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John Sisk and Sons
Building Today, Caring for Tomorrow
Operating as a responsible business since 1859, Sisk is focused on ensuring sustainability is integrated into our business goals for the future
ohn Sisk & Son is an
Jinnovative, international construction and engineering company. With a 160-year history spanning three centuries, the Irish-owned family business has stayed true to John Sisk’s vision of providing exceptionally high levels of construction expertise. Operating as a responsible business since 1859, Sisk’s activities today are underpinned by the long-standing company values of Care, Integrity and Excellence.
Sustainability in Sisk brings together Society (our people), Environment (our planet) and Economy (our performance). Our ambition is to lead in the industries in which we work, with the sustainable management of our operations throughout their entire life cycle, whilst upholding our core values and delivering excellence for our people and our planet.
SUSTAINABILITY ROADMAP In December 2020, we launched our 2030 Sustainability Roadmap, ‘Building Today Caring for Tomorrow’, which outlines Sisk’s long-term commitment to sustainability and included an ambitious set of 21 targets, aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals.
THE STRATEGY IS STRUCTURED AROUND FIVE THEMES: • caring for the environment by steering the sustainable management and use of natural resources whilst contributing to the circular economy; • tackling climate change and air pollution by driving energy effi ciency and reducing our carbon footprint as we work towards carbon neutrality and better air quality; • enhancing communities by generating lasting positive impacts for the communities where we work and the people we work with; • leading on responsible business practices by engaging and collaborating with a supply chain with shared values and creating a sustainable legacy across our industry; • embracing innovation and digital technology and supporting, developing, and promoting sustainable design and construction through effi cient business practices.
KEY HIGHLIGHTS Over the last year, Sisk has developed a robust governance model that ensures sustainability is integrated into our business goals. We have leveraged existing governance structures in the organisation to drive the implementation of the sustainability targets and created new ones, if required. The CEO and board members have oversight of all sustainability activities, and each board member sponsors specifi c targets.
Last year Sisk achieved an Investors in Diversity Silver award. The accolade, from the Irish Centre for Diversity, means that we are fully committed to diversity as an organisation and as part of our Sustainability Roadmap we have committed to Achieving Diversity Gold by 2023.
Sisk achieved certifi cation under the Achilles Carbon Reduce Programme in early 2021. As well as achieving a reduction in carbon emissions during 2020, Sisk has also off set outstanding emissions through internationally verifi ed carbon reduction projects. Sisk set ambitious targets on Tackling Climate Change and Air Pollution, including 50% of the vehicle fl eet being electric by 2024 and the ultimate goal of achieving a carbon neutral status without off setting by 2030. We have committed to planting 1.7 million native woodland trees by 2029 as part of our Sustainability Roadmap and are also currently in the process of having targets verifi ed through the Science Based Target initiative, in line with a 1.5C future.