Interior Design Portfolio - Ashton Jaques Whaley

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as ht o n

WHALEY interio r desig n po rtfo lio


( v)

t odosomet hi ngwi t hsoul ,cr eat i vi t y,orl ove:t oput somet hi ngofyour sel fi nt oyourownwor k

Hel l o

I‘M ASH TO N Iam a4t hyearI nt er i orDesi gnst udentatt heUni ver si t yof Fl or i dai nGai nesvi l l e.Pr i ort opur sui ngapr of essi onal degr eei nI nt er i orDesi gn,I ’ veal waysbeeni nt r i guedbyt he bui l tenvi r onment ,andt hei mpact si tcanhaveont he peopl ei nhabi t i ngi t .Iam passi onat eaboutcr eat i ngspaces t hatwi l lnotonl yevokeamemor babl eexper i ence,butal so r est or et heconnect i onbet weenpeopl eandnat ur e.

LET‘S CO N N ECT asht onj aqueswhal ey@gmai l . com www. l i nkedi n. com/asht onwhal ey ( 904)7909148


c o nt ent s

t abl eof

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S. M. I . L. E




+Ra R i v e r i l i sabout i quehot ell ocat edi nSt .August i ne,Flasapar tof t heMar r i ot tAut ogr aph Col l ect i on.Thi sf ourst or yhot elwasi nspi r ed byt heFl or i daEast

CoastRai l way.I n1912Henr yFl agl ercompl et edt heFECRt hatconnect edpeopl ef r om J acksonvi l l et oKeyWest ,byasi ngl er ai l r oadsyst em.Thi sul t i mat el yassi st edi nSt .August i ne’ s r api ddevel opmentandconnect edpeopl ef r om di f f er entpl aces,cul t ur esandgener at i onst o oneanot her .Ri ver+ Rai lBout i queHot eldoesj ustt hat :encour agi ngt hatsameconnect i on, expl or at i on,andwanderast hecompl et i onoft heFl or i daEastCoastRai l way.


Pr oj ectt ype:hospi t al i t y Pr ogr ams:Revi t ,Phot oshop Ti me:4t hyear ,spr i ng2019 Squar ef oot age:30, 000sqf t I ndi vi dualPr oj ect :11weeks




FLAGLERHOSPI TAL RI VER+ RAI Li sl ocat ed1/4mi l e f r om Fl agl erCol l egeandl esst han 21/2mi l esf r om Fl agl erHospi t al bei ngt he2ndcl osesthot el , maki ngagr eatf ami l y+ mul t i -gener at i onalhot el .


Ent ry Sequenc e

Thi s11weekpr oj ectshowcasest hel obby,a l uxur ysui t e,andt hemai nf eat ur e:The RETREAT,apetsi t t er+ spa.Thebot t om t hr eef l oor sar epr i vat ef l oor st hati ncl udea t ot alof41St andar dRooms,3Sui t es,+ 3 Luxur ySui t es,amount i ngt o47r oomst ot al , al lpetf r i endl ybesi dest he1stf l oor .






Af t ert aki ngt he el evat ort ot het op f l oor ,youwi l lent er t hel obby+ wai t i ng ar ea.Avi nt age maphi ghl i ght i ng r ai l r oadsacr oss St .August i neand Fl or i dawi l lbe r eveal edasyou exi tt heel evat or s andanexposed i ndust r i alf l oorwi l l l eadyout ot he r ecept i ondeskt o checki n.Acust om bui l tl uggagewal l si t sbehi ndt he r ecept i ondeskand i nvokesasenseof wander l ust . Ant i quemi r r or s r ef l ectl i ghtupon t hespacespr eadi ngnat ur al day-l i ght i ng t hr oughout .Her e youcanwai tf or yourr oom whi l e l ooki ngoutover t hespar kl i ng SanSebast i an

Ri ver .


Fl oorPl an

Wai t i ng Area

Ref l ect edCei l i ngPl an

Rec ept i o n


Ent ry Co rri do r

Luxury Sui t eFl o o rPl an+Bat hEl evat i o n


Luxury Sui t eVi ew


T heRet reatEnt ry


AtRi ver+ Rai l ,youdonthavet owor r yaboutf i ndi ngsomeonet owat chyourdogbackhome.TheRETREATwel comes al ldogsnomat t ert hesi ze.Ourday-si t t er+ spai sgr eatf or f ami l i eswant i ngt oexpl or emor eofSt .August i newi t hout t hehassl eoff i ndi ngpet -f r i endl yr est aur ant s+ act i vi t i es.We haveasmal landl ar gepl ayar ea,pr i vat er ooms,sui t es,and spaament i t i esf oryourpup.

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Pr oj ectt ype:heal t hcar e Pr ogr ams:Revi t ,Phot oshop Ti me:4t hyear ,f al l2018 Squar ef oot age:15, 000sqf t Gr oup:Tr i naM,Raf iW,Kat eB

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Fl o o rPl an Exam Wai t i ng+ Recept i on


Ref l ect edCei l i ngPl an

Exam Rooms

Sur ger y Wai t i ng+ Recept i on


1 3

Br eakRoom

Exam Wai t i ng Pat i ent s,f ami l ymember s, andl ovedonesar epr ovi dedwi t havar i et yofcoor di nat edseat i ngandt abl e opt i onst hatpr omot e posi t i vedi st r act i onswhi l e al soaccommodat i ngt he bar i at r i cpopul at i on.I n manycasest hepat i ent s, f ami l ymember s,andl oved oneswi l lwai tbet ween15 mi nut est oanhour .The r ecept i ondeskal someet s ADAr equi r ement sand suppor t st wouser st hat wi l lbet echnol ogyheavy wi t hphones,comput er s, andashar edpr i nt er .

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Exam Ro o m Theexam r oom can suppor torpr event r el at i onshi psoft r ust andunder st andi ng bet weendoct or sand pat i ent sf r om devel opi ng.Wi t ht hatbei ng sai d,i twasi mper i t i ve t odesi gnt hespace f ormut ualpar t i ci pat i on&i nt er act i on whi chi nt ur n,suppor t sl ear ni ng.Accessi bl et echnol ogyi s pr ovi dedf oreaseof communi cat i onaswel l aswhi t eboar dst ohel p capt ur equi ckdr awi ngs.Thesemici r cl e t abl ehel psbui l d doct or -pat i ent -f ami l y membercol l abor at i on whi chmakespat i ent s f eelmor eappr eci at ed andr espect ed.

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Surgery Wai t i ng

Peopl et ypi cal l ywai tanywher ef r om 2t o8hour swhi l et he pat i enti si nsur ger y.Thi sspacegi vessever alchoi cesofmodal i t i esandpost ur es,di f f er entl evel sofpr i vacyandasenseof r ef uge.Technol ogyi nt egr at edseat i ngal soal l owspowersuppl y f orphonesandl apt ops.Ot herposi t i vedi st r act i onssuchasan out si devi ew,aki dsar ea,andal i vef eedLED scr eenhel pdi st r actf r om anynegat i vet hought swhi l ewai t i ngonl ovedones.

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Po s tAnes t hi aCareUni t

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Decent r al i zednur sest at i onspr omot ei ncr easedvi si bi l i t yandqui ckenr esponset i me.Wi t hnur sest at i onsr i ghtout si det hedoor , pat i ent sf eelmor eval uedand nur ses’j obsbecomemucheasi er . Di r ect l yaccessi bl et echnol ogyf or st af fandl ayer edpr i vacyf ort he pat i entcombi net ocr eat et hemost opt i mi zedcar eexper i ence.

Rec o very Ro o m

1 8

i sapr oposed si ngl ef l oorofHomeDepot ’ sheadquar t er si nAt l ant a,Ga.I nspi r at i onf ort hi si nnovat i veof f i cedesi gn camef r om wi t hi nt hecompanyi t sel f .Thef l oorwasdesi gned t o accomodat eadi ver segr oupofi ndi vi dual sandgi vewor ker smor eofani ndi vi dual i zed andf l exi bl espace.Bypr ovi di ngwor ker swi t hchoi ceandf l exi bi l i t y,al lwhi l er espect i ngpeopl eofal lcul t ur esandpr ef er ences,t hespacepr ovokesast r ongerf eel i ngof connect i ont ot hecompany.

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Pr oj ectt ype:Cor por at e Pr ogr ams:Revi t ,Aut oCad,3DSMax,Phot oshop Ti me:3r dyear ,Spr i ng2018 Squar ef oot age:20, 000sqf t Gr oupPr oj ect :Kat er ynaS,J ohannaT,Raf iW,Al bi naH.


Fl o o rPl an

HomeDepot ’ scor e val uessuchasdi ver si t y,compassi on, andgi vi ngbackt o t hecommuni t y, hel peddr i vet he desi gn.Bycr eat i nga wor kspacet hatul t i mat l eyuni f i es t hr oughdi ver si f i cat i onandaccomodat est osuchacompl exgr oup,wor ker s wi l lf eelast r onger connect i ont ot he companyandpur poseofonesel f . Theseval ueswer e r ef l ect edi nt he ar chi t ect ur eandt he wor kcul t ur epor t r ayed.


Ci rc ul at i o n


Wo rk Cafe 23

So c i alSpac es

Thewor kcaf epr ovi desavar i et yofseat i ngopt i onsandser ves ast hemai nhubf orempl oyees.Fl exi bi l ef ur ni t ur eal l owst he spacet obeposi t i onedsever alwayswhi l ebei ngcogni zantof t hef ut ur eandhow t hespacemayneedt ober eshaped.I tpr ovi desenoughseat i ngt ooccupyal lempl oyeesandcanevenbe ar r angedf or f l oor meet i ngs or pr esent at i ons on t he l ar ge pr oj ect orscr een.


I nt ent i o nal+I mpro mpt u Meet i ng

Al ong ci r cul at i ons pat hs ar e smal l erencl aves and gat her i ng spaces f or i mpr ompt u meet i ngs and chat s. The var i et y ofi nt r over t ed and ext r over t ed spaces gi vewor ker sasenseofbel ongi ngwi t hi nt he company.These f eat ur es can hel p st af f become mor eengagedandt husmor epr oduct i ve.


Maj o rCi rc ul at i o nSpac e


OpenOffi c es 27


Smi l e

i sasmal lvocat i onalf aci l i t yser vi ngasaneducat i onalandt r ai ni ng spacef ori ndi vi dual swi t h Aut i sm Spect r um Di sor der( ASD) .Thecent erencour ages soci ali nt er act i on i n whi ch cl i ent scan expand t hei rconver sat i onalcapabi l i t i esand l ear nt oi nt er actwi t hot her s.Thi ssuppor t i veenvi r onmental soencour agesmot i vat i on byi mpl ement i ngspacesofphysi calact i vi t yal ongsi deot hermember s.Addi t i onal l y, cl i ent sar ei nspi r edt oexpandt hei rknowl edgeandabi l i t yt obecomesel f -suf f i ci entby l ear ni ngt ocookont hei rown,andexpl or et hei rar t i st i cpot ent i al .Theseexpi er ences wi l lenhanceandmaxi mi zedevel opmentwhi l eencour agi ngi ndependence.Thi ssuppor t i ve envi r onmentwi l lul t i mat l eymot i vat e an i ndi vi vudalwi t h ASD t o engage i n conver sat i onandi mpr ovet hei rover al lqual i t yofl i f e.


Pr oj ectt ype:Vocat i onal Pr ogr ams:Revi t ,Phot oshop Ti me:3r dyear ,Fal l2018 Squar ef oot age:10, 000sqf t Gr oupPr oj ect :Kai t l ynH.


Asacl i entent er sSMI LE,t heyar e gr eet edbyabubbl ewal landan openor gani cl oungespace.Thi s spaceencour agescl i ent st obe soci alwi t honeanot herwhi l e pr ovi di ngacommongr ound bet weenspaces.Thosewi t hASD pr ef erspacest hathavel esscor ner s,andmor ecur ves,whi ch i nf l uncedt heor gani car chi t ect ur e oft hespace.Adul t swi t hASD may havedi f f i cul t ywi t hver baland non-ver balcommuni cat i on ( aut i smspeaks. or g) .Thi sspace encour agesmember st opar t i ci pat ei nconver sat i onandt heci r cul armovementpr ovi desengagement .Soci alski l l sandgaugi ng per sonalspacei spr omot edi n SMI LEandt hel oungei st hef i r st st ept omeet i ngt hoseneeds.

Fl o o rPl an 31

Lo bby

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Qui etRo o m

Fl exRo o m

I naddi t i ont oyogaononesi deoft hef l exr oom,t her ei sal soacr af t space.Thi sal l owscl i ent st oexpl or et hei rar t i si t i ccapabi l i t i esand pr ovi deswor kt hatt hecl i ent scanbepr oudof .Thecor kwal ll et s i ndi vi dual sdi spl ayt hei rar t wor kandt her ei sal soasl i di ngwal lt o enl ar get hespacef orcl asses.Fur t her mor e,t her ei sasuppor t i ve quot ebyAndyWar hol ,af amousar t i st ,whost r uggl edwi t hASD post edont hewal l .


T heLearni ng Ki t c hen


Sens o ry Ro o m Al t hought hef i beropt i cs andi nt er act i vescr eens emi taf ai ramountof l i ghti nt ot hespace, t her ei sal sot heabi l i t yt o di mi ndi r ectl i ght i ngas needed.Thi sspacei s l ar geenought ohol d gr oupsofadul t s,but addi t i onal l ypr ovi des smal li nt i mat espacesf or pr i vacy.Ther oom was conci ousl ypl acedaway f r om hi ght r af f i car eas t hatmaydi st r actt he cl i entf r om f ocusi ng.The spaceal l owscl i ent st o engageandexpl or et hei r sur r oundi ngsbypr ovi di ngamul t it ext ur edwal l , beanbagchai r s,i nt er ac t i vescr eens,vest i bul ar swi ngs,andapi l l ow pi t .


El evat i o no fPri vac y No o ks

Ext eri o rSpac e


UF Ps yc ho l o gy Depart ment

i sa r enovat ed bui l di ngf ort hedepar t mentt hatwasdr i venbyt hehumanpsychol ogi cal wel l bei ng.St ayi ngact i vebot hphysi cal l yandment al l yhel psmakeonef eelbet t erand keepsone heal t hy. The space encour agest he connect i vi t yand col l abor at i on one needs,whi l ecr eat i ng an act i vel ear ni ng envi r onment . Posi t i vesoci alr el at i onshi ps and st ayi ng connect ed t of r i endsand cl assmat esar eessent i alt o one’ shappi ness. Cont i nui ngt ol ear nandsetnew chal l engesf oronesel fandexpandi ngone’ sknowl edgeassi sti nkeepi ngone’ sbr ai nheal t hy.Thr oughoutt hespacear esever aldi f f er entbr eakawayst udyar east hatcat ert obot ht hei nt r over t edandext r over t ed.For t hosewhowor kandst udybet t erwi t hst i mul at i on,t her ear esever alspacest hatcan bef oundi nbusyar easwi t hpl ent yofr oom f orgr oupcol l abor at i on,andf ort hosewho need t o zone i n and f ocus,t her e ar e st at i ons setup i n qui etcor ner s and al ong l ow-t r af f i cci r cul at i onsf ori mpr opmt ust udyneeds.

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Pr oj ectt ype:Educat i on Pr ogr ams:Revi t ,Phot oshop Ti me:3r dyear ,Spr i ng2018 Squar ef oot age:8, 250sqf t I ndi vi dualPr oj ect


Conf er ence Thi sdesi gnmaxi mi zest henat ur al dayl i ght i ngoft he bui l di ngwhi chcan boostl ear ni ng r at esupt o25%as wel lassave ener gy.Thedesi gn al sout i l i zesmat er i al st hatei t her cont r i but et oLEED cer t i f i cat i ons,ar e composedofr ecycl edmat er i al s, madeofnat ur al f i ber s,have ar educed envi r onment al i mpactorar e Gr eengaur d Cer t i f i ed.

Cl assr oom

Advi si ng

Wor kCaf e

Meet i ngSpaces


Wo rkCafe

4 0

Co l l abo rat i o nSpac es

Thesef l exi bl ecol l abor at i onspacesar egr eatf ormeet i ngwi t hgr oupst ost udyf ort est s,r evi ew mat er i al ,orevenpr act i cepr esent i ng.Al loft abl et opshavet echnol ogyi nt egr at edf orst udent s’ conveni enceandsaf et y.Nat ur aldayl i ght i nghel pskeepst udent s’nat ur alci r cadi um r yt hm no mat t erwhatt i meofday.Locat edneart hef r ontoft hedepar t mentbui l di ng,t her e’ snoexcuse t onothaveagr eatst udyspacef orbef or eoraf t ercl ass.

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Wo rkCafe

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Advi s i ng Offi c es

ď€ as s ro o m+St udy Spac es



di spl aysgl i mpses i nt oot herunder gr adpr oj ect scompl et edt hr oughoutAr chi t ect ur alDesi gn+ I nt er i or s. I ncl uded i s Li nes ofAnal ysi s,DoorWi ndow St ai r s,Rui ns,The J er sey Cow Caf e, Chi ck-f i l -A,andsomeconst r uct i ondocment sf r om Gr eat erGoods,ast at i onar ycof f ee ki osk.


Pr oj ectt ypes:Concept ual+ Hospi t al i t y Pr ogr ams:HandRender i ng,Revi t ,Phot oshop Ti me:1styearSummer2016-4t hyearFal l2018 Squar ef oot age:NA Al lI ndi vi dualPr oj ect s


Li neso fAnal ys i s 4 7

Rui ns 4 8

Do o rWi ndo w St ai rs

4 9

Chi c kfi lA

Pr oj ectt ype:Hospi t al i t y Pr ogr ams:Revi t Ti me:4t hyear ,f al l2018 Squar ef oot age:133sqf t I ndi vi dualPr oj ect

T heJers ey Co w Cafe


i sacur r entr enovat i on pr oj ect myhusbandandIhavet akenon.Shei sa31f t1972Ai r st r eam Sover i gnt hatwehave gut t edf r om t opt obot t om.Honeyi snamedaf t ermyPoppaHoneywhof oundherf or usbacki nJ ul yof2018.Wehavecl eanedherout ,i nst al l ednew subf l oor ,i nsul at i on, pl umbi ng,el ect r i cal ,and ar enow st ar t i ng al lt hecust om bui l ti nsshewi l lneed t o al l ow ourl i t t l ef ami l yt ol i ve+ t r avelcomf or t abl ywhi l eont her oad.

5 1

Pr oj ectt ype:Tr avelTr ai l erRenovat i on Appl i cat i ons:Phot ogr aphy,Revi t Ti me:J ul y2018-Cur r ent Squar ef oot age:200sqf t Gr oupPr oj ect :DJW.,Gar yJ .,J ayW.

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Befo re

Pro gres s


Pro gres s Co nt i nued


Pro po s ed Fl o o rPl an+Mat eri al s


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