Radio, Drug Screening, Diabetes Laboratory, Enzyme and Fluorescent Immunoassays Industry

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Immunoassays Technologies Industry: Drug Screening, Diabetes Laboratory, Enzyme, Fluorescent, and Radio Immunoassays This report provides:  An examination of the growth of immunoassay technology in clinical, food safety, and environmental areas; this report focuses on fluorescent, drug screening, diabetes laboratory, Enzyme, Fluorescent and Radio immunoassays  Analysis of global market trends, with data provided for 2011, estimates for 2012, and projections, with five-year compound annual growth rates (CAGRs), through 2017  Discussion of government regulations and technology patents and the roles they play in development  Analysis of new markets  Comprehensive company profiles of major players. Report Scope Study Goals and Objectives BCC’s goal in conducting this study was to determine the current status of the worldwide demand for immunoassays and to assess its growth potential over the five-year period from 2012 to 2017. We were particularly interested in the key industry applications of immunoassay technology in the U.S., Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. In addition, we were interested in the market potential for key prevailing immunoassay technology applications. Our main objective was to present a comprehensive analysis of the current immunoassay technology markets and its future direction. Reasons for Doing This Study Immunoassays represent one of the most used testing methodologies in the world today. Hence, we were interested in determining the different immunoassay applications and examining their growth potential. We also were especially interested in determining the types of technologies currently in use and their specific applications. BCC has over the past several years examined the biological technology industry. Within this period, Immunoassay technology used in various types of medical and other diagnostics-type applications has taken diverse configurations. As a consequence, the use of this technology is changing with time. Therefore, BCC wanted to conduct a thorough and detailed analysis of immunoassay technology and project its growth potential. Contributions to the Study and For Whom We have compiled a study of current immunoassay testing procedures markets and new emerging immunoassay technology markets. We present the economic environment of the immunoassay examination industry, technological descriptions and issues, applications, market factors, and potential, and project growth trends for the period of year 2012 to 2017. We also project market values and the distribution of immunoassay testing applications by the major market segments. This study will be of interest to the medical laboratory, in vitro diagnostics, biotechnologies, medical diagnostic products, and drug testing industries. It will also be of interest to biological detection device hardware and software developers, manufacturing companies, and distributors. Scope and Format

The scope of this study encompasses an investigation of the markets for the following immunoassay testing categories: enzyme, fluorescence, radio-immunoassay (RIA), cardiac analysis, infectious diseases, and tumor diagnosis. BCC analyzes each immunoassay examination type, determines its current market status, examines its impact on future markets, and presents forecasts of growth over the next five years. Technological issues including the latest trends are discussed. BCC analyzes the industry on a worldwide basis, both from an application and demand point of view in the major regions of the world. Methodology BCC presents an analysis of each diagnostic application type and its estimated demand in 2012. Our estimated values are based on how much buying entities can be expected to pay in un-depreciated dollars. We then analyzed the potential applications for each usage in the field of immunoassay testing, and forecast the market size for 2012 and 2017. We also analyzed the demand for immunoassay analysis by major geographical market segments. All tables and figures are calculated in 2012 constant U.S. dollars. Related Reports: Immunoassays for Drug screening @ Diabetes Laboratory Immunoassays @ Radioimmunoassays @ Enzyme Immunoassays @ Fluorescent Immunoassays @ Contact for further information.

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