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Community News
Picture it: Your high school days in a rural town on a Saturday night. Where are you going? Chances are you piled into a car and rolled out to a random field to party with your friends. We want to recapture that feeling! The Linbrook Heritage Estate has the field, we have the beer, and the bands are coming out to play just for you. No need to head to SXSW or Woodstock, we've got you set. Bands of every genre with fans from all over the country are going to be on our main stage and we're hosting some of your local favorites on our hometown stage. Through your ticket purchase. you will be a part of what might be the largest single donation to United Way of Randolph County! We're focusing on giving to the local nonprofits that serve this community and the people within it while having the time of our lives. This event has ensured disability accessibility. Four Saints Brewing Company, United Way of Randolph County, and The Heart of NC are bringing these artists to you on November 5 from 2-11 p.m. at the Linbrook Heritage Estate located at 5297 Snyder Country Rd.; Trinity, NC 27370. • Chatham Rabbits a regional band who recently was the subject of a PBS television Series On the Road with
Chatham Rabbits will be headlining with their full band! • Leilani Wolfgramm is a singer, songwriter, and guitarist with Tongan roots from Orlando, Florida. Three years ago she started playing alongside her brothers, Zech and Nasur in their reggae band, Hor!zen. Now a solo artist Leilani tours all over the world and writes soulful yet joyous music which she will be performing acoustically on the field day fest stage. • Native Nashvillian, Tommy Prine, is a singer-songwriter who captures the human experience through his lyrics and melodies. Drawing from personal experience, he touches on topics of loss, love, insecurities, and finding significance in the seemingly insignificant. Son of the late John Prine, Tommy has a wonderful catalog which includes some of his dads hits! Ticket Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/ myevent?eid=402499826817 Event Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ events/1159460411584506 Event Website: https://www.foursaintsbrewing.com/fieldday-fest/

Randolph Community College students and staff, and representatives from the State Employees’ Credit Union (SECU) gathered Thursday, Aug. 25, in the JB & Claire Davis Corporate Training Center on the Asheboro Campus as the SECU presented the College with $18,000 in Bridge to Career Scholarships. Acting President Elbert Lassiter opened the ceremony. “This gives us an opportunity to say, ‘Thank you,’ to the state credit union,” he said. “Through the years, the credit union has been a provider of scholarships for our students. Normally when we have scholarships, it’s firstcome, first-served, but we put a lot of time and effort into thinking, ‘What is the best use for this money?’ And we thought about the credit union — you’re there for your customers’ financial needs. So, we decided to designate these scholarships to areas that do a public service — law enforcement, EMT, medical coding — people who leave that program and serve people within our community. We’re so thankful for the commitment that you’ve made.” Lassiter then introduced the guest speaker, Justin Collins, a recipient of one of the BTC Scholarships and Class Leader of RCC’s 89th Basic Law Enforcement Training class. “I greatly appreciate the opportunity given and awarded to me — the scholarship to fulfill my dream of being a deputy,” he said. “I’m employed here in Randolph County with the Randolph County Sheriff’s Office, and I’ve been assigned to the drug division. It’s been rewarding. It’s been eye-opening, too. I couldn’t have done it without the scholarship. I appreciate it.” SECU Vice President Marcelo Pariz then introduced the members of the SECU who attended —Dana Nance, Asheboro Advisory Board Member; Kendra Adams, Senior Vice President; Spencer Henderson, Vice President/ City Executive; Isaac Snyder, Investment Advisor; Cherie Bunting, Specialty Member Advisor; and Debbie Maness, Assistant Branch Manager. Nance then spoke before presenting the check. “Since this program was established, it’s been great to watch it grow and succeed,” she said. “Scholarships are currently offered to all 58 community colleges in North Carolina, and we’re pleased to see the impact on higher education across the state. The Bridge to Career Program has become an essential piece of our foundation, filling the gap with support for individuals seeking a job in a trade industry or enhancing their education with new
Members of the State Employees’ Credit Union (SECU) present a scholarship check to Randolph Community College during a ceremony Aug. 25 in the JB and Claire Davis Corporate Training Center on the Asheboro Campus. Pictured from left to right are Kendra Adams, SECU Senior Vice President; Marcelo Pariz, SECU Vice President; Dana Nance, SECU Asheboro Advisory Board Member; and Elbert Lassiter, RCC Interim President.

skills to advance their career. This directly aligns with MyFutureNC’s goal to ensure that two million North Carolinians have a post-secondary degree or credential by 2030.” RCC Dean of Workforce Development and Continuing Education Randy Gunter closed the ceremony. “We certainly appreciate your support of our students,” he said, addressing the SECU employees. “You are truly breaking down barriers and making things smoother for the students. To the students, we look forward to working with you in your classes, and we wish you so much luck in your studies. If there’s anything that we can ever do here at the College, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.” Students receiving scholarships (under area of study) were: Basic Law Enforcement: Justin Collins, Christian Councilman. EMT Basic: Aaron Passmore. Health & Wellness Coach: Kengela Fryar. Medical Coding: Anna Blackwell, Deanna Blake, Angela Brown, Tanisha Graves, Gwen Hager, Kelly Jennings. Medical Terminology: Orletta Fasion, Tammy Hayes, Dorthea Leach, Brittany Sykes. MIG Welding: Lucas Hamrick, My’keyrio Parker. Pharmacy Technician: Aniyah Bethea-Cochrane, Heather Spinks. Therapeutic Massage: Jessica Kearns, Meagan Lamb. Veterinary Assistant 1: Pamela Hedgecock, Kaitlyn Morgan, Brianna Peterson, Elizabeth Turner.

Lassiter, Meagan Lamb, Jessica Kearns, Angela Brown, Dorthea Leach, and Collins.
Members of the SECU, along with RCC staff and students with the check.
TThe Randolph Community College Board of Trustees have chosen Vice President of Workforce Development and Continuing Education Elbert Lassiter as Acting President for the College while the search for a permanent president is underway. The State Board of Community Colleges has granted temporary approval of this appointment, with formal action to be taken at its upcoming August meeting. Lassiter has been instrumental in shoring up RCC’s role in training a skilled workforce for the Toyota battery manufacturing plant - set to be built on the GreensboroRandolph megasite. He also has worked closely with Sandhills and Central Carolina community colleges as the trio collaborates to offer a truck driver training course. Lassiter is a Regional Supervisor with Officials for the North State Association where he oversees the recruiting and training of football officials for more than 80 high schools in a 16-county area. He also is on RhinoLeap’s Board of Directors, having served on the boards of the Asheboro/Randolph Chamber of Commerce, Randolph Hospital Board of Trustees, the Boys & Girls Club, United Way, and the Partnership for Children.

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