2019 Wymark Drylanders 4-H Market Steer Catalogue

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to the Wymark Drylanders 4-H Club and our 3rd Annual Steer Catalogue!

Thank you for taking the time to read our catalogue. By writing this document, we hope to help sell our steers at Frontier Days on June 29, 2019 and show our appreciation for all the businesses, organizations and people who supported us this past year! Our club has 20 members from the communities of Wymark, Lac Pelletier, and Swift Current. Our Achievement Day was held on May 26th, 2019 at the Burnett Ranch just south of Swift Current. We had 17 steers shown by seventeen kids ranging in age from nine to nineteen. Thanks to the Burnetts, Achievement Day was a great day that was full of fun for all ages. Our members showed off the results of all their hard work- it was truly awesome to see all the kids and their groomed steers parade through sale barn. Now the Wymark Drylanders 4-H members present their steers for you to bid on. Starting on June 29, 2019 at 9 AM, the club members will show their steers in a competition against 10 other 4-H clubs. At 5 PM, the Wymark Drylanders 4-H steers will be available for sale by auction. If you have any questions, or want an “up close and personal� look at the steers, we invite you to come to the barn and meet our members before the auction; we are sure that you will be impressed.



Sunday, June 29, 2019 Afternoon Swift Current Ag & Ex Frontier Days

General Sale Information If you decide to bid on our steers (and we are sure that you will because they are so irresistible), all you have to do is raise your hand during the auction. Each time that you raise your hand, you will be increasing your bid. If the auctioneer says, “sold” after your bid, you will be the proud owner of an incredible beefy steer. After you buy the steer, it is up to you to take it home, call it “George” and keep it until it dies of natural old age! Nah, we are kidding! All you have to do is decide if you want to: a) Resell the steer. If this is your choice, please ask the Ringman to have your steer placed in the Heartland Pen OR b) Get that steer cut and wrapped for easy storage and ingestion. If this is your choice, please ask to have your steer placed in the abattoirs pen of your choice. If you are unable to attend, but you would still like to buy one of our steers, please consider our ORDER BUYING PROGRAM and contact Beau Switzer (306-741-6605). As a buyer of one of our steers, you will be associated with 4-H (which is the BEST rural youth organization in Saskatchewan), you will be publicly acknowledged and thanked at the auction sale, and you will be recognized in OUR 4TH ANNUAL STEER CATALOGUE. Thank you in advance for your support! Happy bidding! 2

Fender Bender

Grand Champion Steer

Birth Date: February 16, 2018 December Weight: 904 lbs. May Weight: 1385 lbs. Projected Finish: 1500 lbs. Average Daily Gain 2.98 lbs.\Day Breed: Limousin X My steer Fender Bender is an overall thick steer. He has a wide spring of rib that carries from his front shoulder to his hind quarter. He is a finished steer with the perfect amount of fat covering. You don’t want to miss out on my steer Fender Bender. THANK YOU to Ken Friesen of Breezin’ Studios for buying my previous 4-H steer.

Leighton Dyck (306) 774-6079


Reserve Grand Champion Steer

Birth Date: March 26 2018 December Weight: 698 lbs. May Weight: 1250 lbs. Projected Finish: 1341 lbs Average Daily Gain 3.05 lbs.\Day Breed: blk angus x I named my steer Steak. His December weight was 698 lbs, in May he was 1199 lbs and on Achievement Day he weighed 1250 lbs. Steak’s average daily gain is 3.05 lbs per day. Thank you to Ponderosa AG Sales for buying my steer last year!

Austen Thick (306) 741-8947 3

Bart Birth Date: March 16 2018 December Weight: 852 lbs. May Weight: 1255 lbs. Projected Finish: 1340 lbs. Average Daily Gain 2.43 lbs.\Day Breed: Hereford\Angus X My steer is long and thick butted. He has a great temperament and can lead well.

Jackson Gording-Dovell (306) 774-3636

Hitchcock Birth Date: May 15 2018 December Weight: 615 lbs. May Weight: 1257 lbs. Projected Finish: 1390 lbs. Average Daily Gain 3.80 lbs.\Day Breed: blk angus\hereford X I picked out Hitchcock from my neighbor Greg Paul. I like how he is quiet and easy to walk with. My steer’s back is straight and his feet are good. Thank you to Cypress Motors Ford for purchasing my last year’s steer.

Tate Switzer (306) 627-3444 4

Chungus Birth Date: March 20 2018 December Weight: 829 lbs. May Weight: 1244 lbs. Projected Finish: 1325 lbs Average Daily Gain 2.7 lbs.\Day Breed: Blk ANgus/ hereford x Chungus was born March 20th, 2018. His December weight was 829 lbs, in May he was 1236 and Achievement Day 1244 lbs. Chungus’s ADG is 2.7 lbs and he is a Black Angus Hereford cross. Thank you to MailleTec Industries for buying my steer last year!!

Cassidy Thick

(306) 741-8947

Full House Birth Date: February 23 2018 December Weight: 826 lbs. May Weight: 1390 lbs. Projected Finish: 1500 lbs. Average Daily Gain 3.23 lbs.\Day Breed: limousin X My steer Full House is a steer you don’t want to miss out on. He is a thick well muscled steer from his front quarter all the way to his hind quarter. Full House will be one of the highest meat yielding steers around resulting in more meat in your deep freeze. Thank you to Greg and Barb James Castlemain Cattle Co. for buying my previous 4-H steer.

Wyatt dyck 5

(306) 774-6078

Buxtehude Birth Date: March 26 2018 December Weight: 596 lbs. May Weight: 1015 lbs. Projected Finish: 1100 lbs. Average Daily Gain 2.5 lbs.\Day Breed: Speckle Park This is my first year in 4-H. I chose Buxtehude because he is a smaller framed steer with a quiet temperament. Don’t let his his size fool you. This flashy steer has great muscle shape.

Karsten Wiebe (306) 741-8471

Flint Birth Date: April 10 2018 December Weight: 772 lbs. May Weight: 1320 lbs. Projected Finish: 1380 lbs. Average Daily Gain 3.28 lbs.\Day Breed: Black ANgus Flint is a long-bodied commercial black angus with plenty of muscling to go around. He’s a real powerhouse that packs on the pounds. Thank you to Pattison Ag for buying last year’s steer at Frontier Days 2018!

Hillary Lacelle

(306) 741-8069 6

Sockeye Birth Date: FEbruary 26 2018 December Weight: 848 lbs. May Weight: 1395 lbs. Projected Finish: 1455 lbs. Average Daily Gain 3.27 lbs.\Day Breed: Black Angus Sockeye is an extremely long steer who is deep and fills out his frame well. He comes from our own herd and, at nearly 1400 lbs, is a robust steamroller of a steer. Thank you to Braun Hereford Ranch (Craig & Carri Braun) and Whitby Farms (Doug Jones) for buying last year’s steer at Frontier Days 2018!

Tyler Lacelle (306) 741-8069

ashdawndesigns@gmail.com 306-741-3324


Fatty Patty Birth Date: March 01 2018 December Weight: 871 lbs. May Weight: 1350 lbs. Projected Finish: 1452 lbs. Average Daily Gain 2.90 lbs.\Day Breed: Hereford My steer is big and healthy and can be grumpy when he doesn’t eat.

Meryk Gording-Dovell (306) 774-3636

Bert Birth Date: MArch 09 2018 December Weight: 754 lbs. May Weight: 1225 lbs. Projected Finish: 1325 lbs. Average Daily Gain 2.85 lbs.\Day Breed: Hereford My steer is good with leading and loves green grass. He has really filled out this project year.

Maddex Gording-Dovell

(306) 774-3636 8

PrettyBoy Birth Date: April 12 2018 December Weight: 655 lbs. May Weight: 1100 lbs. Projected Finish: 1193 lbs Average Daily Gain 3 lbs.\Day Breed: Red ANgus My name is Luke Perras I am 12 years old & this is my first year in the Wymark Drylanders 4-H Beef Club. My steer’s personality is playful & energetic. He always finishes his grain, he is on about 30 lbs a day of rolled barley. He will never leave a speck of grain in his feeder. He has a very straight, thick, & dense loin. When you purchase a 4-H animal you will get a tax deductible receipt. Thanks in advance.

Luke Perras


(306) 741-7805

Spike Birth Date: March 22 2018 December Weight: 686 lbs. May Weight: 1270 lbs. Projected Finish: 1385 lbs. Average Daily Gain 3.51 lbs.\Day Breed: Red ANgus.\Hereford X I’m a Cloverbud. This is my second year of 4-H. Last year I showed Spike at Frontier days when he was a baby calf. I feed him barley, hay, pellets, minerals and sweet 45.

Cole Allin (306) 774-4083

Angus Birth Date: April 20 2018 December Weight: 609 lbs. May Weight: 1010 lbs. Projected Finish: 1100 lbs. Average Daily Gain 1.6 lbs.\Day Breed: Purebred Black ANgus Angus came from Lang acres. He was the quietest one in the pasture. I worked with him every day. I did all the work myself with a very little help from my parents. This is my first year selling a beef steer I showed a heifer calf last year.

Eric Shea

(306) 741-6394 or (306) 741-2557 10

Thor Birth Date: march 28 2018 December Weight: 585 lbs. May Weight: 1045 lbs. Projected Finish: 1130 lbs Average Daily Gain 1.8 lbs.\Day Breed: Charlolais X My calf has a laid back attitude. I started my calf Thor from a baby I have worked with him all the time. He likes when you scratch his head. This is my first year selling a beef steer.

Calum Shea

(306) 741-6394 or (306) 741-2557

Black Jack Birth Date: MAy 22 2018 December Weight: 626 lbs. May Weight: 1035 lbs. Projected Finish: 1150 lbs. Average Daily Gain 2.45 lbs.\Day Breed: Black angus\ Hereford X Thank you to last year’s buyer B and A Petrolium.

SHane Hanel 11

(306) 750-6966

Morty Birth Date: April 06 2018 December Weight: 710 lbs. May Weight: 1270 lbs. Projected Finish: 1370 lbs. Average Daily Gain 3.31 lbs.\Day Breed: Red Angus\hereford X I’m a junior in my third year of 4-H. I chose my steer from my parents herd. He has been fed hay, barley, minerals and pellets. We have given him implants to help him grow and finish well.

Austin Allin

(306) 774-4083






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