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Radiant Skin: Discover the Power of ENDYMED Radiofrequency this Spring
Now the lighter nights are here, and the thought of al fresco gatherings and holidays are on the horizon, it’s time to shed those layers and embrace the warmer weather! Whether you’re planning a holiday, attending a special event, or simply enjoying the great outdoors, it’s important to feel your best. However, if the long winter has left your skin feeling dull and tired, we can offer an antidote to your plight with our advanced skin tightening treatment, ENDYMED Radiofrequency.
Our ENDYMED treatment was launched nearly two years ago at Elite, and since then it has become a staple part of many of our client’s treatment journeys due to the incredible results it can yield. Here you can see some of the wonderful results achieved from treatments at Elite. So, how does it work? ENDYMED treatments use an advanced form of radiofrequency energy to heat deep within the skin where collagen is formed. This heat causes an instant lift as your existing collagen contracts, but it also triggers a heat response in your skin that stimulates fibroblasts to produce new collagen, which is what gives you the natural, long-lasting results in skin tightening and lifting. The heat response also triggers other rejuvenating processes in your skin, improving its overall underlying structure and hydration. After each treatment, as your collagen contracts, you will have an immediate lift and a healthy glow, however optimum results will be seen 3 months after your treatment course once the new collagen has been produced.

ENDYMED is suitable for all skin types and has an excellent safety profile. Treatments are pain-free, most clients find them very relaxing. And the best part? There’s no downtime! Each treatment will last between 45 and 90 minutes depending on the area that you’re having treated, and it’s recommended that you follow a course of six treatments over eight weeks. You can then return for ‘top-up’ treatments every three months to maintain and enhance the results that you’ve already seen. If you’d like to find out more about this treatment and see it in action, be sure to check out our website www.eliteskinstudio. co.uk and our social media platforms!
We are currently offering the opportunity to experience the ENDYMED treatment free of charge with a complimentary consultation and trial treatment. Simply call 01952 814200 to book or scan our QR code which can be found on the previous page.
Elite Skin Studio specialises in a tailored approach to every skin and can help all matter of aesthetic concerns such as age management, problematic skin, and permanent reduction of unwanted hair. If you are interested to see how we can help you with your personal skin goals, book in for a skin analysis to begin your journey today. You can give us a call on 01952 814200 or book online at eliteskinstudio.co.uk