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Simply a teen life


by Ashvathe

Getting Started & Goal Setting

Goal setting specifically relates to a career planning. The career process involves setting goals, these goals are both long term and short term, and they are used to develop a career planning. It will describe the steps you need to reach and achieve a certain goal. Long term goals can take you approximately threefive years to achieve while short terms goals are reachable in a short period of time. We set our goals regularly everyday, we plan what we want to accomplish, mostly simple goals, and then you get into more complicated goals which plan you for the future. Achieving goals isn't that easy, but the actions you take to achieve them will make a huge impact.

“The ability to convert ideas to things is the secret to outward success.� Henry Ward Beecher I had chosen a parent/guardian from my family which was my mom.

I had interviewed her to find out about her life experiences as an early adolescent. I discussed the goals she accomplished as a teenager, a missed opportunity, and advice on teen life. My mom had an intelligent education opportunity that she had missed, university.

Mom was once a teen!

My parent/mother achieved honors in both elementary and in high school. She was one of the highest ranked students in her high school. She had a positive/optimistic attitude towards life. She would always hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst. She was always grateful for what she already had, but she would always strive for excellence. She was never an obsessively perfectionist.

She had a skill to set realistic life goals and visualize and imagine a successful pathway for her future career. When it comes to her future career, she would always choose an academic course. She would establish reliable short term goals, and make an effort to accomplish them. She would always beware of her electronics and extracurricular activities; she would never

let it interfere with her academic performance. She would try to avoid “non-serious” students, and those with bad habits. (Drugs, violence, etc) “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” Mark Twain

The missed opportunity and parent’s advice My parent/mother missed an important opportunity in life, going and accomplishing university. She passed the university exam but did not qualify. She did not get a second chance because she had to get married, in Sri-Lanka many women had to get married at a very young age. My mom felt as if she was a drift in the world, she worked hard but it didn’t seem to get anywhere worthwhile. (University) A key reason is that she felt that she hadn’t spent enough time thinking about what she wanted in life. Goal setting

was a powerful process for thinking about her ideal future. She had to set clearly defined goals; she did not take pride in the achievement of her goals. She should have raised her confidence and recognized her ability in achieving the goals she had set. She should have known precisely what she wanted to achieve. Once she had decided on her goal, she kept up the process of reviewing and updating her to do list on a daily basis. She had set her priorities, when she had several goals, this helps her from feeling overwhelmed, and helps direct her attention to the important things. Failure is a part of life; slips are a part of life, the learning process. It makes a few tries to meet a goal. Everyone has failures in life don’t beat yourself for it, remind yourself to get back on track.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. Winston Churchill

My Smart Goal

Ashvathe wants to get a sufficient amount of sleep on school days. (Monday – Friday) She also wants to get approximately eight hours of sleep. (10:00PM7:00AM) She has two months to get a usual routine to follow her goal of eight hours of sleep. She wants to get a minimum of eight hours of sleep in two months. Keep a chart, record in your results such as what time you went to sleep then another column for what time you awakened and a last

column for the total hours of sleep. To find out whether she is in the process of achieving her goal. Get a minimum of eight hours of sleep. Scientific research proves teenagers should get a minimum of eight to nine hours of sleep everyday because they are in the time of physical, intellectual and emotional growth and development. Try to get eight hours of sleep on school days. (Monday-Friday) then on weekend you can go to sleep late, and wake up late.(no school on Saturday and Sunday) You will be able to do that by using your time productively after school for homework and not waste time on social networking until your priorities are complete. Check your chart halfway (1 month) throughout the process; make changes if necessary to meet/achieve your goal. Day of the week

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Sleeping Awakening Total time time hours of sleep

every day. Make sure you are not overscheduled. Obstacles

Enabling Goals Decrease the amount of time/usage of social networking.

Complete your homework right when you get home so that you don’t result in sleeping late and interfering with your goal. Manage your time with care if you have an assignment or project do a week later, don’t PROCASTINATE,

try to be organized and start early. Have a relaxed bedtime routine; try to go to bed at the same time

You have feeling of sadness, worried about things that make it hard to focus on the priorities. You have too much homework and you are not using your time productively by social networking. When you are overscheduled, following your true passion through sports and extracurricular activities, it could be time consuming. Electronics are very addictive, even adults struggle with this issue. Strategies “Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone” ― Pablo Picasso Move more, regular exercise promotes healthy sleeping. Avoid exercising in the evening or else your bones and muscles will be sore. Unplug or turn off all your electronics at least a half an hours before bed. The light from the screen interferes with the production of melatonin. You can sleep in on the weekend, but no more than 2 or 3 hours later than their

usual time, or it will disrupt your normal bedtime routine. Reflect My moms and I have very similar goal setting abilities when she was a teen/adolescence. We both strive for the best in life, if a failure occurs we give a great effort to overcome them. We both need to boost our confidence when it comes to achievement, focus on the good than the bad.

Secrets behind the truth of Effective communication Teen Talk about successful communication Effective communication exists between two people, the receiver understands the sender’s message in a way, and it is intended.

Communication helps us as people understand a person or situation better, resolve differences, and build trust and respect. It also creates environments where ideas and problem solving can either flourish or be resolved. In effective communication there is an important element, you have to understand the emotion behind the information.

convinced. The bruises look like finger prints from her arm being squeezed really hard. Anne keeps bothering Riya about what she sees, until she finally confesses. Riya tells Anne that her boyfriend got angry the other day and shook her a little. She assures Anne that it’s the first time anything like this ever happened.

"The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said." – Selena Gomez

Communication is the process of sharing information, thoughts, and feelings between people through speaking, body languages and through many other methods. The goals of effective communication includes: creating common judgement, changing behaviours and enhancing relationships.

"Speak when you are angry -and you'll make the best speech you'll ever regret." – Lilly Singh (Superwoman)

"We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak." – Zaid Ali

Teen Comic Scenario Anne and her girlfriend are out for a girls’ night at the mall. As Riya reaches out to pick out a bracelet that she likes, it is seen that she has several bruises on her arm under her shirtsleeve. When Anne asks Riya about this, she says that she bumped into something; Anne isn't

We teens want to be heard! Listening is the key to all effective communication, because without the ability to listen effectively, messages are easily misunderstood. The communication breaks down and the sender of the message can easily become frustrated or irritated. Good listening skills also have benefits in personal lives, such as improved self-esteem and confidence. When

receiving messages, listening is an important element and it can be done both actively and passively.

many benefits to active listening such as trust, productivity, accuracy, and respect and conflict resolution.

"You cannot truly listen to anyone and do anything else at the same time." - Anonymous

Active listening uses verbal responses to show acceptance, understanding, respect and many other things as well. The techniques used for active listening can be encouraging a person to express their feelings, encourage more information and comment directly on what is being said.

"The most important things are the hardest to say, because words diminish them." - Drake

It's also the best way to avoid misunderstandings. When you repeat back a summary of what you have heard, the speaker then has the chance to correct anything that you didn't understand. There are

Passive listening shows that you are interested without needing to speak. It is generally the idea of using non-verbal responses to show understanding.

Techniques to passive listening could be making eye contact, nodding, and facial expressions. A passive listener does not give any feedback or appear to be listening at all. They will often miss out on verbal and nonverbal communication cues that the speaker gives during the conversation. In my comic, Anne is an active listener. When Anna and Riya go out for dinner, Riya tells her about the situation she was in (Jake abused Anne in an

argument). During the communication between them both, Anne encourages Riya to express her personal feelings and thoughts about the situation. Anne restates and summarizes everything to Riya as she says to make sure she has the correct information. She shows acceptance and understanding. She then gains respect and trust which enhances their relationship. While Riya was expressing her feelings, Anne encouraged her to tell her more information, which was her attempt in giving her advice.

In this picture, Anne is giving Riya advice about the issue she is occurred in.

Ever want to understand someone’s thoughts and feelings? Empathy brings meaning and purpose to life; it forms relationships and improves social interaction. When showing empathy, you are able to better understand the

feelings and thoughts of others.

Empathy is a sense that one can truly understand or imagine the depth of another person’s feelings.

"That which we are capable of feeling, we are capable of saying." – Demi Lavoto

Self empathy is the feeling of compassion for your own pain and suffering. When showing empathy, you should provide your undivided attention and attempt to be nonjudgemental. You should always observe the emotions behind the words that are spoken and assure you understand the issue or problem. Empathy shows bonding between people and self awareness.

Anne is able to understand the feelings and thoughts of Riya. As Riya tells Anne about the violent behaviour of Jake towards her, Anne starts to provide Riya with her undivided attention. Riya tried her best not to be judgemental; she observed the emotions behind the words. When Anne starts to show empathy for Riya, the bond between them is enhanced, and they begin to cooperate more in the future.

Anyone who has experienced a certain amount of loss in their life has empathy for those who have experienced loss. -Anonymous

Are you in a situation where you need help use: Positive Strategies?

Effective communication takes place only when the receiver and the sender are ready to focus on each other’s message. There are three main types of strategies, timing, humour, and honesty. Timing is when you select a right time to convey or reveal a message. When revealing a message at the right time or a certain time, it may make a difference on how it's received. When using empathy, it will help determine how well the receiver is prepared to listen.

Honesty is the complete trust and honesty between two people, and thus communication is greatly enhanced.

The receiver must have information on how the person is feeling. They both must also make sure they have the important information. Using a sense of humor while communicating can make the conversation lighthearted, funny, and pleasant.

Riya wants to and decides to tell Jake her honest opinion regarding his behaviour lately. Anne also starts to be honest with her opinions and advice. They both decide together that Riya must go to Jake and talk to him about his abusive act the other day.

Are you hitting on a speed bump? Roadblocks

But, there are times where you should not use humor. Frequent jokes may be inappropriate in some circumstances. Riya and Anne continue with their girls night out and go out for dinner to discuss about the situation. They then select a right time to convey the message to Jake.

I want to discuss the issue that occurred earlier this week. We both need to be completely honest with each other about our opinions. -Riya (Character from Comic)

The person receiving the message may feel attacked and may feel the need to defend themselves. Communication roadblocks stand in the way of good communications. You must learn to recognize the blockers which can provide a pathway towards making your thoughts and feelings clear. Ridiculing is also known as name calling and shaming. It may hurt another person; it may also make them send a similar

hurtful message back. Criticizing is known as judging and blaming, it makes the receiver feel the need to defend them. Threatening is similar to a threat of power or a warning. The receiver may feel angry and rebellious. Preaching is another word for ordering. The receiver feels guilty or not good enough. Analyzing is known as diagnosing and interpreting. The sender’s opinion is stated as a fact. Interrogating is questioning another person. If the receiver feels the sender is asking questions that they shouldn’t be asking, the receiver would feel cross examined and would have the need to defend themselves. E.g.; what, where, when, why, and how. Advising is giving solutions or suggestions. It is usually intended advice to someone who doesn't want any. One-upping is the same as competing with one and another and it implies that the sender feels superior. Globalization is generalizing a fact. Sender makes one or a few situations into many

situations. Lecturing sends the message that the sender feels superior towards the receiver which results in the receiver feeling defensive at some times. Dismissing is when the sender or receiver changes the subject; it is a way of ignoring or interrupting which may cause the sender to feel rejected. When Anne tells Riya to go talk to her boyfriend, Jake, she is scared that her boyfriend might be violent with her again. Anne starts to question and interrogate her relationship. Riya begins to think that Anne is cross examining her and that Anne is asking her questions she shouldn’t be.

prospective. Often based on an opinion and not a fact. Prejudice is a type of bias against an individual or a group who share certain characteristics. When the characteristics of some group members is generalized to all group members, then stereotyping takes place.

Ethnocentrism is a type of bias where individuals view people from cultures other than their own as having less importance or less value. Spread the word: “I: message

Anne starts to advise Riya about Jake, and she tells her that her boyfriend should not be physically abusing her. Teen Barriers and filters Bias is a way of looking at things from narrow

I messages are important because they provide a pathway towards positive communication under difficult circumstances such as roadblocks. "You cannot truly listen to anyone and do anything else at the same time." – Justin Bieber

Ideal situations to use I messages are when you are being interrupted, or have a feeling of stress. I messages are used to prevent a potential stressful interaction.

I messages are effective because it focuses on the issue or the topic of concern. Sharing and expressing feelings can lead to more trust in relationships. There is an increase in better quality interactions after an I message is expressed. Advantages of using I messages is that it helps ease tension and conflict, and it reduces the defensiveness towards people. It also prepares listeners for feedback and requires honest communication.

Possible roadblocks Accusing, blaming, demanding, judging, etc Possible bridges Suggesting, reassuring, persuading, and praising

Top secret code Constructing an ‘I’ message Using” I” messages might not come naturally to most people. You must practise and you will begin to like this certain communication approach. Be assertive and honest in sharing your thoughts. 4 basic elements to an “I” message:   

Riya goes to Jake and talks to him about his violent behaviour towards her. Riya tells Jake about how she really feels and about the situation that occurred earlier. She tells him that she feels angry and hurt when he yells and abuses her. It affects how she feels and it affects the trust between the relationships they have. She explains to him that she wants to feel comfortable and wants to feel protected when she spends time with him. When she used an I message, it helped ease the tension and conflict between both of them. This also reduces the defensiveness of Jake. Jake then understands what he had done was wrong. He apologizes and says that he will never abuse her again.

obstacles that occur in life, like teen issues such as alcohol, relationships, friendship and etc. Effective communication helps us teens better understand a person or situation, enables us to resolve differences, and build trust. As simple as communication seems, much of what we try to communicate and others try to communicate to us gets misunderstood, which causes conflict and frustration in teens and personal relationships. By learning these effective communication skills, teens will be better able to connect with friends, family and etc in the future.

"Give me the gift of a listening heart." – Miley Cyrus

I feel (insert a feeling word) be specific When you (tell what caused the feeling) Because I (explain what effect the behaviour has on Effective communication you) skills will help teens in the I want (tell what you want future by passing the to happen instead)

By. Ashvathe.S

Us teens have dirty filthy hands throughout the day, so we must wash our hands in warm soapy water for 1530 seconds before working in the lab. It’s a miracle your actually dishwashing for once but NEVER place a knife into a sink with soapy water.

Is it your turn to do the dishes ? Who's going to clean up after you? Certainly not your mother, so get up and scrape the dishes into the garbage disposal.

Do you know your left and right hand, well you should because you’re a teen, always remember to put in hot, soapy water in the first sink for washing .(1squirt of soap) We teens like to rush through chores because it increases the time spent socializing with friends, but washing the dishes requires a lot of patience, always keep this order in mind wash, rinse, stack, and dry. The person washing the dishes also rinses the dishes. Always remember to wash one article at a time. Dishes don’t belong scattered all over the countertop like your bedroom mess, always put them in their appropriate locations.

Your old enough to follow guidelines, stacking dishes is an easy job for you, just remember…. •Glassware •Cutlery •Dinnerware •Preparation dishes •Pots and pans

Have you ever heard of vice versa, well its reverse in order or a preceding a statement the other way around, also put hot, clear water in the second sink for rinsing. For a little extra “cha ching” wipe counters and areas around sinks, sparkling clean.

Accurate measurements, accurate recipe, excellent results!!!

Measuring spoons can be used for dry, solid, or liquid ingredients. It comes in a set which includes… •1 teaspoon •1 table spoon ½ teaspoon ¼ teaspoon mages

Original recipe makes 1 - 8 or 10 inch round cheese cake

Dry ingredients Spoon the ingredients lightly into the measuring cup. Take the straight edge of a knife (not the cutting edge) and level off the ingredient. If the recipe calls for a heaping cup, do not level off the cup. Instead, leave a small mounded top of ingredients. 1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs 1/3 cup packed brown sugar 1/3 cup white sugar

Small amounts Use the measuring spoon that best fits. 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Additional ingredient 1 (21 ounce) can cherry pie filling

Solid ingredients Spoon the ingredients into a cup and pack down firmly with a spoon .Bakers, these days, don't often have to measure fats because butter and margarine come in conveniently measured sticks. 1/3 cup butter, melted 2 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese

Liquid ingredients Always use a glass measuring cup for measuring liquids. Always rest the cup on a level surface and read at eye level. 2 teaspoons lemon juice 1 pint heavy whipping cream

Directions In a small bowl, stir together the graham cracker crumbs, brown sugar and cinnamon. Add melted butter and mix well. Press into the bottom of an 8 or 10 inch springform pan. Chill until firm. In a medium bowl, beat together the cream cheese and lemon juice until soft. Add whipping cream and beat with an electric mixer until batter becomes thick. Add the sugar and continue to beat until stiff. Pour into chilled crust, and top with pie filling. Chill several hours or overnight. Just before serving, remove the sides of the springform pan.

Parents were teenagers once ! Getting Started & Goal Setting

Goal setting specifically relates to a career planning. The career process involves setting goals, these goals are both long term and short term, and they are used to develop a career planning. It will describe the steps you need to reach and achieve a certain goal. Long term goals can take you approximately threefive years to achieve while short terms goals are reachable in a short period of time. We set our goals regularly everyday, we plan what we want to accomplish, mostly simple goals, and then you get into more complicated goals which plan you for the future. Achieving goals isn't that easy, but the actions you take to achieve them will make a huge impact.

“The ability to convert ideas to things is the secret to outward success.� Henry Ward Beecher I had chosen a parent/guardian from my family which was my mom.

I had interviewed her to find out about her life experiences as an early adolescent. I discussed the goals she accomplished as a teenager, a missed opportunity, and advice on teen life. My mom had an intelligent education opportunity that she had missed, university.

Mom was once a teen!

My parent/mother achieved honors in both elementary and in high school. She was one of the highest ranked students in her high school. She had a positive/optimistic attitude towards life. She would always hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst. She was always grateful for what she already had, but she would always strive for excellence. She was never an obsessively perfectionist.

She had a skill to set realistic life goals and visualize and imagine a successful pathway for her future career. When it comes to her future career, she would always choose an academic course. She would establish reliable short term goals, and make an effort to accomplish them. She would always beware of her electronics and extracurricular activities; she would never

let it interfere with her academic performance. She would try to avoid “non-serious” students, and those with bad habits. (Drugs, violence, etc) “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” Mark Twain

The missed opportunity and parent’s advice My parent/mother missed an important opportunity in life, going and accomplishing university. She passed the university exam but did not qualify. She did not get a second chance because she had to get married, in Sri-Lanka many women had to get married at a very young age. My mom felt as if she was a drift in the world, she worked hard but it didn’t seem to get anywhere worthwhile. (University) A key reason is that she felt that she hadn’t spent enough time thinking about what she wanted in life. Goal setting

was a powerful process for thinking about her ideal future. She had to set clearly defined goals; she did not take pride in the achievement of her goals. She should have raised her confidence and recognized her ability in achieving the goals she had set. She should have known precisely what she wanted to achieve. Once she had decided on her goal, she kept up the process of reviewing and updating her to do list on a daily basis. She had set her priorities, when she had several goals, this helps her from feeling overwhelmed, and helps direct her attention to the important things. Failure is a part of life; slips are a part of life, the learning process. It makes a few tries to meet a goal. Everyone has failures in life don’t beat yourself for it, remind yourself to get back on track.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. Winston Churchill

My Smart Goal

Ashvathe wants to get a sufficient amount of sleep on school days. (Monday – Friday) She also wants to get approximately eight hours of sleep. (10:00PM7:00AM) She has two months to get a usual routine to follow her goal of eight hours of sleep. She wants to get a minimum of eight hours of sleep in two months. Keep a chart, record in your results such as what time you went to sleep then another column for what time you awakened and a last

column for the total hours of sleep. To find out whether she is in the process of achieving her goal. Get a minimum of eight hours of sleep. Scientific research proves teenagers should get a minimum of eight to nine hours of sleep everyday because they are in the time of physical, intellectual and emotional growth and development. Try to get eight hours of sleep on school days. (Monday-Friday) then on weekend you can go to sleep late, and wake up late.(no school on Saturday and Sunday) You will be able to do that by using your time productively after school for homework and not waste time on social networking until your priorities are complete. Check your chart halfway (1 month) throughout the process; make changes if necessary to meet/achieve your goal. Day of the week

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Sleeping Awakening Total time time hours of sleep


Enabling Goals Decrease the amount of time/usage of social networking.

Complete your homework right when you get home so that you don’t result in sleeping late and interfering with your goal. Manage your time with care if you have an assignment or project do a week later, don’t PROCASTINATE

Make sure you are not overscheduled.

You have feeling of sadness, worried about things that make it hard to focus on the priorities. You have too much homework and you are not using your time productively by social networking. When you are overscheduled, following your true hobbies through sports and extracurricular activities, it could be time consuming. Electronics are very addictive, even adults struggle with this issue. Strategies “Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone” ― Pablo Picasso You should move more, infact regular exercise advances healthy sleeping. Avoid exercising in the evening or else your bones and muscles will be sore. Unplug or turn off all your electronics at least a half an hours before bed. The light from the screen interferes with the production of melatonin.

You can sleep in on the weekend, but no more than 2 or 3 hours later than their usual time, or it will disrupt your normal bedtime routine. Reflect My moms and I have very similar goal setting abilities when she was a teen/adolescence. We both strive for the best in life, if a failure occurs we give a great effort to overcome them. We both need to boost our confidence when it comes to achievement, focus on the good than the bad. this smart goal goes into the physical developmental task. It is important to get at least eight hours of sleep because teens usually grow rapidly during their sleep, growth hormones are produced. an average teen is physically active, which will result in m ore sleep. The right amount of sleep is essential for everyone who want to do well or succeed in life.

Fresh and easy meal planning The Asian chicken wrap is a nutritious, healthy food choice because it meets most of the food guide recommendations. This recipe is nutritious because most of the ingredients are equally distributed to the following food group categories; grain product, vegetable and fruits, milk and alternative and meat and alternatives.

Most of the grain products in this recipe are all whole wheat.

The chicken is fresh and baked.

contains less fat and few calories.

The vegetables are colored dark green and oranges which are just chilled in the fridge.

It is a nutritious and mouth watering food choice; you will enjoy this meal at the same time you will be doing well to your body rather than bad such as unhealthy food choices such as fast food and junk food. The chicken that is prepared inside the wrap is baked which makes it a healthier choice than grilled or fried. In general, chicken wraps are a healthier choice rather than sandwiches because the bread is replaced with a tortilla or lettuce which

The cottage cream cheese that is being toppled onto the wrap is low fat rather than regular.

This recipe is appealing to teens because, it is a fun food recipe that is simple and easy to make. The ingredients needed are easy to find at your local grocery store, it is also inexpensive. It will not cost you a fortune. Also the equipment required

for this recipe is found at home or at your local convenience store.

In this wrap there are a variety of colors such as the outside wrap which is brown and beige; it is also a healthy choice because it is whole grain. The inside filling of the wrap is very colorful; the colors incorporated are green, beige and red.

There are also many different flavors that complement each other such as the chicken salad and the fresh bland cilantro. The texture of the crispy tortilla and the inside soft chicken salad, garnished with the


There is also a variety of shapes that complement each other. The aroma of the chicken wrap is a mild tangy smell. The temperature of the tortilla is warm and the inside filing (chicken salad) is chilled. You can also ask your family members for their personal preference about which necessary ingredients to incorporate inside the wrap.

the family budget.

For this wrap you can also consider using leftovers such as chilled chicken. This recipe is more appealing when they following FACTS are included.

Preparation Stir together first 4 ingredients. Spread each wrap with 1/2 cup chicken salad mixture; sprinkle each with 1 Tbsp. cilantro. Roll up tightly, and cut in half. m/recipe/asian-chickensalad-wraps50400000127680/ All the ingredients for this wrap are inexpensive ad they are approximately in

Other meals with the same ingredients Vegetables and fruit 1/2 cup thinly sliced fresh snow peas 1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger 4 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro $ Grain products 1/2 cup crunchy rice noodles (such as La Choy) 4 sun-dried tomato whole grain sandwich wraps Milk and alternatives Low fat cottage cream cheese Meat and alternatives 1 pound deli chicken salad

There are a variety of meals you can make with this recipe such as… *You can add additional ingredients according to your wish     

Quesadillas Chicken sandwich Chicken salad Chicken fajitas

Chicken mango lettuce wrap

Why is it a good idea to plan meals?  

   

If you start to plan your meals you will develop healthy eating skills. You will be able to shop more efficiently, you can also shop for groceries more efficiently, and you will already have a list of groceries which eliminates the time and instances where you discover you left out a necessary ingredient. It will also save you time and preparation. You will save more money for food cost, when you shop less and shop for the necessary ingredients; you will naturally save more money efficiently. You will enjoy the variety and appeal to your meal. Picky kids will enjoy the variety and you can also ask family members about their personal preferences while planning the meal.

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