1 minute read
Mahmoud Suleiman (Egypt
Mahmoud Soliman
I’ll get my Bags ready to Travel
On my way to you, I will wage a war From one side As I own nothing But one grin... I will empty the thirty years And ask the children, The streets and stations, The newspapers sellers, About a blood which is not mine And about friends who left behind their weeping And departed... I will sort out my dreams And arrange my only dirty -old shoe By war and peace, And mumble simple things: The palm tree that has never been fruitful, The dog that got bored of its barking Thus it died alone.. On my way to you, I forget the disappointments of my hands And the quarrel of my children, And my need to cry, And ask, “How many roses are in the way...!”
As I possess nil from the war Except dust of fake triumphs, I will get my bags ready to travel, And the hamlet for the trip, And the sparrows For the rifle... Ah I wish the clouds could follow me While I hide the tempest In my half sleeve shirt And give the fields my coffee And bow To the air that disperses The gathering of the love ones Ah if the war would realize that I‟m counting the stones In my baby‟s short pipe... Nothing is in the vehicles But war Nothing is in the war But a way Which leads to nothing new...
At night The houses hide its glow And the road I still know How to prepare my laugh For stars
At night The poem comes into me Writes me Then Leaves me To prepare tea for my past And to the age that departed And did not read my D E T A I L S