Archdale & Trinity Magazine - Issue 18

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It Never Rains on This Beach!

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18 12 22


departments Community News 26 Carri Hampton and Dean Wolfe Win 2014 Dancing with the Randolph Stars; BeneďŹ t Raises $200,000

Community ProďŹ le

18 Meet the Lewallens: Mike, Sabrina, Trevor & Kayla

Ask the Expert 14 Your Teeth 16 Your Health

4 | Archdale & Trinity Magazine - Issue 18


features 06 Sand Rulz - It never rains on this beach! 12

Randolph Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

22 Travel Feet: Carolina Lily, Salisbury, NC

archdale & trinity M AGAZIN E Issue 18 Publisher

Dear Readers, My favorite time of year is here! No matter how long it’s been since I attended school, I still get excited for the first day of summer vacation and the thought of those long sunny

Sherry Johnson

days stretched out ahead of me. Two whole months of fun in the sun, sand and water! If you can’t make it to the beach this summer, Sand

Advertising Executive

Rulz in Randleman offers you the beach right here at home.

Sally Carre

Beach volleyball, that is! Offering classes, private lessons,

summer camps and tournaments, it’s a lot of fun! Rain can’t even stop the action when you play indoor beach volleyball! Our traveling writer, Micki, takes us on a trip to Salisbury this month, to visit Carolina Lily, a delightful 1890s farmstead that has been converted to house wonderful

Contributors Micki Bare, Jordan Willis

shops and a restaurant. Set your own travel feet in motion

Dr. Keith MacDonald, DDS

and head towards Salisbury this summer to check it out for

Cullen Reilly, DPM

yourself. I am excited to announce that the Dancing with the Randolph Stars fundraiser beat last year’s record and raised over $200,000 - after expenses this will leave over $150,000 for scholarships for students attending RCC. We couldn’t have done it without the support of our community and I’d like to thank everyone who voted, donated and sponsored the event from all of us who participated we couldn’t have done it without you! Until next month, enjoy your your summer vacation!!


Archdale & Trinity Magazine is published by Asheboro and More Marketing, Inc. Any reproduction or duplication of any part thereof must be done with the written permission of the Publisher. All information included herein is correct to the best of our knowledge as of the publication date. Corrections should be forwarded to the Publisher at the address above. Disclaimer: The paid advertisements contained within Archdale & TrinityMagazine are not endorsed or recommended by the Publisher. Therefore, neither party may be held liable for the business practices of these companies.

© Asheboro & More Marketing, Inc. 2014 P.O. Box 1369 • Asheboro • NC • 27204 (336) 698-3889 | 5

It Never Rains on This Beach!

6 | Archdale & Trinity Magazine - Issue 18

SandRulz is a two-court indoor sand volleyball training facility located in Randleman. Co-owners Steve Elliott and Melissa Truhe opened the 10,000 sq. ft. facility located at 496 Pointe South Drive in the Pointe South Industrial Center in November. | 7


teve Elliott was born and raised in High Point. At the age of 16, he started playing volleyball against the Southern Guilford High School girls’ volleyball team. Their coach at the time thought it would improve their game if they played pickup games with the guys. He started playing in the local Greensboro Grass doubles tournaments with several local partners. He played USVBA for a couple of years, before he visited a friend in Wilmington and discovered beach volleyball. Since then, he now plays on sand as often as possible. Steve and his wife, Alicia have two girls, Carson and Samantha. He works full-time for ColorSpot in WinstonSalem, a local graphics company, and played co-ed volleyball to keep in shape with his friends prior to opening the new facility. Carson, 11, and her partner won 1st place in their age category in the Carolina Region Beach Tour and

8 | Archdale & Trinity Magazine - Issue 18

are invited to the Tour of Championships at Emerald Isle in July. Even though Samantha is too young to play, she loves hanging out in the sand box. Melissa Truhe grew up in Sophia, and has been playing volleyball since 1989. She started in 7th grade in Randleman and played all the way through high school. Her career at Randleman included all conference 1993, 1994, 1995 and she was named Student Athlete of the Year in 1995. Unfortunately, she was considered too short to make the team in college. She has been a hairdresser for the past 18 years at Ponderosa Beauty Salon, which is owned by her grandmother. She met her husband, Danny during softball season at Creekside Park in Archdale, and by the time volleyball season rolled around they were dating. She has always loved the game of volleyball and her daughter, Dakota, following in her mom’s footsteps, has been playing since

5th grade. She was 8th Grade MVP this year at Randleman Middle School. Her son Gage has started playing volleyball and has improved tremendously since Sand Rulz opened. Melissa and Steve met 15 years ago at Creekside, playing indoor co-ed volleyball leagues. They would see each together twice a week to play during season, and then run into each other when they were out with their families the rest of the year. Melissa was coaching a junior team in Randleman, and she asked Steve to assist her. His daughter Carson joined the team to learn the game. When her daughter Dakota aged off the team, Steve took over as coach. They often joked about putting a sand volleyball court in Melissa’s backyard, and one day Steve asked, “Why don’t we find a warehouse, throw down some sand, and start a business?” From that conversation, and the many contacts they had in the Randleman and Trinity area, Sand Rulz was born. Once they secured the warehouse space, and scoured it by hand top to bottom – they hired a sand and gravel company in High Point to bring in 13 dump trucks full of beach sand from Rockingham, over 180 tons! Each court has about 10 inches of deep white beach sand to play on. Sand Rulz opened in November, 2013. The reason they chose Randleman is it’s an easy drive from just about anywhere in the state. Being located just 45 minutes from Raleigh or 20 minutes from Greensboro/High Point/ Winston Salem, it has proven to be a great location for local

volleyball teams to practice and improve their indoor game and play in tournaments. The rules of beach volleyball are similar to indoor volleyball: a team scores points by grounding the ball on the opponents’ court, or when the opposing team commits an error or illegal action; and consecutive contacts must be made by different players. The major differences between the two are the court size – the indoor sand volleyball court is 52.5 feet wide and 26 feet long and you only have two or three players instead of six. Parents and spectators are allowed to cheer players on, but are not allowed to coach from the sidelines. In doubles beach volleyball, players can’t help but get better because it improves your ball control, jumping, quickness, and speed. Melissa and Steve go over the rules before each tournament to make sure everyone understands the differences. “If you are an indoor player and you are struggling, get in the sand and that’s where you learn,” Elliott said. “You have to pass more consistently, jump harder, and use more of your body. It can really help your indoor game.” Approximately 92 high schools in North Carolina currently have a beach volleyball program. On a weekly basis there are anywhere from 100 to 150 kids who play beach volleyball at Sand Rulz through private lessons, league play, classes, tournaments and open play. Families are encouraged to come out on Open Play and everyone gets into the action. Classes are geared to | 9

youth of all ages and skill levels. They teach kids from Kindergarten through high school. There are three weeks of summer camp still available, one in July and two in August. Registration for the fall classes begins in August as well. In addition to lessons and tournaments, you can rent the facility for private functions. Birthday parties have become a big hit and for $150 for one court, or $250 for the whole facility – it’s a great deal. You bring your own food and for two hours your kids can play volleyball and have a great time. It’s a great idea for corporate team building as well, if you are looking for something different to do with your co-workers.

10 | Archdale & Trinity Magazine - Issue 18

A small concession stand offers water, Gatorade, tee shirts, bumper stickers and other logo items, as well as a frozen yogurt cart provided by Nattie’s Frozen Yogurt in Archdale. There is even a lounge area for young children to play while waiting for their older siblings. The schedule for each week varies, depending on the tournaments and private lessons booked - check their website at or follow them on Facebook for up to the minute schedule changes. Steve and Melissa look forward to hosting you at Sand Rulz soon. It never rains on this beach! 

2Ke $1 Priz

e Purs

August 1 & 2 Downtown Asheboro, NC Asheboro will host Pigs & Pedals, the area’s first annual Kansas City Barbeque Society (KCBS) sanctioned barbeque cooking competition. Competitors will be vying for a $12,000 purse by cooking up chicken, pork ribs, pork and beef brisket.

For event information and registration forms go to or call 1-800-626-2672.

Pigs & Pedals will be held in conjunction with the fourth annual Criterium bike race, a competitive cycling event held in downtown. The weekend will also include local bands and a beer garden in Bicentennial Park. | 11


Randolph Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

by Jordan Willis Photos by Alyssa Murkin


et-lovers of Randolph County, rejoice! A dedicated group of volunteers are currently working to open the Randolph Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), which will work not only to save more stray animals, but to also help pets and pet-owners alike. This organization is being run by Gary Hall, Karen Hennis, Linda Knott, Rob and Dede Rese, Jacqie Stansfield, Ally Thomas, and Jan Williamson, all of whom live in the Asheboro area. I had the pleasure of meeting Gary, Linda, Jacqie, Ally, and Jan, as well as their well-behaved pooches – Rory, “Chewy” Louie, Glennie, and Molly – to talk about their vision. The RSPCA uses a three-pronged approach to help the community: they educate children about pets, offer a low-cost or free spay and neutering program for people in need, and will soon provide an uplifting adoption center where animals will be vaccinated, groomed, trained, and put up for adoption. They have been to various elementary schools in the area to teach second graders about treating animals with kindness and empathy. When Jan and Linda go to teach children, they bring their dogs in with them. “They’re great models,” Jan told me. “The animal-human bond is just so important to everyone, and kids get to see it firsthand. We want to bring these values of compassion, caring, understanding, and responsibility to the children, so they can learn to live in harmony with their pets and with other people.” Along with empathy, they also teach children to be wise and cautious around animals. The majority of dog bites occurs in males between the ages of six

12 | Archdale & Trinity Magazine - Issue 18

and nine, and is usually caused by family pets or dogs that live in the neighborhood. When children go to pet or feed the dogs, they can end up startling them, which causes the pets to panic and react by biting. “We teach bite prevention and responsible dog ownership,” Linda said. “We tell the kids to ‘Be a tree.’ If a dog comes up to you, you don’t run from it. You be a tree: Stand very still, look at your feet, and fold your arms (or ‘branches’) in. The kids love it, and it teaches them to be safe.” The RSPCA hopes to expand their education to other elementary schools and other grades in the near future. The organization also helps the community by offering low-cost or free spaying and neutering services to those in need. “People want to do the right thing, but they’re not always able to,” said Ally. “That’s where we come in to help.” Sign up days to have pets neutered or spayed are every other Saturday, from 10:00AM-12:00PM. People sign up then, and the animals are sent to a vet in Greensboro on Wednesday morning. The animals are then returned to Asheboro, and owners can pick up their fur babies then. The RSPCA also has an animal community food bank. “Some people have to choose between feeding themselves and their animals sometimes, so we have donations of food

that come in every so often,” Gary told me. “The community has been exceptionally generous, and people have been donating food regularly, so we can help the people in need. We can change things. We can’t help everybody, but we can help a few, and that’s what matters.” They hope to open up a kennel soon and turn a part of their building into an animal adoption agency. Though they will not be able to accept every cat and dog that is delivered to them, they will help as many animals as they can to the best of their abilities. “It’s going to be harder to do than most rescues,” Jacqie told me, “because we want it to be clean and beautiful and healthy for humans and animals. We’re going to have a lot of natural light and fresh air, with easilysanitized floors and a cheerful design that welcomes people and pets. It’s hard to do, but we’re going to do it.” If you want to help with the RSPCA’s vision of creating a safe, healthy, and loving community center for humans and animals alike, they have their Catwill-Dogwill thrift store at 300 W. Bailey Street, where all proceeds go to making this dream a reality. The store is open Fridays from 10:00AM – 3:00PM, and Saturdays from 9:00AM – 1:00PM. For more information about the organization, or to learn more about how you can help, visit the “Randolph Co. SPCA” page on Facebook, or call (336) 328-0077.  | 13

Ask the Expert-Your Teeth

How to Make Flossing Easier for Kids


t is well known that a combination of brushing, flossing and periodic dental checkups are essential to oral health. Some parents teach their children to brush thoroughly early on, even taking them for dental visits at young ages so youngsters can become acclimated to the dentist’s office. But flossing is one component of oral hygiene that may be overlooked because many kids simply don’t enjoy it. Flossing is one of those tasks that people understand they must do regularly, but many still do not. According to Humana Dental, flossing cleans bacteria and trapped food from between the teeth. Brushing only reaches the surface of the teeth, but floss is required to get into the small crevices to prevent bacteria from turning into plaque buildup. The American Dental Association recommends flossing at least once per day. It is far better to floss once a day and do a thorough job rather than several times a day and miss areas of the mouth by doing it quickly. Children should be urged to floss regularly in addition to brushing. However, flossing can be cumbersome for youngsters who have yet to develop the dexterity needed to manipulate dental floss. There are many products available and techniques that can be used to assist children with cleaning between their teeth. The following are some flossing tips for kids. • Begin the introduction to floss early. The younger children are introduced to floss, the more likely they are to embrace flossing as part of their oral hygiene routine. • Show visual proof of the benefits of flossing.

Oftentimes, children are more likely to respond to something they can see. Show pictures of dental decay and what occurs when proper oral hygiene is not followed. This may help make the concept of flossing more attractive. • Get the proper tools. Kids cannot floss unless they have floss products on hand. There are various age-appropriate flossers and types of dental floss available. Children may

DR. KEITH MACDONALD, DDS Visit us at www.Dentalimplantsnc.Com or please call Dr. Macdonald for a consultation.

9924 Highway 311 S. • Archdale, NC 27263 336-434-3186 14 | Archdale & Trinity Magazine - Issue 18

not be able to use dental floss properly because of a lack of dexterity. However, floss picks are much easier to hold and work between the teeth, particularly for kids with small hands. Floss should always be on hand, whether at home or when you go on vacation. • Let kids choose. Take kids down the dental aisle at the store and let them pick and choose which products they want to use. They may be more excited to brush and floss if they’re using something they picked out themselves. • Lead by example. Children will be more likely to floss if they see their parents flossing. That means adults should floss regularly and let their children watch and learn.

Benefits of flossing Removing bacteria and trapped food from teeth has a number of benefits. Bacteria can cause bad breath, but flossing and brushing helps to keep breath smelling fresh. Dirty teeth can lead to dental carries. Children may be more inclined to floss if they know they’ll be preventing cavities and avoiding potentially painful trips to the dentist. Plaque trapped between the teeth and along the gum line that leads to periodontal disease puts a person at a greater risk for heart disease. There are some studies that show bacteria from the mouth can end up in the bloodstream.  Attract Top Talent to Your Business With Our Employer Services Recruiting • Advertising • Screening • Evaluation

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Fall Youth League Registration in July Mention this ad and get a free SandRulz decal!

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Ask the Expert-Your Health


ummer activities, such as swimming or walking on the beach, usually are done while barefoot or wearing sandals. For people with diabetes, though, these simple activities can be dangerous. People with diabetes often have poor circulation and nerve damage in their hands and feet, according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA). They may not know when they have a foot injury and so are less likely to manage or treat the injury immediately. “By taking proper care of your feet, most serious foot health problems associated with diabetes can be prevented,” shared Cullan Reilly, DPM with Novant Health Pinnacle Orthopaedics. If you have diabetes, the following suggestions can help you to enjoy the summer months while still protecting your feet. 1. Maintain proper glucose levels. You should try to maintain a blood sugar level of 70 to 130 mg/dL before meals, and less than 180 mg/dL 2 hours after starting a meal, with a hemoglobin A1C level less than 7%. You can help do this through regular exercise; paying close attention to how often you eat and what types of foods you eat; using any medications you may require as directed by your doctor; and monitoring your blood sugar as often as necessary for optimal control. See your health care provider or nutritionist to develop a diet plan that works for your

THOMASVILLE MEDICAL CENTER Need help finding a physician? Call 336-476-2793 or learn more at 16 | Archdale & Trinity Magazine - Issue 18

needs and lifestyle. 2. Never walk barefoot. Due to diabetes increasing your risk of peripheral neuropathy, when you're at the beach, seashells, glass or ocean debris can puncture your skin and cause serious infections. Walking barefoot on a hot pavement or hot sand can lead to severe burns and infection. 3. Buy the correct shoes and socks. Your shoes should be a perfect fit. Shoes that are too big or too small can cause blisters or calluses, so make sure to have your feet measured each time you buy shoes. Adult feet usually change sizes four or five times during the course of a lifetime, and weight fluctuations, changes in weather, and poor circulation can change the shape and size of your foot. Wear soft, thick socks with no seams. Seams can rub and cause blisters . “Look and feel inside your shoes before putting them on to make sure there are no foreign objects” adds Dr. Reilly. “I recommend a three point inspection when buying shoes – 1.) Shoes should have a firm back called the heel counter if it compresses with pressure, it will not maintain your heel in the appropriate “neutral” position; 2.) Bend the shoes lengthwise to see where shoe flexes. The flex of shoe should occur just behind where the ball of your foot would sit in the shoe; 3.) Make sure shoe is comfortable immediately when trying them on. 4. Wash and inspect your feet daily.

Look at your feet every day before putting on shoes and after taking them off. Using a magnifying mirror can be helpful if you aren't flexible enough to see underneath the foot. Check between the toes and at the heel. Before putting on your shoes, look inside them for debris that may rub your feet. Even a small pebble or sand can create a sore that may not cause pain, but can lead to more serious infection if not treated promptly. “It’s important to have the doctor check both feet at each visit” explains Dr. Reilly. “People with diabetes must be fully aware of how to prevent foot problems before they occur, to recognize problems early, and to seek the right treatment when problems do occur.” 5. Use skin lotion to keep your skin smooth. Rub a thin coat of lotion on the top and bottom of your feet, but not between the toes. Excess moisture between the toes can lead to fungal infections.

6. Keep your toe nails trimmed. Cut them straight across and file the edges. Do not use sharp blades to cut your nails. 7. See a podiatrist regularly. During the summer months, your feet may be at risk for more fungal infections because of the heat and increased moisture. Your feet also may be at increased risk for calluses because of the change in summer footwear. Never try to remove corns, calluses, or warts by yourself. Over-thecounter products can burn or damage your skin. Sometimes this damage cannot be repaired. Your podiatrist can help you manage minor infections so they don't lead to serious complications. For more information or to make an appointment with Dr. Reilly, please call 336-475-0200, or visits us on line at 

The Randolph County Department of Social Services is looking for loving, supportive families to serve as foster families for the children of Randolph County in need. We are focusing on homes for sibling groups, teenagers, and medically fragile children

If you are interested in becoming a Foster Parent, please contact the Randolph County Department of Social Services at 336-683-8062 to get more information on the requirements and training opportunities.

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Communty Profile

Meet the Lewallens

Here in the heart of Trinity lives a fascinating family with an incredible hobby: Mike, Sabrina, Trevor, and Kayla LeWallen are award-winning sportsmen in Cowboy Mounted Shooting, the fastest-growing equine sport in the nation. 18 | Archdale & Trinity Magazine - Issue 18

Mike is the president-founder of Carolina Outlaws, the oldest club Cowboy Mounted Shooting club in the North Carolina, and was the 2013 World Cavalry Champion ; Trevor is the 2013 American Paint Horse Association Youth World Champion; and Kayla is the youngest professional sponsored shooter by Bianchi. The object of the sport is to shoot ten balloon targets while riding through various engaging courses. The rider carries two single-action .45 Colt revolvers and shoots black powdered cartridges called blanks. A bullet never fires from the gun, and the burning embers that fly out from the gun break the targets. “It is absolutely the most addicting sport I’ve ever played,” Mike told me as we sat in his kitchen. “It’s highaction. It requires good horsemanship, accuracy, and a lot of concentration. You have a lot happening at once, and the challenge is to maintain everything while still aiming for first place. It’s thrilling.” Unlike most equine sports, Cowboy Mounted Shooting is not judged. Sabrina told me that in judged sports, “your score is based on somebody’s opinion of how you look, how your horse looks, and how well they think you did. By basing the point system on time, it’s the speed of you and your horse, and your accuracy that sets you apart.” In the early years of Cowboy Mounted Shooting,

competitors were required to wear costumes, either in the style of Old West cowboys or military cavalry uniforms. Now all that is required is chinks or chaps, long-sleeved shirts, and cowboy hats; nevertheless you’ll still see men and women who maintain traditional outfits. There are men who will compete dressed like John Wayne, and there are many women who will favor Annie Oakley. There are different divisions in the sport for children and adults. There is the Wrangler Division for kids ages 2-10, where children ride their ponies around the track – usually led by their parents – with no shooting. The Wrangler Open Division is for children 10-12, where they ride their horses around the tracks, and then shoot their balloon-targets on the ground. They can either shoot the blank bullets from real guns, or they can point cap-guns and simply address each target by pointing and clicking. After age twelve, competitors shoot from horseback. From here they are divided into different divisions according to gender: Mens, Ladies, Senior Mens, and Senior Ladies. The former two are for people ages 12-49, and the latter two are for people 50 and over. Inside of these separate divisions are different levels of proficiency, which range from 1-6. For example, when a twelve-year-old girl joins the Ladies Division, she joins as an L1. In order to | 19

progress to the next level of L2, she has to have four qualified wins. In order to gain a qualified win, she would have to compete with at least three other women in the L1 division and have the fastest time and highest accuracy. In the LeWallen family, Mike is a M5, Sabrina is a L3, Trevor is a M4, and Kayla – who just recently turned thirteen – is a L1. Mike has participated in Cowboy Mounted Shooting events for the past eight years, and his family joined shortly afterwards. “I was the only one who shot for the first year, but then someone made the mistake of calling Sabrina a ‘groupie’ because she went around and didn’t shoot. The next thing you know, she was shooting, and then right after that the kids were involved in it. It’s been non-stop going ever since.” Despite this “non-stop going,” however, Mike and Sabrina both described the benefits of the sport. “I see it as a big stress relief,” Mike said. “We both work full-time jobs in sales, and we travel and have a lot going on constantly with work.” Above all else, Mike and Sabrina are thankful for the bonding this sport has brought to their family. “I feel so blessed that my family to and I can do something 20 | Archdale & Trinity Magazine - Issue 18

together that we all enjoy,” Sabrina told me. “Everybody in this family loves it because it’s a very involving sport. I think it’s made our family bond stronger than anything else could have.” The LeWallens travel with each other extensively to compete in multiple events across the country. They also spend vast amounts of time training together in their barn, where they have a practice arena set up. Once Trevor and Kayla come home from school, the whole family will usually go out and practice together. “Oftentimes, if we tell people the sport that we do and that our kids have shot a gun since they were four or five years old, they look at you like you’re terrible. But I know that if my children walk into someone else’s house and there’s a gun lying in the open, they’re not going to pick it up. They’re not going to be interested in it, because they’ve been around guns all of their lives. It’s all about healthy exposure.” One word of advice that Mike offers to those interested in Cowboy Mounted Shooting is that, while the sport is physically safe, it can be rough financially. He says not to make any rushed decisions in anything involved in this sport. “Don’t run out and buy the

horse, holsters, and guns that you think are perfect, because you’ll probably end up having to replace them if you don’t do your research.” He advises newcomers to contact someone who is experienced in this sport and let them teach you. “We’re willing to help anyone who wants to get

started as long as they’re willing to help themselves. We’ve helped others before, and we’ll help them again. People can reach out, and we’re willing to grab hold.” Sabrina and Mike’s contact information is available on the Carolina Outlaws Website - www.  | 21

Travel Feet

Carolina Lily


o you believe in fairies? Well, I was unsure until my Travel Feet found themselves about 50 miles southwest of home. Upon arrival at Carolina Lily, fairies seemed not only plausible, but also probable. Most North Carolinians are familiar with the quaintly historic city of Salisbury. It certainly has its share of worthy attractions. But have you ventured toward Spencer? You might already be aware that Spencer is home of the NC Transportation Museum, or as my boys called it when their poppy took them over a decade ago, the really neat train place. What my dad never noticed and I did not realize existed just all those cool trains, until recently, was the beautiful estate known as Carolina Lily. Five miles away, situated on the outskirts of Spencer— although with a Salisbury address—stands a circa 1890 farmstead known as Carolina Lily. The renovated house and shops are embraced by acres of majestic boxwoods and magnolias. The grounds also boast beautifully cultivated gardens that provide some of the fresh flavors included in the unique cuisine served onsite. But be sure to call ahead, as the perfectly adorable luncheon items are available by reservation only. 22 | Archdale & Trinity Magazine - Issue 18

Story & Photos by Micki Bare When my Travel Feet arrived, I had the pleasure of relaxing in a shady sitting area just outside the main house. It was there I enjoyed a delicious lunch, served beautifully in a garden hat. You can also order box lunches or a picnic in a pot, which comes in a terra cotta planter. All are accessorized with big, brightly colored faux flowers. And all include delicious foods and confections. While all the lunches are wonderfully delicious and include take-home keepsakes, I rather enjoyed the hat. My mom always said I had a great head for hats. And it was fun to walk around in my straw garden hat accented with its big orange flower. After emptying my hat of its delectable contents, which I washed down with thirst quenching, slightly sweetened peach tea, my Travel Feet began to fidget. It was time to wander around. They made their way to the shops, first. I asked Julie, one of our hostesses, if I could leave my things on the table while I explored. She said I most certainly could. Then she urged me to try the free samples she had just set out in one of the two boutiques. The renovated building was filled with lots of great kitchen tools and novelty food items. The almond dip I sampled was just as decadent as Julie described. Local

honey, cookbooks, and souvenirs surrounded additional indoor seating. Apparently, there are days when the weather is not absolutely perfect and lunch might best be enjoyed inside. However, while surrounded by the gorgeous flora and herbscapes of the grounds, it was difficult for me to imagine a cloudy day in such a magical place. On the way to the second boutique my Travel Feet discovered gorgeous flowerbeds lined with broken plates. The eclectic collection of dinnerware accessorized the beds perfectly. The sight inspired me to break a few dishes of my own to dress up my own gardens. Won’t my family be surprised the next time they break a dish or bowl and, instead of becoming audibly frustrated and disappointed, I cheer, hug the offender, grab the pieces, and head outside? It took some coaxing, but I finally convinced my Travel Feet to turn toward the second shop. This was the building in which visitors can not only do more browsing and shopping, but also where one pays for their lunch and bounty of items discovered in the shops. It is where I found my newest muse. In addition to purchasing my garden hat lunch, I bought a tiny sculpture of a baby fairy sleeping under a leaf. It now resides on my desk. Fairy themed items abound amongst the clothing, gardening and cooking items. They even stock fairy trellises and furniture. I understand placing such items in one’s gardens help make local fairies feel at home and

could convince them to set up housekeeping among one’s flowers and herbs. The selections were as unique as the venue, so I’m planning another trip in an effort to chip away at our annual holiday shopping. Fairy themed events occur at Carolina Lily often, according to our doting hostesses, Julie and Deb. Carolina Lily is the backdrop for birthday parties, wedding and baby showers, office gatherings, and anniversary celebrations. Sometimes, folks with wandering Travel Feet, like mine, simply come by for lunch. If you’re passing through and do not have lunch reservations, these kinds ladies welcome you to stop in, shop, wander through the gardens, and simply enjoy the day. Julie and Deb can be easily enticed into answering questions about the history of the farm, local attractions— including that really cool train place my children highly recommend—and herb and flower gardening. They might even provide tips for attracting fairies to your garden. While giving me a tour of one of the herb gardens, Julie pulled out a pair of garden shears. I thought she decided to get a little work done and might be gathering herbs for future lunch creations. Rather, she was collecting cuttings of herbs she knew would easily root. Before I departed, she handed me a bouquet of stems. I was instructed to take them home, root them, and then add them to my own garden. Hubby was not along for this Travel | 23

Feet adventure. After seeing all it has to offer I understand why some might conclude Carolina Lily is not the most masculine of destinations. However, I have a feeling Hubby might agree to have lunch with me there one day soon. I’ll entice him with an afternoon at the NC Transportation Museum following our stop at Carolina Lily. Of course, once he arrives, I’m sure he will be as enchanted as I was on my first visit. Not only will the amazing food win him over, the relaxing atmosphere and gorgeous scenery just might have him believing in fairies, too. Carolina Lily is located at 1375 Kern Carlton Road in Salisbury. Reservations can be made by calling Julie or Deb at 704-639-0033. Visit them online at 

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Community News

Carri Hampton and Dean Wolfe Win 2014 Dancing with the Randolph Stars; Benefit Raises Over $200,000


he Randolph Community College Foundation’s Dancing with the Randolph Stars fundraiser held on May 31 at AVS Catering & Banquet Centre raised $200,006, a record amount of money in the fifth year of the event. Community leaders Ann Hoover and Vickie Gallimore, co-chairs of the Planning Committee, announced the totals before a sold-out crowd after an evening filled with dances by the 18 competing couples. After expenses are paid, it is estimated the Foundation will net over $166,000 for scholarships for Randolph Community College students, said Hoover. The 2013 fundraiser netted over $120,000 for student scholarships. Carri Hampton, owner and veterinarian, Blue Flint Animal Hospital, and Dean Wolfe, co-owner of Integrity Mortgage Group, received the most votes, winning the coveted Dancing with the Randolph Stars trophies. They performed a routine to “Uptown Girl” by Billy Joel. This year’s event also included additional winners. A decibal meter helped determine a People’s Choice Award, won by Leslie Caviness and Justin Parks. The Dancers’ Choice Award went to Alexa Modderno and Les Caison, who also picked up the Judges’ Choice trophies. The Sponsors’ Choice Award for Best Costume went to Linda Covington and John Pugh. The money raised included a combination of $10 votes for the dancers during the night of the event; preevent voting received by the Foundation; sponsorships from various Randolph County businesses, industries and individuals; and ticket sales. The amount raised through both sponsorships and pre-event voting exceeded the totals from previous years. A record number of people, 354, also attended the event.

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Photo by Greg Stewart Photography © 2014

Lane Ragsdale served as director of the show for his fourth year. WKXR Radio personality Larry Reid served as emcee for the evening. The judges were J.B. Griffith III, financial planner with Liberty Advisors and a former DWRS dancer; Reynolds Lisk, president of Insurance Associates of the Triad; and LoriAnn Little Owen, co-owner of Ben Owen Pottery and also a former DWRS dancer. Vocalist Marlo Francis performed “Let It Go” from Frozen during intermission. All of the dancers, judges, entertainers, and emcee volunteered their time to the event, as well as the large number of dedicated community volunteers who served on the Planning Committee. In addition to co-chairs Gallimore and Hoover, Dean Sexton served as the Sponsorship chairman. Gail McDowell and Cindy Schroder were Dancer Committee co-chairs. Other committee members were Pat Allred, Talmadge Baker, Gail Crawford, Jane Crisco, Claire Davis, Rhonda Eblin, Steve Eblin, Neal Griffin, J.B. Griffith III, Kathy Homiller, Bill Hoover, Lisa Huffman, Janet Jones, Cranford Knott, Elbert Lassiter, Curt Lorimer, Nicki McKenzie, Fred Meredith, Gail Moore, Rob Reese, Mac Sherrill, and Steve Williams. Also dancing, in addition to those mentioned above, were Kim Allgood and Jordi Roman, Jenny Lynn Atkinson and Richard Schoenberger, Patty Banker and Todd Cutler, Micki Bare and Bill Walker, Tracy Burnette and JW Kelley, Sandra Childs and Steve Morgan, Brandi Crumley-Runyan and Dave Craven, Julia Del Grande and Wayne Lahmeyer, Sherry Johnson and Cris Richardson, Sara Manring and Brad Phillips, Jessica McGee and Toby Strider, Kimberly Miller-McDowell and Mark Strider, Rebecca Moffitt and Will Rains, and McCall Tanner and Daryl Hill. | 27

Photo by P. J. Ward © 2014

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Photo by Greg Stewart Photography © 2014

Photo by P. J. Ward © 2014

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Photo by Greg Stewart Photography © 2014

y Greg Stewart Photography © 2014

Photo by P. J. Ward © 2014

Photo by Greg Stewart Photography © 2014

Photo by Greg Stewart Photography © 2014 Photo by Greg Stewart Photography © 2014

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Photo by Greg Stewart Photography © 2014

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