Organisation UYRDC Initiatives between 2011 – 2014 :
A summary of program review : UYRDC has moved with appreciable stride amongst various domains concerning Pinder Valley in Particular and District Chamoli in General.
Chronology of programs undertaken by the centre are as follows : 1. Forest Right Program : A program on Forest rights in Partnership with Swallows 2. Disaster Rehabilitation : A program in Pinder Valley and Pandukeshwar Valley of District Chamoli in Partnership with Habitat for Humanity & CAF India, New Delhi. 3. Herbal Initiative : A farmer – trader initiative for connecting cultivated endangered herb with imminent Traders. 4. Creative learning : A education improvement program in Neighboring district Bageshwar with partnership of Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, New Delhi. 5. Uttaranchal Vidya Niketan School : A School initiative of UYRDC with present strengths of 150 students. 6. Line Department programs : Training provisions under Swajal, Panchayati Raj, Environment education to communities. 7. Resource Centre : A UYRDC initiative to outreach rural communities and enable improved livelihoods. The partners have been LIPH (IFAD mission mode), AARDO, New Delhi, Shri Jagdambha Samiti, Rishikesh.
Program on Forest rights : (2010 – 2016) Brief introduction to the project: Uttarakhand communities since 18th century (Colonial rule) have struggled to exercise rights to forest and its management with freedom, a Historical injustice. Post independence, after much struggle Van Panchayats (V.P - Community forest) though been given to communities was paltry whereas most of the customary boundaries yet remained under Government control (Forest department). V.Ps management on the other hand have been further weakened through inclusion of series of forest laws over the decades, now in much control by forest & revenue department. Forest resources continue to be amongst the most pivotal access necessities for immediate survival to hill communities. They further depend on these for livelihood needs and for insuring ecology good. Forest right program brings to target communities the opportunity to strengthen capacities and become empowered to claim rights to the forest and self-management through people friendly Law, the Forest Right Act, 2006. The act empowers the community to self-use, conserve and manage their customary boundaries. The project has been implemented since 2011. The project is spread across 55 villages in Narayanbagar development block of Pinder
valley. In the year 2013 communities from 5 villages filed Community rights to entire customary boundary and 11 villages in 2014.
Objectives: Program goal: Himalayan Communities of Uttarakhand obtain domicile and forest rights and have rights for control, access and governance of natural resources for sustainable livelihood. If the rights are violated, they have the capacity and knowledge to gain them back. What the project plans to achieve 1. Communities are by themselves able to file CFR claims, collectively pursue, they are able to effectively manage their forest and sustain livelihoods. 2. The project further strives to proactively dialogue, and strengthen cooperation of community and duty bearers (Government) for engaging in sustainable, need base and progressive future. 3. It also seeks the cooperation of people institution to dialogue issues of socioeconomic concern, thus engaging with duty bearers to sanction for the necessities. Geographic coverage The project covers 55 villages in Narayanbagar development block of Pinder valley. The villages are at remote and at road heads. The coverage is from Sub-tropical, warm temperate, cold temperate to sub-alpine villages. Total population coverage is 11987 (M: 5544, F: 6443), SC being 22%, 80% marginal households.
Main strategies used • Capacitated community self-representing collectively to pursue, receive and manage the claims • Mobilizing pressure group from people representatives, NGOs, Media and proactive government functionaries. • Women empowerment to leverage the support and strengthen self mobility. Activities • Representative capacity building • Village exchange learning • Exposure learning • Documentation • Village facilitation/network/conflict resolution/claim filing and pursuing • Strengthen dialogue with Duty bearers (Govt.) • Capacity strengthening to forest management • Institution (UYRDC) capacity Building
Result from 2013 and 14 • People in Narainbagar block are aware of forest right act. • 16 CFR claims (5 from 2013 & 11 from 2014) have been completed and 25 villages capacitated. • Women leadership is emerging in Van Panchayat management. • Gender equality is becoming more visible. Meetings, mobilization being undertaken by women.
• • • •
Collective community mobility represented with improved equity. PRI institution more aware about forest, environment and the act. PRIs seeking collective network to pursue claims. Local Government from complete apathy to cooperation in facilitating the process.
Activities undertaken are : 1. Collective Community Strengthening with women active participation 2. Capacity building of community on FRA 3. Engaging in collective forest management dialogue on present and future scopes via the act. 4. Facilitating in Claim filing, Conflict resolution, Submissions at Gramsabha and collective meeting with Tehsil. 5. Sensitization of relevant Duty bearers (Officers at Block, Tehsil, District level) & (Gram Panchayats, Khetra panchayats, Zilla Panchayats). 6. Shared learnings presented by adopted villages with new villages. 7. Promulgating shared learnings to various catchment pockets within the District etc.
Program on Disaster Mitigation (emergency relief, risk reduction and rehabilitation) : UYRDC forged ahead in every way to connect and outreach the community of Pinder Valley by engaging during the emergency relief and provision of assistance to all national and international voluntary groups without being funded i.e. Voluntarily. Pinder valley which was less talked about was presented through various platforms of discussion at District and State level. 150 houses were washed away in Narainbagar alone while collapsed houses traumatized people the whole year under unprecedented rains and sliding grounds. We engaged in more than 35 villages by linking various voluntary their material for distribution via our office. We outreached their programs with most vulnerable villages affected during the disaster. These priority villages were Tyula, Byadi, Bedagaon, Kewar, Narainbagar, Kafoli, Gandik Talla, Nalgaon.
Rebuilding Houses program (year 2014) : We received support from Habitat for Humanity in rebuilding houses. We erected 50 Transitional Shelters (fabricated angel iron with tin roof). These were provided to the most priority households in Byadi, Tyula, Bedagaon & Kewar Talla. Our Corporation has helped us gain much appreciation from the community during their time of unspeakable stress.
Rehabilitation Program (Pandukeshwar valley) (year 2014 – 2015): We further gained support from CAF India, New Delhi based organization to reach out to Grampanchayat Pandukeshwar. We feel the project has been worthwhile and pertinent as we were sanctioned a more integrated program comprising of erection of protection wall, Provision of Transitional Shelters, Skill development training under Agriculture, Poultry, Tailoring and Cutting, Ringal handicrafts, Polyhouse establishment after a need based assessment. We have provisioned 10 Transitional Shelters, capacity strengthening of 75 farmers, 45 poultry units, 40 in Tailoring, 60 in Ringal Crafts. We shall be provisioning 15 Polyhouses to the needy farmers in Pandukeshwar. The community has been appreciative of our efforts with them as we could also succeed in capacity strengthening through various ways such as outreaching support in village governance, dovetailing with our program on forest rights, exposure to KVK Gwaldam, Connect with CMAP Bageshwar and discussion of various futuristic scope and a sustainable community.
Detailed Case Photo stories are presented In the last pages
Program at UYRDC Resource Centre : We have been under constant effort to reestablish our resource centre at Narainbagar. Our resource centre had been affected from the 2013 disaster washing away our demonstration field area of about 10 Nalis into the river fury, were we made the effort to redevelop the land under AARDO (Asia Africa Rural Development Organisation at Rs.16 Lakh support for agriculture extension and processing units). We have been able to dovetail with our integrated efforts. The resource centre is more spacious now and we hpe to engage in farm enterprise this year under it. We have been able to acquire Juicer, Nitrogen Flush, Spice grinding, Wheat grinding machine from the available support. We are further tying up with an enterprise farmer company Shri Jagadamba Foods based in Rishikesh to assist us in the fruitful endeavor.
Millet Workshop : (MINI Network of India) We also received opportunity to call for a workshop and bring out a rally on importance of traditional food crops and need for family food and nutrition security via these (pamphlet also containing all protein values of koda, Kauni, Jhangora, Oggal, Jwar, Bajra vis a vis Rice & wheat). We promoted the mountain millets and sensitized community representatives by celebrating International Seeds day. The workshop was attended by 75 persons and was very enthusiastically participated by the Narainbagar. Further, we have also educated the importance of these value mountain crops to children and schools by distributing about 1000 Pamplets in the region. We shall engage in its marketing and channelize support from the government on the same.
Herbal endeavor : (2014 – 2015) We extended our work to Village Ramani voluntarily as Village Ghesh could receive many traders and had become quite sustaining. Here at Ramani we integreated with Ankurs efforts and self-connected farmers with a American Buyer (also a foundation by the name Dunagiri Foundation) to trade their harvested Kutki. The efforts were fruitful as the trader self engaged with the farmer and supported resources to cleans, dry and package there Kutki & Kuth. They have taken along with them 90 Kg Kutki & 27 kg Kuth. The trader has come back this year and is presently at Village ramani to see through this years Harvest. Last year Kutki was sold at Rs.1500/kg & Kuth at Rs.350/kg. Photo images of the project :
Ramani Village Panoramio Landscape (Altitude 2500mtrs Above Sea)
Tess (Mexican) facilitating farmer in Rhizome separation.
Prashanti De Jagar helping farmer
Insuring Proper Washing
Kutki Drying in makeshift Solar Dryer
Taking Cash Receipt From farmer.
Photo images of Disaster & rehabilitation related Work :
Media Clippings
Photo images of Shaksham Project :
Community Mobilisation - CAF India Visit
Community Orientation & Facilitation
Program Mobilization & Alternative Livelihood (Migratory Households – Bamanigaon near Badrinath)
Village Pradhan & Beneficiary Meeting for mobilization of skill development training.
Program Mobilization – Pandukeshwar Village (People Participation and Panchayati Raj)
Program Mobilization – Pinoli Ghat Village (Women empowerment & Village Governance)
Skill Development Training :
Training Module for Cutting & Tailoring
Cutting & Tailoring – Training to Beneficiaries by Master trainer (Roma Bhandari)
Cutting & Tailoring Beneficiary Learning various skillsets under Master trainer (Roma Bhandari)
Creativity from Trained members under Cutting & Tailoring Beneficiaries trained in making Artificial Artifacts
Poultry Training :
Poultry Training Mixed Group Beneficaries ( Male & Female)
Establishment of Protection Wall – Pre & Post Images:
Situation before protection wall establishment in Pandukeshwar (Vishnuganga rivulet)
Situation before protection wall establishment in Pandukeshwar (Vishnuganga rivulet)
Protection wall After establishment in Pandukeshwar (Vishnuganga rivulet)
The protection wall in Pandukeshwar Completed – The activity shall avert flashflood disaster (Vishnuganga rivulet)
Stories :
Case 1 : Construction of protection wall to strengthen Vishnu Ganga rivulet embankments : The background :
Protection wall/ Checkdam under completion. Rivulet Vishnuganga The flashfloods of 2013 on village rivulet posed imminent threat to resident Community (making Homes & Farms susceptible to future disaster & threat to mobility (main village pathway to road). Hence immediate need for protection wall.
Image taken from Google earth – dated (March 2014)
River Alaknanda
Explaination : The 2013 disaster devastated Homes, Public & Private property assets of Pandukeshwar Gramsabha owing to ravaging flashfloods of river Alaknanda & rivulet Vishnuganga. This rendered many families homeless and struggle for their survival. The main rivulet Vishnuganga washed away the embankments bringing the main village pathway to near collapse. This is graphically visible on the photo image from Google earth. It was immediately requested by the village community to build the protection wall at the most vulnerable portion as the slightest heavy rains posed immediate collapse to the main pathway. Further a major occurrence of immediate flashflood on the rivulet would collapse the embankment and devastate the homes, field area with immediate threat to resident community.
Shaksham initiative : The protection wall has been established under the project. It is providing much relief to the Pandukeshwar community thus insuring secured pathway, Safety to Dwelling units, Shelter security, socio-economic mobility to resident community.
The photo images show pre and post project activities. Under the pre protection wall establishment the immediate threat to resident communities in the lower catchment of the embankment is visible with complete immobility on the pathway. The post image shows the established protection wall enabling community safety.
The protection wall has further provided both Tangable and intangible benefits such as : Safety to Life of resident Population. Protection of Telecommunication station right above it, hence enabling safety to communication outreach. Ecology protection of the flora and fauna around the region. Reduced tension and a more viable socio – economic environment.
Case Study 2 :
Beneficiary Father Cast Gram panchayat Development Block Family members Annual Income Program Involved
: : : : : : : :
Kumari Shabanam – Age (19 years ) Shri Buddhilal Scheduled Cast Pandukeshwar Joshimat Male - 4, Female – 3 Rs.100,000.00 (Petty contracting) Training under Cutting & Tailoring
Kmr.Shabanam came to the training unit as novice. However she had the passion to learn Cutting & Tailoring. Her father who is a sincere man and meticulously works under Petty contracting jobs could earn about Rs. 1 lakh per annum to fulfill family needs. This seemed less than adequate to serve a family of 7 people. The after effects of disaster had been the situation grim and mounting on the sole bread earning member in the family. Kumari Shabnam being a hard working young lady saw Cutting & Tailoring as the answer to help family with additional income. She has received a two month training by UYRDC. She is further being facilitated in refining her skills. Today Kumari Shabnam is able to make garments with good flair. The women in the village have been encouraged to seek training under Tailoring and cutting after hearing and seeing her accomplishment. She is today also helping other women to refine their skill under Cutting and Tailoring.
Case Study 3 :
Beneficiary Husband Name Cast Gram Panchayat Development Block Family members Annual Income
: : : : : : :
Smt. Lovely Rawat (25 years) Brijesh Rawat General Pandukeshwar Joshimat Smt.Lovely rawat & her Husband Rs.80,000.00 (Small general store)
Program Involved
Training under Cutting & Tailoring
Smt. Lovely Rawat is supported by her Husband Mr.Brijesh Rawat. Her husband owns a small general store in Pandukeshwar Village. Though sincere and hardworking he feels that he has been able to adequately earn Rs.80,000.00 per Annum. However this amount only meets adequately the necessities at home. Post Disaster the family has absorbed very meager earnings. Viewing the need to support with additional income Smt. Lovely Rawat was outreached under Cutting & Tailoring program. She was immediately keen and willing to sincerely learn the skills for Cutting and Tailoring. Having received two months training she is able to make garments with appreciable flair. Smt.Lovely Rawat feels confident and with some more refined skillsets at the training centre she shall be able to support her husband back with supplementary income. She also facilitates other new trainees at the centre today.
Case Study 4 :
Project Shaksham & the Creative children…….
The program outreach the beneficiaries under Cutting & Tailoring with provision of skill development in Wall hanging Artifact making.
Kmri.Arpita – 14 yrs D/O : Dhirendra Kothari
Beneficiary name Age Father Family members Village Family Income
Kmri.Laxmi – 16 yrs D/O : Devendra Lal Shah
Kumari Arpita 14 Dhirendra Kothari 4 (2 Male, 2 Females) Vinayak Chatti (Pandeshwar) 65000/-
Kmri. Arpita – 15 yrs D/O : Darshan Lal Shah
Kumari Laxmi 16 Devendra Lal Shah 5 (2 Female, 3Males) Vinayak Chatti (Pandeshwar) 75000/-
Kumari Arpita 15 Darshan Lal Shah 6 (4Females, 2 Males) Vinayak Chatti (Pandeshwar) 50000/-
The program had outreached beneficiaries enrolled under Cutting & tailoring. The Wall hanging Artifacts making activity received very enthusiastic participation of Creative children who stand much confident and bubbling with new zeal along with adult trainees. These children feel very overwhelmed that after receiving the skill training they shall be able to support their families through supplementary earnings from making artificial wall hanging artifacts. The program has been benevolent to the Disaster affected households. The unfortunate event had made a strong dent in socio-economic sustenance of these families.
Ringal Activity – Program on Dwarf Bamboo� : Case Study : Ringal Craft ( Himalayan Dwarf Bamboo Craft) Pandukeshwar Valley is home to Ringal (Dwarf Bamboo). It has a sizable habitation of Ringal species prevalent in its abounding habitat. The project envisaged engaging the community to make creative artifact from this abounding resource available to them within the community managed forest area. Ringal inhabits the higher Himalayan hamlets of Uttarakhand mountains i.e. within the cold temperate and Sub-Alpine snowfall regions. The community has been using Ringal in very basic necessities such as making fodder baskets. It was envisaged that the skills of local artisans can be enhanced under the project with the purpose to make their skills marketable and create incomes appreciably. Training has been imparted to women artisans to learn in making marketable artifacts. The training has been received with much enthusiasm. The beneficiaries feel that these new product line shall attract the tourist and pilgrims, thus remunerating and enhancing living standards of affected families. Under the program 24 women beneficiaries have received training.
Products Made out of Ringal ( A Natural Bamboo from Uttarakhand Himalayas) – Skill development under Ringal crafts is being undertaken by Pandukeshwar Community.
Transational Shelter spaces is from “Other grants project� :
Establishment of Transitional Shelter (TS) :
Shri.Murali Singh (68yrs) with regained confidence
Smt.Leela Devi & family reciprocating much thanks & Gratitude on CAF India Visit.
It has been elucidated under the above work (Establishment of Protection wall) the devastation caused by the flashfloods of 2013 to Pandukeshwar community with mention of loss to families in terms of Homes, Private & Public property. 10 families had been identified under the Shaksham Grant for provision of Shelter Spaces to these thereby extending Support to the Vulnerable & Homeless families. The identification of beneficiaries was undertaken after viewing the background of the most affected families, by engaging in discussion & deliberation with community members in village Gramsabha meetings and acknowledgement of regional Patwari in the village.
UYRDC engaged with the affected families to not only provision shelter spaces but also bolster their confidence in seeking a secured livelihood with confidence. The organization established 10 Shelter Spaces to the satisfaction of the affected beneficiaries. The activities of proper documentation, Coordination with Government Lines department and facilitating the beneficiaries was simultaneously been undertaken. The beneficiaries have applauded the outreach CAF India under the Shaksham project in assisting & making their habitation secure.
Case Study under TS :
Shri Murali Singh reciprocating with Much thanks & Gratitude for the timely & Good Support to CAF India.
Beneficiary Son of Cast Gram Panchayat Development Block Family members Family Annual Income
: : : : : : :
Shri. Murali Singh (68 years) Umrao Singh General Pandukeshwar Joshimat Male – 2 & female - 4 Rs.60,000.00
Program Involved
Provision of Shelter (Transitional Shelter)
Shri Murali Singh has been provided with Transitional Shelter 200 Sq.ft. He has unfortunately become handicapped since 7 years owing to septic over left leg after being crushed by the cow. He used to earn for the family at Badrinath Shrine by engaging in Pilgrim services to devotees. Since the accident he has been rendered helpless. Now his two daughters try to support matters at home and are barely able to make sustained living. The small house they share is vulnerable and susceptible to collapse. It barely accommodates 6 members in a small room after the disaster. After the provision of Shelter space the family feels much safe and thankful for the outreach by Shaksham project. They feel the new light with hope to mobilize family for a progressive future.
Case Study (TS – 2 ) :
Smt.Leela’s Son Sudhir greeting with Much Thanks to CAF India & Shaksham Project.
Beneficiary Wife of Cast Gram Panchayat Development Block Family members Family Annual Income
: : : : : : :
Smt.Leela Devi (61 years) late Shri Ram Singh General Pandukeshwar (Vinayak Chatti Village) Joshimat Male – 1 & Female – 4 Rs.35,000.00
Program Involved
Provision of Shelter (Transitional Shelter)
Smt.Leela Devi is supported by her Children to seek earnings from pilgrim tour and engages in farming under very insignificant patch of land for livelihood. On the unfaithful day of June 17th 2013 the family lost their only home, farm area and livestock area to the flashfloods thus rendering themselves homeless without adequate farm area. Project Shaksham has now insured them Shelter space by provisioning 200sq.ft. Tranisitonal Shelter to them. The family feels much thankful for the initiatives undertaken and is looking forward to participate in various activities of the project.
Case Study (TS – 3) :
Shr.Bhajanlal’s Wife Mrs.Lal seen with her Son Bharat Lal & Grand son.
Beneficiary Son of Cast Gram Panchayat Development Block Family members Family Annual Income
: : : : : : :
Shri.Bhajan lal (50 years) late Shri Akalu Lal Scheduled Tribes Pandukeshwar (Govind Ghat Hamlet) Joshimat Male – 3 & female – 5 Rs.40,000.00
Program Involved
Provision of Shelter (Transitional Shelter)
Shri Bhajanlal has been a hardworking and sincere man supporting his family through Tailoring enterprise. He had a small home at Govindghat. His home had been wiped away in the 2013 disaster. Mr.Lal has been rendered homeless ever since and shared a room at rent to stay with his family. Project Shaksham has immediately provisioned to him a Transitional Shelter of the space area 200sq.ft. Mr.Lal feels much obliged and thankful for the timely intervention. He feels he can now proceed to engage in Tailoring endeavor and support his family with new hope.
Check Dam Work Completion Certificate