nothing can beat that. Name: Matt Stephens Dental School: UCLA ‘17 Hometown: Los Altos, CA Past/Present ASDA District Position: District 11 Secretary Favorite tooth & why: Maxillary 1st molar - dat oblique ridge Favorite instrument & why: 330D bur, cuts like butter Favorite procedure & why: Class I amalgam, it's all I know how to do well at this point What's your most memorable dental school memory thus far? Impressions on classmates: purposely smearing unreasonable amounts of alginate all over my partner's face. Name: Randy Rosales Dental School: UCSF ‘16 Hometown: Buena Park, CA Past/Present ASDA District Position: District 11 CoCommunications Chair Favorite tooth & why: A healthy one, because it makes every dentist’s job easier! Favorite instrument & why: As much as I love using direct vision, a double-sided mouth mirror is my favorite. Favorite procedure & why: Prophy, because you don’t need a rubber dam! What's your most memorable dental school memory thus far? This is a tough one! I’d have to say getting boba with a few classmates after a tiring, late night in sim lab (pre-clinical lab) is near the top of the list.

Name: Ali Salehpour Dental School: USC ‘17 Hometown: Los Angeles, CA Past/Present ASDA District Position: District 11 Co-Communications Chair Favorite tooth & why: Maxillary central incisors, because when they are nice and white and clean, they make you look like a model. Everyone loves models – it’s science. Favorite instrument & why: Plastic mixing bowl, because no matter how rough you are with it, it will always be there to take care of you. Favorite procedure & why: Posterior PFM crowns – the preps require steady and precise hand skills (especially the shoulder), and they also end up as beautiful esthetic restorations for the patient. What's your most memorable dental school memory thus far? There was one super night late in SIM lab where I was mixing plaster and I made it too runny. I was too lazy to get more plaster from the wet lab, and for some reason, I thought I could drink it to create the ideal consistency. Thankfully, I didn’t ingest the plaster, and used that as a teaching experience to never eat dental materials. That was probably the most important thing I’ve learned in dental school to this day. Name: Giuliana DiPiazza Dental School: USC ‘17 Hometown: Rhonert Park, CA Past/Present ASDA District Position: Advocacy Associate Favorite tooth & why: #8, eight is my luck number and it was the first tooth I waxed up! Favorite instrument & why: 11/12 explorer, it can reach everywhere! Favorite procedure & why: Cutting crown preps, I like the precision and detail involved in the preparation as well as the overall finished product. What's your most memorable dental school memory thus far? Late nights in sim lab, it's where the magic happens! Name: Rosemary Tran Dental School: University of the Pacific ‘16 Hometown: Garden Grove, CA Past/Present ASDA District Position: Northern Community Outreach Co-Chair Favorite tooth & why: Central Incisors because they’re the “first impressions” of our smiles Favorite instrument & why: Pigtail Explorer, they’re very versatile Favorite procedure & why: Zirconia Molar Onlay Prep because they’re pretty. What's your most memorable dental school memory thus far? When all the boys in my group crossed-dressed as Disney Princesses for Halloween and the girls dressed as the seven dwarves :o)

Name: Oscar Humberto Reyna-Blanco Dental School: UCSF ‘16 Hometown: Cashmere Washington Past/Present ASDA District Position: Past: Legislative Liaison Present: Co-Community Outreach Chair–North Favorite tooth & why: Maxillary lateral incisor. Most unique teeth Favorite instrument & why: Half Hollenbeck. That thing is good for everything! Favorite procedure & why: Class two amalgams. Something I really enjoy to do What's your most memorable dental school memory thus far? The first time my group gave each other injections. It was such a great building up moment. We all felt accomplished! Name: Nerisa Limansubroto Dental School: UCLA ‘17 Hometown: Jakarta, Indonesia Past/Present ASDA District Position: Teen Oral Health Committee Co-chair ('13-'14), UCLA ASDA Vice President ('14'15) Favorite tooth & why: The mandibular 2nd premolars. I am congenitally missing them so I paid special attention to them when I learned about dental anatomy. I like that it is the only premolar with three cusps, and also that they look cute and stubby. Favorite instrument & why: My favorite instrument is the piano! I have been playing it since I was 4 years old. I was trained classically but now I enjoy listening to a variety of songs and transposing it to the piano. Favorite procedure & why: Dentures! I feel a gratification from giving someone their confidence back and their ability to eat. I also like the personal touch the dentist can add to the dentures - you can characterize the anteriors and make a person look completely different. What's your most memorable dental school memory thus far? Definitely the ASB Variety Show! I participated in two acts one was with an A cappella group, Dentatonix, and sang a mashup of One Republic songs. It included songs such as Feel Again, Counting stars, If I Lose Myself, and more. The other act I was a part of was a dance group, and we called ourselves "Carious Cookies". The dance was themed, "Life of a Dental Student", which started out with getting out of bed, rushing to school, partying afterwards, and then cycling back again. I had the best time!

Name: Jeffery Pascal Dental School: Loma Linda University ‘17 Hometown: Detroit, MI Past/Present ASDA District Position: Community Chair Favorite tooth & why: First Molar. First molar is the first permanent teeth to erupt and has the most attention and most unique anatomy to me. The occlusal outline reminds me of the batman symbol. Favorite instrument & why: Mirror. This is one instrument that will always be needed in every procedure. Favorite procedure & why: Extraction...When a patient is in pain and they are relieved immediately! This procedure brings a sense of satisfaction for me, especially in a area that does not have access to dental care. I love the challenge that an extraction brings to the table. I love how easy it is sometimes. What's your most memorable dental school memory thus far? Every time someone has a birthday in my class they would sing happy birthday off key and really loud. This gives us a good laugh and the birthday person really enjoys it! Name: Dongkook Lim Dental School: UCSF ‘16 Hometown: Manhattan, KS Past/Present ASDA District Position: ASDA District 11 Northern California Member-at-Large Favorite tooth & why: First Maxillary Molar because it has the Cusp of Carabelli Favorite instrument & why: half hollenback. You can use it for everything! Favorite procedure & why: MO Class II Amalgam on Posterior Teeth What's your most memorable dental school memory thus far? Completing two terms' worth of tooth waxing in one day! Name: Laine Janzen School: Western University of Health Sciences ’17 Hometown: Fresno, CA ASDA Position: First year on district cabinet, currently Southern Regional Member At Large. Favorite tooth: Maxillary third molar because it's heart shaped. Favorite instrument: Mirror Favorite procedure: Root canal - use a lighter and bleach. Most memorable dental school moment: The first time I picked up a drill! I felt so clumsy and unsure, but it's amazing how quickly we all improved.

Name: Peter March Dental School: University of the Pacific ‘15 Hometown: Spring Grove, PA Past/Present ASDA District Position: Northern Fundraising Chair Favorite tooth & why: #7. My student number is 777, so it's probably lucky. Favorite instrument & why: The Wedelstaedt chisel - it sounds like something out of a Dr. Seuss book. Favorite procedure & why: Cleanings. It's the procedure I'm best at because I've done a LOT this past year. What's your most memorable dental school memory thus far? Swinging on a giant wrecking ball in my underwear outside of school with people walking down the street - for our Over the Hump video.

Name: Neikka Fareid Dental School: UCLA ‘17 Hometown: Kingsburg, CA Past/Present ASDA District Position: District 11 Fundraising Chair (S) Favorite tooth & why: P and O because they are the first badboys to erupt Favorite instrument & why: Patient Bib Clip Favorite procedure & why: Modified Bass Technique because as they say: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure What's your most memorable dental school memory thus far? Serving on ASDA's District 11 Cabinet, of course!

Name: Pooyan (Ryan) Sadr Eshkevari Dental School: UCLA ‘15 Hometown: Roosdar, a small town by Caspian sea! Past/Present ASDA District Position: No/D'11 Advanced Standing Student Liaison Favorite tooth & why: mandibular first molar, because it is the most important! Favorite instrument & why: light cure, because it is the most futuristic! Favorite procedure & why: removable, because I need a lot of it for graduation! What's your most memorable dental school memory thus far? Doing a gold inlay as my first restorative experience!

Name: Madeline Nguyen Dental School: University of the Pacific (undergrad) ’15 Hometown: San Jose, CA Past/Present ASDA District Position: Pre-Dental Student Liaison Favorite tooth & why: Molars because they're the best at grinding food and I love food. Favorite instrument & why: Mouth mirror because it allows you to see all sides of the teeth and mouth. Favorite procedure & why: Veneers because it allows people to enjoy their smile more. What's your most memorable dental school memory thus far? I enjoyed volunteering at CDA Cares and seeing all the volunteers come together to provide dental care for people who needed it. Name: Ouzhan Kalantari Dental School: UCLA ‘17 Hometown: Olathe, Kansas Past/Present ASDA District Position: District Meeting Planning Committee Favorite tooth & why: #9 Because even after almost getting it knocked out, mine is somehow still there. Favorite instrument & why: Piano, because I play it. And all the ladies love the band's keyboard player. Favorite procedure & why: Gold Crown Prep, because chamfer is probably my favorite word in dentistry. What's your most memorable dental school memory thus far? ASDA annual session, and dressing like a astronaut who got lost in the Disneyland hotel for the reception. Name: Ashley Ingram Dental School: UCLA ‘17 Hometown: Fresno, CA Past/Present ASDA District Position: District Meeting Planning Committee Favorite tooth & why: My sweet tooth because I love chocolate! ;) Favorite instrument & why: 10-7-14 Hatchet because it never lets me down on the Class II box. Favorite procedure & why: Drilling Class I's in lab because they're nice and fast! What's your most memorable dental school memory thus far? One of my most memorable memories so far was celebrating the end of first quarter with all of my classmates! Name: Jasnena Mavi Dental School: USC ‘17 Hometown: Canton, MI Past/Present ASDA District Positions: District Meeting Planning Committee Favorite tooth/why: #7, I always root for the underdogs Favorite Instrument/why: Hatchet- gets the job done Favorite Procedure: Composite Restoration Most memorable dental school memory thus far: All the lab days- really gives us a chance to bond.

District 11 Meeting October 25, 2014: Join us in San Francisco for: Leadership Development Networking The Latest in Dentistry Vendor Fair ….a 3 hour cruise of the SF bay!

University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry 155 Fifth Street, San Francisco, CA 94103

Featured Speakers: Dr. Arthur A. Dugoni Dean Emeritus, UOP School of Dentistry

Dr. James D. Stephens CDA President

Dr. Walter G. Weber CDA President Elect

Dr. Brian E. Scott ADA Vice-President

Dr. Lindsey A. Robinson ADA District 13 Trustee

Dr. Carol G. Summerhays ADA Presidential Candidate

S.S. ASDA 11 For registration, please contact your local ASDA chapter and be sure to ‘LIKE’ District 11ASDA’s facebook page for more details.

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