4 minute read
Aico partners with Wellbe Hub to promote well-being in the workplace
Aico is partnering with Wellbe Hub to promote wellbeing in the workplace, as well-being ambassadors.
On 18 of April 2023, Laura Butler, Lifestyle Intervention Consultant and founder of Wellbe, visited Aico’s headquarters in Oswestry to introduce colleagues to the Wellbe Hub and the benefits it provides.
The Wellbe Hub is a well-being portal founded by Laura during the pandemic to empower businesses to make wellness content accessible to employees, anytime and anywhere. Providing content curated by a team of accredited professionals, the portal contains the latest wellness techniques, a healthy recipes library, live fitness classes and two live training sessions per month held by health and wellness coaches. Every Aico colleague will receive their own unique login, providing them access to a wealth of information on mindfulness, managing stress and self-care.
Aico’s Sustainability Programme is founded on five pillars: Marketplace, Community, Environment, Governance, and Workplace. The Workplace pillar focuses on supporting the well-being of colleagues and providing a tailored programme around mental and physical health. Aico is delighted to work with Laura and utilise the Wellbe Hub to support their well-being at work initiatives.
Laura Butler, of Wellbe said, “I am delighted to be working with Aico who already have a strong approach
Building sustainable futures for our communities
If you would like to know more about Aico in the Community, please get in touch with our Community Liaisons: sustainability@aico.co.uk to well-being and are known for their progressive people strategy. I look forward to supporting the Aico team across all areas of well-being and making a positive difference to the people and the business”.

Lily Ellis, Sustainability Lead, Aico added, “The well-being of colleagues has always been a key aspect of our Sustainability Programme at Aico, understanding the importance of supporting our workforce in a variety of ways. Being able to work with Laura and utilise the Wellbe Hub will enable us to push this further, providing 24/7 access to well-being services, enhancing our provision and hopefully encouraging other businesses to get on board as well.”
To find out more about the Wellbe Hub, please visithttps://www.wellbe-hub.co.uk/
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Healthy Focus Go wild for the Summer!
The health benefits for spending time in nature are well documented and include improving your mood and reducing feelings of stress or anger. It helps you be more active and therefore improves your physical health. In addition, it can connect you to your local community, helping you meet new people.
as summer approaches why not get out and soak up some of the health benefits with some local events such as:
Shropshire Wildlife Trusts – Life beneath your feet 1 June. Discover what lives in the soil, what it does, and the impact it has on our lives. Or visit Pam’s Pools at Underton near Bridgnorth (25 June) to walk through wild-flower meadows by freshwater pools or see the reserve’s wetlands and wildflowers, on foot or riding behind a vintage tractor. There are plant sales, stalls and music, advice on fruit and veg gardening, bee-keeping and children’s activities. The area is managed for conservation, which are only accessible fully at organised events. Visit shropshirewildlifetrust.org.uk
Take the kids to discover ‘All things wild’ at hawkstoneparkfollies.co.uk with Wilderness Week. Den building and nature detecting this half term 27 May – 3 June. Another for the kids is the monthly Eco Warriors at Whittington Castle designed for primary aged children but open to all. Enjoy a host of green activities followed by a wellearned hot chocolate: meet outside the kitchen at 10.30am 3 June with outdoor clothes and sensible footwear.
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11 June, why not try a Woodcraft for Wellbeing (adult) session. An afternoon of nature connectedness, wellbeing practices, green crafts and a campfire. Designed to fuse psychological wellness practices with opportunities to learn new skills and reconnect with the outdoors. Camp Plas Welshpool. Book via Facebook or Nutureinnature. rachel@gmail.com
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Perhaps you fancy relaxing outdoors soaking up some culture in beautiful surroundings? Pack a picnic for the outdoor performance as Festival Player bring Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night to the grounds of Whittington Castle 18th June 7pm-10pm. Book via Eventbrite online. have a happy healthy month!
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Claire a rnold The Meadows o s T eopaT h Clini C
Bruce Willis
Going bald can be a traumatic experience and, although not exclusively a male issue, more than 60% of men will get a degree of baldness which will often start in their 20s. Male pattern baldness is common and, unlike its name suggests, the genes for inheriting this problem come equally from our mothers and fathers. Women do not get the type of baldness men get but do find hair thinning generally as they age.
We all lose about 50-100 hairs per day naturally but if it is coming out in clumps, seems to have occurred suddenly, is leaving patches of baldness in amongst normal hair growth or associated with itching or burning then you should see your GP. The NHS has always seen male pattern baldness as a cosmetic issue and, therefore treatment is usually not available for this condition. Not surprisingly, for such a common disorder, there is a considerable market for private treatments,
The ”Big 3” of treatment include finasteride, minoxidil and ketoconazole. The latter is usually used in conjunction with other treatments and is more often used for fungal infections. Both minoxidil and finasteride (or its cousin dutasteride) are effective in the majority of men but, they are expensive (about £20-60 per month) and, sadly, when you stop treatment, the baldness will revert to the state it would have been within 12 months. The other option is hair transplants that can be very effective but also very costly: usually in the £5,000 bracket but sometimes even more! The much cheaper option is a wig! Modern wigs are not quite like the “slipped toupee” of comedy sitcoms and can be a very effective solution. Starting treatment for this problem needs careful consideration. The cost, the commitment, the side effects and the psychological impact all need to be thought out. There is more information on www.nhs.uk but be careful which websites you read – not all of them are impartial.
HealtH & Wellbeing