The Importance of the Resurrection
In the last few chapters of John we studied how, and why, Jesus died. Because of the death of Jesus, through the shedding of his blood, we have remission (forgiveness) of sins – when we come to Him in repentance. BUT THER’S MORE! God wants us to have a new life, an eternal life, and the power to live it for Him. And that’s only possible because of the Resurrection.
Anne O’Brien’s
This study notes provide the core content of a bible study. While the core message of the study has been captured for you to read, written text can not fully express the sense of anointing upon the discussion of the word or the joy of corporate fellowship. We encourage you to pray before you begin reading that the Lord would open your heart and mind to be receptive and responsive to God’s message contained within this study. There may be times when you find it difficult to reconcile God’s truth to your own opinion or worldview, God’s truth is eternal, it does not change, our understanding of the truth does change as we allow God to work in our hearts and minds.
9 June 2010
RESURRECTION – the heart of faith, and our basis for belief 1 Corinthians 15v14-22:
Without the Resurrection we have no future hope. The Resurrection gives meaning to the cross. Without the Resurrection there would be no gospel (good news). We would have forgivenes but not a new, eternal life.
Romans 10v9 1 Corinthians 15v3,4
Our salvation is based upon our belief and acknowledgement in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 4v13,14 Romans 6v3-5
We have a sure hope that we will be resurrected. Baptism by total immersion is a picture of this.
1 Peter 1v3 2 Timothy 2v8
The writers of the epistles based their message on the importance of faith in the Resurrection of Christ.
RESURRECTION – a prophetic teaching Isaiah 53v10&11 Matthew 12v40
It was foretold in the Old Testament (for more detail read all of chapter 53). It was prefigured (or pictured) in the account of Jonah – Jesus referred to it.
Matthew 16v21
Jesus, himself, predicted it. (See also matt12v38-40; 17v9&22; 20v18; 26v32; 27v63. Mark 9v10&31; 10v32-34; 14v28&58; Luke 9v22 and John 2v19-22.)
John 10v17&18
Jesus also prophesied and made the point that he was voluntarily giving up his life, and that by his own power he would be raised.
RESURRECTION – proofs The resurrection appearances prove that the Cross was all part of a greater plan and that Jesus was indeed the promised Messiah who came to bring forgiveness and new life. Mark 16v9 John 20v11-18
To Mary Magdalene in the Garden
Matthew 28v9-10
To the women returning from the tomb
Luke 24v13-32 Mark 16v12,13
To the two disciples on the Road to Emmaus
Luke 24v34 1 Corinthians 15v5
To Peter in Jerusalem
Luke 24v36-43 John 20v19-23
To ten of His apostles in the Upper Room
John 20v24-29
To the eleven in the Upper Room (including Thomas)
John 21v1-24
To seven apostles by the Sea of Galilee
Matthew 28v16-20 1 Corinthians 15v6
To the eleven, and 500 believers on Mount Tabor
Mark 16v14-18 1 Corinthians 15v7
To the eleven and James (Jesus’ half-brother) in Jerusalem
Luke 24v50-53
To the eleven on the Mount of Olives
You will have noticed in those references that Jesus talked with people, he ate with them and they touched him. He was undoubtedly alive!
CONCLUSIONS 1) The Resurrection established Jesus as the Son of God. 2) The Resurrection established Jesus as having power over death and evil. 3) When Jesus was raised from the dead he went to the Father and established himself as Great High Priest, now able to intercede for us in Heaven. 4) The Resurrection is a guarantee for us of life after death. 5) The Resurrection prepared the way for the Ascension (next week).