CLOUD COMPUTING IS THE NEED: CIOS Companies must first consider the business requirements they have to meet before embarking blindly into the adoption of cloud computing. “Companies must consider whether it is profitable to adopt cloud computing and list grouping objectives, identification of tangible and identifiable benefits, investment requirements, potential pitfalls and the impact on the organization, "according to the Cloud technology analyst survey. Once finalized the project, companies must return to the top of the list and check if the objectives have actually been achieved. This list therefore serves as a guide to measure the return on investment projects in the cloud. According to cloud deployment engineers companies should first examine few areas which includes, reduce operating costs, ensure better security of information, to adopt best practices and to respect the laws on data protection.
CLOUD COMPUTING IS THE NEED: CIOS IT management & cloud department estimates that IT services are currently concentrated to 80% to the management of the equipment, while the remaining 20% can reflect on a long-term development strategy. The need for companies to increase the efficiency of their IT infrastructure is not new but with cloud computing it would be more advanced. He adds that for many companies that do not operate directly in the industry of information technology, IT management is often unavoidable. It is then very tempting to assign these tasks to a specialist in this field.
CLOUD COMPUTING IS THE NEED: CIOS The arrival of cloud computing "There are five or six years, virtualization has emerged. It helped to give more efficiency to the systems by consolidating the use of resources with well optimized virtualization. This particular model allows professionals to connect to their profile from any workstation within an organization. The information is no longer stored in a workstation, but in a central system. The IT manager, a change agent If the first objective related to the adoption of cloud computing is to reduce failures of computer systems, the role of the IOC is to demonstrate in particular what are the costs associated with these failures. We must then quantify the loss of staff productivity and the decline in the financial performance of the company, not to mention the collateral damage on possible adverse effects on its reputation.
CLOUD COMPUTING IS THE NEED: CIOS The risks: data security At the level of risk associated with the adoption of cloud computing great discomfort comes from data security, which reside more in infrastructure owned by the company. It can be physical, security software, processes and certifications. Analyst recommends that organizations understand the sensitivity of the data before placing them blindly in the cloud.