Blog Article: "The Secret to Life"

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The secret to life… by Ashley Berry on November 10, 2013 in Latest

Have you ever known someone who appeared to have the secret to life? Someone who inspires you on a daily basis to be a better you just by being, well, them? I’ve been lucky enough to have a few of these people in my life and I have always been amazed by the way they seem to never really struggle too much with anything. While it’s possible that these people are just really lucky and never have anything negative happen in their life (okay, actually not possible), it seems to me that somehow they have managed to figure out how open in browser PRO version

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to respond to whatever comes their way with an incredibly grounded sense of peace and acceptance.

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This is certainly not to say that their lives are perfect by any means, but that in the midst of even their most difficult times, they know that the moment will eventually pass, and they focus on looking for something positive in every moment, every interaction, every life experience that comes their way. They make it their mission to find joy, beauty, and love in everything around them.

Loneliness: Optional The Art of Balance The secret to life… Unlocking the door to forgiveness… The truth about other people’s shoes…

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So this is the part where I remind you that the title of this article is “The secret to life” not “I have the secret to life”, because I certainly haven’t figured this one out, yet. Still, I have been very observant of those around me who seem to have the hang of it. I notice the ways that they breathe into the difficult moments, let go of the things that do not serve them, and move towards the experiences that make them feel blissfully alive, and I take very good notes. (Mostly, mentally though because it might creep my friends out a bit if I was following them around with a notepad and pen.)

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Set positive intentions for yourself daily with Conscious Ink temporary tattoos. Our tattoos were designed to help you find joy, beauty, and love in every moment and are available in The Conscious Ink Store! Ashley Berry Ashley Berry is a member of the Conscious Ink Team and a freelance writer, interviewer, and journalist living in Los Angeles. She graduated from the University of California at Berkeley with Bachelors of Art in Psychology and Sociology. More Posts Follow Me:







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The Mountain  affirmations, Ashley Berry, being present, bliss, breathe, Conscious Ink, Conscious Inklings, Frank Gjata, healing, intentions, joy, Let Go, Love, temporary tattoos  Unlocking the door to forgiveness…

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