CNH January District Newsletter

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Please BEE green. Do not print this newsletter.

Inside the Anaheim Convention Center

The Official CNH District Newsletter The District Convention Edition

Compiled by The 2010-2011 District Board

JANUARY 2011 | Volume 2 | Issue 8


Hello CNH BEES You went through Officer Training Conference, Regional Training Conference, and Fall Rally. What is left now is District Convention. This year’s District Convention takes place April 15th-17th at the Anaheim Convention Center. 3,000 Key Clubbers will spend the fun filled weekend learning about Key Club, chanting spirit cheers, and taking over the convention center. You can expect a few sleepless nights and non stop cheering sessions. District Convention costs can be reduced if you begin soliciting and fundraising now. Failure to plan ahead of time will result in missed opportunities. A big event such as this cannot be missed! We understand that registering for District Convention can seem very intimidating and very confusing. We have made this issue tailored specifically to all your District Convention needs. Inside this District Convention special, we hope that you find everything that you need. If all of your questions are not yet answered, please contact anyone of us! Excited to see you, Your 2010—2011 Executive Board

INSIDE THE ISSUE Introduction Letter from the Editors..................................2

News for Members Messages from the Executives………….....3

News for Officers Presidents &Vice Presidents………….....…4 Secretaries................................................... 5 Treasurers………….....………….............…....6 Editors………….....………….............…..........6

District Committee Updates District Convention.......................................8 Workshop Information................................ 9 Member Recognition...............................11 Delegates…………………………….………12 Walk for Life ……………….…………………12

Conclave Dates...............................14 Message Board...............................16 International News Partners in Service……….……………….…17 International Convention……………….…18 Int’l Trustee Comments………………….…18

District Contact Information............19


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Cali-Nev-Ha Members HELLO Are you ready to swim through the crowd in order to get to the next workshop or play a quick icebreaker in the middle of the hallways? District Convention is coming right around the corner and you might have to decide now that you want to come. District Convention costs upwards to 300 dollars per person. Your board members are working hard to reduce the amount by soliciting donations, asking Kiwanis sponsors, and fundraising. You should also anticipate constant fundraising. I can never explain how it feels like to attend District Convention. You will be rushed by the constant spirit always surrounding you and at night you will not be able to sleep because it is too exciting. Plus! You want to stay up with your friends talking all night. You will learn about the Eliminate Projects and will be inspired by the Key Clubbers during caucus. You will cheer and you will challenge. Wow. There is so much that happens at District Convention. It is the place thousands of teenagers gather and who knows who you will meet, bump into, and sit next to? The possibilities are endless. Your District Governor, Diana Nguyen

Hello It’s finally that time of year, an end with the old and an introduction with the new. Spectacular things await in the year of 2011: seniors graduating, District Convention, a new Key Club board, and so much more! District Convention, in particular, will be the greatest Convention of all! Games! Workshops! Music! Dance! New Service Ideas! Expect to be filled with a plethora of happiness by the time you leave Anaheim, California.

HI CNH BEES! I hope everyone is having a wonderful winter season and a happy holidays. Happy 2011 to all! If you have not paid your membership dues yet, please remember to do so! Talk to your club president and treasurer to turn in dues! Key Club membership is open to everyone year-round, so encourage your friends to join Key Club as well! Its important to pay your dues so that you can receive all the wonderful benefits of becoming an official Key Club International member. One important aspect of paying dues is that you can attend District Convention. Only officially paid members can attend this convention, and believe me, this is an event you do not want to miss out on! So stay active in Key Club and work with your club on raising money so that you can attend District Convention this year in Anaheim, CA on April 15-17! Hope to see all you bees there! Your District Secretary, Breigh Dang

Hello Beautiful CNH Bees! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. Happy New Years! It is the start of a new year, so let's turn that leaf over and start this year strong! It is very important that you pay your dues! Thank you for those who have already done so. If you have not, get on it ASAP so that you can be recognized as an official Key Club member! We all want to meet our lovely Governor Diana's goal of 42,000 members! Congratulations for raising over $128,000 for the Pediatric Trauma Program! We're close to beating last year's total PTP fundraised money, so let's go above and BEEyond it with $150,000! Remember, these kids are not going to stop hurting, so please do not stop fundraising!

Start saving up lots of money to pay for District Convention and continue to serve your home, school, and community till the rest of the year! Keep on going Key Clubbers!

Lastly, there will be a Key Leader Scholarship for the SPRING season! That's right; you all have another chance to attend a Key Leader! Don't hesitate to go on the Key Leader website ( Home.aspx) to research what date you can go! It truly is an unforgettable event, so GO!

Your District Tech Editor, Andrew Shin

Your District Treasurer, Hue Tran

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Cali-Nev-Ha Officers PRESIDENTS VICE PRESIDENTS I cannot wait to everyone once again. (If you attended last year, you will see that my hair grew quite a bit) I am talking about District Convention. This year District Convention will be held in the Anaheim Convention Center and we are going to be jam packed inside the Hilton Hotel like two years ago. We may be packed like sardines, but it will be well worth it. 
 For District Convention, expect earthquakes of spirit, tons of knowledge, and lots of fun. The price is quite steep, roughly 300 dollars per person. This is where you must utilize your treasurer and step up as a president and vice president to see the action plan follow through. It is also your duty to find chaperones. I would say this is the hardest part. The best people to ask are your sponsoring Kiwanis, faculty advisor, family members, and school staff. If you are not the best asker, delegate that work to someone on your board to ask for you. Start looking for a chaperone and start fundraising now! District Convention is an eye widening experience. You want new and old dedicated members to come. You must sell and promote it. I always say, it’s an experience well worth it because where else will you see teenagers from all three states gather? The possibilities of what could happen are endless! (I get the shivers just thinking about it) Advertise to your members. Prepare to be overwhelmed by a flush of happiness at District Convention.


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Cali-Nev-Ha Officers

SECRETARIES Only four more months until District Convention 2011! We’re going to have a GREAT time in Anaheim, CA and I can’t wait to see you all there! Remember that DCON is a time where we celebrate our achievements in Key Club within the past year, and acknowledge all of our wonderful clubs. I know that all of you have been working extremely hard this year as secretary, and you deserve recognition for all of your hard work. If you haven’t already, please take into consideration applying for Outstanding or Distinguished Secretary! These awards will be presented at DCON 2011 in Anaheim, CA.

Outstanding Secretary The Outstanding Secretary award is the second highest recognition on the district level awarded to club secretaries. All you need to do is complete the checklist and get e-signatures from the appropriate officers and advisors. Just by completing this checklist, you will definitely be recognized as Outstanding! Complete the checklist on Word, PDF it, and send it to the CNH Contests Archive ( by March 4, 2011. For the guidelines and checklist, go to > Recognition > Contest Applications > Secretary.

Distinguished Secretary The Distinguished Secretary award is the highest recognition a club secretary can receive at the district level. Since it is the highest recognition, it requires a lot more work than just the Outstanding checklist. The applicant must create an e-portfolio of all his or her’s best works. For this reason, it is very important to start saving your work now in electronic folders, and continue to compile your work throughout the term until the contest deadline. The e-portfolio must be in PDF format and sent to the CNH Contests Archive (cnh.kccontests by March 4, 2011. For the complete guidelines of this award, go to > Recognition > Contest Applications > Secretary.

District Tree Award The District Tree Award recognizes clubs that submit all twelve of their Club Monthly Reports on-time (by the 5th of every month). This is an automatic-entry contest, so don’t worry about applying! In order to earn this award, you must have submitted the MRF 100% on-time throughout your entire term. On-time recognition is recorded by your Lieutenant Governor, so make sure your MRF is submitted to him/her before the deadline. Your club will receive a banner patch and your club’s name will be shown on the big screen during Recognition Night at DCON. The deadline for all awards is March 4, 2011 to the CNH Contests Archive ( Good luck to all secretaries applying for recognition! If you ever have any questions, feel free to post your question on the Secretary Reflector or email me directly .

QUESTIONS? Ask Breigh Dang!

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Cali-Nev-Ha Officers TREASURERS WONDERFUL TREASURERS OF CNH Happy New Years to you all! This time gives us all the chance to start over from a shaky start OR do better than the previous year! Let's make the rest of this term a great one, leaving an impact that'll be imprinted for years to come! The February 1st dues deadline for Award Recognition is approaching soon. This deadline is not marking the end of the dues process but rather for award recognition like AIM and Retention at District Convention. Please do not ever stop processing dues! It's a continuous and year-round process, so keep recruiting and adding members on a monthly basis! Remember, 42,000 is our goal! To add, thank you for all your efforts to fundraise for the Pediatric Trauma Program. We have already raised over $128,000, which is great! But let's keep this momentum going and raise over $150,000 so that we can not only meet last year's record, but beat it. As long as kids 14 and younger are hurting, we will continue to fundraise! Don't forget that! Lastly, remember to compose your E-binders for the Distinguished Treasurer Award! Remember, both Outstanding and Distinguished Treasurer Awards are due by March 4th! Get the necessary signatures now so you don't have to stress out about it when the time cuts closer. I want to see a lot of you on stage at District Convention because you all deserve it!

TECH EDITORS Welcome to the new year! First of all, I would like to thank you for all the pictures that are currently in the CNH Visuals archive. But, we still need more! Please continue to send pictures to your LTGs so that they may appear on the DCON slideshow and the CNH Yearbook. Next, we would like pictures of your advisors for District Convention, so please send pictures of your advisors to your LTGs, so that they may be recognized at District Convention. We are still looking for potential members who are willing to join the CNH Graphics Department! The Graphics Department will create designs that will be used for the CNH backdrop! We hope to get new applicants and anyone willing to join may send an email to


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If you are planning on attending District Convention, what are you looking forward to? “I am looking forward to many things at District Convention including the opportunity to meet Key Clubbers from California and Nevada and getting to know other Key Clubbers from the State of Hawaii. I am also looking forward to experiencing Key Club on a greater level rather than just our Division 22 and all of the workshops and service projects we will do, because I can take that back to my club and leave an impact on them before I graduate. Overall, I am just looking forward to the whole District Convention in general and I know it'll be something I will never forget.” - Taylor Escalona, Hilo High (Division 22) ―I am so pumped in anticipation for the mass, crazy assemblies and the chance to find out more ways to improve our clubs through new workshops. I want to represent the dancing cows this year, loudly!” - Dani Corona, El Diamante High School (Division 18) ―At DCON I hope to train the underclassmen members to be potential officers of the club. Since this is my last year, I want be able to pass down all I have learned so my club will still be going strong after I and the other officers leave. I am also excited to hear the new keynote speaker because the past speakers have been very inspiring.” - Alison Lee, Leland High School (Division 12 South)

District Convention FOOD ON FRIDAY


Due to the different times attendees arrive and the cost of convention-provided dinners, food is not provided for on Friday. However, there are several food options that can be taken advantage of, including a newly opened food-court at the Anaheim Hotel, nearby fastfood restaurants, and delivery. Stay tuned on the CyberKey for a flier with all Friday food options!

The Code of Conduct will be uploaded onto the CyberKey under the ―convention‖ tab. Please take a look at the rules that must be followed at all times during convention!

ALTERNATE ACTIVITIES The District Convention Committee is looking for generous Key Clubbers who are willing to lend the committee items for the alternate activities session, which occurs simultaneously with the Governor’s Ball. Though we no longer need board games, if you would like to lend items like small televisions, game systems, and etc., please contact Alternate Activities Coordinator Christopher Van at Your generosity will be much appreciated!

REGISTERING FOR CONVENTION District Convention may seem far away, but you will be amazed how fast time flies! Therefore, it is important to get yourself familiar with the registration process for convention. Where do you start? On the CyberKey! Under the ―Convention‖ tab, there is a ―Registration‖ tab, which will lead you to a step-by-step guide of registering for convention. *Note: Please read each form VERY CAREFULLY, make sure to follow all directions, and do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have to your Lt. Governor or DCON Chair Ben. When is it all due? The postmark deadline for all registration forms is March 4th, 2011, meaning that all forms need to be received by the district office by this date. Therefore, it is advisable to send the forms one or two weeks in advance. When will I know I am done? Once your forms are received by the district office, you will receive either an email or letter from Service Leadership Programs Director Mr. Hennings.

SERVICE EXPO UPDATES Do you have a service project that you would like to share with the other California, Nevada, and Hawaii Key Clubs? Or do you know of an organization that you or a representative would like to spread awareness of its goals? Then apply for a booth at the Service Expo! Applications will be uploaded onto the CyberKey. The deadline for all applications is March 4th.

DCON Question of the Month For Key Clubbers: Q: My club would like to have rooms close to each other. Can my club reserve rooms before having all of registration turned in? A: Yes! It is actually recommended that clubs reserve their rooms as soon as possible with the names of the people who have indicated their interest to attend DCON, even if registration forms have not yet been completed and sent in. *However, please note that if your club does reserve rooms early, it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that the correct names of the actual students and adults who are attending are adjusted if some attendees drop and replaced or added by the hotel’s cancellation deadline. *It is also VERY IMPORTANT to have approval from a Kiwanis and/or faculty advisor in order to send the deposit check and/or submit a credit card authorization. For advisors: Q: Is it ever allowed for adult chaperones to share the same room with students? A: The only exception for adults to room with students is if the adult is the parent and the student(s) are their children.

Suggestion/Question Box Do you have a question regarding District Convention that needs clarification? Is there something you would like to see something changed at DCON that could enhance the convention? Or do you have an idea that could possibly spark up the convention? Member input is very important to the DCON committee, so please don’t hesitate to contact us! (Information below) Ben Chon DCON Committee Chair 818.613.8800 AIM: benchonsayzz

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Workshop Details PROJECT SHINE I hope all of CNH is as excited for this year's DCON as I am! There are tons of different things that you can do at DCON: vote for your new District Executives, get to know Key Clubbers throughout California, Nevada, and Hawaii, and attend numerous workshops that will help you become a better Key Clubber. Do you know what Project Shine is? Have you participated in a Project Shine related service event yet? One of the workshops at DCON this year will be a Project Shine workshop. Come to DCON this year to learn more about our current District Project and how you can bring light to someone's life. For more information about DCON-related specifics, feel free to contact District Convention Chair Ben Chon at For more information about our current District project, feel free to contact me at

MCBUZZIN’ WORKSHOPS TO LOOK OUT FOR AT CONVENTION! We’re excited to see you at the upcoming District Convention! Look out for and attend over forty McBuzzin’ workshops come this time in April! Leadership Personalities Interested in learning what type of leader you are? Keep this workshop in mind come convention time, to learn about different types of leaders, how they work with everyone and each other, and how to utilize your attributes, experiences, skills, and personalities to the best of your ability! Loving Service: A Seasonal Perspective Do you love service and are looking for creative ideas and ways to serve your community throughout the year? Attend this exciting workshop and learn about unique ways to serve throughout each of the seasons all year long! Advanced Social Media & Key Club Netiquette Are you unsure or are confused about maintaining proper professionalism on the internet for yourself and the organization(s) you work or may work with in the future? Attend this workshop to learn about KEY rules of thumb that may help you protect the integrity of your organization and self for the present and future!

MATERIAL CHECKLIST Remember that District Convention IS a LEARNING experience and great OPPORTUNITY to gain and share insight and knowledge. Here are some helpful tips on supplies attendees should bring with them to convention if they wish to maximize their learning experiences and opportunities. If applicable, remember to always ask questions! BE A PREPARED LEARNER!

Pen or Pencil Highlighter Sticky Notes Notepad / Paper Clipboard

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Recognition Information Hello California-Nevada-Hawaii District! It’s hard to believe that it’s already January. With less than 4 months until District Convention and little over 2 months left to apply for District and International level awards, it’s finally time to begin the application process. If you are a club officer, don’t miss out on the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer contests. These contests, along with the Sandy Nininger and Member of the Year contests require e-portfolios. E-portfolios take time to create and it is important that you begin as soon as you can. Good luck! On another note, divisional contests applications are due in February. Please contact your Lieutenant Governor for more information. If you would like to judge district and International level contests, please fill out a contest judging application. Applications may be found on the CNH CyberKey and must be sent in prior to or on February 1, 2011. Every judge counts!

Pierre Bourbonnais Member Recognition Chair California-Nevada-Ha District Key Club International ALL divisionally judged contest material goes to: Your division’s Lieutenant Governor received BY some date in February as established by your Lieutenant Governor ALL district judged contest material goes to: received BY March 4th, 2010 ALL International material goes to: CNH District Office ATTN: Bruce Hennings 8360 Red Oak Street

All District contest applications for the 2010-2011 district administrative year have been posted on the CNH CyberKey. They may be found under ‘Contest Applications’ under the Recognition tab.


This year, the California-Nevada-Hawaii Hawaii District of Key Club is offering eleven Automatic Entry contests. These contests are all district level awards. There are no formal applications for these contests. Data used to determine winners are extracted from the Club Monthly Report Forms, Division Monthly Report Forms, District Reports, Annual Achievement Reports, official Dues Reports, or having a link added to the CyberKey. As such, it is crucial that your club secretaries submit their Monthly Club Forms to their Lt. Governor on time. This is the only way the District can extract information to determine your eligibility.

Kiwanis Family The Kiwanis Family award recognizes clubs that actively interact with the Kiwanis Family. Criteria include: Kiwanis attendance at Key Club meetings, Key Club attendance at Kiwanis meetings, Kiwanis Projects, Foundation Projects. Membership Retention The Membership Retention Award recognizes clubs that retain 100% of membership numbers between the official final membership count of the previous year and on time dues paid membership count as of December 1 of the current year. Most Improved Division The Most Improved Division Award recognizes the division that has improved the most in following areas: Administrative, Service Projects, Kiwanis Family Relations, Fundraising, and Action Plan. Overall Divisional Excellence The Overall Divisional Excellence Award recognizes the division that stood out in the following areas: Administrative, Service Projects, Kiwanis Family Relations, Fundraising, and Action Plan. Spirit The Spirit Award offered at District Convention is a club level contest. Clubs will judged based on energy, team participation, creativity, spirit supplies, style, and sportsmanship. The club must follow all standard rules listed in the MR Handbook at all times. Website The Website Award recognizes the club that has followed the guidelines listed in the Contest Guidelines. The Website MUST be linked to the Cyberkey to be eligible for the contest.

Achieved Increased Membership The Achieved Increased Membership Award recognizes clubs who have increased their paid membership amount from February 1st of the previous year to February 1st of the current district administrative year. There are 3 levels of recognition: 100% membership increase and at least 40 new members, 50% membership increase and at least 20 new members, and 25% membership increase and at least 8 new members. Club Achievement The Club Achievement Award recognizes clubs that have properly submitted the Annual Achievement Report Form. Clubs must submit the Annual Achievement Report Form to be eligible for this award. All club entries in this award shall be dually entered in the Distinguished Club Award contest as well. Distinguished Club The Distinguished Club Award recognizes the clubs with the highest accumulation of points in the categories on the Annual Achievement Report Form. Predetermined scores are set by Key Club International to determine a club’s eligibility. All entries from the Club Achievement Award are dually entered in this award contest. District Tree The District Tree Award recognizes clubs that have submitted their monthly report form on time each month of the administrative year. Governor’s Focus The Governor’s Focus Award recognizes clubs that support the project identified by the District Governor. This year’s Focus is Children’s Miracle Network.

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Delegates Corner


Keep on checking the CyberKey ( for information about workshops, entertainment, and candidates. Make sure your club registers two delegates for DCON, and remind them to attend the Meet & Greet on Friday night to get up close and personal with the candidates. Delegates: please type in your name and e-mail address into the delegate registration form. Are you interested in running for district or international office at District Convention? Please continually check the Cyberkey to see when the district and international candidates training conference will be and to receive detailed instructions on how to run. The CNH Policies, International, and Elections Committee encourages all Key Clubbers’ interested in running for high office to attend this conference. Thank you! Delegates now register online! No more printing!

WALK for LIFE Will you be going to DCON? Well, I hope your answer is yes because it will most definitely be the most memorable experiences of your lives. Please make sure to have had paid your dues because that is one of the privileges for going to DCON. The Kiwanis Family and Foundation Committee is finding new ways to spice up the Walk for Life. Any suggestions? Go for it. There will also be KFF workshops at DCON.

This year, the Kiwanis Family and Foundation Committee wants to try something new with Walk for Life. We are working on publicizing Walk for Life and finding new interactive methods to get the members at District Convention pumped up for Pediatric Trauma Program. If you would like to see something new, don’t hesitate to let us know. PLEASE CONTACT LORITA BOGHOSPOR

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LEARNING QUESTIONS Before each learning experience (ex. training conferences, workshops, conventions, etc.), remember to always ask yourself: 1. What do I expect coming into or taking away from the upcoming (insert said learning experience here)? After each learning experience, remember to always ask yourself: 2. What did I recently learn or were the highlights in my memory bank? 3. Were my expectations fulfilled, changed, or different? Why or why not? 4. How will I expect to apply and utilize my newly gained knowledge? Why or why not? Finally, reflect (if you did take initiative to use your newly gained insight): Was I prepared diving into (said initiative and/or project)? Why or why not? If not, how can I improve or better prepare myself next time?

Conclave Dates D01


Santa Monica YMCA

11:00 AM




10:00 AM



Occidental College

02:00 PM

D04 East


La Quinta High School

12:30 PM

D04 North


La Quinta High School

12:30 PM

D04 West


La Quinta High School

12:30 PM



944 East Perinn Avenue

10:00 AM



Notre Dame High School

03:00 PM

D07 North


Kiwanis Family House

03:00 PM

D07 South


Kiwanis Family House

06:30 PM



Crystal Middle School

03:00 PM

D10 North



01:00 PM

D10 South



01:00 PM



Family House of Pancakes

06:30 PM

D12 East


AMD Commons

10:00 AM

D12 South


AMD Commons

10:00 AM

D12 West


AMD Commons

10:00 AM

D13 North


Bellflower Kiwanis Hall

03:00 PM

D13 South


Bellflower Kiwanis Hall

03:00 PM



Yuba City's Dancing Tomato Café

06:30 PM




01:00 PM



Valencia High School

10:00 AM



Holiday Inn

06:00 PM

D19 North


Toyota Sports Center

11:00 AM

D19 South


Lomita Kiwanis Hall

05:00 PM



Salvation Army, Santa Rosa,CA

12:00 PM



Rady Children's Hospital

05:00 PM



Hilton Waikiki/Prince Kuhio, Oahu

06:00 PM





D25 East


Van Nuys Elks Lodge

01:00 PM

D25 West


Reseda HS Auditorium



University of the Pacific

10:00 AM

11:00 AM

D26 D27

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Conclave Dates D28 North


Southwest Career & Technical Academy

12:00 PM

D28 South


Southwest Career & Technical Academy

12:00 PM

D28 West


Southwest Career & Technical Academy

12:00 PM



D30 North


Fullerton Union High School

09:00 AM

D30 South


Fullerton Union High School

09:00 AM



Rancho San Diego Library

01:00 PM



Salvation Army, Santa Rosa, CA

12:00 PM

D34 North


AMD Commons in Sunnyvale, California

10:00 AM

D34 South


AMD Commons in Sunnyvale, California

10:00 AM

D35 East



01:00 PM

D35 West



01:00 PM

D36 East


05:00 PM

D36 West


05:00 PM

D37 East


Escondido Charter High School

12:00 PM

D37 North


Escondido Charter High School

12:00 PM

D37 South


Escondido Charter High School

12:00 PM

D38 East


Palmdale Hotel

05:45 PM

D38 West


Palmdale Hotel

05:45 PM

D41 North


El Toro High School

10:00 AM

D41 South


El Toro High School

10:00 AM

D42 East


Boys and Girls Club

01:30 PM

D42 West


Ventura Arc Center

11:00 AM



AMD Commons in Sunnyvale, California

10:00 AM

D44 North


Rocklin Library

02:30 PM



D44 South D45




East Perinn Avenue Fresno, CA 93720

06:00 PM



550 E. Sixth St. Beaumont, CA

10:00 AM

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As a method to promote Kiwanis Family relations within the CNH Key Club District, the CNH Kiwanis Family and Foundation Committee would like to recognize all Key Clubs that have cosponsored a Builders' Club, Aktion Club, K-Kids, or any other Kiwanis-Sponsored club and congratulate them for expanding their Kiwanis Family! If any of your clubs have co-sponsored a new member of your Kiwanis Family, please notify the CNH Kiwanis Family and Foundation Committee chair, Lorita Boghospor, and the Committee Advisor, Mr. Randy Golden, so that your club may be recognized for its hard work and dedication! Make sure to let us know for we are trying to put together a showcase of all clubs who have made this spark in a child’s life.

Key Leader dates and locations have been posted on the Key Club Board Reflector. Make sure to ask your Kiwanians for support and your Lieutenant Governor for the possible dates and locations. The KFF committee highly enourages each of you to attend because of the incredible opportunities and lifelong lessons.

YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES FUND The deadline has already passed; however, always keep in mind that there is next year! This year seven clubs out of the 400+ clubs of CNH received funding for their project. We can have even more clubs receive these funds. Regret the decision in not applying. The winners should motivate clubs to apply next year!

KFF RESOURCES Recently, the Kiwanis Family and Foundation Committee put together essential resources regarding your Kiwanis Family and the CNH Foundation. Make sure to ask your Lieutenant Governor for a copy or even your President. Also, you can just go to a Resources a Kiwanis Family and Foundation for a slideshow to present to your clubs. Also visit Key Club International for more information.

KIWANIS SPONSOR Don’t know who your Kiwanis Sponsor is? Well don’t sweat it! The Kiwanis Family and Foundation will present you with a utility to use in order to pinpoint your Kiwanis Sponsor and its Lieutenant Governor. This way, you can communicate with them for a service project or fundraiser.

What has been the most impactful and meaningful moment in your Key Club year so far? ―The most meaningful moment occurred to me the day I helped out at the La Jolla Festival of the Arts at the arts and crafts table. An adult coordinator had been so impressed by the amount of work we had completed, she complimented and referred to us as the “La Jolla Artists”, as if to promote us, not realizing we were volunteers.” - Andrew Duong, Westview High (Division 37 South) “During Key Leader weekend, I felt that people were too clichéd in the meaning of leadership. Leadership in my world was the ability to orchestrate a number of people to achieve the intended goal. It was not until the last night that I realized leadership is distributed among many different elements that we take too lightly; responsibility, integrity, perseverance. If I could trace the most meaningful part of that weekend, it was the realization that leadership is a skill utilized in both interpersonal and academic life, and anyone seeking to be a Key Leader will find a multitude of opportunities through their experiences.” - John Kim, Downey High (Division 13 North)

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Partners in Service UNICEF is the only United Nations organization dedicated to assisting children’s health-care, basic education, and safe water and sanitation needs in 150 developing countries. Key Club helps UNICEF serve our world’s impoverished youth by Trick-or-Treating for UNICEF (collecting money for UNICEF in little boxes in October near Halloween). Since this program started in 1950, Key Clubbers have raised almost $5 million for iodine deficiency programs worldwide, HIV and Aids programs in Kenya and Swaziland, and most recently: Operation Uruguay: Protecting the Rights of Children. Key Club set the goal of raising $1.5 million through Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF for Operation Uruguay.

March of Dimes is a nonprofit service organization dedicated to preventing premature births and raising awareness of prematurity. Currently, 1 in 8 babies born in the U.S. are born too soon. Key Club International began working with March of Dimes in the 1960s by holding dances, car washes, and bake sales to raise funds for medical research into birth defects. Key Club Members have collected dimes for this organization in hopes that one day children would be born free of birth defects. In last year (2009-10) alone, Key Club raised $100,000 for March of Dimes.

Children’s Miracle Network is a nonprofit organization that raises money to benefit hospitalized kids while increasing awareness of its member hospitals. 100% of CMN contributions directly benefit hospitals, helping to purchase new equipment, train hospital staff, conduct life-saving research, implement outreach programs, and provide health care for children whose parents can’t afford to pay. CMN has over 170 affiliated hospitals. In 2009-10, Key Club raised nearly $1.8 million for Children’s Miracle Network and their affiliated hospitals. Key Club International supports CMN by sponsoring fundraisers and planning service projects in CMN hospitals. You can help in the following ways: Provide toys and dolls for kids going through trauma. Contribute to or create video, toy, or book lending libraries or playrooms. Help staff information booths or surgery waiting rooms. Assist families with children who require long-term care or who live great distances from hospitals. Support safety campaigns or parent education programs. Purchase specific pieces of equipment. Volunteer at your local community broadcast. The annual broadcast will air nation-wide in early June, inspiring millions of people with the heartwarming stories of children who have triumphed over diseases and injuries of all kinds.

Major Emphasis Program was created in 1946, when Key Club International built a program to bring together all Key Clubs and members around the globe to focus on making an international impact to help children. The resulting MEP to help serve children was named ―Children: Their Future, Our Focus.‖ Our current MEP consists of 2 parts: 1) Our International Service Partners, 2) Our International Service Initiative Live 2 Learn. Key Club International has worked with partner organizations UNICEF, March of Dimes, and Children’s Miracle Network to fulfill our international service objectives. Our current International Service Initiative Live 2 Learn is a 2 year project that focuses on helping children, ages 5-9, to overcome learning obstacles and become successful to give back their home, school, and community. There are 3 focuses for Live 2 Learn: 1) Improving Grades focuses on mentoring, tutoring, and developing reading improvement programs will address major concerns in all communities. Take 60 minutes out of your day to read to a child and develop their social skills, give them a mentor to look up to who truly cares about them. 2) Giving Back focuses on Key Clubbers working with primary schools to coordinate service projects for young students to participate in with their school. Key Clubbers mentor these students and teach them to be lifelong service leaders. 3) Growing together involves stimulating the imagination and learning of young students through participating in making creating crafts and drama. By stimulating children’s imagination and learning, Key Club Members spark growth and personal development in children. Although our current MEP was scheduled to expire in 2010, it has been indefinitely extended by the Key Club International Board for the 2010-11 year. The next service initiative will be based on the current Kiwanis Service Initiative: ELIMINATE (please click here or visit Alumni/CKI-Alumni/eliminate.aspx for details). For more information on our Major Emphasis Program, click here or visit service.aspx.

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’I District Newsletter

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International News COMMENTS Author W. Summerset Maum once said, ―in dreams begins responsibility.‖ That idea – the idea that, because I can dream of making the world into a better, more caring place, I need to take action to make it that way – is one that always inspires me to do everything I can for Key Club International.

The 2011 Key Club International Convention is slowly coming up. Located in Phoenix, Arizona. With attractions like the Grand Canyon so close by, it’s sure to be a great time It will be held at the JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort from June 29 to July 3, 2011. Currently, the activities and events are still in fruition, but there will be two dances, a chance to meet new people at the meet and greet, and vote for the new International Board. You can find more information pertaining International Convention at Visit the site today!

As we near the end of the Key Club year, take a moment and consider Maum’s words. If you have been thinking about a project that could help, those in need, or a friend who seems depressed, or an issue with a co-worker or fellow student, take time this month to resolve the troubles you see around you by taking action for the better. Remember, evil triumphs when good men do nothing. If you have a dream to make your school community better, there’s no time like the present to carry out your plans. As Ghandi said, ―be the change you wish to see in the world.‖ One way you personally can change the world for the better is by attending the Key Club International Convention, or ICON for short. ICON is a great opportunity to meet new people, learn a ton about our club, and even raise funds with the massive charity walk that takes place every year. Last year, we raised thousands of dollars for Friend a Gorilla. With your help, we can top it this year! The CNH Int’l Trustee, Robert Peck

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’I District Newsletter

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DISTRICT CONTACTS District Governor Diana Nguyen………… District Secretary Breigh Dang…………..… District Treasurer Hue Tran……………..… District Technology Editor Andrew Shin…………… District Administrator Ms. Lotito-Byers…………… Service Leadership Program Director Mr. Bruce Hennings………





District Convention Chair Ben Chon………….… District Projects Chair Andrew Liu..…………..… Kiwanis Family and Foundation Lorita Boghospor……… Member Recognition Chair Pierre Bourbonnais….… Member Relations Chair Jonhny Pham………...… Policies Int’l and Election Chair Nathan Schlaffer….…....…

The CNH District Board at the Santa Maria Inn for Winter Board.

a Kiwanis-family member

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