Ways to reprogramming your thoughts

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Reprogramming your thought for instant success Ways to Reprogramming Your Thoughts "I think, therefore I am," a philosophical proposition of Rene Descartes that denotes a person's own thinking is reflected in his or her own personal being, specifically on his or her actions. When you are a pessimist, then that will be reflected on your action, the same case with being an optimist. People oftentimes find themselves trapped in the midst of uncertainties and confusion to make changes in their own lives. Nevertheless, no matter how hard they try (attending seminars and reading self-development books) they still end up trapped in their existing lifestyle and fail to create their own desired life changes. To prevent from happening to you, I have written this article to show you why reprogramming your thoughts is critical for instant success. Of course, everyone wants to be successful, but why do some seem to find the process too challenging and demanding, which causes each to give up? Why can't we make the positive changes we want to live with? Here's the problem: people oftentimes misunderstand the real process of change and fail to convince their subconscious mind of their real goal.

What is the subconscious mind and how does it work? The subconscious mind is the one responsible for storing every detail in our everyday life and held your character traits and belief mindset. Millions of thoughts are clustered here; your subconscious mind has a solid relationship with your conscious mind. Conscious mind, by the way, is just like a tip of an iceberg. Though subconscious can't be seen in action, it plays a huge role in the voyage you make. Subconscious mind recognizes repetitive thoughts and actions, meaning existing pattern of behavior and thoughts can still be changed. You just need to reprogram your mind. How would you do that? Here's how: 1. Affirmations. The basic purpose of affirmation is to change your belief system through using personal and positive statements to take precedence over the implanted negative thinking. Through communicating affirmations to yourself in a repetitive basis, you can create a new belief pattern that can eventually change your attitudes.

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2. Visualization. This is an act of creating detailed-mental images which depict your desired outcome. Through repetitively visualizing a certain event, the subconscious mind will more likely to be enticed and accept those images as reality, which eventually directs into actions and behaviors. 3.

3. Subliminal Audio. There is a power behind the lyrics of your often heard our favorite songs. You can use this as a tool to reprogram your thoughts for success. Listen to inspiring songs or songs that reflect your desires and wants. It can be more effective when you are asleep or you are busy with your work, when the message of the song can't be filtered by your conscious mind. 4. Hypnosis. Though oftentimes a negative notion is attached to this term, this strategy is beneficial for changing your negative behavior. Hypnosis works through easing you to a state of great relaxation, which gives an easy access to the subconscious mind.

Repetition of a certain action or thought is one of the principal factors to effectively reprogram your thoughts. Patience goes along with it. Following these pointers will change your thoughts by reprogramming your brain for instant success. If you are struggling to find success in life or you want to overcome a personal problem, Click here now to obtain the tools in the personal development industry to help combat trials and self-defeat by re-installing the success software for your brain. Achieving success is like flipping on the light switch, the dark gives way to the light. When we face dark times, our personal life gets out of control; there is a self-development light switch that you can turn and it will make a huge difference in your life!

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Why Build Yourself Up? The Keys to Positive Thinking For Personal and Financial Success After failing so much, the question that I am going to ask you is, "Why build yourself up?" Take a moment and think about this question and write your answer in a journal or notebook as a constant reminder to keep on going, even when life gets tough. This article will give the keys to help you get into a positive thinking mode so that you can achieve success! Here are a some reasons for, "Why Build Yourself Up?" 1. Strength During the movie, "The Dark Knight Rises," each time Bruce Wayne made the attempt to climb the wall, he fell. This did not discourage him from giving up; instead, he focused his attention on building his body by doing push ups, sit-ups, and chin-ups. The second attempt to climb the wall failed, yet again, he resumed strengthening his body until he was strong enough to climb the wall and make the jump. How many of us have come into this situation, where we have run into a wall made of persecution, personal trials, and failure? Did you stay on the ground and get kicked all the time or did you get up and fight? Achieving success is not given on a silver platter, it achieved through blood, sweat, and tears. Each time you fail, figure out what went wrong and strengthen yourself by practicing your skill or trade until it becomes perfect. That is how you become rich, by studying, reading, and working hard. 2. Passion This is the inner strength that keeps us going. When Bruce saw the innocent people suffering and his city about to be destroyed, this fueled the anger within him to get out of the pit and save the people that he loved. To be successful, you must have that passion for reading books (this will strengthen your mind), the subject you are studying in school, and the profession you are engaged in. Without passion, you will be trying to drive a vehicle when it has no fuel, you will get no where. 3. Courage On his last attempt of getting out of the pit, the healer told Bruce to make the climb and jump to the other ledge, but without the rope. Bruce was hesitant at first, but received counsel and encouragement from the healer; Bruce then saw that jump from a different perspective. The people in that pit thought he was crazy to make the climb without any rope, but there he was, smiling and saying goodbye to those around him. Fear was trying to make one last effort to prevent Bruce from making the jump, but he closed his eyes, took a couple of breaths, opened his eyes, saw his goal, and made that jump. This life is unforgiving to those who let failure get the best of them; to succeed in your chosen career, you must not be afraid to take the risk. These are the reasons why you build yourself up! These keys for positive thinking will help you achieve success in personal and family life and business careers! If you are struggling to find success in life or you want to overcome a personal problem, click here now to obtain the tools in the personal development industry to help combat trials and self-defeat by reinstalling the success software for your brain. Achieving success is like flipping on the light switch, the dark gives way to the light. When we face dark times, our personal life gets out of control; there is a self-development light switch that you can turn and it will make a huge difference in your life! Article Source: EzineArticles.com

S.E.C.R.E.T. Of Success Revealed I often hear people wondering whether they will ever unlock the secret of success or not. On the contrary, there is a bunch of individuals who have discovered this secret knowing or unknowingly in the course of Life. So, what is the secret of success? It is SECRET. S.E.C.R.E.T. SLOGGING SMARTLY - Ever wondered what successful people do while you are asleep or

partying? Well, they slog and slog. The first secret of success is slogging. You need to put your 300% in the work that you are doing in the smartest way. Hard work is necessarily important but a little smartness can get you a long way. ENTHUSIASM - Worshipping your work is necessary. Whether you are studying or working upon a project, things begin to die when our enthusiasm dies. If each and everything that you take is taken with utter enthusiasm, you will eventually find yourself putting extra efforts happily. Do not let the enthusiasm die. CONSISTENCY - Each one of us is prepared to chase their respective dreams, each one of us puts efforts in realising the dream, but what makes the real time difference is consistency. How many of us put efforts continuously, no matter what, when and how? Those who keep toiling upwards, even when they hit the ground, those who keep going even when they are pulled back are becoming successful in whatever field they choose. REASSURANCE - The greatest games are often played with minds and life is a game as well. There are times when you might feel like quitting and not moving ahead these are the times when you require yourself to reassure that you CAN DO IT. People who have managed to reach the peaks once felt that they cannot do it but they reassured themselves and willingly climbed up. Article Source: EzineArticles.com

ENCOURAGEMENT - Stick to people who inspire you to do better each day or for better results encourage yourself to break your own records. You need to get rid of the people who often demoralise you and cause hindrance in your path. TRUST - Faith is a significant luggage on the road of success. You need to learn the tactics of trusts by trusting people who deserve it moreover it is vital to trust yourself and your own instincts. Unless and until you cannot trust yourself, it is tough for opportunities to trust you. Success has no short cuts; you need to go a long way putting efforts continuously. You need to inspire yourself and surround your determination in a positive way. There are many who dream but only few conquer their fears, beat the odds and achieve what they have been longing for.

Reframing for success Success comes easily by reframing. What do we mean by that? Just imagine you're looking at a picture of yourself in an area of your life that you would like to be different. Maybe you'd like to increase productivity. Maybe you want to lose weight. Maybe you want to get rid of some of those aches and pains that stress is causing in your life.

What you think those problems are, they're not actually the problem, it's the frame that they're being held in. If you were to change the frame you're going to get a different picture aren't you? Imagine if you took a picture off your wall and you were to put a different frame around that picture. Maybe some of the colours would look different. You get a different perspective on things. Maybe you'd even see things that you haven't seen before, even though it's the same picture. By doing the same thing with that area of your life that you would like to change, just take one thing, you can achieve success. Imagine if you were to put a different frame around it and you were to paint that picture, you would become the artist. So now the question is how do we do this? What I want you to do just sit back, close your eyes and relax. Imagine you're starting to paint that picture of how you would like your life to be. How you would create success in that area of your life. You just focus and you see the picture starting to take form. It's almost as if you're the artist now and Article Source: EzineArticles.com

you're painting this picture. You see what it looks like, hear what it sounds like, feel what it feels like. Sit and keep focusing on this picture as it becomes more and more clear as to how you're painting this picture. As it becomes clearer you just keep focusing on this picture. When you feel that picture is complete you can just bring yourself back. Notice what you need to do to achieve this. What actions you need to take. What people in your life you need that would help this to be possible for you. Do this every day until you know that it's become embedded in your life. As you do this each day this picture becomes more and more clear and the actions you take will determine your success. This is how you will achieve the success that you want in that area of your life, and you focus only on this one thing until it's embedded in your life. You now put it in this new frame. Keep focusing on this frame. and this frame will continue to give the success that you want. You'll notice the changes determined by your actions. The Seven Steps To Reframing For Success. 1. Sit back, close your eyes and relax. 2. Start to paint the picture in your mind of how you want your success to be. 3. Let your unconscious mind bring to you what's necessary to change. 4. Don't question anything, just go with it. 5. Notice what actions you need to take. 6. Sit in this place until you feel the picture is complete. 7. Rinse and repeat every day until it's embedded in your life. When would now be a good time for you to start re-framing your life for success?

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The Power Of The Mind: Guide On How To Train Yourself To Be Successful The human mind is amazing in that you can train it. For example, you can train the mind to think that you are more successful that you already are. To help you out here are ways in which you can train your mind to be successful. Visualize yourself being successful A study done by the Harvard University showed that you don't have to do a particular task for your brain to recognize it. This is known as neuroplasticity (the ability of the brain to create new neural pathways). When you engage in a skill that you are trying to master, you strengthen the neural networks. The study showed that new neural pathways are created even if you don't engage in the task. Even if you simply visualize the task being done by someone else your brain will create new pathways. This means that you don't have to be successful for your brain to recognize it. Even by visualizing what you want to master you will be on your way to success. For example, if you want to be a great public speaker, you can simply visualize yourself addressing an audience and within no time you will be able to address a large crowd. Silence is golden It's a fact that humans crave approval. The unique thing is that the approval has negative effects on you. For example, psychology tests have proven that when you tell other people about your plans you are less likely to execute the plans. This idea was popularized by Derek Sivers, a popular musician.

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When you share your plans with other people the brain mistakes the talking to the doing. The social acknowledgment that you get tricks your brain into feeling that you have already accomplished your goal. To be successful, you should avoid telling other people about your plans. The best way of going about it is going ahead with your plans and only talk of the results. Be accountable for your actions It's normal for people to find excuses for their shortcomings. When you blame other people you have a convenient scapegoat thus you don't realize where the real problem is. To be successful you need to face the consequences of your actions regardless of whether they are good or bad. Get Rid Of Stress And Fear If your ambitions are too big you might look at the path ahead and see as if you will never achieve them. Remember that most successful people have overcome their greatest fears for them to be who they are. The best way of overcoming your fears is always visualizing yourself as the end product (the person you dream to be). This way you will push ahead and be what you have always wanted to be. When it comes to stress, the best way of getting rid of it is cutting your tasks into small chunks. By doing this you will not only have less stress, you will also achieve success much faster. The brain is a powerful tool that you can train and achieve anything that you ever wanted in this life. To know of other ways to achieve success, read these power of the mind articles

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How Your Words Can Have Have an Influence on Your Success If you have a limited vocabulary, you will also have a limited vision and a limited future.- Jim Rohn. It's incredible how the words or the language we use on a daily basis can affect the outcome of our projects and goals. Yes, the language we use regularly can impact our success. I know there are many guys out there who have this misconception that "women don't know what they want". I will give these guys the benefit of the doubt and choose to believe that maybe these men have met a lot of women who tend to say mostly what it is they don't want, rather than what they do want. I applied this instance simply to bring out the fact that there are too many of us - women and men - who find easily what we don't want. We're not helping ourselves, we are just building more and more walls between ourselves and our success.

Instead of saying what we don't want, we should rather say what we do want. If you're starting a business or are already own one, instead of saying "what if somebody doesn't buy?" say, "What if they do buy?". Instead of saying, "What if somebody starts and quits?" say, "What if they start and stay?". We need to stop the "I don't wants" and start saying, " I [do] want." According to the late Jim Rohn, when you start thinking and saying what you really want, your mind somehow automatically shifts and pulls you in that direction. Really, sometimes the magic touch needed/missing to switch and gear your attitude and philosophy towards success mode, can be just that little change in your vocabulary. A smart teen will not walk to his parents and say "I need $20". He/she will either ask one of these, " How can I earn $20?" or, "Mom/Dad, I cleaned my room and cleared the dishes, can I have $20?" In short, here:  

Stop saying what you don't want. Rather, do say what you really want Learn to use new vocabulary. These simple principles that certainly pull you to the success direction are sometimes a matter of language (you change your language, your attitude and philosophy also change for the better!) Business or no business (yet), work on your personal development constantly. Your language can have a great impact on your attitude, actions and results.

"If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse." -- Jim Rohn. For more motivational content to help you reach your financial goals and freedom, visit: the technique on Success Article Source: EzineArticles.com

How to Create Balance in Your Life? There Is Room for Fun Too! How can we find time in these busy, fast track and overwhelming life and work experiences to find balance in our life? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Have you ever complaint that you don't have enough time to do everything you want to do? Have you ever wish to have balance between your personal and profession life? We all love to! Before that, before any approach to any resolutions for our complaints, we have to find out what we mean by balance? Because sometimes balance is a different experience for different people, or we have a different expectation of what it means to have balance in life! What I want to know is this; what does balance mean to you? What would you call a balanced life? So, I am looking forward to your answer to this question right now! Let's get a piece of paper and write down what balance means to you! For example; • To have time for yourself to do what you want to do. • To have time for others, such as family members, wife, husband, children or friends. • To have time for pursuing your interests in life. • To travel and have fun. • To sit and do nothing... ! • To play your musical instruments. • To take the love of your life to classical music concerts, a romantic dinner or do something special. • To go to Rock & Roll concerts and let it rock... ! • To be able to read, write or think anytime you want. • To go places without reservations, or concerns about time or money. So, if we look at everything that you have said, what do we get? All that you all want is to have more time in life to spend it with your family, spend it doing what it seems fun to you, pursuing interests in life, enjoying your life and coming home soon to everything you love. Right? Or at least close enough. But what is in the way? Who is stopping you? You are! You might ask, how? OK, let's see!

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• Who is running your business? • Who is driving your car? • Who is not keeping himself/herself of his/her schedule? • Who is complaining that he/she has no time? • Who is deciding for you? • Who is holding on to so much past upsets in his/her head and heart that there are no room for possibility? • Who is holding on to so much resentments and regrets in life and pointing the finger to everyone except himself/herself? • Who is making promises to himself/herself or others with no intention of keeping them? • Who is breaking promises and agreements left and right and always having so many excuses and justifications for it? • Who is hiring a productivity or life coach and then doing whatever he or she wants anyway?

You! Yes, you! Don't act like you don't know what I am talking about! I have to tell you this right now; I want you to stop writing notes, because these notes will never be useful to you, if you're not listening. If you are not listening like your life is depending on it, and you know what, your happiness, joy and fulfillment is depending on it, so your life is depending on it! Get it? So please listen and apply the distinctions that I am talking to you about directly in your life. So let's begin. • Do you know you have an inner voice that decides for you? • Do you know that you always listen to that voice anyway? • Are you aware that you always discus your options with that inner voice? And somehow you are always Right about your choice? • Are you aware of the impact that listening to that voice has on you? Article Source: EzineArticles.com

You got to answer all the above questions with authenticity and complete interest to having a breakthrough in your productivity. When you get that you do have that Inner Chatter, then we can move on to the next set of questions; • What is your internal dialogue about free time? In other words, what are you constantly complain about your free time? Do you any? I am sure you do. • What is your internal dialogue about balance in life? Or, again, what are you constantly complain about your life balance? Is there any balance? Would you like to have more? What is the main complaint? • What decisions have you made about life in general? When you are complain about life and lack of balance, what do you decide about life? • What is your inner dialogue about your staff or your team members? Or about how they work that might cause you not having time? • What is your inner dialogue about your business? Is it just sucking your time? • What decisions have you made about business in general? Now stop and review all of your thoughts about your inner chatter and your inner dialogue; • Can you see that it is really busy in your head? • Do you see what's going on in there? • Can you recognize that chatter in your head? • It is really busy... it is not nice... it is mostly negative... in some cases even condescending and belittling to yourself and to others. Here the punch! There is something in it for you complaining... there is a juice, like a satisfaction for you in your complaints; • What are you gaining by continuing to entertain these inner dialogues? You are becoming Right about your complain? • Are you justifying your lack of having balance in your life? • Are you using your inner chatter to come with reasoning and explanations about why you can't have balance in your life? • What is the decision you made about yourself and your abilities to have balance? Such as; it is impassible... or I can't do it... or even; It can't get done. Yes, what you are gaining by entertaining this inner dialogue is lack of responsibility for having balance in life. You might say by now, what do you mean by that? Look, if you want to be right about; • You have no time. • Your family is not supporting you. • Your spouse or your kids need all of your time. • Your staff is not a good staff. • Your business is not growing. • Your business is not the right business. • You have to work hard. • Nobody knows your sorrow. • Nobody understands the things that you have to do you. • And blah, blah, blah Then nobody can keep you responsible or hold you accountable for having balance in your life. If you really look at your daily schedule, you see how much time you're wasting. You need to take a hard core look at what you really are committed to! Because you might really not be committed to Article Source: EzineArticles.com

success! Every day, you see people who are saying something and doing something else! Like you, here we are at today, what happened to your New Year resolution? Gone with the wind! What happened? You're the same person, aren't you? But if you notice, you will see this familiar pattern each time that you make such a commitment. It won't take that long for everything go down the tube. • Why is this so? Because you're right! • You're right about you're inabilities! • You are right about your lack of self esteem. • You are right about your shortage of luck. • You're continued to do the same mistake over and over and over again.

As Rita Mae Brown said, The definition of insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, expecting different results. So, let's look again and see what your repetition in your life is? What is the thing that you keep doing and not getting a different result? Could be something like: • Not keeping your promises to leave your business at a certain time? • Not making sure you stay on your schedule all the time? • Not holding yourself and your staff accountable for producing results? • Keep changing your personal and family schedule because you are behind on your business schedule? • Not saving money to do your fun activities and your hobbies? • Not listening to people who care about you? • Not following your coach's or consultant's leads? • And so much more... And when you look closely and dig deeply you will see, again, what you are gaining is; "Not being able to!" You might ask; so, what can I do about it? Or what is the way out of this cycle? Now it is the time to get your notebooks out! Start writing after each question; • First and main step is to recognize and acknowledge the inner dialogue and the texture of it. This means how it is showing up in your life and how it is manifesting itself in your life. Article Source: EzineArticles.com

• Second step is to recognize and understand the payoff of that way of thinking and what are you gaining out of it. • After that you need to totally own it and become responsible for the outcome of your former way of thinking and all the upsets and resentments that you have created by entertaining all this nonsense. • Now it is the time to forget you. Totally forget yourself and make a new promise. Not from the past experiences, that you know how to make a change by promising something that you were not sure if you were keeping it or not! But from a new place, called Possibility! • What is possible out of you having balance in life and business? What is possible from you having a fulfilled life and relationships? What is the possibility you are creating for your life and your business now, from nothing but clean slate and open space, without letting anything else get into it but pure and unused possibility? • Now, look at your life and your business and see what practices you are doing that do not empower your possibility and are not correlated to that possibility or do not fit in with it. • Start eliminating those practices and create a new set of practices to replace them. • Open your schedule book, either on your day timer calendar or your electronic calendar and redesign your daily activities and schedule. Yes! Throw away all of your old schedule and come up with a new one. New possibility, new mind set and new schedule. • You have to go through your entire year and do what I am coaching you to do in your calendar for a year in advance. • Schedule your vacations and days off first. Log them in your calendar and do not change them. Announce them to your family and even buy the tickets and it is on! • Then schedule your fun activities that you care about the most. You need to nurture your mind as much as you are nurturing your body. I know that for some of you, this is a foreign concept. So, log in your book all the events you like to participate in, or go to, or do! Concerts, golf, tennis, picnics and so forth. • Log in your closing time. The time that you are going home. Log it in and do not change it. • Now you have all of your free time on your calendar so that you can design your working hours. Let's do it. • Stop complaining about "you don't have time"! Stop nagging, bitching and complaining and you will have enough time. • As I always say: Do you want to be happy? Stop complaining! Do you want to be effective? Stop complaining! Do you want to be successful? Stop complaining! Do you want to be fulfilled? Article Source: EzineArticles.com

Stop complaining! Do you want to enjoy your life to the end? STOP COMPLAINING! • Add 15% to 20% time to every activity you are scheduling in your book. Call it emergency and interruption time. You can responsibly schedule your interruption and emergency times. By the end of the day, you will either find that you have used that time (which makes you a really productive person because you kept to your schedule) or that you have not used it and you now have some free time on your hands to do whatever needs to get done. That is, again, productivity. So, either way you will be more productive. • Review your daily and weekly calendar everyday. Make sure that if you need any adjustment you do it immediately, before it gets too late. • Now you need to make sure all of your family members and team members are aware of your schedule and most importantly, they are aware of your commitment to keep yourself on that schedule. Now remember this: If it is not in your schedule it will not get done. And you are the person who can keep it on your schedule, nobody else. The key to your success in this process is "Doing It" not thinking about it and not trying it. Doing it is what makes the biggest difference. I know what you are thinking? It is easier to say vs. to do! You are absolutely right! However, you have to make a clear choice here! Do you want to be right about "it is not going to work" or do you want to have more balance in your life? I am going to leave you with a great quote from one of the most successful business people in the world, Mr. Henry Ford, "Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right".

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All Successful People Are Planners eryone knows that success in life is never just handed on a silver platter - it requires a combination of talent, hard work and planning for any person to call themselves successful. Whether in life or business, there's a thin line between failure and success. In fact, they generally go hand in hand - because a person doesn't always succeed at the first go. He or she has to go through a series of failures before achieving success. Successful people are always on the hunt and aren't afraid to take failure in their stride! So what do successful people do that others don't? Successful people don't take things for granted - they ensure that they have a firm grip on every aspect of their life, so that they are in full control to direct the course of their life path. They don't sleep in every morning till 11 am - they wake up early and exercise to start their day on the right track. By getting a good head start, they ensure they are on the right path to achieving everything they set out to do. Successful people eat healthy breakfasts - because they know how important it is to start their day properly with the most important meal of the day under their belt. They plan efficiently to determine their course of action for the day, week or month - they create a scheduled routine and they rarely deviate from it. They greet their team, employees and employers warmly, because they know that morale must be high for better productivity of their business workforce - and they know fully well that Monday mornings need that extra special attention to kick-start the week on the right track. They have an infectious smile - that little extra effort goes a long way, because Mondays are the toughest even for rich and successful business leaders. They track their progress so they know whether they are on the right track or not - and if not, they are not afraid to make alterations to move onto the path of success. Successful people may not always have the right answer, but that doesn't stop them from steaming forward. They take action when looking for the right solutions and answers in their lives. They don't lose confidence when they fail - they don't stop what they have been doing. They pick up the pieces and move on, so that they can accomplish their goals without losing focus. They are always committed to moving ahead because they know that success requires effort and they go the extra mile. I hope that you will spend some time to see the technique on Success, and Top Tips For becoming happy on My Blog. Thank you very much.

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What Mistakes to Avoid That Can Limit Your Success Success for some might be the ultimate life goal, but for others it just might be another element that increases hard work, distress and frustration. In either case, what brings you closer to success is avoiding these small mistakes. The initial push is to understand what these mistakes are, that you need to avoid and then slowly and gradually change your habits to permanently get them out of your life style. Following are the mistakes one should avoid to have a successful life: • Negative Habits The biggest mistake one can make is to have habits that instead of adding, it takes away from your success. These are everyday occurrences such as procrastination that one can easily alter just by making up their mind not to do. It is crucial to remember that the change will be slow and steady, but the success that it brings along will be great.

• Recognizing Goals and Working Towards it: The biggest difference between a successful and an unsuccessful person is the knowledge and recognition of goals. • Not Having a Plan: Another mistake that can act as a barrier towards one's success is his or her lack of planning. By planning, you can ensure that you have the right supplies at the right time. You're prepared to face the worst and most of all you're putting in an effort that makes you worth the success. • Wasting Time Unproductively According to Pareto's principle, 80% of your outcomes come from 20% of your input. People spend hours on things that can be very easily done within minutes. The smart choice would be to select activities that take up less time but are more productive. • Consistency is Key

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In the start, we talk about slowly changing your habit to bring about a permanent change in your life style. This can only be achieved if it is worked upon with consistency. To some consistency is nothing but a repetition of the same task over and over again but in reality, it is to work towards the same goal with unchanged dedication without which achieving it would be impossible. • Relating Change to Unease Success does not come easy, it requires you to alter your thinking, the way you feel and the way you work every single day. In most cases, this alteration or change is not taken as lightly. It requires a lot of efforts to come out of your comfort zone and adapt accordingly. But to be successful it is important that one gets used to this feeling. It is often suggested to take up things like meditation or exercise to make this process easier. • Resenting Failure: People tend to forget that failure is nothing but another chance to excel. Accepting and appreciating that only allows one to recognize their mistake and ensuring a better performance the next time. It is obvious that failure, although not generally appreciated, is one of the most crucial elements of eventual success. • Holding on to Things that Doesn't Matter: A distinctive attribute of successful people is that they differentiate between things that matter and those that don't. This way they not only save time but also effort and know exactly what's worth concentrating on. One must learn to not hold on to things that can no more be changed To conclude, success is not easy but it is definitely simple. To achieve success, you have to ensure that you slowly and gradually remove these mistakes from your life style. Make better use of your time, recognize your goals, learn from your failures and be open to changes. Incorporating all these in your everyday life brings you one step closer to success.

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To Imagine The Life You Want, Is To Become The Life You Want

When I was a child, my mother instilled me with a belief that the world was my oyster. She encouraged me never to sit on the sidelines of life, but to get on the field and play my hand for all that it was worth. From the earliest moments of my life, I remember taking in cultural events, meeting family friends and business associates, extracurricular activities, and learning how to find answers to my own questions. By the early 1980's the powerhouse woman emerged in popular media, and my mother and I's hero was the Enjoli fragrance model, telling the world "she can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never let you forget you're a man." Realization By the time I was 16 years old, I had taken my life experiences and developed my personal success formula. Although at the time, I was unaware that I was creating a formalized path to success, rather I was simply trying to materialize a career as a professional dancer. Yet, in retrospect, I can now see that the naivety of my youth was precisely the state of mind required to approach such an elusive process. Today, I am often told how astounded people are that I have achieved small and large goals in life, seemingly effortlessly from a spectator stance. Moreover, what baffles friends, family and colleagues alike, is the short period of time that it takes for me to go from visioneering to materializing a dream. My professional dance career took two years to achieve; becoming a published author took one year; completing a five year undergraduate degree took 2 years; becoming an academic guest lecturer took 6 months; losing 40lbs took 2.5 months; and securing an employment opportunity in Singapore took 1 ½ months. My professional life goals have been immensely fulfilling to me, and as I gain more fluidity with my personal success formula, I am impassioned to pursue bigger dreams on a broader scale. My Success Formula 1) Quiet my internal voice - Research is beginning to reveal that knowledge centers exist not only in the brain, but also the heart, and muscles of the body. Potentially, the human body may have multiple knowledge centers that can drive our life experience. As a former dancer/athlete I have had experience, after experience that has proven that intelligence lies beyond my cerebrum. I have come to realize a great intelligence is derived from my heart, as well as from my gut; to the point where these knowledge Article Source: EzineArticles.com

centers are equally participating in my decision making process. Relying on all the knowledge centers available to me, it become far easier to quiet the ego and the naysaying voice. 2) Find your happiness - I always start with the question, "what will make me happy?" In addition, I also ask myself, "If I had no barriers to obstruct me, what would I want, or do in life?" Asking these two questions of myself has made all the difference in the world. At any given moment of my life, I can always respond that I have made choices in an effort to seek my greatest happiness. 3) Dream BIG - I place myself in a hypothetical parallel universe where the constraints of cultural paradigms, my age, the society I belong to, etc. do not exist. I allow myself the free wandering of all possibilities to entertain then begin carving out a rough image of the dream I aspire to create. 4) Create a strong visual image - I make tangible my dream vision through a collage: 1) I scour the Internet, and magazines for imagery; 2) I peruse quotes and poems to lend impactful verbiage to my vision, and 3) I find songs that capture the mood and lyrics that best articulate my vision. 5) Mind's eye - Once my collage is complete, it is closer to a storyboard, often used in the media/entertainment industry. My eyes become the medium to attempt symbiosis with my collage board. The pictures are burned to my memory, the colors become more saturated in my mind's eye, and every sensory mechanism at my disposal is garnishing the imagery/text/auditory files I have selected to capture my dream. Everything is heightened to a level of succulence, in order to create the most compelling vision of my dream. 6) Energy level - Once my mind's eye has a distinct vision it has captured, my passion is automatically unleashed. It is with activating my passion that my energy level around materializing my dream signals to myself, and the universe that this inanimate dream can be converted to a truism in my life. This is by far, is a critical step to achieve, in order to gain traction for the dream to materialize. In addition, I maintain a lifestyle of eating healthy, exercising daily, and getting fresh outdoor oxygen to support my body energy center. 7) Trust - Once I have spent these days visioneering and infusing life into my dream, I take my foot off the gas peddle, sort of speak, and trust that the dream is embedded into my psyche. The collage board remains as a point of reference, placed somewhere in my house, but expending great effort to keep the dream alive is not apart of my process. Rather, the dream becomes a dance for me, daily practice of action steps to achieve a seemingly effortless performance. I have found that trusting I have done my complete due diligence is also another critical step in realizing a dream come true. It is a delicate dance of not becoming fixated on a dream, and allowing puzzle pieces to take shape in order to realize the full potential of my dream. 8) Suspend judgment on my own abilities and talents - I perform cursory assessment of my abilities and talent to determine skills I need to attain to materialize my dream. However, I place a significant amount of trust that my abilities and talents will rise to the occasion to fulfill my personal needs. I give myself permission to exceed my current abilities. 9) Don't define a new experience = to risk - Just because something maybe a new experience for me, does not conjure up emotions that equate to risk. Rather, I perceive a new experience as an opportunity to have fun. To grow my abilities, to stretch, and learn what else lies within me. 10) Realign your meaning of risk - I have learned over time that I have given far too much energy to my meaning of risk. Over the years, I have reduced the emotion and meaning around the word "risk". I am in continual process to manage how my body interprets risk, ultimately defining the word risk in a far healthier fashion. In other words, I don't let "risk" overwhelm the vision I hold in my mind's eye. I keep in mind that "risk" is simply a word that our society has created for purposes of communication. I Article Source: EzineArticles.com

choose as to whether or not, I will give credence to the word, or mitigate the attributes we as a society have assigned to the word.

11) Eliminate the words can't & don't from your vocabulary - I am a big advocate of this step. Do your very best to remove these two words from your vocabulary permanently. 12) Trust you have all the fortitude to make your dream reality - Old fashion hard work is the name of the game. No matter how hard it gets, how long the hours are, you keep moving forward. It has gotten to the point for me that "hard work" registers as a "feel good" experience. 13) Believe that life can change on a dime - I can share with you that this belief is true, and can happen instantaneously. Of course, it often exists at the point where preparation meets opportunity. 14) Take continuous action - Don't get too fixated on the action steps occurring sequentially, as per your strategic plan. What you want to strive for is aligning to your personal power, your peak state of performance, and allowing for your intuitive nature to surface on what action steps need to occur today. Once you can align to your personal power, synergies are amplified. Therefore, be open to all possible avenues of how your plan can unfold. Leverage every opportunity possible, both those considered action steps, and those that fall outside of your planned strategy. 15) Be your personal best - In every moment of the day, give 150% of your effort. Do not short change yourself on realizing your full potential. Go out there, give it your all, stubble and fall, get back up, and try again. Over time, the stumbles will occur rarely, you will have achieved an athlete's stamina, and you will never be able to look at yourself in the mirror and say, "I didn't try hard enough." Create a life that you won't have to live with regret, by living in the moment, and giving it your all. 16) Be your own cheerleader - Do not rely on others to provide you the motivation to achieve the dream you hold in your mind's eye. You, yourself, are the teacher and the cheerleader, at the same time. Also, never buy into another person's opinion of what you are, and are not capable of achieving in life. Rely on your personal fire/passion/strength to fuel you forward, as you pursue realizing your dream. 17) Keep your vision on the horizon, not on the past - Keep your mind's eye fixated on the horizon, do not entertain the past. As Anthony Robbins so eloquently states, "the past does NOT equal the future." 18) Get as knowledgeable about your intended outcome - Become a sponge, absorbing information that pertains to the subject matter of your dream. There is a high chance that someone else on this planet has held the same, or similar dream, to your own. Suss out successful, and failed action steps, so that you can build on the knowledge of those that have come before you. There is no need to start at square one, when a path of breadcrumbs has been left behind by another. Capitalize on the work of others, so you can divert pitfalls, and solidify a path of successful outcome. Article Source: EzineArticles.com

19) Assess the results of your actions - Are your immediate actions steps fruitful? Or are you finding yourself moving further away from your happiness, and intended outcome? This step can be a little tricky, as a success formula is rarely a vertical ascent, but rather, a mismatch of backward, sidesteps, and pivots. Stay flexible with assessing your action steps, and do your best to evaluate through the lens of happiness. Does it make you feel good? 20) Be selective in who you share your dream with - Lastly, be protective of who you share your dream with including friends and family. Oftentimes, our dreams are simply an affirmation of our dharma, the purpose of our life existence. It is human nature, and a cultural paradigm to say "no," or "it can't be done," far quicker than saying, "yes, I believe you can achieve... xyz". My recommendation would be to source out the most optimistic person within your inner circle, and if one does not exist, then you need to spend the time to cultivate that role in your life. It is essential, that your dream be verbalized, which can be done in the privacy of your four walls. However, beyond the giving flight to your dream through words, it is important to gain the perspective of another, in order to address strengths and weaknesses to your plan of action. I wish everyone all the best outcomes in adopting portions, or the entirety of my success formula! XO Christine LeClaire is a business professional focused on leadership, transforming organizations, and peak performance. She has attained a mastery over achieving goals, learning new skills quickly, and formalizing the dots between vision and reality. She holds an MBA in International Business, and has studied cutting-edge methodologies on Leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School. You can see details here: bit.ly/1Z80YWO

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Successful People: How Do They Do It? Have you ever wondered how some people (no matter what they pursue in life) are in a much better state than others? How do some people live better "lives" than others? How some people achieve bigger goals than others?

In the words of the famous television and radio personality and a so-called "Dean of Personal Development", Earl Nightingale, "the law on which everything in the universe operates is the Law of Cause and Effect". He interpreted this into simpler words to make it more applicable in our daily lives, "our rewards in life will always match our service". It pertains to the balance of what we give out to the world and what the world gives back. For example, if one owns a business, such as a cafĂŠ or a store, the success as to which the business will achieve will depend on the service that it provides to its customers. If the business establishment gives out great quality of service, the feedback that the costumers will give in return will be of the same worth if not more. But why do other businesses come to a fail? Based on the law stated above, it must be because of what they don't give out to their customers. If a cafĂŠ or a store gives out disappointing quality of service, the feedback of the costumers will also level to the same disappointment and that will cause for the business to fail. Why are there so many failures as to there is success? The road to success isn't a walk in the park. It is a rocky dirt path that needs patience, perseverance and considerable effort to get through to. Not a lot of people like to do hard work and not everyone wants to be patient and a lot of people do not want to persevere in order to achieve their set goals. Some wither as they shrink smaller because of the little disappointments they encounter when they ventured into their chosen paths. Such individuals are people who get easily disappointed because of the first few days after they opened their shop/business establishment and only a few shoppers have come by. They get discouraged easily when their set goals are not met so they curl up in great dismay. People fail because they easily give up.

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It's not the end of the world yet, though. For those who have failed, there is still a chance to turn things around. But in order to do this, there are things that failures must do in order to become successful and that is to STOP not doing what they do not like/want to do. To start off, let's go over some qualities of successful people: Determined and Willingness to Sacrifice In order to begin with a business venture, there first must be the determination of making it all the way to your set goal. One must be determined to go all out, above and beyond for the business to push through. This means you are ready to make the necessary sacrifices in order to provide great quality service to your costumers. This may mean spending more hours in the business establishment than in the home or going out of your way in order to give your costumers the comfort and satisfaction of your service. This determination and sacrifice is not only required of you but also of your family as their means of supporting you. This pertains to their willingness to understand your late work hours and the time you need to give up being with them in order to establish the business you are trying your hardest to succeed. After all, what you sow is what you reap. You are still in the sowing process and it is the hardest because it requires time and great effort to "sow the seeds" correctly. Sense of Responsibility William H. Johnsen has the words to live by: "If it is to be, it is up to me." No one else is responsible of your life than you. Whatever you make out of the things in your life, it is all on you, no excuses. Same goes with your business. A lot of factors will try to shake the foundations of your business, the unstable economy, unavailability of your resources, both natural and manmade calamities and this includes family/home problems and a lot more reasons that may challenge your business. No matter what the change or the problems you may face, it is still up to you to make your business a success. The success or the failure of your business is in your shoulders and nobody else's. Article Source: EzineArticles.com

Committed Commit yourself to the success of the business venture you have chosen. As you begin, focus on one thing and never on several things at the same time. As the saying goes, "One cannot serve two masters at the same time." The more things you commit yourself into, the more difficult it is to manage everything. You are still starting so set one goal and achieve it first before you move on to another goal. One step at a time. This is to avoid division of focus, time and effort, this way, there will be less fuss and more clarity on your developments. Willingness to Give More Our world gets more competitive as each day passes. In order to stand out and be identified, there is the need to have the willingness to go the extra mile. The willingness to give more time, more effort, more of everything that you can give, this will give you the edge in your line of business. In example, instead of giving average "good" service, "add more sprinkles to your ice cream" and give out an excellent quality of service to your costumers. This pertains to the little things you add to your routine in accommodating your costumers, that no other establishment provides. This edge will make you stand out and result to your costumers to come back more often and become your regular patrons, or attract new customers. Knows How to Manage Time Wisely Time is the most taken for granted commodity in this world. Whether you move or not, your clock is ticking and there is no stopping it. Thus, you must make the most out of it before it runs out. You must use your time wisely and never allow anyone to waste it. Once a minute, or an hour, or a day passes, there is no bringing it back. Time is more precious than any treasure this world can offer. Never allow anyone to steal it away from you. Learn to manage your time for your time is the sand in your hourglass. Murray Priestley is the Founder & Managing Director of Alpha Holdings Management Ltd. Alpha is a business consulting services firm that provides tailored solutions in investment strategies and technology provision, investment research and multi-family office

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How To Be Succesful - The Secret To Success Many people want to know how to be successful. I believe the secret to success is quite simple. Notice I didn't say it is easy, I said simple. I am going to illustrate with several quotes from Brendon Burchard's book, "The Millionaire Messenger". The first and perhaps most important secret to success is, "Don't give up on your vision or play small because you are starting out." Brendon goes on to describe his circumstances when he was living in a tiny apartment in San Francisco broke because he spent every dollar he had on rent and "cheap burritos". He was writing on a tiny, threelegged, fold-out table his mom used to use in her sewing room. Brendon was drafting a newsletter on the psychology of success working on an outdated laptop that was gathering condensation on the screen from the broken radiator that was hissing steam. Hardly the vision one would expect for someone writing a newsletter about success. But he didn't quit, he didn't give up He asked himself, "Who am I fooling? Who cares what a poor, goofy kid has to say about success?" "You need to have a grand vision for yourself and your message, despite your present circumstances" says Brendon. So there you have it. The secret to how to be successful is quite simple. Start with a grand vision of what you want and what your life is going to be lie. Best to have a vision of how you will serve and help people because as Zig Ziglar has said, "you can have everything you want in life if you help enough people get what they want in life"

The next important ingredient in the "how to be successful" formula is to never let your present circumstances become the excuse for not taking action. Many times would be entrepreneurs make a plethora of excuses. Common among these excuses are: not enough money, not enough time, too busy, don't know enough, who wants to listen to me, who am I to tell others what to do, I haven't achieved anything yet... The litany of possible excuses is endless. Every great person started at the beginning and you can too. One of the most common phrases in network marketing is "getting ready to get ready". Many people are capable of spending a lifetime getting ready. Maybe I will get started just as soon as I clean my desk, organize my files, get a better camera, buy a new computer are all common excuses. Once again the secret to how to be successful is quite simple. Create a vision and take action! That's all there is! Maybe there is a third ingredient in the secret to success. No excuses permitted!

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7 Reasons for Keeping a Journal in Your Personal Improvement Journey Have you ever imagined that journal writing can be a tool for personal improvement, just like budgeting and goal setting?

We all crave to rise above our current circumstances and become more efficient and effective at what we do. This explains why we have countless self-improvement books and speeches in libraries and the internet. A journal or personal diary is a book that you can author and get inspired to achieve your goals in life. It reminds you that your greatest source of self-drive comes from within yourself, not outside. The following are some important reasons to keep a journal as part of your journey towards individual excellence: 1. What you write is easy to remember Personal improvement literature and gurus often remind us on the need to write down our goals since it is easy to remember them as we travel the challenging journey towards individual success. It is for the same reason that you must have a personal book for recording your experiences and reflections. This account of significant events in your daily life enables you to track your daily steps towards your goals. 2. You have time to reflect Journal writing plays the role of a daily monitoring tool. Before you write a summary of your daily experiences, you begin by reflecting. Since a lot has taken place, your brain must sieve through the day's activities. This affords you the time to critically analyze what happened and how you reacted to it. Consequently, you can devise remedial action and find ways of overcoming pertinent challenges.

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3. You can celebrate the milestones that you achieve Milestones are important signposts along the way that tell you how far you have gone and mark significant stages of your success journey - a more crucial reason to keep a journal. A diary helps you to commemorate important milestones. The path to success is not one long unbending road. There are specific targets along the way which indicate whether you are on track. When you accomplish an activity, jot it down in your journal and let it encourage you towards the next goal. 4. It helps to identify trends of success and failure One of the hallmarks of an effective journal is brutal honesty about yourself and your achievement. Writing down your successes and failures allows you time to ventilate, a benefit of keeping a journal that many people don't think about. As you compare your journal entries from month to month, you may realize that at certain times, you tend to slow down or accelerate. You may also discover that certain individuals or activities tend to hamper or propel your efforts. Getting such information creates a platform for improvement. 5. It helps release pent-up feelings A journal is a private record that allows you to vent your emotions, whether good or bad. Keeping a journal is important because you can express what you feel without fear of being judged or criticized. In your personal diary, you can note your frustrations, fears and complaints while reflecting on what exactly caused them. More importantly, you will get rid of negative feelings and approach the coming days and challenges with increased vigor. 6. Through journal writing, you will feel in control In the quest for success, losing control of your thoughts, feelings and actions is very frustrating and demoralizing. A journal reverses this because it helps you to evaluate your day, note your weaknesses and plan for the following day. Consequently, the events of the next day will not surprise you, unless it is something extraordinary.

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A Simple Weekly Tip That Can Change Your Perception of Success Your goal in life might be a big house, a three-week trip to six or seven countries of your choice or any other wild dream that has been nagging at you for years. As you grow, you realize you can't have what you want without money and you can't have money without work. Naturally, you orient your thinking towards succeeding in your career, regardless of what your field is. You focus on advancing your work to get a higher paycheck or a more prestigious title. If you become a successful woman, you will hear a lot of questions about your work-life balance, your duty towards your home and your secret to having it all. While nobody asks men similar questions, it does not make men's duty towards their personal lives disappear. On the contrary, it only emphasizes how their relationships with family and friends are compromised in their search for glory and money. In the end, man or woman, succeeding in your professional life takes a lot from your personal one. It doesn't matter whether you have children or simply need time for your parents and siblings, work will always take a toll on the people in your life if you allow it to.

Imagine yourself successful enough to be featured in a TV show. Everyone will be talking with and about you with starry eyes wishing they would be you and asking you how you did it, hoping that maybe there is a chance for them. They will ask you how much money you paid to start a business, how hard you worked to get that promotion or how much time and effort you put into your job, but they will never ask you what you suffered when you decided to put them in second place. Haters will blame you for your flaws and call you a bad parent and an irresponsible spouse. They will fish for details in your life and find where you failed to perform your duty towards your parents, friends and children. However, they care more about bashing you than about the truth which is why you should not give them any attention. It may be tempting to enjoy your success and rub it in their faces, but if you have become distant enough from the people in your life that you wrecked your relationships with them, the last thing you will think about is people's opinion. You will want to rush back to friends and family and pay your debt to them, but in some cases it might be too late.

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Whether your achievement will give you fame, money or personal satisfaction, it will take a lot from your time and energy. In the corporate world, no one cares about what they leave behind at home. Rarely will you encounter a person who speaks or their spouse or kids in the workplace. After all, the corporate culture has ingrained in people's minds how unprofessional it is to show your concern about your home because it always demands that you put your job first. The next time you take a vacation or stay home for the weekend, reflect on what you do and why you do it. Remember how success will feel like when it is the only thing you have left. Re-evaluate your balance. The thing about work-life balance is that is not a status. It is a constant process. A sick kid will tilt the scale towards home no less than an audit will force you into dropping everything to get to work. Every week, take an hour of your peaceful weekend morning to recap how the entire week went and which side of the scale was sacrificed. Don't torture yourself with guilt over imbalance and keep in mind that it is a perfectly normal part of life. Look on the bright side represented in what you achieved in a specific week and deal with drawbacks with an optimistic attitude rather than a disappointed one. That way, you will become more productive on both sides week after week and more satisfied with your overall lifestyle.

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Do You Suffer From the Fear of Success? Do You Suffer From the Fear of Success - man, this is weird topic. Why would I be afraid to succeed? Who doesn't want to succeed... Well, let me tell you.

It's a common fact that most people never set any goals because of a known emotion called "fear of failure". Being paralyzed by the fear of not succeeding at whatever it is you are trying to accomplish. But, having said that, there is another serious fear that is more common and most likely stopped you from accomplishing your dreams. You most likely don't even know you have it. It's called the "Fear of Success". The symptom of "Fear of failure" will lead many people into a state of being frozen and certain level of inertia - a lack of ability to make take action or make decisions in case of a negative result. This psychological thought process simple to be aware of and there are many ways to learn how to overcome them. But, the "Fear of Success" can often go completely unnoticed, no evidence and definitely more difficult to eliminate. Here are only a few signs of this fear mentality. Maybe you often do this in your life. 

Learning and attempting to use self-help skills but nothing happens or even goes the reverse direction you had hoped for.

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Accepting less than you think you could achieve.

New projects are always extremely exciting and you are full of optimism and enthusiasm but soon your efforts deteriorate or completely stop prior to completing your goal.

You have little confidence in anything going right and often count on things to go wrong, regardless of how well the situation looks.

Do any of these look familiar? This fear can also cause you to behave in ways that will not allow you to succeed. Here's another list below. These symptoms are common results of this fear. 

A common word called "Procrastination": putting off doing what will guide you nearer to the goal you desire. We all have this inner weakness sometimes in our lives, but some have it much worse than others. This is a success eliminator! No one can expect to achieve their goals without taking steps towards it! Aim to accomplish a little thing each day, something that will bring you step by step closer to your dreams. It's important to have a detailed success plan. This is an important part in the ongoing battle we all have against procrastination. Do not wait - get it done and you will feel so good afterwards. Do Something - ANYTHING! Examine your stages as you go along, just don't wait, do not sit doing nothing. Being in action is the most important key element in an individual's growth and development.

Then there is the old saying "Can't see the forest for the trees!" - this is close to being the opposite of the other one - procrastination. Unfortunately, it has as impacting effect on your personal development. The saying is well known but really really think about it. Get to know what the true meaning of this is and how it impacts your life, your goals. Don't get to focused solely on only your plan, thinking that it's so important that you lose sight of the goal! This happens to everyone, once in awhile. You start to believe like the plan was more important than purpose and ultimately, ignored opportunities that could have led me to my goal much faster or easier. Lose your pride and allow the changes to show you a more effective route to your destination. Be open and flexible.

Time Just Isn't Right For Me - It is a common thought process for many areas in our life that we believe the time is not right at that moment. That there is a better time, possibly waiting until you had more info or a smarter plan. Again ACTION is the root to all success. Small steps are faster than no steps or waiting to see if everything is perfect. Sometimes, anything you do might side track away from the plan but, at least you've gained insight and ideas about what doesn't work.

A perfectionist - quite the same to the point above with the same outcome, that you won't accomplish anything. It doesn't matter how good of a job you think you have done, it can always be better! So get over it and get moving. Many great musicians hate listening to their own songs because they know it can still be better. Most actors do not like watching the finished products of films or stage for the same reason, it can always be better. But, we still enjoy them.

Being extremely negative - The glass is half empty - What do you focus on? Do you regularly see all the problems involved and not the accomplishments achieved? If you do, this is a hard one to change overnight. However, you can use this thought process to your advantage while you attempt personal growth and attempt to create a more opportunistic mindset. "How can be negative be used to my

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advantage?" Simple, evaluate the problems and organize a plan to handle them. Each time you overcome one celebrate. Use it a measurement of your accomplishment. If problems keep popping into your thoughts, tell yourself of how well you handled the other ones. Acknowledge how far you have come. When problems surface, ask yourself, "how best can I handle this challenge?" or "how efficiently can I correct this circumstance?".

How specific and how detailed your questions are, are very important as I have outlined. Use the problems as solution finders. After which, is the problem still real? If yes, then go through the same steps. Possibly, it is a potential problem? Then establish an alternative plan just in case but don't get caught up in any of these issues... Be sure to keep moving forward and be open and flexible to changes.

Eventually your fear of success will disappear. As long as you will have kept moving, you will find that eventually, you have moved forward beyond even you thought you could. Also, remember all the struggles. This will help you in remembering where you have come from and how far you could still go. Thanks for reading and, as usual... Here's wishing you Great Health & Great Wealth. Thanks for reading my article. I am committed to creating a motivated and dynamic life for young and old. I hope this has added value and I ask you to please checkout my website at https://manifestingallmydesires.blogspot.com. I love inspiring people and look forward to speaking with you in the future and hearing about your successes. Please checkout my live talks also.

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The Secret of Success: No Gurus or Gods, Just You Imagine that whatever you wanted in life - and you knew for certain you could achieve it? Financial, health and fitness, relationships, personal passions. Hard to believe, right? The truth is that when the goal is right, and you apply a proven success formula, you can achieve anything that you desire. You are searching for something and the solution leading to your success starts with an ancient formula you have already used in your life:

1. Desire for something... an overwhelming desire. 2. Study for required subject knowledge. 3. Action to move forward and realize the goal. Desire + Study + Action = Success Think of your successes in life. We all have them. The three elements of success were there, weren't they?

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Let's be clear: Everything that humans create whether it is physical or circumstance - comes from thought. Your reality is based on how you think. Any human accomplishment is from the creativity and actions taken by the individual or collection of people focused on their goal. It all comes from thought; from your mind, from you. No Gurus, No Gods... Just You. You are the one that gets it done with the Success Formula. No Guru or supernatural entity will do it for you. Substitute hope with action. Substitute prayer with meditation. Substitute Guru-talk with study of your subject from proven, empirical data. Substitute belief in the supernatural helping you achieve your goals with belief in yourself in this natural world achieving your goals. Take action! Case Study As you get older, staying in shape is of course possible, but a little harder. Not too long ago I noticed my trousers around the belt-line getting tight. In fact some days, I couldn't close them without feeling the pressure on my midsection. I didn't like the way I felt or looked. Desire: I set a goal- get back to my size of 36" and comfortable again in my clothes. No quitting and set a date of 30 days. My why: feel better and look better. Study: I researched foods that affect belly fat and ways to reduce that tendency. I found that once you get older and less active, if you are eating a healthy diet as I was, processed sugars and some starch foods contain sugars that your body has trouble eliminating. The main culprit in my waist size. I learned that less than 30 grams a day of any kind of sugar was a great target for my goal. I also learned that I needed to change my exercise routine and take advantage of just a few exercises that I could even do at work when time permitted. Action: I made a plan and stuck to it. My wife got involved and helped me with my less than 30 grams of sugar a day goal. I exercised weekdays for just 10 minutes with yoga style movements and also adding a 15-20 minute run on the weekend. Sometimes a walk depending on my knees yelping. Success: I hit my goal in less than 30 days and maintain this routine which can work for anyone. I did it. Just me. Success is simple with this formula and always with a no quit attitude. Take action now on a simple goal. This is one formula worth millions of dollars, Now put it to the test!

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