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Over the past nearly three years, those serving at the front lines have been challenged like never before. If you are struggling, we are here to help. Grow Mental Health is a registered Irish charity that provides free, con dential, community-based peer support groups for anyone experiencing mental health challenges.
An ongoing stigma towards needing support for mental health can make seeking help di cult. Life can throw many unexpected obstacles in our pathway, such as a bereavement, separation, job loss, a traumatic experience, being unfairly treated in work, miscarriage, nancial security, menopause... the list goes on. e rst step to change, admitting you need support, is the most challenging one.
Grow is one of Ireland’s longeststanding mental health charities, empowering and supporting more than 100 community groups across Ireland and online each week.

Founded in Australia in 1957, Grow has been operating in Ireland for more than 50 years. We focus on building hope and empowering people, using a 12-step approach to nurture positive mental health and well-being in a supportive, caring environment.

Most importantly, we are peer led and run – in other words, the only people in the groups are people who have lived through mental health challenges and are making changes. Talking to someone who has been there can be the rst step in feeling better.
If you think talking to others who have experienced mental health challenges could help, there is a Grow group nearby waiting to welcome you. At Grow we like to say, you alone can do it, but you cannot do it alone. We are here for you.
To nd out more about our in-person meetings or our online introductory course, visit grow.ie or call our national information line 0 818 474 474.