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Kickstart The Climate Action Journey In Your Business
Climate Action Guides for Tourism Businesses.
Fáilte Ireland has developed a suite of practical climate action guides tailored for the tourism sector to enable businesses to make more practical operational changes to reduce their carbon footprint.
Find out more at failteireland.ie
This government funded initiative provides a free and extensive suite of signage and training materials to help workforces make accurate recycling decisions. This will assist Irish businesses to achieve greater Circular Economy performance through increased recycling and composting rates.
A waste characterisation study by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found that almost 70% of materials being placed in the general commercial waste bins is waste that should be placed in the recycling or food waste bins. Targeted materials (those suitable for recycling) accounted for only 60% of the materials in the mixed dry recycling bins, with food waste among the contaminants. The study found that by improving waste segregation practices, businesses could divert significant amounts of waste from the general waste stream annually.
Speaking on behalf of the Regional Waste Management Planning Offices, Kevin Swift, Connacht Ulster Region Waste Office said: “This initiative will empower small and medium size businesses, particularly those in the retail, hospitality, manufacturing and corporate sectors to further improve how their waste is managed. With clear language and visuals, the materials will make it easy for staff to quickly understand what waste goes in what bin. This should help significantly increase the amount of recyclables and food waste diverted from the general bin and correctly placed in the recycling and food waste bins.”
The toolkit is free to download or order from www.mywaste.ie/business/