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On Thursday, June 15, 21 AHS students participated in the District C Teamship Pitch Event where their teams proposed their solutions to the business partners and answer questions in a live in-person workshop. Over the course of four days, these students had the opportunity to work with local businesses, Klaussner Industries and Randolph Health, to understand a problem presented by these businesses and to come up with a solution to present to the businesses, community stakeholders, school partners, and parents.
The District C Teamship program is designed to give students a reimagined internship experience where they spend four days working in groups to solve real business problems for local businesses. During the program, the students are put into diverse groups, they interview their business partners to better understand the issue at hand, solve and test their solutions, and then present their final solution to their business partner and among their peers.
“It was very uplifting to engage with a group of young people who are gonna be the future of our country,” said a business partner from Klaussner Industries.
I really liked District C because it taught me more business skills than I initially thought I had” said Will, a rising junior at AHS stated. Another student, Stephanie, stated that she “did not know how in-depth and great” the program would be and that it has networked her with people in her community and enhanced her presentational skills. An echo among the students was gaining the skill of working in groups, which can be challenging even for adults.
These students are able to put this experience on their resumes, in cover letters, and even refer to it in interviews as a unique learning experience with business coaching and with local businesses.
About Asheboro City Schools
Asheboro City Schools is a medium-sized school district in North Carolina, serving approximately 4,700 students at eight schools and one five-star Early Childhood Development Center. The district’s mission is to graduate responsible citizens who are prepared to succeed in higher education or the career of their choice. For more information, visit the district’s website at http://www.asheboro.k12.nc.us/.