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Bring me sunshine
Fend off the gloom of winter by introducing some happy vibes to your home. Our selection of joyful accessories is sure to bring a smile to your face. sure to bring a smile to your face.
Playful prints, vibrant colours and silly shapes
• Choose bright shades that make you feel good. Yellow is a great choice as it’s so reminiscent of hot, sunny days (they’re on their way!). Team with other warm colours such as red, pink and orange, or add in a melange of everything for a cheerful mix. • Impactful patterns can be used even in small doses to make a difference to your space. Or you could go the whole hog and cover an entire wall… • Look for pieces with dramatic or unusual silhouettes – be bold and express your individuality, and you’ll add happy energy to your room. • More is more! Layer colours and patterns without worrying too much about so-called ‘taste’. If you love it, go for it.
é Bring the groove into your interior with a colourful disco ball for an instant party feeling. Gold & Pink stripy disco ball, £53, rockettstgeorge. co.uk. êThe perfect gift for any occasion, this decorative bottle is fi lled with 125 colourful, 10cm-long, luxury matches. Multicoloured Joy matches, £15, heavenlyhomesandgardens.co.uk. éAdd layers of texture to your bed with a quilted pillowcase, such as this abstract assortment of multicoloured letters on an orange base. Alphabet Soup quilted pillowcase, £42, antipodream.co.uk. ê These one-of-a-kind baskets are made by the weavers of the Bolgatanga area, Northern Ghana, and fi nished with sustainable leather. African shopping basket in Joy, £65, lolaandmawu.com.
This retro-styled neon lamp emits a bird-shaped luminous glow that’s guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Eleanne Toucan neon light, £13.99, wayfair.co.uk. wayfair.co.uk.

ç The designers liken the style of this bold, digitally printed wallpaper to a samba or a mambo, dancing across the paper with an expressive joy. Squiggle wallpaper in Lapis & Honey, £69, ohpopsi.comi.
Make a statement with this fun home accessory, featuring a bubble-gum-pink fi nish and organic shape. Large amphora vase, £18, sassandbelle.co.uk.
ê Make getting out of the ê Make getting out of the shower a fancy affair with shower a fancy affair with this vibrant cotton bath mat. this vibrant cotton bath mat. Islands in the Stream bath mat, Islands in the Stream bath mat, £49, antipodream.co.uk. £49, antipodream.co.uk.