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Piper Mark Toner at the 9/11 Commemorations at the US Ambassador’s residence in Phoenix Park

DFB Pipe Band Secretary John McNally recounts recent events and looks forward to 2022

Unfortunately, the Dublin Fire Brigade Pipe Band is still in a very quiet period due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Since our last article, we have, however, resumed practice indoors in line with public health guidelines. This has allowed the band to get back to normal regular practice in preparation for the next year, which we hope will see public events with larger attendances return. In October, District Officer Mick Hayes retired in his 40th year of service. Having been a former member of the band, we were delighted to play at Mick’s last parade in HQ and to thank him for his service and his dedication to the band when he played as a tenor drummer. The band would like to wish Mick and family the very best with a long, happy, and healthy retirement. On September 11, we were delighted and honoured to play at the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in New York that were being commemorated at the Donadea 9/11 Memorial in Donadea Forest Park, Co Kildare. This event remembered FDNY firefighter Sean Tallon, whose father emigrated from the town many years before and who lost his life in the World Trade Center. Sub-Officer Brian Hughes and FF/P Ger Bolger played a moving rendition of Nearer My God to Thee. As always, our solo pipers have been busy over the past few months with engagements including funerals and many last parades of retiring DFB members. Another 9/11 event, held at the American Ambassador’s residence in Phoenix Park, saw Mark Toner represent the Pipe Band as a lone piper, while he also played at the unveiling of a memorial plaque for John Nichol, a 19-year-old firefighter from Northern Ireland who died in the line of duty at a fire in

Mick Hayes’ retirement

Armagh in 1976. Unfortunately, the band’s long overdue AGM has been further postponed due to COVID-19, however we look forward to the year ahead and hope for busier times with plenty of gigs in the future and a new committee when the situation allows.

As has been said many times in past articles, we are always here to welcome new members to the band. New blood is vital to ensure that the band survives into the future. Whether its piping or drumming you may be interested in (maybe you would like to try both) the door is always open to new members. So, if you think you have what it takes or would like to give it a try, why not come along to the Training Centre any Monday night from 8pm and learn a new instrument? Beginners are very welcome and musical ability is not necessary. We would also like to welcome previous members back as well as people who may already have piping or drumming experience. You will be given top class instruction by our two world class instructors Dave Rickard (Bagpipes) and Ciaran Mordaunt (Drums).

As always, the band is forever grateful for the support of associate members, DFB management and DCC. Without that continued support the band could not exist.

The band can be reached at any time through any band member, social media or by emailing: dfbpbsec@gmail.com

John McNally, DFB Pipe Band Secretary

Donadea 911 Memorial

Leading tributes in Armagh Solo piper Mark Toner at the unveiling of the plaque for fallen firefighter John Nichol in Armagh


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