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CHAIRMAN'S WELCOME Stuart Bonser gives his latest thoughts ahead of tonight's match

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Good evening and welcome to tonight’s game against Stapenhill FC and may I extend a warm welcome to the players, officials and supporters of Stapenhill FC and hope we all enjoy a good game.


As you will see this programme is dedicated to Eric Avins who sadly died on Saturday 28th August. This cane a s Shute shock to Erics family and our thoughts are with Karen, Robbie and Mollie during this very difficult time for them.

We felt, as a club, that it was appropriate to use tonight’s game to join in our thanks for Eric’s life as he played a role in both clubs. We will start this evening with a minutes applause for Eric and we are joined tonight by his son and best friend Robbie who followed in his dads footsteps to manage at Ashby Ivanhoe Football Club.

There are a few pictures of Eric’s time with Ashby Ivanhoe Football Club in tonight’s programme along with words from the club president and personal friend and Richard Waldrum who is the Chairman of Marlborough Rovers who again Eric was involved with and Richard shares his memories in his notes.

I am sure those of you who are here tonight that knew Eric will have your own personal memories and I’m sure there all filled with what a great fella Eric was and one that knew his football too.

The family have confirmed that Eric's funeral will be held on Tuesday 21st September at 10:30am Bretby Crematorium.

Let’s all have our own memories of Eric tonight and don’t forget his commitment to the game will live on forever.

Enjoy the game and RIP Eric.

Ps – if you are visiting the ground by car please DO NOT OBSTRUCT the junction to Cambrian Way by parking on the grass/path verge as this is both dangerous and you could get a fixed penalty notice from the Council and or Police.

Find us at 84 Smisby Road, Ashby De La Zouch. LE65 2JL 84 Smisby Road, Ashby De La Zouch. LE65 2JL. Customer parking at rear of building

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