Beginning Realbasic
Introduction: Why REALbasic?- Who Should Read This Book?- What You Need to Begin.- How This Book Is Organized.- Conventions Used in this Book.- Part I. Introducing REALbasic: An Introduction to REALbasic.- Navigating the REALbasic Development Environment.- Part II. Learning How to Program with REALbasic: Creating an Application s User Interface.- Working with REALbasic Menus.- Storing and Retrieving Data in Memory.- Applying Conditional Logic.- Processing Lots of Data with Loops.- Getting Comfortable with Object-Oriented Programming.- Part III. Advanced Topics: Processing Files.- Working with DataBases.- Working with Graphics and Audio.- Debugging REALbasic Programs.- Part IV. Appendices: Migrating Visual Basic Projects to REALbasic.- What's on the CD-ROM?- What Next?Glossary.- Index. EAN/ISBN : 9781430201694 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin, APress Discussed keywords: REALbasic Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Ford, Jerry Lee
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