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Heaven Sent Private Care, LLC I Love Loving People!
Treasure World, Inc. Celebrating 40 years!
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16 12 21
06 Business Buzz
departments Community News 11 Casino Night at Santosha Yoga to Benefit the Randolph County Family Crisis Center 25 3rd Annual Randolph Treasures W.I.S.H. Society
16 ParkLiner: Take Me Somewhere Fun!
Zoo Zeal 24 Planned Giving at the NC Zoo
Ask the Expert 10 Your Teeth 14 Yard Pests 26 Your Health
28 Express Employment Wins Inavero’s Best of Staffing Client Award
4 | Archdale & Trinity Magazine - Issue 17
features 06 Treasure World Celebrating 40 Years! 12 The BEE CAUSE Project 21 Travel Feet: Jonesborough, Tennessee
archdale & trinity M AGAZIN E Issue 16 Publisher Sherry Johnson
Dear Readers,
We are working hard to bring you fun and interesting stories about what’s going on here in the community and
Advertising Sales
we need your help. If you have a great idea for an article, please feel free to email me and share it! If you have always wanted to write, contact me about your ideas and we would love to publish your article about a local event, person, place or time in history. Treasure World, Inc. is celebrating 40 years in business. A family owned and operated business, they offer an array
Sally Carre Contributors Jane Murphy, Micki Bare Dr. Keith MacDonald, DDS
of services, including fast cash loans and a convenient utility paystation. If you haven’t had a chance to stop in, check out their store on Hwy 64/E Dixie Drive in Asheboro. Starting this month, we have added a new feature Travel Feet, which will highlight local events and places to visit within a 300 mile radius of Randolph County. This month, our traveling writer brings you to Jonesborough, TN and offers some great tips on travel and also some wonderful stops along the way. I hope that you enjoy the magazine as
Archdale & Trinity Magazine is published by Asheboro and More Marketing, Inc. Any reproduction or duplication of any part thereof must be done with the written permission of the Publisher. All information included herein is correct to the best of our knowledge as of the publication date. Corrections should be forwarded to the Publisher at the address above. Disclaimer: The paid advertisements contained within Archdale & TrinityMagazine are not endorsed or recommended by the Publisher. Therefore, neither party may be held liable for the business practices of these companies.
much as we enjoy bringing it to you each month. We have many great stories and articles lined up for the next few months, so make
© Asheboro & More Marketing, Inc. 2014 P.O. Box 1369 • Asheboro • NC • 27204 (336) 698-3889 • GandG asheboro mag.pdf 1 4/21/14 12:10 PM
sure you pick up your copy of the magazine each month to stay informed of what’s happening in C
your community. Thanks for reading!
K | 5
Treasure World, Inc. Celebrating 40 years!
eo Hammer grew up in Asheboro. After high school he joined the Coast Guard, and was stationed in Massachusetts, where he met his wife, Ann. For Christmas in 1968, his dad sent him a metal detector. He thought it was kind of a cool gadget, and took it out on the beach to test it out. The first thing he ever found was a silver quarter and from there on - he was hooked! When he left the Coast Guard, he and Ann moved back to Asheboro. He entered into real estate with his dad and brother, who had a successful statewide business. After a while, Leo realized real estate wasn’t for him and he looked around for something else. He rented the old Phillips 66 Gas Station on Highway 64 from his father, cleaned out the garage bays, and opened Treasure World of NC. In the early days, he sold metal detectors and accessories to local enthusiasts. Metal detecting was just getting started in those days and many people enjoyed it because it was a fun hobby that could actually pay you back, sometimes handsomely! He spent the next three years building up a nice little business with the metal detectors, but he realized that it was going to be a finite market and would reach saturation with no room to grow. A friend suggested he look into selling hand guns. He had never owned a gun, so he began to research the subject to learn more about firearms. 6 | Archdale & Trinity Magazine - Issue 17
He enrolled at Guilford Technical Community College and completed courses in Law Enforcement through their BLET program. At the time, he thought he might want to go into a career in law enforcement, and became a reserve deputy under Sheriff Carl Moore in Asheboro. While taking additional courses at GTCC, he handled many firearms and became more familiar with them. In 1983 he hired Eric McNeill. Eric was a very knowledgeable gun enthusiast and after 31 years of employment and now over 100,000 guns sold Corporate Officer, McNeill, proved to be ‘right on target’ for the company. However, guns sales alone were not going to provide the cash flow needed to maintain and grow profitability. With a growing family at home, Leo needed to increase company profits. He surveyed other options. A local pawn shop had opened two years before, just north of Asheboro. Leo determined that this type of business could be the answer as well as being a service to the community. He began visiting the many pawn shops in Fayetteville to buy items to stock the shelves of the store so when people came in, there would be merchandise to purchase. The company was blessed in those early years, and every extra penny made was put back into the business. They were lean years, but Leo trusted that it would pay off down the road. There was an adjacent area in the store where jewelry
by Sherry Johnson Photos by Donna Allen
business was conducted. It was quickly realized that discount jewelry sales could be a larger part of the business. They expanded the jewelry section --constructing a completely separate entrance to provide a comfortable feeling detached from the pawn sales area. Approximately 11 years ago, Linda Thornburg was hired to manage a new addition to the pawn shop – a payment station for people to pay their Randolph Electric bills. They
currently accept payments for many local companies which makes it very convenient for their customers. Payments may be made for Direct TV, Belks, Piedmont Natural Gas, Dish Network, Time Warner Cable, Drive Time, Duke Energy and many others. About four years ago, sales were expanded to include posting hard to sell items on eBay. Often, people pawn things that do not have a large demand here in Asheboro and to reach a much broader audience eBay was the perfect solution. Son, and Corporate Officer, Christian Hammer, leads this department. “You never know what item might walk through the door next.” The most popular items people bring in to the store are guns and jewelry, but TVs, newer electronics, tools, guitars and other musical instruments also top the list of hot items. They once had someone try to pawn a used electric toothbrush, but they politely refused to accept it. A pawn shop really does serve the community! It provides small collateralized loans. 20% of Americans do not use any form of traditional bank or credit union If you find yourself short of cash, and just need a quick loan you can take items of value into the pawn shop and they will loan you money against the item. The interest rate is set by the state, and as long as you make monthly payments towards your loan, the 90 day contract renews indefinitely. If no payments are made within the contracted time, the | 7
ownership of the items reverts to Treasure World. In addition to loans, Treasure World will also purchase your item outright. They are legally required to hold it for 10 days. Pawn shops work closely with local, state and national law enforcement agencies to make sure that all items they handle are not stolen property. Less than 1% of all stolen merchandise in the United States will show up in a pawn shop. These days, everything is computerized so the minute something is entered into their system a copy of the item is sent to city and county agencies to compare to their list of stolen goods.
8 | Archdale & Trinity Magazine - Issue 17
The internet has made pricing items much easier. A quick internet search will determine the true value of most merchandise. Treasure World, Inc. belongs to several agencies that set standards for the industry, including the North Carolina Pawn Brokers Association and the National Pawn Brokers Association. It’s like having a Better Business Bureau rating in the world of pawn shops. They govern themselves within the industry, and make sure that they are adhering to the highest standards. Treasure World, Inc. is a bonded buyer of precious metals and diamonds. Your broken or unwanted jewelry is worth more than you think! Now is the time to turn it into cash. Contrary to popular belief and advertising claims, gold and silver prices fluctuate by the hour and a legitimate pawn broker will often top the large newspaper ads. Leo incorporated the business in the early 1980s, changing the name from Treasure World of NC to Treasure World, Inc. It’s a true family business. Leo and Ann’s daughters, Jennifer and Rachel, are both employed in the jewelry department, as well as assisting in other areas of the business. Their son, Christian,
has been employed since he graduated in 1992. Son-in-law, Kevin Leonard is Treasure World’s Office Manager. Eric McNeill’s wife, Lori, also works in jewelry and their son, Grayson is the company’s Floor Manager. Most are long term employees with 10 to 20 years. Recent employees added to the ‘team’ are Josh Thayer and Ever DePaz. “It’s been a blessing that everyone that works here shares the same Christian values that we do. If you have good people, they work hard for you and are extremely trustworthy.” Celebrating 40 years in business this year, Treasure World, Inc. is possibly the only building on Highway 64 in Asheboro that has been in continuous operation by the same owner since it started. With TV shows like Pawn Stars and Storage Wars bringing “treasure hunting” new life, pawn shops have enjoyed a rise in popularity once again. You can find just about anything you are looking for at Treasure World, Inc., located at 823 E Dixie Drive, Asheboro. The Treasure World family looks forward to serving you!
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Ask the Expert-Your Teeth
The American Dental Association is now recommending fluoride toothpaste be used on children’s teeth as soon as they emerge.
New Recommendations for Pediatric Oral Healthcare
ental decay is the most common chronic childhood disease. More than 16 million children in the United States alone suffer from untreated tooth decay, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As more and more children develop cavities, new advice is being offered to those who care for young children’s emerging and established teeth. The American Dental Association’s Council on Scientific Affairs has updated its dental care guidelines for caregivers. While it was once recommended to use water only or a nonfluoride toothpaste to clean teeth of the very young, the CSA now recommends the use of fluoride toothpaste even for young children, saying parents and other
caregivers should brush their kids’ teeth with fluoride toothpaste as soon as the first tooth comes in. “Approximately 25 percent of children have or had cavities before entering kindergarten, so it’s important to provide guidance to caregivers on the appropriate use of fluoride toothpaste to help prevent their children from developing cavities,” said CSA chair Edmond L. Truelove, D.D.S. The CSA recommends that caregivers use a smear of fluoride toothpaste (or an amount about the size of a grain of rice) for children younger than three years old and a pea-size amount of fluoride toothpaste for children between the ages of three and six years old. The updated guidelines are intended to provide children with the full benefit of cavity protection while limiting their risk of developing fluorosis, which is
a mild discoloration of teeth usually appearing as faint lines. The CSA found that using just a “smear” of toothpaste for children younger than three years old and a pea-size amount for children between the ages of three and six helps to prevent cavities and is less likely to cause fluorosis. Children should spit out toothpaste as soon as they are old enough to do so. Caregivers also are urged to take their children to the dentist when the first tooth erupts or no later than a child’s first birthday. Semiannual or annual visits thereafter should be the norm, or as directed by a dentist. Oral healthcare is important for people of all ages, including very young children with cavities. Learn more about preventative oral care by visiting
DR. KEITH MACDONALD, DDS Visit us at www.Dentalimplantsnc.Com or please call Dr. Macdonald for a consultation.
9924 Highway 311 S. • Archdale, NC 27263 336-434-3186 10 | Archdale & Trinity Magazine - Issue 17
Community News
Casino Night at Santosha Yoga to Benefit Randolph County Family Crisis Center
n June 20th, 2014. Santosha Yoga studio and the second floor of the Mill will be transformed into the floor of a Casino, bigger and with twice as many tables as last year! I know you won’t want to miss the party this time around, so mark your calendars now, and make your promises to have fun and make a change in our community at the same time! Professional dealers coming in from Raleigh will set up Craps, Black Jack, Roulette and Poker tables. There will be Sassy and Classy Cocktail Waitresses (some very special new guests this year) serving the players heavy hors d’oeuvres and beverages. Live jazz will float throughout the 2nd level of this beautiful building, setting the perfect mood for a fun night of fundraising for your local Family Crisis Center! Brush off your tux and freshen up your evening gowns, this is going to be Classy! (Dressing up is optional but appropriate!) The FCC saves lives. The Family Crisis Center was founded in 1978 by a group of area women as a battered women’s shelter called Women’s Aid and has since grown to include:
• 24-hour crisis hotline • Transition counseling for women preparing to leave the shelter • Mentoring program for children ages 8 – 12 There are a few handfuls of people doing really good work in this organization, run by Executive Director Dare Spicer and I want to help them out. Will you help me help them? Please join us on June 20th to show you are concerned about local domestic violence and want to support the Center’s efforts! Tickets are on sale now, you can go to …… order yours! We are also looking for sponsors – would you or your business consider sponsoring one of the tables or one of our personalities and help make our benefit a success! We are accepting prizes that people can win with their chips at the end of the night. We ALL benefit when we reduce local domestic violence in our community! Be the Change~And Thank you~
jacquie Reininger, Santosha Yoga
• Two residential shelters – one in Asheboro; one in Archdale • Parenting classes twice a week (English & Spanish) • Protective order assistance • Victim Support Groups twice a week (English & Spanish) • Abuser treatment programs • Rape Victim companions • Children’s programs • Extensive community education programs • Court Advocacy programs • Resale store (clothing & home goods) in Asheboro • Crisis & therapeutic counseling • Bilingual advocates | 11
Feature by Micki Bare
ed Dennard and Tami Enright are master beekeepers working diligently to educate communities about the importance of honey bees in the ecosystem. Per their website, thebeecause. org, the mission of their non-profit is to “Stimulate curiosity in young people about the importance of honey bees in our lives and the need to understand and embrace them and to care about their well-being through the installation of beehives in 1,000 schools.” Their organization, called The Bee Cause Project, works with the Savannah Bee Company as well as two other corporate sponsors, Fuzzco and Whole Foods Market. Since its inception, the project has installed hives in schools in Tennessee, Georgia, and South Carolina. Tami Enright, executive director of the project, explains, “Our goal is to install bee hives in 1000 schools in Southeast, with plans to eventually expand nationally. The Table Farmhouse Bakery, on Church Street in Asheboro, is now selling jars of The Bee Cause Honey. Owner Dustie Gregson stocked Savannah Bee honey
12 | Archdale & Trinity Magazine - Issue 17
in the market area of her restaurant last year. “When I looked into stocking the honey again, I discovered the project,” explained Dustie. Her vision is for the project to expand into North Carolina with the support of our local community. She would like to see The Bee Cause Project beehives installed in Asheboro and Randolph County area schools. According to Ms. Enright, Savannah Bee Company as well as her non-profit project pay the full cost of beehive installations. There is no cost to the school to receive a hive. What is expected once a school accepts a hive is for students and families to participate in fundraising to pay it forward. The pay-it-forward model was designed to expand the program as well as provide communities with information about bees and their role in the ecosystem. Each installation, including coordination between The Bee Cause Project staff, the recipient school, and local beekeepers, as well as curriculum materials and support, costs about $2000. Some schools raise more than $2000, some less. “We have had schools in communities that
lack the resources to raise that much money plan events to share information and provide outreach about bees in their community in lieu of raising funds,” explained Ms. Enright. And while it began in elementary schools, The Bee Cause Project recently completed installations in two high schools. The project provides curriculum materials for pre-kindergarten through college and welcomes requests for hives from all educational levels. The Table does not make any money from sales of The Bee Cause honey. Rather, 100 percent of the money goes toward The Bee Cause Project. Knowing every jar you purchase at The Table supports the growth of the bee population, honey bee education and outreach, and the enrichment of local students makes every drop that much sweeter. And thanks to Dustie’s vision, our community is already ahead of the game paying it forward. Now we just need schools to step up and request hives. Public, magnet, charter, and private schools are all eligible to submit requests. Local area schools interested in receiving a beehive to enhance their science and math curriculums are encouraged to contact Tami Enright at or 703.400.4473. | 13
Ask the Expert - Yard Pests
Q&A With Mosquito Squad Q: Are Mosquitos harmful to my family? (what diseases do Q: How long does the treatment last/how often should we they transmit?)
A: More than just an annoyance, the mosquito is the
deadliest animal on the planet. Millions of people are killed by mosquito-borne diseases each year globally. In the US, we tend to be less aware of the deadly role mosquitoes play, but over 1,000 Americans each year experience serious illness or death as a result of a mosquito bite. With just one bite it can cause great havoc by spreading devastating illnesses like West Nile Virus, Encephalitis, Malaria, Chikungunya and even Heartworm in pets. Q: Are pesticides used in Mosquito Control harmful to people or pets? A: Mosquito Squad’s EPA registered product is people and pet friendly. Our class of products can be found in many household products like head lice shampoos, pet flea collars and sprays, and many agricultural applications such as standard treatments for fruit and ornamental plants. All we ask is that you make certain the treatment is allowed to dry, which is approximately 30 minutes after application. Once the product is dry, it does not rub or wipe off easily. Q: How long do Mosquitos live? A: In the right weather conditions, mosquito eggs can hatch in 1-5 days. And the adult female mosquito, famously known for biting and taking a blood meal, can live as little as 3 days and up to 100 days. Q: How high can mosquitos fly? A: The American Mosquito Control Association reports that in general, mosquitoes that bite humans prefer to fly at heights of less than 25 ft. 14 | Archdale & Trinity Magazine - Issue 17
have the yard sprayed
A: Our most popular service is the 21-day Barrier Spray
program. Mosquito Squad applicators treat standing water and any other potential mosquito breeding sites with larvacide to eliminate any existing larvae and to greatly reduce future mosquito hatchings. Then our applicators will treat key areas in your outdoor space to eliminate any adult mosquitoes and establish a barrier against any mosquitoes that enter your yard thereafter. Mosquito Squad will then return to your property approximately every 21 days to maintain the barrier against mosquitoes. ď‚™
$50 OFF INITIAL TREATMENT Ask about our Neighborhood Specials $50 OFF INITIAL TREATMENT Ask about our Neighborhood Specials
336.545.1729 burl i n g t on @ m osqui t
The Randolph County Department of Social Services is looking for loving, supportive families to serve as foster families for the children of Randolph County in need. We are focusing on homes for sibling groups, teenagers, and medically fragile children
If you are interested in becoming a Foster Parent, please contact the Randolph County Department of Social Services at 336-683-8062 to get more information on the requirements and training opportunities.
We want to be your neighborhood pharmacy
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Mon-Wed: 8 - 5 pm •Thurs: 7 - 2 pm Fri: 8 - 12 pm | 15
Business Buzz
by Sherry Johnson Photos provided by ParkLiner
Take Me Somewhere Fun!
handler Palethorpe is an outdoorsy guy. He loves nothing more than getting out in the woods, away from city lights and noise and camping by the fire, enjoying nature. When he got married, he and his wife went car camping or spent the night at bed & breakfasts, not sleeping on the ground, and when their children came along, that became problematic because the car was too small to sleep them comfortably and bed & breakfast establishments no longer wanted them with small children in tow.
16 | Asheboro Archdale &Magazine Trinity Magazine - Issue 42- Issue 17
Chandler, not wanting to give up his weekend trips, began looking at pop-up campers – but they took longer to put up than a tent. He looked at other options, including small campers. They purchased a camper in 2004, and Chandler immediately saw ways to improve it and make it better. He majored in Biology at Carolina, but his passion is design and engineering. Not being able to use something without trying to improve it, the first project he completed on his new camper was one his wife asked him to look into. The table that came with it had two positions – up or down. She wanted it to fold up and tuck out of the way. Once Chandler took at look at it and saw how he could improve the design, he went to work. He calls the new design The Magic Table - you can set it up as a half or full size table, folds it down into a bench during the day or a bed for sleeping at night, and best of all, it tucks out of the way when not in use. When he went to patent his new design, he realized that he wanted to manufacture the whole camper to go along with the table, and it would be different from anything else on the market today. He started in his garage by building a mock up of the interior he had in mind. He wanted a 6’2” man to be able to stand in the shower and not bump his head when he leaned over to rinse the soap out of his hair. The first camper Chandler owned, he actually had to get into the shower on his knees to fit in the small poorly designed space. He built the first camper out of wood, and then hired an auto body shop to make a mold out of fiberglass for the exterior of the camper. He | 17
put it on a trailer and proceeded to build the interior. Every detail he designed and redesigned, thinking outside the box for a lot of the details – using the interior of a boat for his inspiration. In June, 2011 Chandler opened Parkliner in the former Mineola Cotton Plant in Gibsonville. He hired a fiberglass expert who used to build mega-yachts for a living to build the exterior of his. In fact, all of his assemblers worked in high end companies and are extraordinary at their craft. He is passionate about supporting the local economy, and many of the items he sources for his Parkliner trailer come from local artisans and companies. He contracted Terry Boswell, of Boswell Welding & Fabrication to custom make the trailer that hauls the camper. A first rate welder and local Burlington business owner, Terry manufactures a sturdy chassis that holds the 2,300 lb. trailer easily. When he wanted custom cabinet doors built for the abundant amount of storage his camper offers, he looked no further than his next door neighbor in the mill, Closet Genie. Ed Susan’s company has a CNC machine that can precisely cut the wood to Chandler’s exact measurements. All the cabinet doors are made out of furniture-grade maple plywood to make them beautiful, durable and lightweight. The fabrics he suggests for covering the interior cushions of the camper are sourced from Sunbrella 18 | Archdale & Trinity Magazine - Issue 17
outdoor fabrics, which are woven just 10 miles up the road in Glen Raven. These fabrics are durable, easy to clean and stand up to years of use and he offers a wide variety of colors to suit any taste. Small space architecture has caught on with the upswing in the Tiny House Movement. 60% of Parkliner customers have a Master’s Degree or better, and that shows they are thoughtful people and careful where they spend their money. 25% of Chandler’s customers currently own or have owned a sailboat. The same quality is applied to the Parkliner spaces as a high end sailboat. When building the mold for the exterior, Chandler wanted to offer as much headroom as possible so people weren’t bumping their head or stooping as they walked around the interior. He used an anti-trolley top & fiberglass beams to provide amazing structural integrity. Roof vents and fixtures are concealed from side view for a sleek elegant look and allow a man 6’4” to stand in the camper with his shoes on and not bump his head. The body is lined with Astro-foil insulation covered with a special fuzzy wall lining to keep the interior warm or cool, just like in a fine boat or plane. An optional air conditioning unit can be installed under the dinette bench to keep the top aerodynamic and smooth. He designed the interior cabinets to be surprisingly spacious, with 21 linear feet of storage space, | 19
including an over the sink cabinet that is tall enough to hold a full size coffee maker. Even cabinets in the shower stall can hold small items such as towels, extra rolls of paper towels or toilet paper. The camper itself is twelve feet long, 82 inches wide and eight feet tall. A 3% curvature on the exterior design allows crosswinds to rollover the camper without making it sway when large trucks pass it on the highway, keeping it firmly on four wheels. The Parkliner is attractive, very affordable and best of all, maintenance free. Everything you need to get on the road and explore! Check them out at www. ď‚™
20 | Archdale & Trinity Magazine - Issue 17
Story & Photos by Micki Bare
My Sicilian great grandfather lived on three different continents during his lifetime. That just might be why wanderlust flows rampant through my veins. It is difficult for me to sit still for too long. That’s why I follow my feet on adventures whenever the opportunity arises. On my blog, Navigating Hectivity, I began chronicling some of my adventures under the title “Travel Feet.” The first Travel Feet blog described my adventures in Ecuador from the perspective of my feet. More recently, I decided to head down to Florida and meet up with my mid-western aunt and uncle who were winter vacationing in the Sunshine State. The resulting blog was entitled “Travel Feet: Snowbird Edition.” | 21
Travel Feet
Travel Feet: Jonesborough, TN
n the spirit of following our hearts and feet on new adventures, let’s stick our math compass pins in Asheboro, reach out 300 miles, and draw a circle. The parameter of our 300-mile radius only takes about half a tank of gas to reach. Our destinations, therefore, will require no more than a tankful of gas round trip. To begin, I decided to burn a full tank of gas by heading to Jonesborough, Tennessee. Of course, whenever you decide to burn a full tank, expect gas prices to rise before you head home. It’s one of those Murphy’s Laws of Travel. Thankfully, Tennessee offers fuel at a few cents less than North Carolina, so we went ahead and topped off the tank before heading home. But I’m getting way ahead of myself. Let’s rewind. This particular adventure was one on which Hubby accompanied me. Every now and again, it’s good to duck away from the predictable, rut-like routine with your significant other. Not that we always travel together. We’re not always so bold as to leave the pets and Grams in the care of our young adult sons. But we did for this adventure. Therefore, Hubby requested some time off and we made our plans. Rather than drive straight through, we selected a place along the way to rest and enjoy a picnic lunch. While a roughly three and a half hour ride does not require a stop, it adds to the adventure while also saving money. We packed cheeses, homemade bread, hummus, and fruit for the trip. The snacks in our picnic lunch paired well with the glasses of Montepulciano Riserva we bought after a wine tasting at Raffaldini Vineyards. We also picked up a couple of bottles for our getaway during our picturesque stop. Exit 267 off
My feet led us to a beautiful view of Raffaldini Vineyards & Winery 22 | Archdale & Trinity Magazine - Issue 17
Highway 421 is one of our favorite North Carolina exits. In addition to Raffaldini Vineyards, this exit also leads to the rest of the Vineyards of Swan Creek, some of the best on the Yadkin Valley Wine Trail. We arrived at our destination, Storybrook Farm Bed and Breakfast, in plenty of time to settle in, find a place for supper, and then relax on the second-story porch of the log cabin. Considering we are big fans of the ABC series Once Upon a Time, we could not resist staying at a B&B with a similar name and the tagline, “Where you are the author of your getaway.” The difference between this B&B and the television show is simple. The characters in Storybrooke want to leave but cannot. The guests at Storybrook Farm can leave, but, if given the choice, would not. We strolled along the 25-acre farm, fed our new horse friends, Chase and Molly, coaxed kisses out of my new love Christian, a 17-year-old llama, and thanked the chickens for their delicious eggs. We spent lots of time simply relaxing on the porch, enjoying the magnificent views of the Tennessee My feet had no cares in the mountains and a broad sky world while they relaxed at Storybrook Farm B&B. filled with puffy clouds and sparkling stars. We did not miss television or Facebook at all. It was the kind of relaxed that causes you to temporarily forget you have jobs, bills, and responsibilities. While in Jonesborough, we had to explore its historic downtown. As the oldest town in Tennessee as well as its notoriety as the storytelling capital of the world, there was much to see and learn. And while it would have been wonderful to simply plant our hind ends on the porch and rock away our cares overlooking Storybrook Farm, we would have missed out on quite a bit. And let’s face it, there is only so much you can write in a travel journal about sitting on the porch, even if your hubby is playing his guitar and your hosts made you homemade chocolate chip cookies that rock your world. We took lots of pictures in Historic Jonesborough. Our album of snapshots includes the Christopher Taylor House, a log cabin built in 1777, where Andrew Johnson lived from
1788-1789, as well as the International Storytelling Center, where storytellers from around the globe converge annually during the first weekend of October. While at the visitor’s center, we were encouraged to purchase tickets to hear Donald Davis in concert. He is a renowned storyteller who happened to be appearing in Jonesborough on one of the nights during our stay. The tickets were only $12 each. For such a modest price, we enjoyed an evening of animated, humorous storytelling that could rival a Bill Cosby concert. Before we could attend the evening storytelling event, we had to nourish our bodies with some local cuisine. That was the night we discovered, thanks to a suggestion from our B&B hosts, Scratch. Whenever my feet leave Asheboro, they do their best to steer me toward a locally owned restaurant I cannot experience back home or on the main box store business drag of Everytown, America. My feet are repelled like opposite ends of a magnet from chain
restaurants. Rather, they crave unique experiences. Scratch certainly offered a unique dining experience. It was a wood fire pizza place that offered a few price points, a list of sauce and topping selections, and several crust options. You could build your own pizza or you could order a “Trust.” A Trust was a pizza you allowed the pizza artisans to create for you. If there were options you wanted to opt out of while still allowing professional pizza artists to create something new and exciting for your palate, you could order a “Limited Trust,” which gave you the power to cross off the list any toppings you did not want on your pizza. This establishment did not offer alcoholic beverages to take the edge off of committing to a Trust for the first time. They did have an excellent selection of vintage soft drinks by the bottle. When we received our Limited Trust, any residual fears of ordering blindly melted away as the aroma hit our faces when Hubby opened the box. Our pizza, which included apple slices among lots of other delicious morsels, was incredibly delicious. To top off the experience, we were given a tour of the brick | 23
oven area and had the pleasure of meeting the pizza baker, who was a storyteller, as well. Scratch is my first official inductee to a new page on my Navigating Hectivity blog, called “Hole in the Wall Hall of Fame.” Our enchanting trip to Tennessee ended much too soon. In an effort to stretch our getaway out just a little more, we stopped in Winston-Salem on our way home. We arrived just after 4:00 p.m. on a Tuesday, which meant we could park for free on Trade Street and meander in and out of shops until dinner time. A leisurely, light supper at Finnigan’s Wake provided the perfect wrap up for our mini vacation.
• Plan your getaways on weekdays. Accommodation rates are lower, you don’t need to plan so far ahead to find accommodations, and there are fewer tourists, which means you get to mingle with the locals, who are quite interesting and informative. • Before heading out on a travel adventure, buy an inexpensive journal. During your trip, write about your experiences and collect mementos. After the trip, print some of the pictures for inclusion in the journal. Someday, your kids will happen upon your journals and realize you were an interesting person after all. • Find out where the locals eat and experience unique, locally-owned restaurant cuisine when you venture out. When visitors come to Asheboro, direct them to our town’s unique tastes and dining venues.
24 | Archdale & Trinity Magazine - Issue 17
n November 4, 2014, Make-A-Wish® Central and Western North Carolina will hold its second annual W.I.S.H., Women Inspiring Strength and Hope, Society Luncheon to honor 30 outstanding women in the Charlotte region for their career success, significant contributions to the community or their personal passion and/or commitment to Make-A-Wish. Inspired by the Society’s success last fall, Make-A-Wish is thrilled to introduce the W.I.S.H. Society to the Triad region where 20 women will be recognized during an inaugural Luncheon on October 21, 2014. ANDOLPH COUNTY SENIOR ADULTS The W.I.S.H. Society offers a unique opportunity to not ASSOCIATION will hold its third annual only network with other incredible individuals, but to also Randolph Treasures event on Saturday, August inspire women in our community to make a difference in 23, 2014 at its new home, 173 North Church St., the lives of local children who have been diagnosed with in Asheboro, NC from 9:00am to3:00 pm. life-threatening medical conditions, thus enriching their Time once more to raid the attic, barn or Grandma’s trunk lives with hope, strength and joy at a time they need it to find out what that “whatzit” really is! most. Honorees join forces with Make-A-Wish® to grant RCSAA welcomes members of the general public to the wishes of central and western North Carolina’s bravest, take advantage most inspiring children. The campaign culminates with the of the knowledge inspiring Honoree luncheon recognizing and celebrating the of local experts of accomplishments of each woman and their partnership in our furniture, art and mission. The woman who raises the most funding, granting sculpture, militaria, additional wishes, is named the W.I.S.H. Society Woman of coins, photos, prints, the Year. jewelry, clocks and For Triad Honorees, the W.I.S.H. Society will officially watches, textiles, “kick-off” with a cocktail social on September 9, 2014 to glassware, silver, pottery/ formally introduce the 2014 Honorees and other special porcelain, and dolls. guests. Charlotte Honorees and Alumnae will “kick-off” in Please do not bring toys similar fashion on September 11, 2014. We humbly invite you to nominate a friend, family and games, rare books, member, colleague or even nominate yourself to be an collectibles such as beanie Honoree and exclusive member of the W.I.S.H. Society. Call babies, comic books, 704.339.0334 or visit to learn how you Asian art or sports can get involved. Nomination deadline is May 1. memorabilia. Make-A-Wish® grants the wishes of local children The public is battling life-threatening medical conditions to enrich their invited to bring up to five lives with hope, strength and joy. items to be identified and provided with historical or general information about them. An admission fee of from $10 to $25 will be charged, depending on the number of items to be evaluated. All proceeds will benefit programs of the Randolph County Senior Adults Association, Inc. For additional information, please contact Bill Craig at the Asheboro Senior Center at 336-625-3389 or 1-800-2522899. Contact: Bill Craig, Randolph County Senior Adults Association, Inc., 133 West Wainman St. PO Box 1852, Asheboro, NC 27204-1852. Phone: 336-625-3389 or 1-800-252-2899.
R | 25
Expert-Your Health AskAsk thethe Expert - Your Health
Cold vs. Allergy: How Do I Know the Difference?
are released or produced, and some
t’s spring time and with the
as viruses or bacteria, but sometimes
beautiful flowers, green grass
the defenses aggressively attack usually unpleasant (and, in extreme cases,
and changing temperatures,
innocuous substances such as dust,
life-threatening) symptoms may be
also comes stuffy noses
mold, or pollen.
experienced by an allergy-prone person.
and sneezing. Sometimes
The immune system generates
An allergic reaction may occur
it can be difficult to determine if
large amounts of the antibodies called
anywhere in the body, in the skin, eyes,
symptoms are results of a seasonal
immunoglobin E (IgE), a complex
lining of the stomach, nose, sinuses,
cold or allergic reaction. Allergy is a
chemical weapon, to attack and
throat, and lungs - places where immune
physiological reaction caused when the
destroy the supposed enemy. Each IgE
system cells are located to fight off
body mistakenly identifies a normally
antibody specifically targets a particular invaders that are inhaled, swallowed, or
harmless substance as damaging to the
allergen - the substance that causes
come in contact with the skin.
the allergy. In this disease-fighting
Reactions may result in:
process, inflammatory chemicals like
• rhinitis - nasal stuffiness, sneezing,
Normally, the human body defends itself against harmful substances such
histamines, cytokines, and leukotrienes
THOMASVILLE MEDICAL CENTER Need help finding a physician? Call 336-476-2793 or learn more at
26 | Archdale & Trinity Magazine - Issue 17
nasal itching, nasal discharge,
Allergies can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender,
itching in ears or roof of mouth • allergic conjunctivitis - red, itchy, watery eyes
race, or socioeconomic status. Generally, allergies are more
• atopic dermatitis - red, itchy, dry skin
common in children. However, a first-time occurrence can
• urticaria - hives or itchy welts
happen at any age, or recur after many years of remission.
• contact dermatitis - itchy rash
There is a tendency for allergies to occur in families,
• asthma (airway problems such as shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing) Although hundreds of ordinary substances could trigger allergic reactions, the most common triggers - called allergens - include the following:
although the exact genetic factors that cause it are not yet understood. In susceptible people, factors such as hormones, stress, smoke, perfume, or other environmental irritants may also play a role. Often, the symptoms of allergies develop gradually over a period of time.
• pollens
Allergy sufferers may become so accustomed to chronic
• molds
symptoms such as sneezing, nasal congestion, or wheezing,
• household dust, dust mites and their waste
that they do not consider their symptoms to be unusual. Yet,
• animal protein (dander, urine, oil from skin) • industrial chemicals
with the help of a physician, these symptoms can usually be
• foods
prevented or controlled and quality of life greatly improved. Allergies can be controlled. To find out more, call the
• medicines • feathers
medical specialists at Pinnace Ear, Nose, Throat and Allergy
• insect stings
Center, 336-472-1300, to schedule an appointment or visit
• cockroaches and their waste
SYMPTOMS Runny Nose Sneezing Itchy Eyes Fever Aches & Pains Headache Cough Dizziness Hoarseness Recur at a certain time of year Need for antibiotics Warning time How long does it last
often often often never never sometimes sometimes sometimes sometimes often
often sometimes rarely often sometimes often often often often rarely
no symptoms occur after exposure to allergen As long as you are exposed to the allergen
no gets worse over several days usually 7 to 10 days | 27
Community News
Express Employment Wins
Inavero’s Best of Staffing® Client Award
xpress Employment Professionals announced that it has won Inavero’s Best of Staffing® Client Award for the fifth straight year. Best of Staffing®, presented in partnership with CareerBuilder, is the nation’s only satisfaction award that recognizes exceptional client service within the staffing industry. This year, Express has also been named an Inavero’s Best of Staffing® Diamond Award Winner for achieving the honor five years in a row. “Less than two percent of staffing firms in the U.S. and Canada have been named to the Best of Staffing List for Client Satisfaction,” said David Blalock, franchise owner of the Express Asheboro office. “We are proud and honored to be recognized for our customer service efforts in this way.” Staffing firms competing to make the Best of Staffing Client list underwent a rigorous client survey process followed by careful analysis of responses to determine satisfaction levels. Express received satisfaction ratings of 9
336-626-7511 28 | Archdale & Trinity Magazine - Issue 17
or 10 out of 10 from 73 percent of their clients, significantly higher than the industry’s average of 35 percent. “We are seeing more and more companies incorporate staffing services into their hiring strategies,” Blalock said. “Due to a shift in hiring strategies and increased demand for talented job candidates, companies who use staffing firms expect impeccable service more than they ever have before. And that’s what Express delivers.” Inavero designs and manages satisfaction surveys and analyzes feedback from more than 500,000 staffing firm clients and talent each year, and serves as the American Staffing Association’s exclusive research partner. The Asheboro Express office is a franchise of Express Employment Professionals and puts people to work. In 2013, the company generated more than $2.5 billion in temporary sales and employed nearly 400,000 people. Express ranks as the largest privately held staffing company in the United States.
131-F Dublin Square Road Asheboro, NC. 27203
BEST OF STAFFING WINNER Express Employment Professionals has been named as one of lnavero's 2014 Best of Staffing® Client Award winners and has also earned the 2014 Best of Staffing Diamond Award for achieving the highest service quality scores for five consecutive years.
BEST~ of FF;f'F
St ~JJillg® 1
HOW DID EXPRESS MAKE THE LIST? Presented in partnership with CareerBuilder, the Best of Staffing® Award provides the only statistically valid and objective service quality benchmarks in the industry, revealing which staffing agencies are providing the highest satisfaction to their clients. Following a rigorous client survey process, Express not only won this distinguished award again in 2014, but we were among only 12% of the 2014 Best of Staffing®winners that earned the 2014 Best of Staffing Diamond Award for outstanding client satisfaction for five consecutive years.
With more than 30 years of experience in staffing and human resources, Express is committed to helping as many people as possible find good jobs by helping as many clients as possible find good people.
Respecting People. Impacting Business.'"
lnavero's 2014 Best of Staffing® Client Award is presented by CareerBuilder.
Zoo Zeal
by Sherry Johnson Photos NC Zoo Staff
Planned Giving at the NC Zoo
he NC Zoological Society is a private, 501(c)3 non-profit organization that supports the conservation, education, research and recreation missions of the North Carolina Zoo. The NC Zoo Society funds Zoo programs that conserve wildlife, protect wild environments, conduct research and provide recreational experiences that strengthen the bonds between people and wildlife. The Society also funds Zoo programs that protect the well-being of animals that live in zoos or in the wild here and abroad. Russ Williams joined the Zoo Society in 1985 to run the private sector fundraiser for the North America project, and is now the Director of Planned Giving. “It’s been very nice to see there are a good number of families who support the Zoo through planned giving campaigns.” Russ said. The N.C. Zoo Society has been around long enough to have had families be members for 20, 30 and almost 40 years. Many families have left money to the Zoo Society in their wills. Sometimes it’s a specific amount, or % of their assets, and some have left the remainder of their estate
30 | Archdale & Trinity Magazine - Issue 17
after other specific gifts have been given out. As of 2012, over 295 families have pledged to leave money in some form or another to the Zoo Society for the preservation and conservation of the animals. One of the questions Russ asks when he meets with a potential donor is “Why Us.” The answers vary greatly. Some are obvious – they love animals, they came to the Zoo on a perfect day and had the best time and wonderful memories. They want to see that legacy continue for many years. In the 90s, Russ was contacted by a woman from Greensboro who was not a member of the Zoo, but wanted to learn more about its conservation efforts. He asked David Jones, N.C. Zoo Director to join him on the visit. They had a lovely afternoon at her modest apartment, located near the Arboretum and seven years later discovered she had left the Zoo Society $1.3 million to preserve the North Carolina habitat for its wildlife. One of the most surprising gifts the Zoo ever received was when Dr. Addison G. Magnum passed away in 2012. This Albemarle resident left the Zoo Society an office, three homes and their contents, cars and motorcycles. He wanted to leave something to the children of North Carolina. In 1988 the Society created the Lion’s Pride program, a way to thank families who have pledged to donate funds to the Zoo in their will. Lion’s Pride honors donors who have taken steps to ensure the Zoo’s future. The Zoo Society recognizes their generosity by presenting Lion’s Pride members with a commemorative lion and by inviting them to a private Lion’s Pride event each year. The meeting includes a behind-the-scenes tour for members and guests and offers them the opportunity to hear firsthand about the Zoo’s programs and plans. Your Lion’s Pride membership thanks you for the benefits your gifts will ensure tomorrow.
Another way you can help the Zoo is to purchase a bench in honor or memory of a loved one, or with your family name on it. If you have a favorite exhibit, you might request that the bench be placed near the observation area for that exhibit. Once the Zoo Society receives your donation or gift, unless it is earmarked for something specific, the Zoo Director and Society board will determine where the money is best spent on immediate needs and long term planning. Russ enjoys being the champion for the donor and he polices the “donor intent” to make sure the wishes of the donor are honored and followed to the letter. You can make a world of difference for wildlife and conservation by including the North Carolina Zoological Society, Inc., in your long-term estate planning. You should always consult a trusted financial and/or legal adviser before finalizing any estate plans. A planned gift to the North Carolina Zoological Society, Inc., allows you to sustain a lasting charitable relationship with the Zoo and its programs while addressing other aspects of your financial, tax and estate planning goals. And, your planned gift will solidify your connection with the Zoo Society by supporting the North Carolina Zoological Park and its contributions to wildlife and wild places —for now and for years to come.
If you are interested in learning more about planned giving and how it can benefit the Zoo, contact Russ Williams at 336.879.7252 and he can help you with: • Discussing gift plans that can benefit you and your family, • Discussing gift plans that can provide immediate and deferred tax advantages to you and your heirs, • Explaining how your gift can carry on the Zoo’s good works beyond your own lifetime and far into the future. The NC Zoo Society welcomes you into a family that shares your concerns for wildlife!
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Novant Health Pinnacle Ear, Nose, Throat and Allergy treat a wide range of head and neck conditions for
Robert N. Whitaker, MD
patients of all ages. With the addition of new physician, Mark Emery, MD, we now offer appointments Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m. -noon at our Thomasville location and MondayThursday 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. and Friday 7:30a.m.- noon at our Salisbury location. Mark T. Emery, MD
Novant Health Pinnacle Ear, Nose, Throat and Allergy Thomasville: 1213 Lexington Avenue
336-472-1300 Salisbury:
330 Jake Alexander Blvd. W, Suite 101 704-637-5668
Making healthcare remarkable