Master of Architecture Thesis

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Attracting Youth to Small Towns and Plugging the Brain Drain

“You need to change before you’re required to change. Hardly anything stays the same in terms of competition. The things that excite me most are not the things we’re currently doing, but the things that we might be doing soon.”

- Mike Braun, CEO Meyer Distributing

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rethinking small town life


smart growth and brain gain




data/lit review


community profiles


case studies


site analysis

setting up for success young adults + small towns the eyes on the street

examining attractive places


today’s downtown Jasper





a community of “making�

urban design strategies


focus areas 1-4


focus areas 5-7




smart town


future prepared

connectMain connect6th

greening the neighborhood a new way to live, work & play

surviving and thriving


table of contents


The Indiana Hometown Competitiveness Program (IHTC) has revealed that many small rural towns are struggling to attract young adults (18-35 age group) back to their city, creating a “brain drain” that can be felt economically, socially, and civically. With a weakened youth demographic, other areas of a community may also begin to suffer including leadership, entrepreneurship, philanthropy, families, and inclusiveness. This thesis investigates ways in which architectural and urban design solutions could contribute to promoting the small town as a place in which a young adult would want to make his or her life, hypothesizing that by providing a variety of amenities, entertainment and housing options, and job prospects or entrepreneurship opportunities in the town center, a community could bring back the young adult demographic while strengthening and revitalizing its historic downtown area. Additionally, in order for a community to be sustainable, it must be brought into the 21st century, while continuing to respect and acknowledge its historical roots. Incorporating urban technologies, updating transportation links, fostering creative environments, and responding to environmental issues will help create a “smart town” system that will ensure the community’s survival and modernity in decades to come, and create

a sense of place that will make it unique from other small towns. In order to enrich the lives of all community members, a small town must critically examine its “livework-play” patterns and update or reinvent them for a contemporary demographic.

“The time has come for [small] towns to reimagine, radically, what is best for their young people and their community. If they don’t, the harsh truth is that these towns will, with time, simply disappear.” - Patrick J. Carr, “Hollowing Out the Middle”

These strategies will be proposed in the small Southern Indiana town of Jasper, famous for its German heritage, furniture-making industry, and stellar educational system. Research undertaken examines the features of currently thriving small towns and areas of larger cities, and identifies how they have tackled the problem of brain drain, analyzing specific features that attract youth settlement. A SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) survey is used to identify key attraction elements of selected case studies and the viability of these elements in Jasper. The product of this thesis could serve as a guideline for other small communities interested in updating for a changing demographic, and it is the intention of this author that this thesis will spark redevelopment endeavors in Jasper, Indiana, and start the town on a road to success strengthening all areas of life through community enrichment. KEYWORDS Youth, smart town, community development, Hometown Competitiveness Program, live-work-play, place-making, brain drain, rural, small town, Jasper, IN



OVERVIEW Jasper is a strong community in southwestern Indiana with a rich German history and tradition of community and historical investment. Recently, however, the future of the town has become uncertain as the resident population ages and fewer educated and skilled youth choose to return to make the area their permanent home. A fear of “brain drain” and a desire to stay current and progressive, led Jasper to embark upon the Indiana HomeTown Competitiveness Program in 2011. Since then, the program has identified committee members for each of the six pillars (leadership, entrepreneurship, philanthropy, youth, families, and inclusiveness) and conducted research identifying strengths and areas of needed improvement. This project will focus on capitalizing on the findings of the youth pillar and setting up Jasper, specifically the downtown district, to be a competitive and attractive place for young adults to live and work. With many rural towns across the country experiencing similar issues of “brain drain,” this project could serve as a model of ways to improve communities and encourage private investment. Historic downtowns were once vibrant and inspiring places that were dense with people and activity, and by retaining and restoring their sense of place, they can once again become the true centers of the cities or towns they serve.


The site was defined by two successful and wellused parts of downtown Jasper: Courthouse Square and the Riverfront. Development will be proposed in both of these areas, but the masterplan will primarily focus on the area between these two attractions, suggesting development that will allow each area to draw on the success of the other. These connector corridors will become important parts of the urban fabric, expanding the reaches of downtown by bridging the gap between two popular amenities.



The project masterplan will achieve the following:

Improvements to courthouse square will include: wider sidewalks that allow for gathering spaces in front of shops and at corners; reclaiming alleyways for positive public space; adding bike lanes; creating or expanding apartment space above ground floor retail; updating technology infrastructure; expanding the options for dining, shopping, and entertainment; and reopening the abandoned Astra Theatre for movies and events.

1. Connection of the courthouse square to the riverfront area through developed corridors. 2. Increased attention to the pedestrian with expanded sidewalks, bike trail network, and urban gathering areas. 3. Reclamation and renovation of existing abandoned historical structures for adaptive reuse. 4. An update of the existing commercial and mixed use buildings to appeal to the creative class while respecting their historical and cultural significance. 5. Creation of employment and entrepreneurial opportunities within the district. 6. Expansion of the district’s housing options to include apartments, single family homes, and townhouses. 7. Updated technology infrastructure to include high speed Internet access and teleconferencing capabilities. 8. Increased neighborhood density through infill. 9. Creation of a progressive downtown with amenities and a culture that will attract young adults to it.

RIVERFRONT Improvements to the riverfront areas will include: expanding the Riverwalk and connecting it to other city recreational paths; redefining the edge between urban and nature; and repurposing the abandoned Jasper Cabinet Co. building for public or private use. CONNECTOR CORRIDORS Existing streets between courthouse square and the riverfront will be planned to include: establishing sightlines and enabling pedestrian access from downtown to the riverfront; infilling empty lots with mixed use commercial/residential buildings; creating business incubator space for entrepreneurs; reducing the speed of vehicular traffic and increasing safety for pedestrians and cyclists; updating the district’s technology infrastructure; and creating job prospects. DESIGN LANGUAGE The architectural style of new development will respect both the historical and physical context of the town: low-rise structures made of durable materials with a distinct German influence, naturalist parks that reflect the area’s recreational pursuits, urban hardscapes that are safe and friendly to pedestrians, cyclists, and families. A more contemporary design language will be used outside of the historic downtown as a way to diversify the city’s building typologies and help the community become more progressive and inclusive.


project proposal


LITERATURE/DATA REVIEW In order to collect a complete picture of the community of Jasper, the reoccurring problem of rural brain drain, as well as attributes of a sustainable community, both literature review and data review methods will be employed. The data review will examine the “state of the city” of Jasper, including facts and figures about current live-work-play patterns and the findings of the Youth Pillar Committee of the Jasper Hometown Competitiveness Program. These findings will be especially important to understand the wants and needs of the town’s youth population and what changes would have to occur for youth to change their decision to stay or leave post-graduation. Topics covered in the literature review include: contributing factors and deterrents of the rural brain drain, how communities are strengthened by their citizens, and characteristics of successful communities that make them walkable, economically stable, attractive, and sustainable.


COMMUNITY PROFILES In order to better understand the culture of young adults in Jasper, community profiles were used to show what life is like in the small town for ten people under forty years of age that work and live in Jasper or the surrounding rural area. Their comments reflect questions asked of them by the local newspaper, The Dubois County Herald, as part of a special community edition, and address their background and ties to the area, why they believe Jasper’s economy has been so successful compared to other small towns, what they value about their living in their community, and how Jasper needs to respond to the needs of youth to attract more young people to the area. The ages of the respondents range from 22-35, and they are employed in a variety of trades of local industry, in all positions from laborer to executive. These profiles are especially intriguing because all differing opinions are presented and embraced, recognizing that a single solution will not meet the needs of all types of people, A holistic approach must be undertaken to try to blend many ideas and strategies to create a master plan for downtown Jasper that seeks to attract every type of young person, from hipster to hick, and establish Jasper as an inclusive and competitive place to live, work, and play.




Finding solutions that may be applicable to Jasper involves examining various other communities to understand how they have achieved success. The three case studies undertaken were chosen because of their application to a specific aspect of the Jasper, Indiana master plan. One is a river waterfront development and green space (how to connect the river with downtown), another is the downtown area of a community of comparable size and demographic of Jasper (what amenities are essential to downtown living), and the third is a small urban district of a larger city which has excelled recently in attracting and retaining young people, tourists, and visitors that live elsewhere in the city (identify the “it factor” of this district and try to emulate in Jasper). By using a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis of each case study, positives and negatives can easily be identified and their viability in Jasper can be considered. The case studies investigated include:

The proposed site for the project is the community of Jasper, Indiana, and more specifically, the downtown and riverfront areas of the city. To analyze the site, various existing site conditions will be explored. Taking stock of current housing, industry, and public space in the district will reveal areas in need of additional development options. Understanding the transportation patterns at the transit, vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian level is essential in providing accessibility to and within the site. Acknowledging the history and culture of the town, its architecture, and its people will be valuable to suggest solutions that respect the context and community values. Most important, however, will be understanding the people who currently use, and who could potentially use the proposed site; the downtown area is used by local residents, young and old, daytime commuting workers, and town visitors. Accompanying knowledge gained from a lifetime of living in the proposed community and using the proposed downtown and riverfront areas, will be numerous site visits and historical town research. Photographs, maps, diagrams, and census data on population, demographics, economic activity, households, and other statistics of daily life will be used to document the site(s) and town.

• Waterfront Park (Louisville, KY) • Downtown Florence (Florence, AL) 8

• NuLu (district of Louisville, KY)




HTC YOUTH PILLAR FINDINGS A survey was administered to young adults originally from or living in Jasper by representatives of the Youth Pillar, interested in learning their thoughts about their hometown. Two thirds of the sample were between the ages of 21 and 25, and the majority (88%) do not have children. When asked about “Good reasons for living in Jasper,” the most frequent response was family (19%), friends (16%), grew up here (14%), safety (12%) and sense of community (11%). When asked “What could Jasper change or improve?” the most frequent response was entertainment (26%), job opportunities (21%), cultural opportunities (16%), and higher education opportunities (12%). When asked about their motivation for leaving Jasper, the most frequent response was higher education opportunities (19%), job opportunities (15%), lack of entertainment (13%), and lack of cultural opportunities (10%). About half of respondents (51%) indicated that employment is important when choosing a place to live. This is consistent with the issue that was identified as something Jasper could improve, as well as the reason why some left Jasper. (HTC Young Adult, 2012) A significant number of people (49%) believed that Jasper is not welcoming to new people. Only 17% believed that Jasper celebrates its diversity, but 62% believed that it does not. Many respondents (61%) believed that Jasper residents do not respect others with different perspectives. The following quote echoes a theme that was repeated by several respondents, “This is a welcoming community as long as you are a white Catholic of German heritage and your family has been in Jasper for inadvertently alienates people that do not share that particular heritage.” (HTC Young Adult, 2012) Lastly, more than two thirds (69%) of respondents believed there is not enough information brought up in high school about job opportunities. Respondents were

virtually evenly split on whether to see Jasper continue with historical restorations or see it become more modern in appearance. Regarding charitable causes, 95% give in some way through volunteering, and 77% reported that their parents give to charitable causes, suggesting a strong community commitment to charitable support. (HTC Young Adult, 2012) A second survey was administered to 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th graders at Jasper High School by the Youth Pillar representatives interested in their attitudes about Jasper and their potential futures in the town. When asked what they expect to be doing six months after graduation, the majority (76.8%) plan to attend

a 4-year college and 26% plan to work after graduation. Students were asked, “What do we have in Jasper that you enjoy?” They could choose more than one response. The most popular responses were restaurants, movie theater, and school sports. (HTC High School, 2012) Respondents were asked what types of careers they were currently considering for the future. The two careers cited most frequently were medicine and law enforcement (25.6% and 24.8%, respectively). When asked if they believed the careers they were interested in were available in Jasper, 43.3% said yes, 33.4% said no, and

deficiencies in entertainment, cultural opportunities, and diversity inclusiveness. Maintaining the parts of the community which are assets and reasons to stay must also be carefully preserved for those individuals who plan to stay or who have stayed in Jasper.

Percentage: "Jasper is a safe community." 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

23.3% were unsure. Fewer than half of respondents (38.6%) reported that they intend to live in this area when they start their career. Younger students were more likely to respond that they intend to remain here in the community than older students: 43% of 9th graders, 42.5% of 10th graders, 32.7% of 11th graders, and 35.4% of 12th graders. (HTC High School, 2012) Of the students who plan to leave after graduation, only 39.1% believe their career interest exists in Jasper. Strongest reasons for leaving cited include: career opportunity elsewhere (65.5%); make more money elsewhere (62.8%); lack of entertainment (44.7%) and community is too small (42.7%). 77.9% of these students plan to attend a 4-year college after graduation. (HTC High School, 2012) Of the students who plan to stay, 64.9% believe their career interest exists in Jasper. The strongest reasons for staying included: friends (74.7%); great place to raise a family (70.8%); community safety (69.2%); family ties in community (64.9%); and quality schools (62.7%). 74.7% of these students plan to attend a 4-year college after graduation (HTC High School, 2012) The findings of both of these surveys suggest that job availability is most important when deciding where to settle, and that issue must be addressed alongside 11

RURAL BRAIN DRAIN Brain drain, the out-migration of young, college educated workers from the nation’s rural areas, poses a serious threat to the social and economic vitality of rural America. Anecdotal accounts from the Midwest to Maine describe an exodus of young college graduates, lured away by big-city living and better-paying jobs. Most recent studies of brain drain in the United States have concentrated on the migration patterns of recent college graduates—in particular on their first move after college. However, many college educated workers face national job markets and enter professions in which experience is important for career advancement. Younger people may move away from home after finishing school in order to find suitable entry-level positions, or they may be attracted to the social environment of big cities. But as people age, they gain experience in their professions, their lifestyles change, and they may choose to move again. If we are to fully understand the forces shaping brain drain, we need to better understand the location of all college-educated workers, not just those in their twenties. (Artz, 2003) Talk to the experts, and there are two schools of thought about why young people leave small towns. Economists blame a shortage of jobs, while sociologists and geographers contend that there is a shortage of things to do. What both explanations gloss over is why and how the young people leaving look so markedly different from the ones who don’t. When making a decision to leave or stay, young people can be grouped into four categories: Achievers, Stayers, Seekers, and Returners. (Carr/Kefalas, 2009)

data/literature review

male. High-Flyers are the other distinction of Returners. They are similar to Achievers, with college educations and big-city aspirations, but return to their hometowns after some time away to raise a family or live a less fastpaced life. High-Flyers are the bread and butter of the young people towns try to attract home, but they represent such a small number of rural residents, towns must focus on more than just meeting their needs. (Carr/Kefalas, 2009)

Achievers are characterized as the high-achieving, most-likely-to-succeed students destined for highly regarded colleges, and most likely to leave small rural towns. Stayers were most often from blue-collar families, did not excel in school, weren’t headed to a fouryear college, likely worked throughout high school, and transitioned easily into a job after high school before settling down with their high school sweetheart in their hometown. The Seekers are also likely to leave their hometown, but not by pursuing a college degree, because their families were probably of modest means and they did not excel academically. These individuals know they do not want to live in the countryside their whole life, but often have an ambiguous road map of where life will take them, often including military service. (Carr/ Kefalas, 2009) The final category, the Returners, can be broken down into Boomerangs and High-Flyers. Boomerangs start out as Seekers, looking to find a way out of their rural hometown, but for one reason or another boomerang back home. They have usually completed some college or work experience, but their new life fails to live up to their expectations and they retreat. Boomerangs are similar to Stayers, except they usually have more education and are generally female, where Stayers tend to be 12

To combat the issue of brain drain, Michigan created a Cool Cities Advisory Group. The idea behind Cool Cities is straightforward: you build a cool city and they - young knowledge workers and other creative class members - will come. However, the program’s results have been far from encouraging. A recent editorial in the Detroit News noted that despite the initiative’s best intentions, many college graduates still leave the state to find jobs. The crux of the issue is that building a cool city means very little when there are no jobs. What is most needed to reverse the flow of educated graduates is a strong and diversified job market with opportunities for young professionals to pursue their careers locally. This requires investment, infrastructure, and not an insignificant amount of good fortune. Having great amenities or an institutional magnet such as a university enhances the chances of attracting knowledge-economy innovators, but the competition for such workers is intense. Investing in technologies such as fiber optics and high-speed Internet access or improving existing amenities is probably a good idea for all small towns to enhance the quality of life and create a sort of fertilizer for helping local entrepreneurial opportunities grow. (Carr/Kefalas, 2009) COMMUNITY = CITIZENS A strong community is made up of involved, socially connected individuals. Social capital refers to connections among individuals - social networks and the norms of reciprocity and trustworthiness that arise from them. In that sense social capital is closely related to what some have called “civic virtue.” The difference is

that “social capital� calls attention to the fact that civic virtue is most powerful when embedded in a dense network of reciprocal social relations. A society of many virtuous but isolated individuals is not necessarily rich in social capital. Areas high in social capital are good at maintaining livable spaces, they are also good at getting ahead. A growing body of research suggests that where trust and social networks flourish, individuals, firms, neighborhoods, and even nations prosper. (Putnam, 2000) Strong social capital is essential for strong community. If a community is strongest when its citizens are involved in social networks, what would happen to the community when involvement wanes or is lost entirely? Civic engagement on all levels has declined in the past 25 years, and the forms of participation that have withered most noticeable reflect organized activities at the community level; Lions Clubs, PTA’s, Kiwanis, neighborhood associations, just to name a few. It is precisely those forms of civic engagement - those activities that


brought citizens together, those activities that most clearly embody social capital - that have declined most rapidly. But size of community makes a difference: formal volunteering, working on community projects, informal helping behavior (like coming to the aid of a stranger), charitable giving, and perhaps blood donation are all more common in small towns than in big cities. (Putnam, 2000) The need to preserve these types of social relationships, the ones that keep a community connected and thriving, is great. Commuting accounts for little more than one-quarter of all personal trips, but for the structure of the lives of working Americans it is the single most important trip of the day. In round numbers the evidence suggest that each additional ten minutes in daily commuting time cuts involvement in community affairs by 10 percent - fewer public meetings attended, fewer committees chaired, fewer petitions signed, fewer church services attended, less volunteering, and so on. (Putnam, 2000) Making downtown areas more attractive to homeowners will locate them closer to work than their far away suburban homes, cutting commute time and potentially increasing the time they devote to strengthening the community. The more integrated we are with our community, the less likely we are to experience colds, heart attacks, strokes, cancer, depression, and premature death of all sorts. Such protective effects have been confirmed for close family ties, for friendship networks, for participation in social events, and even for simple affiliation with religious and other civic associations. In other words, the socially connected enjoy remarkable health benefits. Regular club attendance, volunteering, entertaining, or church attendance is the happiness equivalent of getting a college degree or more than doubling your income. Civic connections rival marriage and affluence as predictors of life happiness. (Putnam, 2000) Returning home to a support network of family and friends, and becoming integrated into the community could be a smart health choice for young adults, and help them live happier lives.

data/literature review

Citizenship is not a spectator sport. (Putnam, 2000) Sustainable community development is about the quantity and quality of empowerment and participation of people. (Roseland, 2012) If we hope to strengthen our town by attracting the accomplished youth demographic, we must also focus on getting them immediately connected to the network of social capital to ensure they practice civic engagement, as strong engagement is the real predictor of a strong community.

CREATE TO COMPETE In order to attract the high-flying young adults back to the community, small towns must look at ways to improve the community to make it a desirable place to live for Returners and current residents. Sustainability can deliver on these hopes. It promises to help us create communities that are cleaner, healthier, and less expensive; enjoy greater accessibility and cohesion; and be more self-reliant and secure in energy, food, and economic resources. Sustainable communities are not merely about “sustaining” the quality of our lives - they are about improving it. There are many ways to define sustainability. The simplest definition is: A sustainable society is one that can persist over generations, one that is farseeing enough, flexible enough, and wise enough not to undermine either its physical or its social systems of 14

support. (Roseland, 2012) Generally speaking, sustainable community development strategies should favor bottom-up over topdown approaches; redistribution over trickle-down; self-reliance over dependency; a local rather than regional, national, or international focus; and small-scale projects rather than grand-scale or mega-projects. As well, they should be designed with extensive public participation; seek to improve society and the environment as well as the economy; and result in increased equity, equality, and empowerment. (Roseland, 2012) Two core issues of context help to make sustainability relevant to rural communities: 1) looking to sustainable forms of development to address fundamental issues of restructuring and community viability and 2) understanding how sustainable community planning may contribute to economic diversification and overall rural competitive advantage. When you ask rural people why they live where they do, their answers almost always have to do with quality of life This includes the small-town lifestyle, access to nature and sense of community common in rural places. Far from threatening the rural “way of life,” sustainable community development is completely compatible with preserving rural quality of life and creating a development foundation that protects and enhances a community’s sense of place. (Roseland, 2012) The primary supporting strategy of strong towns is placemaking. We need to wring more value out of our places and that is only going to happen if we understand how to create value in the first place. A simple explanation for why our economy is stalled and cannot be restarted is this: Our places do not create wealth, they destroy wealth. Our development pattern, the American style of building our places, is simply not productive enough to sustain itself. (Marohn, 2012) To get a higher return on our public investments requires an understanding of what it takes to build great towns and neighborhoods. The following placemaking principles describe Strong Towns and can be used to guide their development. (Marohn, 2012)

1. A Strong Town is financially stable and must not be dependent on government subsidy for the common maintenance of basic infrastructure systems. 2. A Strong Town is economically vibrant and diverse. The town must have a local economic composition that encourages financially-sound business creation and expansion, as well as allow for creative destruction. 3. A Strong Town is designed with a physical layout that enhances the public realm and thus adds value to each property that fronts it. New growth and development must improve the public realm. 4. To build an affordable transportation system, a Strong Town utilizes roads to move traffic safely at high speeds outside of neighborhoods and urban areas. Within neighborhoods and urban areas, a Strong Town uses complex streets to equally accommodate the full range of transportation options available to residents. 5. To make transportation systems more efficient and affordable, to create economic opportunity and to enhance the community, neighborhoods in a Strong Town must be mixed use, with properly-scaled residential and commercial development.


6. A Strong Town utilizes a system of interconnected parks and civic structures to provide value to property owners within the community. Parks, greens, squares and civic buildings provide value when they enhance the public realm, create memorable landscapes and provide for spontaneous gatherings. 7. A Strong Town requires age diversity in order to sustain itself. Designing neighborhoods for safe, independent living at all stages of life is critical for a Strong Town. 8. A Strong Town is connected to the region and, no less importantly, to the world, while knowing their unique place within these systems. 9. A Strong Town has a leadership ethic that emphasizes open, transparent, inclusive and efficient governance, as well as active and forward-thinking engagement with citizens and private-sector partners. 10. Strong Towns reduce costs associated with land use, transportation and development, and are able to reinvest these savings to strengthen their longterm position in the region and the world.

data/literature review

MATTHEW SHAICK 32, Meyer Distributing national account and credit manager I was born in Jasper but spent four years in Colorado, four years in Bloomington, and a year in Milwaukee before moving back to Jasper. This is such a great place to live and work because of the dynamic nature of the community. Past successes drive future achievements, which give current residents opportunities for continued accomplishments. The town affords individuals opportunity if they are willing to work hard and see their visions to the finish line. The community is safe, clean, and progressive yet rooted with conservative morals and is a community of individuals always willing to work together on common causes and goals. It is a place of geographic natural beauty that is inside the Bloomington, Louisville, Evansville triangle. It is a rural retreat yet easily within reach of these nearby metropolitan markets for urban amusements.


to move here. We need cultural focal points in the downtown areas, we need culinary-minded individuals to take risks, and we need a taxi service. We need to embrace art and music as a community and encourage and empower the entrepreneurial spirit. SARAH SCHMIDT 29, Jasper Engines & Transmissions manager of Jasper-certified components I am originally from [the nearby town of] Ferdinand, but in February of this year I married my husband, Chris, and we reside in Jasper. I think the area has been successful economically because of the variety of industry, primarily manufacturing, and the adaptability to change coupled with a workforce with strong work ethics. I like the small-town feel here while still having big opportunity around me. There are many career opportunities here and still plenty of room for growth.

The continued reinvestment in both financial and human capital To attract and retain young needs to be the focus of growth for the community. Creating jobs and people, the town needs to contincreating central social attractions is ue being a “one-stop shop� so the young people here have a variety paramount in getting young people

of career options with future growth both professionally and financially and a comfortable, safe place to raise a family. We need to continue to make strides in adding new businesses, developing downtown areas, adding parks and developing existing ones, growing our schools to suit our needs with the strongest teachers around, etc. DARREN SCHILLING 33, RideTech sales manager I lived in Los Angeles and North Carolina a short time in my early 20s - and ended up back here. I missed my family and friends, which brought me home. I work closely with other businesses from all over the world. So I can say without hesitation that the people I work with are some of the hardest working people out there. They are devoted to their work, reliable, and honest. In my opinion, this area has all of the right components to attract and retain young people. Many people grow up with the mentality that moving away after school is necessary to be successful. This just isn’t true. However, I do recommend that everyone spend some time away from home; that is the only way to appreciate what you have.

LESLIE PETRY 34, Farm Credit Mid-America financial support specialist I can remember saying in high school that I couldn’t wait to get out of here to see what the world had to offer. Now, I can’t imagine me, and


For young people who are concerned about more than just having a Starbucks on every corner, Jasper has a lot to offer them. Being a mother of two young children, having a strong school system with an attractive campus and facilities is vital. Along with good schools, you need expert health care and job availability. In all of these areas, the ability to evolve and change with the times to stay relevant should be a priority.

my family, living anywhere else. This is home. I can tell you the names of all the kids in my own children’s classrooms along with most of their parents’ names. I’m familiar with the school staff from teachers’ aides to the superintendent’s staff. I can’t go into a grocery store, bank or restaurant without seeing a familiar face and getting to catch up on their lives. I’ve been in the financial industry my whole career, which has afforded me the opportunity to assist several of those friends and neighbors in that capacity. It brings heart along with the service knowing you’re working with someone who knows and trust you. It also gives me an opportunity to get to know people that I may not be familiar with and work alongside them to achieve a trusted working relationship.

I believe the area has been successful economically because the companies do what they can to keep the jobs here. Keeping jobs in the town attracts people and keeps the money in the area. That’s a win-win.

It’s hard to compete with the amenities that living in an urban area affords. But on the other hand, it’s like comparing apples to oranges.

I really enjoy the sense of “community” here and how everyone is willing to lend a hand. To me, it’s the people who make a

ANTHONY SENG 26, Jasper Engines & Transmissions internal audit group team leader and pricing/costing analyst I was born and raised in Jasper and graduated from Jasper High School. I graduated in 2009 from IU with a degree in business management.

community great, and we have a lot of great people here who aren’t afraid to donate time, money and energy back to the community. I enjoy how both businesses and residents give back to the community, making it a better place for generations to come. I would like to see the high school students become more aware of what careers are available to them in the area before they graduate. I believe members of the younger generation feel they have to move away because their hometown does not offer their specific career choice when in fact it might be readily available. NICHOLAS A. GRAMELSPACHER 35, Meyer Distributing vice president of sales and marketing I like the smalltown atmosphere and living close to the office but still being “out in the country.” It’s a safe community in which one wants to raise a family. Expanding and exciting companies are attractive to young people. Many young graduating college students want to work for Google, Yahoo, or Facebook, to name a few. [These companies] have turned “work”

community profiles

into a lifestyle. It’s actually cool to work at those places. Local companies should take a page out of their playbooks that are financially realistic. I am not talking about installing a water slide or a bowling alley but things like an office gym, rest and renew areas to create afternoon productivity and a technologically advanced training area with incentives to learn are a few things that go a long way in attracting and retaining employees. GWEN GUNSELMAN 33, National Office Furniture showroom and events manager This county is a great place to raise a family, the public and private schools are excellent, and there’s a feeling of being safe. We are centrally located within one to three hours of many larger cities, allowing us other opportunities both personally and professionally. A true testimonial to a community is that the youth will want to come back to the area to raise their families and enjoy some of the same experiences they had as children.


For Jasper to attract and retain young people, there needs to be more places for recreation and entertainment. On weekends and after work, young people want more opportunities and places to socialize.

BROOKE MESSMER-COOK 34, Best Home Furnishings fabric merchandise specialist We have a community filled with people who are very driven and care about their jobs. I feel that contributes to a healthy workforce and successful economy. This is a great place to raise a family and the schools are some of the best in the state. You also get the small-town atmosphere, which is great, but yet on the job you get to interact with people all over the world so you really get the best of both perspectives.

in business. I think others do the same. I love working close to home. I drove over an hour each way to Whirlpool in Evansville [for work] for eight years. I appreciate being close to my children now and I don’t miss wasting two hours of my day on the road. I personally don’t think anything can be done to attract young people to the community. I think you either like the closeness of a small community or you move on to the big city. I personally tried moving away. I took a job right out of college for Cummins diesel engines, but missed my friends and family. I moved back home and never looked back.

I believe this area is moving in the right direction with the arts, expanding the selection of restaurants, the farmers markets, fests, parks, eclectic clothing and accessories boutiques, etc. Also very important is maintaining the community involvement of our young adults.



In my opinion, we don’t have much of the night life that us twenty-somethings are looking for and that a large city can offer. There are not many places in the county for young adults to just hang out and meet new people. It would be nice to have more restaurants, shopping and night life that relate to the younger generation.

33, RideTech CAD engineer I think small towns stay successful because of the people living in them. I try to buy from the local community to keep local companies in

22, Best Home Furnishings designer Living in my hometown has enabled me to be closer to my family. That’s probably the most beneficial aspect of moving back home.


community profiles

» » » WATERFRONT PARK - LOUISVILLE, KY Established in 1986, the Waterfront Development Corporation (WDC) plans, coordinates and implements strategies to revitalize Louisville’s Waterfront. WDC was created by an interlocal agreement between Jefferson County, the City of Louisville (now Louisville Metro), and the Commonwealth of Kentucky to oversee redevelopment of Louisville’s waterfront from a blighted and underutilized area into a vibrant, active area. The result is Waterfront Park, which has improved the quality of life of Louisville residents and has also been a catalyst for business and residential redevelopment in the Waterfront District and connecting areas of downtown Louisville. Before the creation of WDC in 1986, Louisville’s downtown waterfront area, from Ohio River south to Main Street and between the Clark Memorial and Kennedy Bridges, was filled with abandoned or underutilized land and buildings. The waterfront area was one of the most unattractive parts of the city. The Waterfront District that was once a heavy industrial wasteland cut off from the city now boasts more than 6000 employees, major residential developments, and the trickle down effect in surrounding areas of restaurants, entertainment venues, galleries, support retail, and an abundance of new residential and office space.

[above] - Aerial photograph of the Louisville waterfront area of the Ohio River before the construction of Waterfront Park. The site was filled with abandoned or underutilized land and buildings, and was one of the most unattractive parts of the city before development of the park.

To quote from the Waterfront Master plan: “In broad philosophic strokes, the Master Plan seeks to pull into the 21st century the cultural waterfront heritage of the 18th and 19th centuries, to interpret and restore the ecology of the river as it was before western civilization, and to extend downtown Louisville to the river--and

“For those who have never had the pleasure of living in a city with a vibrant urban parks system, it’s hard to imagine the many uses and benefits that urban parks offer to downtown workers, residents, and visitors. Louisville Waterfront Park is the front door to Kentucky, a playground for people of all ages, and a gathering place for folks from all over the community. It offers a grand view of the river, space for concerts and festivals, quiet places to read a book, picnic spaces for your family and friends. The parks hosts crowds of 350,000 for Thunder Over Louisville, and groups of 25 for family reunions.” - From the website of Louisville Waterfront Park 20

conversely, magnify the presence of the river and extend the river into downtown. In so doing the Waterfront can be come a vessel for public activities, with the natural systems of the Ohio River Valley generating its structure and power. Finally, it is the spirit of the people who will fill this space that adds the most necessary dynamic, that of the natural exuberance of human life.”

Phase II is a ribbon of medium to small spaces, suitable for picnics, weddings, parties, and events of moderate size. In contrast to Phase I, Phase II is a place where it is possible to feel nature without a reminder that the city is right over your shoulder. Home to Tumbleweed Southwest Grill and the Adventure Playground, Phase II is one of the busiest areas of the park during summer months.

The Park is made up of three phases and totals 85 acres. Phase I was completed in 1999 and contains Phase III connects the first two phases and combroad, open spaces appropriate for large events, as well pletes the original vision laid out in the Waterfront Masas smaller spaces intended for family gatherings or en- ter Plan. It includes the Promenade along the river, the joying the Ohio River in a secluded setting. The cen- Swing Garden, walking paths, picnic areas, parking and terpiece of Phase I is the Great Lawn, the park’s most restrooms, and the Lincoln Memorial, which commemodistinctive open space. rates Abraham Louisville Waterfront Park Lincoln’s lifelong Kentucky connections. PARK FEATURES (


Louisville Waterfront Park




Amphitheater Adventure Entrance to Docks Playground Lincoln Memorial Amphitheater Adventure Upland Meadow WaterOverlook Entrance to Tumbleweed Docks Brown-Forman Playground Orange Upland Meadow North Joe’s Crab Amphitheater Feature Lincoln Purple Harbor Great Lawn Shack Wharf Memorial Big Four Bridge (Great Lawn Gracehoper Brown-Forman Water Tumbleweed Upland Meadow Docks) Festival BRIDGES Picnic Area Sculpture Belle of Amphitheater Feature Swing Garden Purple Plaza CONSTRUCTION Harbor Yellow LouisvilleWharf Big Four Bridge Water Linear SAFETY ZONE (Great Lawn Children’s Play Area Gracehoper Park (Closed to Public) Docks) Play Area Festival BRIDGES Picnic Area Sculpture Belle of Swing Garden Plaza CONSTRUCTION Yellow Water Louisville Linear SAFETY ZONE Children’s Play Area Park (Closed to Public) Play Area Joe’s Crab Shack


North Great Lawn

Upland Meadow Orange

River R oad

River R oad

Blue Parking


Blue Parking Tetra Sculpture Tetra Sculpture

Donor Wall Dancing Waters Dancing Waters


ersp oon


ersp Harbor oon


Donor Harbor Wall South Lawn Great Lawn South Great Lawn

Lincoln Memorial Parking Picnic Area Orange Picnic Area Orange Green Parking Green Parking

Fred Wiche Grove

Lincoln Memorial Parking

Fred Wiche Purple Grove Parking Orange Parking Purple Parking Orange Parking

Tan Parking

Red Parking

Red Parking Big Four Lawn

Big Four Lawn

Silver Parking Silver Parking

Picnic Area Tan Picnic Area Tan

Tan Parking Turquoise Parking

Yellow Parking Yellow Parking

Turquoise Brown-Forman Parking Amphitheater Lawn Brown-Forman Amphitheater Lawn

case studies

S.W.O.T. - STRENGTHS The greatest strength of Waterfront Park is not actually a feature of the park itself, but the neighborhood development. Since the opening of Phase I in 1998, the downtown area adjacent to the waterfront saw a surge of investment, development, and job creation. An economic study conducted by the Waterfront Development Corporation estimates that between 1986 when the WDC was founded, and 2007 when the study was conducted, more than 5,000 jobs were created and more than 1.3 trillion dollars of investment has been spent in Louisville near the waterfront because of the amenities the park provides. Highlighted projects include the Waterfront Park Place high rise apartments, Tumbleweed flagship restaurant, and Louisville Slugger Field, home of the Minor League Louisville Bats baseball team. Gary Ulmer, president of the Louisville Bats, specifically cites the stadium’s waterfront location as essential to the success of the franchise. “Clearly having the waterfront next to the baseball stadium is a great thing for the fans, and vice versa.” says Ulmer. “People say that this park is a great place, there’s plenty of street level parking and it’s easy to get in and out of town; it’s really the best of all worlds, a downtown facility that’s close to the waterfront but not in the middle of the grind.”


The park itself includes all the amenities required for every type of park user. There are walking and biking trails, playgrounds (some handicap accessible), fountains, picnic areas, large meadows, plaza spaces for gatherings, sports fields, parking, public restrooms and shelter houses, large art pieces, gardens, a marina, bike rentals, and of course spectacular views of the river and city skyline. The park is used for recreation, family gatherings, weddings, concerts, and even larger events like the Kentucky Derby Festival activities which include a food truck and artisan festival, music events, kids play park, and helicopter rides. Waterfront Park has become an attractive and accommodating destination for any and all activity. But the success of the park and the resultant neighborhood development lies in the way the park deals with two things: the user’s relationship to the

[above] - Louisville Slugger Field from Waterfront Park

[left] - Waterfront pedestrian path and marina access

water and the park’s relationship to the city. These two successes are also areas in which Jasper could learn to improve its own riverfront green space and spurn neighborhood investment. In every area of the park, the user is very aware of its relationship to the river. From the great fountain extending the length of the park, the docking marina, the launching ramp where visitors can actually touch the water level, the historic flood markers, or the wide panoramic river vistas, water is all around. By not restricting access to the river and instead embracing it within the park as more than just a pretty view, visitors can appreciate the important waterway and hopefully understand the impact they could have upon it. Seeing a plastic bottle you threw into the fountain float all the way into the river becomes much more impactful when you realize it won’t just be cleaned out by a maintenance person. Also in nearly every area of the park, the user is very aware of the city. Waterfront Park does not seek to be isolated from its urban environment, but rather, it was seen as an opportunity to respect the history and character of Louisville, to create and maintain a place where nature and the city meet in a way that is unique to this time and place. The park does not block views of the water from the city. Its design and circulation actually draws pedestrians from the street, effortless transitioning from urban to natural. The city was founded because of the river, and the park emphasizes this connection and reminds residents of the role the river has played in the city’s history.




Year-round usage is difficult to maintain for any outdoor space, but Waterfront Park really seems to die every year between November and March. On a mild Saturday in November, for instance, the only visitors were a few families on the playground, some runners on the paths, and one strolling elderly couple that looked out of place because of the lack of use. Public bathrooms are locked up, fountains are turned off, boats leave their marina docks for storage, bike rental closes, concerts halt until spring, and almost no programmed events occur in the winter months. For the park to become a yearround public amenity, more attention must be given to keeping it active even in colder temperatures.

The greatest opportunity for Waterfront Park lies in its future expansion. With the recent opening of the Big Four Pedestrian Bridge, the park has, literally, bridges the gap of the Ohio River and spilled onto the Indiana shore. By expanding along its own shoreline and connecting to parks in adjacent Indiana towns like Jeffersonville and New Albany, Waterfront Park can bring its amenities to a much larger and more diverse population. Eventually, the park and its “people-mover� bridges could become a safe and sustainable way for people to travel to work on either side of the river, alleviating vehicle bridge traffic and offering comparable or shortened commute time.

case studies


S.W.O.T. - THREATS Besides the drowning threat due to abundant river access, I found the vehicle bridges and overpasses to be a threat to the park. The spaces created under the large concrete masses were unwelcoming and overbearing, despite careful planning to integrate them into the design. Using the overpasses as a place of refuge in the park, integrating them with nature, and keeping them well-lit even during daylight hours would keep them from being seen as a foreboding urban barrier keeping pedestrians from the river.

“Today marks a major step forward in a historic effort to improve our economy and improve our quality of life by improving mobility for the tens of thousands of people who, every day, cross the Ohio River between our communities. The rebirth of the Big Four will help realize a vision for the Louisville and Southern Indiana region.” - Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear


Waterfront Park was an important case study because of the strong model it provided of a public green space increasing private investment dollars. Jasper’s riverfront needs an overhaul and reapproach, and it needs to be better connected to the downtown courthouse square for residents to see it as an amenity and use it everyday. Jasper currently views its riverfront as an oasis from the city and has been complacent to keep it that way, with large treelines that block out the city at every turn. Jasper needs to create a language for the riverfront where nature and city can meet harmoniously and feed off the success and activity of the other. 25

case studies

» » » HISTORIC DOWNTOWN - FLORENCE, AL The area of present-day Lauderdale County and Florence was originally part of the Chickasaw Nation, which ceded its lands to the federal government in several treaties during the early nineteenth century. Shortly after the last Chickasaw treaty was signed, the federal government held the first land sale in the area. The Cypress Land Company purchased the land that Florence now occupies, anticipating that it would become a major commercial town because of its location on a hill overlooking the Tennessee River. The city of Florence was established on March 12, 1818, and immediately took its place as the county seat, but it was not incorporated officially until nearly a decade later in 1826. By 1887, more than 20 years after the Civil War’s end, the town had begun to flourish, with the population increasing in that period from 1,600 to 6,000. Also, the relocation of La Grange College (now the University of North Alabama) from Colbert County to Florence in 1885 played an important role in the city’s economic development, and quickly positioned the city as an educational center. Today, Florence remains one of the largest and most


[above]- Photograph of downtown Florence, 1922.

progressive cities in North Alabama, and is host to numerous art, music and historically related events. Historic downtown Florence, Alabama, is a unique and wonderful place. Florence Main Street is a non-profit organization designed to keep it that way! Main Street’s mission is to bring attention to the unique character of Florence’s historic commercial district while promoting progressive marketing and retail management techniques. Florence Main Street is affiliated with the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s National Main Street Center, and focuses on four distinct areas that help us keep a successful and vital downtown: Organization, Design, Promotion, and Economic Restructuring.

[above] - Photograph of downtown Florence, 1942.

The Florence Main Street project was the brainchild of talented and forward thinking business owners, downtown residents, city leaders, University of North Alabama professors, historical preservationists and cultural leaders. The Florence Main Street boundaries are generally the Tennessee River to the south, the University of North Alabama to the north, Florence Cemetery to the east and the termination of Mobile Street to the west. Since 1992 more than $200 million has been invested in downtown Florence renovation and construction. More than two thousand new jobs have been created and a net of 480 new businesses have settled here. More than 200 events, such as First Friday, Music in the Park, the Renaissance Faire, Arts Alive, the Handy Festival, Helen Keller Festival, and numerous events at the Shoals Theatre, have become recurring events. Florence, Alabama is also home to the only Frank Lloyd Wright designed structure in the state of Alabama, the Rosenbaum House, a low-cost Usonian home for a middle-class family built in 1939. Numerous other historical buildings and sites are scattered throughout the downtown area, from all periods of the town’s history.


As of the 2010 US Census, the population of the city of Florence was 39,319 people (17,409 households), with a makeup of 75.0% White, 19.4% African American, 1.4% Asian, and 3.6% Hispanic. 83.7% of the population have a high school education or higher, with 25.7% achieving a bachelor’s degree or higher. The mean travel time to work (for workers aged 16+) was 17.4 minutes, and the total number of businesses located in Florence was 3,744 firms. The homeownership rate was 58.7% for 19,299 housing units with a median value of $108,500 for an owner-occupied house. The median household income per year was $32,122, per capita income was $21,942, and 24.9% of the population was living below the poverty level. In the city, the population was spread out with 21.4% under the age of 18, 13.7% from 18 to 24, 25.7% from 25 to 44, 21.7% from 45 to 64, and 17.5% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 37 years. For every 100 females there were 84.0 males.

case studies

S.W.O.T. - STRENGTHS For me, the draw of downtown Florence, Alabama was its mix of old world charm and new age flair. The recent investment dollars into revitalizing the downtown shows in the updated building facades, street landscaping and lighting, wide bricked sidewalks, and numerous businesses and upstairs apartments on every block. It features a variety of local bars/restaurants, boutiques, businesses, banking and grocery, national chain stores, apartments and lofts, thrift shops, and entertainment options, and many of these amenities are located in historically renovated structures. They even had an app to help visitors navigate and learn about downtown. The most notable of the historic preservation efforts is in the Shoals Theater just off the main thoroughfare of Court Street. The theater opened in 1948 but had declined and closed in the early 1980’s. Special events opened the theater in 2011, and after, a local group took up the charge of reopening the historic theater it 2012, where today it operates as a live theater venue. It is notable because it was the first venue in the South to feature slide-back seats, which could be retracted six inches with the shove of the body, to make it easier for people to walk in front of others. At the time there were only four other theaters in the world with these seats. Restoring a local treasure to its former glory is one of the many points of historical pride for this community’s downtown. Other notable historical buildings include Southall Drugs, Regions Bank, and the American Legion.


[above] - Photograph of the Shoals Theater when it opened in 1948 (top) and today.

Another major strength that keeps Florence thriving is its close proximity to the University of North Alabama. An abundance of young college students just blocks away from the heart of downtown keeps the restaurants busy, the bars in business, the shops open, and the apartments filled. Founded in 1830 as LaGrange College, the University of North Alabama, a public, co-educational, higher education institution, is Alabama’s oldest state-certified university. The University is the largest in north Alabama, with an enrollment topping 7,000. Culturally diverse, international students now comprise roughly 10% of the student population. The University is known for its beautifully landscaped, pedestrian-friendly campus that is situated on 130 acres, surrounded by historic neighborhoods, and located just north of the downtown business district. The local business are very supportive of the university, even painting shop windows with “Lion Pride” Homecoming displays. I most enjoyed the way each building uniquely showcased the upstairs apartment over the shop. Some were just a few windows with planter boxes to suggest a residence, while others had full-fledged balconies ala Bourbon Street, New Orleans. It was obvious that these addresses were highly sought after and the apartments or lofts were well cared for. Each building’s facade was made of materials that were different from, yet complementary to its neighbors. Amid the blocks of rowhouse style buildings were larger multi-story structures that stood out as places of importance.


case studies




From the perspective of an outside visitor, I have trouble finding weaknesses with this downtown community. The streets were pedestrian- and bike-friendly, landscaping provided shade and a safety buffer from the street, amenities and residential were mixed, green spaces were varied, well cared for, and active, buildings were attractive and historically significant, and the area was full of people shopping, dining, or relaxing. The only fault I could find with the downtown was that there weren’t many sightlines to the Tennessee River, which could be a major draw for recreation and views. Florence, like Louisville, was most once heavily dependent on the relationship of the river to the town. Reestablishing that connection will preserve its history.

Florence is part of the greater “shoals” area which also includes Muscle Shoals, Sheffield and Tuscumbia. Each of these towns has its own unique history and downtown areas that could benefit from visitors to Florence. By partnering with these neighboring downtowns and communities, the entire “shoals” area could become a destination for shoppers and diners. Florence also has an opportunity to move beyond its historic preservation ways and begin injecting some new-age architecture into the adjacent areas. Florence is a town that is very proud of its history, but without moving forward and offering new experiences to residents and visitors, the town could become stagnant. The work of a well-known architect could put this town on the modern map.

S.W.O.T. - THREATS What is also a great asset to the downtown area, could potentially be a threat to its survival. The close proximity of the university could put ancillary non-historical buildings of the downtown in jeopardy if enrollment soars and expansion of campus is necessary. Because the university is surrounded by historic neighborhoods on all sides, their space limitations may begin to view downtown structures as eminent domain. While this may potentially relocate businesses and apartments, if the buildings are not demolished, the historical facades may remain intact and the space could be used for university programs and needs. Because university professors were involved in the effort to revive the downtown, however, I do not think they post a threat anytime soon.


Although Florence is more than double the size of Jasper, the amenities it offers and it demographic and geographical makeup are comparable. The major difference is the location of the higher education institution. In the case of Florence, the University of North Alabama is only blocks away from the downtown area. But in Jasper, Vincennes University Jasper Campus is isolated from the heart of the city by over two miles, and is not connected very strongly to the city. Jasper could learn from the way in which the downtown outwardly supports the local university and school system. A stronger partnership between the two in Jasper could ensure that more of the graduates remain in the area to pursue their careers, reducing the brain drain. Florence also provides an interesting model of how the initial investment of a “Main Street” task force’s efforts have spurned more and more economic activity and job creation. Jasper could also benefit from modeling their streetscape after the wide brick sidewalks and slow moving traffic lanes of downtown Florence. As a young millennial, Florence appeared to have everything I would need to make the downtown area my home, and would even be a great place to start a family or retire. A mix of attractions for all ages draw a diverse crowd to downtown, ensuring that all types of business and restaurants have a customer base. If I were asked to describe an ideal downtown, I think it would be Florence.

“This is southern living at its best. This is how life is supposed to be. From the houses on the bluffs overlooking the Tennessee River to the beautiful and historic homes in the city’s downtown area, life in Florence is full of beauty.” - Visit Florence Tourism Board 31

case studies

» » » NuLu (NEW LOUISVILLE) - LOUISVILLE, KY The term “NuLu” is a portmanteau meaning “New Louisville”. The East Market District, also referred to as NuLu, includes an eight-block area of downtown Louisville perimetered by Main Street to the north, Jefferson Street to the south, Hancock Street to the west, and Wenzel Street to the east, with Market Street serving as the main thoroughfare. A set of century-old buildings along Market Street that, less than five years ago, were slated to be demolished for a new homeless shelter have been converted and used as local breweries, antique shops and the city’s coolest restaurants. As home to two LEED® certified commercial buildings, many historic restoration projects, as well as several restaurants offering organic and locally sourced ingredients, NuLu has emerged with a culture of sustainability. Market Street is one of four major corridors inextricably intertwined with the history and development of Louisville. During the early part of the 19th century


[above] - A map of the greater downtown Louisville area, highlighting the location of the NuLu [lower right] - A crowd outside Schneider’s and Simon Cohen storefronts at 700 East Market Street, 1932 [below] - A map to NuLu hotspots, includes detailed listings for food & drink, shopping, galleries & theaters, as well as services available in the NuLu neighborhood.

Market Street was the common address for retailers and “In terms of job creation, economists service industries supporting Louisville’s development as a center for regional commerce. The thoroughfare was agree that historic preservation creates the heart of the development of the city as a livestock 43 jobs for every $1 million invested — market with herds of livestock in constant travel along new construction cannot come close to Market between the Bourbon Stockyards and the river. During mid-century, the increased traffic along Market that figure.” necessitated widening the street to accommodate the - excerpt from a study commissioned by Preservation Kentucky great variety of traveling merchants and products. 1960s and 1970s it experienced a decline when compe The adjacent neighborhoods of Butchertown and tition from new commercial shopping areas began to be Phoenix Hill and the Bourbon Stockyards at the east developed in the suburbs. However, Market has learned end of Market insured that Market Street was a vital ar- to reinvent itself and has become a unique destination. tery of commerce. The 1852 City Directory noted “the In 2007, Preservation Kentucky commissioned a entire extent of this street is given up to retail grocers, study to analyze the economic impact of historic presprovisions dealers, and clothiers”; almost everything purchased in Louisville, either was produced or sold on ervation in the Commonwealth. In that study completMarket Street. The historic integrity of feeling and asso- ed by Dr. John Gilderbloom of the University of Louisville, the importance of historic, walkable, approachable ciation of the area today is supported by an eclectic mix downtowns appears through such varied topics as job of retail shops, restaurants and businesses. The diversity of this neighborhood is evidenced by the historic fabric creation, environmental benefits, and heritage tourism. In terms of job creation, noted economists agree that exists today along this corridor. This fabric is rich in that historic preservation creates 43 jobs for every $1 historic design, materials and details; brick, limestone, million invested — new construction cannot come close cast iron. to that figure. Downtown revitalization in Kentucky cre During the nineteenth century Market Street was ated an estimated 4720 jobs in 2006 alone. Reports an important center of commerce and industry. Like many other urban historic business districts during the for across the state confirm that 1,923 permanent jobs were created in Main Street districts in 2006. From the study, “In Louisville alone, $76 million was spent on private rehabilitation projects on Main Street in 2006.” These projects support Louisville’s historic revitalization but more importantly they help retain the city’s unique Sense of Place.


The many boutiques, restaurants, eclectic business and sustainable culture NuLu has been called the “New Portland” by Robert Reid of The Lonely Planet, and was named to his “Top 10 US Travel Destinations for 2013.” Reid called Louisville “a lively, offbeat cultural mecca on the Ohio River.” Annually, the area hosts a street festival celebrating the revitalization of Louisville’s East Market District, featuring live music, micro-brewed beers, and numerous food and retail booths by local vendors.

case studies

S.W.O.T. - STRENGTHS NuLu has been effective in attracting young people to reside, dine, drink, work, or shop there because it clearly defines its target market. The district capitalized on the hipster culture with its organic restaurants, eclectic boutiques, and green building practices. The neighborhood has a strong design language that is welcoming, dynamic, and exciting for residents and visitors alike. Walking into NuLu, compared to the rest of downtown Louisville, feels like finding a hidden gem of culture in a typical big city. In most large cities, where people call home is often a huge mystery, but the East Market District really looks like a place in which people could live. The dedicated efforts of several entrepreneurial visionaries who reinvested and rebranded the area have paid off tenfold. Just within the last ten years, this fourblock section of East Market Street has transformed. Neighborhood favorites like Garage Bar, Decca Restaurant, Why Louisville gifts, the Louisville Beer Store, and the LEED Platinum Green Building Gallery, have put the area on the map both locally and nationally, while local shops, apartments, and trolley system


supplies a constant stream of visitors. There is no doubt that the target market of the neighborhood is successful progressives of the millennial generation. And as more and more young people desire to live in walkable urban areas, the popularity grew. It grew so much that getting an apartment here is competitive, more and more development is happening all the time, and people from all over the Louisville Metro and bordering Indiana cities are choosing to travel to spend their weekend evenings in the Midwest cultural and artistic mecca. But NuLu’s strength is that they are always looking to improve. NuLu has developed a culture of sustainability with its LEED certified and eco-friendly renovations of century old structures. All of this growth and private investment has encouraged their beautification committee to develop a large scale plan for “greening up” the entire neighborhood with friendlier walkways, more attractive streetscapes, bike lanes and increased transit access, and wider sidewalks for businesses to use their outdoor storefronts. The plan is a good move and will continue NuLu success in investing in the pedestrian experience. [left] - Map of future plans for the streetscape of NuLu, part of a beautification masterplan [right] - A collection of images from the NuLu neighborhood. From top left: Taco Punk, Why Louisville, Market St. Barbers, public art, Decca Restaurant, Garage Bar, Louisville Beer Store, the Green Building, Garage Bar beer garden


case studies

S.W.O.T. - WEAKNESSES Although NuLu has become a hub of activity and culture, it lacks a connection to the downtown entertainment scene of 4th Street Live! and Main Street, especially at night when the trolleys stop running. Trying to do a pub crawl through Louisville from downtown to NuLu is next to impossible, and after the series of abandoned buildings, closed restaurants, empty parking lots, and freeway overpasses along the way, finally arrive at a glowing Garage Bar was similar in experience to what I imagine it would be like to see a mirage in the desert. So good it almost couldn’t be real. But the broken pedestrian corridor from downtown to NuLu definitely reduces its exposure, although perhaps that is the way the off-beat hipster neighborhood prefers it. S.W.O.T. - OPPORTUNITIES Now that the neighborhood has developed a reputation for sustainability and historical preservation, NuLu is poised to set standards for any new construction or renovation, reinforcing their commitment to these causes. The neighborhood could require a LEED rating for all new construction, material selections be locally sourced and sustainable, and the public circulation paths be maintained and walkable. Testing these requirements in the context of a small city district could, with success, one day be expanded to other areas and eventually, the entire city of Louisville. S.W.O.T. - THREATS The greatest threat to NuLu would be a loss of vision. As the neighborhood grows in popularity, more and more businesses and developers will try to profit from its success. Without the careful guidance of standards for the neighborhood, the area could fall victim to money-hungry developers with little concern for the neighborhoods roots. The revival of the neighborhood started as a grassroots movement, and it should remain under grassroots management for its success. 36


The East Market District of NuLu was a great example of how a desolate failing neighbor can be transformed into a new cultural center of activity through the implementation of sustainable architecture, historic preservation techniques, and the implementation of a thoughtful design language aimed at a specific target market. If Jasper wants to attract youth to downtown, it needs to give them a downtown that is attractive and useful. Downtown needs to be a place people call home and care deeply about, wanting to see it succeed. Encouraging business owners to take on renovation projects for shops and restaurants in the downtown area instead of on the car-ridden outskirts of town will bring life and vitality to the heart of the city and only encourage additional investment.


case studies

HISTORY AND CITY DATA Jasper, Indiana, is located in Bainbridge Township in the center of Dubois County and is the county seat for Dubois County. Surrounded by scenic, rolling hills and wooded forests of Southern Indiana, the city is located 122 miles south of Indianapolis, 55 miles northeast of Evansville and 79 miles west of Louisville, Kentucky. US Hwy. 231, State Highways 56 and 164 conveniently run through Jasper. Interstate 64 is 12 miles south of Jasper, connecting the route eastward bound to Louisville, Kentucky and Cincinnati, Ohio, and westward bound to Evansville and St. Louis, Missouri. Jasper was founded in 1830, incorporated as a town in 1866, and incorporated as a City in 1915. The city has a rich German heritage contributing to the stability, permanence, hard work ethics, good management and excellent craftsmanship of the community.

Jasper is a regional center in southwestern Indiana, noted for its heavily German Catholic ancestral roots. It has often been called the “Wood Capital of the World”, boasting a large number of furniture companies, including Kimball International and Masterbrand Cabinets. Jasper is also home to the Southern Indiana Education Service Center (SIEC), Jasper Engines & Transmissions (the largest remanufacturer in the market), and to a satellite campus of Vincennes University. In 2005, Jasper was ranked in the ten best places to live in the U.S. by Relocate America. The city was previously ranked in the top 25 in Norman Crampton’s 1992 book 38

100 Best Small Towns in America. Jasper also boasts the only municipally supported Arts Council in the state of Indiana; it is part of city government and is supported by the city for its citizens in the same vein as its park board or its street department. As of the 2010 US Census, the population of the city of Jasper was 15,157 people (6,064 households), with a makeup of 93.6% White, 0.4% African American, 0.9% Asian, and 7.7% Hispanic. 85.9% of the population have a high school education or higher, with 23.5% achieving a bachelor’s degree or higher. The mean travel time to work (for workers aged 16+) was 14.9 minutes, job growth was at a positive 1.75%, and the total number of businesses located in Jasper was 1,359 firms. The homeownership rate was 70.3% for 6,419 housing units with a median value of $126,500 for an owner-occupied house. The median household income per year was $53,376, per capita income was $28,929, and only 7.6% of the population was living below the poverty level. In the city, the median age of the population is 37.2 years, 24.9% are under 18 years of age, and 15.6% are over age 65; 56.0% are married and 10.3% are divorced. 82.6% of students attend public school, 17.4% attend private, and the students’ reading and math scores are 15.9% and 14.0% above state average, respectively.

A THRIVING DOWNTOWN The site for this project will be focused on the downtown and riverfront areas of Jasper, perimetered by the Patoka River to the south and east, 13th Street to the north, and Clay Street to the west. The area encompasses roughly 200 acres of downtown and riverfront land area, which is just over a quarter square mile and includes a variety of civic buildings, private businesses, restaurants, single-family and multi-unit housing, religious institutions, shopping, parks and recreation space, parking, and streets and sidewalks.

Redevelop Old Jasper Action Coalition (ROJAC), Patoka 2000, the Greater Downtown Jasper Business Association and the Jasper Chamber of Commerce. Together, these organizations and their volunteers have made this important part of Jasper an ever-changing destination for wellness, shopping and entertainment. These efforts have led to the new City Mill, a built-to-scale Train Depot, the Jasper Riverwalk and Dave Buehler Plaza and the Spirit of Jasper Luxury Excursion Train.”

Jasper Mayor Terry Seitz comments on downtown:

“Jasper is the gem of Indiana and Downtown Jasper is the setting.” - Mayor Terry Seitz

“Local. Vibrant. Evolving. These terms describe Jasper’s downtown which emphasizes hometown ownership, deep roots and an eagerness for new ideas and methods. Downtown Jasper encompasses an area bound by Central Green on the west to the Patoka River on the east; from the Schnitzelbank German Restaurant through the Riverfront on the south to the Jasper Public Library on the north. “Within this area lies our civic institutions - the Dubois County Courthouse on the Square, Jasper City Hall and our United States Post Office. It is truly a mixed use environment with the oldest office furniture plant in the nation, Jasper Desk Company, operating in proximity to the Jasper Police and Fire Departments with a major bank across the street and retail stores nearby. “Over the last 10 years, our city has benefited from major investments in downtown - both private and public - and from citizen involved from groups such as 39

[above] - Early historic walking tour map of downtown

site analysis

A REVIVING RIVERFRONT Since 2003, a group called ROJAC, or the Redevelop Old Jasper Action Coalition, have been working on restoring, revitalizing, rebuilding, or reimagining the land along the Patoka River which runs through the south side of downtown Jasper. The project began with a 2.1 mile Riverwalk, a biking/walking/running path that follows the river and provides recreation and gathering spaces for citizens in the Dave Buehler Plaza and Gazebo. Other recent projects of ROJAC include the Jasper Train Depot and Spirit of Jasper luxury passenger tourism train, the Jasper City Mill built on its original riverside site, the Schaeffer Barn, and the German American Boulevard connecting the depot to the Riverwalk trail. These projects have been instrumental in bringing the public to the river, providing a place for large gatherings and community events, restoring a piece of the town’s history, and drawing historic tourism dollars to the area. Despite the positive development, several sites along the river remain abandoned, dilapidated eyesores to the community. Many of these sites were once industrial factories no longer in business, and most notably is the old Jasper Cabinet Co. building, which looms in the background of the Jasper Train Depot. The broken windows and crumbling bricks of the building currently do nothing but block public view of the river and Jasper City Mill. This building needs to be preserved and renovated for community or private use.


[above] - A map of the Jasper Riverwalk trails

[lower right] - Aerial diagram of ROJAC’s strategic plan, as laid out in 2004. Many of the projects listed remain unfinished; other projects have been added since.

[below] - Conditions of the Jasper Cabinet Co. Building


site analysis

Northwest corner of Courthouse Square




[1] the abandoned Astra Movie Theatre [2] wooden sign on Sternberg’s Furniture Store [3] L.H. Sturm Hardware Co., in business since 1895


Southwest corner of Courthouse Square

Northeast corner of Courthouse Square

Courthouse Square [4] Civil War Veterans Memorial

[5] brick detail on City Hall Building

[6] & [7] colorful painted storefronts of Just Whimsy and Indigo Roots

Dubois County Courthouse






Southeast corner of Courthouse Square

site analysis

Jasper Train Depot

Jasper City Mill [top] reconstruction of the historic town train depot, and Spirit of Jasper passenger train [above] reconstruction of the historic grain mill, inspired by the original and first rebuild



Historical Riverfront Development [below] other attractions along the riverfront important to community life


Schaeffer Barn

site analysis


BRIDGING THE GAP The riverfront area and courthouse square are geographically very close, less than .35 miles to the south and east directions, yet the visual and functional relationships between the two focus areas are very loose. A visitor to the downtown shopping area may not even be aware the riverfront even exists unless they happened to drive in from the south side of town, and vice versa. The South Main Street and East 6th Street corridors are full of unfriendly conditions for pedestrians, and block sight lines with many lanes of traffic and abandoned unsightly buildings or houses. Without addressing these connections, the two strongest areas of downtown Jasper, courthouse square and the riverfront, are not able to complement each other to keep visitors in town longer with more things to do, and encouraging residents to walk instead of drive between the two destinations. In addition to the lack of connection, the greatest disadvantage of the downtown Jasper area is the lack of consideration for the pedestrian. Many sidewalks are narrow, rough and broken, have few benches or material changes, and become nearly non-existent outside the immediate square area, especially on busier streets where they are most necessary for pedestrian safety. Bike paths are also non-existent in the entire area, with the slight exception of the Riverwalk, although it isn’t even wide enough to allow for both bicycles and walkers to pass safely. None of the streets in the project site have speed limits that exceed 30 miles per hour, making the area a great candidate for pedestrian- and cyclist-friendly development. The diverse mix of businesses, residences, and recreation provide all the amenities essential for a thriving downtown, yet the city still fails to attract young people and is in danger of brain drain. By updating the public realm, creating even more business and residential opportunities, and expanding the district by linking it with other attractive destinations in the city, downtown could go from a place to work or visit to a place to stay. 47

[top] - Project site boundaries map

[above] - Conditions of street corridor connecting downtown to riverfront area

site analysis



With some pedestrian improvements, the district could be made more walkable, but more important is changing the public’s perception of what is ‘walkable.’ Most people would not question walking a full path through the local mall, and almost everyone walks more than three-quarters of a mile (or three laps around the local walking track) everyday, yet these same people would drive a car to a store, park, then get back in the car to drive to a store only a few blocks away. From the center of the district, nearly everything within the site boundaries are within a 5-minute walking distance, and if biking, that distance radius more than doubles. By improving pedestrian conditions and making driving more difficult and more time consuming than walking, public perception will change, and more people will see walking or biking as the most efficient option. Another major driving trip for most people, is the weekly or bi-weekly trip to the local supercenter, which in Jasper’s case is Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart is over three miles away from downtown, on the far north side of the city. Yet most people are unaware that downtown boasts the same or more amenities than Wal-Mart. Downtown can be just as much of a “one-stop-shop” as the supercenter, and a significant car trip can be saved. By also living and/or working within the district, citizens can significantly reduce their driving time.






OVERALL CONCERNS: • Lack of connection between courthouse square commercial district and riverfront recreation

• Poor conditions for pedestrian and bicycle travel outside of Riverwalk trail • Few housing options apart from single-family

• Lack of density and continuity in the urban edge & abundance of surface parking lots • River flooding poorly controlled

• Poor signage, wayfinding, and public interface 49

• Majority of spending and improvements focused on historical preservation or recreation, with limited attention to modernization and innovation • Few entertainment and dining options within the district, especially after working hours

• Job opportunities are not diverse enough for the young creative class of today

• Young people dissatisfied with the city’s conditions and amenities are migrating to other cities, creating a brain drain felt economically, socially, & civically

site analysis

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Support the Makers. The artists, craftsmen, photographers, writers, designers, musicians, the self-employed, the innovators, the go-getters, & do-it-yourselfers. Since it was settled in the early 19th century, Jasper has been known for its tradition of fine furniture and woodworking craftsmanship. Major companies like Kimball, Masterbrand Cabinets, Jasper Group, and Versteel are headquartered in Jasper, and manufacturing still occupies the largest industry at 27% of all jobs. Young people, however, do not view manufacturing as a career opportunity, becuase a college degree is not required for the industry. Yet the tradition of making has not died. Nearly everyone can call themselves a maker of sorts.

“I’m uncomfortable using the word ‘jobs’ as though jobs are something we find rather than something we create. We ought to be talking about work. Work precedes jobs, and I don’t think we’re running out of things that need doing.” - Tim O’Reilly, Make Magazine & Maker Faire

Traditionally, “making” meant learning a craft done by hand, and that is still at the heart of the maker movement. But today’s advancements in technology have changed the way the world sees making. 3D printing, laser cutting, digital design, and similar tools have allowed us to make virtually anything, and with each new innovator comes new ideas and products. Yet “making” is rarely taught in schools, and those that have found themselves developing into makers rarely know what to do with their new products. Crowdfunding sites like KickStarter and GoFundMe, and small craft business sites like Etsy have suddenly put the power back into the hands of the maker. No longer is it necessary to sell an idea to a larger company, instead an innovator can start a grassroots movement to fund production from interested investors. A maker can do the work he or she loves while turning it into a profitable venture, drastically different from the traditional ‘job’ model. The time to be a maker has never been better. Because of Jasper’s rich tradition of making, it would be a great place to become a hub of the maker movement. Strong support from larger local businesses and craftspersons could encourage and teach these young makers, and re-establish Jasper as a ‘community for making.’ Anyone with a passion for craft and a good idea could come to Jasper and know that here they would have the tools they need to take their idea to the next level.



info Icons key sustainability making history Live work



Project Goals



attract young professionals and craftspeople to make down town Jasper their home restablish the downtown and riverfront district as the most desirable place in Jasper to live, work, and play build a new culture on Jasper’s history of “making” create a sustainable and “smart” downtown to prepare Jasper for the future

These new pedestrian paths, in addition to the existing Riverwalk trail, a triangle-shaped loop around the district is created, with pedestrian-friendly streets and alleys within the loop. Each corner of the triangle is anchored by a plaza: Courthouse Square acting as the “market” plaza, with space for shopping, outdoor dining, festivals, and markets; the “social” plaza to the south, with restaurants, a movie theater, hotel, and additional outdoor space for events; and the “green” plaza to the east, with a forest visitors center, aquaponics plant and organic kitchen, restaurant, community gardens, and access to the new Jasper Rail Trail. By creating these three destination plazas, attractions can be connected by their shared outdoor spaces, and each will benefit from the increased pedestrian traffic.


The most important subthemes of the masterplan are sustainability, making, history, live, work, play, and interface. These topics appear in the proposed focus areas throughout the district and highlight the many layers of a developed district masterplan.


new & reuse buildings

The Jasper Masterplan achieves the main objective of better connecting the downtown Courthouse Square to the Riverfront, and it creates a distinct district bounded by Main Street to the west and 6th Street to the north. By adding building density along these two corridors, the urban edge is redefined, and with reinforcement from the new streetscape of each, the streets become thoroughfares for pedestrian, cyclist, and vehicular traffic. In addition to connecting these two areas, the masterplan connects downtown across the river to other new and existing attractions, by way of two new pedestrian bridges, each situated at the end of the main downtown corridors. These pedestrian bridges provide safe travel across the river, which was previously dangerous because of traffic speed, and links Courthouse Square both physically, and more important, visually, to the attractions to the east and south.

parking strategy



new pedestrian connections 56

Jasper is very proud of its Riverwalk, a trail that follows the Patoka river for over 2.5 miles through town. The Riverwalk is widely used by runners, walkers, and cyclists, but has become more of a destination itself than a path that connects a user to different parts of the city. By integrating the Riverwalk into the new pedestrian corridors of 6th and Main Streets, and introducing a new pedestrian pathway, these trails connect city destinations and allow a visitor to travel everywhere on foot with ease. The new trail, the Jasper Rail Trail, follows an abandoned rail line just off the existing Riverwalk, and connects pedestrians to neighborhoods and attractions north of downtown. A bike storage station within the Indiana Furniture factory acts as a rest stop for the trail and interfaces public with industry, and a pedestrian-only section of 12th street between Main and Mill Streets provides plaza/event space for the Jasper Public Library and beautiful views of historic St. Joseph’s Catholic Church.

Within the masterplan, there emerged seven focus areas, each with its own theme. Courthouse square includes the historic theater restoration, new corner market, energy sculpture, and creation of the “market” plaza. The Belvedere Bridge area consists of a new pedestrian bridge spanning the Patoka river to the south, a new flagship restaurant, and creation of the “social” plaza which unite Los Bravos mexican restaurant, the Jasper 8 Cinemas, and the Days Inn hotel. The Solar Block is a new neighborhood along the Main Streetscape which features prototypes of net-zero and net-positive single-family homes, all connected by a microgrid which supplies the power grid with excess energy generated by the neighborhood. The Riverview Complex is centered around the adaptive reuse of the former Jasper Cabinet Company factory, and includes an Artisan Row of shops dedicated to makers, with the River Lofts apartments above. In front of the building is a pedestrian-only promenade adjacent to the existing Jasper Train Depot, which could be used for future high-speed rail access. Behind the building is a park for residents and public featuring an amphitheater with river stages for entertainment, but also functions as a flood reserve during high water conditions.


former Jasper Veneer Mill, a new brunch restaurant, connection to the new Jasper Rail Trail, and the “green” plaza which unites all these attractions. By breaking up the masterplan into focus areas, the large ideas become more manageable, and identifiable in real-life projects. The focus areas also bring the plan to a human scale, and feature projects that can be taken on individually or collectively, either by the city or by private investors. Implementing these focus area projects, although not necessarily in the order presented, will also spurn private development within the district, helping Jasper achieve its vision of becoming a community of making, providing a competitive live, work, play experience, more quickly. A more in-depth analysis of the components and intentions of each focus area follows.

Welcome to Making is the official entry point to historic downtown Jasper, and features a welcome arch, urban parks as a tribute to Jasper’s rich furniture and woodworking industry. The area also includes a renovated retail strip along 3rd Avenue and the Innovation Institute for Making, a business incubator for start-up making companies, located in the former Hoosier Desk building. Also in this building are POD apartments and a coffee shop/cafe. Making Education is all about the new school for making, the 4th Street MakerSpace, a series of workshops, labs, and creative spaces for students, entrepreneurs, businesses, and craftspersons to come together and collaborate on projects, while training the next generation of makers. Greening Industry features a pedestrian bridge leading to a making center across the Patoka River, new city offices in a renovated warehouse building, an aquaponics plant and organic kitchen in the


courthouse square


Courthouse Square

Historic Theater Restoration Corner Market with apartments above 58

“Market� Plaza Square/ Commercial District Energy Sculpture/ Public Interface

Courthouse Square is the center of the business and commercial district in Jasper. It is utilized daily by workers, shoppers, and visitors, and seasonally for festivals, markets, and town events. Improvements to the square will make it a true “market” plaza that is flexible enough to be configured for a range of events and city needs. By removing curbs and deliniating space with material changes instead of level changes, the space can be changed more easily, and zones can change size as needed. During the summer lunch hour, outdoor seating can fill the sidewalks, for weekend farmers markets, the plaza can accommodate many booths, while still allowing vehicular access, and during the annual Strassenfest German heritage festival, the closing of the streets to traffic allows the plaza to fill with the thousands of locals and visitors that flock to downtown. In addition to updating the materiality and flexibility, Courthouse Square will also feature a renovation of the historic Astra Theatre, a new Corner Market with apartments above, and a new energy sculpture that will inform the public about energy production and become an icon for the downtown. These improvements, along with the existing Chocolate Bliss specialty shop, will reinforce the “active corners” that makes Courthouse Square dynamic. 59

[above] - Courthouse Square during a typical business day: on-street parallel parking, trees in planters, and pedestrian pockets at corners.

[above] - Courthouse Square during Strassenfest: streets closed, booths on both sides of the street, planters removed for space.

[above] - Courthouse Square during farmers markets: parking removed, planters moved for booths

focus areas 1-4

When the Astra Theatre closed in 2002, many locals were sad to see the lights go down. For over a decade, the movie theater loved for over 50 years has sat empty and unused, despite its good condition. With the new masterplan, the theater will find new life as a dinner movie theater, a place where patrons can order a meal and have a drink while they watch a film. The business will show classic movies and theme nights, so as not to compete with the local multiscreen cinema not far from downtown. The space could also be used for concerts, comedy shows, plays, or even weddings and other events. This type of venue will help to diversify the entertainment options within the district, and cater to crowds both young and old.


The corners of Courthouse Square should all be utlized as well as the Astra Theatre and Chocolate Bliss specialty store. A parking lot in the northwest corner will be replaced by a corner market, a small grocery store where residents within the district could walk to pick up food without driving to Wal-Mart or a mega-grocery farther away from downtown. The amenity of a grocery store is essential to making a district livable and walkable. The store will feature apartments above to provide additional housing options on Courthouse Square. A small lot behind the market will accommodate vehicles and deliveries, but the main entrance will be directed toward the vibrant square.

The final corner of Courthouse Square will be dedicated to a new energy sculpture. As sustainability and energy conservation becomes a priority of the downtown district, buildings will begin to be outfitted with alternative energy production technologies. As a way to monitor this production, as well as provide information to the public about energy use, a sculpture will occupy the corner next to City Hall. This sculpture, a series of light towers, will change color based on if surrounding buildings are producing or using energy. The dynamic nature of the sculpture, and its ability to inform while still being a piece of art, will make it an icon both for Courthouse Square and for the downtown district. A surrounding park will keep green space close to the square for workers to enjoy during lunches, and residents to enjoy during evenings and on weekends. With these improvements, Courthouse Square will become a more enjoyable place to live and work, and a more desirable destination for tourists. Community events like Strassenfest, O’Tannenbaum Days during Christmastime, Kids’ Day festival, Chalk Walk weekend, and farmer’s markets will benefit from the amenities, and local businesses will see profit from additional foot traffic on the square. Courthouse Square will become the true “heart of the city” that it once was.


focus areas 1-4


belvedere bridge

Belvedere Bridge

“Social� Plaza Belvedere Pedestrian Bridge Main StreetScape 62

New Flagship Farmto-Food Restaurant Water Feature to control river flooding

South of downtown on Main Street leads to the Belvedere Bridge focus area, a small collection of attractions which includes Jasper’s favorite Mexian restaurant, Los Bravos, the local multi-plex movie theater, Jasper 8 Cinemas, and a popular hotel for visitors, the Days Inn. With the addition of the Belvedere Pedestrian Bridge, these attractions are visually and physically connected to the downtown district. The creation of a new “social� plaza at the terminus of the pedestrian bridge will unite these attractions and provide a place for public events, as well as outdoor seating/plaza space for the restaurants. A new flagship farm-to-food restaurant will attract visitors, and could provide a partnership between chefs and local farmers. The Social Plaza will include a water feature that collects rainwater from nearby buildings and surface parking lots and funnels it towards the river. This water feature will be interactive and accessible to the public, and can also relieve some river flooding in high water situations. Grand terrace steps will connect the plaza to the Riverwalk Trail, attracting pedestrians. Ample plaza and green space will make the area usable for a variety of activities. Additional outdoor space next to the restaurants and theater will encourage patrons to enjoy the river views and amenities. A new parking garage on the north side of the Patoka River will serve the Social Plaza and its adjacent attractions. With time, this garage should relieve some of the parking from the surface lot so more development can occur in this area.


An important part of the new district is the development of the Main Street corridor. The streetscape will change from a two-way road with angled parking on both sides to a two-way road, with narrower lanes, separated by a pedestrian boardwalk down the center. Within this boardwalk will be a few parallel parking spaces, reserved for electric vehicles because of their charging capabilities. The center boardwalk will be welllit and include heaters for use during winter weekends and events. Interactive public information stations will be located throughout the boardwalk. Wider sidewalks and bike lanes will make travel safe for pedestrians and cyclists. Beneath the boardwalk will be a stormwater catchment system to collect rainwater from adjacent buildings and store in the collection trough to flow to the river. In high water situations, this system can alleviate some river flooding by acting as overflow area. Buildings on either side of the boardwalk will be taller and denser, yet the ground level will feature attractive destinations like shops, cafes, and pubs. The sidewalks, driving lanes, and boardwalk will be at nearly the same level, with slight inclines negotiating level changes. Changes in ground materials will deliniate zones for pedestrians, bikes, and vehicles. Main Street, with its ample restaurants and nightlife and connection to both Courthouse Square and the Social Plaza will be a destination for entertainment and evening and weekend activities like shopping strolls and pub crawls. Main Street is the place to go to have a good time.

focus areas 1-4

Inspired by forms of locally manufactured furniture, the look of the Belvedere Pedestrian Bridge will be truly contemporary. The streetscape of Main Street will be continued along the bridge, featuring ample, varied lighting, and optional heaters during winter months. What was once a broken sightline to attractions just across the river, is now a strong connection between two of Jasper’s most popular destinations. Nearby housing, single-family, apartments, and townhomes, will ensure that the area sees ample foot traffic, and the convenience of being able to walk to restaurants, movies, and other entertainment options will be a major draw for residents choosing to live in this area of downtown. 64













focus areas 1-4

solar block


Solar Block

New Private Event Center Neighborhood Pocket Park 66

Rain Gardens and Neighbor-Shared Spaces Net-Zero/Positive Home Prototypes

The Solar Block Neighborhood replaces the neighborhood formerly known as “Frogtown.” This new block will feature net-zero and net-positive single-family home prototypes. The homes will be connected by a microgrid which will return to the grid any excess energy produced by the homes’ energy technologies. The flexible floor plans and cutting-edge technologies will make this neighborhood a desirable place to live for couples and small families. Its prime location on Main Street, adjacent to the Belvedere Bridge and Social Plaza, Riverview Complex and Pedestrian Promenade, and Jasper Train Depot for future high-speed rail connection make this neighborhood block one of the most desirable in the district for single-family homes. Neighbor-shared green spaces and a nearby pocket park provide ample recreation space despite the increased density. PROGRAM 1 - porch/deck

2 - storage/mech. 3 - bath

4 - kitchen/dining

5 - living

6 - bedroom/office 7 - greenhouse

6 1 4


7 5





PROGRAM 1 - open to below 2 - loft bedroom





3 - green roof




focus areas 1-4


riverview complex

Riverview Complex

Artisan Row and River View Lofts in renovated Jasper Cabinet building


Future High-Speed Rail Connection

River Amphitheater/ Flood Reserve Pedestrian-only Promenade

The center of Riverview Complex is the renovated Jasper Cabinet Company building into Artisan Row maker shops and River Lofts apartments. The former Jasper Cabinet building provides great flexible space for a variety of living and commercial layouts. In front of the building is the Pedestrian Promenade, a closed-off alley that functions as plaza for events, outdoor commercial space for shops, street front for apartments, and connection to the plaza of the Jasper Train Depot and Riverwalk trail. A parking garage on the site will serve the needs of both residents, shoppers, and riverfront recreation users. In the future, the garage could also serve as a “park and ride� for high-speed rail. The rail line which runs through the site is currently being used as historic tourism, with the city owned train, the Spirit of Jasper, taking weekend and chartered trips between Jasper and French Lick, Indiana, a town with two historic hotels and a popular casino. But the rail line once belonged to the larger network of the Monon Rail Line. If these lines were to be reopened for high-speed passenger train travel, the Jasper line would connect the city to the larger metropolises of Louisville, 69

Bloomington, Indianapolis, and Chicago. Maintaining and expanding this rail line will be especially important as the demand for energy-efficient, high-volume transportation grows. Behind the building is a green space for public use, and for the benefit of River Lofts residents. This green space also features an amphitheater which terraces down to the river and focuses on a pair of floating river stages. These stages, used for entertainment or special events, are oriented for viewing on either side of the river, and can be connected for large events or separated for smaller displays aimed at opposite river banks. The amphitheater allows the public to get safely closer to the river than possible in any other riverfront location, making the public more aware of the importance and beauty of the Patoka River. Because of its terraced construction, the amphitheater can also serve as a flood reserve in times of high water, helping to keep storm water away from buildings as the river swells. The development of this area completes a pattern of riverfront development by the group ROJAC, and it converts what was once an abandoned eysore into a city asset.

focus areas 1-4

welcome to making


Welcome to Making

Welcome Arch and Urban Park Commercial strip renovation 70

Tribute to Making Park with Play Fountain Business Incubator, Coffee Shop, & Pod Apartments in renovated factory building

Welcome to Making is the official entry to the new downtown district. This area features a welcome archway signaling the arrival into historic downtown Jasper and two new urban parks on either side of 3rd Avenue. These parks begin to blur the line between the urban environment of the city and the natural environment of the riverfront. The parks feature a shaded pavilion, additional shelter houses, kids playground, play fountain, open green space, and a series of sculptures done by local companies that tribute Jasper’s legacy of making. The tree-lined 3rd Avenue has an added bike lane, connecting this district to the commercial areas and neighborhoods on the southeast side of town. The parks also provide green space and pleasant views for nearby apartments and offices. A renovated strip of retail along 3rd Avenue also provides a much better welcome to the area than the existing vacant, outdated facade. A new brewery with a pub and restaurant fills half the lot, while the other half is occupied by an upand-coming design firm.


focus areas 5-7


These apartments will utilize a “POD” system for all systems delivery, with each self-contained pod featuring kitchen appliances, bathroom fixtures, HVAC, plumbing, hot water, washer/dryer, and storage. These pods would be manufactured by a local company, and customizeable according to the tenant’s needs. The pods would be plug-ins, meaning that the systems for a certain apartment would not be activiated until that apartment was leased, saving energy costs. The open floor plan of the apartment would allow the tenant to configure the space how he or she sees best fit. The ideal candidates for these apartments would be the entrepreneurs working in the Institute business incubator, or anyone looking to experience big-city style living in a small town environment. A rooftop garden also provides an excellent green space for residents, as well as shading the roof and cutting down on cooling costs. Welcome to Making and the adjacent area of Making Education exemplify Jasper’s commitment to attracting and fostering a new generation of makers. These amenities establish the town as a destination for young makers and innovators, where they know they will be able to get the support needed to both craft a quality product and successfully market and sell their idea or product on a global scale. The center of the Welcome to Making area is the Innovation Institute for Making, a business incubator for start-up making companies and entrepreneurs, occupying the former Hoosier Desk building. The Institute provides office space, shared amenities, and business mentoring for fledgling businesses just starting out. It is geared toward making businesses to reinforce the town’s new image of being a “making community.” Also within the building is a coffee shop/cafe, which is not only a great amenity for the neighborhood, but also a great place for the Institute’s companies to conduct client meetings and informally connect and collaborate with other start-up innovators. This coffee shop also serves as the lobby for the rest of the building’s use: loft-style apartments. 73

focus areas 5-7


making education

Making Education

Partnership with local business and schools


MakerSpace school and workshops

PROGRAM 1 - entry plaza

2 - lobby/gallery

3 - administration

4 - conference/lecture 5 - canteen kitchen

6 - break courtyard

7 - making workshop 8 - materials library

9 - classroom/break out space



9 1


9 9





5 8











PROGRAM 1 - open to below 2 - lounge


2 4


3 - terrace


4 - green roof

5 - computer lab

6 - making workshop


5 7

7 - classroom









Making Education is the collaboration of students, young innovators, craftspeople, and manufacturing businesses in the 4th Street MakerSpace. MakerSpace contains classrooms, workshops, labs, and creative spaces that provide a place to educate the next generation of makers. It will feature digital technology like high speed computers, 3D printers, laser cutters, and CNC routers, as well as the traditional crafting technology found in a wood or metal shop. Students from the local elementary, middle, and high schools, and Vincennes University Jasper Campus will come to MakerSpace for seminars and special project classes to learn and work alongside professionals to foster creativity and innovation. Few schools are teaching students how to be makers, but in this environment, their imaginations and craft skills are put to work finding unique solutions to complicated problems. In addition to learning spaces, the school also features a canteen and kitchen for meals, a conference room with an operable window wall to become an indoor/outdoor classroom, a student lounge, a materials library, gallery space to showcase student work, and a drop-off area for bus loading/unloading. After hours the building could be used by community groups needing places to hold meetings or events.

focus areas 5-7

greening industry 76


Greening Industry

Green Civic Center

Community Garden Plots

“Green� Plaza/ Pedestrian Bridge/ 6th StreetScape

Forest Overlook and Making Center

New Brunch Restaurant on Jasper Rail Trail

Aquaponics Plant in former Veneer Mill Building

To the east of downtown lies a collection of occupied and vacant industrial buildings and sites along the river. Greening Industry gives this area new life, and focuses on bringing pedestrians back to the area. The entry to this area is through the “gate” of the Jasper Desk factory. An operating furniture factory, Jasper Desk gives passers-by a glimpse of traditional and newage furniture making techniques. This area is centered around a “green” plaza, with a pedestrian bridge extending across the river toward forestland to the east. This bridge acts as an extension of the central plaza, which features community gardens, access to the new Jasper Rail Trail, and open recreation and outdoor dining space. 77

A former industrial warehouse is renovated to become a green civic center housing additional city government offices. A new brunch restaurant along the Rail Trail will attract pedestrians off the walking trails and bring visitors to the area. The former Jasper Veneer Mill building is reused as an aquaponics plant, where a closed-loop system of fish farming and organic gardening will produce fresh produce year round in a controlled environment. Also within the aquaponics plant is an organic kitchen of dishes prepared with the fruits and vegetables grown on site. Vacant factories provide an excellent venue for aquaponics because the structure, originally designed to hold heavy machinery, is correctly sized to house the large water tanks and growth beds.

focus areas 5-7

At the terminus of the pedestrian bridge lies the making center. This space functions as a visitors center for the area, a forest overlook, and additional making classrooms to be used by the local arts council. The center is also the first regenerative energy building in Jasper, featuring wind turbines, solar collectors, geothermal, ample daylighting, minimal ground disturbance, recycled materials, and other green technologies. The outdoor space and pedestrian bridge provide space for classes to move outdoors. Leading into the Green Plaza from Courthouse Square is the pedestrian corridor of 6th Street. The renovated streetscape of 6th Street is slightly different from the streetscape of Main Street. Where Main Street was a 78

destination for nightlife and entertainment, 6th Street has all the amenities and services someone living in this neighborhood would need including a bank, post office, hair salon, pharmacy, and police and fire station. Single-family, townhomes, and apartments provide diversity in the local housing market. Two vehicle lanes are separated by a median of vegetation. On-street parallel parking on several blocks provide spaces for retail customers, and bike lanes provide safe travel for cyclists. The 6th Street corridor completes the pedestrian loop that defines the district and connects visitors to every attraction within the area. The Greening Industry area provides a gradual transition from the busy, bustling city to the tranquil inspiration of nature.









focus areas 5-7

Jasper also has the potential to become a center for “green� intiatives. By focusing on sustainability, the city will show its commitment to its future in an ever changing environment of energy. Opportunities for sustainable integration exist throughout the city, but within the downtown district there are many areas which could become pieces in the green fabric of the city. Existing schools could be retrofitted to include solar or wind energy-producing technology. Operating factories and warehouses provide ample flat roof area for solar collection to power their building and other buildings in the district. Phytoremediation can be used in brownfields to naturally rid the soils of contaminants, making the sites fit for development. Existing factories can be converted into hydro- or aquaponics plants, providing fresh, organic food for the community year round in a controlled environment. Manufacturing waste from the woodworking industry can be converted into compost for gardens or nurseries, closing the loop of making. A net-zero neighborhood will feature prototype houses and test technologies. And the energy sculpture in Courthouse Square and energy component of the town smart phone app will keep citizens informed and involved in energy production and use. Going green is good for Jasper’s future. 80



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Part of creating a “smart town� is getting residents and visitors to interface and access valuable information quickly and effortlessly. This process starts with the introduction of a new downtown app for Jasper. Young people today live their lives with their smart phone always on hand. It is how they communicate, get news and weather, do business, search for information, get where they want to go, and entertain themselves. By creating an interface that fits into the daily life of the average young adult, Jasper shows it is future-minded 82

and cares about the needs of its citizens. This interactive smart phone app will connect citizens and visitors to local government, businesses, and services, helping people new to Jasper get quickly acquainted with the city, specifically the downtown district. The app features local weather, events, utilities bill paying, shopping, dining, real estate, available parking, recreation, news, public energy use, and downtown deals. With all the benefits of downtown living at your fingertips, there is no excuse not to take advantage of all the district has to offer.

The app will also run on all interactive public interface boards, which will also feature ad space for local businesses to offset costs. Finally, in order to do business on a global scale in a small town, the entire district must be fiber-optic wired to provide high-speed internet access at all locations. Business is not always done within the confines of a typical office, and by updating their infrastructure, Jasper recognizes the need of an innovative entrepreneur to be able to work anywhere at anytime. These simple upgrades to existing technology will propel Jasper into the 21st century, ensure it remains up-to-date in the future, and provide an attractive and competitve environment for businesses and individuals.


smart town


Jasper, Indiana has always been a community of hard working innovators. It is a testament to the city that Jasper is continually striving to better itself for its own people. The town’s involvement in the Hometown Competitiveness Program shows that Jasper is interested in thinking ahead and identifying was to improve across multiple areas of community life. Although this masterplan’s primary focus is aimed at attracting young makers and professionals to settle in Jasper, it also features solutions which will improve the community for all residents and visitors. Looking to the future, the next step for Jasper will be determining the viability of this masterplan in relation to the city’s goals, then creating an implementation strategy for how to most effectively incite private development through a few key public improvement projects.

in a small town. The implementation of this masterplan will help Jasper be competitive in a world where community character and amenities are just as important to young people as job opportunities when choosing a place to live. Jasper has continally demonstrated its commitment to innovate and adapt to an ever-changing world. By taking action on the ideas presented in this masterplan, Jasper will demonstrate its commitment to its young people, understanding their needs in a home community and evolving to meet those needs without losing the distinctive flair that makes it unique. As its young people go out into the world, only to realize how exceptional their own community was, Jasper will be there to welcome them home with open arms.

By identifying its strengths and weaknesses, and following the theme of its rich history, Jasper can offer young people something they won’t find in any other small town, or even a larger city - a great mix of diverse, fulfilling job opportunites, abundant entertainment and cultural options, multiple housing options, ample recreation spaces, and global connectivity, all with the safety, security, and sense of community that comes with living


future prepared


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sources cited

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