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Samantha Paul ’14 Austin, Texas


Water Resources Engineer at HDR, Inc.

M.E., Water Resources Engineering, Texas A&M University

B.S., Geological and Earth Sciences, Texas A&M University

I became a civil engineer because I have a passion for serving the public good. Civil engineers contribute to society by applying the principles of science and math to planning, construction, and maintenance of the seen world. I am inspired to see plans I created from scratch become tangible (bridges, dams, roads, etc.). I value my industry because we prioritize people over profit. As civil engineers, we are guided in all our relations by the highest standards of honesty and integrity, because ultimately, we have the public holding us accountable. Integrity is an integral part of what I do because it guides my everyday decisions. I am responsible for advising my clients whether or not I, under my engineering oath, believe the project will be successful. Ultimately, the biggest obligation as a civil engineer is to treat all with dignity, respect, fairness, and without discrimination.

Justin Light ’05 Fort Worth, Texas

Assistant General Counsel at Ben E. Keith Company

J.D., Dedman School of Law, Southern Methodist University

B.A., Business Administration and Communication Studies, Austin College

I have always viewed the legal field as a service-driven industry and moving to a customer-focused industry at Ben E. Keith has been a natural transition. Service has been a bedrock value at All Saints’ and has continually guided me. Advocating for my company also means advocating for our customers, which requires trust and honesty on all sides, even when not convenient. While differences will arise, establishing and maintaining respect among both my co-workers and customers allow us to find the common ground to bring food to the plate and drinks to the table to ultimately meet our objectives.

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