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Icarus Coworking
Many of you may remember the story of Icarus and his father Daedalus from Greek mythology. Daedalus built a labyrinth to contain the Minotaur and was then imprisoned by the King so no one would learn of it. He gathered feathers and built two sets of wings, using wax to hold the feathers in place, and he and his son escaped their prison by flying away. Icarus, however, did not heed his father’s warnings and flew too close to the sun, melting the wax holding his feathers together and fell to the sea and drown. For many people, the moral of this myth is do not reach too high, stay grounded and comfortable where you are. For others, the story is a tragedy. Amanda Chils never thought of Icarus as a story about the dangers of flying too high - she came to see it as a story of the human condition (wouldn’t you also test your limits when granted ultimate freedom?) She thinks it is a perfect analogy for chasing freedom and the importance of testing inventions. Pursuing freedom means that you may sometimes fail, this requires both wild courage and the ability to manage risk - something entrepreneurs know all too well. “We reimagine the story of Icarus as a reminder that soaring and experiencing freedom, that daring to take risks in and of themselves is not the problem, they are worth risking everything for. But we take heed to the warning to test our inventions and remember that freedom with no boundaries can be dangerous.” Amanda Chils grew up in Florida. She moved to North Carolina in February 2014. She searched the entire state for over two years for a farm to purchase to launch her equine therapy business before settling in Asheboro, and now runs a private practice therapy from her farm. Once she moved here, her mother and father soon followed and built a home on the land behind her, and they now manage the farm together. Connecting people is one of her strengths, and one of the reasons she is opening Icarus, so she can help businesses and entrepreneurs support each other. With that in mind, she wants to create a space that will help entrepreneurs reach their dreams, and also provide a comfortable, creative space for nomadic workers. She wants to offer an environment that is conducive to work but will not make you want to stab your eyes out from boredom.

Amanda purchased the dental building on the corner of N Cox and Ward Streets in 2020. With her father Amado managing the project and working with a general contractor, she has seen her vision come together over the past few months. “It’s been cool to build this with my Dad. We designed it together, made some changes to the layout of the original building, rewired and updated the building since that hadn’t been done since the ‘70s. We laid a new floor, opened up some spaces and enclosed others.” Amanda is looking forward to opening on May 1st. She intentionally designed the space to support and inspire business owners and remote workers to do their best work. Icarus Coworking offers several private unfurnished offices (furnishings can be provided at an additional fee) that can be rented on a monthly basis with all the perks that come with that – 24/7 access to the building, high speed internet, mail service, printer/fax/copier, conference room, and coffee, tea, and healthy snacks in the kitchen area. There are two small, soundproofed rooms – one for important phone calls and the other is a recording room where you can record videos or podcasts for YouTube, Instagram, or Facebook or webinars. In addition to the basic amenities that come with your office rental, you have access to a rolodex (I know, look it up if you do not know what that is!) of mentors, business coaches and also other members

that you can call for advice on a variety of topics. She plans to hold quarterly seminars and events just for members, the website has a members-only forum where you can post a question and have others answer it, and she has designed all of this to share knowledge, maximize collaboration and spark innovation. If you do not need an ‘office’ Icarus offers memberships to people who just need a place to set their computer down and work for a few hours. Amanda does not want anyone to feel they have to “go it alone.” Entrepreneurship, while extremely rewarding, can be a very lonely road and she wants to have a space where people can come together and ask questions, learn from others on the same path, and maybe avoid costly mistakes while gaining valuable insight. “I love entrepreneurs! The level of bravery and low-key insanity it takes to start your own business – that’s my kind of people. Icarus is curated to get your brain in a

flow state, to be both inviting and ‘hella’ comfortable. In short, it's a vibe.” To learn more about the Icarus Coworking space, visit the website at www.icaruscowork.com or stop by the new space at 181 E. Ward Street, in Asheboro and check it out in person.