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Outstanding kitchens with Okb

Oswestry Kitchens and Bathrooms are now well on the way into their third year of trading! The team has significantly grown since the company was formed and now employ seven members of staff as well as supporting multiple local sub contactors.

Ben and Michael have always had a clear vision on what and how they wanted their company to operate. To offer the complete package, whilst supplying industry leading products of a higher standard, yet still being competitive.


“We like to take a laid-back approach when designing, guiding our clients through every option available to ensure we’ve done our job as the ‘experts’. The products we supply must be of a certain standard as we want your investment to last, as long as our reputation,” explained Ben.

2022 was an amazing year for OKB. Increasing turnover by 30%, whilst investing in two new company vehicles. They refurbished the storage yard, purchasing new lifting machinery for the warehouse and increasing their work force from five to seven.

Looking to the near future, Ben told us, “2023 looks to be as successful a year as last. Our installation team are booked up until the Autumn. In 2023, we plan to continue our investment in people, looking to further expand our workforce with quality, experienced tradesmen who can support us with growing our brand.”

Oswestry Kitchens and Bathrooms is a truly independent business. It was originally just ‘two local lads’ with a dream. They have created a relaxing environment for clients to peruse the products and take their time in choosing the most up to date offerings. With experienced staff on hand with extensive product knowledge, this ensures they are always on top of their game and ready to talk about your kitchen projects.

“We would like to personally thank all our customers for their continued support and making our dream a reality.” - Team OKB

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