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ESB Networks
When COVID-19 put an end to CPR training workshops, a memorable campaign got out the message of the key steps to take
At ESB Networks we maintain and build Ireland’s power network to ensure a safe, secure, and reliable supply of electricity is provided to communities, homes, farms, and businesses across Ireland. We employ over 3,200 people who work across Irish communities nationwide, so, our decision to support the Irish Heart Foundation, alongside Abbott was an easy one. Together, in March 2019 we supported the launch of the Hands For Life programme, a free CPR training programme run by the Irish Heart Foundation and offered to communities across Ireland with one goal—to train 100,000 people to help save lives from cardiac arrest through CPR training. The more people who know CPR the more lives we can save. ENGAGE AUDIENCES Unfortunately, however, COVID-19 restrictions put an end to the training in March 2020. In light of this, we instead developed a successful multi-channel campaign called ‘The Hard and Fast Rule’ to help engage and entertain audiences across Ireland while also educating them in the lifesaving steps of CPR. This campaign launched on Restart a Heart Day (Friday October 16th, 2020) and included a video featuring the character of Manny Quinn, a former training manikin and CPR expert turned Broadway singer. Although the Hands For Life CPR training was cancelled, the character performs a song, in the style of a Broadway musical, that emphasises the two essential steps when performing CPR on a person who has experienced a cardiac arrest. The fi rst step is to call 112
or 999 and the second is to push hard and fast on the centre of the chest.
NATION OF LIFESAVERS While the video for the CPR campaign has an element of fun, its central message is very serious. If someone who knows CPR can start performing compressions quickly they can double or even triple a person’s chances of survival. According to Brigid Sinnott, Resuscitation Manager at the Irish Heart Foundation, “In 2018, 176 people survived a cardiac arrest because of the actions of somebody who started CPR. If an extra 100,000 people learn CPR, we could potentially save an extra 60 lives a year on average.
“However, a person’s chances of survival drop by 10 per cent for every minute that passes without somebody performing CPR or using a defi brillator on them. That’s why at the Irish Heart Foundation we want to create a nation of lifesavers by training as many people as possible in CPR.” Paul Mulvaney, Executive Director of ESB Networks said the company was proud to partner with and support the Irish Heart Foundation on this CPR awareness campaign. “ESB Networks plays a key role in every community across Ireland and by supporting the work of the Irish Heart Foundation, we’re enabling Irish Communities to equip themselves with the knowledge of what to do if a family member or friend falls into cardiac arrest.” At ESB Networks we have shared this important message with our staff, families and friends so we can assist in helping to save lives through CPR.