the cabinet is best understood as a microcosm or memory pala symbolizing the patron’s mastery of the world through the symbo ic arrangement and display of a collection of artefacts the cabine makes no distinction between high art and low culture in the gre context of the universality, both have important roles to play in dis inating knowledge//ernst heinrich philipp august haeckel the cab is best understood as a microcosm or memory palace, symboliz the patron’s mastery of the world through the symbolic arrangem and display of a collection of artefacts the cabinet makes no dist tion between high art and low culture in the greater context of th universality, both have important roles to play in disseminating kn edge//ernst heinrich philipp august haeckel the cabinet is best u stood as a microcosm or memory palace, symbolizing the patro mastery of the world through the symbolic arrangement and disp of a collection of artefacts the cabinet makes no distinction betw high art and low culture in the greater context of the universality, have important roles to play in disseminating knowledge//ernst h rich philipp august haeckel the cabinet is best understood as a m crocosm or memory palace, symbolizing the patron’s mastery o world through the symbolic arrangement and display of a collect artefacts the cabinet makes no distinction between high art and
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