1 minute read

Message from the CEO Dear


A very warm welcome to you to our newly designed quarterly magazine, The Property Professional. With our partners, Ashville Media, we aim to bring you the most upto-date news and analysis impacting all issues to do with the property market.

We take our lead from you, our members and the practitioners in the market, on whom we rely for ground-up market intelligence that feeds IPAV policy formation and activities at national level, and indeed internationally also.

This input has been evident in IPAV’s Residential Property Price Barometer, which has been at the forefront in accurately capturing real market sales data, as opposed to asking prices, over the past five years.

It’s now almost five years also since IPAV identified a new market trend and publicly warned about it – that private landlords were leaving the market, despite record rents. Greeted at the time with scepticism and a measure of derision in certain quarters, all o icial sources now accept the accuracy of what our members first identified.

The Government has acknowledged that more needs to be done to address what has become a chronic housing problem. New unpublished research by the Housing Commission set up under the Department of Housing concludes Ireland may need up to 62,000 homes built per year until 2050.

That housing policy has been beset with unintended consequences of well-intended policy measures is indisputable. We need to see that reversed. We need a greater level of trust, respect and communication between all stakeholders – public and private. And we need to dispense with the presumption that all developers are villains.

I hope you enjoy this new look Property Professional and that you will find the following content informative and inspirational.

Gerry Coffey

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