3 minute read
Bathing ritual
A bathing ritual fi t for a queen
By Lesley Greenwood
I absolutely love taking a long hot soak in the bathtub. It’s a ritual that has been taking place for millennia. As you know it was popular with the ancient Egyptians, if you were wealthy enough. Queen Cleopatra was reported to bathe in ass’s milk! Well, there’s a shortage of that where I live, however that doesn’t stop me having a long hot soak.
A nightly bathing ritual is something I am really relishing at the moment. the short cold days of january and the long dark evenings provide us with an opportunity to take our time and languish in some soapy hot water.
The benefi ts of bathing are well researched and enormously benefi cial to both our mental and physical well-being.
Ten reasons to take a hot bath or shower
• Lowers blood sugar. • fall asleep faster • Lowers blood pressure • relieves muscle tension • Have cleaner, healthier skin • Moisturises our skin • Improves blood circulation • Helps relieve cold/fl u symptoms • Gives you time to think creatively • Helps us feel better about ourselves
there are numerous soaps, bath salts and oils on the market to pour into your hot bathing tub. I personally really love the traditional liquids from radox and the benefi ts of using and bathing in epsom salts are also numerous.
Benefi ts of Epsom salt baths
• Soothes the skin. Epsom salt bathwater can soften rough, dry skin, and exfoliate dead skin cells. • reduce soreness and pain • reduce stress • Promote foot health • Draw out splinters • full of magnesium which helps contribute to a healthy immune system. • Whilst bathing, light one of your fragrant candles, with a soothing aroma such as lavender, which promotes sleep and relaxation.
I like taking my time over my bathing routine. I know we all just took a quick shower as time was of short supply for many with a hectic lifestyle. However, now we have plenty of time use it wisely and spend it on self-care. Self-care is so important especially now, as we need all of our inner strength to cope with this virus and keep ourselves uplifted, healthy and strong.
Here are my ultimate bathing ritual steps...
You may not get time for all of these every day but try and follow a few, and days where you do have time, indulge.
• Pour bath salts and bubbles into warm water. • Whilst running the bathwater dry brush your body with a soft natural bristle body brush. • Light a fragrant candle, dim the bathroom lights. • Immerse into the foaming bubbles. • read a book or just close your eyes and dream that you’re on a caribbean island. • Give yourself a good scrub with some lovely soap or cleansing cream. this is also a good time to use body scrub or exfoliator. • After a long soak remove yourself and pat dry with a warm fl uffy towel. • Massage yourself all over with a good thick body cream or body oil, also coat your face in your favourite cream and massage, I use the www.hayoumethod.com • Clean pyjamas are a must after a lovely bath! • Lie in a quiet, dark and warm place in a semi supine position to mediate and realign the spine and spinal fl uid for 17 minutes, at least. • Try www.alexandertechnique. com - I shall be writing more about my.alexandertechnique meditation in my next article. • Pour yourself your favourite drink and smile.
All this takes me about an hour and a half and I usually bath around 8pm in the evening after supper. If you follow my steps then grab yourself a lovely drink, (mine’s currently a turmeric latte made with oatmilk), then read your book, I promise you, you will drop off into a deep sleep before 10.30pm!
Meanwhile take care, keep going, stay safe stay at home, everything passes eventually.
Lesley greenwood BSc(hons) Psychology, MSc Clinical Science Contact Lesley for private counselling and life mentoring www.psychologytoday.com/ profi le/412570 It’s beautiful | 9