THE BRIDAL BUNCH by ashgrey photography & production
!e B"dal Bunch transforms what c#ld only be desc"bed as
an or%nary &ace into one 'at transcends y#r wildest (eams!
!e B"dal Bunch oers a ran* of gor*#s wed%ng decor to transform y#r chosen ceremony and reception venue into magical &aces.
For ceremony decor we can +yle #r gor*#s bamboo beach canopy +ory wi' white wooden Ame"cana chairs along wi' beautiful white wi' gold 'read hemp a,le runners. Our nito torches can line - walkway to - canopy along wi' #r glass lanterns wi' white pillar candles and white parasols. 7 meter Bali flags ce0ainly make a sweeping +atement to - entrance of - site and we even have signs 'at guide y#r guests *ntly in - "ght %rection. Ce0ainly a beautiful picture!!
decor to add - fin,hing t#ches to y#r day....
Ideas and decor are endless and if we don't have y#r desired decor in +ock
we can ce0ainly s#rce it for y# if possible!
Onto - reception we go wi' more amazing B"dal Bunch decor. !ere 1all be beautiful flowing chion and organza b"dal table back(ops and table ski0s, fi2ed white lycra chair covers and +yled sa1es,matching table runners and an endless su3ly of gor*#s wed%ng table decor. !ere are so many glass vases, tall ma0ini glasses and goo%es to choose from. Our %amond table jewels will gl,ten as 'ey reflect upon #r glass mirror tiles and we 1all create a beautiful ambiance wi' ad%tion of %amond cut tea light candle holders.
An a3ointment can be made wi' Karen by m or 4 Contact m being 0416 166834 or contact e being karen@'eb" Weekend a3ointments very welcome or Follow us on Facebook “'e b"dal bunch�