5 minute read
First and foremost, thank you to all members that voted in our recent Board election. The delayed election (due to COVID) conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission drew the highest number of candidates for all positions, reflecting the strong health and standing of the Association.
The new Board includes myself as President, Rachaell Saunders (VicePresident) and Directors Kevin McDonald (former President), Brian Foster, Fred Khoury, Mike Smith, Tamara Bayly and Mark Guiney.
On a personal note, thank you to everyone that put their trust in me to become the ASIAL President, I am deeply humbled.
I would like to acknowledge the contribution of outgoing President Kevin McDonald for his many years of service to the association and our industry. Furthermore, I would also like to thank outgoing Director Suzette Po-Williams for her commitment to the Association and look forward to her continued involvement as Suzette continues her role as ASIAL’s NSW convenor and involvement in multiple reference groups.
We can now focus on the vision that members have told us they want. Our research initiative, Horizon 2025, is well underway and will be released in 2021. This Australian based security industry report is the first of its kind, which takes an analytical look at how security companies can equip and prepare themselves to meet the challenges of the next few years.
Complementary to existing initiatives, we will explore new strategies that encourage greater member engagement, strengthen our connection with key stakeholders and equip new entrants to the industry for a long and sustainable career. Equally important, we will ensure that the Association’s strong governance, ethics, and risk management framework is maintained.
The new Board is keen to receive your thoughts on the association, the industry and its development. What you feel is working and what is not. Notwithstanding prior member surveys, the Board will communicate directly with members to get your thoughts on issues that matter to you and what you want. Whilst we cannot guarantee that every idea or thought will be adopted, we can guarantee that every response will be reviewed and considered. When we do communicate with you, please take the time to respond and provide us all your feedback.
Over the past three months, ASIAL has continued to support its members and focus on raising professionalism in our industry through: • Response to the Insurance Council of
Australia consultation paper which seeks to address the affordability and availability of insurance cover in a hardening market. • National Private Security Act – work has commenced to draft a National
Private Security Act (NPSA) to progress the Association’s stated aim of national consistency in security licensing. • Lobbying the Home Affairs Minister and Chief Ministers to address national security vulnerabilities by adopting a nationally consistent approach to the regulation of the private security industry and address issues affecting the crowd control sector. • Investment in a new Customer
Relationship Management (CRM) platform to enhance the member experience when interacting with the association and provide greater operational efficiencies. • Promoting awareness campaign of
International Security Officers’ Day (ISOD), 24th July, to recognise Security officers who work tirelessly 24/7, and in all weather conditions to help keep us safe.
Unfortunately, as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak in Sydney, our annual industry security exhibition and conference has been postponed to the 17th-19th November 2021. The event is an excellent way for industry peers to collaborate, gain knowledge from local and global experts through the ASIAL conference program, and engage directly with solution providers. In the interim, where it is safe to do so networking the ASIAL Industry Breakfast Briefings will provide an opportunity for the industry to get together, listen to relevant guest speakers and network with like-minded industry peers.
In closing, I would like to thank all members, Secretariat staff, partners and fellow Board Members for their contribution in helping to make ‘A safe and secure Australia’.
John Gellel President
Editorial and Advertising Security Insider is published by The Australian Security Industry Association Limited
PO Box 1338 Crows Nest, NSW 1585 Tel: 02 8425 4300 | Fax: 02 8425 4343 Email: communications@asial.com.au Web: www.asial.com.au
Editor Bryan de Caires Editorial Enquiries communications@asial.com.au Advertising Marketing Communications advertising@asial.com.au Graphic Design + Digital Mitch Morgan Design 0402 749 312 mitch@mitchmorgandesign.com www.mitchmorgandesign.com Editorial Contributors Office of State Revenue Queensland Treasury, Will Paton and Chris Delaney. Print + Distribution CMYKHub Pty Ltd Published quarterly Estimated readership of 10,000 Views expressed in Security Insider do not necessarily reflect the opinion of ASIAL. Advertising does not imply endorsement by ASIAL, unless otherwise stated with permission. All contributions are welcomed, though the publisher reserves the right to decline to publish or to edit for style, grammar, length and legal reasons. Press Releases can be emailed to: communications@asial. com.au. Internet references in articles, stories and advertising were correct at the time of printing. ASIAL does not accept responsibility for leading views. Copyright©2021 (ASIAL) All rights reserved. Reproduction of Security Insider magazine without permission is strictly prohibited. Security Insider is a subscription-based publication, rates and further details can be found at www.asial.com.au.
Printed ISSN 1442-1720
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