2 minute read
Whittington WI makes a come back Community

These are very exciting times for the Whittington Women’s Institute! This year they were about to close after 101 years in the village. The remaining few were saddened by this, but it motivated them to rally together and amazingly they managed to save the WI by electing a new committee. They are Louise Idoux (President), Sophie Anderson (Secretary), Kathryn Greenwood (Treasurer), Julie Sheffield and Sara Hadfield. The new committee are lively and enthusiastic about women, local campaigns, learning new things and creating lasting and supportive friendships.
In days gone by, Whittington WI had an amazing membership of over 100 women and even had a youth group for teenagers. Times have changed now. In those days there were more housewives with time on their hands, fewer families had cars and there was more of a community feeling as a result. Nowadays, we all seem very busy and even overstretched, perhaps losing that feeling of community that we get from face-toface interaction. More and more we are realising how important human connection is.
The WI is an excellent resource to help support isolated or lonely women, learn new skills, make new friends and find support in our community. We meet once a month on the second Wednesday at 7pm in the Community Centre, where we have an update on local upcoming events, an interesting talk or demonstration and a lavish tea, provided by the members. There’s more; frequent outings, evenings out, clubs, classes, lunches are also organised as well as fun competitions, raffles, sales and swaps.
Everything is optional, so no pressure to join in. You don’t have to be an expert cook, baker, knitter or flower arranger either. We all have our own skills which is encouraged, not judged.
November’s meeting was the first with the new committee and there was a definite buzz in the room with laughter and excitement. The speaker was a florist who demonstrated how to make two Christmas wreaths and a festive table decoration. These were then raffled and won by three very lucky ladies. December was the Christmas party where poems were read, pin the nose on the snowman, bird bingo and the name game were played. This was followed by a generous festive tea, mulled wine and teas. During December, a visit was organised to the Attfield theatre, a festive lunch was held and the ladies attended a lovely carol service in Gobowen. Members support each other and share lifts where necessary.
“During January we had an interesting talk about Muslim women and their culture with Alison Young and had a scarf swap on that day. What wasn’t swapped was donated to a charity - it’s a good way of having a sort out. It’s a different swap every month and December was decorations,” said Louise.
“If any women from the village or beyond would like to try the WI, you will be made to feel very welcome. All activities are optional, so no pressure to join in and no qualifications or skills necessary. Prospective members can attend up to three meetings to try it out and see if it suits. There are no entry qualifications either, just make friends and learn new things.
“Since joining in 2022, I have been very pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoy it. There are fun things to try. I attended a one-day workshop on acrylic painting and loved it. It has helped to do something artistic, which I find therapeutic in a world where we are supposed to be achieving all the time. It takes the pressure right off for me. I have made new friends and enjoyed a lot of laughter. The age in our meeting is very mixed, we support each other and I have found the knowledge and experience from some of the older ones absolutely invaluable. Come and visit our friendly group, you might just love it!”
To find out more, visit via Facebook: Oswestry Women’s Institute