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Gas Networks Ireland
Gas Networks Ireland is Committed to Sustainability and a Cleaner Energy Future
Environmental, social and economic sustainability are at the heart of Gas Networks Ireland’s strategy and vision to deliver a secure, affordable and cleaner energy future for Ireland through renewable gases such as biomethane and hydrogen.
as Networks Ireland
Goperates and maintains Ireland’s €2.7bn, 14,617km national gas network, which is considered one of the safest and most modern gas networks in the world. Over 706,000 Irish homes and businesses trust Ireland’s gas network to provide affordable and reliable energy to meet their heating and cooking needs.
ENERGY FUTURE Producing signifi cantly less carbon dioxide than coal and oil, natural gas has been helping Ireland reduce its carbon footprint since it was discovered off the coast of Ireland in the 1970s.
A vital national asset, the gas network is the cornerstone of Ireland’s energy system, securely supplying more than 31% of Ireland’s total energy, including 40% of all heating and 52% of the country’s electricity generation.
However, while natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel, Ireland must transition to more sustainable alternatives to meet its climate action targets. Gas Networks Ireland’s vision is to replace natural gas with renewable gases, such as biomethane and hydrogen, to substantially reduce Ireland’s carbon emissions while ensuring a secure energy supply.
By replacing natural gas with renewable gases and complementing intermittent renewable electricity, Gas Networks Ireland is supporting Ireland’s journey to a cleaner energy future. SUSTAINABILITY RESPONSIBILITIES As a leading utility, Gas Networks Ireland is ever mindful of its sustainability responsibilities.
The organisation is proud to be one of only 40 companies in Ireland to hold the Business Working Responsibly (BWR) mark and is committed to ensuring that sustainability is at the forefront of everything it delivers.
To further its commitment to sustainability, the national network operator has established a dedicated Sustainability Team to embed sustainable work practices across the business and to support the development and delivery of its sustainability strategy.
COMMUNITY SUPPORT Sustainability at Gas Networks Ireland goes beyond environmental responsibilities. The company’s sustainability strategy has three key pillars–Environment, Social and Economic–and is aligned to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
Despite the global pandemic, it exceeded its social responsibility goals throughout 2020, and was recognised for the passion and commitment its staff displayed during these challenging times with the CCA award for community support. It was pleased to be recognised for the passion its staff have displayed throughout these challenging times.
One in six Gas Networks Ireland employees volunteered last year, despite the challenges of social distancing, with many staff participating in an online techtutoring programme for older people in partnership with Age Action. They taught simple technology skills such as making video calls to family members, which has been a hugely important part of staying connected with one another throughout the pandemic.
Another key area of support is education, particularly in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) subjects. Gas Networks Ireland has partnered with Junior Achievement Ireland (JAI) to run the STEM education programme, Energize, for the last decade. Energize was delivered to 5,000 sixth class students in 19 counties last year and was also made accessible online to support new virtual classrooms.
ENHANCING BIODIVERSITY Supporting and enhancing biodiversity is a key pillar of Gas Networks Ireland’s sustainability strategy. As guardians of Ireland’s gas infrastructure, Gas Networks Ireland aims to deliver its services in a sustainable manner that contributes to the protection of the environment while supporting the social and economic development of the communities it operates in, as well as the wider economy.
Gas Networks Ireland is committed
to playing a key role in encouraging everyone to work together towards protecting our environment and preserving our future.
The organisation’s award-winning Biodiversity Enhancement Programme supports the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan, and together with Cork City Council, the organisation opened a bug hotel in Shalom Park beside the company’s head offi ce.
Gas Networks Ireland is also creating a network of pollinator-friendly habitats nationwide, conducting ecology surveys, planting wildfl ower meadows and erecting bird nesting boxes, as well as producing honey from its very own beehives.
In March, the network operators joined artist, activist and TV legend Don Conroy for a special free ‘Draw with Don’ online event to celebrate the launch of its partnership with the Laois Barn Owl Project. To help broaden awareness of Barn Owls, increase their conservation and grow their population locally, Gas Networks Ireland is funding 20 outdoor Barn Owl nesting boxes made from a material intended to last for 20 years in an outdoor environment.
In June, Gas Networks Ireland joined forces with Fota Wildlife Park to host a free online ‘Wild about Sustainability’ event, giving the public the opportunity to enjoy a unique insight into the most sustainable ways to feed giraffes, how they make bisons’ bedding from leftover feed and even how useful the animals’ dung is.
RECOGNISING EFFORTS Gas Networks Ireland was named Green Business of the Year 2021, and for the second year running the national utility also won the Green Large Organisation of the Year at the Green Awards.
Among its achievements in the last 12 months was attaining a ‘B-‘ in the Carbon Disclosure Platform (CDP) global emissions ratings, exceeding European, global and sector averages to fi nish in the top quartile of all businesses assessed globally.
The semi-state utility exceeded the public sector energy effi ciency improvement target by 14% across its offi ces and fl eet, achieved a 99% recycling rate across its offi ces and reduced its overall carbon footprint by 22% in the last 11 years.
Gas Networks Ireland was also shortlisted in four categories for the Chambers Ireland Sustainable Business Impact Awards: in the Community Programme category for its support of Businesses in the Community Ireland’s Schools Business Partnership programme; in the Environment category for its Carbon Footprint Reduction Roadmap; in the Volunteering category for its 10-year partnership with Junior Achievement Ireland; and in the Charity category for its charity partnership with Age Action Ireland.
GAS NETWORKS IRELAND’S AMBITION Gas Networks Ireland’s ambition is for a net-zero carbon gas network by 2050 and to support emissions reductions across every sector of the Irish economy, in the least costly, least disruptive, most safe and secure manner.
New technologies such as compressed natural gas (CNG) and renewables gases including biomethane and hydrogen, can all play a part in helping decarbonise Ireland’s economy, and Gas Networks Ireland is working to make this possible.
Transitioning to a clean energy economy by 2050 requires a balance between sustainability, security and affordability. Leveraging existing energy assets and capabilities will enable Ireland to reach its targets effectively.
The national gas network is ready to play its role a delivering a cleaner energy future for Ireland.