2 minute read
Words’n’pics Open Writers (WOW)
by Jan Hedger
Warm Spaces in Winter
As a writing group with the community at its heart, in January, WOW took on the countrywide initiative of ‘Warm Spaces’ to launch its new term. After all the disruption of the past three years, I wanted to start the New Year with a topic that unites communities, bringing people together and which several places and Churches in Oswestry and Borders are supporting, including WOW’S venue, of Albert Road Church.
WOW have in the past supported other community projects including The Wilfred Owen Festival 2018 with a display of fictional WW1 letters and Refugee Week in Ellesmere 2019 with an exhibition of poems, short stories and written accounts.
Over two sessions, I led the group with discussion and easy writing exercises, with prompts as to what ‘Warm Spaces’ means in the literal sense to ourselves and the wider public. How does it work in this current climate? Why is it needed?
We love discussion at WOW and this topic evoked memories and stories to share, from those of us who remember before central heating, with just a coal or electric two bar fire, with ice inside of the bedroom windows. How we are grateful for the warmth of our homes, but now worry about its cost and there are still families living in cold and unheated homes.
Having read quotes in newspaper reports, from people across the age ranges, attending different areas of ‘Warm Spaces’ and being appreciative for them; in not only providing warmth and food, but in socialising and making new friends; we did our own letter writing, such as expressing thanks or a letter to a friend and diary entries in ‘Dear Diary’ and the difference in the modern concept of a blog, for our younger members. Everyone went home brimming with ideas to write about.
Then we opened it up to a wider context to what does ‘Warm Space’ mean to you! Everyone was encouraged to take it anywhere! Some flew to warmer climes, others imagined hibernating and some felt their warm space was a safe place.
We took the ‘Warm Spaces’ theme into our newly launched WOW Craft sessions, creating Winter Collages (pictured right).
Every Shoe Needs a Handbag!
Following in the footsteps of our successful ‘Shoes’ workshop, at the end of last year, we are stepping into spring and accessorising with ‘Matching Handbags’ through March!
There will be The Lost Handbag – A Secret in an Old Handbag – What is in a Handbag? – Whose Handbag is this? – and Bring along a Handbag.
Come and join us, we’d love to meet you. WOW welcomes all writers and especially new writers, and anyone who wants to have a go. We meet fortnightly at Albert Road Church on 7 and 14 March at 13.00 – 15.00. Just £2.00 with tea and coffee. With an extra session on 14 March for ‘a charity shops wander’ for handbag inspiration, finishing with a cuppa and cake at Wilsons Bar. Meet on the Bailey Head at 13.00.
Our craft sessions are in Morrisons Community Room last Tuesday of the month (28 March) bring your own project to work or join in a group activity. £2.00 donation towards materials.
For more details and an informal chat, call Jan on 07702 165717 or email janhedger7@googlemail.com