20 most weight-loss-friendly foods | natural weight loss foods 2019 howtoloseweight.xyz/2019/05/20-most-weight-loss-friendly-foods.html
Here are the 20 most weight-loss-friendly foods on earth that are supported by science.
The weight loss industry generates billions of euros and dollars each year.
It offers diets to lose weight fast, products for weight loss, treatments to lose weight and even surgeries to reshape our body.
On the other hand, from small we are educated to live in a kind of neurosis against our body, instead of teaching us to love it we are taught to judge, compare, criticize, etc. Sometimes the solution to a problem seems complex and the truth is that the solution to have a healthy weight and at the same time good health is simple, it has always been there. It is clear about food. But what foods? MANY CHANGES IN OUR FOOD IN THE LAST 50 YEARS
If you could ask your grandparents or great-grandparents if there were many overweight people when they were young, your grandpa would probably answer very few or none. Perhaps they had less food than we have today, but the truth is that they were healthier foods since they were whole, whole, real foods, and they were not processed at all. However, in the last 50 years, the food industry has begun in a discriminated way to create processed products full of artificial ingredients that although they may seem healthy, they sell them to us, the truth is that they are not and also cause our bodies to get fat and get sick.
CHOOSING THE BEST FOODS TO SLOW FAST Do you want to lose weight fast? Choose the foods that suit you and you will be very close to your goal, but first, you have to know the following: Not all calories are the same. The different types of foods we eat use different metabolic pathways in our body. They have different effects on our body, affecting hunger, hormones and the number of calories we burn differently. In this article, we will see the 20 friendliest foods you can find on earth to lose weight, all of them supported by rigorous studies.
Eggs have long been demonized because they were said to affect cholesterol negatively. Today we have new studies that indicate that this is not true, the eggs do not negatively affect blood cholesterol or cause heart attacks (thank goodness, because I take 6 every day, 2 whole). Eggs are also among the most suitable foods when we want to lose weight. They are rich in protein, good fats, and can make us feel satiated and therefore eat fewer calories. A study with 30 women found that when eating eggs for breakfast, instead of rolls, satiety was increased and less was achieved in the 36 hours after. Another study found that taking eggs for 8 weeks increased weight loss in a diet restricted in calories. In addition, eggs are a nutrient-rich food and can help you get all the nutrients you need when you are on a low-calorie diet. It is also important that you know that a large part of these 3/22
nutrients is found in the buds.
In the group of green leafy vegetables, we have kale, spinach, cabbage, chard and several more. All these vegetables have great properties that make them perfect in a diet to lose weight. They are low in calories and carbohydrates, and also rich in fiber. Eating green leafy vegetables is an excellent way to add volume to your meals, all without increasing calories. Several studies show that foods and diets with low energy density make people eat fewer calories in general. Green leafy vegetables are very nutritious and high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Among these nutrients, we have calcium, which has been shown in several studies to help burn fat.
3.- SALMON 4/22
Fatty fish like salmon are very healthy. They are also very satiating, making you feel full for many hours with relatively few calories. Salmon is a protein-rich food, good high-quality fats, and other important nutrients. Fish and shellfish also provide iodine. This nutrient is very important for the proper functioning of the thyroid, which in turn is important to keep the metabolism functioning correctly. Studies show that a large part of the population is deficient in iodine. Salmon is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to help reduce inflammation, which is important for reducing the risk of obesity or metabolic disease. Other very healthy fatty fish are mackerel, trout, sardines, and herring. Read more 15 foods that burn belly fat fast
Among the group of cruciferous vegetables, we have broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts. This type of vegetables are rich in fiber and tend to provide enough satiety. These vegetables even have good amounts of protein. They do not end up being as protein-rich as animal foods, but they do have high content compared to other vegetables. Its combination of protein, fiber and low energy density, make this type of vegetables should not miss in your meals if you want to lose weight. They are very nutritious and contain substances that help fight cancer.
Meat has been another food that has been treated unfairly. She has been blamed for being responsible for all kinds of diseases when the reality is that there are no studies that support these claims. Studies have shown that unprocessed red meat does not raise the risk of heart disease or diabetes. According to two large review studies, red meat has only a small correlation with cancer in men and no correlation in women. Without a doubt, meat is great food when we try to lose weight since it is high in proteins. The protein is a nutrient that provides satiety. By taking a diet high in protein we get to burn up to 100 calories more per day. Studies have shown that taking 25-30% of our calories in the form of proteins can reduce anxiety by 60%, reduce the desire to snack between meals and help lose weight by almost 0.7 kilos a week, just by adding protein to your diet. If you are on a low carb diet, do not hesitate to take fatty meats. If you are taking a diet high in 7/22
carbohydrates, it is better that you opt for lean meats.
For some unknown reason, potatoes have fallen out of favor. However, they have great properties that make them perfect food, both to lose weight and to have good health. They contain a lot of nutrients, a little of almost all we need. There are known cases of people who have lived a lot of time eating only potatoes. They are rich in potassium, a nutrient that a large part of the population lacks and which plays an important role in the control of blood pressure. There is a scale to measure satiety of foods, which indicates that boiled potatoes are the most satisfying food of all analyzed. This indicates that when eating potatoes we will feel more satiated and eat less quantity of other foods. 8/22
If you boil potatoes, it is good to let them cool down a bit, in this way they will form large amounts of resistant starch, a substance similar to fiber that has been shown to have great health benefits, including weight loss. Sweet potatoes, turnips and other root vegetables are also excellent.
7.- TUNA
Tuna is another protein-rich, low-calorie food. It's lean fish, so it does not have much fat. Tuna is a food widely used by people who do bodybuilding, as it is a great way to get protein with little fat. If you are trying to raise the proteins you take, tuna is an excellent way to get it, yes, always canned in water, not in oil.
Some beans and legumes can be very good when we try to lose weight. Among them, we have lentils, black beans, and several more. These foods are usually high in protein and fiber, two nutrients that have been shown to increase our satiety. They also usually have some resistant starch. The problem they have is that many people have problems tolerating legumes. Therefore, it is very important to prepare them well.
9.- SOUP
As we have said before, meals and diets with low energy density make us eat fewer calories. Most foods that have low energy density are those that contain a lot of water, such as fruits and vegetables. But you can also get it by adding water to your meals, that is, making a soup. Some studies have shown that eating the same food, with the exception of being made in soup and not in a solid way, makes us feel more satiated and eat fewer calories.
10.- Cottage Cheese
Dairy products usually have good amounts of protein. One of the best is cottage cheese, as it has many proteins and few carbohydrates and fats. Eating a lot of cottage cheese is a great way to increase your protein intake. It is also very satiating, which causes us to feel full taking few calories. Dairy products are also high in calcium, which has been shown to help burn fat.
11.- THE Avocados
Avocados are a unique fruit. This is because most fruits are high in carbohydrates, while avocados are rich in good fats. Avocados are especially rich in monounsaturated oleic acid, the same type of fat that olive oil has. Despite being mostly fat, it also has a large amount of water, so it is not as dense as we might think. Avocados are perfect to add in salads since studies show that the fats they contain increase the absorption of nutrients from vegetables from 2.6 to 15 times. They also contain other important nutrients, such as fiber and potassium.
Apple cider vinegar is highly recognized among people in the world of natural health. It is usually used for condiments, such as dressings or vinaigrettes. Some people even dilute it in water and drink it. Several studies in humans suggest that vinegar may be useful for people who are trying to lose weight. Taking vinegar while eating a meal rich in carbohydrates, you can increase the feeling of fullness and reduce by 250 the calories ingested during the rest of the day. A study with obese people also showed that taking 15 to 30 ml of vinegar a day for 12 weeks achieved a weight loss of about 1.5 kilos. It has also been shown that vinegar manages to reduce blood sugar peaks after meals, which is very beneficial for health.
Despite being high in fat, nuts do not have to cause us to get fat. They are an excellent appetizer, which contains balanced amounts of protein, fiber and good fats. Studies have shown that nut consumption helps improve metabolic health and even promote weight loss. It has also been shown that people who take nuts tend to be healthier and thinner people, compared to people who do not take them. Make sure you do not overdo them, as they are high in calories. If you tend to overdo eating nuts, better avoid them.
Although the pimples have taken a bad name in recent times, it must be said that some are healthy. This includes some that do not have gluten, are full of fiber and contain a lot of protein. As an example, we have oats, brown rice and quinoa. Oats are rich in beta-glucans, soluble fibers that have been shown to increase satiety and improve metabolic health. There are grains of different colors, and usually contain good amounts of resistant starch, especially if after cooking it was allowed to cool. Beware of refined grains, sometimes on the label, it puts Âťwhole grainsÂť and is actually a processed grain harmful to health and that causes us to get fat. If you are on a very low carbohydrate diet, then you should avoid the grains, as they are high in carbohydrates. But there is nothing wrong with taking them if you tolerate them well and are not on a low carb diet. 16/22
15 - Chili pepper
Eating chilies are also useful when we want to lose weight. This is because they contain capsaicin, which has been shown in some studies to help reduce appetite and increase fat burning. Capsaicin is a substance that is usually present in many weight loss pills. One study showed that taking 1 gram of red pepper reduced appetite and increased fat burning in people who did not often eat peppers. It must also be said that no results were seen in people who used to take peppers frequently.
Most experts agree that the fruit is healthy. Many studies have shown that people who take a lot of fruit are healthier people than those who do not. It has also been proven that fruit works well in weight loss programs. Although they are high in sugar, they have low energy density and we need time to chew them. The fiber in the fruit helps prevent the sugar from being released too quickly into the bloodstream. Those people who should minimize the consumption of fruit are those who are on a diet low in carbohydrates, in a ketogenic diet, or who have fructose intolerance.
For the rest of people, the fruit can be an excellent food to strengthen health and to include it in a diet of weight loss. 18/22
17.- Grapefruit
A fruit that deserves to be highlighted is grapefruit, which is known to have positive effects on weight control. In a study of 91 obese people, it was found that eating half fresh grapefruit before meals resulted in losing about 1.6 kilos in a period of 3 months. These people also saw reduced insulin resistance, a metabolic disorder that is implicated in several chronic diseases. So you know, to eat half grapefruit before meals to feel more satisfied and eat fewer calories in general.
Chia seeds are one of the most nutritious foods that exist. They contain 12 grams of carbohydrates every 27 grams, and it is one of the best sources of fiber in the world. Because of this fiber content, chia seeds can absorb up to 12 times their weight in water, creating a gel that expands in our stomach. Some studies have shown that chia seeds help reduce appetite, although what has not been confirmed is that they have a significant effect on weight loss. Due to the composition of nutrients that Chia seeds have, it makes sense to say that they can be very useful in a weight loss diet.
Not all fats are the same. Coconut oil is rich in medium-length fatty acids, which is known as medium chain triglycerides. It has been shown that these fatty acids increase satiety compared to other fats, they also increase the number of calories burned. There are two studies, one with men and the other with women, that show that coconut oil causes reduction of belly fat. You have to keep in mind that coconut oil is rich in calories, so it is important that you use it only to replace other oils. It is worth mentioning here also extra virgin olive oil, which is probably the healthiest fat on the planet.
Another excellent dairy product is yogurt. This food contains probiotic bacteria that help improve bowel function. Having a healthy bowel helps in protecting against inflammation and resistance to insulin, the main hormonal driver of obesity. Important to ensure that yogurt is full of fat, studies show that full-fat dairy products, not low in fat, help reduce the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes.