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Instilling the values of public participation
An acceleration of digital engagement during the pandemic meant EirGrid’s contact with stakeholders upheld their values of openness, transparency and partnership
n the normal course of business,
Iengagement with stakeholders is a hugely important part of EirGrid’s operations: from open exhibition days to visiting landowners and engaging with the public using a mobile information unit, EirGrid reaches out to foster direct contact with communities, landowners and elected representatives on a regular basis.
In order to maintain this crucial contact during the pandemic, EirGrid accelerated its innovation in the digital engagement space, researching and training internally and trialling solutions including webinars, digital workshops, virtual exhibitions and micro-sites.
“We successfully completed 23 public consultation events throughout 2020. This accelerated in the fi rst half of 2021 with in excess of 100 events underway,” reveals Sinead Dooley, Head of Public Engagement.
VIRTUAL OPEN DAYS EirGrid was a pioneer of the virtual open day concept. “Site visitors entered a virtual
“room” displaying project information posters. They could then walk through the room and get more detail by interacting with each poster,” Dooley explains. “The virtual exhibition space also allowed for stakeholders to register for webinars and submit their views—all in one place.”
A new standalone project mapping microsite with interactive maps was also trialled, as well as developing the new consult.EirGrid.ie site, which provides seamless integration with EirGrid’s digital suite. “Collectively, this work ensured that local stakeholders were aware of key project consultations. We also off ered multiple ways to learn about projects and to respond to options.”
ENGAGEMENT STRATEGY EirGrid’s approach to communications and engagement strategies is infl uenced by its new Public Engagement Strategy for a Cleaner Energy Future. “Whilst grappling with the impact of the pandemic on our engagement, pivoting to meaningful virtual engagement has allowed us to continue innovating and developing our engagement and communication processes which has culminated in one of the largest public consultations undertaken by a semistate company to date,” Dooley states.
The virtual initiative went beyond standard video conferencing and webinars, focusing on the user experience and ensuring the stakeholder voice is both heard, and, importantly, acted upon. “This initiative ensured stakeholders continued to be at the heart of our grid development processes and strategic development processes throughout the pandemic,” says Dooley. “It has accelerated our adoption of new technologies at a speed that was not seen previously, and it resulted in greater levels of active participation in our consultation processes. This initiative has also accelerated our partnerships with civil society in both Ireland and Europe. What sets this initiative apart from our traditional approach to engagement is that it is delivering results—instilling the values of public participation, openness, transparency and partnership.”