Architecture Portfolio 2020

Page 1

PORT FOL I O As hi s hKumarK.

20 20 r eac has hi s hk umar 96@g mai l . c om

As hi s hKumarK. Hey!Mynamei sAshi sh.Ihavecompl et ed myBachel or ’ sofAr chi t ect ur ef r om t heVi ssvesvar ayaTechnol ogi calUni ver si t y,I ndi a. Mypassi on f orar chi t ect ur ei ni t i at edf r om myl ovef orar t& howbui l di ngsaf f ectt he waywel i ve,ourmoodand behavi our .The f ol l owi ng cat al og hi ghl i ght st hesel ect ed wor kst hr oughoutmyt i measa st udentof Ar chi t ect ur alDesi gn.Thepr esent edwor ks ar e not hi ng mor e or not hi ng l ess t han ar chi t ect ur ali nvest i gat i ons, mani f est at i ons ofcul t ur alexpr essi onsusedasa medi um t ocr i t i que,pr eser veandenhancet heways wel i ve. Pl easeenj oymysel ect edwor ks!


Cont ent s 01 A Yar n OfKnowl edge Museum


02 Ur ban Concur r ence BusTer mi nus

1 0

03 AcademyOfI deas I nst i t ut i on

1 6

04 Communi-Casa Pr of essi onalWor k



01 Themuseum wi l lf or m anewcul t ur alanchor ,i nt heur bancont ext oft heci t ywhosepubl i cr eal m wi l lbei nhabi t edandact i vat edby di ver sef or msofcr eat i vi t y.

I n

Bengal ur u


AYar nOfKnowl edge|Ar chi t ect ur alThesi s|201 8

Rapi erDr i ver

Bobbi n

Rapi erLoom

Ri ngSpi nner s Der i vi ngt hegeomet r yandf or msoft hehi st or i cBi nnyMi l l s( pr esent l yi nadi l api dat edcondi t i onont hesi t e)f act or y machi ner i esandusi ngt hekeycomponent sf r om t hemachi nesofspi nni ngmi l l sandt ext i l esi ndust r y, t her i ngspi nner s, r api erl oom andbobbi nshavehel pedshapet hebui l di ngandf unct i onoft hegal l er y.


oad nR ai etM onp t Cot

Tan kBu ndR oad

1 . 4.


3. 5.

I nst al l edl i ght i ng angl eofi nci dence cor r espondswi t h nat ur all i ght .

Gal l er ypassage, l i t f r om onesi deonl y, l owerpar twi t h i ndi r ect , at t enuat ed l i ght i ng.

Gal l er ySt udy



I dealspacebet ween 2obj ect sf orpubl i c vi ewi ng.

Ci r cul at i ondi agr am wi ht i nt hegal l er y.

1 .Museum 2.Rest aur ant 3.Per f or mi ngAr t sTheat r e 4.Ent r ance 5.Exi t

Si t ePl an





201 8 |Ar chi t ect ur alThesi s|AYar nOfKnowl edge


. 1 1

2. 1


6. 1



1 .



1 0.

7. 1


3. 1

4. 1

5. 1 3.

1 .Ti cket i ng/Gi f tShop 2.Pl aza 3.Rest aur ant 4.Ent r anceHal l 5.I nt r oGal l er y

6.I nf or malAr t s/Cr af t s 7.Tempor ar yGal l er y 8.Har dSur f acedPat i o 9.Scul pt ur eGal l er y 1 0.Hal lofFame


1 1 .Gal l er y1 1 2.Gal l er y2 1 3.Chi l dr enGal l er y1 1 4.Chi l dr enGal l er y2 1 5.Caf et er i a

1 6.Gal l er y3 1 7.Scul pt ur eGal l er y


20. 25.

9. 1

. 21

8. 1 24.




1 8.Per manentExhi bi t i on 23.Par ki ng 1 9.Scul pt ur eBed 24.Admi ni st r at i on 20.Li br ar y 25.Ser vi ceEnt r y 21 .Audi t or i um 22.RockGar den


Roof 0


1 0


AYar nOfKnowl edge|Ar chi t ect ur alThesi s|201 8

A 1 2.

1 0.



8. A’

1 1 .

9. 2. 1 .


C. 4. 5. 3.


1 .St r uct ur alBeam 2.Rei nf or cedConcr et eSunkenSl ab 3.Fal seCei l i ngSuppor t 4.Fal seCei l i ng 5.Cei l i ngRef l ect or 6.Cour t yar dFl oor i ng 7.Scr eed 8.Gr avel 9.CompactSandFi l i ng 1 0.PoolWat erLi ne 1 1 .Sel ect edPoolTi l es 1 2.Concr et eLedge


Det ai lA-Sect i onAtPat i oEdge A.

1 .Per manentExhi bi t i on 2.Scul pt ur eGal l er y 3.Chi l dr enGal l er y 4.Har dSur f acedPat i o 5.Caf et er i a

4. 2.

1 .

2. 1 .

Sect i onAA’





1 .RampBeyond 2.Rei nf or cedConcr et eBot t om 3.Fl uor escentLi ghtPocket 4.Sol i dWoodHandr ai l 5.Rei nf or cedConcr et eTop 6.Br i ckMasonar y 7.Coar seMor t arBase&Pl ast erFi ni sh

4. 5. 6.




Det ai lB-RampHandr ai lSect i on

3. 4.


1 .


Sect i onBB’




1 .Pl aza 2.Ent r anceHal l 3.Cor r i dor 4.RockGar den 5.Par ki ng



1 .Rei nf or cedConcr et eSl ab 2.Gl azi ng 3.45x45x8St eelBr acket 4.St r uct ur alSi l i cone 5.Pl ast er boar d 6.1 5x1 5Tubul arSt eelPi pe




1 .


Det ai lC-Skyl i ghtSect i on


0. 1 5

0. 45m


201 8 |Ar chi t ect ur alThesi s|AYar nOfKnowl edge

c 2.


c ’

1 .Baf f l e 2.Car r i er 3.EndCap

1 .

1 . 3.

4. 3.



Det ai lD-Acoust i cBaf f l e 1 .Gal l er y3 2.Tempor ar yGal l er y

3.Scul pt ur eGal l er y 5.Admi ni st r at i on 4.Hal lofFame

1 .

Sect i onCC’




1 .Fi xt ur et oCei l i ng 2.Cabl e 3.Cabl eAdj ust er 4.Cabl eEyel et 5.Spi r alHook

2. D

D’ 3. 4. 5.

Det ai lE-Car r i erDet ai l


9. 1 . D.



4. 8. 6.




1 .


3. 5.

1 .I nt r oduct i onGal l er y 2.Audi t or i um

Sect i onDD’ 08

3.Li br ar y 4.Ar t s&Cr af t s


5.Scul pt ur eGal l er y 6.Par ki ng



1 .WoodenFl oor i ng 2.Scr eed 3.CompactSandFi l i ng 4.Rei nf or cedConcr et eSl ab 5.Sel ect edPoolTi l es 6.PoolWat er l i ne 7.Concr et eLedge 8.RecessesGl azi ngChannel 9.Gl azi ng


Det ai lF-Wi ndowSect i onatPoolEdge


0. 1 5

0. 45m

AYar nOfKnowl edge|Ar chi t ect ur alThesi s|201 8

Ar chi t ect ur alMaquet t e 09

201 7 |BusTer mi nus|Ur banConcur r ence


Ur banConcur r enc e

Thebust er mi nali sdesi gned wi t ht hei nt entt ocr eat eat i mel essenvi r onmentt hatcoul d f l our i shi nBengal ur u’ sf ut ur e mor phol ogi caldevel opment s.

BusTer mi nus Abust er mi nusi sadesi gnat edpl acewher eabusorcoach st ar t sorendsi t sschedul edr out eser vi ngt hepassenger s.

201 7/Academi cPr oj ect Ur banDesi gn Desi gnSt udi o7 I ndi vi dualWor k Ment or s: Pr i t i shP Shi vakumar Locat i on:Bengal ur u, I ndi a Si t eAr ea:76, 4 30sqm Bui l tupAr ea:1 3, 61 0sqm Cl i mat e:Tr opi calCl i mat e

1 0

Bangal or ebei ngt hel ar gestur banaggl omer at i onofKar nat aka, i soneof t hef ast estgr owi ngci t i es.Theci t y al soact sasat r anspor t at i onhubf or t heent i r est at e.Busst at i onsi nBengal ur uar ebusi estbecauset heyar ei n t heci t ycent erandt her ei saneedf or aseper at est at i onf ori nt er -ci t ybuses t hatar eout number edbyi nt r aci t y buses.Thi spr oj ecti sani nt er vent i on oft hel ocal i t yi nur banscal et osol ve t hepr obl emsf aced. Thei nt er ci t ybust er mi nali sdesi gned20km awayf r om t heci t y cent er , neart hef amousBengal ur uI nt er nat i onalAi r por t .I nt er ci t ybuses canconveni ent l yar r i ve/depar twi t houtt hecongest i onofci t yt r af f i c.The si t ei sl ocat edont heSr i nagar -Kan yakumar iHi ghwaywhi chhasacl ear connect i ont oi nt er st at er oadsand hel pswi t hci r cul at i onofbuses.Asan ur banf ocalpoi nti nt henewdi st r i ct , t het r anspor t at i oncent ershal lbe uni queandi dent i f i abl e.Thepr esent condi t i onoft hei nt er ci t ybusst at i ons wer ef oundt ohaveobsol et ei nf r ast r uct ur e, uncl earor i ent at i on, hazar doust r af f i cdensi t y, r ampantpol l ut i on, andconf usi ngover l apsbet weenvehi cul arandpedest r i anf l ow.Thus, wi t ht hei nt entt ocr eat eat i mel essenvi r onment , t hi spr oj ectadopt sa st r at er gyt ot hor oughl yaddr esseach i ndi vi duali ssue.

Thest at i oni sdesi gnedt oaccomodat ea t ot alof24buspl at f or ms, whi chcanbe appr oachedbyl ongdi st ancebusest r avel l i ngi nt er ci t yandt wopl at f or msdedi cat edt ol ocalbuses, f orpeopl et r avel l i ng t obengal ur u.Thedesi gnpr i or i t i zesef f i ci encyandor der , concent r at i ngont he f ol l owi ng:aut onomyofal lt r anspor t at i on f l ows, spat i alcohesi onandi nt er dependenceofal lbui l di ngs, pr ogr ammat i c seper at i ont or educeover al lsi zeoft he equi pment , andcr eat i onofavi br ant , gr eenpedest r i anpat hl i nki ngt hemul t i pl e i nf r ast r uct ur alcompounds.Theel on gat edsi t econsi st sof3t er mi nal s, avol umet r i cdi vi si ont hatpl acesemphasi son t hehumanscal e.Thekeypr i nci pl eofdesi gni ngt hebui l di ngwast ohaveone pl acewi t houtseper at i onbet weent hedepar t ur eandar r i valar eas, t hus, t i cket i ng sal esof f i cesandshopsar epl acedbe t weenwai t i ngl ongues, enqui r ydeskcan beper cei vedf r om al lcor ner s.Consequent l y, t hedesi gnai mst oi nt egr at e wai t i ngar easwi t hi npubl i cspacest o cr eat eavi vaci ousat mospher e.The bui l di ngpl anhasasi mpl eandcl ear el ongat edl ayout , wher epubl i cent erf r om onesi deoft hebui l di nganddepar t sf r om anot hercr eat i ngnoconf usi onf oranagi t at edt r avel l er .Thef acadeconsi st sof di f f er entcombi nat i onsofsol i dandt r anspar ency, sucht hatsunl i ghtcanhavedi f f er enti ndoorspacepr oj ect i onsandmeet di f f er entl i ght i ngr equi r ement si ndi f f er ent ar eassuchast er mi nall obbyandof f i ces.

Ur banConcur r ence|BusTer mi nal|201 7 N Road


1 8. 88Acr es NE 1 .Si t e: 1 8. 88Acr esWi t h1 6m Road ( Sr i nagar Kanyakumar i Hi ghway)Faci ngNor t h.

2.Cl i mat ol ogy: SunPat h&Wi ndDi r ect i on St udyOfTheSi t e.

3.Vol umeBed: 4 0%OfSi t eUsedFor Bui l t -UpAr ea.

5.Di vi si on: Vol umeBr okenI nt o3 Par t sToFi tTer mi nal s.

6.Ar r angement: Ter mi nal sAndBusSt at i on Spl i tAr r angedAccor di ngTo ThePr ogr am.

4.BusMovement: Act i vi t yOfBussesT1 , T2, T3Wi t houtCol l i si on OfTr af f i c.

5.TaxiMovement: TaxiLanesSeper at edFr om BusLanesForEaseOf Ci r cul at i on.


Bui l di ng Landscape 4.Ext r usi on: 4 0%Vol umeExt r udedUpt o 6m Accor di ngToB. B. M. P Si t eRegul at i ons.






7.Pr ogr am : Pr ogr ammat i cAct i vat i onOf TheSi t eWi t h60%OpenSpaces&4 0%Bui l t -UpAr ea.


Concept ualDi agr ams 1 1

201 7 |BusTer mi nus|Ur banConcur r ence 1 .2.

Sr i nagar-Kanyakumar iHi ghway


5.1 .

1 7.

1 6.

1 4.

1 3.


1 2.





1 5.

2. 1 .

1 5.

1 3.

1 7.


Sr i na ga rKa ny ak um ar iH i gh w ay

1 5.

1 2


1 4.

1 3.

1 .TaxiEnt r y/Exi t 2.T2&T3BusExi t 3.BusEnt r y 4.Vi si t orEnt r ance 5.BusT1&Vi si t orExi t 6.BusSt at i onT1 7.Ter mi nalT1 8.BusSt at i onT2 9.Ter mi nalT2 1 0.V. I . PSt at i onT3 1 1 .Ter mi nalT3 1 2.I nt er Ci t yBusAr r i val 1 3.St ockage 1 4.TaxiDr opOf f 1 5.TaxiPi ckUp 1 6.Vi si t orPar ki ng 1 7.Espl anade 1 8.Depot

21 0m

1 0.

1 2.

1 8.

t y/Exi r .Ent 1 onT1 i at 2.BusSt onT2 i at 3.BusSt onT3 i at PSt . I 4.V. 5.Depot



1 1 .

1 4.

Si t ePl an

1 2.

1 7.

Pl an




Ur banConcur r ence|BusTer mi nal|201 7

1 5.

1 6.

1 3.

1 4.


1 8.

1 .


1 2. 4.


1 1 .

1 0.



1 7.

BusSt at i onTypi calPl an




1 .Ent r y/Exi t 2.Ent r anceHal l 3.Ti cket i ngCount er 4.Ti meKeeperRoom 5.ManagerCabi n 6.TV/AVRoom 7.Toi l et s 8.Bat hCompl ex 9.Par celOf f i ce 1 0.BabyCar eAr ea 1 1 .Cl oackRoom 1 2.Enqui r yDesk 1 3.Rest aur ant 1 4.Tr avel l er sPl aza 1 5.Espl anade 1 6.TaxiDr opOf f 1 7.TaxiPi ckUp 1 8.I nt r aCi t yBusAr r i val




Expl odedAxonomet r i c 1 3

201 7 |BusTer mi nus|Ur banConcur r ence 1 .



1 .

3. 2.

1 .BusEnt r y 2.BusAr r i valBay 3.Al i ght i ngAr ea 4.St ockage

Al i ght i ng

Depar t ur e

+50%Pl at f or m T1Ext ent i on

Fut ur eExpansi on 1 4



1 .St ockage 2.Pl at f or m T1 3.Ti meKeeper sRoom 4.BusT1Exi t

Ur banConcur r ence|BusTer mi nal|201 7 A B


Sect i onAA’









El evat i onBB’




El evat i onCC’





4. 3.

1 .





1 .Rest aur ant 2.Ent r anceHal l

Sect i onDD’

3.Skyl i ght 4.AHU




1 5

201 7 |I nst i t ut i on |AcademyOfI deas


Ac ademyOfI deas I nst i t ut i on Busi nessSchool -Ahi ghl eveleducat i onali nst i t ut i oni nwhi chst udent sst udysubj ect s r el at i ngt obusi nessandcommer ce, suchaseconomi cs, f i nance, andmanagement .

201 7/Academi cPr oj ect Busi nessSchool Desi gnSt udi o6 I ndi vi dualWor k Ment or s: Chandr ahasReddy El zaD’ cr uz Locat i on:Bengal ur u, I ndi a Si t eAr ea:7, 690sqm Bui l tupAr ea:1 , 270sqm Cl i mat e:Tr opi calCl i mat e

1 6

Thesi t ei sar ound1 . 9acr esl ocat ed al ongsi deTumkurr oad, anar ea mar kedoutf orcommer ci aldevel opment .Wi t hci t i esbecomi ngdenser , andl andbecomi ngr ar eandexpensi ve, t hesi t ei sr at hersmal lf orani nst i t ut i on.Al t houghdesi gni ngwi t hi n t heseunusualpar amet er scanbedi f f i cul t , t heyof t enr equi r eani ndi vi dual , sensi t i ver esponse, whi chcanof t en l eadt oi nnovat i ve, pl ayf ul , eveni nspi r i ngr esul t s. Ai m oft hedesi gni st ocr eat east r ong i dent i t yf ort hei nst i t ut i on, sucht hati t r ef l ect scr eat i veappr oachoft he schoolcur r i cul am andt eachi ng.The managementi nst i t ut edesi gnexami nest heel ongat edt er r ai n’ scapaci t y f orcr eat i ngspacest hatpr omot ea par t i ci pat or yat mospher et hatenr i chesl ear ni ngandl i vi ngexper i ence. Thespacesar est r uct ur edbyt hei dea t hatt eachi ngi spr i mar i l ywi t hi nt he cl assr om, butont hi s, anopenf i el di s j uxt aposedpar al l elt ot heacademi c bl ockwhi chpr omot est hei nf or mal , al l owi ngt hel ear ni ngpr ocessi t sel ft o ber el easedandst r engt henedt hr ough t hej our neyofeducat i on.Theef f or t her ei st ocr eat eanenvi r onmentwhi l e openi ngone’ smi ndt ot hecr eat i ve pot ent i alar oundus.

Thepr i mar ydesi gnst r at er gywast oor gani zet hepr ogr am i nt oadmi ni st r at i ve andt hest udentzones.Theadmi ni st r at i vef unct i onsar el ocat edi nt heeastand t heacademi cbl ocki nt hewest , asa r esul t , t henor t her npar toft hecampusi s compl et el yvacant , ser vi ngasani mmer si vear eawher est udent scanspi l lout , unwi ndorj ustbemot i vat ed.Ont hecont r ar yt hevoi dcoul dbeusedasacongr egat i onspacef orbusi nessevent s, whi ch i sanessent i alpar toft hecur r i cul um. Movementt hr ought heacademi cbl ocki s cont i nuousandf l owi ng, wher eal lt he spacescanbeaccessedf r om asi ngl e wel ll i tcor r i dorwhi chhasacut outr unni ngf r om gr oundf l oort or oof , al l owi ng f oref f ect i vevent i l at i on.Thesecor r i dor s mel dseaml essl ywi t ht hespacesdi ssol vi ngboundar i esbet weeni nsi deandout si det or eachdi f f er entpr ogr ammat i c component s.Thoughdeal i ngwi t hvar i ousl evel s, t hedesi gni ncor por at es wheel chai raccesst ot hevar i ousspaces t hr oughsyst em ofr ampsandast r at egi cal l yl ocat edl i f t .Thepr ogr am i ncl udes of f i cesf oracademi cdepar t ment sand schooladmi ni st r at i on, 9gener alpur pose act i vel ear ni ngcl assr oomswi t h50seat s, 2exami nat i onr oomsandanaudi t or i um. Thel i br ar yi sdi vi dedi nt o2l evel swher e t hebor r owi ngsect i oni sl ocat edi none l evelandr eadi nghal lonanot her .

Ani nst i t ut i ont hatseekst o est abl i shanat mospher ei n whi chonecanconnect emot i onal l ywhi l eexpandi ng one' smi ndt ot hecr eat i ve pot ent i alsur r oundi ng.

AcademyOfI deas|I nst i t ut i on |201 7

es 9Acr . 1



e t .Si 1


Tum kurR oad

Andr ahal l iMai nRoad


1 . 2.

20%) -Up( t l 3.Bui


80%) 4.Open(


Hes sar gha t t aM ai nR oad

ock cBl .Academi 1 on i at r st ni 2.Admi d el 3.Fi ng ki 4.Par t y/Exi r 5.Ent y r 5.Geomet

Desi gnPr ocess

am ogr 6.Pr




Si t ePl an


1 2. 5

37. 5m

1 7

201 7 |I nst i t ut i on |AcademyOfI deas

Level4: Readi ngHal l A.




RakedSeat i ng-Rakedseat i ngi spr ef er edf ort hecl assr oom ar r angementi nor dert ogi vest udent s att hebackabet t ervi ewt hani ft hebencheswer eal lont hesamel evel . A.Vi ewi ngAngl e-Uppervi suall i mi t -25°|Lowervi suall i mi t -35° B.Scr eensUnder si de-Pr esent at i onscr een’ sunder si depr ef er abl y1 50cm abovef l oorl evel . C.I nst r uct or sVi ewi ngAngl e-Ensur i ngt hei nst r uct orhasvi sualaccesst oever yst udent .

Level3: Exami nat i onHal l Li br ar y Comput erLab

Level1&2: Cl assr ooms Facul t yOf f i ce Cl assr oom LayoutUP

Hor i zont alvi ewi ngangl eswi t honecent r al l y posi t i onedpr oj ect i onscr een, al l owi ngal l st udent st ohavepr operl i neofsi ghtt ot he di spl ayedcont ent . Lar geai sl esandopenspat i alal l owances gi vesaneasypat hf ort hest udent saswel l ast hei nst r uct ort oment or .

Level0: Audi t or i um Caf et er i a

Met hodol ogy 1 8

Expl odedAxonomet r i c

Academi cBl ock

AcademyOfI deas|I nst i t ut i on |201 7


8. 5.

1 3.

1 0. 1 0.

1 1 .

7. 1 1 .


3. 6.

1 1 .

1 2.



1 3.


1 1 .

1 .


5. 1 .Ent r y/Exi t 2.Ent r anceLobby 3.Audi t or i um 4.Caf et er i a 5.Toi l et s


Gr oundFl oorPl an


1 1 .

1 0.

1 3. 6.Cl assr ooms 7.Facul t yRoom 8.Si ckRoom 9.Cor r i dor 1 0.Toi l et s

1 0.

Fi r stFl oorPl an

1 1 .Cl assr ooms 1 2.Cor r i dor 1 3.Toi l et s

1 3.

SecondFl oorPl an

1 8. 1 8. 1 6.

1 4.

1 9.

1 7.


1 5.

1 5.

1 8.

Thi r dFl oorPl an

1 4.Li br ar y 1 5.Exami nat i onRoom 1 6.Comput erLab 1 7.Cor r i dor 1 8.Toi l et s

1 9.Readi ngHal l 20.Ter r ace

Ter r acePl an



1 5m

1 9

201 7 |I nst i t ut i on |AcademyOfI deas

1 .









1 .Ter r ace 2.Cor r i dor 3.Toi l et

Sect i onalEl evat i on


2. 5

7. 5m









1 0.



1 0.



6. 1 .

Admi ni st r at i onBl ockLevel1&2 20

8. 1 .Ent r y 2.Recept i on+Wai t i ng 3.Pl acementRoom 4.Mai nOf f i ce 5.Pant r y 6.Pr i nci pal sOf f i ce 7.Toi l et s

8.Di r ect or sCabi n 9.Boar dRoom 1 0.Cor r i dor

AcademyOfI deas|I nst i t ut i on |201 7

Ar chi t ect ur alMaquet t e 21

201 9 |Pr of essi onalWor k|Communi-Casa


Communi-Cas a Pr of essi onalWor k Pr i vat eResi dence-I ti sanest abl i shmentwhi chi sownedbyapr i vat e ent i t y.Ar esi dencei st ypi cal l yahouse, mansi on, cot t ageorpal ace.

201 9/Pr of essi onalWor k Pr i vat eResi dence Pr of essi onalPr oj ect I ndi vi dualWor k Company: M. KConst r uct i ons Locat i on:Bengal ur u, I ndi a Si t eAr ea:21 6sqm Bui l tupAr ea:1 4 4sqm

Communi Casai sani l l ust r at i ve, wher eanur bancont exthasbeen mor phedi nt oani nt i mat eandt r anqui l l i vi ngspace.Tr ees, l eaves, andnat ur e ar et heessenceoft hepr oj ect , br i ngi ngi tt ol i f e. Cl i ent sbei ngsi mpl eanddeepr oot ed, wer el ooki ngt ohaveahomet hat r esonat edwi t ht r anqui l i t yandwasan escapef r om t henoi syl i f eoft heci t y. Thehousehadt obewel lvent i l at ed t hr oughoutt hedaywi t hampl esunl i ght . Themai ni deawast omer get hebui l t wi ht i nt hel andscape.Ast hebui l di ng agesandt het r eesgr ow, t hebui l tand unbui twi l lbecomemor eandmor e seaml ess. Thedesi gnspeci f i cal l y r eact st ot hecont extbymai nt ai ni ng t hecur r entgr eenandaddi ngi t s meani ng.Nat ur ewasi nt r oducedt o t hehousebycar vi ngoutgr een spacest hr oughout .Acent r alcour t yar df unct i onsasat r ansi t i onf r om a publ i ct oapr i vat espace.Thecour ti s r et ai nedasapr i or i t ybyal l owi ng nat ur all i ghtf r om t er r acet ot he gr oundf l oor , al lt heway.


Thear eashavebeenwovent oget hert o cr eat easeaml essf l owofspaceswi t ha f ewl andscapedel ement sati nt er medi at e l evel s.Thespi l tl evel sr enderbet t erconnect i vi t ywi t hi nt hehouse, al l owi ngpr i vat espacest oover l ookt hecent r alcour t andpr ovi devi sualconnect i onswi t h ever yot herspace.Theskyl i ght , sl i t s, openi ngsar eposi t i onedmet i cul ousl y t hatt heybr i ngt her equi si t eamountof l i ghtt hr oughoutt heday.Asoneent er s t hehouse, t heycanseeanuni nt er r upt ed l i neofvi si onwi t hgr eenpocket si nbet ween.Thecent r alcour text endst ot he decki nt hegr oundf l oor , wher et hedi ni ng unf ol dsbeyond, t r ansl at i ngi nt oar ear cour t , hencebl ur r i ngt hei nt er i orandext er i orboundar i es.Thecombi nat i onof spacesr espondt ovar yi ngl evel sofpr i vacy-i ncl udi ng4bedr ooms, f ami l y l ongueandsemipr i vat el i vi ngr oom. As ani nf or malspacef ort heguest s, at er r acegar deni spr ovi ded, sucht hatot her spacesi nt hehousear el ef tundi st ur bed.

Tomer get hebui l di ngwi t hi nt he l andscape,ast her esi dence ages,andt r eesgr ow,t hebui l t andunbui l twi l lgr owmor eand mor eseaml ess.

Communi-Casa |Pr of essi onalwor k|201 9

oach. gnappr ydesi mar i .Pr 1

o ghtt i all ur ownat l oal nuedt i scont edi abswer 2.Thesl . oof her ought hr ,t t alcour r hecent ot nt pouri

edmovement ct i r t esi orunr nedf i edef ngswer 3.Openi on. i at l i vevent i ect f deef ovi opr rt ofai

yRoad r shnaShast i Kr

Co ns er va nc yR oa d

e eelmor hespacesf omaket edt agger est swer 4.Level ons. i sualconnect ngvi di ovi esspr seaml

MN Kr i sh na Ra oR oa d

tby l heunbui ht t gedwi smer onmenti r tenvi l 5.Thebui hehouse. nt hi t eenwi sofgr lpocket ngsmal i eat cr

Si t ePl an



1 2m


201 9 |Pr of essi onalWor k|Communi-Casa

1 7.

9. 6.





1 7.

1 5.


1 1 .





1 7.

1 2.


1 6. UP

1 0.

1 7.

2. 9.

1 3.


1 .

1 7.


Fl oorPl ans 24

1 8.

1 .Ent r ance 2.Foyer 3.Li vi ng 4.Ki t chen 5.Di ni ng 6.Ut i l i t y 7.Pooj a 8.Bedr oom 1 9.Bat hr oom 1 0.Par ki ng

1 4.

1 1 .Fami l ySpace 1 2.Chi l dr enBedr oom 1 3.Mast erBedr oom 1 4.Bal cony


1 5.GuestBedr oom 1 6.Gym 1 7.Deck 1 8.Ter r aceGar den





Communi-Casa |Pr of essi onalwor k|201 9

Roof: Skyl i ght 8.


5. 6.

1 .



Level2: GuestBedr oom Gym Ter r aceGar den


1 .Li vi ng 3.Ki t chen 5.Mast erBedr r om 7.Bedr oom 3 2.Di ni ng 4.Ut i l i t y 6.Fami l ySpace 8.Ter r aceGar den

Sect i on


1 . 5

4. 5m

Level1: Mast erBedr oom Chi l dr enBedr oom Fami l ySpace

Sout hEl evat i on


1 . 5

4. 5m

Expl odedAxonomet r i c 25

Lear ni ngc ont i nues . . .

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