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Student Support Services at ASD
Regardless of whether we are learning in person, or temporarily online, ASD’s Student Services team of thirteen Learning Support Services (LSS) teachers, three LSS Instructional Assistants, and twelve School Counselors will collaborate with teachers and parents to support student learning and wellbeing.
Specific Provisions for Students of Determination
• The need for special provisions for arrival and departure procedures, mask wearing, and additional adult support and/or supervision to learn and follow health and safety procedures and routines will be assessed for students with developmental and/or behavioral needs. Any adaptations will be documented and shared with parents and all relevant adults in the school. • Teachers or other personnel working in close proximity to Students of Determination who need occasional physical promoting or support will be provided with appropriate PPE and will sanitize their hands before coming into contact with the student. • Students who cannot tolerate COVID-related safety procedures with adult support, and who cannot be accommodated without risking the health of other students or staff may be best served by distance learning. • Sharing of physical tools/resources will be eliminated where at all possible, and these items will be thoroughly sanitized between uses.
• For a small number of students with significant emotional or developmental needs, arrangements may be made with the parents to have the student visit campus prior to the beginning of school in order to meet key personnel in person and become familiar with new health and safety routines, learning spaces etc. These visits will be carefully scheduled and facilitated to meet safety and social distancing protocols. • Child friendly and developmentally appropriate materials will be made available to parents to educate and prepare Students of Determination about new health and safety procedures. • Provision for safe movement breaks will be made for all students who need them.
• Learning Support teachers will collaborate with the students, their parents and their teachers to adjust and focus their support to ensure that Students of Determination are able to participate successfully.